Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday 15 Oct.


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paula eagleholic said...

Good Sunday Morning to all!

Thanks Steven for the new thread.

paula eagleholic said...

MT nests everywhere...going to catch up on the blog...had a great day at Colorfest...for those of you that don't know what it is, the whole town of Thurmont, MD is basically turned into a huge crafts festival for 2 day..they expect 125,000 people in 2 days...found lots of neat stuff, like and eagle flag and an eagle hot pad. One guy there had even constructed and eagle nest and would so so in your yard!

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful Osprey in CT, can't get Maine nest up. Dark at Kent. Florida cam not operational yet.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All Hi, Paula.
Well a new thread so early in the morning - Steve you are spoiling us bloggers!
Going over to read previous comments from last night & check out the cams.
Paula Did the fellow guarantee eagles would come to the nest he placed in your yard??? Weather has been beautiful for ColorFest - remember last year it rained.

Mema Jo said...

I love marching band music & I know I
Sharon, once again, I know you are so proud for Andrew !!! He is having quite a senior year.

Mema Jo said...

If you get a chance on the Atlanta Panda site, go to "Cub Developmental Timeline". That is very helpful to know what to expect... How about that stick of Butter - I mean ButaButa..

Mema Jo said...

There is a herd of I don't know what at the waterhole in Africa... Big ones!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning, Sharon
See the FleaBirds on the Big Beasts??

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta is all alone
Her little hind legs will have a lot of moving to do in her future!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Sharon and Jo,
Seagull in CT

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Gull with fish at CT, he is just picking at it.

Mema Jo said...

Morning, Mits
Go to your Africian cam... see the beasty beasts........

MITS said...

MT nest at Kent, seagull does not want that fish at CT, I wonder who brought it in, anybody see? Going to get some JAVA.

MITS said...

On my way to AFRICA!

MITS said...

Darn, my Africam just went black!

MITS said...

SHARON Are you working today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, they sure have been busy in the Kent nest. Lots of new stuff in there.

MITS said...

I'm pretty sure Maine cam is broken.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am working 11-7 today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maine cam is just a black screen. That really sucks.

MITS said...

They sure have, I like when MOM snuggles in like she is sitting on the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Does the African cam time out when your watching or just goes off? First time it has gone black on me.

MITS said...

Just a dead fish at CT.

MITS said...

Nope, there never has been a timeout before, black here too.

MITS said...

Africam is back up..beasts are gone...sun setting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle at the Kent nest!!

NillaWafer said...

Quik check out Kent nest just beautiful both eagles busy at work fixing nesy up!!!!

floralgirl said...

Morning, Paula, Jo, Sharon, and Mits. BEAUTIFUL day out there, working in the garden, time to clean up. Paula, a guy who would build an eagle nest in your backyard???! Did you get his card? Hmmm. when I'm cleaning the garden, I will be looking for sticks, won't the neighbors think I've lost it if they see me up in a tree assembling a nest...

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, guys, you can get an eagle nest built in your backyard for only $2500.00 !!

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't figured out how to save the Kent Pics, either.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, go under the link for the cam and you will see a manual link. Click on that. You have to hit refresh to bring up new pics but it lets you save them and email them.

MITS said...

BE still my heart, look at those beauties.FLORALGIRL You could really be an EAGLEMOM, if you had that guy come to your garden and build a nest, I'll chip in for expenses!!!

NillaWafer said...

Wonder why eagle cam #2 is so much clearer than #1... Good Morning isnt this fantastic such agreat view of them busy in the nest.. Those are good size branches also nice and thick and strong..

floralgirl said...

Werll, for $2500. it better come with a pair of eagles... HI Nilla!

MITS said...

Dove on Africam. I think I hear the BAMBOONS near by:):):)

MITS said...

Eagle gone at KENT.

paula eagleholic said...

I found this entry on the biologists blog at the Maine site. I think it explains very well the eagle behaviour we have been seeing at the Kent nest and maybe what Liberty and Belle are also experiencing.

"Several viewers have also been wondering lately why this pair has begun spending a great deal more time together at the nest site. While it’s never possible to know precisely what triggers a particular eagle behavior it is possible to make an educated guess as long as one keeps in mind the “iffy” nature of the task at hand.

That said I would “guess” that the eagle cam pair experienced a bit of avian “Free at last, free at last” once the young left the nest area. They have, after all, been literally tied to the nest since early in the year. When one considers the 35 day incubation period, the 5 week period during which the young are totally dependent upon the parents for food and temperature regulation, and the total 12-14 week prefledge period it’s not hard to guess that the parents wouldn’t mind a little time alone once the young flew the coop.

