Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday October 20

Friday thread


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wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the New Thread. Hope you have a Good Day.

Mauley said...

God Bless You today Steven. Thanks for new thread. Hello dana. You got wax.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody in Eagleland!!

floralgirl said...

Thank you Steven!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland!

glo said...

Good morning all. Thanks for new thread ,.SteveDonna You won't be too far from me in Milwaukee. have a wonderful trip too. I'll be sitting here holding downt he BLOG

wvgal_dana said...

Yep got that wax lol guess I'll give it to Vicky when I see her Sat. at NCTC. For her and Paula's trip in the spring.

Anonymous said...

Ostrich (emu?) at Pete's Pond.

Anonymous said...

Hello to friends of feathers and fur. It's a rainy, foggy day here in Pa. Hope the weather at the NCTC Open House will be perfect. It would be just wonderful if you had an eagle sighting! Have a nice day & God Bless. Oh, Mauley, I will keep you in prayer as you travel. I would ask that you keep my daughter & son-in-law in prayer as well as they travel to New England to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. Well, off to work for me. Rene

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Missed the eagle..eeewwwie at BW

Mauley said...

I am watching warthog. Isn't he something. Rene so glad you joined us. Glo, wish we could meet. I am praying for Lou and for Rene's children for traveling mercies as well as our Eagle Travelers to NCTC. God Bless you all in the name of Jesus. I do so love that pink kitty.

Mauley said...
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MITS said...


MITS said...

They are really busy!!

MITS said...

All gone at KENT, they will be back.

MITS said...

Eagle back at Kent. Blog driving me crazy.

MITS said...

Having troubles with the blog???

MITS said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yep, having troubles.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is tomorrow, Doreen.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Gremlins have taken over the blog!

MITS said...

Hey NORMABYRD we were wondering where you were??? Hope you feel better soon. I can't make it tomorrow either. Straightening up condo today and heading back to Bethesda tomorrow.

MITS said...

:):):)Sorry about that was meant for the blog. Your welcome DOREEN They were really active this morning.

Mema Jo said...

It was like 'cutting teeth' trying to get in here today. Hello All
I stayed up too late on the African cams..saw so many different animals- young baby giraffes were the best. Pete's pond is really great - just wish the camera would stay focused-sometimes I feel like my eyes are going bad!
Prayers are with so many of you travelers!
Thanks for the eagle pics Mits & Sharon We need an album for Kent Is. over on Momsters. I sure hope I see Liberty & Belle doing the same thing tomorrow!!
Norma I am so glad you are back on here. I missed you.
Doreen Hissy fits aren't allowed here! HaHa!

Mema Jo said...

F&F cam is down
1 Panda (DC)CAM down & other one is just landscape view - Has anyone seen Mei or Tai today?
Had the Polar Bear cam come up & really big white head raised up & looked me right in the eye!!!
Getting dark in Africa.
No eagles anywhere...

Should get up off my butt and do some things around here... Guess I'll walk out & get the mail...

MITS said...

Jo, can you please send me the polar bear link by e-mail..thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Africam is currently offline due to severe thunderstorm! Wish we could watch it!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Doreen - Eagle all settled in!

ButaBall was holding her head up!!

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles in nest at Kent

Mema Jo said...

I didn't even notice that one! Guess I'll donate to a worthy cause......

Blog is kicking me over to the 'try again' page...........
This is the 3rd try to get this posted.......

MITS said...

Still trying to post, going nowhere.

MITS said...

Eagle all gone at KENT, but I did see it Doreen.

MITS said...

Sleeping polar bear just woke up and is taking a walk.

Mauley said...

I, too, want polar bear link if I may. thanks donna

Mauley said...

Blog is behaving now. I have had a difficult time getting in. Mits must have taken care of it. Nice little blog, sweet little blog, let mauley in again.

MITS said...

Then Lou is going to Danville, Virginia, right, Doreen.

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MITS said...

Before it would not post, now its posting twice. AAARRRGGGG!!!

Mema Jo said...

Doreen - Raleigh-Durham Airport,North Carolina, is only an hour and a half from Danville VA Does that city in VA sound familiar as to where Lou is going?

Mema Jo said...

