Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday 17 September

Sunday thread.

Have you seen this article?


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MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Steven, I had not seen that article. I pray both George and Martha are okay and will come back home. More will definitely be revealed. Thanks for sharing that with us!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Mits and good morning to you too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet in NU nest. Then parent brought in food! Beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sunday Morning! Hope I'm not too late to see NU eaglet - Love those kids!.

Thanks Steven for new thread. I'll need to read the article & check out previous thread.
Hi Sharon, Doreen & others! I know Mits had to run.
Anyone see NORMABYRD yet?


glo said...

Good morning Doreen Can I go see the twins too ?

Thanks for new thread Steve,, and for New thread alert Mits I was busy watching a Granny Blow up and airbag Probably reminiscent of Norma and her computer yesterday!!! LOL

glo said...

Good Morning Mema Jo We must have been posting at the same time.

glo said...

Doreen Glad to hear the other little one is coming out of his shell and feeling at home. They will bring you lots of laughs and Some. work.LOL

Mema Jo said...

Read the article concerning the DC George & Martha saga. I hope they can stick together for the upcoming season but would think Martha could take the nest off the bridge with all that traffic. Hopfully they have found a new safer home.
NU eaglet is sooooooooo good to watch.
His fish is one big whopper!
Doreen I know what you mean about having critters & then being without them..lonely feeling..I love my 2 furballs! They read me like a book!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, all. Have to go read the article and catch up on the blog. Computer was acting up last night, couldn't do crap. All fixed now.

Have a great to do house work chores...YUCK!

Mema Jo said...

Nice Long visit by the eaglet at NU. Sure did get my eagle fix for today.
MT Nest - Fish all gone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Jo, he ate a good long time on that fish! It was wonderful.

Been catching glimpses of Buta Buta this morning. So precious!

glo said...

I will be ordering some items from the shop tomorrow. As you know I can send 5 coupons worth $5 towards shipping to anyone planning to order in the next week or so. I have 3 left,

so if you would like a coupon,

EMAIL me at

I will have full 12 month Calendars ready in the shop by Tues afternoon if nOT before.

OK its back to work for me. Fun work, and there will be a
Designer Entrance for Specialty items. There is also a wide choice of just "Perfect Pictures" on various items for you to enjoy.

"Designer T-shirts will also go on sale OCT 1. in the "Specialty Area "of the shop as well. Regular Perfect Picture T Shirts will be available in the T shirt window also at that time.

So do Window shop today and let me know if you want a coupon.

I think it would be wise for anyone wanting to shop to post Coupon requested in here at any will give those who are going to shop some idea of who they can send the $5 off coupons too. As they go to the shop.

We can save each other a lot on shipping if we co-ordinate this to some degree.

Going back to work on the shop now. I'll Blog at ya later.

glo said...

OOOPS 1 addition. If the item contains one of Todd's pictures, the price is a minimum of 50 cents higher than the original items with the still cam were. All items still raise a minimum of $2 for eagle cam project, some $2.50 to $3 (the calendar). There are now administrative expenses for the Premium Shop, Not too much, and Todd wants a couple of free do help me out here!!
OK back to work.

Mema Jo said...

Can't tell if it is Mei or Tai playing with the ball - think a treat was near the ball...If it is Tai-he sure is growing.
Caught a glimps of one of the tiger cubs -- they are really growing!

Mema Jo said...



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Thank you for always being there for me!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Tai & Mei are wrestling around on the tree trunks outside.

Starting to pick up some entertainment on here today !!!

glo said...

Well I am here too, in and out anyway LOL. And yes Weekends on the whole are slow around here, until the sunsets anyway!! LOL. Will check in again soon. Let me know if I'm missing anything good!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Well, GLO if you didn't look at the NU cam - Yep! you're missing an adult eagle in the nest. Beautiful sight! Just sitting there. Eaglet had been there eating fish earlier this am.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, isn't it just gorgeous sitting there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I saw the parent bring the fish in earlier. Wonder if this one has food too and is waiting on the eaglet to come and eat?

Mema Jo said...

