Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday 6 Oct

Evening thread. Here in Moose, Wyoming. Pouring rain.


MITS said...

God Bless you, STEVEN. The dial-up girls were really having a hard time. Hope you are having a great time in Wyoming.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the NEW THREAD. Take Care in your Travels.

Hi Mits I kept hitting refresh till someone got the message and came over here.

hee hee

glo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve Sorry you are sick floralgirl
Umm vicky hmmm well maybe I am just celevrating being done with the Garage sale...we did all go out for lunch today. AND I just finished packing what is left int he Garage into boxes, so it will be on a truck in aobut 10 minutes in the morning and my car back in the garage.

Time to fix some supper here.

glo said...

Oh Yeah thanks for the Heads up Dana Glad someone was checking and saw it...yes for the dial up we certainly did need it.

MITS said...

DANA The Afican clock is right below the cam picture, it is almost 1:30a.m. there. 6 hours ahead of us.

glo said...

Yep so we can realy enjoy them from midnight til about noon LOL

MITS said...

Well, I am really striking out here, didn't think we would get a new one. Didn't think the chicks cam would be moved on a Saturday, it was. Keeping my mounth shut!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon Queen of Spelling is not here to catch you Mits lol but she'll be reading this hee hee

glo said...

Well we can't say Steve never thinks aobut us when he's off. He is actually very good to us!!!

MITS said...

3 eyasses in a row...going to watch Ghost Whispers.

wvgal_dana said...

Deal or No Deal

Then Close to Home

wvgal_dana said...

Mits I just can't get into Ghost Whispers I tried

glo said...

Yep its Deal or no Deal here...while I enjoy my UPS delivery finally!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Oh great Glo you got your delivery way to go gal

wvgal_dana said...

Did you all read this about Buta Buta?? One month is honored by feastivals in China. They wrote more if you want to go read the rest.
Today is the cub’s one month birthday! We did the second health check on her today. She is growing fast and is in excellent health. She weighs 1323.8 g (46.7 oz or 2.9 lbs) and measures 38.8 cm (15.2 in) from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail. She has gained 652 g (23 oz) since she was last weighed at 19 days of age. That means she has nearly doubled in weight and has grown 7.8 cm (around 3 inches).
Our little Chubby hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

All alone am I. Watcing tv and blogging to myself hello myself

wvgal_dana said...


glo said...

Did you know that you can play Deal or no Deal online LOL

glo said...

OK Now I'm sick I played 5 times and time number 5 I had the suitcase with 1,000,000 and I sold it for $143,000 lOL...Its a little easier to deal with when you actually don't win or lose nothing but man I can't believe I actually managed to choose the Million Dollar suitcase that quickly...LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Guess who I just talked too???? :)

glo said...


glo said...

How did I do ?

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I will tell you all

I had made a call to a "special person we all know"....left a message and they called me back 10:07pm EST

Suzanne and Paula had just made it to their hotel. Said to tell everyone " hi "

wvgal_dana said...

They had gotten involved in a BIG back up on Bay Bridge

glo said...

Well Good I am glad they are there safely. So now is it just the 2 of them for this day at blackwater...I hope they have great weather!!!

glo said...

Oh that would be 1/4 can of wax for the IL gals LOL

glo said...

Got to let my dogs out... I will be back in a few for a few!

MITS said...

Yep, I reported that backup on the blog before we came over here to this one.

MITS said...

How's Nilla?

glo said...

Yes I saw that Mits

I guessed wrong, She didn't talk to Nilla.

MITS said...

Forecast for Cambridge, Maryland Cloudy, rain likely. Breezy, high in the lower 60's. Northeast winds 15 to 20 mph. 60% chance of rain. As I have earlier reported, we are having a nor'easter here. It is not as bad in Cambridge as it is here. We are having wind gusts in excess of 40mph, coatstal flooding, waves 8 to 12 feet high. For the last 24 hours it has sounded like a freight train roaring thru the condo. Should be nice by Sunday afternoon.

MITS said...

Darn, I was hoping it was, NILLA, but I'm glad Paula and Suz are safe and sound.

MITS said...

Buta is by herself and not happy about it.

MITS said...

Boy, Mom came back really quick. Buta must be getting a set of lungs on her.

glo said...


So it will still be bad weather when your husband drives there tomorrow I guess. How did Maggie do with her shots?

MITS said...

Unfortunately weather will still be bad, most of these warnings do not expire until early Sunday a.m. I was out and about today, its just extremely windy. Got to hold on to that steering wheel. How did you now Maggie got her shots, GLO?...Maggie cried and Mommy cried. but just like any baby think she had some discomfort. Hate to see them go thru it, but I guess it is neccesary.