Pete's Pond I have opened the tab above the cam for animal gallery. Helps me to identify what I am seeing. Very interesting - now I know that I saw a Kori Bustard this morning or was that last night???

MITS said...

Trying Norma, its not listening to me. Pretty sure Danville is her final destination, I was looking how far she would be from DC (51/2 hours) just in case she and hubby had some free time and could go to visit Tai Shan.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lou is definitely going to Danville, Virginia. I remember very well! :):):)

glo said...

Well To all of you traveling , packing or whatever you are doing in regards to tomorrows excitement I wish you all a ownderful day, full of memories similar to those we already share ont this BLOG. I will be anxiously awaiting a phone call to BLOG in real time what when why how or whatever else you want to shar with those of us who can only be their in spirit tomorrow and want to know what is going on. very involved with another project I started ealry this morning, now running out for a couple of errands. will BLOG some later if BLOG is behaving.

Noe if BLOG is BAD tomorrow I will still type out (LOL) everything they have to say to share and i will get it to the BLOG as best I can whenever i can. (((Hugs))) great memories and very safe travel wishes and prayer for all.

MITS said...

OK!! trying this again, yes, Jo the animal gallery is very informative.

Mema Jo said...

I think I see Tai eating bamboo on Cam 2 DC and also on Animal Planet cam.

Mema Jo said...

I see one of the Brisbane falcons.
MT nest every site I hit.
Look at the view on Atlanta Panda cam

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I still want to snuggle with Buta. She is just so precious!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, I am still working but I think we hung it up last time so it will not need ironed this week. They are probably going to wear their rain uniform for the game tonight so they will have a nice clean uniform for the competition tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 60° at the competition. It is supposed to get down to 20 tonight though so we will freeze our patooties off for the game!

MITS said...

I briefly got a glimpse of Tai and Mei. Those cams are all over the place today.

Mema Jo said...

Talked with granddaughter up above Syracuse NY - it was rainy earlier with thunder - NOW there are very large white flakes of snow and the ground is covered!!! Brrrrrrrrrrr......
Her 10 month old English Bulldog didn't seem to like her first encounter with it. Her 4 yr old daughter LOVES it.

MITS said...

It was 77° here about an hour ago, wind has really picked up, went outside to check on my bungeed furniture, wind is a whipping.

Mema Jo said...

Cam 2 DC : Tai is starting to walk like his mother.... At least I think it is Tai.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now the nervousness starts waiting for it to come back. Remember those days everybody?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The other is looking interested at this moment!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta is becoming quite the handful these days!

MITS said...

Tai was just rolling around on the ground scratching his face, hope he did not have another encounter with a bee.

MITS said...

Now that is too cute Mei is snuggling with Tai

MITS said...

Have a nice weekend, DOREEN.

MITS said...

Darn, Sharon, thought that tree on the Jefferson cam would keep its leaves for awhile..Doreen was right they are all gone.

wvgal_dana said...

Just came back from a ride north of where we live. Went up to Greencastle, Pa. the trees along the way where beautiful.
Seen 5 turkeys land in a field.
No eagles of course.

wvgal_dana said...

OK so you blog now and then get a page that takes you out. As if your comment didn't print??? weirded
I backed up and it told me who I am currently posting as...ok I can understand that. I do get "senior moments" a lot lol. Nice to know who I am. Happy Happy I don't have to remember myself lol

glo said...

Well Not at all much time for Blogging today, but sounds like the BLOG has been misbehaving anywayLOL. I think my project for the day has gone extremely well MTBR

glo said...

from the pictures Mits and Sharon sent, looks like the Kent nest had a few sticky situations today/

Thanks for sending those along I loved them

MITS said...

Yep, Glo, they were active again this a.m., but, nothing this afternoon.

wvgal_dana said...

Early this morning at Pete's Pond there was a lot of elephant's. I loved it when the babies layed down in the water; rolling back and forth. Then as the elephants left they stopped at a place where the reddish sand is loose. Through it all over their wet backs..."sunblock". lol

bbl going to play a game :)

MITS said...

Did you see where one of the chicks fledged before sunrise early Saturday morning?

glo said...

