Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday September 22

Friday thread.

update: Forgot to mention, heard a bald eagle squacking yesterday here at NCTC, and saw a bald eagle soaring over the Potomac River at Harper's Ferry last evening (there's a nest a mile or two downriver from Harper's Ferry on the south bank.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

BRB. Going over to invite everybody else over. Thanks Steven.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Steve & thanks Sharon for telling me to come on over

NU SITE STILL ACTIVE - Adult & eaglet

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet left NU Nest
Adult still there

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land :)

paula eagleholic said...

Adult eagle at NU

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Sharon.

Man Jo, you are up early this morning!

Mema Jo said...

I think I forgot to go to bed .. LOL

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Momsters! A rainy drab day here in Commode town IL

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at Blackwater!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!! Eagles, Pandas and Coffee, life doesn't get much better!

MITS said...

Black bird @NU

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone, finished his meal and left, I guess

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Black bird was in NU nest but hauled butt when the adult flew back in. They don't come around bugging the adults like they do the eaglet!

Mema Jo said...

Adult eagle back at NU Nest

glo said...

Good morning all.

Since I didn't get in here bEFORE Coffee and Dog Treats today I had lots of Blog to catch up on so I coul dhave a lcue what was going on LOL. Got the eagle up at NU too. Nice way to have breakfast..."Memories" and lets pretend!!

I am sure I am forgetting lots but I do have a clue LOL.

Enjoy your day. I will be in and out, with major storms coming through this afternoon. Not a good time of day for that stuff and awfully late in the season, but the Heads up are already going out.

Got to go check up on Lun Lun and Weee one...definitely think they got watched a lot more closely last night.

MITS said...

MEMA-JO You are the early bird this a.m. Love watching these eagles.

Mema Jo said...

All pandas resting - Tai looks bored.Didn't get too far in the shutes this morning.
Be great to see 2 adult eagles at NU.

Great view of Buta Buta all alone earlier this morning... That's probably what got me up this am.....

MITS said...

MORNING, SUZ World is treating me just fine and dandy, thank you, kindly! Hoping you get your Comcast up and running this weekend. We miss you on the weekends.

MITS said...

What a handsome eagle @ NU.

movin said...

I don't have a single thing to say at the moment... sooooooooo,


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I have a cousin who lives in Chambersburg!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, did Mei stand on her head like Lun Lun does?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope so Norma!! Homecoming game.

Tai is going up a tree!

Lun Lun is loving on Buta Buta!

Mema Jo said...

You need to come visit your cousin, Sharon.

Mema Jo said...

I wish they could make Tai wear an orange jacket so I could find him up in those trees............

MITS said...

SHARON Mei would stand on her head, her butt, anything just to keep that cub happy. My sister and I used to feel so sorry for her, because she got very little rest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been by there twice on my way to NYC!

MITS said...

JO it will get easier when the leaves fall off the trees, and then you will be able to spot him.

MITS said...

Black Bird at NU, can eagle be fall behind to chase his butt out of there

Mema Jo said...

Is Mei there at Tian's favorite tree?

MITS said...

I think Mei is still in her own yard, right above the grotto.

glo said...

OK Just about Tea, Blog and check the cams time LOL.

glo said...

Well not sure Suzanne will see this but YES we need some business for Sept. At least 1 more order of 2 items. Or 2 orders of 1 , and we'll be OK.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Steven. That is why we are here, you know! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Going to be busy for awhile BBL

glo said...

Not sure how many caught this on here last week, but I was talking with somoen on the phone last week from NCTC wha said they saw the Male at the nest thatv ery day I told themt he Males' name is Liberty LOL. WE got to get that whole Staff trained!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Just caught up on all the comments ..Good Morning and Afternoon to Everyone
Steven thanks for new thread and the information about down river from Harpers Ferry and the sighting of eagles.

Mits ....Did Mei ever step or lay on Tai when he was as young as Buta Buta????

glo said...

