Thanks Mits I watch them all the time cam 2 yes is better never use cam 1. I was giving the Wavelit and Pete's Pond site links to her. Then I remembered she started with the Sheperdstown Eagles. So I ask her if she wanted the Kent Eagles link. Sure she said then ask Kent where cause I told her they were 3 hrs behind us. I couldn't think of Washington State. I remembered and called and told her. She takes her grandson 4 yrs old to the DC Zoo site, then I gave her some others, then Buta Buta. The boy just loves them. Crazy about elephants so I wanted him to see the ones at the pond. I can see and hear him now, "Granny that baby is taking a bath" lol when he sees it.
Evening, all. Just checking in for a few minutes. Taking a break from vacuuming. My grandson is coming to spend the evening tomorrow, don't want him going home looking like a fur ball!
Howdy Doooody everybody....... Paula i did that today vacummed cat hair from Sugahhh Boogahh..... I had Rosita here yesterday afternoon and we watched Buta Buta and all she could do was Oooooo n Awwwwww i showed her all the video's. She said Grandmaw that baby looks just like your panda on your desk!! I said but this panda is Tai Shan and its from Belle when i was in hospitol, she just said Ohhhhhh....... Watching Meerkat Manor on Animal Planet i have watched it since it came on along time ago years.
Mits I missed looking at Tai & Mei when you mentioned to do so. I was watching Charlie Brown & the great Pumpkin!!! I see them now both sleeping. You're right about Mei being restless recently. When I had looked earlier Tai was on the ledge but Mei was sitting right there near him.
Nilla Have you investigated the deal on generic prescriptions that WalMart has started? I know Ed was getting the generic Plavix but CVS ran out of it & couldn't get it for quite some time.
Howdy from Commode Town IL! I'm back and all I have to say, I've had a wonderful time with Dana and Ed and Glo! These momsters are the absolute bestest buddies!
Of course Paula didn't have time to run around with us and I did meet several other momsters at the NCTC table! So neat to meet and put faces with these names!
Yes, I like the whole cast of Charlie's. Usually on holidays I catch the specials. There wasn't anyone home with me as I watched it. No conflict of interest at all.
Nilla Would you catch that last email that just came through?
No didn't go to Atlanta this time! Figured I wouldn't get to see her anyways but we did get to South Carolina, what a beautiful time of the year in those mountains!
Well Paula, those cookied followed me all the way to Glo's! Speaking of Ms. Glo, she sure has a couple of cute doggies! They're NOT spoiled at all! (wink wink!) If you believe that I've got some other junk to sell to you!
Hi VIcky I was blogging and not reading--- Glad to have you back safe & sound. So sorry that I didn't stick around the table until 4:00. Went to see Dancing with Wolves show with Suzanne & Ed. But really didn't want to miss you!
Do you mean sell at the market, Paula? If so, no that's not possible, but there is a Xmas sale at the men's club every weekend til Xmas starting after Thanksgiving where people sell crafts, not sure if it's full or what it would cost. I would be glad to put some flyers or info about your mercandise/website at my stand.
I am not certain what is going on at the Atlanta Zoo with the panda cam. Just a little while ago, I was watching Buta Buta as she slept alone in the nest bed.
Vickie New video of Buta Buta's last exam - She is 50 days old !!
Floral, That would be great if you could. I'll put something together and send it to you. Sandra is going to check into some shops in town and see if I can sell anything there. Is the men's club actually called the men's club?
Yes, it is called the men's club. Basically different groups rent it all the time for events. There is a woman who does so in Nov.-Dec.(Saturdays) to have a Xmas sale, some of the vendors from the market participate in it. Have to try and see if I can find you contact info ,I'll look tomorrow.
Hi Vicky welcome home to Blogland, you really have been missed. I loved the time I got to spend with you, and don't be tellin them any stories aobut "spoiled" dogs LOL.
Can't wait to tell Sharon that I upgraded my Mozilla Firefox and whatever program I am on,it underlines my spelling errors in RED.. Hopefully I won't get anymore bad marks from our Spell Checker !!!