Yes I read that I think 1 or 2 have fledged now. I didn't watch them the last week or so. They grew up way too fast for me, and I don't like worrying and waiting for them to come back LOL. Didn't let my self get overly attached there...but they were gorgeous and I did enjoy watching them. Still got my own overly attached problems to deal with right here LOL. I sure hope they all do just fine. i still remember so well the video of that Mother in the wind with that egg that she went and rolled back to the others. Awesome!!!

MITS said...

Yep. that was awesome, and now in such a short time they are all grown up.

glo said...

and little Buta Buta is still totally dependent on her Mama for all her care...nature is so amazing

MITS said...

Tai is down his little cubby hole and Mei is sleeping on her rocks, must have had a busy panda day.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits Hi Glo

Hope all the good ones can get in blue...was Suzanne in blue?

Bird Girl said...

steve I see you have set the comments not to allow Anonymous postings -- thank you!!!

sandra Emus are in Australia, as are rheas. Ostriches are in Africa :-)

Norma I think I posted some time back about the nictitating membrane (3rd eyelid), but can't remember when... All birds of prey have them, actually most animals do. Humans, too -- except ours is "vestigial" which means we only have the remnants of it; it's that tiny blob of membrane in the inner corner of the eye.

lou Here's hoping you have (had) a safe flight here and back, and have a great time visiting with Hubby!

Open House attendees I hope everyone arrives safe and sound, and please take lots of photos to post on the site! Paula, don't forget to have a few chocolate-chip cookies for me! Have a great time, everyone!

bad blog. bad blog!! I, too, could not get in today, this is the first time, so I hope I don't have problems tonight.

cams Africam appears to still be down. There have been some really interesting animals at Pete's Pond, I really enjoy watching them. I just wish the camera jockey would learn to focus! I was able to catch a lovely African sunset, the person running the camera deliberately panned over for the shot. I frapped it but in stills I think.

Gotta do some stuff around here before Hubby comes home, so I'll take off. Hello to Jim and anyone else who stops by tonight. I'll try to check in later....

Bird Girl

p.s. Botswana is the country directly north of South Africa. I'll post a political map of Africa for reference :-) -- BG

belle_wv said...

Hi all - I am trying to catch up on blogs - phew lots of reading to go through - so glad it is there for me though, I have missed so much. I only have been able to read the blogs of the last couple days, now finally on the 'today' blog... looking forward to tomorrow - won't be there until after noon though - have to drop daughter off at school at 11. I'm so excited!!! Oh I said that already.... but well I am!

wvgal_dana said...

Belle what time you getting there tomorrow?

Mema Jo said...

Belle See you some time in the afternoon. Come on into the Commons and look for our table......

wvgal_dana said...

Belle I think cafeteria is open from 12 or 12:30 till I think only 2:30

wvgal_dana said...

Deal or No Deal is on 4 even though my tv guide said it is not

belle_wv said...

I will probably get there around lunch time - going to try to go the 'back' way which I've never done, but know that one road comes out near NCTC that I have gotten on from the other side of Spring Mills - so hopefully can figure it out - don't want to try to travel through shepherdstown if it is Homecoming - imagine traffic will be a mess?

wvgal_dana said...

Wo that is a longgggggg way down Nilla from that ledge on the falcon site. They are still little. Hope they have a built-in parachute.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all. Just checking in, still have lots to do for tomorrow. No TV here tonight unless it's right before I go to bed!

Mits, sorry you are going to miss the Open House!

Bonus about Open House: no ticks!

Bird Girl: I'll eat cookies.

Norma, glad to see you on here today. Wish you could make it tomorrow, too.

Nilla , hope you are feeling well enough to attend.

Steven, thanks for getting rid of anon. Hopefully everyone can learn to set up a blogger account, it really isn't hard!

BBL, hopefully!

belle_wv said...

Norma, sorry to hear you've been ill -hope it isn't anything too serious and that a little R&R will have your right as rain. Speaking of rain - how exciting to hear there was snow in Syracuse - hope you got pics of the lil ones (great-granddaughter and the not so enthusiastic pooch)
What is the Jefferson tree? So many cams you all have found and I have so little time - jealous I am!

belle_wv said...

