Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday October 22

Sunday thread


MITS said...

GOOD MORNING AGAIN! Did I read that LULU is coming to DC and seeing the pandas??? DOREEN, hope she packed her, teleladdies????? CRS, WHAT DO YOU CALL THOSE PADS?

MITS said...

THANKS, STEVEN FOR THE NEW SUNDAY THREAD Sounds like a great open-house yesterday!

MITS said...

EAGLE OUT IN FOGGY KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


glo said...

Well I tried to post in here a little while ago but didn't get through so will try again. ThANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE Make it a good day everyone.

MITS said...


MITS said...

2 EAGLES AT KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Doreen, use Kent Cam #2 its closer. Don't have the main page on this puter, can't take pixs.

MITS said...

Just one now...they will be in and out.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, I must have had a great time yesterday. I turned off my alarm clock to get some extra sleep, and I slept in until 10am. Even the dogs didn't bother me!

Can't believe Lu and Vicky are off to see the pandas. Pretty neat!

paula eagleholic said...

Kent eagles in and out this morning :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone.

I am so excited for Lou getting to go see Tai! What a treat for her.

I have to work 11-7 today but still soooo tired from yesterday. Had to go get bird seed this morning and on the way back I saw about 10 turkey vultures. They are some BIG birds! One was sitting in the tree with its wings spread out. They are really pretty birds if you could just bag the head!! Working now. I will be checking in from time to time!

paula eagleholic said...

Learned a new word for carrion eaters like the turkey vultures yesterday from the Talon Lady -
"Sanitation Engineer"

paula eagleholic said...

Off to get some chores done, BBL.

And THANK YOU Steven for the new thread

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone from yesterday remember that?

Thank you, no THANK YOU!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All I also slept late - Doreen, it looks as though those rain drops have made it here over the pond.
Really big let down not to be able to get back on the blog last evening.. I had such a special time at the OpenHouse with everyone that was there. I really only ate 1 cookie but each bite was for someone else. Yes, Sharon, I gave everybody your hug plus mine!! Hope you all enjoy the pics.
I cannot get the Kent Is cam opened this morning. Looks as though Tai is out exploring-I so hope he puts on a show when Lou gets there! I'm not sure that ButaButa will have made a first appearance when Vicky visits. Hopw she gets to see something!

Mema Jo said...

Doreen - I thought I listed names on the photos. I'll go back & check. Usually the names on down on the left of the photo.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Glo said the blog is still giving her some trouble this morning. Mits, can you smack it silly?

MITS said...

Yes, maam, PAULA, I'm on it! #@$%&%%&_)+)((&^^&**() Take that you bad Blog!!!!! Don't mess with me!! Going to mass, than off to see my Maggie. TTUL BAMBOONS EVERYWHERE...EVEN LITTLE ONES.

Mema Jo said...

Doreen When you click on the album you wish to view - then click on slideshow... You'll see everyone's name. Diane (Eagle Cruise) has also made an new album.

glo said...

Little Bamboons Now there's a surprise Sorry couldn't resist. I think Dr Mits is bragging there and wanted us to know her work with bamboons has been effective or some such,

OK bet you are all glad i made it in here this morning. I shut it all down and restarted and hoped for the best. Now we will see if this posts.

Maybe Vicky needed to stop by for Nilla on her way to Buta Buta LOL You know she is gonna work on getting in there to see them . Maybe she can convince them to let her hubby go in and offer up a prayer of Thanksgiving or some such.

China...hmmm that might not work so well.

glo said...

Geeesh record time maybe like 2 secs. Mits did a great job on the BLOG too.

Mema Jo said...

Tai is in the tree - not moving - I really think he is taking his nap.

floralgirl said...

Eagle at BW

glo said...

Hi Megan How are you. Did you know someone ate all your cookies before Vicky got there. LOL I think that means you are a great cook!

floralgirl said...

Hi, Glo- can't believe that! Left a lot of cookies at that table!

glo said...

LOL Well then lets just say they enjoyed them a lot!!!

floralgirl said...

Well, sorry Vicky missed them, they are contagious, can't eat just one.

floralgirl said...

