Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday 5 September

Rainy Tuesday thread.


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belle_wv said...

Norma where did you say the website was for tributes and msgs to the Irwin family?

MITS said...

Belle, just go to Friedas'page and go down the left side, hit the EPA site and it will take you right to the page of condolences.

belle_wv said...

Thanks Mits

MITS said...

You are most welcome, Belle

wvgal_dana said...

Well Glo you pretty well gave a clip of the other blog to Belle. I wouldn't go over there for a couple of days Belle. It's pretty cracked up over there...an alot of crock too.

belle_wv said...

Frieda looks SOOO tired - those lil chicks must be wigglin and cheepin/peepin up a storn and keeping her awake

belle_wv said...

LOL Dana, I think I will be happy on this blog for today....

Just Vicky said...

Don't tell me the famous "crock" has returned?

belle_wv said...

Dana - is your counter where you set the crockpot not level? Maybe that is making the lid not fit tightly? THat's the only thing I can think of?

MITS said...

Jo, I believe that is Tai on the ledge and Mei down by the outside door.

MITS said...

Frieda flew the coop.

MITS said...


belle_wv said...

She is back - did you see anything while she was up?

wvgal_dana said...

Idea here What do you all think of when Frieda hatching happens naming one after Steve Irwin??????????
What do you think???????

Mema Jo said...

On the F&F forum this is what Greg & then John predicted on hatching:

Greg says:
I think that it was about 4th of August that the eggs were laid. Incubation takes about 33 days, so we should see the eggs hatching around the 6th of September.
John says:
I think it was Aug 2, and I'll be pacing the floor on Sept 4!

Well the 4th is long gone - so I'll go with Greg.......

wvgal_dana said...

If Frieda left I missed it. She is on nest now.

Mema Jo said...

Oh my! I just saw Tai changing his position on the ledge! It was very scarey !! No, he didn't fall boom

Mema Jo said...

I need to go to CVS & get some miracle meds !!! I'm not closing the blog - it is working beautifully for me!

MITS said...

Belle, just saw the eggs, nothing more.

wvgal_dana said...

Reading the report on Lun Lun today that they wrote is alittle confusing.
The other day they didn't show her all day and said she was in her nest box.
Today she was out; we did see her. I know we weren't imiaging it. So how could she have been in nest box today all day?????

Oh well I'm only the idiot that reads and watches her site lol

Just Vicky said...

Well girls, Norma should be getting back in and PLEASE NOTICE WHAT IS NEW ABOUT HER!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Mits did you see that supposeable crack in the one egg?

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sure we will Vicky after all this waiting. I feel like I've been walking the floors of a materity ward. lol

MITS said...

On my question to the Frieda cam people about its problems. John Grey answered, "IT'S BEHAVING PRETTY WELL MOST OF THE TIME, BUT THE PARTIAL PICTURE ISSUE WILL HAPPEN NOW AND AGAIN. IT'S BECAUSE THE CAMERA WORKS FASTER THAN THE INTERNET".He is the Online Editor for The Courier-Mail

Just Vicky said...

Oh NORMA he looks marvelous!

Just Vicky said...

So colorful too! You sure ain't plain Norma anymore!

MITS said...

Dana, sometimes I think we are seeing the male panda also. I believe Lun was the one who was hanging half in and half out of the den

Just Vicky said...

Like I told you Norma, if you find something else we can change it anytime your heart desires!!! It was NOT a problem at all!

belle_wv said...

Oh Norma - excellent eagle - I love it! Great job!!! Thanks Norma and Vicky!

Just Vicky said...

Thought I would bring "croakie" back, NOT to be confused with Crockie! (the crock pot, not our good friend Steve Irwin) He was one of a kind for sure!

wvgal_dana said...

WOW!!! Norman your eagle backgound is blue. He looks like he is about to get a fish. HE is beautiful.....Norman is no plain jane anymore. Great pic Norma

Just Vicky said...

OK, where'd they all go??? Watching Dr. House????

wvgal_dana said...

By the way when I mentioned naming one of Frieda's babies after Steve Irwin. I didn't mean the name Steve. I mean something Austrailian, something he would say or like.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky I thought that "frog" got cooked in that crock pot on the other blog .... hee hee

MITS said...

