Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wednesday July 26

New Thread.

update: I'm waiting for a call back now on status, but I have to teach a class for the next few hours. be back.

ps check out this incredible site-- McNeil River Alaska Grizzly Cam.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Thanks for the new thread. Any final word yet?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks Tai is up in the tree this morning. Hey, do you think he would go up our tree and fix the camera? Just a thought!!

Anonymous said...

BOOYA!!!!!! SHARON...EXCELLENT IDEA!!! I closed up the other blog, so my Good Mornings are over there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mits!! Went and read your good mornings! Bakatcha!

It is so funny because Andrew's band director's favorite word is "booyah".

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land!


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Again on the new thread. Thanks Sharon seen the 2 eaglets at NU. Been watching "lil smurf" at Conn. He is strong today. Earlier took fish from Mom and ate it himself. Flapping them wings. Oh such a pretty sight for him.
They are waiting at Washington State for the first fledge; although camera is pausing alot.
Checked in at Blackwater. Lisa sure does a good job. I love the videos and the explanations.
The idea of sending Tai up that tree would surely be to his liking but I don't think he wants to do any work lol.
Mits you've been busy too this morning.
Could all say a prayer for Bird Girl due to someones uncaring of lots of birds. As quite a few had to be put down. Such a heavy burden and heart felt saddness for her to be involved in. The lose of such beautiful creatures.
No it is not that we are closer that she would be with any of you. It just happened I had sent her an email and it arrived at a sad time in her life. You all know how just at that time in your life something comes this site.

paula eagleholic said...

It may have been, I looked around and he was gone too, I did get a pic of him near the cam tho.

floralgirl said...

Morning,Mits,Paula,WVA Gal Vicky,Sharon, going to be a hot one today.Mits,your description of the beach this mornng sounded perfect.Ah, to be sitting on the sand with my feet in the ocean,if only...Back to reality,out to the garden again soon,after breakfast.

paula eagleholic said...

I got a pic of him wing flapping about 7-8 min before he left, think I'll send all to Lisa.

Anonymous said...

How exciting, another youngun takes to the sky!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are we sure that the osprey still in the nest is not the little one? Just wondering. Just watch this occasionally so I don't even know.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is drawing quite a crowd, up in his tree.

wvgal_dana said...

Well the way Lisa keeps what with that nest. I'm sure we will know for sure because she will post it.
Though it does look like he did it.
Floralgirl when you take your flowers to market. Are they in pots or are they cut flowers?

Anonymous said...

That's the observation deck I can't wait til the new Fujifilm habitat is open. Hoping for better views of the pandas and other animals.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, could be a parent with the white head, but, SUZANNE would know.

wvgal_dana said...

"Lil smurf" is getting his belly really full today. Parent brought in another good size fish. He is munching it down. He might not be able to fledge today lol because he will need to "lighten" his load.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Last fall I had a squirrel that would come to my roof to eat who had a tail that was only 2 inches long. I don't know what happened to it but it was black on the end. Anyway, I haven't seen him in a long time and often wondered whatever happened to him. Well, looked out on the roof just now and there he is!! So cool!

I also saw yesterday what I think is my bald cardinal who is now growing something back on her head. Appears to be growing back pretty fast but no spike there yet! Mother nature is such a wonderful thing!

Anonymous said...

I posted something cute for all of you an the other thread...sorry no time now to repost, go read or MAYBE I'll go get it at lunc, unless someone could copy and paste it in there today for me. Got to go


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

From Glo's post on the other thread:

Time to lighten Up Warning long BUT great!!!

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.

Do you ever wonder why you gave me your email address?

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

There are two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the dead.

Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to?

Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

How it is one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"

Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there? I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta its butt."

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?

Anyone experience this next one recently, and right here!!! I am absolutely sure of the answer!!!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath a way"

Have a "Breathtaking Day!!!"

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like 1 parent and 2 chicks. The parent is solid, whereas the chicks feathers have white on the ends.

wvgal_dana said...