I didn't see any - but you know how they can sit on it. Adult has been there for a pretty long time. I've been watching for about 20 minutes. Very, very Beautiful...MAJESTIC BIRD !

Tai & Mei are playing around outside.
I wonder when Mei's milk will dry up. That little boy still likes the MilkBar. Mei wrapped her arms around him while he was nursing... Loving!

Mema Jo said...

Wouldn't you give the world to have had sound on that one!!! He means business.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That eagle is doing some major squawking and shaking his tail feathers. Wonder what that is about! Calling for a baby maybe?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What is that laying in the middle of the nest? Doesn't look much like a fish.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is this the address you are using, Doreen?

Mema Jo said...

Doreen See if the emailed link will help any. It might not! but worth a try. He is still there.

Mema Jo said...

When NU screen comes up - click on the 100K camera.........

Mema Jo said...

I think he is thinking about leaving....

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - maybe that is an upside down turtle shell in the middle of the nest. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Such an easy, peaceful feeling!

glo said...

Found him Thanks for heads up Probably her though lOL

Mema Jo said...

Can't take my eyes off of you
You are too good to be true......
I love ya baby!

I wish for NILLA to be watching!!!

glo said...

I think much of the time NCTC is too busy to look for what we so desperately want to see. All these eagles still around a nest tells me ours are around too. They may branch out, but they do come back. I was reading something yesterday that said they put the cam in our nest last Sept. So if they approached the nesting area that closely last September then maybe they will go fix the cam sometime very soon. At leas the still cam so we can watch for them, wouldn't that be Cool!

glo said...

LOL Doreen. Call Nilla give her a Good morning and a heads up.

glo said...

All of you in that area need to have each other on Speed dial by early winter anyway LOL Then you don't have to take your eyes off a cam to dial a phone

Mema Jo said...

Off we go!
Into the wild blue yonder
Flying high!
Into the sky

glo said...

I think that Eagle is still overseeing the care of its offspring just in case. They are fattening up for the winter the Adult knows is coming JMHO

Mema Jo said...

Doreen Glo Sharon

That was our afternoon/evening treat for today! Don't think we could have asked for anything more!

Ha Ha I even got 1/2 can of sparkled wax!!! Mits should be enjoying the football game now in her purple shirt, sunvisor, shades and gold/purple beads!
WooHoo! Hope the Ravens win one!

glo said...

Yes Mema Jo I saw you did get to post in time for the wax!!!

That was beautiful Have left it up while I eat lunch in case one of the young ones arrives to check out what is in the middle of the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I frapped it a little bit cause I was afraid Doreen wouldn't be able to get on!

glo said...

.To Me The article said, yep one less place where the eagles will feel safe to nest...In addition to how hard they well "marth" fought for that nnesting site last year..and then lost the young anyway.

With the freeway closeby I guess it isn't a good spot. However if they knew Eagles nested there for years why did they build the freeway there anyway!!! It is easier to build a new freeway somewhere chposen wisely with something like the Eagle in mind, than a new tree for them to build their nest. its a sad story I agree. JMHO again though

glo said...

LOL Well there ya go, come back for more and more and ocme spring just wait till you see our pair!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for new thread and the piece about George and Martha sure hope they go back to their nest. Or that they find one in the area maybe not over such a busy road.

Good afternoon all blogger friends and lurkers.

Jo you got mail.

glo said...

Doreen I saw where you stopped by the store. If you want a coupon let me know...that will cut your shipping rate to $2, and as it says, all proceeds go towards the Eagle project we enjoyed here from NCTC.

glo said...

WEll at least I think it was you LOL OSmeone from the uK went there anyway.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Be back in 15 minutes. Going to eat spaghetti!

glo said...

Good morning Dana

glo said...

DoreenYES My point EXACTLY. The article makes it clear the eagles have been nesting there...they should nOT have designed the Freeway to go through that area!!!

Mema Jo said...

But not to worry - Mother Hens - If either one were still there, then we would worry. At least they have gone off together! Hopefully to build a new nest in a safer habitat!

Thanks & Hi Dana
I'll check it out. Hope you're having a good day.

glo said...

Off to walk the dogs

Mema Jo said...

