Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday 16 Oct

New thread. The Department of the Interior has, for the time being, deemed this blog "innappropriate." We are working to fix, else I can only access the blog from my home...


NillaWafer said...

Oh my am i first weeeeeeeeee going to bring othersssssssssss

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Steven your the best.. Those high n mighty better watch it messin with our blog master .. they dont want abunch of us eaglemomsters after

glo said...

inappropriate How can something that has touched the lives of people around the world young and old be inappropriate. Didn't you just hold a conference there on Nature Deficit Disorder Was that deemed appropriate? OR shall we just let the next generation slouch by the TV then or whatever game they are playing on their computer etc. and not continue to give them a reason to get out and enjoy some of what NCTC and Nature in general has to offer.

Time for each and every school teacher who has been a part of this to get their class and their classe's parents involved. We love it, we have kept it alive duirng the lull which may or may not be necessary for the next generation BUT there are many a young person who also learned and enjoyed much because of this Blog and the webcam associated.
There was also a cubscout troop following this site AND this BLOG. Way too much proof sitting here that this BLOG and its eagle cam has made a very posotive and very approriate difference in many a life!!!

So where do we write?

NillaWafer said...

WELL SAID GLO BUG!!!!!! APPLAUSE!!! APPLAUSE!!!! Geezzz this blog has kept me out of trouble heck i might have been surfin the web gettng into trouble .. nekkid on cam and wigglin my toes, God knows what else yikes...LMAO Maybe i dont say it a dipolmatic as you (SP) as you but those burrowcratic dingalings need to know how this has brought so many friends together and made us smile and feel so much heartfelt love and tears when "OUR " KIDS FLEDGED!!!

floralgirl said...

OKAY, does this mean our comments in this blog are inappropriate? OR the blog is inappropriate in general because it links to the NCTC cam page and is not something the Gov. has decided they want to be connected with. I mean I realize we have veered from the topic of eagles occassionally, LOL.. but we seem to be a fairly harmless group, hope we haven't become an embarassment...

paula eagleholic said...

Government regulations are hard to understand. Who knows who the heck thought up that regulation!
It probably is not an "approved use of time", or "not a necesary site to be able to access" or "not an approved government site" or "not up to government website regulations", blah blah blah, would be my guesses. We all know that is not so!

So, until that gets changed, we will just wait for our new evening thread!

Write on, Glo. Yea, where do we write?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and thanks for the new thread Steve :)

paula eagleholic said...

Have you gone to

yet? Was wondering how it loaded on your dialup.

floralgirl said...

YES, thanks Steve for keeping this blog current and allowing us to blog endlessly with one another.

paula eagleholic said...

WOW, can't believe those Brisbane chicks! They look like birds now.

NillaWafer said...

All i want to say is we here have used this blog as a friendship in times of need for a kind word. During illness... a birth.. shared our lives in many special ways.. laughed til we had tears ... and cryed real tears for the extreme emotions of "OUR" eagle family we developed watching them from eggs to magificent creators of God take off soaring into the heavens above.

Steve Chase said...

They are blocking all blogspot sites without review.

We have requested that they unblock the eaglecam blog, but they are using a contractor to make the determination. Let's give them a few days to do the right thing.

If they still don't unblock, I'll let you know who might be contacted with complaints.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Steve, we can sit tight. Please do let us know if any action is needed on our part. I think you can see that you have all of our support!

glo said...

OK Thanks Steve We can hang in there and wait for the info...and if need be we can surely do some writing too.

paula eagleholic said...

Those falcons are becoming little ledge lodgers!

wvgal_dana said...

Wanting to cause no one any problems; I will await after typing this for the news of whether this blog will or will not continue.
Sorry Department of Interior if anything inappropriate was said. I will say I have learn't things of animals, fish, and birds that I did not know before. I have learn't more appreciation for creatures and the environment that I never realized. Things that are needed to be concerned about and try to help more with the care of the earth, air, rivers and streams, to even trees. Things that can ruin or help our environment.
Just as telephone conversations get off the subject of course we here did too. If guide lines would have been set by the Dept. of Interior I am sure we would have honored your request.
If someone sent the blog or part of this blog to the Dept. Of Interior I am very sorry and sad for you. For it could have only been through jealousy.
We have invited everyone and many people have acted on things through their government. That before this blog they never would have gotten involved in; ie Endangered Species, Forest to be cut down, windmills on precious mountain tops, re-induction of animals into different areas, hurt animals that can or can't be released, learning where monies come from to go to different areas that involve the Dept. of Interior. Learning about how hard and difficult people we never knew before but have been given the gift to know or know of. That we have learn't just how hard they work doing a job that seems to be a special part in their hearts and lives. I once worked in government and never met people that cared so much about their interest in their jobs. Most government I worked with only worked to earn the pay check. They never went out of their way to share and give a gift that the bloggers on here have been given. Yes subjects may have gotten where someone would like to bring attention and stop this blog.
I ask you to please see through that and feel and comprehend what we learn't through not being able to actually get out to different places and see. Due to illness and aging and some peoples time that only allowed the internet and this blog to bring it to them.
I want to thank you Dept.of Interior for the growing experience of our earth and animals needs. That I never would have known or appreciated for me to try to find ways I can now help.