I mean addictive. DUH

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan - it was so good to see you again yesterday & also meet your family. I really had a good time!

floralgirl said...

Hello, Jo. Gald to see you again too. Was such a beautiful day yesterday.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


floralgirl said...

NOt anymore!!

Mema Jo said...

Watching Tai on Cam 2 - standing on hind legs trying to reach the window - Must be treat time.

glo said...

In case you didn't see this link yesterday because you were actually at the Open House lucky you OR because the BLOG would NOT let any of us in last night I wanted you to know a new DVD type surprise has been posted on the blog where I put all of our picture loops and fun videos from last Eagle Season. I hope you will go to see the film...I know you will like it.

Also while you are there or perhaps you need to go back I added an email subscribe to the site yesterday afternoon. time on my hands you know LOL

Lets be honest, some forgot this was here,

some never knew it was here,

and a few do remember and check this site on occasion. If you will add your email and subscribe there is NO SPAM or junk that comes out of this, I am subscribed to a few adoption BLOGS now which is how I heard of this... anyway

With a new Eagle Season just around the corner I will be doing exactly what I did last year so this will be a fun place to go for the Frap Videos you want to re "see" filmloops we can all share...2 or 3 of you learned how to do this last year, but the Loop Memories sit there for you this very day, you can still add or save from there any pictures you want.

OK Please go visit and enjoy


Ya all know I love it when you leave a comment BUT either way:

take a moment to hit the Subscribe button You will know in a very short time when something new is added to that Page of Memories we have been making together for almost a year now!!! How Cool is That?

If you need me to directly email the link just let me know I will be happy to do that for you.

Send email to

Let me know in subject line IF there is any chance I won't know your email coming in: Like if you are kind of new, or a lurker looking for the info.

paula eagleholic said...

Ask Vicky again about the cookies. They were under the table for awhile, then when we moved the stuff outside at the end of the day, they were on top of the table. I offered them to everyone!

paula eagleholic said...

I did eat my fair share though :)

floralgirl said...

Mmmm. I just ate three!! HA HA ! Wasn't it Vicky who said she wasn't a big chocolate chip cookie fan?

paula eagleholic said...

They were yummy! Thanks, Megan.

floralgirl said...

Sure thing, Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

One of the staff there at NCTC knows you, and now she knows you by your cookies! She said she buys flowers from you every week. We told her you made the cookies, and she was like "I know her, I buy flowers from her every week at the market." Not sure of her name, it might be Laura.

When does the Christmas market begin?

Mema Jo said...

Like I said earlier - I only ate 1 and that was right before I went upstairs to lunch. Then I wasn't hungry any longer.

floralgirl said...

Interesting, Paula. I did see quite a few people there I know from maket. Thanksgiving weekend there will be a market on Sunday, and on Saturday there is usually an event in the Men's club which is right by the market with many of the vendors and other crafts people in there. Usually I am out on the corner by the Sweet shop on that Saturday.(gotta get over there and ask the owner of the Sweet Shop for permission).

floralgirl said...

What?! How could you only eat one?

floralgirl said...

Going outside to mow the grass now!! Yipee! BBL

Mema Jo said...

Leaf raking time here!

Mema Jo said...

Glo Just watched the DVD & it was beautiful memories beyond words.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back laster this evening.....

wvgal_dana said...

Well as far as those cookies they did get around Floralgirl. As Paula said a girl that works at NCTC buys your flowers at Shepherdstown Market. She has brought several times. She remembers one time you even put the flowers in a basket. She grab a cookie, then another, and can't remember how many more. Then we told her that you made them and who you was.
Paula I remember the Thank you , No THANK YOU lol
I didn't get to see everything but that didn't matter. Talking to people about the Eagles of Shepherstown; some that live there didn't even know. So it was exciting explaining and telling them and handing our a card to buy plus the paper with the webcam address for them to look at the cam.
Jo and Suzanne I gave Vicky a hug said this is from Jo and this one is from Suzanne since you all had met before.

glo said...