What trouble with anon? That is such a shame that people can't be civil and courteous without being 'forced' into it by an identity. Anonymity is one of the biggest double-edged swords out there, I guess, on many levels. Glad my Momma raised me right, so I don't need to be 'forced' to be good :)

belle_wv said...

Dana, glad you are coming tomorrow, and Paula - goodies for me you'll have - whoo hoooo bonus - getting to see 'the tree' and goodies along with seeing all of you that are there still when I get there and hopefully seeing more of the beautiful NCTC campus and all the activities - I wish I cuold get there earlier because it sounds like there's so much to do that I won't possibly be able to do it all...

wvgal_dana said...

I don't know what time things are going on in Shepherdstown tomorrow but Sheperdstown University is having Home Coming.
We are traveling through Bedington the back roads to get to NCTC.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo have you been into the new place where Paula is putting the pictures? Don't want to say where..

Mema Jo said...

I am coming right across that river bridge & turning right onto Shepherd Grade ! Look out - here I come ! I may just turn left at the 4-way stop & go to the tree!!!

Mema Jo said...

Jefferson tree
This is the cam on the square corner where we wye Sharon coming home ...

belle_wv said...

Beddington - thats it - couldn't think of the name.... thanks!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Dana, I have. I think it is ok to say where it is..
This is what you could find tomorrow for sale on the table in the commons

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the link Jo - that is the town where Sharon lives? Kewl

wvgal_dana said...

Jo you got mail

NillaWafer said...

Evening everyone,busy day for me today havent been on but see ya'll have been busy. I am so hoping i am feeling ok, to attend tomarrow. last night went home and baked a homemade cake. need to bake Jo's apple pie tonight when i get home, of course i am sure she will share it with us (fat chance huh Jo its going home with you lol)

Mema Jo said...

Vicky & hubby on the road to WV...
Lou out of the air in VA...
Mauley & hubby getting ready to head out of state...
Rene's daughter & hubby traveling to beautiful New England for special reasons...
For all Momsters not able to travel: We promise to keep in touch tomorrow!

Bird Girl said...

The "fireflies" at Pete's Pond The majority of the fast, blurry, light flying things are bugs -- the light reflects off the wings of moths and other night insects. Nightjars are not bugs, though.

Nightjars (also called nighthawks) are members of the same group as poorwills. They are flycatchers, meaning they catch bugs as they fly, thanks to a VERY large, wide mouth, and specilized feathers around the mouth that are very similar to cat's whiskers, which help scoop insects into the mouth.

They are about the size of a baseball. We have nightjars and poorwills here in Arizona (they're all over the world), and they are a species that, in my experience, is a bit more difficult for us to rehabilitate, mostly because of their feeding methods. Also, these birds go into "torpor", which is basically a semi-hibernation, and when in this state, they do not wake up easily, so they can seem lethargic and ill when in reality they are just fine.

The coloration of these birds is absolutely amazing: they look so much like the bark, rocks, dirt, sand, etc. in their environment that you could be sitting next to it, looking right at it, and not see it!

I hope you enjoyed this little lesson on nightjars! There will be a pop quiz next week. Just kidding!!

Bird Girl

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Jo for the travelers update.
Thank you Birdgirl for info on the what I called "fireflies" hee hee

Mema Jo said...

Dana, I am assuming that you know Glo's Site on CafePress. Let me know if you don't!

floralgirl said...

OH, this blog is being nasty to me- wouldn't let me in earlier. Well, I just took the last sheet of cookies out of the oven. Mmmm... Oops, hubby just ate three!! Better hide some quickly!! HA HA

belle_wv said...

Coookieees????? did someone say coookies????? yummmmm yummmmmmmm me love cookies!!!!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo Glo? What does that have to do with the email I sent you? We got things crossed here lol.
I am speaking of the pictures put on Momsters and then WHERE THEY MOVED THEM TOO?? That is what I need to know and I wrote it in the email I sent you just awhile ago.
Paula had sent it to us.

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping to see a pic on Pete's pond of the NightJars... It isn't there. Guess I will need to google it.

In 2 hours daylight will be in Africa - SAME TIME I NEED TO GO TO BED.....

glo said...

Norma You are such a hoot LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Norma that is why your not feeling good "eating paper" well didn't anyone tell you that will make you sick....

floralgirl said...

