Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday 5 September

Rainy Tuesday thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Night Jo AOYP With Sweet Eagle/Falcon Dreams

glo said...

That is a very tired bird I think AND if any of you have had time to read the forum over there or whatever, what is her source of food all this time etc. Does anyone say. .Yep you know me, I'm already worried about who is hungry LOL

NillaWafer said...

She is off the eggs i took apicture

glo said...

Looks like the Momsters are all as tired as Freida. It'll be tonight when we all go to bed LOL. back to the aquarium fo rme, About 20 min til done.

MITS said...

Boy, she came back fast.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I only saw 2 eggs, even doing a zoom on the pics!

MITS said...

Would just like to reach out and pat her on the head.

MITS said...

She usually starts to get active as we are winding down

NillaWafer said...

Sharon i zoomed in also sent you the picture i took and to me looks like the smallest egg is in front of the weeds..

glo said...

Oh No NOT a "smallest egg" LOL No problem we can handle it!!!

Done with the aquarium. Time to let the dogs out fo rthe last time. Will check back in in a few and see if anyone is still up and watching.

Mema Jo said...

I can only see 2 eggs clearly. I don't see anything that looks like a cracked egg.

Just Vicky said...

Mits got WAX!

Mema Jo said...

Really ZOOM in on those 2 good eggs BUT off to the right is something odd looking........ It sorta looks like a half egg with a chick - can you make out a little eye.......It is wierd looking & it looks 'square' not round. I think I am seeing things.

Just Vicky said...

Sure hope these eggs hatch soon so you'ALLs will have fuzz balls to watch!

MITS said...

Remember, Jo, she keeps turning them. There have been cracks on some of the pics.

NillaWafer said...

Good Lord Joellen what you drinkin tonight?lol A square eggs with amysterious eye...ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't see where you are talking about, Mema Jo!

NillaWafer said...

LOL Jo u sniffin some of that wacky weed in your Oxygen?? I am tired and gettin silly i cant stop laughing...LMAO

MITS said...

Yes, thank you Vicky, it was a fluke. Jo, I do see what you are seeing. If, in fact, it is an egg could it have disengrated that much from the other day? All the eggs were basically the same size.

glo said...

LOL Well checkin to be sure I haven't missed anyting. Well lets say I haven't missed too much, unless square eggs with weird eyes is something LOL. Actually Jo when she was off the eggs I saw something kind of strange of to the righ too, but it didn't look square and I didn't see eyes Since I have been at the aquarium there is a chance that we saw two different times etc, and between us, yes we could have half a hatched chick . And then again we could both just be needing some sleep.

MITS said...

Ok, I'm smokin the same stuff as Jo...LOl!! I see what she is seeing, it is not the same size as the other eggs.

NillaWafer said...

No seriously Jo (laughing) wass that in the picture is sent you (laughing) Because i zoomed in as far as i could and looked around nd No square egg with a mysterious (rollin laughing now) in it...

Mema Jo said...

I wish I could get a bird's eye view!

Nite All.

glo said...

Good Night Jo.

NillaWafer said...

I am looking and looking and dont see anything like you both see..

MITS said...

LOL!!! Nilla, keep looking, it is to the right of the big eggs. I'm going to look again.

glo said...

Well good night you two and anyone else left lurking. Blog at you tomorrow. Night Mama falcon and little peepers whatever you are up to or look like.

NillaWafer said...

Thelma ya'll are yankin my chain aint ya?lol I have searched n searched and nothing...

NillaWafer said...

Niters Glo now see the great mystery of the 1/2 egg and 1 eye ball will keep me up now..lollll

MITS said...

Ok, Frieda, you've got the best of me. Goodnight All. Talk to you tomorrow. I think it is just 2 weird looking stones, if I could just get a clearer picture when I zoom in, that would help CU!!!

MITS said...

LOUISE, I would never jerk your chain. Want to keep that BP on the good side.

NillaWafer said...

Okkkkkkkk i just snapped a picture of all 3 eggs she is off the nest and you clearly see ALL 3
!!!! LOL

MITS said...

How in the world did I miss that?? Every time I looked she was on the nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla I got pictures too when she got off nest.

NillaWafer said...

i sent you 2 pictures and to Jo n Sharon

wvgal_dana said...

Mits you blinked. Do you have yours on the 10 second or the 30. Needs to be 10 second to catch her.

NillaWafer said...

Dana didnt you see all 3 eggs to?

NillaWafer said...

She is seriously watching something behind her

MITS said...

Its always on the 10 second one.

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


wvgal_dana said...

My eyeballs burn and eyes feel like sand in them. I do have glare like someone has been shining a "bright light in my eyes" NO I HAVEN'T BEEN ARREST AND IN JAIL WHERE THE POLICE ARE QUESTIONING ME WITH THE BRIGHT LIGHTS LOL. I have been watch Frieda and I don't/didn't see any SQUARE egg...whatever Jo is drinking I WANT SOME!! Maybe it will clear my vision up and I'll see what she sees. lol

Going back and zooming in on pics I took....Jo I wished I had what you been mixing.
This birthing watch is getting to me lol

MITS said...