Ok Did you all chat and race to the WAX and now I am going to sit here alone with my tea. Time to load up the cams for sure!!

glo said...

Good Morning Dana

glo said...

Maybe the question is did Mai ever get caught sitting or stepping on tai? LOL .I don't think they had quite as many of us at the cams then keeping Eagle Eyes on everything LOL.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon is the wax queen lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am out of bird feed and my little sparrows are out here digging hard for some. Thankfully, my niece has gone to get me some. I don't know how I could have let that happen!!

glo said...

My birds very hungry and at the feeders today too. I am glad I moved the computer to the window where I can watch and enjoy!!

glo said...

Sharon have you looked into Registering Fraps. Do you know how much its costs. AND Are the files then smaller etc. Tried to save last nights photo as PNG and it of course quickly reminded me I don't have a Registered version LOL. You have mentioned maybe looking into a different program. Is there another one I might want to check into, before I register this one perhpas? Thanks for whatever you know about this LOL

Just Vicky said...

Hey, did anyone read the update Steven did to today's blog????

MITS said...

DANA I answered you last night about Mei, yes, she seemed to be more aware of Tai's surroundings, but he was VERY vocal. GLO The National Zoo cam was getting millions of hits, you were never able to get onto the cam and when you did they limited the viewing time like they still do today. I keep the Atlanta Zoo cam on all day, with no problem.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I think it is $37 for Fraps but not sure of the details of it though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I keep Lun Lun and Buta Buta up on the screen all night too, just in case I have to go potty and can check the status! :) No, I am not obsessed with them! :):)

wvgal_dana said...

So Mei then never stepped on Tai ???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bird feed has arrived, placed and now I am waiting for them to come back. I give them 2 minutes to discover it, if that long!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess that should actually be bird food, not feed!

glo said...

MitsOh I know I am very sure they got lots of interest, just NOT from our vocal Eagle Eyes. WELL yes your eagle Eyes were there and I guess there was nothing to be vocal about in Meis care of Tai. Without sound we can't tell if the little one is letting her know if she is Sitting on me!!! And Lun Lun is very young herself. Do you know how old is Mei.

OK Sharon Thanks maybe I'll hunt around a little for I guess maybe call it "Screen capture programs etc." I would love to find something with smaller files. This one does crash me often actually! Very frustrating as it didn't crash my little laptop...but actually it might have been part of the issue that finally ended the laptops Totally. I did so much Frapping of our litle ones Mem. Day Weekend, and soon after that No Laptop!!This desktop has huge hard drive, but Fraps still will shut me down. Other times not, and have not at all figured out why it behaves itself sometimes and not others.

MITS said...

Nope, DANA I never saw Mei step on Tai. SHARON, in those first few weeks when Tai was a babe, and they had the cam on 24/7, I would get up in the middle of the night to check on them, sometimes, it was the only time I could get on because of all the heavy traffic during the day.

MITS said...

On Denbury Farm, cam #1, there is some kind of dove on a nest. Be patient, it takes awile for picture to come on. Don't know address, just Goggle Denbury Farm.

MITS said...

GLO Mei is 8 yrs. old. Lun is older, but, I'm not sure by how much.

MITS said...

Lun is sleeping and eating a whole lot more than Mei did in those early weeks.

Just Vicky said...

OH GLO!!!!! I have haning in my room the most beautiful large picture of parent and eaglet in the next hanging on my work office wall!!!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Just Vicky said...


glo said...

Mits Hmmm well see I am a Total mess!!! This is Lun Lun's first bay though right? I am way behind in my Panda education. LOL BUT I have been enjoyin Lun Lun and Baby, get in to see the the others maybe a couple of minutes once or twice a week. I know me I will be way too sad when they take them or little TAI back to China to get too attached. Yep Crazy Lady right here LOL

Keep me straightened out here. Inquiring minds do want to know...Really.

glo said...

Vicky How in the world did you get your stuff so fast. Did you pay for quicker shipping!!

