Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday 8 Oct

New Sunday thread, live from Salt Lake City.


glo said...

Good morning all. Thanks for the new thread Steve

more wax

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, EagleLand

Absolutely gorgeous day here on the East Coast

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for thinking of us Steven . Hope your trip is going well!

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa didn't come because of the storm threat, was hoping to meet her, maybe next time!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at Blackwater!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone!

paula eagleholic said...

Off to plant trees, do laundry (where did all that laundry come from?), and enjoy the beautiful day.

Have a great one!

Mema Jo said...

Saying Good Morning before I head home on RT 81 from NY. Beautiful day up here also! But it sure is COLD! Moon & stars were awesome last night.
Everyone have a good day - do something relaxing - and enjoy!
Catch you later this evening on the blog!

glo said...

This is the day that the Lord Has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in IT

floralgirl said...

Boy, Steven really does love us!! Thanks for the new thread! Beautiful morning, hope everyone has a great day!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Megan how are you feeling? Paula, did you dream about eagles last night? Glo, thanks for the inspiration for the day and Jo, safe travels, my friend. I'm sure SHARON will hopefully be on with news of the band competitions yesterday. Sun is out still very breezy and cool. Lots of beach gone AGAIN, not as bad as Ernesto, but still some minor stuff. HAVE A BLESSED DAY!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all in Eagle land. Reporting live from Beaver Band Land! We got 2nd place overall in the first competition. Oh yeah, I forgot to say we did an unplanned competition yesterday too. We got second place in the second competition. The band was awesome yesterday (as usual). The competed out of their class in the second competition so a 2nd place was absolutely beautiful! LOVE THAT BEAVER BAND. I didn't get home until 2 a.m. this morning. Now I have to start work until 6:30.

MITS - BOOYAH!!! The band director said that last night and I immediately thought of you!! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

God Bless Steven's heart. He thinks of us no matter where he is! Thanks, Steve!!! :):):)

MITS said...

And a well deserved "BOOYAH" it was. Congratulations, BEAVER BAND You rock!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am looking at a very rolie-polie little baby Panda. My, how she is growing!!

MITS said...

If Buta were a boy, we could call it BUBBA BUTA!!! She's all alone right now.

MITS said...

Animals on Wave-Lit African cam...

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Beautiful susnset in Africa.

MITS said...

Hi, DOREEN And our other fav pandas are eating their frosties.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good afternoon, Doreen. Great to hear from you.

What does chuffed mean?

MITS said...

Yep, that's exactly right, DOREEN, I just goggled it. Please talk the way you normally talk, I love learning the meanings of new words. Hubby is packing up to leave soon. Nor'easter still giving us a chance of coastal flooding and it is still breezy but things are calming down and the sun is shining.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, by all means, use your normal language. We love learning new things on here!!

MITS said...

Yes, just look at us, we use our own language, sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes totally incorrect. But we have a master spell queen and language expert in SHARON. She trys to keep us in line.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, are you calling yourself old?

Deer at the Africam!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Its hard keeping everybody in line around here, that is for sure! :):):) MT nest in ME. MT nest at BW.

MITS said...

DOREEN there were 2 adult eagles in the Maine nest the other evening, and it is such a beautiful site, I've been watching that on and off and hoping, to see them again.

glo said...

Mits Is it just me, or is your Panda missing...I miss him LOL

glo said...

OK nevermind he's back...must have been me lOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can tell you that if I had a job at Atlanta Zoo, I would get fired within 1 hour. Lun Lun would be in constant distress because I would have to hold Buta Buta!

MITS said...

GLO that has been happening the last few days, don't know why, it has happened to Paula's eagle also. Got you e-mail, been busy, will be working on it though and get it to you asap.

movin said...

Good day, eagle people....

Checked a few cams, but nothing much happening; however, the mama eagle has been refurbishing her nest at Kent again. It's got some new branches, full of greenery.

Apparently some land development, which might have damaged the ecology at Blackwater, has been turned down by the Maryland commission involved...actually they allowed a golf course if it is redesigned.

Have a good one,

MITS said...