Typically I find that a mated pair will separate for a time and range over a much larger area following the dispersal of the young. During this time period visits to the nest site are made on an only occasional basis and the adults spend a good deal less time together than has been the case while they were raising and caring for their young.

Still, as we all know, vacations, however sweet, are by necessity short and by this time of year it’s time for the pair to get back in harness for the upcoming breeding season.

In my experience by early fall a resident pair begins to spend more time together in the area of the nest. Bit by bit they tidy up the extant nest, add a bit of material where needed, and in general get ready for another breeding season which typically begins in this area in Jan/Feb. This is also the time when building efforts on a new nest will commence if the mated pair decides the time has come for a “new” or “second” home. If October seems a bit early for nest maintenance (or building) given the fact that egg laying is still a good ways off keep in mind that it gets a great deal more difficult to work on the nest as the weather gets colder and more inclement.

Fall is also a time when the adults reforge bonds and begin a courtship process that gradually intensifies throughout the winter months."

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Paula, that is very interesting. Perhaps we will see Liberty and Belle next Saturday at NCTC!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Isn't just awesome. Actual eagle news on the EAGLE CAM DAILY! How wonderful is that!! I am so ready for our camera to come back up so we can watch Liberty and Belle doing the same thing!

NillaWafer said...

If you cick view another cam at eagle site there is alirrowing owl on cam close to the nest hole

NillaWafer said...

Opps alittl burrowing owl

MITS said...

I think we need a translator, for Louise.

floralgirl said...

Who needs a translator? we have a proofreader....

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula for the great info!! I'm hoping L&B are doing the same.

glo said...

Good BUSY morning everybody. About to sit down for a cup of tea and thougth I would check out whats on the bLOG today.

Thanks for the info Paula Glad I caught a quick glimpse of the eagle in Maine too.
Hope everyone is having a Great Day. Will check in later today at some point. Take soem good notes and pictures too!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I have been sitting here cringing a little bit!! :):):)

MITS said...

:):):) It makes it harder for the proofreader, to translate.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, Doesn't matter which link I click on at Kent, I still can't save any pics.

NillaWafer said...

BW nest is MT but what aclear picture.. Hey mits eat your heart out i have 2 comps here at work and animals animals on each comp pandas on 1 and eagles n other birds on other africa cam.....

NillaWafer said...

Lol i just need to go and get a manicure.. my nails are so long and strong they get in the way when typing...

MITS said...

Breathe in..breathe out..breathe in..breathe out.

MITS said...

Well aren't you special, Louise:):) What did you do spend the night at work? Didn't you close up shop last night and you are back again already.

floralgirl said...

Yea well my fingers are wet from washing the dishes and it is Sunday after all, take the day off from proofreading, since you are working your other job.

NillaWafer said...

yes closed at 11 pm last night and opened at 10 am this morning.. My weekend to work ..

NillaWafer said...

Today is my grandson Nathan Jesse's 17th birthday.. Daughter is having him aparty later tonight..

NillaWafer said...

Man Mei wants in she is pacing... The other morning i checked oh was abot 4am and she was awake and really pacing to get out..

MITS said...


MITS said...

Africam is acting weird, keeps freezing.

NillaWafer said...

Isnt that lil owl cute love to see babies come up out of that

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Make sure it is all one line.

NillaWafer said...

LQQK Mits at that deer animal at the pond

NillaWafer said...

Now Mits theres sometime wrong with that Africam i refreshed 3 times and the same animal and same movement?????/ and its day light there?

NillaWafer said...

I think they just do that to get you to buy

MITS said...

YEAH, well I ain't buying!!

NillaWafer said...

Have you seen the tiger cubs lately? Its very hard to see them out side with the shading of trees and such.. They are so big now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

To explain an earlier statement I made, I didn't mean anything bad about what we talk about around here. It is just good to have eagles in the conversations again!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hope I didn't ruffle any feathers cause that wasn't my intention.

MITS said...

Didn't ruffle my feathers!

MITS said...

Look at that little BUTA-BALL!

MITS said...

I have not seen the tigers cubs recently. On their site they tell you when, where and what time to look for them, but I keep missing them.

MITS said...

Big Momma just came back in...

MITS said...


MITS said...

Ewwie gone, maybe eagles are near by.

glo said...