OH, Norma wish we would see you tomorrow!! Got Jo's email, just haven't had a chance to open it yet. First chance I've had to get to computer. Had to wrestle it away from daughter. Hello, Belle, nice to here from you. In the past, most of the programs have run twice during the day, so hopefully you'll get to see something you are interested in. When you get to the main entry building, if you go inside they will give you a schedule. Hoping to look up and see those beautiful eagles during the day.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo ty got in.

Was looking for pics that Suzanne and Paula took at their trip to Blackwater. hum not there either...guess they are not posted yet.

floralgirl said...

Norma, recently I have had problems with someone using my email adress to send SPAM( not the product that comes in the square can.). I even received SPAM in my inbox from myself.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo those elephants this morning where really a hoot (got that from someone we know that just used it).
The babies rolling around in the water.

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl I get scared when I hear stuff like that. ):

floralgirl said...

You and me both, Dana. Has happened too many times in the past 6 months or so. Looking to switch my provider, wish I could get DSL. SIGH... Some of the SPam has nasty subject lines and I would be apalled(sp.?)(where is that proofreader?) if someone I knew got it and thought it was from me.

wvgal_dana said...

Can you believe it is suppose to get 39 degrees darn can't get the degree mark to show.

floralgirl said...

OH MY GOSH< Norma ,that is so cool!!! They are beautiful.

Mema Jo said...

FloralGirl: Sounds like you need a program to get rid of the SPAM..

Dana: I think Paula has been busy getting ready for the open house - Not sure just when the pics from BW were available.

glo said...

,.Norma You have mail AND among others I am so glad your name is in blue

We do have a couple I can think of right off the bat that I'm hoping will figure it out or ask for help to get that taken care of so they will bLOG with us. I am here all weekend and I can help you.

Send an email to

saying help me into the BLOG and introduce yourself a little you know. I am so and so and have been posting as .... so i know kind of who it is I'm helping.

We want our NEW people we just don't want to play games with people who just want to mess with us. We have a lot of fun but we take respect and consideration for "our Blog and Bloggers" seriously

Mema Jo said...

I think that it is time for me to get ready & go to bed...

Good Night All
and Sweet Dreams

Hi Jim Be talking to you tomorrow.. How about those Falcons ??
Your pics were great.

floralgirl said...

I don't know, Jo, I have a firewall on my computer and good protection. Not really sure how they do it, my internet provider has been little help, have heard of others having the same problem.

floralgirl said...

Goodnite, Jo. See you tomorrow!

wvgal_dana said...

Niters Jo AOYP=Angels On Your Pillow with sweet Eagle Dreams

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl so you have dial-up

MITS said...

NORMABYRD Those hummers were spectacular.

wvgal_dana said...

If so will you be able to get the live feed when Liberty and Belle start back up?

floralgirl said...

Yep, Dana, can't find a DSL provider where I am, no service yet. It's sloow, but betetr than nothing. As long as they keep the 30 second cam at NCTC we'll be OKAY. Many of the other cams we can't watch.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow sorry Floralgirl we'll try again this year to type what is going on with the eaglets. When they get older and start moving around in the nest. Oh my I'm getting excited talking about it.

floralgirl said...

Don't worry, glad to have the 30 sec. cam, everyone's comments keep me up to date if I miss something.

belle_wv said...

Floralgal - have you tried Breezelink?
they do a wireless internet connection - if you live in line of sight of north mountain you can get it - it is really nice interent service... oh by the way - I'm back from the football game with my gal - Eagles lost big time to the big bad jefferson bullies

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Belle that Eagles lost.

floralgirl said...

Nope, Belle, I'm not in their availability range. Thanks, though.

wvgal_dana said...

Is that Frontier Internet thing offered around here?

floralgirl said...

Looks like frontier is not in my area, and it is pricy.

belle_wv said...

bummer floral - I can't imagine dial up anymore I was lucky to get 14.4 speed so gave up on it as soon as we could - no cable out this way or dsl either - so were just lucky to have a house high enough on the hill to get the breezelink to work

belle_wv said...

bedtime here - hope to see you tomorrow at the big shindig!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening again, all.

Got the car all packed, ready for tomorrow!