Yes, Jim, I have been following that story very closely for months now. Hope the golf course deal falls thru also.

Mauley said...

Afternoon all, Wonderful news abou the band Sharon. Hi Glo, Mema Jo are you here. Has anyone heard anything from Nilla lately? Mits, the blog is behaving wonderfully. I have told all my friends about Martha. I get so sad looking at Paula's Martha picture. I love it so much. Floragirl is that a Mockingbird picture. Whatever he is, he is a beauty. Steven, you are so good to us. Am I ever hooked on Buta Buta, Sharon. ANd I guess Mema Jo has me hooked on freida and Froda. I can hardly wait for spring and Liberty and Belle. Glo, this has been a beautiful day that God made here too in Kentucky and after SS and Church I walked 3 miles. Trying to lose weight. It is hard when you get old, When I was young, I could drop ten pound in a week. Not now, though. Sharon, put a picture of the band on the photo thingy if you can. Hi Doreen. You guys have a great afternoon. I have to get ready to go back to church. God Bless You all. love grantoeight Mauley donna

Mauley said...

Doreen, I love reading your posts.donna

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

IL gals strike again!

Mauley said...

Congratulations Just Vicky. I love how your tree sheds and turns color. Speech on Wax. donna

Just Vicky said...

Many heartfelt thanks for the wax! Hi Mauley! And This has been a beautiful day in Illnois that the Lord has made!

Just Vicky said...

Little Buta all alone and close up! She's so adorable!

Just Vicky said...

I have to get ready to go back to church also! Just dropped in to see who was here!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here for a minute. Been working today and have to leave at 6:30. Still wore slam out!!

Mauley, as soon as I get a picture on my computer, I will put it as my picture!

MITS said...

MAULEY I here you girfriend! But you are doing the right thing, by getting out there and walking.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is still up the tree. Lun Lun has hiccups. I saw what I think was a falconette just a minute ago. Very dark and big! What happened to the little fluffballs?

Be back around 8:30!! Have a wonderful evening!

MITS said...

HMMM! a falconette, aren't they the cheerleadres for the Atlanta Falcons?

MITS said...

Tai is still up the tree, eating something.

MITS said...

I think he is on his way down.

MITS said...

Tai is in for the night.

MITS said...

Tai is at the snack bar (MEI)!

MITS said...

Just checking to see if anyone is one is here...BYE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back!!

MITS said...

YO!!, SHARON!! How's it going??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Its a going, Mits, how's it going with you?

Mema Jo said...

Well, how are two of my favorite buddies doing. I am home safe and sound. Lots of traffic on the way home. Big trucks started rolling.

Watching Buta Buta all by herself. Surely is gaining weight.
The speckled Brisbane chicks are also really growing - new feathers and all!As long as they grow up to be as beautiful as their mom & dad - This to will pass!

MITS said...

MEMA-JO Back safe and sound. All's right with the world:):):).

Mema Jo said...

Sometimes when first looking at ButaButa 0 I'm not certain if I am seeing her 2 ears or 1 ear & 1 eye. Usually she has her little head turned sideways.

Shadow looks as though LunLun is outside the opening eating her bamboo.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Mits

Meant to also ask if you had already read the updates on LunLun & Cub for Sunday. Interesting.

Mema Jo said...

I didn't have any rainy days up in NY - sunny days and very cold night & early mornings. Hubby said it rained here Fri & Sat.......
Mits Is the weather to start getting nice down there? How long are you staying down this time?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome home, Mema Jo, we missed you!! Buta is growing so fast. Lun Lun is scratching it looks like in the doorway.

Those falconettes are certainly interesting looking now for sure.

I am fixing to go to bed. Been a very long weekend for me. I thought weekends were for resting up for the workweek. Not!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun must be telling Buta Buta "mommy's coming, honey" when she is bleating at her! Love em, love em!

MITS said...

It's a going here too, SHARON, Going to watch Cold Case and Without a Trace. TTUY!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My butt is dragging and I is going to bed.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

MITS said...

JO, weather is much better now after the nor'easter, wasn't a bad one, but there is beach erosion again. Will be staying til Saturday, then home for a couple of weeks I think, really want to get to open house if I can. Also, Maggie is getting christened on the 29th of October.