Doreen I have sent email to you of a short video clip that Sharon did of LunLun & cub. FRAPS is a program that allows you to capture footage from the cam....... Sharon & Glo have it. A lot of things on Glo's Site have been frapped when actually happening.
Let me know if it opens for you.

wvgal_dana said...

bbl going to watch some of these football games

Sharon spagetti sounds yummy..

belle_wv said...

I think we can still hope that Geo and Martha are a couple and will continue to nest there - the nest is on an island in the river - so they said the construction and traffic won't disturb them, I have to hope they're right. Perhaps they just went on a second honeymoon vacation to reaffirm their connection to one another. Monica must've thought the area was worth fighting for, so no reason to think Geo and Martha won't think it is still ok, too. If they don't nest there, I can bet there's an 80% chance monica or another pair will nest in the area. Habitat is hard to come by everywhere because of growth, so lets hope the eagles still find this area right on the river interesting.

I'm more worried about their food supply - there have been articles about the fish in the Potomac River having some sort of environmental contamination causing the males to start developing female characteristics - if DDT caused problems with egg shells, think the harm the messed up hormones in the fish might cause to their reproductive abilities!!!!! The news articles were concerned about what the water/fish would do to humans - to heck with us, we can buy bottled water or choose other food sources - the eagles are STUCK with what we dump into their rivers...

OK Happy Sunday everyone - sorry to be so negative, but I do worry.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, FRAPS is a program that Glo told me about where I can save 30-second snippets of video. That is what I use for Lun Lun and Buta Buta.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Something huge, I am thinking an eagle, just flew over the NU nest and it moved the whole tree. That was beautiful. Beautiful shadow of wings!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Adult eagle just arrived back in the nest and is eating whatever they left there before. That means it is time for an eaglet to show up and take it over!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Told ya! Eaglet just arrived and started mantling and the adult flew off!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know my eaglet behaviors very well. :):):) (I know, not really my eaglet but I can pretend, can't I?)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun has a smooshked face against the wall. She seems so comfortable being a Mommy!

Mema Jo said...

Didn't get the name
For nothing!

Mema Jo said...


We were sending the hounds out to
find you last night!!!

glo said...

Amazed that the nurturing behavior still goes on there. Parent teaching the young to come and get it away from me. Probably similar to checkers with us when we make it a little harder for the kid to win each time, until..the kid is great enough to whip the best of them.

glo said...

Norma norma Did you hear us calling, or was it the "Wet noodle threat' that got ou to come in here ...Oh I'm sure that was it alright LOL. WElcome Back...I had started a rumor you had probably just blown up your computer out of frustration!!

glo said...

Lun Lun has little one cradled in her arm

glo said...

Never mind she doesn't sit still that way long at all LOL.

glo said...

Did you wave back at mits?

glo said...

I so wish we could see our adults finish this teaching process with our young eagles.. More lets pretend I guess!! And the black birds probably help the lesson some, in their own way!!

glo said...

OK well all is relatively quiet in here it seems, so i am off to grocery now. Blog at ya later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have you noticed that the black birds are not near the nest when the adult is there?

Mema Jo said...

NormaByrd Just saw MITS give me a 'thumbs up' - She is happy with the score & anxious for the game to get over so she can go and cuddle Maggie............

floralgirl said...

Hello everyone!! Beautiful Sunday afternoon!

Mema Jo said...

Hope market went well for you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello, Floralgirl! Are you feeling better this afternoon?

Mema Jo said...

Whatever was in the nest, he made a meal of it, didn't he. Is that the ocean - the body of water? Could have been a horseshoe crab - looked tough like a turtle........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Don't see a shell left though. Maybe he is on his way to your house with it! :)

floralgirl said...

Hey JO, Hi Sharon, market was kind of quiet but good for me. Still feeling awful, think I have a cold which is ridiculous because I rarely get sick( except for the yearly sinus infection) Eating some chicken noodle soup..MMMmm.

floralgirl said...

Who gets wax??

floralgirl said...

IS it Sharon?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet went up on a branch, back into the nest and gone. MT nest now but it was great while it lasted.