Congrats, Norma, nice looking eagle you got there.

wvgal_dana said...

Is that one an impersonator?

Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Just Vicky said...

While we are on the subject Dana was it level???

belle_wv said...

Frieda is looking concerned about something

floralgirl said...

Yea Norma, nice picture!!

Just Vicky said...

You can go eat Norma! Your pic will still be here!

movin said...

Wow!! You all have been busy since I did a comment ... 1267 on the last thread!!

I didn't have a trouble getting into the blog this evening, so I guess whatever was grabbing you this morning is fixed or gone.

I think the 1st egg was laid around August 2-3 and the other 2 eggs were in the clutch on the 6th (all Australian times), so I think the 1st should be here already...that's based on the 33 days Greg mentioned, but the fact sheet says 28-35 days....

Better check now, it might have hatched (LOL).

The Crocodile Hunter...
I watched a lot of his shows on Animal Planet channel, and I really loved his exuberance and his knowledge of his subject.

I did think he let the poisonous snakes get way too close sometimes, and I thought one of those would get him someday. Probably NOBODY thought of a stingray doing him in....

I think he did great things for nature lovers and conservation, and I will miss him and his excitement about every animal he dealt with.

P.S. Noway I can read through all the comments recently... Has anyone gone to the eagle nest area or seen any of our eagles lately?

Mema Jo said...

I agree that Frieda is upset about something. More then likely Frodo is there & didn't bring her any lunch or even offer to give her a break to go get her own.
Belle Last evening I think we decided that there may be humans on the ledge manipulating the camera angle & that could be her concern.

Mema Jo said...

NORMABRYD You've hatched a pic

Nilla was on the blog today. She was fixing meatloaf for supper. I expect her to come back - I do think she is A-ok.

movin said...

I meant to ask you all earlier... Does anyone know the name of that little plant surrounding our Frieda in Brisbane??


Mema Jo said...

JIM No trips recently by anyone that I know of. I did email Steve W. late today & maybe I will get a report of any sigthings by FWS staff by tomorrow. I will post on here & momsters email if I do.

belle_wv said...

Oh I wouldn't want to be a human up there - Frodo would probably shred them - surely it is a robotic movement for the cam? If a person goes there - they're nuts for sure and I'd hate to have them frightening Frieda- I feel very guilty for intruding on her if they have to put that stress on her to move the camera...

OHH she is SOOOO gorgeous though - I love the coloring of her feathers

belle_wv said...

Hi Jim - glad you could stop by - no eagle sightings - Floral did go near the nest area on a drive, but no one was seen flying about or near the nest I believe... how're your hummers doing?

belle_wv said...

I wish Frieda would re-arrange herself and just happen to smoosh those plants down out of the way for awhile

Mema Jo said...


That's high noon their time - or 11:00 pm our time.

Time for me to indulge in a piece of pumpkin pie......... No one is eating this pie except me (won't offer it to anyone LOL)

belle_wv said...

Hmmmm movement on the nest...

belle_wv said...

Where's Sharon - we're coming up on a century mark...

Mema Jo said...

Did you note my typo?
Ok, how many of you eagle eyes did?

I really know how to spell Australia
I eat at the Out Back enough, I should know.

belle_wv said...

Jim - that plant is called ANNOYING to us - a heavenly screen to Frieda...

glo said...

Norma I love the eagle you chose. Looks like he is approaching water where a nice big fish is waiting to be lunch perhaps for him and/or the whole family. Suppose he is trying to find food for triplets in that shot. ya just never know!!! Very nice!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My, my busy again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Snuck right in on that one!! YEAH!

Mema Jo said...

If you want an idea of the ledge - you may go to the Frodocam home page & down towards the bottom are videos. Paula told me about them. You can have a better idea of what we are watching.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I didn't even realize what number we were on. Was reading and got to the end where Belle asked where I was, that we were nearing the century mark. Thanks for the tip Belle.

Normabyrd, what a beautiful addition to our blog. Thank you!

Just Vicky said...