MITS said...

LOL!!! Good night draggin-butt.

MITS said...

Did you enjoy your trip, Jo???

Mema Jo said...

I just decided that I have had a very very long past couple of days - & I have my head noddin'. Eyes are heavy so

Good Night All

Good Morning, Suzanne

Sorry I couldn't stay up a chat a while longer...

MITS said...

The falconettes are starting to look like dalmations.

MITS said...

Talk to you tomorrow, JO!!

glo said...

Glad everyone is back where they belong!!!! Even if you are all tired. rest well. Will bLOG at you tomorrow. Good Night

Bird Girl said...

hey everyone really tired from Symposium, I'll catch everyone up on it later, maybe tuesday...

BTW, caught a still of one of the eyasses flapping! And saw a hand reach up and adjust the perches on the hummer feeder... of course, the perches are not necessary, in fact removing them discourages other birds from using the feeder (i.e. orioles)


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Eagle land. I hope everyone has a great day!

Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great!

glo said...

Good morning All. Beautiful deer at the watering hole.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was watching those deer, Glo. Beautiful. There was another animal before that but not sure what it was. Horns went straight up and he had a white circle around his tail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Seagull at Baby Smurf's nest. MT nest at BW. Lun and Buta sleeping. Mei sleeping. MT Maine eagle nest but I am watching!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Well the cam man is working really hard to be sure we only see 1 zebra at a time as close up as possible LOL. Which means lotf of herky jerky but he gets there LOL

glo said...

maybe he heard me, at least we get to see 5 of them walking away together

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES Have not been to Africa yet? Like SHARON, I'm keeping my eye on the Maine nest, it really is a lovely area. Saw DANA'S gull in CT. Spectacular day here at the beach or what is left of it. We need Mother Nature to swing her winds around to get the sand out of the dunes and back on the beach. Have a good Monday!

MITS said...

I think he is looking for BAMBOONS:):):)!

MITS said...

Must be a slow day in Africa...all we are seeing is dung and doves!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Finally back to a computer. My phone service at home is not working. No phone, no online access!

MITS said...

Morning, Paula, did you have a storm???

paula eagleholic said...

Nope, no storm. Was beautiful here yesterday. Got on the computer yesterday morning, then it wouldn't work around 1pm. Finally called Verizon at 10pm last night. I have had phone service w/ them for less than a month, and problems already. Unreal!

paula eagleholic said...



paula eagleholic said...

Oh, yeah. Seagull in CT

MITS said...

Just dropped by to Pete's Pond in Botswania. Windy! Heard enough wind during the last 3 days, I'm outta there.

MITS said...

Man, that is sooooo frustrating. It just makes me cringe with all the money we pay and most services are sub-par!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder where Steven will be reporting live from next?

MITS said...

I believe he is heading to New Mexico. "REMEMBER THE ALAMO"!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you made it back safely and had a good trip. BTW, I got that T-shirt you wanted.

Suzanne is sleeping in this morning, she has the day off! I'm sure she is catching up on her sleep, coz she was up late Friday and Saturday night!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Sharon!

Mauley said...

Hey Eagle Land Buddies, I just ordered the calendar and the framed Family Eagle Print. I love prints. I can't wait to get them. If you guys want something there is a coupon for 10 dollars if you buy 55 dollars in items. I can hardly wait to get the print. I really want a copy of Paula Martha's picture. I am still in grief for her. I don't want her forgotten that is why I need a nice copy of Paula Martha's picture to frame for my gallery. Love to all of you and have a blessed day. donna

glo said...

Hi mauley Thanks for your order and another reminder of the Coupon happening til the 18th. Actually you only have to spend $50 not $55 but yes it is kind of hard to keep it at the $50 mark and if its $49, they won't let you use the me on thst one LOL.

I will be eagerly waiting for my print to arrive too.

Watched Maine's cam for a little while. beautiful day there it looks like but no eagles in view at least not right now.

Going out to mow the grass I thik for the last time and aim the leaves to the streetl Not windy so a good time to bag them as well.