Hi Vicky glad you had a nice vacation and enjoyed yourself. Yeah Jo i must have that also but when i use it my screen lights up like a christmas tree in
Well thats where i saw Lun Lun setting eating today for a short time. Tell ya what i wish i was still president of the ladies auxilary of our Eagles aries here in town i would throw a dance and bake sales and be selling tips to make money!!! For sure get those Eagles drinkin they would buy anything......LMAO
Jo yes i still have 2 loaves of it......Ok here the thing i made this receipe kind of up. I followed it but added more pumpkin than called for so when it baked it didnt rise like it should. So its only about 2 inches high but really really moist adn has a crust like a bread. I just made up some cream cheese icing and icing the top of 1 and set the other on top of that an icing whole thing.......... GooodddddGoooogaaaaMoooooooga ISS IT EVER GOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!
Mema Jo You are very observant aren't you. Yes He can often be seen at my house!!! He was a $10 garage sale find actually. had a hard time getting it away from Vicky but he's still here. of course she is coming back for a longer visit come eagle Season here.
Jo before i forget yes i checked wal mart for my meds and No none are available from them in the cardiac meds. To check what is availale go to wal mart web site and find the list. Yes Jo my Plavix i get at K Mart with 20% discount 1 month it was 112.00 next month went up to 127.00 and that only if they have it for generic if not it cost 172.00.... But check the list
Ok! Lun Lun is a very good mom. Buta Buta had bad case of hiccups. She was bouncing with them. Lun Lun got hold of her & is getting her to nurse some more to get rid of them.
Did I hear bamboons??? Fell aslepp watching TV, been up since 5:15a.m. Wasn't planning on it, but once I got up and saw the eagles up in Maine, the rest is history. VICKY, glad to see you and hubby are home safe and sound. Like it when all the eagle moms and dads are safely back to their own nest. Really quiet hear right now, heard the wind was supposed to pick up soon.
Buta Buta wanted to feed and couldn't get to the feeding station. She needed a lift up. Then Lun Lun moved her and it is further away from the milk carton. So Buta Buta is restless, then that makes Lun Lun restless.
Well, Vicky you're wide awake and Mits you're just waking up and ME my head is nodding and my eyes are heavy! I'm thinking that Belle may not sleep well knowing that those 3 blankets she stuffed in her son's sleeping bag may not keep him warm out in that tent on this cold rainy night! Sharon will be coming home drenched & shivering - Don't think they allow umbrellas in the football stands. lol
No umbrellas in the football stands really? its been a long time since I have been to a High School footbal game. If its like it was here wed and thurs then they really are getting cold and wet. I am getting ready for bed. Everyone rest well. I will BLOG at you tomorrow.
OH Glo's Diner is always open for Friends of Fine Feather
Good night, Jo, and get night all! Stay warm and dry. Big day for us on Sunday...Margaret Patricia Kalis, better known as "MAGGIE" gets baptized. Our little eaglet will be 12 weeks old on Wednesday, that is the day Mom goes back to work. :(:( Talk to you all tomorrow.:):)
Well Dana, You're left with guarding the fort the rest of the night! I'm going to get a hot bath and see if I can get sleepy enough to get some sleep in my own bed!
I tried to comment here last night, but after writing a modern classic, it told me I had used the wrong I.D. or Password... Then it redirected me to another page to answer questions, and by the time I got back to this page, my message was lost. Needless to say, I just departed with my tail between my legs.
I happened to check Brisbane about 7:30 a.m. (their time) today, and there was a falcon on the wall towards the other end. It was closer than the one the other day, but I still couldn't tell for sure if it was adult or fledgling.
Then I looked at the Cambridge Osprey nest, and the male to that familiar pair of eagles was roosted thereon.
Otherwise, I haven't seen much action today.
Good evening/Good morning to all, have a great weekend.