MITS said...

Going to watch weather. BRB!

glo said...

Well you said so on either a Blog post or an email. My son was awfull when he had them, ran very very high fevers, duaghter breezed through. Elia seems to be doing fine with hers too. If Maggie got through the first one without much reaction after the shot, she will probably do well with the others too, except for that "Shot" moment!!!

MITS said...

I didn't call today, will call tomorrow. She now weighs 6 lbs. 15 ozs. Skinny little legs and arms. Wish I had been there to hold her, bur hubby stopped by last night on his way back from New Jersey and got to hold her.

MITS said...

Dawn in Africa.

glo said...

Ok Gonna stop by Africam for a little bit and then head off to bed. Will bLOG at ya some tomorrow. Good night all.

glo said...

Ostrich at Petes Pond

MITS said...


MITS said...

The only thing I'm seeing at Pete's Pond is the pink sky.

glo said...

Geesh i don't even see as much as a bird on Africam. Gonna call it a day.

glo said...

Mits They changed the angles right after I posted that. tried to get a picture, I'll check and send it if I got it.

glo said...

No pictures. I wondered as it froze right as I turned it on. Sorry Good Night

MITS said...

I don't usually watch Pete's Pond. I watch the African-cam with the bamboons.

MITS said...

That is one gorgeous sunrise.

MITS said...

There are all types of birds at Pete's Pond...KEWL!!!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...



Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

Bird Girl said...

OOPS! I posted on the wrong thread! There was a small herd of zebras on Africam... pretty cool, I think! I do wish whomever runs the camera would not zoom and pan quite so much -- it's like being on a roller coaster!

Went to the "meet & greet" tonight, for the symposium. Most of us already know each other, but there were a few people there who were new. Wildlife rehabilitation is not a very large community.

They changed a few of the classes, but only one of the classes I wanted to take. And it's a better class, too! BALD EAGLES AND HEAVY METALS is the class. First one for me, should be quite informative. Will be sure to report back to all of you!

For those of you at BW, have fun, be careful, and take ridiculous amounts of pictures to share with all of us!

Floralgirl, sorry you feel ill. Get better soon!

Steve, thanks for giving us a new thread! I'm on cable internet, and even MY system was a little slow downloading! What takes you to Moose? Something to do with the Grand Teton Natl Park, I'll wager. Did you fly to Cheyenne, then to Jackson and then drive? Did you happen to meet all 32 people who live in Wyoming??? LOL I had a friend in college who was from Jackson...

Gotta get some sleep now, classes start at 830 am and go to 5, so long long day for me....

Check in when I can!

Bird Girl

floralgirl said...

Morning to all! I'd say good morning, but I ain't feeling it! Even the sun is hiding today. Paula and Suzanne should be just about ready to go on their "bird walk" with the expert. Hope they see lots of eagles!!! Gotta try to eat something, think I've lost about 2 lbs. since Thurs. Hate this dizzy feeling, this is why I rarely drink, the room is still spinning, and I hate that feeling. BBL, gotta eat and somehow get myself to the store. Have a great day everyone.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Have a great day. Weather here will be gorgeous. I'll BLOG at some point.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Saturday Morning to all 8:22amEST

Change happenings again at the BW nest...

African cam seen 1 of mits's bamboons..

CT nest was empty at time I was in

Maine nest also

Mei was outside eating and Tai was walking around. If they would just keep the dang camera on Tai. They could find him. He gets to a place then they move it...go back to where he was and duh can't find him. grrr

Anyhow everyone have a good day.

Good luck to Suzanne and Paula at BW see and nap pics of many eagle and other things

wvgal_dana said...

Kingfish at CT

wvgal_dana said...

Mei is on the ground by the big log. She wanted to rest but of course our dear Tai decided NO WAY...wrestled her some then decided to play on log..

CT kingfish still there

wvgal_dana said...

Eagles at BW

glo said...

Well lets just say "BAMBOONs" are at it again LOL.

Africam is at least a PG 13 site when those Bamboons are there.

glo said...

Africam is wonderfully busy this am , so is the camera man...much too herky jerky htough

Mema Jo said...

Couldn't resist getting on my granddaughter's PC!Hi everyone who is on this morning & whoever reads this later.
Steven It's great for you to be able to think of us bloggers while you're so far away on business. Thank you so very much.
Megan Sure hope you start to feel better - watch out for ear infections on that dizzy feeling. I may get dizzy in a little while - headed to Syracuse Carousel Mall & will be riding the merry-go-round with Samantha!
You all seem to be taking care of things - so good to be able to read all your comments.
Well, I am out of here- will try to check back inn this evening.

glo said...