paula eagleholic said...

Kinda funny, ya know? Whod've thought that Steve would be in blogger jail!

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Steve.

glo said...

Yah well we are gonna do our darndest to Bail him out and we have had some experiencewith blogger jail.

Nice job Dana I don't think our subject matter is really the issue...BLOGGING is the in thing to do probably like who knows just web surfing and personal emails a few years ago. Companies and the government must think productivity is down because their people are blogging instead of working...well All of us can certainly support the FACT that Steve works very hard for NCTC, and has NOT spent an excessive amount of time on the BLOG. He gives us threads and wonderful information, but as far as a personal BLOG it could be counted on probably one hand over the period of 9 months or so....He is hard at work inspiring us and all who have read this Blog with the love of Nature and especially the cam we have had the priviledge of watching. He has given us a positive well appreciated view of a government agency that many of us have NOT experienced before. He has done nothing wrong and neither have we. His time on the BLOG has never been excessive or abused in anyway he has represented NCTC in no way but totally professionally and responsibly from square one. The BLOGS are all here for any to see. His contributions have been nothing but appropriate and informative the whole way. I certainly hope whoever makes the decision that this BLOG is very worthwhile and appropriate in its function to NCTC and their Eagle Cam in particular.

Just Vicky said...

Hats off to Steven! We appreciate all you do for us and how you are looking out on our behalf! We certainly don't want them having the wrong opinion of us! But I ditto everything you've already said about this blog. It has been a wonderful blessing to me! If there's anything we can do Steven, you just let us know!

MITS said...

I understand completely what Steven is telling us, but somehow we will find away to communicate, its not that we are inappropriate, tee-hee, we certainly are at times, but its the government, (I worked for the gov many years ago). Let's just take a deep breathe and wait for Steven to let us know and then we will gently slap the DOI, silly, if we have too. If I'm not afraid of osama bin laden, the DOI doesn't scare me, as a matter of fact I'm trying to fight NBC, so they can just get behind them, I'm in the mood for a fight. Thank you!!!:):):):)

MITS said...

BTW, thanks for the new thread, STEVEN

paula eagleholic said...

LOl and loving everyone's response here!

Watch out DOI!

paula eagleholic said...

Of course, the Frodo chicks gotta poop on the ledge, too!

Steve Chase said...


Nothing you have said on the blog has been inappropriate.

This is merely a lousy bureaucratic thing where a few (and I do mean just a few) unsavory employees (out of 80,000 DOI employees) have abused the internet and caused this type of blocking to occur.

I too think its stupid, but maybe they'll surprise us.

thanks for your support.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steve. You definitely deserve our support. You have been wonderful.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for your words to us here. You and NCTC has made a difference in our lives. I and others thank you all for that.

floralgirl said...

Thanks for clarifying that, Steven, we really appreciate all you have done for us eagle fanatics. Nite Paula and all other lurkers!!

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Floralgirl!

MITS said...

There are always a few bad crabs in the bushel:):)I just want to say how much I enjoy everybody's company.

wvgal_dana said...

Me also Mits....
I'm looking at falcon cam and I can't believe that little falcon can fly ... are they on the endangered list?

MITS said...

He is if he tries to fly!!

paula eagleholic said...

The Falcons in Australia have never been endangered, as they don't leave the continent and they didn't have a problem w/ DDT down there.
The ones in the U.S. were on the endangered list, they came off the list in 1999.

Here is a link to the FWS page about them:

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WE BELIEVE IN YOU, STEVEN! You know rules and regulations happen because somebody somewhere has abused the system in one way or another. Things will happen the way they are supposed to and we will just have to have acceptance of it. We have other avenues if it comes to that and it will be all good. I have faith that we will stay united wherever we go!!

