Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday 29 Oct.

Morning thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland

Beautiful, but still windy day. Thank you Steve for the new thread!

glo said...

Good Morning all. Going back for my answer to Steve Thanks again Steve. And my other message.

glo said...

Good Morning Eagleland. This is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it. This is also Maggies Baptism day. Lets all remember mits and her family as they celebrate this "Sacred" time. We'll be watching for pictures of your special time. maybe a Grandma and Maggie picture will show today.

glo said...

Up early Paula? Hope you are enjoying your visit with your little guy there. I am sure you are and who needs to sleep anyway.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Eagleland!!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Alot quieter up in Maine this a.m. Have a good day.

MITS said...

Quieter, but still windy. THANKS FOR THE SUNDAY THREAD, STEVEN

MITS said...

BW has an update with some awesome shots of eagles taken by Bob Quinn, one fantastic photographer. He says alot of eagles are at the refuge. Check it out when you get a chance.

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for the NEW THREAD

Foralgirl is "cookie monster". Will I have to say I NEVER GOT A COOKIE :( Guess when anyone had the out I was either busy talking to people. Me not taste them. I did see them when I first got there but I was busy. Trying to get a T-shirt to go put on in bathroom like Suzanne, Paula and Jo had.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon from the video's they haven't showed "fatty" catching anything all misses.
I'm sure he is loving the person did see him get a catfish.

wvgal_dana said...

Elephants at Pete's Pond

Mema Jo said...

Hail - Hail the gangs all here!
Good morning all. Sunny but windy.
Have not yet checked all the cams..
Have a beautiful day, Mits.
How was your dinner, Dana? I thought you blew off the road when you didn't return. What time did you get up Paula and when do you release the little one - Hope you roll a good score today. Sharon & Glo, pretty soon you'll be snapping or frapping Liberty & Belle. I can't wait to see them.
Thanks Steve for our Sunday thread - you sure take good care of us Momsters

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Everyone! Dinner was great yesterday. We decided to stop of Ed's daughters. Found out the "Navy Man and 2 of Ed's great grandchildren where on their way from Norfolk". So of course we stayed. Oh do so enjoy the two girls 2 and 4. Got kisses and hugs when they had to leave. :) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone This is actually glo But I did make a new BLOG in the Beta mode this morning with Links to BOTH shops after doing some reading in Search Engine Optimization What I learned is that the more visits andlinks you click through while visiting any site on the web, the Higher they will climb in the search Engines. So whether browsing or shopping a visit to the 2 shops currently providing items to support the Eagle Cam for Our Beautiful Eagles, will move those shops UP the Search Engine ranks, and help others outside our BLOG to find and hopefully decide they would like to purchase our items and support Our eagles.

Clicking on my user name in blue at the start of this post will take you to the sight I made this morning called For the Love of Eagles with links to BOTH shops. I hope you will spend a few minutes clicking through and visiting both. You will help us to help you to help "our Eagles".

glo said...

Yes I really did make the post for the visitng shops to help eagle cam. I have been reading about SEO Search Engine Optimization, and you can help the shops with that any time you visit and brose. ihope you will choose to do that. It tells search engines there is something worth seeing at that page.

I plan to remind you every now and then of that way to help if I can remember how to sign in under the other name..its long and tricky but I couldn't figure out how to make it any easier LOL.

glo said...

Mema Jo I can't wait to see them either..could happen anytime now is my hopeful guess

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Little Maggie is getting Baptized right now. I bet she looks beautiful!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm thinking about Maggie also, Sharon. I wonder if she fussed at getting that beautiful gown on?

glo said...

I have hinted before but this time I am really hoping for a picture with grandma and Maggie

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too, Glo. BTW, I went to the site you have on here. That is a really good idea!

glo said...

Thanks Sharon
Very easy to make actually I like the new beta and how it works BUT I'm scared to change all the old BLOGS over. Too much valuable to lose between Elia and "our Eagles", If I het change it changes them all. so I haven't taken that step yet LOL...Probably won't this eagle Season, besides they look familiar like this one, and I think Familiar is good too LOL.

Mema Jo said...

I have both of those in my favorites - just need to remember to do it. I try to go in daily to the Breast Cancer site which offers free mammograms and of course the Stride Rite shoe site to enter their drawing weekly. Grandkids always need shoes. BTW I haven't bought a new pair of shoes for quite some time.

Got the blogger error page..
Trying again..

Mema Jo said...

Glo & Sharon
Did both of you change from EST to DST last night? It's 1:51 here & my body is telling me it's nap time.

glo said...