Thanks for posting that link to the photos from Kent Sharon I have been trying for 2 days to figure out how to do that LOL. Ok bring on them eagles, I can save their pictures now...geesh could not figure out how to get to tha tlink yesterday for nothing. I did get close though yesterday...just took the top paragraph and was right back at the live cam....should have read about 10 secs longer I guess. LOL

Thanks again

Mema Jo said...

Well, for 2 hours I've been gone - First had to give up 'puter to grandson - then had to watch pregame football news - then daughter came and I'm all alone.
Mits You watching the 1:00 game today with Ravens & Panthers. Quinn says Panthers are #1 right now BUT the Ravens are HIS team & would be fantastic if they could win today. Also tells me that he knows Matt Stover personally because he plays lacross with his kids. Speaks very highly of the man as a person & also of his Kickin' foot!

MITS said...

I really hate watching them on TV and today is sooo nice, might go to the beach for awhile. Yes, Matt Stover is a good guy, just goes out and does his job. I like that in a football player. My sister and brother-in- law have our tickets for todays game since hubby is up in NY for a meeting.

MITS said...

Darn, I missed the pre-game shows, was on the telephone.

MITS said...

Can't watch the game if I wanted to, not on down here. Should be an easy game for the Redskins to win, they are playing the Titans. I think anybody can beat them.

MITS said...

Seagull back at 2 dead fish.

MITS said...

Seagull gone...2 dead fish remain.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back this evening hour...

MITS said...

Hi, DOREEN brought a tear to these eyes, also.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Lou and Doreen. Was just wondering about 5 minutes ago where you were!! Funny how that happens.

MITS said...

SHARON has got a keeper with that young man, she should be very proud of him.

MITS said...

Hi, LOU how are you, when is your big trip over the pond and where are you going to visit? Is it NY??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lou, you will be a little less than 4 hours from me!

MITS said...

Great time of the year to go LULU, with the leaves starting to change. Are you flying British Airways to Dulles? I love that airline.

MITS said...

Have a wonderful time, LOU. Going to go sit on the beach for awhile TTUL!

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, to get to the page to save
the Kent pictures manually, at the top of the page, click on the
The Kent Eagle Cam that is in white letters and underlined in white. It is right above the statement that starts "Update - July 21, 2006".
That takes you to another page where it states that you can go to "View cam Manually"

The address for that page is

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, did you try the link I posted for you earlier on here?

MITS said...


MITS said...

SHARON that link worked for me, just remember to F5, correct.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

Eagle still at BW.

MITS said...

Its the small scruffy one.

MITS said...

It was around this time yeserday that the eagles were out in KENT. So, keep an eagle eye out!

glo said...

Well Have gone from no way to save Kent Stares pictures to like 3 ways now...Cool I am glad since we can watch them fairly regular;y just like Blackwater too. Its nice to see some eagles..will be nicer to see liberty and Belle though.

MITS said...

GLO, love your new picture.

MITS said...

Some great shots of eagles and ewwies on the part 9 of the BW gallery, alot of them by "OUR" very own SUZANNE

glo said...

Yep Ilove her too LOL.. Just as cute and happy as a button LOL. Taken last week while she visited a different Grandma in South Carolina

MITS said...

Tai and Mei are sitting side by side devouring the bamboo.

MITS said...

Well, Tai just went to his spot to eat the bamboo, hope he doesn't fall.

glo said...

OK Now I have figured out a plan. You open a second window, and watch Kent on the 10 sec delay.... then If an eagle appears, you hit refresh on the first window which is manual watch right click and you have a photo. Now all I need is an eagle. LOL

And actually there is one at Blackwater, but I can't test my plan there and that photo is easy to get.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, that is exactly what I do with the Kent nest!

MITS said...

Eagle at BW has been there for almost an hour now. Should be taking off soon to go home.

MITS said...

AWWW cute shot of Buta and Lun.

glo said...

LOL Sharon Well I'm a little slower and older than you LOL...and I'm still prcessing the fact that I can actually get a photo from that place LOL. Aint' nothin gonna stop that photo shoot now!!! Well unless of course i'm not sitting at the computer whenever they DO decide to reappear.

MITS said...

I've got both the live and manual cams up at KENT, just in case.

MITS said...

You know me, not sure what to do with this thing at times.

MITS said...

My bad, it won't let me do it, both were up and when I went back to the 10 second one was down.

glo said...