Well, I am home. Just a little bit wet. We lost the game. Score was Bluefield 28, James Monroe 41 but THE BLUEFIELD BEAVER BAND ROCKED!! They marched right in the middle of that muddy, yucky field with the rain pouring down. They are such troopers. On the way home, we found out that the bus carrying the football players had broken down at James Monroe. They are probably not home yet. Sucks to be them today for sure.
I am going to bed now. Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!
lost comments I have also lost a few "modern novels" due to computer glitches, when trying to add comments to the blog. What I started doing was to open Notepad (START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, NOTEPAD), then copy & paste my "novel" there, just in case it does get lost on the blog. If you don't need to re-copy the comment, just delete it!
vacuuming pet hair I, too, have experienced the hell that is vacuuming up pet hair (whether on the animal or elsewhere). About 6-8 months ago, we decided to invest in a really good vacuum. I am here to tell you that you will NEVER find a vacuum better than the Dyson DC17 Animal Vacuum! I've never seen so much sucked up before...and it's easy to empty (no bags), easy to push around... I never thought I'd say this, but I LOVE MY VACUUM!!! I know I sound like a paid spokesperson, but it's true. It was worth every single penny -- and it was a LOT of pennies! Anyway, go to, choose your country, then look at the Upright Vacuums; there will be a panel with photos, click the DC17 image on the right. Haven't tried it my ON animals, though, because I have three slick-coated dogs and a hairless cat! LOL
signing off now... soooo tired... take care everyone, have a great weekend!
Good Morning Eagle land. OK Birdgirl when did you start that job with dyson Looks like a nice vac, no wonder your cat is hairless. Your idea for saving long posts is good for all toremember. I sometimes if I remember and its been bad day on blogger, RIGHT click my message, and choose SELECT ALL and then while it is still Highlighted click COPY, it is on the clipboard "you can't see" but if your comment doesn't publish you at least have it there ready to go again. When you are ready to try again, click PASTE and hope for the best. I especially like to do this when I have lots formatted that I don't want to reformat again if its lost. it is so frustrating to lose a post you have worked on for quite a while, and sometimes I really do spend time to leave a nice post with lots of formatting etc. in it.
Well its of to coffee and dog treats for me and my dogs
Good Morning. Checking the cams: Eagle at BW-don't think it is one of our couple. Still dark at Kent. Buta Buta sleeping alone. Mei sleeping on a fallen log and Tai is sleeping up in the tree. HOWEVER it is 3:46 pm at Pete's Pond & FATTY is in full view sleeping in the sun up on the banks of the pond!!!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 321 of 321Thanks, Glo. Anybody seen Dana??
:) I have hee hee why?
Look up, Dana my friend, or, look in your e-mails.:)
Thanks Mits I watch them all the time cam 2 yes is better never use cam 1. I was giving the Wavelit and Pete's Pond site links to her. Then I remembered she started with the Sheperdstown Eagles. So I ask her if she wanted the Kent Eagles link. Sure she said then ask Kent where cause I told her they were 3 hrs behind us. I couldn't think of Washington State. I remembered and called and told her.
She takes her grandson 4 yrs old to the DC Zoo site, then I gave her some others, then Buta Buta. The boy just loves them. Crazy about elephants so I wanted him to see the ones at the pond. I can see and hear him now, "Granny that baby is taking a bath" lol when he sees it.
Thank you anyhow friend :) I might have not remembered. It's friends like you that make the world go around in a better way.
Dana, Who wanted all the different sites?
My sister-in-law up in Johnstown Pa. she likes certain sites.
She was in watching our eagles/eaglets for awhile.
I know that my almost 2 yr old great-granddaughter just loves Buta Buta. She oh's and ah's when I put the zoo cam up for her. She can say Panda!
Well, guess we have to wait til next week for the eagle cam..was kinda hoping today might be the day.
Ah Jo that sounds so cute.
When Ed's great grandchildren come the one that is 3 always says, "dana put on computer, I see animals".
Jo, look at Mei with Tai
She went back down the rocks, it was like she was trying to get him away from the ledge. Now it sounds like she is trying to get out.