I just haven't had the time to load the Blackwater pics, Hopefully I'll get it done on Sunday!

paula eagleholic said...

Don't forget to check out

for beautiful eagle merchandise made w/ photos from Todd Harless

All proceeds benefit the NCTC Eagle Cam !

floralgirl said...

Hi, Paula. See you tomorrow. I'm out of here for tonite, nite all.

paula eagleholic said...

You can't get Verizon DSL?

paula eagleholic said...

See ya tomorrow!

glo said...

Safe Jourenys and Fun Memories for all.

Good Night

floralgirl said...

No, Paula, verizon is not available here. got to get some sleep. Nite all.

paula eagleholic said...

Night Glo and Floral

MITS said...

I hope everyone has a good time tomorrow, will be traveling back to Bethesda, since hubby isn't coming to the beach this weekend, doubt if I will go to the meeting by myself, don't even know what time it will be. Most of the car is packed and ready to go. Yes, Norma, I come all year and will probably be back week after next, love doing my Christmas shopping down here.

MITS said...

Wave-Lit Africam is still down, nothing going on at pete's pond last time I checked.

MITS said...

One little chick is laying in the corner, looks like he is peeking out over the city.

MITS said...

Going to say, GOOD NIGHT ALL real fast before I get kicked off the blog again. Good day to everyone tomorrow whatever you are doing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


For senior night, I had to pin a corsage on Andrew and he gave me a long stem rose. I cried of course. It was beautiful. Going to bed now. Have to be on the bus at the school at 8 a.m. I hope everybody has a glorious travel day tomorrow or a glorious day whatever you are doing. I am supposed to be back around 11:30 tomorrow night. (((((HUGS TO ALL))))

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you got wax!! Congrats!

movin said...

Good morning, All...
Have a great time at the open house today, make sure to photograph any eagles seen and tell us about it.

Two of the Brisbane eyasses have fledged and the third has his toenails poised over the edge of the wall for the first flight.

I would appreciate a copy of any pics you might have of the fledging Friday morning (Sat. in AU).

I posted a couple more of the recent shots from that site tonight.

Enjoy the best of weekends, All....


wvgal_dana said...

The start of a day in the life of a gal heading to NCTC today:

I can't sleep !! lol I up since 6am. Made my bed. Layed out my curling iron, and clothes

One would think I am excited or something lol

Ok no one here this hour. If I'm up why isn't everyone else lol...

Paula probably been on the road or is up too, I imiagine.
I know there is someone else going to NCTC today that can't sleep...Suzanne it has to be you cause you get up early for workdays. That is a set pattern; you just can't blog from home. GET THAT PC OPERATING GAL lol

Checking out what cams I can for now. Steven will probably give us a New Thread for today.

wvgal_dana said...

Buta Buta is all by herself; well really she isn't since I'm snuggling with her. She has gained another pound and grew another inch. She is so precious.

Strange everything is dark in the cams lol

Africa is up and animals running and drinking. Bird sits in Pete's Pond wonder why "fatty" doesn't have lunch out of him.

Ok I had to put Buta Buta down Lun Lun came back. I think she smells me on Buta. hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Just staying to get daylight in some of the cams like BW...squinting my eyes oh my the light...thought I would be use to it after being in Africa. :)

wvgal_dana said...

Warthog is sitting in the water at other African cam not Pete's pond...

wvgal_dana said...

BW empty at moment

CT is dry nest looks better no dead fish

wvgal_dana said...

All the guy at Africam is focused on is the warthog it is now laying down in the water..

At least at Pete's pond they do move around...sometimes I'd like to have the control lol

wvgal_dana said...

Information you never probably wanted to know:
More than 4,400 mousetraps have been patented in America in the past hundred years. Every year, about 400 inventive types apply for a patent with what they believe to be a better mousetrap. But 90% of the applications are rejected, either because the designs resemble existing traps, or because they just don't work. The most successful mousetrap in the world, the snap-trap, was invented over 100 years ago, and it's still the most popular way to get rid of mice. Maybe you knew that, but what else do you know?

wvgal_dana said...

One other thing you probably didn't think you wanted to know:
The first computer mouse was patented by Douglas Engelbart in 1970
It was only after 1984, when the Apple Macintosh came on the market with its mouse.
Won't you be glad when I'm leaving for the Open House at NCTC lol

wvgal_dana said...