Mema Jo Just having the info is a "step" in the right direction. It certainly won't hurt and it just might help. I know it helps the mammagram site with funds. For us it will be pretty much I guess just SEO Search Engine Optimization, which takes time to click in no matter how well optimized your site is. It is something we all can do to help "Our" cause.

I used to have a link that gave food to shelters for homeless animals but I lost it when my laptop died. Hopefully since I just reminded myself that it does exist, I can refind it somewhere.

Mema Jo said...

I feel very heavy eyed - BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, I was just wondering where you and Chrissy had been! How is it going with you?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Life is okay. Working today. No sleeping here!! How long will Beth be in Portugal?

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Sharon,
How are you pet,, just watching the cam from Jefferson,, looks a lovley place,, very windy though today.
Now if I've worked this out properly I will be able to chat to you at last,,,been in the barren wastes for so long I have forgotten how to post !!!!

Either that or I'm going batty in my old age.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Chrissy, It is kind of windy here in Bluefield. Doreen, I have to work 10:30 to 6:30 p.m. I am off work this Thursday through Monday.

Chrissy Beahan said...

I'm in love again,,,,,,,,
A new baby to fall for, isnt little as we csll her Su beautiful,
When we were kids we had dolls over here called "Suzzie Q", and she reminds us of her,, and we think her ears, cos they are so low on her head look like little bows on the side of her face,, but boy can she eat, I think we should of called her piggy instead.

How is everyone ???

And Nilla is she behaving, or being a baddun,,, cos we have been worried about her you know !!!

your weather looks so nice over there, and we have nothing but rain and storms and high winds over here, would you like some, it's going free.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One day I am going to go in front of that camera and wave at you all. I will let you know ahead of time. I waved at Mits one day from there.

glo said...

SharonOh would that be fun, and I could FRAP it too "Making Memories'

Chrissy Beahan said...

OOOOOOOOOOOO sorry D,, I forgot pet,, this vauge memory of mine is playing up today,,, WHO are you,,, and where am I ?????

Hello Sharon, we're only having a play here pet, take no notice.

We are silly Brits and nuts to boot.

Sharon can you go and wave at me on the Jefferson Cam plesse just to keep Doreen quiet please.


glo said...

LOL I'm doing good. so nice to see BOTH of you in here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If I were off work right now, I would go now, but duty calls!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Glo pet,

I worked it out as you can see now,

I thought that I could just post by entering my name and my password and then post after that, {what an idiot}, then I tried posting first and it worked, batty old twit arnt I !!!

Well back on the computer thank goodness, seem that I have been out of action for ever such a long time,, I thought you all would of forgotten this old batty English woman, so nice to have heard you all sent your best wishes through Doreen, THANK YOU,, I have really missed all this,and having to
look at Frank everyday, without being able to post was to to painful for words, well its' nice to be back, and look forward to many more daft chats with you all,, flippin ekk I sound like the Queen there dont I !!!


Chrissy Beahan said...

Oh Sharon, I darn't ask what a "FRAP" is pet, it sound so rude to me,, is it nice ????

Have you been porely Glo ????

I am so far behind in all the goos and updates I feel so out of touch at the mo till I get back into the swing of things.

My two cats are playing me up at the moment and wont come in the house when I call them,, at the mo there are lots of fireworks going off here, its getting so close to Bon-fire night here {Nov 5th} if you dont what that is,, ask and I'll explain to you.


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

It's gone very quiet here,,
Is it something I've said,, hope you are ok girls !!!!


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Again,
Is it cos it's Sunday and most folks are out,,,,,

I think I'm number 50 ?????


never been an even number before.

What do I get ??????


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am still here. Chrissy, Fraps is a program where you can record video on your computer. That is how I saved the fledges of 2 of our 3 eaglets. The live feed was down on one of them or I would have gotten all 3.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Sorry Doreen,
Cant reach my bits anymore, tummy hangs to much and gets in the way,


Chrissy Beahan said...


Oh thank you for that,, told you all thsat I'm a novice on this thing,, and dont know any of the speak, so I tend to use my every day words you see, thank you I will try and remember that one.


Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,
I think I will do the same as Doreen,, I have two very playful cats here wanting to have their suppers, and I have to give scamp his tablet first and it's a devil of a job and I like to get over and done with as fast as possible,, so I will say night night God bless for now,, take care my friends and speak soon,,

Love Chrissy

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Chrissy and Doreen, you take care too! TATA for now!

glo said...

Two Elephants and me at Petes Pond...I am glad I found my way there as long as fatty doesn't show up!

glo said...