LOL Man I bet we could write a book about the "Cookies Alone". Vicky Is gone for a week or so, so she will never evn see most of these posts unless she logs in from a motel or some such All I know is I heard they were Quite the hit

Mema Jo Glad you liked the DVD YES it does make it seem "Just like yesterday". I think they have touched us all in a pretty lasting way, doesn't take much at all to trigger those scenes that live on in our hearts.

movin said...

Hooyah, Everybody...
Want to see if I can get into the troublesome blog.

Kind of down about the Brisbane camera being left on auto pilot while all the chicks fledge unseen.

Can't wait to see pics and read about the Open House yesterday.

Well, one more thing, Internet Explorer 7 is available, and I downloaded it while I slept last night. Still getting used to it, but I like it might also like the fact that all the toolbars disappear when you're not using them, which gives you a full screen to view. And instead of opening multiple windows in Explorer, now you add multiple "tabs" (like a file cabinet) at the top, and you can just tab back and forth. Check it out.

Let's see if this posts.

Have an excellent day,

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Yes we did see Eagles flying around at NCTC.....yesterday during Open House

movin said...

Hey, Dana...

The eagles seen... were they adults, immatures or both, and was anyone able to get some pics of them?

I got just the Leica camera and lenses for the task, but of course I don't have a lens long enough to bring the 3000 miles into close focus.


glo said...

Wow Jim Good to see a post from you before midnight my time LOL. Guess you are enjoying a SUnday off. When I talked to Vicky she said OH there goes Liberty Or maybe it was Belle...well it was one of them LOL. So anyway I know she saw an adult eagle while we were ont he phone.

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry it is so far away for you lens Jim. It felt awesome !!

Paula the woman on the dvd is Laura that is the one who when the table was outside. She was eating Floralgirl's cookies. She buys her flowers from her at Shepherdstown Market.

wvgal_dana said...

Buta Buta looks so so cute there by herself.
I sure hope Vicky was able to work something out to see her.

glo said...

Dana have you checked your email since yesterday morning LOL..OR are you still afraid of getting locked into Yahoo mail somewhere?

glo said...

LOL Watching Lun Lun and Buta Buta . That little one is growing on her, so funny to watch her maneuver around, and roll over etc. she loves that little ball of fur in her arms!!!I enjoy watching her deal with her growing young one!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am in the process of dowloading Internet Explorer 7. More will be revealed!

glo said...

LOL Go Sharon I hope you come back and tell us what happened LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I got it downloaded and I think I am going to like it just fine. I will have to get used to it of course but I do like it.

floralgirl said...

Boy, those cookies are becoming famous...

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, All! Have all the Brisbane chicklets fledged? Ledge loooooks pretty MT?

paula eagleholic said...

Jim, it was kinda hard to tell, they were pretty high. Your lens won't shoot a pic 3000 miles away? Geesh!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Dana. I thought that was who said that. She's on the DVD, huh? I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, had to go bowling tonight...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am enjoying Internet Explorer 7. Thanks Jim!!

Going to bed now. Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

movin said...

Well, I also had some troubles getting into the blog this evening, but I opened the comments "with a new tab" in Explorer 7, which works fine... Have a wonderful week, Folks.

I think everyone went on a long weekend or something in Brisbane...NOTHING is moving on the camera. It's 100% certain that the third eyass will have fledged by the time we get a different camera angle...almost certainly 'flew the ledge' yesterday.

Don't know if they return to the nest downunder or not...

Sweet dreams.


Mema Jo said...

I didn't realize how time flys - rather late for me to be coming back.
Checked all the pandas & they are doing great. Earlier Mei tried to awaked Tai-but that little fellow must have been dead tired! Brisbane hasn't updated anything yet about the 3rd chick but that ledge is really MT - it is already noon Monday!
Well, it is time to call it a day.
Good Night All

Good Morning Suzanne

movin said...

Well, I also had some troubles getting into the blog this evening, but I opened the comments "with a new tab" in Explorer 7, which works fine... Have a wonderful week, Folks.

I think everyone went on a long weekend or something in Brisbane...NOTHING is moving on the camera. It's 100% certain that the third eyass will have fledged by the time we get a different camera angle...almost certainly 'flew the ledge' yesterday.

Don't know if they return to the nest downunder or not...

Sweet dreams.


floralgirl said...