YESSSS!!! All 3 are there.

NillaWafer said...

OK she is back and checking the eggs but still agitated

MITS said...

She's back and she looks angry.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't have time to leave to zoom in on pictures with her leaving again so soon. Got pics again something is up with her.

NillaWafer said...

Oh goodie Thelma you saw them in the pictures i sent this time huh? Good now the mystery of the Square eggs with eye balls can be put to rest... Jo we luv ya girlfriend

MITS said...

She's doing her Excocist move.

MITS said...

No square eyes balls or eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Thank God I got the pic of all 3 eggs.

wvgal_dana said...

If she doesn't show us something "fuzzy" soon I'm going to be found past out head laying on computer board by husband.

MITS said...

Yep, Jo, All looks good in Freidas' world.

NillaWafer said...

Oh she isnt a happy camper.. somthing is out there upsetting her big time

MITS said...

She's talking to someone.

MITS said...

Yeah she is really mad.

NillaWafer said...

Jo sent you 2 good pics of her off nest and all 3 eggs

MITS said...


MITS said...

Sending this can of wax to the "WAX LADY"

NillaWafer said...

OMG 500 ..LOL Thelma u got it

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Darn blog just threw me off again.

NillaWafer said...

Well you kids keep an eye out long as you can. Sugaaah is on my lap and wanting some brushing and i am going to bed 8am will come early, Nighty Niters

wvgal_dana said...

Did you all see her raise up and look under herself got pic

MITS said...

Night Louise, I'm right behind you, I'll turn out the light and lock the door. GOOD MORNING, SUZANNE AND SHARON

NillaWafer said...

Oh i saw that Dana and got a good picture also... Thelma Dana is still here so she can lock up and sweep might be some bird dropping around..lol Nighters

MITS said...

I'm soooo sorry, DANA, didn't mean to close up shop before you were done. No, I didn't see her stand up.

MITS said...

DANA, here's the broom!!!

MITS said...

Sun is shining on her again, she looks so pretty.

MITS said...

Well, nitey nite again, this is it, I'm going to bed. Don't try to stop me. I'm not staying. I don't care if all 3 hatch right now. You can't keep me here, I'm leaving. Let go of my arm...I'll smack you!! Toodles:):):)

wvgal_dana said...

She just raised up showing her breast for a third time tonight 12?42am

wvgal_dana said...

I am getting pics but can't go in to see if I got anything yet. truly think someone is trying to hatch out maybe it won't be out until later but its trying I think 12:44 am

wvgal_dana said...

Frieda get up show me and husband we are grandparent of 4 legged bird....since we are always grandparents to 4 legged animals Its 12:54 am I am trying to find out where my grandchild is???????
Frieda get out our kid me and hubby can see "fuzzy ball".
Or maybe were not yet

wvgal_dana said...

They kicked me off at 1:13 am I'm trying to get back in grrrrrrrrr

wvgal_dana said...

Got back in 1:14 but off enough time she could have gotten off nest grrrrrrrrr

wvgal_dana said...

I know your pain Freida yours is on the ledge mine is watching tv on the couch. He lknows nothing about computers and I have to go to the loo or lou howerver you spell it this time of night day 1:18 am

wvgal_dana said...

Frieda we women have to do it ourselfs and in a case like mine what to do???
If i go you get off nest i;ll miss it????? I won't get pics of eggs or hatchling.
She just did something strange 1:22 am I guess it was head down under her again
Feel my pain Frieda don't go to sleep oh no

wvgal_dana said...

Ok her eyes are closed then open she is having hard time staying awake she is feeling my pain in that way lol

wvgal_dana said...

Ok she got off nest again i got pics still haven't look 1:47 am

wvgal_dana said...

1:56am I checked pics and I don't think at this time we have a hatchling.
There is a slight difference in bird I am wondering if he is on nest probably not. I did take pic 1:58am

wvgal_dana said...

At close up of pics I took one egg possibly possibly I said had a little notch like on top of it.

wvgal_dana said...

Feathers just look so much smoother could it be him on the nest???? 2:02am

wvgal_dana said...

That egg I was telling you about that had the notch it wasn't broken through it was a notch that was raised up alittle.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh 2:13am hubby went to bed I am all alone with a bird and 3 eggs and I don't think a hatchling now 2:27am

wvgal_dana said...

What time does it get dark over there...how about now 2:34am chin laying on desk. She is looking back around like looking at him. Maybe she is thinking of how to do away with him lol; it's not a good look for a woman to be giving a man lol or bird 2:38AM

Bird Girl said...

jim the plant looks an awful lot like a lantana, which is of the verbena family. very popular landscaping plant here in phoenix.

re: being a "smartass" My motto in life is this: It's better to be a smartass than a dumbass.

no peregrine hatch yet, as far as i can tell... almost midnight here in phoenix, tired & sore so I'm going to bed now...

bird girl

wvgal_dana said...