You've got to look at "lil smurf" at Conn. need a refrigator to put his fish in yes another fish lol.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning out there in Eagleland. I surely enjoyed GLO's comment on the other page-started my day with a chuckle. Great idea if we get Tai to go up our tree!
I've been thinking about the OpenHouse at NCTC - I am going to find out & pursue the idea to have an Eagle presentation included. Hopefully any of us who can attend will have our T-shirts - May be a good place to sell some items... I'll talk with Paula/Steve. Just gotta get the funds available no matter how small to get the best cam/sound next year. I need to go out for my regular exercise program but I will check in as soon as I return.
Everyone sounds really good this am.

paula eagleholic said...

WV Vicky,
Looks like Mom is eating there now. He must be stuffed!

paula eagleholic said...

The BW osprey is still eating that fish! I have seen Mom looking around a lot too.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't think lol I want to be around for his "poop shoot" either. No NO Brad don't get that shot lol; "lil smurf" will destroy you lens. lol

Anonymous said...

The CT osprey is too cute. Last night Mom brought in a fish and he ate for along time, then Mom stole it back, and he slowly inched his way back to steal it. Think Mom was teaching him how to steal, then after a little while, Mom started to feed him.

wvgal_dana said...

I am lmbo that little guy at conn. "he couldn't finish the whole thing" parent is now eating it. He is laying there like "I'll never do it again" stuffed. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Send Lisa any pics you have, she is not sure if Lil Bit fledged, she is hoping to get more photos!

Anonymous said...

SHARON you have mail. Get that CT osprey an Alka Seltzer...

paula eagleholic said...

Guess Mama let him have the rest...he is back to eating!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess we'll know for sure when the nest is empty, and there are no shadows anywhere. Might not have and MT nest today, looks like it is hot and they aren't flying around much.

wvgal_dana said...

Got to go out. Check back when I get in. Let me know if "lil smurf" fledges at Conn.

Anonymous said...

PAULA Did you get my e-mail from last night?

Anonymous said...

All 3 osprey in the nest in CT.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes I got it, Thank you. I hope he shows up.

I think you mean 3 in the nest at BW, Mits?

Anonymous said...

Mom, Dad and PapaSmurf osprey were in the CT nest about 15 mins ago, lots of action, been watching them all morning. Baby Smurf has brown eyes, been watching if he has been the one to come in and out, just not sure if he has fledged.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotcha, Mits. I missed seeing all 3 in the nest. Looks like one is on top the cam now, you can see their shadow. The chick has not fledged yet!

Anonymous said...

At the CT NEST, there is a parent shadowing the nest and there is a post to the left way down by the dirt road another parent stands watch, might need your magnifying glass, but I read on their page that that is one of their lookout spots, to watch for intruders.

Anonymous said...

Not sure how to take a picture for Lisa, would love to help out if I could,SHARON WOULD BE A GOOD ONE FOR THIS JOB QUEEN OF THE FRAPS:):):)

Anonymous said...

CT-CAM must be getting a lot of hits today, it has shut down on me twice and that never happens.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, if you right click on the picture, then click on "save picture as" you can save the picture.

Anonymous said...

TU, Sharon, The Ct cam has a button for dummies like me. Just click and it does the trick...My God I sound like LOUISE LOL.

Anonymous said...

Did you see STEVENS'S UPDATE???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No I hadn't but I have now! Thanks Mits!

Anonymous said...

He also has a grizzley bear site in Alaska he wants us to see

paula eagleholic said...

I heard about that site on the news the other night. Bears eating salmon and stuff.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess bears don't eat ducks, geese or birds. See several there. That is cool except hearing that running water made me need to go . . . TMI (too much information), you all don't need to hear that part. :)

Anonymous said...

COOOL surfing the rapids DUDE. SHARON, help me out here, about 15 yrs ago, we were on a family reunion in a small town in WVA, we went whitewater rafting on the New River and the trip went down stream and ended at a very high suspension bridge. We were also close to a very beautiful state park. Any clues, I think we were close to the Kentucky border. I have always wanted to return to the place. I JUST LOVE WEST VIRGINIA!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...loo-time, as Jo would say...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, that would be the New River Gorge Bridge!! In October they have bridge day and they parachute off that bridge. It is so beautiful there. It is not near Kentucky though. On the other side of the state. I love West Virginia too. Such a beautiful state but most people hear WV and laugh. Don't know what they are missing!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Loo time for sure!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here is the link to the bridge site!