Mei has been really restless at night, lately.
Mei is eating bamboo and Tai is asleep. cam 2 shows Tai and cam 1 shows Mei.
Well now on cam 2 both are on the rocks sleeping.
Evening, all. Just checking in for a few minutes. Taking a break from vacuuming. My grandson is coming to spend the evening tomorrow, don't want him going home looking like a fur ball!
How old is he Paula?
Howdy Doooody everybody....... Paula i did that today vacummed cat hair from Sugahhh Boogahh..... I had Rosita here yesterday afternoon and we watched Buta Buta and all she could do was Oooooo n Awwwwww i showed her all the video's. She said Grandmaw that baby looks just like your panda on your desk!! I said but this panda is Tai Shan and its from Belle when i was in hospitol, she just said Ohhhhhh....... Watching Meerkat Manor on Animal Planet i have watched it since it came on along time ago years.
Mits I missed looking at Tai & Mei when you mentioned to do so. I was watching Charlie Brown & the great Pumpkin!!! I see them now both sleeping. You're right about Mei being restless recently. When I had looked earlier Tai was on the ledge but Mei was sitting right there near him.
He will be 1 year old in about 2 1/2 weeks!
Dana You got some wax -
as Norma would announce...
Dana you just got 250 lbs. of
WAX - What you going to do with
all that?
I love that NormaByrd !!!!!
In a little while, I am going to warm a piece of pumpkin pie... Have you all thought of what your snack will be?
Nilla, do you still have Pumpkin bread?
Nilla Have you investigated the deal on generic prescriptions that WalMart has started?
I know Ed was getting the generic Plavix but CVS ran out of it & couldn't get it for quite some time.
Darn, Jo- I should've come over to your house, no one here would let me watch Charlie Brown !
Megan, I don't watch it every year..but I did tonight! Hey! You should have enough of pumpkins all week long!
Yea, you're right, but I love that ole Charlie Brown, or as Peppermint Patty would say, Chuck.
Howdy from Commode Town IL! I'm back and all I have to say, I've had a wonderful time with Dana and Ed and Glo! These momsters are the absolute bestest buddies!
My favorite is Woodstock!
Actually have one sitting down here right next to the computer...he sits on Alf's shoulder!
Of course Paula didn't have time to run around with us and I did meet several other momsters at the NCTC table! So neat to meet and put faces with these names!
Yes, I like the whole cast of Charlie's. Usually on holidays I catch the specials. There wasn't anyone home with me as I watched it.
No conflict of interest at all.
Nilla Would you catch that last email that just came through?
So Vicky, you didn't go see Buta Ball?
No didn't go to Atlanta this time! Figured I wouldn't get to see her anyways but we did get to South Carolina, what a beautiful time of the year in those mountains!
Welcome back, Vicky- sorry I missed you at NCTC. Hey, Paula!
So good to see Buta Ball on the cam! y but she's grown!
Yes Floralgirl I missed you! But mysteriously your cookies showed up at Glo's house!
Howdy, Floral -
Hey got a question for you, Megan. Is it too late to get into the market where you are after Thanksgiving?
Check out the Panda Cam view in Atlanta - MT NEST.
What are they doing at the zoo???
They just took us viewers on a 'spin & roll' - Boy am I dizy.
Vicky, you should've grabbed some more when they were sitting there on the table!
I missed not seeing Mema Jo too! I wanted a hug from you, and yes, Dana hugged me for you!
Well Paula, those cookied followed me all the way to Glo's! Speaking of Ms. Glo, she sure has a couple of cute doggies! They're NOT spoiled at all! (wink wink!) If you believe that I've got some other junk to sell to you!
Hi VIcky I was blogging and not reading--- Glad to have you back safe & sound. So sorry that I didn't stick around the table until 4:00. Went to see Dancing with Wolves show with Suzanne & Ed. But really didn't want to miss you!