It's time for me to say goodnite to all and to Freida and Fredo and 3 eggs maybe 1 with a raised notch in it...but nothing fuzzy at this time...
Please take good notes for me on Lun Lun tomorrow am....ty 3:30 am

Bird Girl said...

Here's some info on the hatching of peregrine eggs, which I found on a Cornell University website... I have edited out the scientific stuff and citations, etc. to make it easier to read....

Preliminary events and vocalizations

…[can] hear chick peeping inside egg before hatching began, becoming louder during hatch; initial pip [first hole] of shell occurred [more than] 72 [hours] before chick broke free completely. In artificially incubated eggs, 24–48 [hours] before pip, air cell in egg expands and starts extending down one side of egg toward narrow end; normally chick makes pip [hole] inside air cell. In 500 artificially incubated eggs of [peregrine falcons], mean time from pip to hatch was 47.8 [hours]… During this period, chick periodically works to break up area around initial pip but rests most of time.

Shell-breaking and emergence

Often chick creates an opening in break-up area around pip before final breaking open of shell begins; then, looked at from blunt end of egg, chick makes a counterclockwise turn inside shell, at same time breaking a line around circumference of egg near blunt end by thrusting egg tooth against shell. Chick turns intermittently, breaking a portion of shell with much vocalization, then rests, and turns again. This last stage of hatching takes 15–60 min. Artificially incubated eggs hatch most frequently [40%] during morning hours…between 06:00 and 12:00...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. There were some busy bloggers on here last night. I guess no hatchlings as of yet. I do have some pics from Dana I am going to have to check out.

Anyway, starting to work now. Everybody make a good day. Remember, do random acts of kindness. Rewards are great!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess Falcon Frieda's Followers are all still fast asleep this morning.

glo said...

Dana, and Bird Girl

What a nice surprise to wake up and have a pretty good idea of what has happened with Freida while I slept. Dana after all that watching late into the night I really wish that little peeper had broken throughfor you to see. My guess is today is the day. They probably meant Sept 6 our time since Freida knows and they are catching on that there is a whole cheering section on a totally different continent from them.

Bird Girl Thanks for all that info about the incubation and actual events before the hatching. Add a lot of meaning to what we have been seeing and Freida has obviously been hearing.

Sleep in a while this morning ladies, we may need you again tonight...well ya know for eggs number 2 and 3. We'll be watching closely for number one today.

Good morning Suzanne and Sharon and anyone else who has come in, or is lurking since I started to read the bLOG and then leave my "little" message.

Just Vicky said...

Morning ladies! Still no baby??

glo said...

Hard to tell Vicky..cetainly could be ya know, but no not on "our"watch while anyone could see or keep there eyes open LOL.

Mauley said...

Morning All, Busy day at school. I havse to teach two whole classes today. I am so anxious for Frieda to get her babies. My hubby teaches chick incubation as a 4-H project for his club members. I enjoy it so much. Dana, HE MAKES SURE HE HAS HOMES FOR THE CHICKS BEFORE THEY HATCH> no child is ever allowed to take a chick home. Area chicken farmers (raise chickens just for eggs alone) get his newly hatched chicks directly from the classrooms. Hatched about 100 last year, and this year he has added another 14 incubators to the schools who participated last year. Plans on doing quail to release to wild. It will be a big task. God Bless You all today. gotta go teach Mauley

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back up at NU but eaglet is gone now. MT nest in Maine.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, how did this thing get over 500 so quick?

glo said...

Back from coffee and dog treats, Its breakfast time and then off to run lots an dlots of errands. No long walks at least this morning for my canine friends . Keep and eye on frieda. even if in the dark. Eagle eyes can do that!! I'll BLOG at ya later.

Sharon, Jo you got mail too.

MITS said...

Good morning everyone, Maine cam is up, but no eagle, been awile, too dark to figure what Freida or Frodo are doing. Tai and Mom are resting on the grotto and there are still roaches on the lens on elephant cam#2 EEEWWW!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun's cam is up.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
paula eagleholic said...

You heading to the beach today?

paula eagleholic said...

Think you got a half can there!

MITS said...

Paula, depends on how much I get down around the house today, doing laundry now.

MITS said...

I really think that most of the problems with the blog is traffic during the day, it seems to quiet down after the work day comes to an end, JMHO!!!

MITS said...

YUM!! Sitting here eating a nice fresh cranberry muffin, that my neigbor brought to me, Reminds me of vacations to Cape Cod and fresh cranberry muffins...

MITS said...

PPHHEEWW!! LUN-LUN has done alot of DUNG-DUNG.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I was noticing that dung dung too! She is curled up in a little panda ball!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, congrats on the 1/2 can of wax!!! I knew you could do it!

MITS said...

Lun is a pretty panda.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Tiger cam #2, momma's tail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...