Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday 14 Oct

Sunny day thread.


glo said...

OK No 1...never done that before. Hope everyone is having a Good Day. Thanks for the New Thread Steve.

MITS said...

Thank you, Steven, glad we got rid of the 13th thread.

MITS said...

eagle eating at bw!

NillaWafer said...

Morning Glo well afternoon now.. Beautiful eagle eating lunch at BW nest, looks like a fish. Petes pond cam is back up and the sun set is glorious, thousands of lil bird in trees..Well must get ready for work long 10 hour day. Enjoy this weather.. Mits i am going to come down and give you computor lessions once you get back to Yes mailed with Jim last night and he isnt feeling to well a flu like symptoms and just over tired i think, such a nice man he is... BBL Did anyone watch the new game last night? I liked it not a breath taking heart stopping as Deal Or No Deal i dont think but good..

MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

2 eagles in BW nest eating !!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Both eating together.

MITS said...

You do that, NILLBEAN and we can go see Tai Shan.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhh my isnt that beautiful Thelma.. i am snapping pictures i want to get the frapper thingy Glo has .. Glo how do i get it????

MITS said...

The other one came back.

MITS said...

They just left.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhh both gone now,,,, the one in the nest was the demale eating and male was on the edge he looked much smaller than her didnt you think Thelma?

NillaWafer said...

darn female in nest darn long finger nails.. i need a good manicure

MITS said...

I agree, Louise!!

NillaWafer said...

headin to work c u from there Thelma i sent couple pictures i took of eagles this morning ..

MITS said...

Got them and I sent you one of the eagles dining together.

MITS said...

Going to the beach. TTUL!

MITS said...

Tai and Mei are resting in the sun.

Mema Jo said...

Just popping in for a minute to say Hi! It is such a beautiful day here in MD - Paula should be having great time up in the Catoctin Mts. Good to see all of you here on the NEW THREAD Thanks, Steve - Hope next Saturday is as sunny as today for your Open House


glo said...

Hi everyone. Just got back from lunch with the neighbors. Nice to see some Blogging going on. Fun pictures in the email too. Nilla and anyone else wanting info on the Fraps link.

It Is:

Just download the Free version and see how you like it first etc. Thats all Sharon and I used last year. I upgraded this year though and hopefully am good to go with the Eagles, whenever they and the camera is ready for us.

I think it is fairly easy to use, but I guess sometimes people get confused about where the pictures are being saved. I save my pictures in a Filder I named FRAPS in My Pictures, And I save my videos in a folder named FRAPS under My videos for me. To share videos though you need to compress them in something like Windows movie maker, or they are too large to send out.

Anyone who can get it downloaded and working before I eagles come back will be able to capture and share some of those moments none of us are going to want to miss. We are all si very fortunate to have Sharon up with the chickens...LOL EAGLES and able to get those Fledge moments for us last year. She can use all of our help though as she does have this job she is supposed to be doing too lOL.

floralgirl said...

Good breezy afternoon!! Hey Mits, cedar waxwings are beautiful little birds that fly in large groups, come to my yard often throughout the year to eat berries from the different trees. They are very noisy and entertaining to watch. Look them up, they look as if they have a robber's mask on. Now just gotta keep them out of the hollies til I'm finished with the berries! 4 weeks and I'll be cutting greens for Xmas wreaths- jingle bells...jingle bells..oops, sorry -hard to believe how fast this year has passed..

MITS said...

Eagle visiting the KENT nest

MITS said...

Thanks, MEGAN, Sharon sent me pics of them this a.m.

MITS said...

That is one beauty of an eagle.

MITS said...


glo said...

Both eagles there...first time I have seen either of them

NillaWafer said...

I have Kent cam #2 up and it seeems to be alot clearer than #1 camera... She sure is decorating the nest i wonder can they breed now?? Wouldnt think so to late in the year but she is sure making it comfortable for some reason...

NillaWafer said...

6:40 our time and both eagles are in the nest working

glo said...

Have enjoyed seeing those 2 eagles lots this afternoon too. BLOGGER very slow loading though. A couple of posts never got through. Hopefully this one will make it.

glo said...

I have NOT found any way to save those images from Kent including Fraps though :-(

NillaWafer said...

Hey Glo Bug yeah i know they sure have been in the nest alot.. I c hecked that frapper site and cost 37.00 to buy it think it was..

NillaWafer said...

To VIEW and SAVE the cam image manually, close this window, go to the main EagleCam page and use the manual link provided.
this is what it said to do to save pictures

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone - actually had a minute to blog!!!! where is the kent cam?

glo said...

Hi Belle.
Link to Kent

glo said...

Hi Nilla Yes I saw that but when I go to the page I don't see any manual link provided to save didly squat!!!

now about Fraps Yes it is $37 to buy...which is what I did this year, but Sharon is still using, and all last year I used the free fine except has 30 sec limit and Fraps watermark like she got on Big boys fledge.

