Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday September 7

Thursday post. I know some folks have been trying to get in touch with me. Please indulge my lack of communication and or response.

We are in final crunch mode on a 350 person conference here at NCTC that starts tonight and goes through the weekend.

Folks from all over the country are coming in for an invitation-only dialogue on the issue of children becoming disconnected with nature. We have been living and breathing this event for the past two weeks.

The inspiration for the event is the recent book by Richard Louv--Last Child in the Woods--Saving our Children from Nature-deficit Disorder. Highly recommended.


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paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land!

Thanks, Steven, for the new thread.

Congrats, Norma!

paula eagleholic said...

MT nests everywhere, CT, NU and BW

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear you arrived safely and everything is ok.

Off to watch the Freida video.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the nest at Blackwater actually fared pretty well. The CT osprey nest really took a beating. I was watching during the storm, and actually saw a big piece fly off from the right side. It hit little smurf osprey and almost knocked him out of the nest!

movin said...


That's all I have time to say this morn, except I hope that last kid in the woods hears and sees something great enough to tell his/her buddies.


glo said...

SteveThanks for the new thread. Sounds very exciting there at NCTC.

Now I could be and probably am a little biased here BUT One of the greatest adventures NCTC undertook this year to captures the hearts and minds of kids Is in fact this eaglecam we so very much have loved!!! The fact that we are sticking around here and driving you nuts until you turn it back on again is a testament to that.

Important to note that teachers from classrooms are/ or were also a big part of the lurkers during the actual nesting to fledging eadventure.

Thrilling, ABSOLUTLEY Thrilling

glo said...

Oh and in case anyone is Bored I added some items to a different Blogspot this morning. It doesn't get too many visitors so your stopping by would surely be fun.
And Nilla I know you like to surf around so surf on over. OH and Nilla if you scroll down about 2/3 of the way on the right is a "Spanish word a day". It changes daily. My thought is We can learn to understand our grandkids and their parents when they switchinto that Spaninsh mode on us". LOL
Here's the link.

Just Vicky said...

Norma, first for the day means all of today's WAX is donated to you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet in the NU nest. Yang Yang is sleeping under his little shed. Can't tell what Frieda is doing but I hope the wind has died down for her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am watching 3 panda bears sleeping and 1 Peregrine Falcon sleeping. Lots of excitement around here today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am watching 3 panda bears sleeping and 1 Peregrine Falcon sleeping. Lots of excitement around here today!

glo said...

See now that is

1 Why I had time on my hands to update

2 I shared the site with you cause I knew you were bored!!
Actually Sharon You have probably seen 80 % of it LOL, but not all.
AND There are 2 cute Panda videos there , where the Panda is not sleeping!!!

I know I know you figured More grandbaby stuff LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yang Yang has no idea that his sweetheart's whole life changed yesterday!

paula eagleholic said...

I got to see the Panda video on the Today show this morning.

Osprey in CT - NU and BW empty. So is Maine. Freida still snoozin. Rest up baby!

paula eagleholic said...

Tide really high in CT, probably because of the FULL MOON headed our way tonight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This will take you to a link to see Lun Lun and Buta Buta!

Just Vicky said...

Well Lun Lun sure loves that iddy biddy teennie tiny squealing baby!

PS, Blog acting up for me again!

paula eagleholic said...

Watched the video again...awwwww that little cub squealing is so darn cute...Lun Lun looks like she is going to be a good Mom, the way she was cuddling and cleaning her.

Just Vicky said...

Kind of a SLOWWWWWWWWW place here today!

glo said...

What fun Sharon Thank you so much for that link. I had to literally take it across the street to my nighbor's which is why it took me so long to come on here and say Thank YOu. I don't get CNN so right away i thought Hmmm gonna have to see and hope it is online here...and there it was right here in the BLOG. Click and Enjoy. (((hugs to you))) from my neighbors too. Really. They love dit. They were the ones who first took me to the Marina to show me where it was when I wanted to go eagle hunting when i first moved her. great animal people. My dogs think they are Grandma and grnadpa for sure. LOL

glo said...

Norma actually I first read your heads up on the CNN report, BUT I dont get CNN.