OK well that one PP keeps freezing so I guess I'll go elsewhere and see what's happening.

glo said...

Kent is MT, BW is MT, Maine nest appears intact even after all that wind but no eagles, Frogs at Africam, MT at CT, Lun Lun and Buta Buta cuddling and having afternoon nap, Tai is busy making sure there is nothing left on or in a piece of cardboard. So that is your up to the minute report.

Just Vicky said...

Hi Glo, having PP problems are you??

glo said...

Hi Vicky Not anymore, did the webcam tour. Not much happening anywhere actually

glo said...

Vicky I sent you info on Feedblitz last night, hope you checked your email. I think we will have an active cam one day this week.

Just Vicky said...

Yes I did get all the way through the registration on it so I should be ready to go! I've been checking out the new blue name you had to support the shops! Got lost touring everything on your site!

glo said...

Oh I'm glad you are doing that LOL I really am BUT Unless you just signed up for FeedBlitz today I never got a confirmation of your rregistration. You will get a confiramtion email to say you are sure you want to subscribe BEFORE they add me to your list, I haven't gottent hat, so you might want to go check for that email. It will say something like confirm your registration to NCTC Eagles of shepherdstown etc.

Just Vicky said...

OK, guess I didn't pay attention to the email, just did it!

Just Vicky said...

What would I do without you Glo?? You just keep whipping that "noodle" so I get with the program!

glo said...

LOL You would be relaxed but Bored without me LOL

glo said...

Yep confirmation just came in LOL

glo said...

Now you are all set to go.

Just Vicky said...

Relaxed??? Probably not, BORED, absolutely!

glo said...

Yeh I know Bored I can get that way too LOL. so I look for more fun things to do while on line and well Now that I have all these new eagle Blogging Friends we all get to love them or hate them together LOL.

glo said...

Just got done cleaning up two bgsful of Yard twigs leaves etc. Beautiufl day here. Nice to get some stuff outside done while it good to be out there.

glo said...

Wax for

glo said...


glo said...

OK back to work for a little LOL

Just Vicky said...

Yeah me too, need to tidy up a few things before going back to church!

Just Vicky said...

Certainly is an adorable baby panda sleeping by herself! Just can't keep from looking at her, never will get anything done!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Off work and heading out for a while. BBL!

glo said...

Eagle at Kent...what a welcome sight.

wvgal_dana said...

Evening Eaglelanders

I did get to see "fatty" today sunning himself.

I'm sure Maggeie (our littlest eagle) did great. :)

Just Vicky said...

Finally I got in!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Vicky eagle at Kent

Just Vicky said...

Wonder how many more of you are having problems? It's lonely here!

Just Vicky said...

Hi Dana! How are you and Ed today?

wvgal_dana said...

Well Vicky Ed was bad today. You coming to get him?

wvgal_dana said...

Just kidding there Vicky, I'm keeping him wink.

Just Vicky said...

Oh, He does NOT want me to come back there and get him! Tell him I will have to pray for him because I don't think I can get to him a quickly as God can!

Just Vicky said...

Well I wasn't going to come there to literally TAKE him! He's yours to deal with! I've got my own "problem child!" (wink)

Just Vicky said...

Ok, where'd everybody go???

wvgal_dana said...

I hear what your saying there Vicky..

I hope some are still here.

wvgal_dana said...

How long have you been trying to get in Vicky?

If you had problems maybe others are too?

wvgal_dana said...

Well I want to stretch out and watch Amazing Race.
So catch you all later.

Just Vicky said...

Ok, so now I am alone! Don't want to talk to myself so guess I'll go watch extreme home builders.

glo said...

Well Finally back in. haven't tried for an hour. I have made a folder with ALL the pictures from eagle Season 2006 on it that i want to save. Now I am going to make a CD and once I have it delete all those pictures I have saved for months. Time to make some room for the new BUT not until I am positive I have the 2006 Season in very safe keeping.

MITS said...

Hi everyone, tried to get in when the eagle was at KENT, but , see you saw she was there. Maggie looked beautiful and she was very good, she was the only girl, the other 2 were boys and they were good also. Annie did a great job with the food and it was good to see my nephew who flew in from California to be Maggies' god father. Talk to you all tomorrow.GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!

glo said...

Glad it was a Great day and all went well. Hope you rest well Mits Did you take some pictures you can share with us. I surely hope so.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Glad to hear it was a good day, Mits.

Nice to see Doreen and Chrissy here today. Neat that Lou got to see the pandas twice, I'll bet she's in heaven.

paula eagleholic said...

