Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday 17 September

Sunday thread.

Have you seen this article?


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Mema Jo said...

I mean High Noon on Monday !

belle_wv said...

Lun Lun is upright and nursing her little one again - so sweet! Makes me miss the early mom days with my babies (daughter is now 15!!! Son 13!!! Too long ago...)

Howdy to everyone

belle_wv said...

the little pandalet is getting big enough that I can see it nursing with the overhead cam view... the white wiggle against Lun Lun's pretty black arms

NillaWafer said...

Ok back to watching this miserable game.. Hey Thelma last night i watched alot of Dogs Bounty Hunter programs i think it might have been a marathon of Anywho seems he got his butt into a sling and got locked up??? Ken said he read something about it damn man never told me.. But there is some kind of special on tuesday night at 10 pm called "The Family Speaks Out" i looked at his web site and i knew he had been in jail but never dreammed it was for murder .. stunned alittle...Did ya know about any of this?

NillaWafer said...

OK Belle like Ole Clint use to say Adapt and Improvise .. And leave it at that... smiles

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just made a little movie of Lun Lun and Buta Buta from today's frapping. I sent it to some of you. If I missed anybody, please let me know!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lunchtime at the Brisbane Corral!

Mema Jo said...

I don't think that Dogs Bounty Hunter is in jail for murder..... What happened was about 3 yrs MEXICO, I think. It's illegal to bounty hunt in Mexico... That's where he caught the rapist. I could be incorrect - it's on the MSN - I'll try to read again.

Light are dimmed in the LunLun den

MITS said...

Hello everyone. Been catching up and cleaning out e-mails too. Didn't get to see Maggie today, when we got there her Mom was still on her way back from Philly after visiting a close friend who just had a baby 2 days ago. Maggie went along for the ride. They will be coming down to the beach on the 25th for a few days, so, I will see her then.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, :(

MITS said...

NILLABEAN I saw all the stuff on "DOG" the other day. He was in jail years ago for accessory to murder, got out after 5 yrs and turned his life around for the better.

MITS said...

Lights out at Luns'den

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

People really are capable of changing their life for the better. Don't have to stay in the funk forever!!

belle_wv said...

awwww Mits I'm so sad you didn't get to have baby snuggle time, but happy that they are going to come down to the beach... a couple of days of her all to yourself practically :)

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, 2 chicks hatched at NU this year

Glo and others
The Wilson Bridge, where George and Martha built their nest has been there since 1961 (I think). The construction that is going on there is to widen the bridge from 3 lanes to really cause problems during rush hour....


Welcome Back!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding time in Brisbane...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They didn't turn it to B&W until 10:20. Normally it is promptly at 10!

Looks like Mei is sleeping in the middle of the bamboo! She moves and a piece hits the floor and makes a noise!

MITS said...

Yes, SHARON:(:(:(:(

belle_wv said...

Meal time in Brisbane, they are growing so fast, and the littlest one is hard to tell from the other two already! Amazing... mother nature is incredible... like the swallows we watched in Denbury - what was it 3 weeks from hatch to fledge and then hardly any time to get strong before the long flight south? Amazing is the only word I can think of

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess Mei decided the bamboo was too uncomfortable to sleep on, now she is eating it!

paula eagleholic said...

Do you sell your gourd birdhouses?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, kids, I think I am going to hit the hay! Hope everybody has a good night.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

MITS said...

Great fraps, SHARON

Just Vicky said...

Away they go, one by one, sometimes 2 or 3, down for the count again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you, Mits! Night all!

belle_wv said...

Goodnight all, if someone doesn't mind, can they send the fraps to me, as well? Thanks if it isn't too much trouble.

Have a great week - bye

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I sent it to you when I sent it out!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Flashlight on Lun Lun again. She did look up this time. I know, I know, I am going to bed!

paula eagleholic said...

BRB gotta go wipe off dogs...back yard has gone from sopping wet to muddy....

Mema Jo said...

Belle Sharon had you on the address list for LunLun & ButaButa. Did you get it yet..? If not I can resend.

Paula Thanks for the NU info..I just couldn't find it anywhere on their site. I think we keep seeing the same eaglet.. maybe the other one has migrated. Adult eagle was there for a long time today. Keeps bringing foor for the eaglet.. He'll stay around forever.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, no mud...that sun sure did wonders around here today....