OK Where is MY stuff!!! . I ordered at least 12 hours ahead of you!!!

I am so very glad to hear especially a good report ont he picture

MITS said...

Yes, GLO, this is Lun's 1st cub.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you got mail

I walked outside two large birds flying slow in glasses went back out..finger like wings but then that airplane effect I saw so I guess I saw 2 buzzards??? I need Suzanne to take me eagle watching SUZANNNE SUZANNNE

wvgal_dana said...

I thought the buzzards don't have the fingers like feathers on wings?

Just Vicky said...

I got it in what, 2 days?? I didn't order fast shipping either!!!! They knew how much I liked Todd's pictures!!! As a matter of fact, the rest of my order is backordered I believe!

wvgal_dana said...

Kingfish on left side of CT nest did a poop shoot right into nest

wvgal_dana said...

He is gone he bbl

wvgal_dana said...

Mei is laying on concrete Tia up a tree on can hear people saying "where oh there" lol

glo said...

Vicky Yes they do mail the large Photos etc. sepertely. OK That explains some of it!!! They were probably as excited to get that order as I was. LOl.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta just slipped off Lun Lun's arm. Hope she knows the cub is laying beside her now and not on her.

glo said...

Sharom Ok well keep an eagle Eye and the phone number and email handy!!! ((((hugs))))

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here we go again. Buta Buta is up under her leg again. Must have been making a noise, Lun Lun looked down and went back to licking her butt or whatever she is doing. Then the screen goes blue! It is back, gone again. AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok you all that' going to the Open House at NCTC. I just ordered me my it will be here in time...hope you all do the same. So we can Eagle out the place lol. Remember 2 days for order and then the shipping days. We are only 20 business days away from the Open House.

Just Vicky said...

OK, what they doin with LunLun's cam???

Just Vicky said...

Dana, where did you order your shirt from??

glo said...

Sharon maybe they are going to go get her off however and turned the cam off while they get her to move.

MITS said...


Just Vicky said...

Making me nervous Nellie with that cam!!!!!!!!!

floralgirl said...

Well, I was waiting to see Paula's t-shirts. Hoping we will get them in time. Like Glo's stuff too, especially the pics, but I am cash poor this time of year, cause I'm not earning an income, have to be selective. Next week I start a part time job for a few weeks to help with cash flow.

Just Vicky said...

Couldn't take the stress, had to go get some crackers!

wvgal_dana said...

I ordered my beautiful sweatshirt from the Capepress the ones that Glo made up.. getting to late to order from someplace else. Even if I had wanted to order from another place. Glo's are very nice.

Just Vicky said...

Well, since Glo's spot doesn't offer a skirt with our eagles all over, I guess I'll have to order another picture and mouse pad and a shirt of some type! I got my order in 2 days!

Just Vicky said...

OK, LunLun is back!

MITS said...

Lun is back on.

MITS said...

purple and pink wax with sparkles, please.

glo said...

LOL Off to find a pattern for a skirt Gonna make the thing myself!!!

Just kidding but Vickycheck your mail before you go back to the shop....

MITS said...

VICKY 2 DAYS!! You must be special. Its always taken them alot longer just to notify me that they got the order.

wvgal_dana said...

Ok don't know why cam went down but I was on the phone with Atlanta. They got it working (fast).....I have questioned them about "sound".....will get a call but it might not be until Monday...

As Sharon says: More to be revealed later

wvgal_dana said...

It does say on the site that Lun Lun if making more trips away from baby. Which they hope will lead to them getting the cub away for the health check and I'm sure to see if it is a boy or girl.

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky You went and got crackers I got me a beagle. lol

wvgal_dana said...


floralgirl said...

There's a new Friday thread with really cool info from Steve. Have you seen it? Go to new thread.

paula eagleholic said...

Haven't had a chance to watch anything all day, checked at Blackwater just now, there are 2 adult eagles there....

TTUL going out tonight. Have a good evening.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...