I am not going to get my panties in a wad over this. It's all gravy baby!!!!!!!

Glo, well said!!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Ok now that all this is clarified. Sista Thelma i got your card today and it was so funny thanks. Hey i just saw some gazilles on the africam by the pond. I saw Fatty the other night well the top of his head out of the water.. I am so glad for now we have this, but Mits calm down no need to open a can of whoopass on anyone

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This blog has to be great entertainment sometimes for lurkers!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Paula i want to order a tee shirt but we all know i have theses big puppies and just how exactly do they run?? Is an X large really one or should i order a 2 X to be safe if it shrinks after washing?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder where falconette #3 is.

Lun Lun just can't seem to get comfortable with Buta Buta!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If I am counting correct, Buta Buta will be named on December 15. You think I should call the powers that be in China and give them my suggestion for her name?

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhh i just tuned into frodo and it made me dizzy.. 2 on the ledge i just cant watch them thats way to high up and suurounded by water...

paula eagleholic said...

If you are coming to the Open House, you can just try one on! Honestly, I washed the sample I received...hang on...Ok just tried it on...feels the same size to me, maybe just the tiniest bit of know, like after you have washed a pair of jeans, then you put them on and they feel a touch snug.

NillaWafer said...

well wouldnt that depend on what Buta Buta means in Chinese?? Even if they are words in that language.. Those kids are sleeping on that ledge good Lord...

paula eagleholic said...

Ya'll have got to check out that link I just put up for Dana...

At the very bottom of the page, from the USFWS site, is a link to the NCTC eagle cam and the Blog!

(Shhh, don't let DOI know!)

paula eagleholic said...

Did you google buta buta in chinese :)

NillaWafer said...

well Paula i want it big as i am going to wear aturtle neck and put the tee over it so i have long sleeves on.. what about the baking nothing said about that but i really would love to bake somethings as i know we can make a good bit off of bread and pies and cake?? They would sale fast honestly.. with money going to NCTC of course

paula eagleholic said...

I got approval to sell the items from the website at the Open House. I appreciate your offer, but I think we better leave it at that. I could certainly use some help at the table and I certainly wouldn't turn down anything you could bring to snack on!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, don't you owe some pies to Steve, the guard, Todd, etc?

paula eagleholic said...

If you want the Tshirt to wear over a turtleneck, I would get the 2xl. The shirts fit pretty true to size.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, if you all would have paid attention when I first named Buta Buta, you would know that my translation of what Buta Buta means was -- Land O' Lakes! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Okie Dokie..... sounds ok to me... Jo's apple pie is on my list...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I still want my FedEx'ed scrambled pie! :):):)

NillaWafer said...

yup but shhhhhhhhhhhhhh be quiet Steven might be lurkin its wasnt saying nothing about them...

MITS said...

When they were naming Tai, they (the Chinese) gave 5 names to choose from..I know I didn't vote for Tai, can't remember what the other names were, but I like the name Tai now.

MITS said...

I'm getting hungry!

MITS said...

Good Night Everyone! Talk to you all tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

yeah i remember that Sharon but does it really mean that? Oh those chinese will come up with some names so much different from what we could have... She is Buta Buta to us.. well i call her Buta Ball

paula eagleholic said...

LOL at Mits!

Are you coming to the Open House? Bringing Baltimore Berger cookies? Hmmmm?

NillaWafer said...

Niters Mits gettin day light over at the pond you will be back

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Floralgirl owes me cookies!

NillaWafer said...

i swear i was in Baltimore couple wknds ago and never saw Berger cookies.. but had some fantastic crab soup at a little market deli..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to bed now.

Just saw falconette #3.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and furs.

I had a yucky nightmare last night so I am hoping for sweet eagle dreams for myself too!

paula eagleholic said...

Apple pie sounds good, Nilla. I should make one to use up the apples off of my tree.

NillaWafer said...

All 3 kids are on the cam at the ledge lodgers nest

paula eagleholic said...

Showing 3 LARGE chicklets in aussieland

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The Land O' Lakes I was referring to was butter. You know they say that when they are born, they come out like a stick of butter. Get it! :):):) Buta Buta!

paula eagleholic said...

Night Sharon, sweet eagle dreams to you!

NillaWafer said...

Oh i baked those apple dumlins n piie last week and was the best even crust so flakey.. The raspberry pie i took down home , didnt last long..

paula eagleholic said...