Crap, not looking real good for the Skins

MITS said...

Poor Lun, with that annoying flashlight shining in on her.

paula eagleholic said...

Thought the Frodo cam was stuck, be he just moved his head...

Night, Belle and Sharon...

paula eagleholic said...

Does Floral sell her gourd birdhouses...I saw you talking to her earlier about it...If so, When and what market? I have tried asking her, but I don't think she has seen my questions...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I have a challenge for you. Go back through the blogs and see what she says about the gourds. Just joking. It seems to me that she said she does sell them but who knows. I could be wrong. I have been maybe once or twice! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I know the game is going bad but just think, we love you!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like it is nap time for the eyasses, Parent still off the nest

Just Vicky said...

Are you waiting for the wax Sharon?

glo said...

Well all time to say good night. Computer is tired and so am I. Will Blog at you tomorrow.

Just Vicky said...

So a bad night at Floralgirls house! And it seems others as well!

Just Vicky said...

Who gets wax

Just Vicky said...


MITS said...

Yes, NILLABEAN They can go out and win the next 14 games. Remember, they were 0 and 5 when they went to the superbowl one year, I think, and they won, I think

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You got it Vicky!!!! Congrats to you!

Just Vicky said...

It was mine Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

I do actually read the blogs! HA, but no mention of her selling them...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I thought you were going to bed! :)

Just Vicky said...

Slip and slide all the way to Shepherdstown in the Spring!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know you do Paula. I was talking about going back through all the blogs! :):):)

MITS said...

Way to go, SHARON

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

For real, good night this time!!

MITS said...

Way to go whoever won the wax

Just Vicky said...

Yep, I'm the proud owner of the newest can of cherry sparkle wax!

MITS said...

I am going to bed, SHARON, just needed some chocolate milk..low-fat, of course, with some Edys' slow-churned lite chocolate ice cream and some Hersheys' syrup...oh hell I'm having a milkshake.

Just Vicky said...

Mits, it sure took a lot to get to the truth! A Milkshake!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Confession is good Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks appear to be venturing already....

You gonna have sparkly lips, Vicky?

Just Vicky said...

Sparkley cherry lips to be exact!

MITS said...

I knew you would get it out of me..VICKY

Just Vicky said...

Ok, proofreader, I made a mistake! Sparkly, I stand corrected!

paula eagleholic said...

Skins just isn't over yet, but they won't win this one...that's ok, just the beginning of the season, like Sharon Said...

Just Vicky said...

Mits, if that milkshake cures your craving for the moment, then ENJOY!

Just Vicky said...

Sorry Paula, and floralgirl and all the rest of the Skins fans!

Mema Jo said...

PAULA I was over in my email again.

The next market in Shepherdstown for Megan is Thanksgiving weekend. Yes, she sells gourd birdhouses but sometimes doesn't have many - the drying out after they are bleached them is tricky. Said she should have some as I requested 3 or so... We'll share...
She also does the Christmas Outdoor wreaths in pines...

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, quoting Sharon and should've been quoting Mits...

Did you leave the cookies at your son's house?

MITS said...

Yes, I did, PAULA Hence the chocolate craving.

Mema Jo said...

If Mits doesn't answer you, she has her mouth full of those Baltimore cookies. She brought them up from the beach with her !!! We're going to have to find some - maybe they only sell them in Baltimore......

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info, Jo. I'll send her an email and see if she can save one for me, too. I read about the wreaths, I'll have to check them out too. Is the Thanksgiving market all weekend?

paula eagleholic said...

Good Girl, Mits!

You can buy them online. Just google Baltimore Berger cookies. They look really good.

paula eagleholic said...

Aaawww, eyasses snoozin...all mushed up together...parent still off the nest...

Mema Jo said...

Thanksgiving Market is probably just on Sunday.... I'll really need to ask Megan about that..

MITS said...

I wish they were not snoozing in the hot sun.

Mema Jo said...

Puala Well, go ahead & order a dozen or so bags of those cookies!
We'll pig out!

Mema Jo said...

Paula If you receive from me an email without a message - Don't Read It! LOL

Mema Jo said...

I think it is time for me to disappear for the evening....