Will BLOG later.

paula eagleholic said...

You have Mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, sun is starting to shine here in Bluefield!!

glo said...

Speaking of Marthapictured here with one of her young, The upcoming newsletter will have 2 articles One written by a Friend of Fine Feather and the other co-written with me by someone kind of unique ...NOT that each of us isn't unique in our own way...

glo said...

Norma You have mail with more info about that Coupon code etc.

glo said...

Water Buffalo on Africam

glo said...

Welll darn I thikn the water hole is full with something, but I didn't see them go in there while it was still light enough to tell what it is. of course it could be another one of those visions, especially since Jo is back and she seems to have that effect on me LOL

glo said...

Well the Water buffalo or whatever it was is definitely out of the hole now, and since I guess no one actually saw them in the will never know if it was a vision. or not, and i'm certainly NOT gonna be tellin you !! LOL

Anonymous said...

It is a darn good thing I didn't sleep this day away!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ahoy Eagle Mates in 1942 sailing across the ocean blue.....

CT nest empty
BW nest empty but eagles could be in trees beside NEST; hum wonder where I could have gotten that idea from hee hee
Yaing Yaing is sleeping fills up the entire area to the cave, Tai Tai was with Mei at the door to get inside Mei left for a walk Tai was on his back lol layiing there playing
Lun Lun is alone at moment -- looking she is on her belly but who knows she might flip over.

Going to go get eaten up by Yahoo Mail--once it gets me in there it won't let me do things right takes forever !! grrr

bbiic=be back if I can

wvgal_dana said...

Oh if you can't find Buta Buta I have taken her with me lol

glo said...

LOL Dana Cute..Good luck with Lun Lun in the capture process. Don't want to be reading about you in the Panda Update!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Dana, I think it was 1492, wasn't it? :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

YOU GO PETE!! Did you get any pictures? Great to hear from you!!

glo said...

Hi Pete, Yes Great to hear from you especially with news of adult eagles near by. Where is the Camera?!!!!LOL

glo said...

LOL Sharon she's stuck in yahoo mail could be 2042 before she gets back in here to read that!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just have to tell you that I could do some serious snuggling with Buta Buta. Never could I work at a zoo where there is pandas!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Well it would have been 1942 if I had slept in another 450 years. Rip Van Winkle doesn't share bedspace all that well.

glo said...

Yep Buta buta is awfully cute...maybe if all 3 of us approached at the same time we could confuse Lun Lun and capture her. Well ya know just for a "Little " while. I bet even Buta buta would eventually convince us to give her back to MaMa or go get some ear plugs...We couldn't do that to Buta Buta...she is so so cute!!!

glo said...

Hmmmm Kind of interesting that Pete show up in the same time frame as Christopher Columbus...Do you suppose columbus saw lots of eagles here when he originally found our land? I really needed to pay more attention in History class!

glo said...

she's calling her mama

paula eagleholic said...

Where are you in Frederick? I am next door to the Monocacy, also, on Route 26. I have a feeling there is a nest around here somewhere, Suzanne kept seeing them around here also.

paula eagleholic said...

I have heard that there is one around Point of Rocks, too.

glo said...

Lun Lun back and standing on her head. Buta Buta checking out mommies tonsils.

MITS said...

DANA Are you on some new meds???? TEE_HEE!!!!! Chis will not like that you have rearranged his history. Hi, PETE Thanks for the info on the eagles. In just a few weeks eagles should be everywhere, getting ready for the winter. PAULA, any news on Florida. I go there every now and then and check!

MITS said...

Just answered my own question, the cam in Florida is not activated yet.

MITS said...

PETE Sounds like six degrees of separation to me!!

Mauley said...

We all may end up pooling our money for bail for sharon. Don't be surprised if we do. Mits will have to talk our way into the jail to bail her out. Can you imagine all of us pouring into the Atlanta jail to get our Sharon out, and don't be surprised is she doesn't have Buta her little nose poking out of her shirt. I'll be the one hiding behind MeMa Jo. donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Donna, that is so funny. I can picture it all now! It would be so worth it though!