So she's still at it again, Sharon lurking around waiting for the BIG moment!

floralgirl said...

Oh, we should have been expecting that! Trying to watch Freida cam and Wallace and Gromit movie at the same time-didn't see you sneakin in.

Mema Jo said...

Next Project ( after the junk room becomes an office area) is to get the pic on for Suzanne...........

You made such a good choice for your pic. I am glad you chose an Eagle !
Maybe one day you will land in my tree- feet first!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You have to stay on your toes around here (or at least on your fingers). :)

glo said...

Yep I agree we got more than just "happenstance" going on here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, let's all send vibes to Brisbane to the first laid egg - hatch today, hatch today!!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess the blog is running better (shhh), someone's been busy little bloggers! Going back to read, only on here for an hour before Nip/Tuck comes on!

Just Vicky said...

Suzanne needs a pic also??? Send her right over, I'll fix her up too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, it was on 295 when I refreshed and started reading the blog. It took me about 15 minutes to read them all, so you all were really slacking in that 15 minutes, you could have blogged 40 times in that time and blew me right out of the water.

Mema Jo said...

I would have bet 10-1 that you would do that Sharon. I just thought it was too early for your return..

Now if Mits & Nilla would come on in & bring Dana with them - We'd have a full house on a blog that is working!
Jim has even honored us with his presence.

44 min until High Noon in Brisbane

paula eagleholic said...

Jim, That would be a good question for the Frodocam Forum...although it may just be a weed!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

FloralGirl, can you name the vine or greenery that is surrounding Frieda?

Mema Jo said...

What do you see under there, Frieda

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Weeds have names too! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she is checking them

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I swear, sometimes she looks at that camera just like she knows we are there!

paula eagleholic said...

Told Ya'll this blog wouldn't start behaving till it had a couple of hundred posts...doesn't know how to act with less than that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that was a bizarre-looking shot of Frieda!

belle_wv said...

Here's hoping your right about the timing Jo - maybe it is the opposite of births happening at night because of the moon's pull... high noon for hatch - I like the ring of that...AND I don't want to stay up bleary eyed all night watching

Mema Jo said...

Camera is sure closing in !!!

movin said...

Thanks, Belle, 'annoying' sounds like a great name, at least until we come up with a more scientific one....

Frieda could be panting, I guess, but I checked the temp in Brisbane and it was under 75°.

She could be calling to Frodo, or she could be calling back and forth to the first chick....

They have pics showing the dates of laying for the eggs in the galleries, I saw them, so if someone wants to check them out, I'm sure it would be appreciated.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got an email back from John Grey in Brisbane and he said to be sure and watch today!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Nice pic, very nice!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lets count Frieda's feathers while we are waiting, shall we?

floralgirl said...

I have no clue what that plant is in front of the eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Just so you don't need to read the blog to refer to something I wrote earlier from the F&F Forum:

Greg says:
I think that it was about 4th of August that the eggs were laid. Incubation takes about 33 days, so we should see the eggs hatching around the 6th of September.
John says:
I think it was Aug 2, and I'll be pacing the floor on Sept 4!

I can see why John told you the 6th Sharon!!

movin said...

Actually, Paula, I did ask Greg what the "salad Frieda is nesting in is called" or something very like that, but he hasn't answered it yet.

Maybe he thinks I am a smart ass for the wording...?? Maybe he just didn't get to it yet.


Mema Jo said...

I bet she is looking at Frodo up on the ledge!

belle_wv said...

LOL Sharon - ahhh 1 ahhhh 2 aaaa 3 -- ohh no she moved -- aaahh1, aaa2,,,

Mema Jo said...

Right now I would call that plant an
IMPATIENT without bloom !

belle_wv said...

hopefully whatever that plant is - it is as full and as tall as it is going to get

paula eagleholic said...

Chicken pot pie for dinner! Yum, Yum, Same thing I had.

And yes, we now need a couple days of sun. Backyard is a soggy mess, can't even mow it.

belle_wv said...

LOL Jo!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, ROFLMAO!!

Mema Jo said...

26 min & counting

movin said...

Frieda changed her position 90 degs. to the right... Did anyone see what was under her?


paula eagleholic said...