Redwing black bird to start off the day at BW

Buta Buta all alone like me :)

wvgal_dana said...

Still just me, I can't believe this wide eyes here now. Tireness will hit me after I'm there.

BW still no eagles

STeven I am so excited :)

wvgal_dana said...

Mei and Tai are out. Tai is up a tree, leaves are off some so you can see him very well. Stink bug :)

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Off to coffee and Dog Treats. i will be gabbing to some of you if Vicky doesn't get stuck in that traffic really bad today and does in fact make it to open House. get her a Police Escort Please!!! Ok

Everyone have a good day...Open House is so exciting for several of you. Others will be reading about yur adventures later today and tomorrow.

i am so looking forward to a fun phone call too.

Dana you have mail

wvgal_dana said...

Bye Eagleland for now I'll be hoping to see Liberty and Belle flying in the skies over NCTC. I'll tell the hello for all of you that couldn't come :)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning I am about to start my journey - waiting for daughter to arrive. I will be in touch here as soon as I can & I will remind Vicky that she is to call you, Glo.

Everyone make it a great day.
Congrats BEAVERS

Hi Mits!!! Safe trip home.

glo said...

Dana you have more mail with your info you wanted in it. Hope you haven't left for Open House yet LOL.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

My wavelit still says media in active. There was a seagull at CT. Everything else seems quiet.

glo said...

OK For those of us who aren't at Open House or even on our way, I made a fun little stop for you to visit today and enjoy "Our" eagles too. I hope you will go see what's happening right here.


Just cut and paste the whole link into your browser or email me

and I will send it to you.

I think you will love what you see.

MITS said...

Thanks, Glo, can you e-mail it to me.

MITS said...

MT nests except in CT...seagull. Misty out in Kent. Clear at BW and Maine...doing laundry before I leave..its cool to day, but soo beautiful here at the beach..but, I guess I got to go home.

MITS said...

Seagull gone.

MITS said...

Hope, STEVEN doesn't forget a new thread for today, sure things will be hopping tonight after the open-house.

glo said...

OK Mits You have mail

MITS said...

Good morning NORMABYRD How are you feeling? BOOYAH, GLO, THAT WAS AWESOME!

glo said...

Mits Thanks for going by to see it. Glad you liked it. I had a wonderful time making it actually. Yesterdays project...well part of it LOL.

Are you going to see Maggie this weekend. Oh I so would love to hold anybody's grandchild aobut now, if NOT Elia, then i would hold Maggie LOL Hug her for me!!!

glo said...

Rene So glad you are in blue...couldn't remember and of course never even thought of going to check. I too am looking forward to my strange(r)LOL phone call. it will be the first time I have talked to any of them. bet they all sound funny ((((((kidding)))) I surely do hope there is an Eagle Report included too.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING RENE!!! I'm heading back to Bethesda, Maryland. Have been here at Ocean City, Maryland for the last 4 that time went fast! NORMA AND GLO I will be seeing Maggie tomorrow, she is doing fine, has a little cold. Don't know what the costume is yet, last time I heard she might be a pea in a pod??? LOL!!! she has no hair, looks like a cabbage patch doll!

glo said...

Mitsaaawww sounds so sweet. That would be perfectly cute too. Well enjoy your visit with her.

MITS said...

Really foggy out in KENT.

MITS said...

Sounds like a big crowd at the zoo today.

MITS said...

Tai has his back to the cam and Mei is sitting in front of him...he looks soooo big from the back.

MITS said...

Glo, Norma, you have mail.

MITS said...

Glo, if you talk to anyone..tell them to tell Steven to please put up a new thread...sure there will be lots of talking tonight. Tell him Mits said pretty please!!!

glo said...

OK Mits I'll try to remember to tell them that

glo said...

LOL Yes I am sure it is a ownderfully fun time with Lots of home baked cookies too LOL

glo said...

sorry Norma I don't know LOL

glo said...

and of course you know if they are trying to get a Group photo and manage to get Todd into the picture...they will never get anyone to look at the camera. LOL.

glo said...