Lun Lun is leaning over Buta Buta again, I guess nursing. She is so good at hiding!

floralgirl said...

Oh, darn it's me..OUCH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Floral Girl got the wax!! YAAHHOOO!

Mema Jo said...

It is a river - Must have been a turtle.....

I can't find out how many chicks hatched at this nest this year. Wondering if it is the same Eaglet we keep seeing. His markings look the same.

Mema Jo said...

You can wax those gourds!!! You know, waterproofed bird houses! LOL

floralgirl said...

Oh Norma if your Cowboys win tonite(they probably will), my hubby will be so grumpy !!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Adult back in NU nest. Busy place there today!! Don't know if it is eating or picking at leftovers, although I didn't think there were any leftovers.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, when I first started watching this site, there were 2 eaglets there. But have only seen 1 in there for a long time. They had already fledged when I found it. The camera angle of this nest looks so much like ours, so I am kind of partial to this one.

floralgirl said...

I don't know Norma, I have seen nothing to convince me that the Skins can beat anyone.Shhh. don't tell hubby I said that! He just walked by and I have been told that I look and sound "awful" and should be laying down. And I've been married way to long to be insulted by that and will indeed go lay down for a while.. Now what will we have for dinner? oh well, figure it out later. BBL

Mema Jo said...

No word today yet from NILLA
Hopefully she is resting up for the big game tonight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have 2 sisters that live within a tenth of a mile of me and both cook!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My tailless sparrow is still tailless, by the way!

Had a hawk land in the yard this afternoon. It looked like he had something, he kept looking down, but then when he flew off, he was empty-taloned! (I guess hawks have talons?)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Tai and Mei are eating fruitcicles. As for Lun Lun, well you can guess what she is doing!

Getting lighter in Brisbane. Just saw the little eyasses!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Haven't had any bald cardinals here lately so I don't know!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frieda is now in color!

glo said...

Back from grocery, went hungry so had to talk myself out of all the good stuff. Think ones of Mema Jos emails last week said "If it tastes good spit it out"...couln't take the chance so I didn't buy it, but I did come right home and eat some Rotisserie chicken I just bought. its NOT fried and does taste good and I did NOT spit it out.

YES Norma I have worked very hard in the store. You probably will not recognize it, especially the new Designer section. Anyway. If you or anyone wants a coupon for $5 off let me know by tomorrow, so I can fill it in, when I place my order.

OK time to trade out NU for Freida for a while, and get back to work. Don't have too long to stock the shop as I will be returning to a 2 day a week job I will dearly love, sometime in early October. Which explains why I am busy with the shop now. That will make 2 part time kinds of jobs for me then.

Yes I am certain Sharon is tops at what she does... BUT She can't be a Court reporter in her night gown NOW IF you don't read through the BLOGS you don't know what I just said but thats OK, if you do read them, you are chuckling with Sharon Not at her. (((Sharon)))

glo said...

OK I can't get into Frodocam, is anyone else having trouble?

NillaWafer said...

Like Minnie Pearl saidddd HOWDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... Kind of caught up on everyones messages.. I am watching the Ravens game and clearly saw Mits Norma your right tonights the BIG GAME.. Dallas has home field advantage so we shall see... Dana Ken said you had called me... Havent really watched any of the critter cams.. did see ajuvie in NU nest.. Tai's camera man makes me ill watching it.. Not sure when i am returning back to work yet i think towards end of the week...Ok BBL

NillaWafer said...

I got right into Freidas cam no problem.. Yesterday i looked and looked like she was setting on a cloud..of white puff.. Tonight this blog should be busy with most of us either Skins or Dallas fans...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

HOOOWWWDDDDYYY Nillabean. Great to see you on here.

Norma, will you email me exactly what your computer says when you try to see Lun Lun!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

GO SKINS!!!!!!

I would hate court reporting. You can't back up and listen again like you can with dictation and I would probably flub it all up! And I love working in my nighty!

Tai is climbing upon Mei's back. Love that little boy!

Buta Buta is hiding out as usual!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Should be getting close to breakfast time for Frieda's follies!

glo said...

OK Got in to Freida now but its getting ready to storm so i am getting ready to nap LOL. Blog at ya later.

glo said...