Glo said you wouldn't think they were spoiled at all ;)
Do you mean sell at the market, Paula? If so, no that's not possible, but there is a Xmas sale at the men's club every weekend til Xmas starting after Thanksgiving where people sell crafts, not sure if it's full or what it would cost. I would be glad to put some flyers or info about your mercandise/website at my stand.
Hi Mema Jo! Hugs to you too!
(((((HUGS))))) bakatcha!
I am not certain what is going on at the Atlanta Zoo with the panda cam. Just a little while ago, I was watching Buta Buta as she slept alone in the nest bed.
Vickie New video of Buta Buta's last exam - She is 50 days old !!
That would be great if you could. I'll put something together and send it to you. Sandra is going to check into some shops in town and see if I can sell anything there. Is the men's club actually called the men's club?
Paula If shops agree to sell the items, do you have to make some kind of deal with them money wise? Or do you just hope for their support?
Ok Mema Jo, I'll go check the 50 day report on our Butter Ball, I mean Buta!
Yes, it is called the men's club. Basically different groups rent it all the time for events. There is a woman who does so in Nov.-Dec.(Saturdays) to have a Xmas sale, some of the vendors from the market participate in it. Have to try and see if I can find you contact info ,I'll look tomorrow.
Hi Vicky welcome home to Blogland, you really have been missed. I loved the time I got to spend with you, and don't be tellin them any stories aobut "spoiled" dogs LOL.
Can't wait to tell Sharon that I upgraded my Mozilla Firefox and whatever program I am on,it underlines my spelling errors in RED..
Hopefully I won't get anymore bad marks from our Spell Checker !!!
Thanks, Floral. Jo, I am hoping to get the items into shops on a consignment basis, meaning they sell the items and send me the money.
Alright, ladies, I am sleepy and heading to bed. BEHAVE YOURSELVES!! and please don't eat too many cookies. Talk at ya later. Nite all.
Jo mail call Hey Megannnn Now does anyone else have a strange hall view on Buta Buta's camera?
Hello again Glo! What spoiled doggies??? I just met 2 VERY loved doggies!
Jo when you have lunch with Nilla, have her tell you her idea to raise money her first idea. Her 2nd idea is a bake sale. First idea I past by Steve C. he thought that would be great. Of course they are govt. employees so they can't do it. He like her first idea. I didn't tell him about the bake sale.
Now that I am thinking about it. When Ed and me was in Winchester Va at Golden Corral when the eagles and eaglets where still there. I spoke to someone there eating that lived in Charles Town. They had seen the eagles flying around Charles Town.
Maybe a bake sale at WalMart there or even a place in Shepherdstown.
Just ideas.
Yes Nillabean, strange corridor view at panda cam!
Hello, Nilla!!! I gotta catch some zzz's- long week.
Hi Dana! Sure enjoyed you and Ed. Tell Ed hello!
Hi Vicky glad you had a nice vacation and enjoyed yourself. Yeah Jo i must have that also but when i use it my screen lights up like a christmas tree in
Vicky and I did see an eagle while she was is a picture
OK they chopped up the url LOL Lets try again it has to end with vickyandI.jpg
Well thats where i saw Lun Lun setting eating today for a short time. Tell ya what i wish i was still president of the ladies auxilary of our Eagles aries here in town i would throw a dance and bake sales and be selling tips to make money!!! For sure get those Eagles drinkin they would buy anything......LMAO
Jo yes i still have 2 loaves of it......Ok here the thing i made this receipe kind of up. I followed it but added more pumpkin than called for so when it baked it didnt rise like it should. So its only about 2 inches high but really really moist adn has a crust like a bread. I just made up some cream cheese icing and icing the top of 1 and set the other on top of that an icing whole thing.......... GooodddddGoooogaaaaMoooooooga ISS IT EVER GOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!
Yea, tip jars make good money, they do at bingo for sure.
That was a great pic of the two of you. I think I've seen that eagle before. Is he a regular at your house. lol
Enjoy it Nilla! Sounds yummy good.
Kind of sounds like zucchini bread, but made out of pumpkin.
Where is Mits tonight?