Anonymous said...

Tha's it, big time in October. Have you been to The Festival of Lights in Wheeling? Don't know why people laugh, it is one of the greatest States in this country.IMHO!!!!

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Hi al...home for quick lunch. My oh My is time flying at work this week. Sharon Thaks for copying over that other post!!!

Ok so I guess I need to go take a look at the Grizzly site. I have already been to the Loo since i've been home so it should be safe for a little while anyway. Depends

I am glad to hear grizzly's don't eat they could catch one anyway although ya know they do have fishing in common.

I'll stop in after lunch. off to the Loo I mean grizzly cam

Anonymous said...

Its kicking and shoving at the panda cam...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2 eaglets in the nest at NU. All these cameras going but not the one I really want!!

Bird Girl said...

WV Vicky Thank you so much for your comments, and for thinking of me! I do appreciate it, it's nice that there are people like you in the world to help!

floralgirl Do you grow your flowers in greenhouses, or fields or ?? You must have a huge property if you are able to have so many cut flowers to take to market every day. That would be such a wonderful sight -- fields of flowers in my yard... Do you have lilacs?

all: I'll be out most of the day today, going to lunch with a friend and then have to run errands... I'll try to do Hugo's post today :-)

Have a great day everyone!

glo said...

Well I can't seem to keep the grizzly cam going as well as it seems to keep other peole going

Did anyone else have that trouble?

The Grizzly trouble NOT the going or growing problem LOL
I got to go back to work.

CYA later everyone

Bird Girl said...

love the grizzly cam!! cool!

Anonymous said...

STEVEN Posted a new comment, but, he really did not post a new thread, correct.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is lying beside Mei. She is sleeping and he is chewing on his legs! LOVE HIM!

paula eagleholic said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paula, thought I was losing it.

Anonymous said...

Tai is trying soooo hard to nurse and Mom doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

movin said...

It's a beautiful, sunny (overly hot, overly humid, maybe there'll be thunderstorms) day, All. Let's see some Cyber Smiles ....

I was outside yesterday when it seem way miserable inside, and even in the sun, with a breeze it was very pleasant. And in the partial shade of the eucalyptus, it was like heaven.

Blackwater Ospreys...
If you use the link just over the picture, you will see 4 photos from this morning which indicate that the littlest Osprey has fledged and returned safely to the nest!

Grizzlies, eagles ... pshaaww!! I saw a pic of a 67 lb. salmon somebody caught up north the other day that would probably take out either one of those bad boys! (hahahaha)


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Very good on the BW Osprey! Great news that he came back!

movin said...

Were you the one with the bald headed lady Cardinal??

Have you seen her lately? I'm sure we are all on the edge of our chairs wondering if it was molting or it growing back?

I've seen Hummingbirds temporarily with absolutely no tails, and that was weird-looking enough!

Have you published your pictures from Sunday yet...did you get any of the eagles?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jim, that was me with the bald cardinal. I do think it was her out here yesterday with feathers growing back on her head. She did not have the spike back yet but she looked a lot better than she did bald!

Anonymous said...

Good job "lil bit"!! JIM That was SHARONS' CARDINAL

Anonymous said...

SHARON you are too quick for me...

Anonymous said...

I'm out of here for awhile TTUL!

movin said...

Thanks Sharon, Mits...
I'll sleep better ... isn't 'nap time' pretty soon? ... knowing that the lady's normally stylish look is returning.


floralgirl said...