Cub in great view now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just got some good frapping of Buta Buta. I am going to go out on a limb and say she is a girl!!!! You can really see the black coming in on her now, exactly where her lines are! I love it. So much better than a nekkid mole rat!

glo said...

OK naptime now LOL...went to shut down and there it was just all alone so had to watch LOL. So cute..I think its really growing but kind of hard to ell. fat little tummy there though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, are you still here? You have mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And you got 1/2 can of wax!

Anonymous said...

For whomever was having difficulty getting Lun Lun's picture to come up, I just had the same problem. I hit F5 which is the "Refresh" button (thanks to someone on this blog), the picture came up. You might try that when you get a "black" screen. GOOD LUCK!


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back later.

Just Vicky said...

For anonymous, hittng f5 does not bring it up for my computer! I'm sitting here trying it and it just sets there saying its opening the media but NEVER comes up and it seems to be stuck completly!

Mema Jo said...

Vicky & NormaByrd I feel certain it is something in your Window Media settings.. & I can't help you all with that one!

Great to have you online! Get comfy for the game - no jumping up on the couch & cheering on your team!
**Just picked up a redskin jersey #26 at Sports Authority. Someone is actually taking it to team for signatures & then send to Patrick in Afgahanistan --Is that Cooooooool or What? He turns 25 end of this month in a faraway land.....!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sheri
If you enjoy LunLun, Sharon has captured some videos of the cub. Email me your address & I'll gladly forward them to you.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


He gets me so nervous when he is up there that I lose my thoughts!

floralgirl said...

Hi NILLA!!! Are you feeling any better?? ALmost time for the big game. Guess Norma's getting her cowboy hat out-sorry Norma I don't own any gold shorts, I'll watch the game but that's as far as I'm willing to go! HA!Jo-got your email, trying to come up with some questions.

movin said...

Mother Nature has given us a beautiful Sunday here in So Cal. I hope you all are having one as well...

[sshhhh...tell bird girl i didn't even read her comment about being the first commenter of the day.]

I read the article about George and Martha, but it's very, very inconclusive...for all we know from the article, they might migrate every year. This could be a perfectly normal thing, and they will be back next year... Who knows??

I wonder what happened to the invading female? If she's still around and looking healthy, the pair might indeed be looking for other real estate.

I once saw a documentary on TV..about Golden Eagles, I believe..and a large Female attempted a territorial takeover (before eggs were laid).

Well, it was an entirely different story. The resident female engaged her and kept her busy while the lighter male quickly gained altitude and dive bombed her!

She wasn't killed ... but only because she departed very quickly.

Anyway, I wouldn't assume the "George and Martha story" was ended yet.

Have a good "rest of your life."


movin said...

I also am very glad to see Nilla back on the blog...welcome back, fur shhuuur!

Nilla, did the dizziness just go away, or did the doc change your meds??

Try to keep from diving into the game and violently changing the dirty, nasty behavior of the Cowboys against your team.....


glo said...

Hi Norma I read that far ...Sure send the article,

Mema Jo Well HAppy Birthday to your grandson Patrick and yes that is wonderfully cool about the Redskin Jersey.

So glad to see Nilla Stopped in

Supper and walk dogs time, but i'll be in and out all evening , so I hope someone stops bye to say Hi in between touchdowns or some such!!!

Just Vicky said...

Norma, it seems google took over as your browser. Can you right click on google's icon and change the options??

floralgirl said...

Oh, I know what you meant Norma, just can't get that into it! Although I could wear my hubby's shirt- it says Dallas sucks!- sorry, I bought it for him years ago. I'm not a big football fan, but this house is happier if the Skins win. If they lose to Dallas and the Ravens won earlier, one grumpy hubby.

Just Vicky said...

Norma, sure wish I could see your computer! We need to get you a webcam!! If you are given choices when you right click on the icon that is popping up the messages, I guess I need to know what ALL the choices are! But Atlantic is your internet provider, correct?

Just Vicky said...

Norma, Thank goodness you haven't blocked yourself out of blogging!

Just Vicky said...