Cafe Press Halloween Special Coupon Has been sent to a few of you. If you did not receive one and would like it please email me...I will be happy to send you one.

Essentially the Coupon is for $10 off a $50 dollar order...which I admit is really quite a lot of money.

Those who received them and do not want them may have an idea of someone who would enjoy the coupon.


A white T shirt and one of those Large Beautiful Photos matted and framed, would now cost abut $55 which includes all shipping and handling, and of that $6.50 goes to NCTC for the Eagle Cam project. So Everybody wins.

The normal price of the Photo alone with Shipping is $43, so essentially if You want a picture and any other item...not necessarily a T shirt...this might be a Great Time to be looking at those.

As soon as I finish this post I shall go finish my shopping for the most part there. A gift for guessed it, and a couple of other Holiday items.

Chances are excellent there will be another Holiday Special but I don't know that for sure...this is my first time around Cafe Press too. However, with shipping in mind...I choose to get the stuff here this month NOT closer to Christmas JMHO..


if you have not received and would like a coupon. it is good thru Oct 18.

MITS said...

HI EVERYONE. Darn I'm missing the BAMBOONS!! Going down to Boardwalk with Hubby. Nor'easter seems to be winding down. The Weather Channel has been televising from down here for 2 days. ITS JUST A NOR'EASTER, we have these all the time like some people have snowstorms, these things can last for days. TTUL!!

MITS said...


Anonymous said...

Bloggers have flown the coop today. They will be back later tonight or tomorrow for sure LOL

Be sure to say Hi so they will know you were here though. Happy whenever anyone who loves Eagles, stops by.

wvgal_dana said...

4:34pm Est They just got Mei and Tai inside eating bamboo. Well this is one night he's not staying up a tree.

Good to hear from you Jo...sounds like your loving the time with Samantha. That's good.

MITS said...

Wow...slow day...4 hours since I have been gone and no Eagle Momsters around to post. The 3 chicks are peering over the ledge, probably waiting for Mom or Dad to drop off some food.

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are in for the night....Lun is cleaning up Buta

wvgal_dana said...

BW nothing at this time 4:41pmEST
CT same
Maine Same
the ponds are dark
Watching Buta Buta getting a good bath...the dear chubbie one

I think its time for my dinner

MITS said...

DANA you must have snuck in while I was writing my post.

glo said...

.There went my Garage Sale money!!! And my birdfeeder and birdhouse too!!!

Someone came by and offered to trim a big tree I have out front and haul it all away etc. So I jumed onit...very messy old tree in bad need of trim job, up high where neither myself nOR a helpful neighbor can safley get too. So its all done. But they trimmed so much ffo the bottom branches I don't think I can reach a place to hang the birdhouse now. I knwo I can't put the feeder back as nothing will be low enough for me to fill it now. Hmm

Well come spring i'll figure out a plan 2 for the feeder. or if I have my plant form Megan i will have flowers and hummers to enjoy out this iwndow.

MITS said...


MITS said...

It must be a Saturday night event at the Africa cam, lots of lights, you can see the moon and a baby elephant is in the pack, they sure do drink loud.

glo said...

Well .MitsGuess I missed the elephants. I saw where you downloaded FRAPS Did you take pictures ?

Just Vicky said...

Now this was a much needed new thread!

glo said...

Hi .Vicky Have you returned with your grand daughter

Just Vicky said...

Yeppers, got my little gal!

Just Vicky said...

And this is one worn out old gal let me tell you! I've been up since 4:00 this morning and I'm beat!

Just Vicky said...

We also took in my littlest grandson's football game this afternoon!

Mema Jo said...

Saying Hello to all this evening.Very good day up here in NY. Just took the kids to Pizza Hut..overate...
I'll check out the camsbut won't be back in till tomorrow at home.

Good Night

glo said...

Paula and Suzanne sounds like an awesome dwy, with the kind of enthusiasm that a little rain, drizzle, lack of sleep, food etc could not quench.

What a memory you have shared. Will ast you a lifetime. Hope you got some pictures even though it was cloudy. Welcome Home

glo said...

Might be something to think about Next year...awfully long way for me, but there are eagles. First though I need to see liberty nad Belle, and the place called Home for all of us here, BUT fall is a wonderful time to drive, and I do miss the Mountains...could be Mountains and eagles, and if I watch that cam more this year knowing me I can definitely get attached to them too. never be an expereince like the First Year though, or the first 3 But still a wonderful experience I am sure!!!

glo said...