Then there is the discussion aobut WHO gets to stand next to Todd. could take several photos to make everyone happy with that one.

Of course they are going to watch for the Eagles

MITS said...

Norma...hold down alt then punch 248 and let go 100°..put temp in first than follow instructions.

MITS said...

It is 61° at the ocean now. Just saw a bunch of dolphins heading south. Shutting down now to pack car and leave, TTUL!

glo said...

Hi Doreen Thanks for stopping by. Also good to hear Chrissy is going to be in soon too. I am sure she is very happy. I don't think I have Blogged with her at all before. Will look forward to it.

Safe Trip Mits

glo said...

Rene No news yet. hard telling when a whole group of us gets together what is going on LOL

glo said...

Ok Just got off the phone with Vicky Sounds like the turn out has been excellent. She said traffic held her up from getting there in time to help and she also missed Mema Jo, But Paula and Suzanne were working at the table while we talked. she had to go outside to get any reception on her phone. She has NOT seen a cookie so someone did some pretty good eating before she got there LOL. AND as we talked she said "there's Liberty" or maybe its Belle anyway she had seen one of them while we were on the phone. I tried to stick in a Please ask Steve for a new thread for tonight but some how the conversation quickly changed to how hard it would be to get a group picture with Todd and get anyone to look at the camera LOL. OK well its a great day at open house and everyone seems to be doing very well.

Mema Jo said...

I left NCTC around 3:30 after Suzanne & I went to the tree. Suzanne said as she was coming in this am she saw one of the adults but there was no action at the tree. I will get my camera downloaded - Pics of Todd & Steve with some of the group as soon as I return from church. Very good day - Don't know how I missed Vicky -

glo said...

Mema Jo Did you eat all the cookies LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Warning! Long and detailed Post!

OK, so where do I begin? For beginners, I met Steve Chase and his wife. He stopped by the table several times. What a nice guy. He had lunch w/ Jo and Dana while Suz and I manned the table.

The good news is they have a second cam at the tree for next season. The bad news is no sound this year, because Liberty and Belle are already there fixing the nest back up, and they didn't get it installed in time. They do not want to disturb them during nest building time.

It was a gorgeous day for the Open House. I worked the table most of the day, but did manage to get out and see the lady w/ the raptors a couple of times.

She had an owl, a Harris Hawk, an African Red Tail Hawk, and some sort of African crow. She was just amazing w/ those birds and very knowlegdable. I got to see her feed the red tail hawk. Very cool, not for the weak stomach!

Todd also stopped by a couple of times. Vicky and her husband and Dana and her husband stood and chatted for a good while at the end of the day w/ Todd and Randy (who was responsbile for getting the live feed installed). Randy gave us a DVD of the eagle nest, I haven't watched it yet.

Also, the momsters who helped out at the table were treated to a free lunch, compliments of NCTC. Thank you Steven.

Jo presented Steven w/ a Liberty and Belle statue with an engraved plaque to commemorate the season. I presented Todd with a framed print of his "Fish in the talons" photo. I didn't have my camera, but Jo and Suzanne both took pictures, which I am sure will be posted soon!

Vicky arrived late due to traffic in (I can't remember where), and wasn't able to man the table, but graciously volunteered her husband to help carry boxes outside and into the car. Thank you to Dana's husband for helping with the boxes at the end of the day, also. Thank you Megan for the bag of cookies! And thanks Todd for running Dana's husband back to his car after the shuttles stopped.

A special thank you to Suzanne, Jo, and Dana who helped sell items today. I haven't had a chance to tally it up yet, but sales were great.

I'll tell you, all those folks at NCTC are just awesome. I met so many of them today. They are all so helpful and nice. Can you believe they were thanking us? Us cam watchers and bloggers for our interest. Unbelievable.

I thanked them, as I am sure all of you do, for the opportunity to be a part of all of this.

paula eagleholic said...

I am off to feed the dogs and get some dinner and put my tired legs up for a few minutes, it's been a long and wonderful day. BBL!

belle_wv said...

Had a great time - NCTC is GORGEOUS!!!! No wonder Liberty and Belle live there! Steve and his wife are lovely people. I didn't get to see Todd this trip, though. My son and I wondered around enjoying the sights and activities.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...