Mema Jo You are very observant aren't you. Yes He can often be seen at my house!!! He was a $10 garage sale find actually. had a hard time getting it away from Vicky but he's still here. of course she is coming back for a longer visit come eagle Season here.
Now I can see LunLun in her nest bed and I'm sure she is holding Buta Buta.
Jo before i forget yes i checked wal mart for my meds and No none are available from them in the cardiac meds. To check what is availale go to wal mart web site and find the list. Yes Jo my Plavix i get at K Mart with 20% discount 1 month it was 112.00 next month went up to 127.00 and that only if they have it for generic if not it cost 172.00.... But check the list
I see Buta Buta oh boy back up
Ok! Lun Lun is a very good mom. Buta Buta had bad case of hiccups. She was bouncing with them. Lun Lun got hold of her & is getting her to nurse some more to get rid of them.
It's 4:30 am in Africa...........
Isn't that an adorable site. :)
Any animals around? Jo.
That's just priceless that LunLun and Buta! KODAK moments!
Any Bamboons around?
Vicky I thought you would be ready for bed. After all that traveling.
Bed??? It's early! All that traveling just brings me back to life! I love running down those interstates!
Besides, I didn't do the driving!
No animals around yet - too early I guess
Vicky If you're like I am, once I have traveled many many miles, I am wide awake when I reach my destination.
Traveling the cyber highways now huh? lol
That is a cute pose too, not sure if Buta Buta fell asleep suckling?
Yep MeMa Jo, I am wide awake! Suppose I "should" be catching up the laundry, etc etc you know ALL that Stuff!!!
Did I hear bamboons??? Fell aslepp watching TV, been up since 5:15a.m. Wasn't planning on it, but once I got up and saw the eagles up in Maine, the rest is history. VICKY, glad to see you and hubby are home safe and sound. Like it when all the eagle moms and dads are safely back to their own nest. Really quiet hear right now, heard the wind was supposed to pick up soon.
Hi Mits!! Missed teasing you!
Poor Lun, Buta does not want to stay in one place anymore.
Buta Buta wanted to feed and couldn't get to the feeding station. She needed a lift up. Then Lun Lun moved her and it is further away from the milk carton. So Buta Buta is restless, then that makes Lun Lun restless.
Yea, Mits, come to think of it, you were up early today!
Vicky We're going back to Hagerstown to eat at Ryan's. Do you want me to send you some of that marshallow dessert?
Dana, NO WAY! But I would like more of that pot roast! They really did have good food!
You should try "Glo's Diner" someday!
Well, Vicky you're wide awake
and Mits you're just waking up
and ME my head is nodding and my eyes are heavy! I'm thinking that Belle may not sleep well knowing that those 3 blankets she stuffed in her son's sleeping bag may not keep him warm out in that tent on this cold rainy night! Sharon will be coming home drenched & shivering - Don't think they allow umbrellas in the football stands. lol
OOOppppps someone must have had a dirty diaper! LunLun is cleaning that kiddo up!
Are we keeping you awake MeMa Jo??
Glo I can order from the Diner there. You can send it to me..... lol
Good Night All and
Sweet Dreams
No umbrellas in the football stands really? its been a long time since I have been to a High School footbal game. If its like it was here wed and thurs then they really are getting cold and wet. I am getting ready for bed. Everyone rest well. I will BLOG at you tomorrow.
OH Glo's Diner is always open for Friends of Fine Feather
And by the way, you know I have a nice fleece shirt that has trees like this tree on my blog here?
That isn't changing a diaper. That is a wash, undercoating, wax, dry and shine :)
You're right Dana, a complete job by LunLun
Goodnight GLo! Sweet dreams!
Good night, Jo, and get night all! Stay warm and dry. Big day for us on Sunday...Margaret Patricia Kalis, better known as "MAGGIE" gets baptized. Our little eaglet will be 12 weeks old on Wednesday, that is the day Mom goes back to work. :(:( Talk to you all tomorrow.:):)
Bye Mits! Enjoy Maggie!