Lun Lun was sure careful NOT to let me see precious baby when she rolled over!

Just Vicky said...

I watch her on my husband's computer, since mine won't let me get on her cam! I do take this personally at this point after everything I've tried to get it to work!

Just Vicky said...

Floralgirl, you're so young and cute, SURELY you know by now how to divert his attention!!!

Just Vicky said...

Ok, my turn to leave, hope someone is "in the house!" Be back bout an hour!

floralgirl said...

Well, thanks Vicky! But I learned a long time ago not to even try to distract him from a Skins game!

floralgirl said...

Well, I certainly remember Landry as coach and I know who Roger Staubach is. I'm not THAT young! But then again age is just a number! Gotta go with the Jets, Norma for sentimental reasons. Although I grew up in New England and used to be a Patriots fan as a kid.

Just Vicky said...

WEll Floralgirl, it was worth a try! Sorry I guided you in the "WRONG" path! Just remind him, next week there will be another game! (I know, that won't fly either!!!!)

floralgirl said...

Yea, thanks anyway, Vicky, but when the Skins play Dallas it's a big deal. Norma what's on 60 minutes tonite?

Mema Jo said...

I didn't get a chance to inform all of you that my daughter and my son came by & we headed to the OutBack. Not crowded-but service was slow for some reason. Great Meal! Rather early to eat but everyone was ready. I just know I am going to have a Snack Attack tonight!

FloralGirl Jennifer would love some of your gourd birdhouses when they dry out.She has one & is ready to 'bleach' it. Let me know if they become available.

floralgirl said...

I'll let you know, Jo-drying them out is always a challenge. Hope it will be sunny this week, have washed mine with bleach several times.

Mema Jo said...

Norma Need to get the LunLun cam up before we even mention a WebCam. Hint: It means I can see you and hear you & you can see me & hear me by using the speakers & monitor of the PC..

Mema Jo said...

What time is it safe to come back in here after the games are over?

Mema Jo said...

Looks like Frodo doing the feeding.

floralgirl said...

Hey, Norma, my guide shows the 60 minutes on tonite is a REPEAT!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon If you see this when you get back---
Did you place the Venturing photo in the Frieda album on Momsters? I think everyone would enjoy it!

Mema Jo said...

Watch the Animal Planet channel!

Mema Jo said...

Go out and pick up a bucket of pine cones for your wreaths.

Mema Jo said...


Are you listing these suggestions in the order of your favorites?

floralgirl said...

Well, the Tv is on channel 4 cause I was watching the news and I'm too lazy to walk downstairs and change the channel.

floralgirl said...

Norma, you are a football fanatic!

glo said...

Floral Girl where in New EnglandI grew up in Mass. Mema Jo I don't wantc h much football at all..hardly ever as a matter of fact. I'll be by here some. Sometimes how long I stay depends on whether or not I am interrupting a conversation that I have no input for, OR I have Blogged to myself several times and figure I'm alone so I leave and go do something else.

I'll stop by in a bit.

floralgirl said...

Glo, in a small town called New Durham, about 30 minutes from Portsmouth. We used to go to Boston to pick up my Grandmother at the train station when she would visit.

floralgirl said...

OOps, Glo in the state of New Hampshire.

glo said...

Floral girlLOL Yep I added the New Hampshire. I used to go up to I think it was in New Hampshire a place called franconia Notch during Foliage Saeson, also many time drove over by Mt snow vermont. I get ver very homesick for New England this time of year.

glo said...

LOL Typos all over but doing two things at once and you all can read computereeez

floralgirl said...

Yep, been to Franconia Notch- moved to MD when I was 14, didn't want to leave New England!!

floralgirl said...

Don't worry, all typos will be excepted til the PROOFREADER shows up, then we will have to be more careful.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just came back and the last comment was:

Don't worry, all typos will be excepted til the PROOFREADER shows up, then we will have to be more careful.

ROFLMAO!! The time is now to be more careful. That is so funny!!

floralgirl said...

Darn, busted!!

glo said...


Mema Jo said...

What are you going to do with your sparkle wax for #200?

glo said...

The game must be getting exciting

floralgirl said...