Think it took him a week to answer my question...or maybe you're right, he thinks thou is a smartass! (Sounded pretty funny to me!)

belle_wv said...

I hope those lil ones know they're on a time schedule - they better be peckin away under there pretty good with less than half hour to go til the show starts :)

Mema Jo said...

Belle What's the count?
On the right wing, I mean.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

JIM, I sure didn't! Didn't even notice she had changed positions. She is so fast!

Mema Jo said...


belle_wv said...

She's UP

belle_wv said...

sigh and she's back down - must be one of the lil guys said 'hey mom could ya roll my egg THIS way so I can work on this weak spot?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just not up far enough!

MITS said...

She's down...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She turns without even raising up!

Frodo to Frieda: "Honey, don't you need a little break? Here is you a starling for supper, Darling!

MITS said...

I went to send John Grey a note of thanks and his automatic mail response came back he is on leave til Nov. 6th.

floralgirl said...

Man, the way she was moving around the past few minutes, thought there was a party going on under there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, I got one of those notes too. Man, that is a long time away from the office - 2 months!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits got 1/2 can of wax. YEAH MITS!

Mema Jo said...

MAN! If we ever needed a
LIVE FEED - it is right now !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But, Mema Jo, 10 second refresh is better than a 30 second refresh and much better than no pic at all!

belle_wv said...

Wow that's quite a 'leave' - I'm up to 35 feathers in her right wing, but I keep having to start over... guess we'll never know - we gotta get the tootsie pop owl out here to make a definitive count. After all he is a bird and an owl and a scholar...

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the eggs were laid on Aug 2, 4, and 6

MITS said...

Its getting to be summer time down under, baby!!!

MITS said...

Thank you, Sharon, its all yours.

Mema Jo said...

Courier News probably sent him away due to missing the right date of hatching. LOL
You can bet your bottom dollar that he is the one up on the ledge !!
Or he is at home glued to his puter just like we are !!

MITS said...

TOOTSIE POP, I like the red ones!!

Mema Jo said...

Well, Sharon - we could have a 5 sec !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Would they go on the ledge right now, ya think? I would think it would run her off or she would run them off, especially now!

paula eagleholic said...

Lol at the owl counting Frieda's feathers...if he is a small owl, he might become lunch!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too, Mits, red ones are my favorite too!

MITS said...

I would not touch that ledge right now with a 10ft. pole

Mema Jo said...

Ten min to go.
Question: Are you all going to send
me away for 2 months if I didn't get the time right? Sob Sob

Mema Jo said...

I don't think anyone is on the ledge.
It is a very long ledge... Did anyone get a chance to look at the videos?
Maybe tomorrow would be better timing.

paula eagleholic said...

Tell ya what...watching all these birds having to sit on the nest to bear young...would drive me bonkers! Makes me happy I could carry mine around with me all the time before they hatched!

MITS said...

Sure, Jo, where do you want to go????

MITS said...

She has an itch...

paula eagleholic said...

Mema Jo,
I finally got to watch them at work. They are pretty good!

Chocolate tootsie pops!

glo said...

OK I need food. Its gonna be ice cream with Magic shell topping bRB

Mema Jo said...

I think they are under there!
I really wish she would hop off the nest just for a sec next time she gets up like that - hops off before the refresh happens....

ONLY 4 min to go

MITS said...

Nasty blog just kicked me off with the big "ERROR MESSAGE"

Anonymous said...

Peep PEEP pEEP PEEPPPP Hey Mommmmmmm raise up alittle so i can breath and use this egg tooth to get out of this wet egg, peoples waitng for my debute

paula eagleholic said...

Going to go watch Nip/Tuck..yack at ya later...

belle_wv said...

Ohhh Mema - that look was for you wanting her to get off her nest - she told YOU where to get off ROFL

Mema Jo said...


I've run out of time - sorry the prediction didn't pan out.
You can send me to Siberia...
or to Grizzly bear river ... or on a cruise to the Bahamas would be just fine.

MITS said...

OUCH!!!!!!!!! How does she do that???

belle_wv said...

think she needs to get a drink and do a poop shoot over the ledge at some folks walking down 'under' LOL

Mema Jo said...

