Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thursday July 6

New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. We had an eaglet in the nest earlier this morning but been kind of quiet since then. There was no feeding either at that time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just watching the Pandas this morning. Mei Xiang is just resting, leaning against a tree. Don't know Tai Shan is at the moment but he is so precious.

glo said...

OK found ya over here. Well glad someone checked in for breakfast even if they didn't get any. Hope both cams work well for everyone today. Off to work for me.

Anonymous said...

Just checked in on Hugo too. He seems to be getting bigger and stronger. This morning he was standing and walking on fully extended legs. Not so much breathing problems when I was there either.

The pandas are so much fun to watch.

Alas, I have to work. Back later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:08 a.m. MT nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Frontier has DSL high speed too, but maybe not where you live.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone on this New thread. Ty Steve..Suzanne nice to see you caught the hello on the other thread...was wonderful why you didn't say anything back lol.
After a much needed nap, I awake to "LIVE FEED" whippppeeee
Sharon one day back awhile when watching the panda's (I started watching them right after he was born its been fun) anyhow he and mom were on the rocks and she accidently knocked him off. We were all so scare but the little fellow now much bigger was ok.

wvgal_dana said...

Janet M. can you get adelphia were your at?

wvgal_dana said...

Hello is anybody out there?
Is there another way everyone is conversing like yahoo instant messenger or something??? Or am I just alone........da ta da daaaaaaaa lol getting scarey all alone here

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here, WVGal Vicky. Been working, watching the pandas, watching the MT nest.

Anonymous said...

I'm here...sorta. Watchin Hugo and the MT nest AND working..bleck!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Sharon & wvagal Vicky - and all the others who are suppose to be working but keeping track of everything going on--I am happy to be retired after all those years of work-but I do miss all those coworkers! But not enough to go back!
It is a beautiful morning - humidity seems to have disappeared! Now I can breathe! I think I need to at least make one more trip to the TREE.. I also am going to inquire just how long this family will be here in WV before taking off! I need some prewarning... Will be leaving shortly for about 2 hours... I know you'll keep an eye on the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have virtual co-workers since I work at home. The good thing, there is no backstabbing around here, people talking about people (although I am sure my dogs probably talk about me a lot behind my back!)

11:01 a.m. MT nest. Did see a dark little bird make an appearance a few minutes ago.

wvgal_dana said...

So glad you all are around.
Sharon that is so funny...our dogs talk about us too I sure of it. I think even when cat was alive the three of them convived against us lol.
I am so happy with this site; there is just sharing and pleasantness in here; no back stabbing. Everyone is excepted.
Thank you all for that!! I mean that from my heart.
I checked out Hugo then the other stork site; dad brought some food in it was a feeding frenzie. They are pretty when they fly. Nothing though has come close to our eagles and eaglets. I do surf around to enjoy all the other birds and animals.
Does anyone thing the sounds that Hugo make are the true sounds of a baby stork?? Or is he still congested?? What do you think??

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne- Life is the greatest adventure we'll ever be a part of-what would we do if it were humdrum..?
Just always remember to

glo said...

Oh No well I am at work and I just found out 2 things. !. My co-workers are probably talking about me at times anyway LOL...And my dogs are Home talking about me I knew that..they definitely plan things for me, good things nad occasionally not so good things if I have spent too much time away oR on the computer!!!

OK back to work LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I try to make every day a good day and not sit back and wait for yucky stuff to happen!

Anonymous said...

WVGal Vicky,

I'm guessing the noises HUgo makes are normal baby squawking noises. I've heard him cough and suptter a few times and that sounds different. The noise he makes now is more of an excited squawk to is here, dad is here, food is here...but he doesn't do it all the time.

Who knows. Maybe Bird Girl can chime in here when she reappears.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you SANDY always good to hear someone else's oppinion.
So funny I've never gotten to see Hugo up except this time and lol the little fella is not great on Jo's "poop shoot" he almost fell over. Hugo is so cute.
Mits if your lurking hope you are enjoying the ocean.

Bird Girl said...

Hello everyone!!

RAIN RAIN GLORIOUS RAIN!!! We finally got some rain here in the Valley of the Sun, and in the mornings it's nice and cool. Unfortunately, it heats up pretty quickly and then it's just yucky...

As far as Hugo's noise go, yes those are normal. It's part of the overall begging behaviour. Also, since they nest so high up, and don't really have any predators anyway, the babies don't have to be silent to avoid detection, unlike birds that are more vulnerable such as sparrows, pigeons, ducks...

Sorry I've been away so long... This weather is hard on me, so I haven't been moving all that well. Still a bit rough today, but I really wanted to touch base with everyone here to let you know I haven't forgotten about you (as if I could)!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bird Girl. You must have heard us calling you. Sorry the weather is so hard on you. I wouldn't think it would rain out there very often. no?

So, how do you think Hugo is doing. He seems to be up and much more active and much BIGGER. That would be my purely amateur observations...HA!

Any eagle sightings for lunch?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good to hear from you, Bird Girl!

MT nest except for 1 in the nest earlier this morning. Need some action!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wind is blowing. Maybe it will blow in some business!

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful day with nice breezes, my guess is they are out soaring!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I think you are probably right!

1:02 p.m. MT nest!

Bird Girl said...

no one in the nest right now... I imagine they all will be spending less and less time there. The juveniles will have moved on about 5 weeks after they fledged, and the parents will move on until next breeding season.

I think Hugo is probably doing well, considering he is getting bigger and stronger and engages in normal activities like preening. If he were not doing well, he would be much less active and wouldn't beg as much, or at all.

I do wonder, though, how his lung function will be as he gets older -- will he always have a cough? How will that affect his hunting ability (hard to sneak up on fish when you're coughing and sneezing)? I guess we won't know, after he leaves the nest...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just peeked in on the CT osprey (featuring Papa Smurf) and that little feller is about as big as his momma! My how they grow!

Mema Jo said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...