Wow-it is HUMID outside today!Not as bad as last week,but still...Wv GAl Vicky,and Bird Girl-I start going to market late April with plants and cut flowers.I sell herbs,annuals and some perennials that I grow,by July,whatever hasn't sold gets planted along with all the other flowers I already had put in.All my flowers are field grown,I do have large gardens,do 2 markets on the weekend,occassionally do weddings(STRESSFUL), and lots of parties. I do have some lilacs,hard to keep the deer away from them,working on putting uop electric fence,appears to be the only way I will ever keep them out of my garden.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for pointing out the Blackwater update, Suzanne and I sent in some of those pics!

I couldn't see that info till I refreshed the screen.

I just picked up the pics from Wally world, I'll get them on the site this evening. They are nothing compared to Todd's, but they give you an idea of how they soared over us.

Jim, hope you are not near any of those brush fires...stay safe!

movin said...


I haven't seen many around my feeder, but there have been telltale signs around the flower areas that the feeder has been found.

Well, yesterday I was on the balcony-patio watering the Geraniums (what's left after an attack of insect larvae) and checking the real weather; and suddenly a young Hummer (probably an immature female) dived in and began feeding very close to where I was standing (2-3 ft.).

And then I turned around and another Hummer overflew the area from the opposite direction and then returned, taking more than a half dozen long draughts at the feeder while 'clicking' quietly at me ... looks like the first one's brother. You can see he is molting by the fact that traces of the male markings on the head are becoming visible, which happens at the first molt.

A couple of beautiful, young birds...can't tell for sure yet, but I believe they are Black Chins.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2 EAGLETS IN THE NU NEST AGAIN. Boy, they hang out there a lot!

paula eagleholic said...

I still have to laugh whenever I look at the CT Osprey nest, that blue teddy bear smushed into the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Smurf is hanging close to the edge this afternoon. I am having a hard time keeping that cam up though.

paula eagleholic said...

Mine keeps going down too!

Mema Jo said...

Just checking in - everyone seems to be doing just great! I am headed out again for a few hours..Dinner with a daughter.
The CT & BW osprey seem to have acquire a new set of viewers - that is great. You know even though you feel a loss you haven't been talking about the soaring eaglets, because you know they are OK! Life does go on! In less then 8 months we will be counting the new eggs in the nest! Liberty & Belle will not let us down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a little while. Be back in a bit! Hopefully, no ER trips will come up or anything. More will be revealed!

glo said...

No response to my earlier question Maybe you thought I was just kidding

anyway Is anyone else having trouble keeping the Grizzly site running?


movin said...

Steve, Glo, and whoever else tried to get the Griz Cam ....

I had no luck even finding the cam that Steve was talking about...did both Yahoo and Google searches ... they both list National Geographic, but National Geographic does not host that cam anymore!

I tried many other deadend links as luck ... any suggestions?


floralgirl said...

I clicked on the link that Steve provided by the name of the cam,and it took me right to the sight,but my connection is too slow to really enjoy it.

Steve Chase said...

Back from class.

I tried the link again and got it going. It is similar to our live cam, you need to download the realplayer link file and open that to get it going.

Keith has just told me that they have located another battery and will bring it out tomorrow first thing to see if that will fix things.

floralgirl said...

THANK YOU STEVEN !!wouldn't it be great if they could get the cam up and we would get a glimpse of our eagles one last time!!

paula eagleholic said...

Keep your fingers, crossed folks!

Thanks for the update, Steven!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I watched the grizzly bears for a while today. I had no problem with the feed. It was great, just that water running thing.

Thanks so much for the update Steven. I pray tomorrow will be a very good day!!

glo said...

Woo Hoo Still have some hope for the camera YES

Thanks for the Grizzly information. I'll go try again...maybe just wrong time of day or something. I of course do have Real Player but it kept timing out on me, I could hear the water though LOL, picture herky jerky and then time out is what happend. Gonna go try again.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! That is so exciting, STEVEN Looks like a baby grizzly, with seagulls arond trying to steal his catch. Seagulls are dumb!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

Osprey Mom in CT was just fussing at something to the right....

paula eagleholic said...

Baby Smurf playing pick up stix.

paula eagleholic said...

And pick up the sod, too. Thing he's trying to make a comfortable spot.

Anonymous said...