Belle I had my comment all typed as I watched the timer on the pic. I went back to post & thought - better look cause I had a few seconds.

She scared the chit out of me with that glaring look..... I'm not taking anymore pics too soon - I did get that one though. LOL

belle_wv said...

Bahamas sounds good Jo - and of course I'd have to go along with you and help you find some nests there...

belle_wv said...

Maybe she's telling us to not put so much pressure on her little ones to perform on cue.... could damage their little psyches before they're even outta the egg

MITS said...

Man, if looks could kill, we would all be slumped over our computers now.

belle_wv said...

Oh I know - she's lookin at Frodo sayin 'SURE --- NOW you want to help incubate the eggs - just so YOU can get all the glory.... forget it BUB!

MITS said...

That's right, Belle, I think we should call Dr. Phil. We would not like any narotic falcons flying around.

glo said...

OK so Jo Since you ran out of time, check your email before you leave for the Bahamas LOL.

Mema Jo said...

Ok, let's see if this will work.

Hey, Frieda Girl. I'm taking a

break away from the computer...Go

ahead & do your thing

belle_wv said...

she does look so tired... I bet she will be relieved when they hatch - at least for a minute or two - then she'll have to start worrying about feeding them, I sure do hope they all hatch OK for her - she's such a good mom

Mema Jo said...

Happy Camper
I did take a split second just a minute ago when Sharon sent me some pics.

glo said...

Too bad you can't just go walk the dogs, that always worked for me when its was our little family .

glo said...

oh oh racetime coming up...lots of competition now, and Jo wants us to think she has left the computer hmmm Probably has Sharon on the ohone yah right!!

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ Eating Packs Frozen custard ice cream Belle from Inwood bananna and raspberry... Yummmm Yummm so creamyyyyy and good. Watching Freida that poor baby need abreak i think studmuffin was on the ledge.

glo said...

Hi Nilla I just enjoyed some ice cream too

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is definitely watching something around her!

glo said...

she's lookin at us again OR she's lookin at him!!!

belle_wv said...

LOL Jo - that might work - or Sharon can just say please with pigeon and sparrow on top and she'll do a curtsy and move out of the way for her.

I am going to have to tell Frieda and the rest of you fine folks good night for real, though... I want to keep vigil, but must be vigilant tomorrow at the pool - wouldn't do to fall asleep there.

Snap pics and keep me posted - good luck Frieda - Steve Irwin is watching over you now :) He'll make sure food comes your way and predators stay out of your babes' way :)

G'night all and G'day lil falconettes when you arrive

MITS said...

She just looked at you Nilla, when you called Frodo studmuffin!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Falcons are like eagles, absolutely beautiful but looks that could kill!

MITS said...


MITS said...

dang, missed it...lol

glo said...

Good night Belle

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got 400 and wasn't even trying. Luck of the draw I guess. Really, honest, it was on 395 when I blogged!

MITS said...

LOL!!!Congrats almighty Queen of the Wax..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you were 2 seconds too late. Sorry. You can have mine, though!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been called a lot of things in my life but never did I dream I would ever be called Almight Queen of Wax!

glo said...

LOL I don't even try anymore. I think its rigged to be honest with you...not sure how she does it, but she does!!!

MITS said...

Night Belle.

MITS said...

You could open up a Madame Toussand or whatever her name is House of Wax.

NillaWafer said...

Nilla's wise evening tip for the day: When opening ice cream so it doesnt get a ice build up on it in the freezer place some plastic wrap over the top covering the ice cream. Wil stay fresh and not get feezer burn...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I have a secret passageway into the blog to guarantee winning the wax. I am good that way! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the tip, Nillabean!! Can't eat ice cream anymore though. That and milk are the 2 things I miss the most because of my gastric bypass!

wvgal_dana said...

I got off was talking to Nilla on the phone and then first time I couldn't get back in....
Wish one of you locked the door?????
I hope it was only because of thiefs and not because it was me trying to get in LOL just kidding...
Well I missed Belle bye Belle
I dont know while writing this if Nilla has been back in but she is ok bp is goooood. She has been surfing and watching Frieda.

glo said...