So actually it was in fact First Thanks to you for letting the Blog know Since Sharon spends her day here for the most part, she saw it, and posted a link.

I am thrilled to have had access to that video And thank you both for the Heads up and how to watch in more than one place.

Shower time for me, but got the mowing done again for a while!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is right Normabyrd, you planted the seed for sure. Hadn't thought to go the CNN site for that. Now I have found the videos on the Atlanta Zoo site too and have watched them over and over. She looks so precious with that little naked mole rat!

They must be doing maintenance outside Tai and Mei's den cause they have been inside all day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just looked in the AppArt osprey site and apparently the cam is down. Somebody on there is so d<^> hateful.

paula eagleholic said...

Mom Osprey in CT nest. Boy they are staying late up there. Probably because of the good fishing!

paula eagleholic said...

She is standing there looking around the nest like,

"What, did a hurricane blow through here or something? This place is a mess!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, ROFLMAO!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Early Afternoon! One of these days I will get in here early enough to chat with Suzanne and all you others who check in before going to work or out to mow the lawns or out to walk your dogs! Well, it really isn't a promise - maybe just wishful thinking.
Some of you that get these valuable links to give to others on the blog - I am requesting that you place a message also with the link on the email on Momsters' site. It will reach all members & maybe entice some of the lurkers to come on in & join us. It would also make sure all of the bloggers who don't read all our comments to get the info.Just a thought. I really think Bloggers & Momsters are all in one the same!

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thursday, September 7
One day in!
Lun Lun gave birth at September 6 at 4:51 P.M.
Both the cub and mother seem to be doing fine. We have very little to share at this moment, but will keep posting updates daily about Lun Lun's and the cub's progress. Both the cub and mother seem to be doing fine. We have very little to share at this moment, but will keep posting updates daily about Lun Lun's and the cub's progress.
Dr. Rebecca Snyder
Curator of Giant Panda Research and Management

Mema Jo said...

Steve The conference being held at NCTC sounds like it has nature's future as a priority. I know that scouting, 4-H clubs, church groups try to instill the love of nature in our future generation. Many, many parents brought up close with the out-of-doors do so for their children. I think our Eagle season was brought into many more classrooms then we realize. the "Back to Nature" concept is getting more and more important!
I commend you and staff at NCTC for doing this.

paula eagleholic said...

That was baby osprey in the nest. Parent just made an awesome drop off. But my comment still stands!

Baby eating now...

Mema Jo said...

Paula, my eagle buddy
You have mail - get it quick!

Mema Jo said...

I need an eagle fix. Any around any of the nests?

Mema Jo said...

I guess they're not going to show Yang Yang all day long. Can't get any pic up at the panda cam in Atlanta.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo! All done!

paula eagleholic said...

No eaglets. But Osprey is still in CT.

paula eagleholic said...

Has anyone seen an eaglet in the Maine nest lately? I think they have migrated...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I haven't there or Santa Cruz!

paula eagleholic said...

Your Welcome, Sharon, for setting you up for that 1/2 can!

Mema Jo said...

Just watched LunLun's video clips of the cubs birth. LunLun is so loving - very heartwarming to view. Also loved some of the other clips. The red panda has a pretty face - looks like a fox!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you so much, Eagle Buddy,Paula!

I'm going to send the link for LunLun over to the momsters' site.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though they moved the cam back in closer to Frieda's nest. Almost light Down Under.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Paula.

Mei is doing her Stevie Wonder dance wanting outside. Tai is trying to climb up the wall. I think they are wanting out!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a little while. BBL!

Mema Jo said...

MIA is Ray Charles-ing again. I guess it is treat time. Did anyone read when the new accomdations for the pandas was going to open.
Read where our little butterball got stung by a bee last week. I wonder if they got a video of it happening.
Poor little guy - Ouch!

Mema Jo said...

I need to pull a NORMA & pay some bills......... BBL

Bird Girl said...

howdy folks!

watched Freida as long as I could, til it got too dark, and didn't see hatchlings... I sure hope the eggs are viable, it would be really disappointing if it was all for nothing...