I guess people are still having trouble getting onto the blog. Just saw an email from Sharon, who is having problems getting in.

paula eagleholic said...

100 cans of wax on the wall, 100 cans of wax, take a can down, pass it around, 99 cans of wax on the wall...

99 cans of wax on the wall....

Just Vicky said...

Ok, seems we're having problems tonight!

Just Vicky said...

Free wax tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Vicky, you start the next verse...

paula eagleholic said...

Cause I'm going to bed...Nite all!

Just Vicky said...

Guess there's no one else to talk to, just me and 99 cans of wax on the wall, 99 cans of wax,

Too far to go to get to 98 cans!

Bird Girl said...

chrissy & doreen People are setting fireworks off already? the 5th is a week away! I guess it's not that different from July 4th here... Speaking of Guy Fawkes, have either of you seen "V for Vendetta"? The 'villain', who calls himself 'V', is supposed to be some weird homage to Fawkes. The movie starts out with a scene about it...

everyone went to the bird breeder's show this morning with Dave and his friend Mike. There were some birds there that I'd never seen before, and they were the most beautiful creatures! Look up pictures of PARADISE TANAGER and HONEYCREEPERS and you'll see what I mean! I did get a bird, shame on me, a just-weaned Zebra finch, who is all white. Hand raised, so is comfortable with being petted and held! So sweet! I just love Zebra finches... tomorrow, I'm going to stop by Dave's to pick up a few Society finches he has for me, and take pictures of his just-acquired Golden Greek Tortoise. If we can find him, that is! LOL Dave put him out in the yard, and the tortoise just went to town!

hope everyone's weekend was good. tomorrow is my father's-in-law birthday, dinner at the folks' house with The Family (minus one sister and her family). Hubby's nephew's girlfriend is overdue with their first child which will be Hubby's sister's first grandchild!

check in when I can.. take care!

Bird Girl said...

pete's pond what the heck happened to the streaming video it used to have? now, it has the yellow Natl Geographic box in one corner, and is quite slow and not nearly as clear. I WANT THE OLD SETUP BACK!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Birdgirl, Lisa (Tn.) and Suzanne plus All Eaglelanders coming in and lurking :)

Hven't checked cams out yet going to do that.

wvgal_dana said...

BW MT=empty rained there
Maine nothing
CT has dried out alot no "Oscar" yet

wvgal_dana said...

Neither Tai nor Mei seems to like the smell of the dark stuff around the bottom of the trees. Maybe they put something in the mulch to keep Tai from eating the leaves on the younger trees. Not around the tree he likes getting up in.
Mei found a bunch of bamboo and is eating.
Tai is wondering around the yard.

wvgal_dana said...

I did I did. Who was your's Suzanne?

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes of course checked out for our cam. Nothing has changed on our NCTC page yet.

glo said...

Good morning all. Today is the day, I can feel it in my bones...LOL. Hi Lisa So glad to see you are in and Blogging. Your timing is ownderful, we are just hours "we hope" or maybe days from kicking off a New eagle Season!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lun Lun and Buta Buta sleeping

Elephants at Pete's Pond

CT dry and sunny

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Glo what's the temp. there?

Here it is 38 (can't get the degree sign don't know why)

glo said...

Its 47 heading up to 70 today. Dogs and I are going to the Marina, after the "stinking dryer" man comes again. They are sending a new pair of eyes to look at it, but I am now afraid of it anyway. MTBR I guess. ran it 10 min after they put in the new part, smell and just the start of smoke, opened the door, went to my neighbors to finish drying that load..that's all I know SIGH

glo said...


wvgal_dana said...

How old is this dryer Glo?

Suzanne thank you :) Sharon had told me and I wrote it down. Taped it on my computer. Duh me put 2,4,6
41° here now. As you can see Suzanne I re-wrote it.

glo said...

LOL Ya just never know how much wax you are gonna need. OR when there is no more available, got to stock up since I will be busier watching the cam than blogging soon. I never saw wax coming when the cam was up. Learned a little about that side track them and sneak in approach from you know who

glo said...

The dryer is about 7 years old now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! HAve a great day. Its, 47° here in Bethesda. With all that wind on Saturday, the nest in Maine looks like it is in good shape. That pair gets an A+ for constuction. Lou should be home...hope she reports on her adventures at the zoo.

MITS said...

BTW, had a terrible time with the blog last night, just gave up and went to bed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too on the blog Mits.

glo said...

New thread is up

glo said...
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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...