Norma must be getting ready for the big game- cowboy hat, boots, etc.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am proud to say that I just posted my first picture on the momsters site! That was cool!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon In an album for you or Frieda's album?

Mema Jo said...

Great Job, Sharon
Pretty soon they'll be moving so fast we won't be able to get pics.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the nudge, Mema Jo.

Wonder if Mits is snuggling with Maggie? We miss you Mits.

Yes, I deleted the former comment, Mema Jo.

floralgirl said...

Hey, no fair deleting typos!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, you have mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, it is a big character defect of mine, okay? Proofreader from hell, you know!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't even have to ask! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now, who on here are Cowchips fans and who are Skins fans?

Just Vicky said...

Well Norma, a webcam would help us help you! That would be the purpose of it!

floralgirl said...

Here's the kickoff, Norma and Nilla!

Just Vicky said...

Eagle-eyed Sharon, I'm NOT either one's fan! Guess I'm out of the vote!

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know how much blogging I'll be doing with the game starting.
Very, very happy that Nilla stopped by. (((hugs NILLA))))

Vicky atleast you can check your computer against husbands for how things are marked for windows media player. Sometime when you get a chance.

floralgirl said...

Alright Norma, the trash talking has already started.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, when the google thing comes up, go down and right click on the little button looking thingy and tell it to leave you alone!

floralgirl said...

Personal foul on the Cowboys, T.O. dirty play on his part.

Just Vicky said...

Yes Dana, at least I am able to watch LunLun via husbands computer, that's the ONLY consolation about it though!

Just Vicky said...

My oh my, what a lonely place! Everyone's got their eyes glued to football!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't Vicky, I have my eyes glued to this computer and the game is playing behind me! This is much more important than a football game, unless of course the Bluefield Beaver Band would be there playing!! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like Frieda is getting some of that whitewash on her tail feathers too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buphals escaped a while ago and of course Hairy had to follow his mentor. They both came back soaking wet. They go to a neighbors little manmade pond and get in it. My sister used to have a double decker pond with pumps and they ended up digging them up and planting flowers. Buphals' hair kept clogging up the pumps. He would just go lay down in it and drink the water!

floralgirl said...

Damn, those Skins are losing already. Freida is off the chicks.

Just Vicky said...

Good Sharon, so there is other life here! At least you have your sports fever only with your local team!

Just Vicky said...

Floralgirl, does that mean your husband is happy???

Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
floralgirl said...

No, Vicky score is 10 to 3 ,Skins are losing:(

glo said...

LOL Well I'm not watching football either. Guess what I am doing lOL.

Just Vicky said...

Sorry, FLoralgirl! I went back up the blog and read where he is a Skins fan! I'll keep quiet!!!!! PROMISE!

Just Vicky said...

Glo, you better be working on my calendar!!!!

floralgirl said...

Oh man, Cowboys scored again, This is not looking good.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is at the milkbar!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

LOL Thanks to all of you who responded to this eavenings question on here or in my email...Your input has helped me lots!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei is such a wonderful Mommy. She is just laying there sleeping while he is nursing! I love that little boy! Can't wait til the little girl gets a little bigger! (Buta Buta).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are welcome, Glo!

NillaWafer said...

Ok almost 1/2 time and not alot to get excited about in this game so far.. Just alot of penelties.. personal fowls...<~~ proofreader will catch that i am sure... illegal roughness... Yeahhh thats Dallas n Skins game as it should be... Ole Joe will lite there butts up in the locker rooms at 1/2 time... Now my gal Thelma had an exciting day..Going to RAVENS game plus seeing Maggie ...^%^%^#&##$% man they need to start throwing long and stop acting like pussies!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Getting close to time for Lun Lun's cam to lose its color. She is so good with that cub!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello, Nillabean. Good to see you on here even if you are pi$%#d off!

Mema Jo said...

I have been cleaning out my emails -- But I didn't get lost like our good friend NormaByrd did last night. Would you believe that I have 5 pages stored in my Eagles Folder !!! I'm not deleting any of it! It's all History!

Mema Jo said...

It's High Noon in Brisbane - right ?

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...