MITS said...

DONNA I'll be the one right behind you. tee-hee.

MITS said...

PETE,so where did Chis land???:):):)

paula eagleholic said...

That is really cool, Pete.

All I see is those ugly buzzards.(Ooops, did I say UGLY. Yes, I did.) I'll keep looking!

paula eagleholic said...

I don't know where Chis landed but Chris landed in, ummm, well, let's see....on some island near here!

(Guess I should've payed better attention in History class too!)

paula eagleholic said...

Pete? Do you know the answer?

glo said...

LOL tel Me tell me too!!! I'll pay attention this time. I promise!!!

glo said...

Hey does anyone know where Plymouth Rock is. About 20 min. from where I grew up. So that one I did seemed so much more relevant LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

HEY, PAULA Are you trying to steal SHARONS' job?????:):):)

glo said...

Ok Looks like Lun Lun has traded Buta Buta in for Snoopy right now...if she did, go get her real quick Sharon...we're all behind you !!! LOL

BLOG is posting very very slow so by the time you see this it won't look that way anymore yes I took a picture. No more visions for me lOL

glo said...

Nap time for me...tremendous sinus headache going on here ....Later...

MITS said...

Buta does look like SNOOPY!! Going to the beach for awhile. BBL!

paula eagleholic said...

Buta Ball all alone.

paula eagleholic said...

I beg to differ. My lookup on the internet said:
Bahamas, then Cuba. Where is Salt Bay?

paula eagleholic said...

Darn,, lost that last post!

Ok, MT nest in BW and CT.

But I know where the eagle could be .

Actually, looking at the pic on the BW cam now, the eagles would be off to the left.

When you are in the visitor center, the cam sorta points to the right. Sorry for the confusion, unless you are more confused now!

paula eagleholic said...

Of course he was lost! No one had been here before!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Columbus visited five islands in the Bahamas before reaching Cuba. He named these (in order) San Salvador, Santa Maria de la Concepcion, Fernandina, Isabela, and Las Islas de Arena. The last of these has been identified (almost universally) with the modern Ragged Islands in the Bahamas. The first four are in dispute. To avoid confusion with modern placenames, the first four are referred to in Roman numerals as Island I through Island IV. The native names for these islands were Guanahani for Island I and Samoete (or Saomete or Samoet) for Island IV. The native names for Island II and Island III were not recorded.

wvgal_dana said...

Well mates that should have been 1492 no new meds (thank goodness) just TYPO eeekkss Sharon ....

Just got out of yahoo mail in time to drop by to read comments and now dinner hummmmmm

Something wrong with this picture lol
I should be able to stay awhile

Love you alls comments cracking me up 2042 hee hee

Pete is he a newbie hi if so glad you seeing eagles now just get the pics of them

MITS said...

Now if Queen Isabella had sprung for a GPS, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pete has been around for a long time, just not a regular poster.

paula eagleholic said...

Aussie chicks have even more feathers than when I saw them on Saturday. Amazing.

paula eagleholic said...

There are whole web sites out there devoted to figuring out which islands he landed on. Such a controversy, even today!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Sharon you found the same site I did!

MITS said...

Tai Shan is at the milk bar.

MITS said...

EAGLE UP IN MAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...

HE CALLED TO SOMEONE AND TOOK OFF. Jo, he sounded just like my eagle buddy at home.

MITS said...

Keep your eyes and ears open he/she may be back, it was huge.

MITS said...

It is really breezy up in Maine.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits was it an adult eagle??

wvgal_dana said...

Is Pete the guy from Pete's Pond??

wvgal_dana said...


MITS said...

Yes, DANA it was a very big adult, and you could hear it making its eagle sounds.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!!!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Pete was on the blog way back in March or April. He took the pic that Mema Jo has by her name.

paula eagleholic said...

C Ya'll later, headin home!

MITS said...

Plane just flew over the Maine nest.

MITS said...

I guess Dr. Snyder did not watch Mei Xiang with Tai Shan when he was young.

MITS said...

Post did not come thru when I said, "THANK YOU, STEVEN FOR THE NEW THREAD".

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...