Between 1 and 5 Alaska time which is 5 to 9 our time on the East Coast, someone moves the cam around so you can see the bears trying to catch the salmon. I'M HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!

Just Vicky said...

Alright! Maybe just MAYBE there is a "little" hope????? Can't wait to see if a battery works! PLEASE WORK PLEASE PLEASE WORK!!!!!!!

movin said...

Thanks, Floral Girl and the others, who added their info...

The bear cam did open immediately (more or less)to a 'refreshable still cam' with high qual pictures, and in the afternoon a dude changes the direction of the cameras.

Anyway, I clicked the link for 'modem users' at the right, and that brought up Real Cam like we use on this site, but it really never finished loading??....??

The pic provided on the site, while slow for modem users, is interesting anyway. The sound is interesting but get dull after a while...just turn it down or off, listen to some tunes on the stereo.

Anybody else out there a jazz & blues fan?



Anonymous said...

Mom is feeding osprey smurf. And I think there are 4 osprey in BW nest now, 1 parent and 3 babies. JIM I don't know many artist, but I like the sound. Listen to the local Jazz station here in Ocean City, Maryland, when I'm on the beach. Cool Jazz 97.1 on your dial.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am not too keen about watching a grizzly bear eating said salmon but that was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

SHARON Glad you are here. Here's the deal. You move up to Sherperdstown next Eagle Season, and NCTC puts you in charge of the cam, and you can manuver it around like they do in the grizzly cam. What do you say, are you up for it!!!! Of course Andrew might have to stay with relatives, or you can wait til he goes off to college. You would be perfect!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, Next fall Andrew will be in Morgantown at WVU (WAHWAH) so that actually would put me closer to him!! That would be a really hard job, huh? I would love that!!

Going back out again. Be back in a little while!

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a better person for the job, than you, SHARON.

Anonymous said...

I'm gone for awhile too. Later!!!

paula eagleholic said...

*** Pictures ***

Of our visit to the tree are now available for your viewing pleasure on the Eaglet_Momsters site!

Anonymous said...

GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES----I have been out most of the day & have attempted to read the blogs--WOW---it's wonderful---we never run out of conversation---AREN'T WE A GREAT GROUP----MITS---I didn't know you had been white water rafting on the New River---that's beautiful country ---You mentioned the the New River bridge, & up above is the New River Gorge---God's gift to WV---they (developers) are trying to get permission to build houses up there---& they probably will---The bridge is on our "state quarter"---I love that area-----THANKS GLO---I received my "eagle package" today-----I was so happy to receive it----you have done a great job--The picture on the mouse pad is great----Spunky was in that same spot Sunday----& stayed there for 45 min. or so----That pic will always be in my mind---& when I remember, I SMILE---

Anonymous said...

JIM----I have been a jazz "buff" forever-----I love Miles Davis---to Billie Holiday---all the classics-----I LOVE JAZZ-----I like what we used to call progressive jazz----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I was wrong about Ms. Bald Cardinal. She is back out here, slick-headed as ever.

Anonymous said...

NORMA It was one of the best trips in my life, Surely God's country. The only damper was it was our 1st family reunion since my father-in law had died the previous April, we were there in August and I almost lost my husband and brother-in-law when they fell out of the raft. We had a guide and this was his 1st summer rafting and he got us stuck near a huge rock and the raft tipped and out went my husband and brother-in-law, some scary moments. We have it all on video and I would go back in a New York minute. Like I said before: "I LOVE WEST VIRGINIA!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

SHARON Maybe it is her summer-do:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, maybe it is her summer-do, cooler on the head for sure, but not very pleasing to the eye!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I've never seen a bald cardinal - why not take her pic? Like the plate? Right?
MITS the Grisslies are not really for me - Hearing that beautiful river really motivates one to go to the LOO! Plus, I don't have a fondness for bears- bear cubs maybe! Without a mother near by!
Paula Your pics that were added really completes that album! Seeing them just brought back all the feelings I had when I was there in person. I think everyone will enjoy them & know just what we were trying to express in words.

Mema Jo said...