Good Night my Eagle Buddies!
Sweet dreams...........


and what did you do all weekend long other then NOT get the pc hooked up & running???? LOL

You may think you can sneak in here for your late night comments BUT remember this Night Owl knows you've been here - I just don't acknowledge your being here - Just so you can have the last word! Have a great week!
Your Friend, Jo

NillaWafer said...

Ok so they lost to Dallas.. Sure isnt football like the good ole days when the real Hogs played.. didnt get much out of Moss tonight.. Guess Drew Bledsoe will not get fired now... Well i have seen the Skins play but in Jacksonville, Fla when i lived down there adn they lost both times.. maybe before i kick the bucket i will get to see them play and win in person.. Going to say Niters, kind of tired and med time... Hugs , Nilla

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Mits and NIlla,

Goodnight! Good Morning Suzanne!

Maybe we can order some for at the Open House!

I do miss the hogs, too.

Glad you get to see Maggie this week at the beach.

Nite all.

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone! I know I said I wouldn't be back on until after the 24th, but I just had to tell all of you:

I HAVE THE BEST HUBBY IN THE WORLD!!! Mom and I went to breakfast then to a few shops for errands. Mom said she was starting to get tired, and still had other things to do, so we should head back to my place. I was worn out myself, so I was more than willing (i got only 3 hours of sleep last night)... As we're pulling in to park, I notice a strange car parked in our driveway next to Hubby's. When I got to the door with a bunch of bags, I realized the security door and front door were both unlocked -- which he NEVER does. I open the door, puzzled, and I'm greeted with SURPRISE!

My hubby had gotten the family to come over today so I could have a party for my birthday!!!! I've never had a surprise party before, I really was surprised! In hindsight, I remembered a few instances in the past week that were odd, but not odd enough to tip me off. It was just so great!

But the best part of all? HUBBY BOUGHT ME A NEW BIG BIRD CAGE!!!! Now I can get my birds out of their little cages in the second bathroom! I'll take pictures of it tomorrow (Monday) and post them in my album so you can all see...

My mom, my best friend Jody, Hubby's-and-my-friend Steve and Hubby were all in on it! Brian told me he needed my truck today to help Steve pick up a washer, when really he was picking up my new aviary! Sneaky devils ;-P

Anyway, I just had to tell you all about it, because it was just the best thing! I also took a picture of all of us (well, a couple people weren't able to come), so I'll post that tomorrow too!

I just had to gloat!!!!

I'll check in later on in the week; probably will be lurking in the meantime. Please send me pictures/fraps of cool stuff The Fuzzies do!

Bird Girl

floralgirl said...

Morning Suzanne- fog was horrible yesterday when I went to Shepherdstown in the morning. When I went across the bridge over the Potomac I could not see anything but the road right in front of me.Paula-sorry, I thought I did answer you. I would sell some of them if I have success drying them, which is proving tricky right now. I don't have that many real large ones, but I will share if I am successful with them. PU- what is that smell??Oh, it's the SKINS- they really stink!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. And why didn't you get online from home this weekend? We were all waiting on you. We just you to be able to join us everyday, not just week days! :)

Well, I am starting to work now. Remember, perform random acts of kindness. The rewards are great!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, you've got mail!

floralgirl said...

Yea, I see that they changed the cam view. Getting ready to take daughter to bus stop- then back to bed for me .I feel awful. BBML

glo said...

Good Morning all. I am already working hard here. Got a couple of deadlines to meet before Bed tonight LOL.

Happy Late Birthday Bird Girl What a ownderful surprise!!

I think perhaps Suzanne and Norma spent sometime together this weekend...both AWOL LOL

I love the Lion Witch and the Wardrobe. Read the books with my kids, and went to see the movie. have been familiar with it for a long time!!

OK off to coffee and dog treats.

Mauley said...

Morning all in Eagle Land, Bird Girl I thought your birthday was Sept 21. Hi Mema Jo Everyone have a blessed day. I am behind on blog, havent read since Friday, bad girl, love donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody.

Suzanne, there were eagles at BW this weekend.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi all Good Morning Yes I have it on my calander Sept 21st BirdGirls birthday.

Hi there Suzanne any Eagles on the way in?

Morning Sharon you working already?

Just Vicky said...

Hello Sunshines!

wvgal_dana said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...