Lun Lun's cub is can anything that little be that LOUD????

hope everyone is doing okay today... i'll check back in later on...

bird girl

paula eagleholic said...

Starting to lighten up in should be in full color soon....

paula eagleholic said...

Baby Smurf is really enjoying his din-din!

MITS said...

Hi, just stopping in for a sec. Just to see if this blog will let me post. Jo, I think the new FUJI Asian center may be opening sometime around 9/20. Back to the regular angle for Frieda, color is on. Saw where Tai got stung by a bee. Idiots, don't put out sweet things this time of the year and hose down his little paws so they are not sticky. People, please don't ever believe that D.C. has the highest concentration of intelligent people that live here, as someone I know pointed out to me one time. Of course, this person did not live in the area, I have for almost 24 years.

Mema Jo said...

I had a major problem a few minutes ago. Had no clue what I did - but for about 1/2 hour I thought I had lost the blog page or that something deleted it. Glad to see you are all still here.......Didn't want to lose you too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Has anybody seen Frieda off the eggs today? Did it just come up in color?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, you will never lose us!

glo said...

Well this probably isn't a special enough link for the Momster Group email, , LOL


It was one year ago today that my daughter and son-in-law first walked into an orphanage where they would see, hold and eventually adopt a sweet Baby Girl named Elia. Many of you know that I posted a huge website about the adoption story, and my daughter updated the blogsite there everytime they went to the orphanage to see this baby girl. Since they have gotten her home, they have been just a Little busier LOL and there have been sporadic kinds of pictures etc.

This afternoon I got the most special email. It is a letter fromt them to Elia Titled One Year Later

If you have a moment to stop by and read it, maybe yes I would love you to leave a quick comment for them, as they remember this day, all that led up to a decsion to go to an orphange, and they journey they took to actually find her and bring her home. Bless each one of you who takes a moment to do this. here is the link...

glo said...

Mits You are so funny LOL. Gla dyou are there and essentialy things are pretty much oK at Ocean City. Gonna enjoy watching freida for a while now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Frieda, the wind is not blowing. Get up for a minute!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out again. BBL. Keep a close eye on Frieda (or Frodo).

I predicted 2 dates on the egg hatching - 9/6 and 9/10. More will be revealed on the 10th and more was revealed on the 6th.

MITS said...

I imagine that most of you have viewed Lun and her cubs video. You can hear Lun honking and that is a sign of stress in a panda. Mei would do it when Tai was born and when they took him for his exams, it was so pitiful.

Mema Jo said...

GLO The letter was so very touching! My comment left there made sure that the world knew how proud the 'grandmother' was feeling.

MITS Going out to get the

MITS said...

There is still fish gonk on the CT cam. I think these cams should have little wipers, where a spray of windex comes out, and a little wiper blade comes out and cleans the cam.

MITS said...

Or you can use peroxide to clean the cams.

MITS said...

GLO I put it in my google search box and it did not come up, can you please send via e-mail. Thanks!!

glo said...

Missed something but not sure where What is the peroxide for? LOL Are you going blonde Mema Thanks for going by the site today. I don't know exactly how you do it, but you do, and you are so very very appreciated.
OK enough appreciation!! Did you look into fixing this Blogger thing yet LOL?

Mema Jo said...

No real progress to report as just an hour ago I thought I lost the entire blog from my hard drive. Right now I just have to be appreciative of what I've got! Remember that I confessed to not being a miracle worker...LOL

Mema Jo said...

Glo I wish you would have been able to find a Hummer plant. My little guy has been very very busy at mine. He even landed on one of the stems for awhile. My camera won't zoom close enough for the pictures I have taken , you can't even find him with all the green leaves. Floralgirl gets really good pics of her Hummers.

glo said...

Well next year I am going to have one of Floralgirl's baskets Hanging outside my window. And there will be hummers within say 10 feet of me while I sit at my computer.

I was ahving trouble with Blogger lots for a ocuple of hours while trying to get that info onto the blog for my daughter. Maybe it was Blogger and they are over their hiccoughs for a while or something. WE can hope!!!

glo said...

Wow I seem to be in here all alone. if I post 21 times, 20 after this one, I could win a can of wax. Let me see, tea or wax...