GLO Tomorrow is Thursday already. Hope this week went fast for you at work because by the end of the upcoming day you will be a Free Bird Congratulations!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for keeping us posted.
Went to the grizzly cam; well first I thought I was at the ocean Mits with you. Then that sound got turned down "definetly not the ocean sound". Salmona must not be spawning (going up stream) cause those bears aren't catching much supper. Yes there was a guy moving the cam around. I will go back and retry.
Not quite like eagle watching.
Sharones your cardinal have more of pinkish feathers than red?
Oh yes went in an look at pics Paula added and I SAVED A BUNCH really really good pics. ty

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just looked at the pictures and they are absolutely awesome. What a wonderful experience you all had!! God is good!

wvgal_dana said...

Take a look at Blackwater is that two parents?

Anonymous said...

Just looked ,can't tell...Both parents were just in Smurf nest.

Anonymous said...

Only one parent in Smurf nest now ...going to BW

Anonymous said...

PAULA----Your pics great---as Mema Jo says, you feel as if you are there watching them----BEAUTIFUL---wasn't the sky "REALLY" blue---
Thanks for sharing---
THANKS STEVEN----I really enjoyed the bears---listing to the water & watching them was very relaxing---good picture----THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF US!----You are GREAT----

Anonymous said...

Still can't tell, spidey web in the way or is it dew??

Anonymous said...

That osprey in CT is cute and he knows it...

wvgal_dana said...

ok didn't type that too
Sharon does your female cardinal have like pinkish feathers instead of red?

Anonymous said...

Back later....

movin said...

wvagirl it does look (can't be sure with the 'smudged lens') there are both parents...the one on the rt. really looks like the papa.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My cardinal has the duller reddish feathers, not like that of a male. Except her head is skin blackish looking! As I speak right now, I have a male cardinal and 2 baby cardinals being fed by him. That is so cool. Except, I have seen them eating themselves when he is not here. They are just flittign their little wings like they are so helpless! CUTE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Daddy cardinal just flew off and these 2 babies immediately started eating the heck out of this seed.

Anonymous said...

Fakers!!!! I always love the cardinals coming to the feeder, they are the last ones in before nightfall. I do miss not having my bird-feeder here at the beach

movin said...

The parent left, the one on the left turned sideways, and now it looks more like a chick .........


wvgal_dana said...

lol Mits
Sharon I once had a female cardinal come to my feeder that also had its head messed up. Like it was molting or someone pulled in feathers. Looked weird but even more weird was what feathers were on her head were "pinkish".
When her feathers came back in they were pinkish and lighter than all her other feathers even on her head lol.

wvgal_dana said...

Well that's it for Blackwater Osprey for me tonight...foggy foggy foggy. See nothing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

CT osprey is flapping those wings really hard.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord!!! Looks like he wants to fledge now.

wvgal_dana said...

Try going to NU Osprey site lol funny

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to make an attempt to call it a night. Sweet eagle dreams everybody. Maybe tomorrow, we will get to see our babies again!! I PRAY, I PRAY!!

Anonymous said...

I hope your prayers are answered, YES, SHARON

glo said...

Just a quick hello from my neighbors. I think my dsl router has gone out, can't get to you from my computer. Might explain why the grizzly's were a problem this afternoon too LOL. Hope you all have a great evening. Guess I can't see Paulas pictures tonight don't know how to get to the group from my neighbors computer.

I'll touch base with you all form somewhere tomorrow.

Good night all.

wvgal_dana said...

Night all tc sweet eagle/eaglet dreams.
Glo sorry your having computer problems hope they get solve fast.
Hope and pray we get the cam tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

GLO don't ya just hate it when that happens. Hope things get fixed soon.

Anonymous said...

Glad ya'll liked the pics. Might be a couple of more on another roll, but have to finish up the roll first.

Hopefully, we will have good news tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!

Good night, eagle land!


Anonymous said...

Good Night all. I have had some of the funniest e-mails tonight. I am ROFLMAO!! GLO, I've just ordered 2 magnets 2 Guardian Eagle pins and a Teddy Bear for Baby Kalis. Only 5 weeks to go til the big arrival.. Peaceful dreams...