Wow that little buta Buta is really growing right in front of our eyes. she is going to turn from a 1/4 pound slab of butter to a little butter ball.

MITS said...

I'm soooo confused, I have too many cams up. Just realized I have not eaten today, guess I better scrounge around here or go out for something, just don't feel like going out.

Mema Jo said...

The falconettes are starting to be Ledge Lodgers. First fledges aren't far off for them.
Glo Elias is such a happy little gal!
Eagle at BW is staying quite awhile.
Tai & Mie - Mother & Son Reunion!!!
Now's the time to scoop up ButaBall!!

MITS said...

AWWWW! Mei and Tai just look soooo cute, love them pandas.

glo said...

Eagle at Kent

Mema Jo said...

I see it! I see it!

MITS said...

Just missed the eagle at KENT

glo said...

My Kent camera plan is a BIG HIT LOL Because there is still an eagle on that nest until I hit refresh, once I see that there is any reason to change the photo on the manual still cam. Gonna work well...just playing Let's pretend!!!

glo said...

Geesh those "little falcons have most of their black feathers in...where did the babies go. I do see the tail end of one sitting on a ledge and other 2 are in camera view right now...AMAZING

glo said...

going to watch a movie. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

On my screen right now, I have Mei and Tai (well the ledge lodger anyway), Lun Lun and Buta Buta, the falconettes, Kent eagle cam, and Africam. When you all go shopping for my Christmas present, I need a large flat screen monitor. :):):) If Andrew doesn't want anything too expensive for Christmas (which he probably will), I am going to splurge and get myself one from St. Claus!

MITS said...

Good for you, SHARON

Mema Jo said...

ButaBall is nursing away. Can't get over how much a mother panda can sleep. Tai best lie very still on that ledge - his little body is beginning to fill up that space. F&F chicks just won't fly away yet! New videos (one has a gore warning)on their site-don't care for the type of videos they show - they fade in and out too much.
Guess Nilla is at birthday party -- Glo is watching Movie...
Where is everyone else?

Mema Jo said...

There you are you two!

Sharon Tell your work your transcrripts are getting too large & you need a larger screen in order to get your work done in a timely manner.

Mits What did you find good to eat?
I sent you and Sharon an email a little while ago....

floralgirl said...

Watching TV and lurking...

MITS said...

Just found a Weight Watchers Smart Meal in the freezer, should have eaten it 3 months ago, but it will do.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No email yet Mema Jo!

Been watching Buta nursing. She is so precious!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you are stealing my ideas! :):):)

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan! Jennifer keeps coming over to pick my dogwood berries for her bluebirds. I probably won't have many flowers this coming spring.

Mits, Hope you have some cookies for later.

Mema Jo said...

So, maybe I put tomorrow's date on it to be sent... Duh!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Back from birthday dinner for my now 17 year old grandson. We all went to the Peking chinese resturant here in town... I am still laughing have you ever heard a bunch of chinese singin happy birthday???? FUNNYYYYYYYY as they all know Nathan we eat there alot..

MITS said...

Nothing yet, JO. Sharon, you gave me the idea, didn't steal it, just followed it tee-hee. No cookies but I have some Edys' low fat chocolate ice cream and low-fat chocolate milk for a milkshake, OOPPSS! din-din- is ready.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jo.. Those kids on the ledge have growen and lost more of there baby feathers since i saw them yesterday... Petes Pond cam is back up Mits but still dark there. BBL have a black raspberry pie to bake

Mema Jo said...

I like black raspberry pie just as well as I like apple pie

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you are right. I gave it to you freely! Nilla, I love black raspberry pie! Can those be FedEx'ed? :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Haven't won wax in a while. I will take the 1/2 can! :)

movin said...

Well, the weekend is almost over, but it was a good one. Have a great week, Folks........

Greg, the expert in Brisbane, is commenting that the eyasses have lost nearly all their fluffies and are perching on the wall around the ledge..thinks they are about ready to fledge. We better keep our eyes on them, or we'll miss it.

I put another puzzle on the Momsters site today, hope you like it.

Sharon and Glo have really gotten some good pics of the female in the Kent nest...I wish I'd known how to save the pics when I saw both of them refurbishing the nest last week.

Keep warm and happy,

movin said...

Please wish your grandson a very happy Birthday.


Mema Jo said...

Can't find Mie and Tai right now, but ButaBall is right where she should be in the middle of the nest bed...

Mema Jo said...

Mits You got the 100 Wax on this thread when you were talking with LuLu & Doreen - I don't think you knew it.