Morning, Suzanne!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning FloralGirl and Suzanne. Hope everybody has a wonderful Monday!

floralgirl said...

Hello, Sharon!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Monday Morning Eaglelanders

Hi :) Suzanne, Sharon and Floralgirl

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at BW

floralgirl said...

Morning, Dana. Eagles look so beautiful with the sun shining on them. Off to work, have a great day everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok thank you Suzanne was wondering what was going on with the cam.

Mei and Tai was inside moving around wanting to get outside. Last time I went to cam it was at "full cap."

Pete's Pond of course has action.

I seen pics at eaglet_momsters. Checked the bucket nothing yet.

glo said...

Good Morning all. Off to coffee and dog treats.

If you haven't done so yet, please read my post from Sunday and hopefully join us, and see the fun DVD kind of surprise I have made.

Sunday, October 22, 2006
11:24:40 AM

wvgal_dana said...

Buta Buta surely is enjoying eating...longer and chubbier. :)

glo said...

Doreen I am just getting back from coffee. I will be here another hour or so. If you still need help for Chrisssy and you will email me

I would be happy to try to help her through you.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All Yes, I am early today - you guessed it - I have morning appointments. Thanks Suzanne for adding your pics. They are really good-so glad you got one of Sir for everyone to see. I hope Chrissy gets in here today.
I loved GLO's new DVD addition-be sure you all view it!
PhotoBuckey is going to be for our personal pics - while Momsters' photos will be for eagles or cams we are watching. I'll check out photobucket sometime today & let you know what is there.

Mema Jo said...

Don't think any of you will find phtobuckey
Ha Ha !

glo said...

OK Doreen Thats great. I remember you couldn't get into the website for our eagles back when you first came on. The website I have on here this morning is the Blog with lots of hi lights etc. I don't know if you follwed that link or not, since it is a BLOG and looks a whole lot like this, my guess is there is lots there to see and enjoy. Why not go visit if you haven't done so. I added something really fun and special while the others were at open House. While you are there , add your email and subscribe You will always know then when special eagle memory is added, especially with the upcoming New eagle Season.


glo said...

OK tell Chrissy to watch for her email info.

Mema Jo said...

Pete's Pond Ostriches on Cam.

glo said...

Suzanne You have Yahoo mail LOL

MITS said...

Trying this again!!!! GOOD MORNING ALL!

glo said...

I have emailed Chrissy Hopefully she responds soon. I don't think Steve can help her with Blogger re-activation, but Blogger may be able too. I don't know how they do that. I had an MSN account that shuts down if you don't log in after 30 days. I almost never use it, and whenever I want it now, "Its been deactivated...bummer. set up new account and try to remember to log in. I use it for valid email address place when i don't want to give my sbcglobal address out, like a Spam problem gut feeling or some such!!!

MITS said...

Is his head really in the ground???

glo said...

Good Morning Mits How was your weekend and your visit with Miss Maggie I got a kiss on the phone yesterday from Elia, it wasn't even asked for. i was talking to her, and all of a sudden I heard it happen. It was so sweet...landed right on my heart immediately. I kissed her right back. Becky says Mom do you know what just happened, she kissed you. I said Yep, she's already been kissed right back Elia and I had a special time just between us. It was so great!!!

MITS said...

Tai is sleeping on one log and Mei on another.

glo said...

Suzanne Thanks for subscribing. I am curiuos, are you able to see and watch what is happening on that Blog site from the computer at work? Geesh I surely do hope so, of course We are stopping by your house on our way to Normas LOL when we come in the Spring...we need everyone up and running and oOOHHINNG and aaahhhiiinnnggg together 24/7 LOL next eagle season.

MITS said...

Had a beautiful day with my Maggie. She slept on my chest for over 2 hours yesterday afternoon and she did smile a couple of times. I just want to hold and protect her all the time:):):)

glo said...

Ya know when you are waiting for email to cross the pond it takes a long time LOL even cyberspace has a way of slowing down the mail too WHEN you are waiting LOL.

glo said...

Kind of wonderful isn't it MITS

Chrissy Beahan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

Its the best, Glo!!

MITS said...

Eagle at BW..Sun is rising out at KENT

glo said...