Be safe...thanks so much for stopping in!!!

Anonymous said...

Suz is on her way home to see house her kitties fared in her absence...Just got done a bowl of hot soup and biscuits...was pretty chilly this morning during the bird walk, 15-20 mph winds and some rain, but well worth it.

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Glo, you could visit NCTC and BLackwater in the same trip!

movin said...

Howdy, Everyone,
It sounds like you had a great time at the Blackwater event... I sometimes wish I lived closer to that area and could make a trip or two...I've got a high quality camera (now nearly obsolete film type) with pretty long telephoto lenses, which I would love to get lined up on them pesky birds and their nests.

I think I have an explanation for the adult female I saw on the Kent nest...I looked again today, and she obviously had been sizing it up for next year when I saw her, and now she has added some heavier branches and straightened things out so it looks more like a fresh nest.

I added a morning pic to the Frieda and Frodo album today...

Those Denny's breakfasts can be really alright now...they added three pancakes to many of them out here, which makes them rreeeely good, but they're so large I usually can't finish the cakes (and maybe some hashbrowns) off. Hmmmm, maybe I'll go out for one of those breakfasts this weekend.

Have a good one,

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I tried to get the Pictures off of Suzanne's camera, but didn't have the right connector, was not a standard USB cable, and she didn't have the cable with her. So will have to wait for her to stop by Wally World and get it done, and for my pictures to get developed and put on a CD.

paula eagleholic said...

I hadn't been to Denny's in awhile, the pancakes were great! Light and fluffy w/ warm syrup! yum.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and we called Megan on the ride back. She said she was feeling a little better, she hadn't thrown up in 24 hours! I am so sorry she got sick and couldn't go!

paula eagleholic said...

You were looking at a 10 mile backup last night. If I had known where the cam was, we could have gotten out of the car and waved at ya! We finally realized it was holiday traffic, too.

glo said...

Well .Paula Glad you are home, warming up and resting up after a fun but dampish cool time. Will lokk forward to all those pictures.

There is no chance in the next 10 years or so that i could ever do both of those weekends together. I have these 2 furry friends that do have neighbors to care for them but only for short periods of time. I don't have the heart or the money to leave them in as kennel all that time so as long as they are with me I am NEVER gone more than 5 days and most of the time it is only 4. I will always have to enjoy one of those weekends at least from afar....Right now the Priority is NCTC whent he eagles and hopefully their little ones are there. Next year...well its a long way off so time will tell if and when there is another trip east. it does sound wonderful although the trees are definitely prettier int he sunshie too!

Rest Up will blog at ya later.

Jim and Paula Now you both have me thinking of Denny's. haven't been there in along time...they do have those Grand Slams and I love Breakfast any time of doay. maybe tomorrow...MTBR

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like someone is working the Frodocam this weekend, got a shot from above...chicks are in the corner...

Their feathers are really starting to come in!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, all, going to hit it for tonight...going to get the dogs in and wipe them off, get into some nice warm pj's, turn on the TV, and fall asleep!

Good night, Sleep tight!

paula eagleholic said...


(Why not, no one else here!)

Gnite :)

MITS said...

So glad you had a wonderful trip, PAULA AND SUZANNE There are so many things going on this side of the bridge this weekend, but when the wind is high they are real careful how many cars they let over, sometimes even shutting bridge down for awhile. Did you meet Lisa???

glo said...

A couple of zebras just passes by Africam. Going to watch for a little while and then off to bed. Good night everyone..will blog tomorrow

MITS said...

A pack of zebras just went running away, don't know what scared them.GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!!!

Bird Girl said...

mema jo i didn't realize you were in upstate NY -- Syracuse, even! My husband is from Liverpool, and his parents are from Lackawanna (Buffalo)! Hubby & I went there in Sept last year, for his grandfather's funeral (at Our Lady of Victory in Lackawanna). We spent a week up there, went to Rome, Beaver Lake Nature Center (gorgeous!!!), downtown Syracuse (there's a deli there, Stavros', he's a friend of the family)... I'd never been to NY state before, it was so beautiful! We even spent a couple of hours digging china pieces out of Onondaga Lake -- and I got to see a marmot up close, he had no worries about me!

I hope you're having a grand time up there :-)

Bird Girl

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

caught it on Fraps -- i'll try to get it to you guys on Tuesday... still have symposium tomorrow and monday have to help mom groom her dogs (like trying to catch a greased pig!!)


glo said...

New thread is up

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...