BBL I am going to make some tea and sit outside for a while Beautiful day.

Mema Jo said...

Best choice you could have made, GLO.
It is sooooooooooo beautiful here also.

Bird Girl said...


Bird Girl said...



Bird Girl said...

I can't believe I'm all by myself during the DAYTIME!!!

NillaWafer said...

I took apicture of Frieda looking at the eggs and think i see a fuzzy

Bird Girl said...



glo said...

Yep I'm here. Fixed my tea and decided to take anoterh look and saw..Oh my she is sitting differently than before I wondered. Is there news and in came Bird Girls email

NillaWafer said...

yes yes i took apicture of it!!!!!!!!

glo said...

LOL Nilla Send the picture Please

Bird Girl said...

i attached photo in my email and posted it on the group site in Frieda's album

glo said...

Yeah freida AND she didn't keep us up all night doing it either LOL. Actually it is the hatchling that didn't keep us up all night, but many of us have lost "SOME" sleep this week. !!! Oh It is so wonderful to have some Brand new life to watch in here for a while LOL

. Now that sounds funny BUT I mean of the critter kind. .WE got life in here obviously by the number of posts lol

glo said...

Thanks Birdgirl Off to take a look. Attachments don't come through in the email But I can find it in the photo album for sure. I did see your email just a minute ago that said Hatchling though. You are certainly trying your best to let everyone know LOL (((hugs)))

Just Vicky said...

You mean we have a hatchling??? Could someone send me the picture PLEASE???????????

Bird Girl said...


glo said...

Well Vicky. Nilla and Bird girl both got a picture. Bird girl says hers is on the momster site ,but I don't see it yet. Nilla hasn't responded since she wrote "has a picture" maybe she has a customer and will be back in a few.

glo said...

OK I looked in Bird girl OK Thanks

glo said...

Guess I know what I'm looking at. Is it pink with a little black spot near her head. I saw that before tea and wondered since it was pink and black if it was a hatchling.

Bird Girl said...

the hatchling is white and fuzzy...

NillaWafer said...

No No hatchling is white and fuzzy and was down near her wing facing the camera..

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

do i

glo said...

LOL Ok Got to go back and look some more . I have been needing some new glasses. This could get me there !!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MITS!! I am so proud of you!! :):):)

MITS said...

LOL!!! No, Glo, I think that is what MemaJo and I were looking at the other night. A square egg with a black eye looking out of it. JUST KIDDING LOL!!!

Bird Girl said...

i just posted a photshopped version of the pic, pointing out our newest addition... look in the Freida album, the first two photos are the new ones

Bird Girl said...

pizza's here... gonna eat now, i'll check in later on...

glo said...

Mits, LOL You are probably right. OK well to be honest, I'm not sure I have seen the white fuzzy thing yet, but i'm looking. I do see like fuzzy stuff around the weeds today though and was wondering where that came from, oR I could be seeing somethings and not seeing some other LOL. I think I do need this tea!!!

glo said...

OK Cool A pointer will help!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Bird Girl. I see it where you have pointed it out. That is so cool!!!!!! Thank God it didn't hatch yesterday. It would have been blown right off that ledge.

glo said...

LOL Thanks BirdgirlI do see all that white fuzz. I'll take your word for it thatits a baby. And these birds eggs supposedly ahtch fairly close together so we could see another oops she's lookin , later today

Mema Jo said...


I posted on Momsters a reply to you & let all know (if they read their email) where to go to see the pic.

NOW - You need to go to the homepage of Frieda & sent the pic to them. I see no announcement to date of them recognizing the BLESSED EVENT>

glo said...

Oh this is gonna be fun. i am so glad sh eisn't lying there trying to hold on for dear life today. Instead we all get to enjoy her and her little fuzz balls as they appear!!!

Just Vicky said...

So we have baby panda and baby falcon! Now let's have another baby panda and another falcon!

NillaWafer said...

Yup checked the pointer and thats what i took the picture of also .. We musta took the same Now she needs to get up so we can see.. Doesnt it need fed?

glo said...