Doreen and Chrissy mail on the way now...She can get in with that info oR I can change it to something new if she wants me too. I just accidentally posted as Chrissy and deleted LOL. so it does work.
I do NOT have that info memorized and will nOT be posting as Chrissy any more LOL. If it works lets run with it...saves brain power LOL. OR send me something else and I will do that for her too LOL. Will be watching for Chrissy on here or in my email LOL

MITS said...

I know BW is having problems, but this is a recent stuck pic.

glo said...

Thanks Mits gave me something fun to do Fri and watch myself on Sat while I was wishing I was there in person LOL

MITS said...

Looks foggy up in Maine.

glo said...

Suzanne Cool I am so glad you can actually watch that at work too. OK Great we have a plan of attack while you are at work nOW too. So that was your first time to see what we all had been describing to you. So glad you went to see it them, and timing is great since you were just at the nest on Sat. (((Suzanne))))

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Doreen did she get my email with the info I used to create the account for her.

and suzanne Is totally enjoying some things she hasn't gotten to see beofe. It feels wonderful just to sit here and read her comments as she can now see some of this from work!!!

glo said...

someone needs to keep Suzannes boss busy on the phone for a while now LOL

MITS said...


MITS said...

DOREENany news from LOUtoday???

glo said...

Go Chrissy start schlapping

MITS said...

Waiting for Eagles at Kent, now that it is light there.

glo said...

Thanks Suzanne I am so happy we have found a way for you to see some of this at work!!!

OK Where is Chrissy

Chrissy Beahan said...

Testing this

Chrissy Beahan said...

That is my being Chrissy by the way
She is still have problems but it will let me blog using her old identity Doreen xx

Mema Jo said...

Come On Chrissy
Mits So glad your time with Maggie was well spent. Holding her was such a good loving feeling, I'm sure.

glo said...

Doreen If it lets you in with that identity it will let her in too. Also will let her in with the new one though as I already did that one. I think it is logging int hat she doesn't understand. .Tell her that her user name is nOT the same as her display name...just a hunch that might be what is confusing her.

glo said...

Doreen see the post I just made. I can or anyone with the username and password can log in under her identity form any computer anywhere. I think she is putting display name in where she needs to be putting in user name the dispaly part works automatically if you get the first blank filled in right and then the password LOL. she obviously knows what it is Are you two talking on the phone Man I am about to call England!!

glo said...

LOL IL gals still collecting tha stuff, and since Vicky didn't exactly slide into town on Sat..we even still have a trunkfull already.

glo said...

Or if she has any extra spaces, a mixture of capital and small type etc. needs to be sure it is EXACTLY as it is supposed to be.

glo said...

Sharon Check your mail. I will need you to take over here in a few minutes as I need to go.

Doreen, Chrissy I have emailed the info I set up for Chrisssy this am to Sharon...she can help too with that info. I have to be going out in just a few min now.

Chrissy Beahan said...

This is glo saying hi for Chrissy and hoping we see her as one ID or the other really soon.

Come on Chrissy you can do this Good luck I will look for the real you when I get back ((((Chrissy)))

Chrissy Beahan said...

OK Chrissy I even made you a picture now go for it!!!! LOL (((Chrissy))))

I can help you to change it later if you like or so can Sharon

glo said...

CYA all later. I have to go out now for a while

MITS said...

I'm sooo confused:(:(:

MITS said...

BW stuck again.

MITS said...

Where is Steven with a new blog this a.m.???????????

MITS said...


glo said...

Chrissy and/or Doreen I sent Chrissy one more email with all the info again. I hope it helps. Sharon also has an email with all the info for the new ID ..Don't have a clue about the old one. But it will work too as Doreen did work it this morning. It is still active somewhere.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is she typing anything in the comments part when she signs in?

glo said...

Walked my dogs and got to go now ;-(

Chrissy, Doreen

Tell her her user name is NOT chrissy that is her display nam. her user name is 4eaglesusa Her password is all one word no capital letters nad no spaces.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If she is not typing anything in the comments part but trying to sign in anyway, that would bring up the required field remark!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody out there?

Mema Jo said...