Congrats Sharon on 150

Mema Jo said...

Mei & Tai are both chomping down on their bamboo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am going to watch TV and hopefully drift off to sleep.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Andrew's Mom...

MITS said...

Wow, blew that one right over my head.

MITS said...

Where is NORMABYRD??

Mema Jo said...

Norma's birthday was the ninth - maybe she is still celebrating!!!

NillaWafer said...

OK Joellen, You name it what kind you want for your birthday??? I will bring it over on saturday to NCTC.. lol Sharon sure i can fed ex it now wont garentee what it look like when it arrives might be you would be lickin n scrapin and trying to get every drop out of the box like Tai n Mei does when they have honey on abox..LMAO

MITS said...

Damn, that girl can parrrr-tttie!!

MITS said...

Heading to watch Without a Trace and bed...Good Night All!!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jim , how are you feeling getting some rest? I will do that Jim but he is your typical spoiled rotten teenager... Has only his girlfriend on his brain.. Oh and his car and sayin hey grandmaw you got any Seems i am shippin pies all over now hey now theres athought for making money... And making Applesauce cakes for Christmas and fudge n potato candy.. yum yum

NillaWafer said...

Niters Mits you will be back heck africam's will be day light

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

NillaWafer said...

HiYA Paula, you keepin warm over there in the mountains?

Mema Jo said...

Nite Mits & Paula & Sharon...

Nilla Apple will be just fine with me!!!
You mentioned potato candy...I used to make that all the time.. love it!

movin said...

I'm not so fussy...I like red raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, loganberry, cherry AND apple pies, tarts, turnovers, etc., etc. ...

Matter of fact I'll take a piece of two or more flavors right now.

Did any of you ever have homegrown, homemade rhubarb pies or turnovers??

When I was a youngster the ladies in the immediate area had a few rhubarb bushes growing year after year, and they got used in the baked goods often.

At first I thought it was too sour, but after a short time (maybe Mom added a little more sugar), I got to really like it. It's a classic form of the sweet & sour principle. And it's cheap...for some reason commercial people always add pineapple, which I don't like in it.

If you're doing rhubarb for the first time though, be aware it is poisonous until you simmer it for a time (throw the water away).

Now, I am hungry. Who started the berry pie thing??


paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Nilla, got my robe on.

I just tried potato candy yesterday at Colorfest, very sweet!

Howdy Jim

Website is now up!

Mema Jo said...

Leave it to NILLA to stir us up

My aunt made rhubarb pies - Like you I though I wouldn't like them - they are really delicious. Haven't had any for years.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Nilla did that, Jim!

paula eagleholic said...

How you doing, Nillabean?

Mema Jo said...

I've got my heat on in the house!!

Great news Paula..

paula eagleholic said...

I had mine on the last 2 nights...probably turn it on again tonight!

Mema Jo said...

Me too. I turn it off during the day, but once the sun goes down...on it comes.

NillaWafer said... No No No can do rubarb way to sour and Ewwww mince meat yucky... Berry pies i love . when my childern were small and i was married to husband #2 we lived in Pa and i baked bread 2 times aweek ... canned everything.. i sure do miss those days, now thats it cooler i am always baking something.. The Applesauce cake receipe is a family receipt, you heat the apple sauce and butter before hand.. I made a delishus oatmeal cake last week

Mema Jo said...

Well, Paula, since you and I opened this thread it only seems fitting for us to close it...
Nilla keep in touch about Sat.

Good Night All
Good Morning Suzanne

Glad you were here for awhile, Jim!
I bet you found something to eat--.

glo said...

Well Good Night all.

Good morning Suzanne

NillaWafer said...

Paula i am doin ok, been havin alot of nose bleeds, and when they happen BP shoots way up and terrible headache in back right side .. I cut back on the aspirins aday was taking 325 mg.. How is Sharon she doin ok? Just was thinkin today i need to get to writting the memorial message for Jamie's n my sister Linda as she will be gone now 1 year nov 21st

paula eagleholic said...

Oh where oh where has our Normabyrd been, Oh Where Oh Where can she be?

Hope you have a good flight over and wonderful visit in the U.S.A !

paula eagleholic said...

325 mg sounds like a lot. What did the Doc recommend? Sounds like it does need adjusting!

NillaWafer said...

Nope that what i am suppose to be taking Paula 4 baby aspirins 325 mg thats what doctor has me on

NillaWafer said...