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight All,

Sweet Eagle Cam Dreams.....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I really hope the camera gets back up today. At least we will know either way.

Make a good day. Try performing random acts of kindness today (but don't tell anybody you did). The rewards are great!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

For an eagle fix, there is an eaglet in the NU nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, where are you this morning?

glo said...

Good morning all...Man speaking of Random Acts of Kindness my DSL has been kind ot me this morning and I got right in here. I reset it LOL. Actually I did all kinds of things to it and my computer last night, and then as I went to turn the computer back on this morning I decided to turnt he dsl off and then back on again soon there after. Anyway whatever happened, I got right in here today. They make more than one persons day kind of a "little extra special". Wishing you all a "Kind of extra Special day today".
Whispering aprayer for the cam man today!!!

I love random acts of kindness.

glo said...

Speaking of I love random acts of kindness Man I don't have a clue how it got to the end of the last post. I swear I typed it just before "They make more than one persons day a little extra special" My whole post makes more sense if you read it that way.

Anyway once again Wishing each of you an extra special day today.

floralgirl said...

Good morning, Eagle lovers!!OH, how I hope the cam is fixed today so maybe we will be lucky enough to see the eagles one more time.Keeping my fingers crossed...Well,Glo if we had more random acts of kindness,the world would surely be a better place! Paula-thanks for sharing your pics,they're great.What a wonderful evening that was,watching the eagles soar above our heads.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning to all of you! Soar through the day! (Our eaglets sure will!)

floralgirl said...

Suzanne,sometimes that happens to me and the blog looks totally different,impossible to read.Usually if I refresh or leave and come back to the site it changes back to normal.Seems like many of us have had problems with the blog this week.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagleland. Yes I too hope they can get the cam fixed. That would be so "special". I know I'll never be ready for it to finally go down.
They are waiting at Washington State Osprey for their 1st fledge there. Lil Bit is tired lol.
Gee Suzanne hope your page straightens out. Mine isn't any different.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just watching the NU eaglet. Started mantling and I knew food was on the way. Sure enough, parent arrived with food, now we have a happy camper!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon when is band camp? How is sons poison?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Band camp is August 6-11 and Andrew is getting better. Not itching as bad, drying up a little bit. Thanks for asking!

wvgal_dana said...

Lil smurf at Conn is eating on a fish. I was looking for a date he was born. I didn't see any information on him. He is so cute.

Mema Jo said...

Good early morning to all! I usually don't make it before 10:30 eagleland time so it is 'early'. I didn't need to read too many comments - I think everyone is waiting, hoping and praying we get the cam up & running for these last remaining days. I would really love to see them at the nest again - I'm sure Spunky hasn't decided to leave home yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Chomping at the bit is what I am doing this morning, Jo! Keep waiting, hoping and praying.

wvgal_dana said...

mema jo I seen the pics of stuff from under the nest at the tree in the pics. There wasn't a whole turtle shell waiting for you?

Mema Jo said...

Vicky-wvGal Whole turtle shells - no, they must all be up in that nest. Just the turtle head skeletons were on the ground-sorta gross looking.

wvgal_dana said...

Shot...I thought you might have a nice "turtle shell" on your end table for all to see. Sorry about that I know you had hopes of finding one.

Anonymous said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES----I am praying----but I am also trying to prepare myself to accept the fact that it may not be fixed------PAULA'S pics are great---she didn't tell you she had to climb over & stand on a barbed wire fence to get those "dry bones" left by our eaglets----she was so brave---wearing shorts & sandals too----ONE BRAVE GAL----
ps---I swear I think I saw Spunky's skis leaning against that tree--------

Mema Jo said...

I am wondering if the battery has to go up into the cam. Maybe Steve can let us know the progress of the battery with the next thread he gives us.

Hang In There Sharon. There's always HOPE I know we will all accept whatever is meant to be.
But I sure would like to see them all again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, the reason I haven't taken a picture of my plate is that I don't have a digital camera and I keep forgetting to borrow one from one of my sisters. Keep reminding me and maybe one day I will. :)

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Will do! Those eagle items from Bradford Exchange were really beautiful.