I am here - but you're not looking for me!

Mema Jo said...

Mits We're only up to 167 comments - and I suspect that since all the FWS staff worked on Saturday a full day - maybe they were given a day off. Every now and then I refreshed on the main page just to see if one has come thru.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, we would never vote you out of the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all

Got Suzanne's pics from Blackwater added to the Momster's photo album, they are not on photobucket

MITS said...

Think it took me 3 days..poor Sharon did not need a haircut..she just pulled her hair out after helping me. tee-hee.

MITS said...

Yeah, Jo, I know, I just like a new thread everyday..think I'm, what's that that spelled correctly, proffreader???

MITS said...

Something is at BW..think it is an eewwie!

MITS said...

Fog is lifting in Maine..have not seen eagles there for awhile.

paula eagleholic said...

That was a "Sanitation Engineer" at BW!

MITS said...

Paula, thought so. He was trying not to show his face. Poor thing must have an inferiority-complex.

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are playing.

Bird Girl said...

hi folks! the owl release went very well yesterday, even though i had to dig my truck out of a sand pit!

i'll be getting the photos ready today and hopefully posting them. i think i'll put it on my own blog, all of you can check it out there. i'll let everyone know when it's ready...

have chores to do, just wanted to check in! hope everyone is doing well today.

chrissy if you still need help, i'm here :-) sounds like you have a couple of different problems going on right now...

Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

BBL - off to appointments

MITS said...

Tai is going to break that little tree he is climbing.

MITS said...

There is a really interesting video of the couple out in Kent...the eagles nest is in their backyard. Its called Down Under..check it out.

MITS said...

Tai is up another small tree.

MITS said...

Yep, he is having a great time in his new yard.

MITS said...

BIRD-GIRL Sharon is having troubles getting onto the blog. She says if you can help Chrissy...go for it!!

MITS said...

Mei Xiang just RAN past Tai and he RAN after her. Must be snack time.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Jumping for joy for LULU. I was going to go over today, but still unpacking and going thru 4 weeks of mail, magazines, mail-order books, etc.

MITS said...

DOREEN...Birdgirl said she would help Chrissy if she needs it.

MITS said...

Oh, honey, I have been where Chrissy is, when everyone was trying to help me get on the blog, then name in blue, then picture, such words that were coming out of my mouth. I knew you would get the wax!!!! LOL!!

MITS said...

Doreen, I will probably be back down thw ocean in 2 weeks.

glo said...

No Chrissy well darn she is lots closer than she thinks. i am sure it is a very small glitch...we just have to figure out what that glitch is LOL

anyway I am home but I think Chrissy might need a guru visit fatr away are you doreen from her.

paula eagleholic said...

Poor Chrissy! Everyone can sign in as her but her!

MITS said...

AH!! I remember those days all to well, Paula.

MITS said...

Tryin to hold the door open for SHARON, she is having a hard time getting into the blog today.

wvgal_dana said...

Chrissy I sure hope you don't give up. Just think gal once you got it got it for good :) so don't give up please...

paula eagleholic said...

So Mits,
Did you find out the final choice for Maggie's Halloween costume?

Isn't it great snugglin them when they are that little!

MITS said...

:):):) Paula, I think they have given up on the idea of a halloween costume..she still only weighs 7lbs 9ozs. and evertime that put like a halloween thing on her she gives them a big dump. Don't think it is going to be a favorite hoiday of hers.

MITS said...

Funny update on the Atlanta zoo site and how smart Yang is:):):)

MITS said...

PAULA was there any word on Saturday about when our eagle cam might be up and running??

wvgal_dana said...

Just to let you know on that Mits I did email Steve C. today for other reasons. I told him I was so excited didn't ask and everyone wants to know when the live feed will start. So will see if get an answer. He might even put that on the next new thread comment. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Dana!

MITS said...


glo said...

Dana You have 2 emails from me LOL All is well Do NOT worry!!!

Mema Jo said...


I found Doreen over there! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Carol in WV are you the lady that came by the table and talk with me and said you normally don't blog???
I have been so hoping if this is you that you would come in. I think you said you are part of the eaglet_momster group. Right? I couldn't find an email to write to you.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...