I know SHaron, LOL=butter=buta buta. But I wonder how they say butter in Chinese?

paula eagleholic said...

Love raspberry pie. 3 berry pie is good too, raspberry, strawberry and blueberry I think.

NillaWafer said...

Ok Paula just go to the site and order the tee?

NillaWafer said...

well when i was little use to go up to Smithsurg n stay with an aunt she would bake me squash pies yummm yum taste like pumpkin pie... fresh pumpkin pie is so much better tha canned

MITS said...

Chinese translation is...<^&*%$>**

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so I found the chinese translater. Butter in Chinese looks like 2 little square boxes right next to each looks like Sharon is right! Buta Buta! (butter comes in a box, 2 square boxes, buta buta...get it!?)

MITS said...

Nothing going on in know me to well Sister Louise:):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Nilla, you can go ahead and do that. It will add shipping, but I will refund that for you since you will be getting it at the Open House.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good answer Paula. Thanks for backing up my BS!!!! :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Back to 2 chicks down under.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my would have been so great to make like a nice basket with a loaf of bread and a homemade cake with some jellies good Butter and a like bottle of juice of some kind and raffle it off... like for a dollar a ticket man we would have made akillin !!!!! LOL this is the mind of a woman who was past president of a woman aux and had to come up with ways of making money at

paula eagleholic said...

LOL at Sharon! You are as bad as Mits! Or are you the original?

OK, folks, got to hit the hay. I will not be checking back in (Well maybe just for a minute or two!)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My Africam just quit working.

I think there are 2 falconettes lying side by side at the corner.

Okay, really going to bed now! Good night all!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits definitely taught me, Paula!

NillaWafer said...

Paula i am ordering should i check yes to thsi is my shippig adress? or what?

MITS said...

Why thank you my dear!!! Mits is really in bed, this is her evil shadow...Nits:):)

NillaWafer said...

Ok it went through payment to Eagletmomsters.. for $23.25

NillaWafer said...

I have paypal account by havent used it for along time as i made it when i lived in Florida to transfer money around from account down there to up here..

wvgal_dana said...

pumpkin and squash pie taste alot alike

Paula are you going to bring any merchandise to put on a table at NCTC?

NillaWafer said...

Ewwww aint Nits those little head lice eggs??? Oh i remember my kids got them 1 time in school God i went nuts cleaning and washing clothes n hair back then with kerosene..

NillaWafer said...

Hey Dana you still up?? Feelin ok? I have been haven the worst time gettin to sleep lately .. But havent has a nose bleed at all today..

NillaWafer said...

Ok Paula got my e-mail saying its paid for and conformation number..

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla what did ya buy?

NillaWafer said...

The Tee shirt got a 2 x because of wearing a heavier sirt under it and not squishin my

NillaWafer said...

Mits baboons on africam

wvgal_dana said...

Oh NO not them bamboons not going there that show is not rated G

NillaWafer said...

lol its mother nature at its Mostly showing the guinnie birds man alot of them..

NillaWafer said...

Man look at them boy oh boy Ole Fatty could get ameal with all those in the water

wvgal_dana said...

I just checked on the falcons one of the chicks is on the ledge

NillaWafer said...

yeah they have been doin that i did have them on but makes me to nerves

NillaWafer said...

Ut Oh here comes to Wildabeast running

wvgal_dana said...

Well you got # 100

NillaWafer said...

wow 300 350 on last blog and 100 on thsi one i can hardly contain myself.. Those beautiful birds setting on that thorn bush

movin said...

I hope Steven can straighten things out...

I am watching the younguns in Brisbane and it looks like 'take off' could be any time for all three.

At least two have been perched on the wall looking longingly into space below them, and I'm sure all three are making short flights on the ledge...appearing and disappearing suddenly within the 10 second refresh period.

The one that has lost all the white fluff and looks exactly like Frieda might have taken off as I's that close.

Have a great Tuesday,

NillaWafer said...

Hi Ya Jim yes we know makes me really nerves to watch them.. Africam has some beautiful birds setting on thorn bushes.. But the sound keeps going in and out.. Well i need to scoot over to my space and work on my web page its so pretty i got have it decorated and music... Take care Jim

movin said...

Good night, Nilla, don't forget to get your rest...

The two most active eyasses have disappeared from the pic for quite a while...???...and the still white fluff patched one is flapping his wings and I saw him make a short flight on camera...


1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...