How about the earthquake in Hawaii.. Hey mits getting day light on africam and birds are

NillaWafer said...

Paula did Jamie tell you his dad has Alziemers? As well does his sister aunt Betty in anursing home .. damn shame

paula eagleholic said...

No, Nilla, I didn't know that. Haven't talked to Jamie in awhile, talk to Sharon more. Of course, she is still recovering from back surgery, only at work part time, so haven't had much time for talk other than work.

NillaWafer said...

Sad my brother told me when i was up in NY to see him... Anyways i am going to watch the news .. take meds and relax.. Oh i hate to say it but Those damn DEADSKINS!!! PITYFUL.. Niters dont go into work til 3pm and off tues n weds...

paula eagleholic said...

Niters, Nilla, and to anyone else still awake!

Good Morning, Suzanne!

MITS said...

Louise knows Thelma like a book. Yep, Nilla checking back in to see the cams, pete's pond is not working and africam is up, but, nothing going on. Nite All! Good Morning, Suzanne. Liked you pics on Gallery #9 at BW.

MITS said...

Good job, PAULA!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne
And other Eaglelanders.......chilly 32 here for now

Any one know of the schedule printed anywhere for NCTC open house. Like what BW had. What goes on each hour???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone in Eagle land. I hope everybody has a wonderful Monday!

Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great!

floralgirl said...

GOOD MORNING!!!! BRRR!! Still only 32° here this morning. Van didn't want to start-good thing it's getting a check up on FRi. Hey Dana, they will hand out schedules at NCTC when you arrive Saturday, the activities usually start right at 10 am. Like the animal show for example, might have a show at 10, then later at 1, that sort of schedule. Most activities usually occur twice, so you can see all the events you want to without missing any. They have never given out info early, the flyer you can see on NCTC's website is the most publicity I've seen, but it has no schedule on it. Have a great day, off to work.

floralgirl said...

Oh, Suzanne, not ignoring your plea for directions, if no one else gives you any, will answer you tomorrow. Are you coming from Mount Alto? Hubby always gives me the best directions(driving that is, the rest I usually ignore!HA!),I will ask him the shortest route for you.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Floralgirl have a nice day suppose to get warmer...

Thanks Suzanne and Floralgirl. Husband and me we just trying to plan out the day.

Jo what time are you planning on going. You said something earlier about taking 2 tanks. Will you leave one in the car. Take the bus after parking?

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at BW

CT has dead fish in nest

floralgirl said...

OOPs, where's the proofreader? That's Mont Alto right?

floralgirl said...

Oh- Smoooooth!! 200 without even trying, I'm outa here! Later!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL! Beautiful day at the beach. Have a great Monday and peaceful week!

MITS said...

Maine cam still down. Eagle still at BW. Tiger cubs are playing. Tai is searching. Mei is eating, (what's new?) Buta was alone. Heading over to Africa.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Mits -- your on a journey of the internet lol traveling is fine for internet travel lol :)

Mauley said...

Morning All my dear Eagle Bubbies, Mauley here. Half here by the way, kept all 8 grandkids this weekend, and parents. Took them on Holiday to Lexington KY stay at hotel where heated pool and game room could help me keep them occupied. Couldn['t have made it without the popaw. He is a good baby sitter too. We let the Moms go shopping. Had tickets to Keenland, but was too cold to take the babies so we just stayed at Motel and let them swim and play. Mauley is really tired today. Love to all. Wasn['t it so good to hear from our Nilla Bean. God Bless You all today in the name of our Lord. granto eight Donna
Jo, happy late birthday. Hope it was fabulous.

MITS said...

Not much going on at Pete's Pond, gazelle at Africam.

MITS said...

Suzanne, not cold here at all. Still don't see my breath when I go outside. Did you see your pics on Gallery #9 at BW?

MITS said...

Yes, Dana it is a fun way to travel.

MITS said...

Mauley, what a great weekend you must have had, bet you are tired.

MITS said...

Eagle still at BW. He was there til dark last night.

MITS said...

We were watching it last week, Suz, beautiful eagle in and out of the nest, but, it has been down since Friday. The live video has been down longer. Sent them a note, no reply. Lots of activity at the Kent nest recently, Jim, gave us the heads up on that last week. Sharon took an awesome picture yesterday of an eagle moving a "big ole stick"

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne sounds like Floralgirl is going to get you some great and easy directions. So I won't muddle things up for you I'll wait to see if you get them got both my #'ers if need be.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...