Well got to share this
I started to type, Ya know they are probably all sleeping over there Thinking since its daytime here, its nightitme over there

Duh the bird is sitting in the sun
Chuckled, started to delete it all and then thought to share this brilliant thought!!!

MITS said...

Why thank you, SHARON just sorta fell into that one.

MITS said...

JO its only 8 in the morning there right?

MITS said...

That's ok GLO I always have to stop and think twice about what is the time and date down under.

glo said...

LOL Don't knw what time it is, but its obviously daylight and yes only for a few hours our time. Maybe they aren't in to work yet, or are just getting there.!!!

glo said...

Mits Yes but not while you are staring at something in broad daylight and trying to think and tell others, it is night time...

Now that I;m not working as much I can get confused about what day it is here. My dogs let me know what time it is though...they come with inner clocks for sure!!

glo said...

Well i will have a lot of blogging to catch up on as people come in and discover we have a hatchling, but It is supper and walk the dogs time here now

NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...


NillaWafer said...

Guess Ole Studmuffin is out celebrating with the

NillaWafer said...

Yes Norma definatly 2

MITS said...


MITS said...


NillaWafer said...

Oh look sint that cute she is feeding them they are so white in color wish we had sound!!! Norma those little mouths wide

glo said...

back from walking dogs check in and caught the cutest photo of the chicks Yep isee 2 beaks for sure so 2 chicks for sure

glo said...

Doesn't this feel absolutely wonderful YES!!!

glo said...

ummm so what exactly is for supper LOL Did Freida go get it, or did Frodo bring it to her. I wasn't here to see it arrive.

glo said...

Well fed my dogs, time to feed me now number 3 will hatch while I'm gone so keep a very very close eye !!!

NillaWafer said...

No Norma i didnt see it but i am thinking that Frodo brought it. as she hasnt left the nest..

glo said...

Norma Our stats on here are about the same LOL. I have been first once in the last 5 months anyway. And have actually managed 1 and 1/2 cans of wax too. OK Cooking time for me!

NillaWafer said...

Mits i think the egg the Kingfisher was setting on was wooden or they have taken it was just watching and she left the nest box and the egg is gone.. I think since they are so endangered they hand raise them from what i haver read and seen in the stories there..

Mema Jo said...

This is so cool........ Good for Frieda. Hopefully #3 won't wait too much longer.
Nilla I can never open your bmp pics! I am heartbroken!

Mema Jo said...

I just looked at the Homepage & there is the announcement:

First out!
The first chick has hatched

Guess they'll soon change that to
2 down & 1 to go !!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my let me see if i can change it to jpeg format...

Mema Jo said...

Frieda's camerman just zoomed in on her. Very close range.

NillaWafer said...

Ok i changed the pictures from bmp to jpeg and sent them... i also cropped them alittle .. Think they are great!!! If you want them put e-mail here.

glo said...

ooops she's gone again

glo said...

those little heads will be popping up for food anytime now

NillaWafer said...

Just added the picture's over on Momster Blog in my album.. Jo how do i delete pictures from album?

Just Vicky said...

They are so adorable!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Doesn't this just make you SSSOOOOOOOOOOO anxious for a new season of eaglets????

wvgal_dana said...

Finally finished going through all my mail...wonder pics I got Nilla.
Ty Birdgirl also.

Fuzzies and squealing hairless baby pandalet life is good...

NillaWafer said...

Yes Jo please put them in the other album...

Just Vicky said...

Everyone "out of the house" around here tonight???

Just Vicky said...

I Do believe Ms. Glo got more WAX!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Vicky , dont know waht everyone else is doing i been working on changing pictures and cropping them and just busy busy.. How was your day? Arent they just so cute!!! Welcome home Dana.. I think i need to run to grocery store i sure have a BIGGG CRAVING RIGHT NOW FOR

Just Vicky said...

Make that Banana Pudding Nilla!

Just Vicky said...

So what does everyone think the odds are that LunLun will have another baby???

NillaWafer said...

Vicky can you help me with something ? please e-mail me at

NillaWafer said...

Slim to none now been way to long i think if she was would have been within 12 or so hours after this babies birth?? I know i read about it

Just Vicky said...

Will do!