Sweet Dreams Jo and Mits
Well Dana, You're left with guarding the fort the rest of the night! I'm going to get a hot bath and see if I can get sleepy enough to get some sleep in my own bed!
Ok Vicky enjoy the feel of your own bed. Have Sweet Eagle Dreams. Nite gal.
No loud partying!! I don't care if you enjoy your weekend, but I won't stand for any loud partying! (Hahahahaha....)
I tried to comment here last night, but after writing a modern classic, it told me I had used the wrong I.D. or Password... Then it redirected me to another page to answer questions, and by the time I got back to this page, my message was lost. Needless to say, I just departed with my tail between my legs.
I happened to check Brisbane about 7:30 a.m. (their time) today, and there was a falcon on the wall towards the other end. It was closer than the one the other day, but I still couldn't tell for sure if it was adult or fledgling.
Then I looked at the Cambridge Osprey nest, and the male to that familiar pair of eagles was roosted thereon.
Otherwise, I haven't seen much action today.
Good evening/Good morning to all, have a great weekend.
Hi Jim...BW had eagles today yes. Can you get the Kent site?
"Oscar" the seagull was at Connecticut Osprey nest again today.
Cute tail between legs. hee hee
Well, I am home. Just a little bit wet. We lost the game. Score was Bluefield 28, James Monroe 41 but THE BLUEFIELD BEAVER BAND ROCKED!! They marched right in the middle of that muddy, yucky field with the rain pouring down. They are such troopers. On the way home, we found out that the bus carrying the football players had broken down at James Monroe. They are probably not home yet. Sucks to be them today for sure.
I am going to bed now. Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!
lost comments I have also lost a few "modern novels" due to computer glitches, when trying to add comments to the blog. What I started doing was to open Notepad (START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, NOTEPAD), then copy & paste my "novel" there, just in case it does get lost on the blog. If you don't need to re-copy the comment, just delete it!
vacuuming pet hair I, too, have experienced the hell that is vacuuming up pet hair (whether on the animal or elsewhere). About 6-8 months ago, we decided to invest in a really good vacuum. I am here to tell you that you will NEVER find a vacuum better than the Dyson DC17 Animal Vacuum! I've never seen so much sucked up before...and it's easy to empty (no bags), easy to push around... I never thought I'd say this, but I LOVE MY VACUUM!!! I know I sound like a paid spokesperson, but it's true. It was worth every single penny -- and it was a LOT of pennies! Anyway, go to, choose your country, then look at the Upright Vacuums; there will be a panel with photos, click the DC17 image on the right. Haven't tried it my ON animals, though, because I have three slick-coated dogs and a hairless cat! LOL
signing off now... soooo tired... take care everyone, have a great weekend!
Good Morning Eagle land. OK Birdgirl when did you start that job with dyson Looks like a nice vac, no wonder your cat is hairless. Your idea for saving long posts is good for all toremember. I sometimes if I remember and its been bad day on blogger, RIGHT click my message, and choose SELECT ALL and then while it is still Highlighted click COPY, it is on the clipboard "you can't see" but if your comment doesn't publish you at least have it there ready to go again. When you are ready to try again, click PASTE and hope for the best. I especially like to do this when I have lots formatted that I don't want to reformat again if its lost. it is so frustrating to lose a post you have worked on for quite a while, and sometimes I really do spend time to leave a nice post with lots of formatting etc. in it.
Well its of to coffee and dog treats for me and my dogs
Morning, all. Loverly wet day here in the Northeast! Get your wellies out and hold onto your hat, going to be rather blustery today!
Eagle at BW for those not snoozin!
Looking pretty soggy there too!
Good Morning. Checking the cams:
Eagle at BW-don't think it is one of our couple. Still dark at Kent.
Buta Buta sleeping alone. Mei sleeping on a fallen log and Tai is sleeping up in the tree. HOWEVER it is 3:46 pm at Pete's Pond & FATTY is in full view sleeping in the sun up on the banks of the pond!!!
Morning, Jo, my you are up early today!
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