Just download the Free version and see if you are comfortable in how to use it first for sure!!!

MITS said...

Hi, All! Yep, that pair out in Washington are really busy. Looks like they do alot of vocalizing to keep others away. Could not get into blog for a long time, see if this posts.

MITS said...

Guess it is like Tai's cam can't video. it.

glo said...

Yes Mits Blog has been a pain off and on all day

glo said...

Yes Mits actually I can get some video of Tai...I'll have to see what I already have NOT Much really, But I will get some for you.

MITS said...

Sure do have alot of debris in that nest.

glo said...

LOL Well I think they would call it Nesting or maybe just winter bedding material LOL

MITS said...

They are bringing in the branches with the leaves and everything.

glo said...

LOL I see that. maybe they kind of muddy the whole thing up to re-inforce that humongous nest or sometihng. Kind of really nice to watch eagles eaven repairing or rebuilding...whatever. I have definitely enjoyed them today.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Belle hiya!!! Those arent small branches neither have some size to them and the leaves are so large they certainly look i

NillaWafer said...

Ops thats in love with each other

Mema Jo said...

Hi There. Mits, I just now realized that yesterday you had changed Tai's pic-he is such a handsome panda guy!
Just returned from Mass & dinner - grandson still visiting. Had a good day with him & 2 of his cousins.
Panda Cam Buta Buta has a new section of All Things Cub!Pics,video & updates all in one place.Sorry I missed the Kent eagles today... Spidey sure has BW looking good!

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ Braggin 2 months today since i have smoked a cigarette

NillaWafer said...

Mits the Petes Pond cam was working for some reason i cant get it on this comp here at work.. Will check when i get home at 11pm..

MITS said...

Just changed Tai's pic this a.m., that is Sharon did. Its him sleeping in a tree in the new yard. There is a great picture of him from July in the panda gallery, sitting back and eating a carrot, with his tongue sticking out. Too cute

MITS said...

Don't know why they tell you to watch pete's pond between 4 and 8, its too dark, and they don't have an infra-red cam like at the Africam site.

MITS said...

Going to grab something to eat BBL!

movin said...

'Good dye, Mites'...been looking at the Brisbane site.

If you haven't already, take a look-see at their updated galleries...and remember it's only another week or two before the chicks will be fledging. It's kind of spooky how fast they grow compared to eagles and ospreys.

I read Floral Girl's comment on the earlier blog about the Rubythroats having left for the year. But here in So Cal (especially in the city) at least some Hummingbirds will stay all year, and if they find a feeder or two, many will stay around for the Winter.

When I was growing up, we lived in the countryside (built-up now) near the coast in San Diego County; and we had a variety of Hummers throughout the warm months, but they disappeared in the Winter. I think it must be easier to find plants imported from other areas flowering even in winter if you're in the city around here.

Anyway, I will probably have some Blackchins (closely related to your Rubythroats) around my feeder all winter. If it weren't for humans, they would migrate to the desert areas southeast of here and into northern Mexico...I think many of them still do migrate every year.

Keep well and happy,

floralgirl said...

Oh, Jim I wish I could keep my hummingbirds all year round. They are definitely one of my favorite birds. I miss them and their many personalities, the garden is much quieter without them. Hi Belle!!

glo said...

TV time for me. Everyone have a good evening. BLOG at you tomorrow.

wvgal_dana said...

I been in and out reading but mostly watching the cams today...

Very active..enjoyed sight seeing in each one.

Nest are beginning to look like someone wants to put eggs in it.

Hi to everyone

wvgal_dana said...

The movie I'm watching: Far From Home Adventures of Yellow Dog I've seen several times. I like the scenery just saw the eagle in the tree in the movie.

wvgal_dana said...

Seen my seagull lol at CT today crazy seagull

MITS said...

Darkness has settled over the Kent nest.

MITS said...

No site of the chicks

MITS said...

Sharon should be home from the band competition soon.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We had a glorious competition today. The weather was wonderful although it got a little chilly tonight. Blog with you all tomorrow.

DRUM MAJOR 1st place
AUXILIARIES (flags) 2nd place
PERCUSSION 1st place
MUSIC 1st place
MARCHING 1st place
DIVISION 1st place

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

glo said...

A day to Remember for both you and Andrew!!! What a wonderful job those kids did/

floralgirl said...

Wow, Sharon-COGRATULATIONS BLUEFIELD BEAVER BAND!! Good morning everyone, another crisp Fall morning here,33°. Fed the birds, time to make pancakes and bacon for the rest of the family. BBL. Hope everyone has a beautiful day!!

paula eagleholic said...

New Thread is Up

Good Morning!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...