Just Vicky said...

You got Mail Nilla!

Just Vicky said...

I thought it was something like up to 24 hours???

NillaWafer said...

Hmmm dont remember i know i read something about it.. You have mail ..have somethings to do BRB.. Work your majic

Just Vicky said...

Nilla, you have mail!

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Jo for adding thsoe pictures to Friedas album on Momsters and thanks Vicky wink

NillaWafer said...

Yesssssssss it worked i have Freida and the babies beening fed .. adorable

paula eagleholic said...

Wonderful Evening, all.

Wooo Hooo! We got a fuzzie!

Going back to catch up!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my first NFL FOOTBALL game is on between Pittsburg and Atlanta Falcons... Hmmmmmm i like Pittsburg and with the birth of the falcon babies i gota go with Falcons tonight!!!!! Maybe we will get the 3rd birth with

NillaWafer said...

NOT 1 FUZZIE Paula 2 so far seeee them in my blog Jo added pictures i took of them to the album over on Momsteres

Just Vicky said...

Anytime I can be of assistance, just let me know Nilla! (wink wink!)

Just Vicky said...

Nilla, have you clicked on your picture?? It shows it real plain when it brings it up !

NillaWafer said...

OH MYYYYY WHAT A VOICE MARTINA Mc Bride singin the National Anthem..... I got goosie bumpssss just awsome voice!!!!! They are playing in Pittsburg to

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla I'm sticking with Pittsburg sorry GO PITTSBURG

Just Vicky said...

DO I qualify as the "quick change act?"

Just Vicky said...

Guess we are NOT united in our cheering of teams here tonight!

NillaWafer said...

I give ya 10 pluus points Vickyyyy.. Deal or No deal returns on monday I love Howie Mandel.. you know he has a phobia about washing his hands wont touch other peoples hands ..

glo said...

LOL Cute picture nilla. I knew that was happening when I saw the note to Vicky. Good for you. I'm really glad you decided to put that one by your name for a while, although Sugah Bugah is one gorgeous kitty. She won't mind as long as she knows her mama loves her, which she does!!!

NillaWafer said...

Lol Dana should i expect phone calls when Pittsburg scores???LMAO

Mema Jo said...

Please go to the Brisbane home page

It's twins!
The first chicks have hatched
Feeding video

Look at the RealPlayer video of the
First Feeding


NillaWafer said...

Terrible towels are twirlinnnnnnn .. Dana i do like Pittsburg... Man i know Pittsburg is rockin tonight...

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, you guys got to see the chicks eat already! They also have a feeding video on the site..

wvgal_dana said...

The Mayor of Pittsburg died and his 20 something year old son is going to start the "Terrible Towel" wave tonight..

paula eagleholic said...

Glo, congratulations on the one year anniversary of your granddaughter!

Mema Jo said...

Great Pic Very up-to-the-minute

Hey There Vicky
You sure are the quickest change artist I know of ! Great Work.

Just Vicky said...

Nilla, I'm sure you could have a life as a groupie at games! Then we could watch you on TV! Of course we will see you on TV on trivia game shows, I forgot!

NillaWafer said...

OK Watching up close n personal veiw of mother nature ...

NillaWafer said...

TWINS from same egg?? Is there still 2 more eggs??? Guess we will wait n see .. She is so gentel making sure its small peices of meat..

wvgal_dana said...

From time Lun Lun gave birth:
Animal management staff continues to closely watch Lun Lun for a potential second birth. Twin births occur nearly 50% of the time in the species. The second birth could occur up to 12 to 24 hours after the first

Just Vicky said...

Thanks Dana, Nilla and I were tossing that around earlier! I hope there is another one!!

Just Vicky said...

Have they taken the camera off of LunLun??

NillaWafer said...

Ok so its been over 24 hours was at 5:41 this evening so no chance of another..

glo said...

I don't think Lun Lun is going to have another one. It's past the 24 hours since the first. I think she has her handsful "But that is kind of funny too, cause she is sososososo big and he is sososoos small LOL. But he is loud!!!

NillaWafer said...