Well i am going to go do some work on an aquarium, i'll be checking in and out.

NillaWafer said...

Ok how many really feel Lun Lun is pregnant?? They say she isnt eating much every time i looked today she was eating bamboo.. Her cootchie bug itching is something i think they need to investigate.. I have seen Tai raise hisself up and rub his butt on the wall which is normal for male pandas.. Guess tomarrow they will do a Hormone test

Mema Jo said...

Here's Jo's secret of ice cream not getting freezer burn.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I am playing JT's Blocks again. Love that game!


Mema Jo said...

One evening she was off the eggs at 10:47 pm & then last night it was not until 12:29 am. I really want to see the eggs one time before I sign out.

Up & Out of There, Frieda

Mema Jo said...

Sharon GLO is tending to the aquarium. She can't see what you said!

NillaWafer said...

LMAO..Smartass....LOL I just threw out 2 containers of Ben & Jerries Chunky Monkey which is expensive and some peach ice cream and vanilla.. This is atip i heard on food network. I do open the store in the morning so wont be on here to late..

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon question can you drink milk if not what do you drink instead? My daughter can't drink milk she uses something else likes it alot; doesn't blot her or cause her the gastric problems milk does. She is allergic to the protein in milk.

MITS said...

Jo, I like your idea, alot.

MITS said...

Shhhh, her eyes are closed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She'll be back!

wvgal_dana said...

So Nilla now you know. Any ice cream you don't think you will finish. Just send it to Jo. She'll take care of it so you don't have to throw it out. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just don't do well with dairy products. Before my surgery, I drank about a gallon of milk every 2 days. Not anymore. I can drink about an ounce without it bothering me!

NillaWafer said...

It's behaving pretty well most of the time, but the partial picture issue will happen now and again.
It's because the camera works faster than the internet.

John Grey
Online Editor
The Courier-Mail

Answer to the e-mail about the 1/2 pictures and also got 1 thanking me for the pictures i sent which are on the site.

MITS said...

Nilla, don't read the blogs, do ya LOL!!?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wasn't going to say it Mits, so I am glad you did! Must have gotten lots of emails about it!

glo said...

Ok Did you all deliver any babies yet

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that is countable feathers!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon the product she uses is called "Rice Dream" it comes in a box not in the dairy or cooler section.
She can't use anything else. Her stomach (little as she is) swells like she is 4 months pregrant, bloats so badly with milk. Rice Dream is her miracle. I had tried many many things people told me about. Even went to the health food places. She found this on her own. I have seen it at Martins so I know other grocery stores now carry it.

NillaWafer said...

Yes i do Thelma and i know i saw something about it but didnt go back thru to look so i just copied n pasted mine .. Oh she is looking up into the sky

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is watching the raptors fly?

glo said...

No babies yet I see, wanted to get caught up on the bLOG so I don't have as many to read when i get done. back again in a little bit. SharonGlad you like the game. I lik eit too. LOL

NillaWafer said...

When my Melissa was a baby she was allergic to milk and almost everything.. Her formula was called MalSoy something like that quite expensive for then (1970) She could only eat rice cereal and some fruits.. She was 9 months old and weighed like 15 lbs very tiny but walked at 7 months as did my other girl son walked at 8 months

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting ready for beddy bye! Going to watch TV and Frieda for a little while. Computer is right by my bed so I can watch from there.

Good night, sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers!

NillaWafer said...

On the other hand Dawn was 17 1/2 lbs at 3 months..lol she was a Carnation Milk and Karo Syrup baby

Mema Jo said...

I am going to sign off. Early appointment tomorrow. Keep your eyes on Frieda as long as you can. If you take a pic of the eggs - please send me a copy.

I will probably check back just before going into bed - Just need to do somethings before then.

GoodNight Eagle Buddies of Mine

Dream of cracked pink eggs!!!

NillaWafer said...

Nighter Sharon i am not far behind you tonight its back to work tomarrow..

NillaWafer said...

Nighters Jo sweet dreams

wvgal_dana said...

AOYP Sharon with Sweet Eagle Dreams

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...