MITS Should be here shortly..She's checking her emails now!

NILLA should still be off work today. But her DSL should be turned on

GLO Last day of turmoil! Make it a good one!

NORMA Stay Cool!

Anonymous said...

BOOYAH EAGLE BUDDIES Got alot on my plate today, got to wax and polish, and that's me, not the condo, before my son and daughter-in-law come in tomorrow night, looking forward to seeing them. Haven't checked any bird-cams yet, will do that now. Keep positive thoughts. BRB!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO Glad you are keeping a close eagle-eye on me, ya know it doesn't take much for me to get in trouble.LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like smurf osprey is on the lanching pad, maybe today???? Going out to Seattle now...

wvgal_dana said...

I am hoping to get to the Open House in October. Maybe then I can get to meet some of you on here.
I've gone down to the tree several times as you know and sit along the road. Then report back in. Haven't been able to do for awhile.gettting withdrawal may need to take a trip.
My back and neck is too unstable to walk on uneven ground. But life is "good". I figure at the open house could park close and would be walking on sidewalk.
Sometimes I feel left out as some of you seem so close...maybe I'm just not a close person...I know the ones that has gotten together at the tree would definetly have to be close; look what you experienced together wow neat..

Anonymous said...

Ah, that nest is so full of stuff, I bet they are "Sleepless in Seattle" Ok, no throwing stuff at me MITS bruises easily

Just Vicky said...

wvaga;_vicky, I was sure hoping you would be at "the tree!" last Sunday. I wanted to meet you!

Anonymous said...

WVAGAL We will carry you...

Anonymous said...

Ct.smurf osprey has the most beautiful brown eyes...his mom has beautful blue-grey when they look straight into the cam...

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Vicky from Il....We had that reunion on Sat. and that put me to bed all day Sunday. Then couldn't sleep Sunday night lol. Up and down thought I think I checked out some sights. If I would have known another Vicky would be coming in to comment. I would have left it just wvagal; but at momsters-group they told me I had to use a name even a nickname. Husband doesn't like me putting my first name on sites.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

STEVEN, any word yet?

wvgal_dana said...

Mits I think mom is giving him flight practice exercises. I see her shadow up there sitting and he is like do it military style lol.

Anonymous said...

WVGALVICKY----When I first checked in with the momsters-----I wanted to meet you (jealous-I didn't have your name--WV) ho!---was so looking forward to meeting you---- a Byrd "watcher"---I knew you were my kind of person---SEE YOU IN OCT.---we all LOVE you---
Did you read that Pittsnogle signed w/the Boston Celtics---GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you are right, Vicky. As usual, I will probably miss him fledge after watching him all this time

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Suzanne,
Did you see Lisa's update on BW? She sent me back an email saying it looked like he fledged after she looked at our pics. Also, she is posting a new web log today.

Morning, all!

I got that funky blogger screen last night...had to post as anon...

Just Vicky said...

This "name" thing does get confusing when you actually meet people in person -- YOU HAVE TO ASSOCIATE THE FAKE NAME WITH THE REAL NAME!" At my age, it gets harder to do! Or am I talking a foreign language??

wvgal_dana said...

NormaMy husband keeps me up to date on Pittsnogle.
Vicky Il lol I'm sure you are younger than me. Don't mind saying I'm 57, can't dye hair no more. Husband use to call me his "silver fox" now I think I'm white lol. It is what it is. Would love to add color but can't allergic to everything they tried. So this is me ...

paula eagleholic said...

Hope the cam comes up today. I am out of here till this evening, have to go work off-site. Will check in later. Hope to find the cam up and blog filled with comments. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE I feel your pain, it has happened to me numerous times, and when I got on sometimes the blog-page was weird looking much like everyone was talking about this a.m. I wonder why it happens that some have this problem and others don't???????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I for one have had no problems with the blog but you have to remember, this is me! :) LMAO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want to be #200!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...