Yeah Glo Bug he is laying here on my desk watching me surf.. Today i cleaned fur from furniture and put a sheet over the back of my love seat he likes to lay on it..

glo said...

Thanks Paula That was quite a day and quite a decision for a young couple to make when they went to that orphahange. i don't know if you've read any of what happened in the past year, but it was kind of tough, very tough at times, ALAS it is ownderful now though.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, I knew that from Frodo site...Great pic, Nilla. Thanks for putting them in the album, Nilla and Jo and Birdgirl.

Just Vicky said...

Ok, so no more baby pandas for now! You Burst my bubble girls!

NillaWafer said...

You know i cant not veiw that video because i dont have the Axis Media Control?? I have never heard of it, thats why i never watched Blackwater cam... I better install it i suppose

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Glo, I did read about how difficult it was. I am sure you and they are both so glad they persevered.

NillaWafer said...

Glo speaking of Spanish.. last night i was down at daughters and she said Fatima could not explain where she lived. and he dad had to go to the school.. WELL i said to her IF YOU would speak ENGLISH to her instead of SPANISH maybe she would learn!!! Dawns says she will learn engish in school BS she needs to speak it always.. See she lives with her real other in Winchester and all they speak is Spanish.. Boils my blood!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone figure out what she fed them?

NillaWafer said...

Now Rosa never spoke spanish til Fatima came on Thanksgiving and she is speaking fluent spanish now.. Thats a good thing bing Bi Lingual

paula eagleholic said...

Do you mean the CT cam? That is the only one that takes it. It's pretty neat at CT, cause you can hit the little picture thing and it automatically takes a picture for you and puts it in a separate folder.

I think you only need quicktime or media player to view the Freida videos.

NillaWafer said...

Paula didnt see any feathers unless Frodo had plucked them was small animal

wvgal_dana said...

Oh My NIlla she needs to speak English you are RIGHT ... if she gets lost and people can't help her....oh so scarey...chills

They live if America need to speak English; some say we need to learn Spanish. My ancestors are German and they learn't to speak English.

NillaWafer said...

Paula i have media and the only video i cant watch are thsoe with this AXIS MEDIA CONTROL thingie at least thats what it says i dont have.. AXIS241S I am going to check it out

Mema Jo said...

Remember that the Harrisburg falcons fed on rats & pigeons! You know, I don't know why they referred to the 2 chicks as 'twins'! They are really just 2 chicks from 2 separate eggs. I wonder when the third on will make an appearance? Really can't see that 3rd egg!

NillaWafer said...

I just think its lazienest on her part Dana , for her its easier to speak spanish and living with her real mother all they speak is spanish.. Oh it makes me mad you can beleive that.. we are in the car and her and Rosa are in the back talking in spanish i tell them both to speak ENGLISH..

NillaWafer said...

Thats what i said Jo 2 chicks same egg or 2 chicks 2 eggs.. daffy

Just Vicky said...

Glo, you have mail!

NillaWafer said...

Wonder where on earth those UK Ladies are not heard from them in days n days...

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, Nilla, you got 200!

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Norma, you being first was definitely a good omen! We have 2 new chicks!

NillaWafer said...

LOL Really i was on a rant about speaking spanish n neva knew it was coming Thankssss and i pass it on to Sharon for her art project...

glo said...

Nilla No boiling blood!!! But I certainly hear what you are saing. I had just remembered a comment about them switching gears on you sometimes and then you odn't know what they are saying lOL. One word a day really isn't going to help much with that.

Elia is learning both languages. she will be fluent in both when she goes to school. Most of the kids where she is are bilingual as they are right on a border town and teach in the schools there. Some of the parents only speak Spanish thoug which makes it tricky when parent teacher conferences come up as my kids definitely aren't fluid with their Spanish. They have learned a lot this pas tyear though. LOL. So do you see the kids enough to be able to teach them some English. The important stuff we all nteach our kids. name, address, sick, etc etc.

Freida looking busy again.

MITS said...

NILLA I checked in on the kingfisher today and I just saw her, that's interesting, poor little thing, in those small quarters, made me feel claustiphobic.

paula eagleholic said...

Our roof at work would be a great place for a falcon nest...plenty of pigeons there!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...