Thursday, July 27, 2006
Thursday July 27
Cam Update--The guys did extensive additional testing today and have determined that the problem is in fact up the tree. This is not good news. They are planning to try to get up the tree next week. We'll see how things progress. Not the way we wanted things to end for the season, but we are optimistic that we'll have an improved system next year based on everything we have learned this year. More as I learn it.
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3/12/25 PM 🐟
12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...

Sunday thread.
TGIF thread.
Weekend thread, a little late...
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the update but no thanks on the bad news!
Sorry pushed wrong button...
Thanks, STEVEN
Well Steven ty for the update. I'm sure you wasn't smiling when you wrote it. Thank you for new thread.
Let us know when the guys are going up the tree..I think some want to be there to receive their "turtle shells".
Sharon how many hours is where you live from Shepherdstown?
I think I live about 5 hours from there!
:(:(:( Talk to you all later.
Look who is ANON---& using the word BOOYAH----that w/really confuse us----but you are still COOL-----meeting for lunch---
Mits later. Keep toes out of ocean...snip snip crabs.
Sharon do you think you will be able to make it to open house in October?
Norma that was our gal Mits
When is the open house in October, WVGAL Vicky?
Group hug time ((((Group
Sharon I am hoping Mema Jo will post it on here Oct. _____ and time.
Check back in later. Lay down awhile. Culligan coming to put in water softner later.
NCTC Open House is October 21 from 10-4 p.m.
Next week??!!:( Terrible news-thanks for letting us know Steve.I really need an eagle fix now,and only NCTC eagles will do.
Home for lunch and another ((((Group hug)))
Remember there are places to go BOTH to see the live fledges (thanks to Sharon) and nice stills anytime you want to.
Both sites have places for is a Guest book, but there is NO limit to Who signs it or how many times. There are some nice comments in there. I like to read things like that too, and all you do is click on read or Sign my guestbook. That site has a new update in progress, but will take several days for me to finish it If my computer will co-operate.
And the BLOG site I have made has access to All the fledges, and lots of neat photos in the LOOP not to be confused with Loo
There are several places there to post comments just like any BLOG. Lots of wonderful memories and photos right at your fingertips.
Why not put the links in your favorite, OR if you like ask me to email the links to you and save the email somewhere where you can find it when you need one of OUR eagle fixes!!!
Good morning, Everyone
Hope they get that camera going...
Blog problems...there have been some lately, which everyone has experienced...BUT...
The kind of computering we are doing with all the graphics (videos, live feeds, photos) and the multitasking really use up the computer's resources (mostly RAM..Random Access Memory).
Even newer machines will develop the problem if the RAM load is heavy enough, but of course the older ones with smaller RAM capacity are affected sooner.
At least once a day...oftener if the RAM is should turn the puter off for a minimum of 3 minutes. That will unload not only the RAM but also the Mother Board chips which control the operating system.
Simply restarting the machine will unload the RAM, and it's a faster process.
Try to make sure your (older)machine contains the maximum RAM
it's supposed to be upgradeable to (RAM strips are very, very cheap nowdays and relatively easy to install [if you open machine, vacuum out the stuff the little fans keep blowing into it]).
This is getting long and complicated, but you should also periodically use the "Internet Options," which is found in "Control Panel," to clean out some of the cookies and other Internet files that build up when you surf the Internet the way we do.
Just lighten the load on the resources periodically, and the computer will work much more effectively and faster.
I had so many troubles with that kind of graphics related thing on earlier computers, that when I bought this, I had a gigabyte of RAM installed and got the video card with 128 Megabytes of Video RAM... And I am definitely glad I did.
I'm not a computer expert, but I have learned quite a bit the hard way. Just remember...put as many resources into the computer as you can, keep it free of as much unnecessary or old material as you can; and it will be a much happier, user friendly little puter.....
Uncle "know-it-all,
NU nest has an eaglet in it again. There is someone there a whole lot yet! Love it. I can play lets pretend it is our babies!
Well its back to work for me. My last 2 1/2 hours offially in this position Phew!!! There are no words. I'll check back later as long as this computer and/or my router or dsl keeps working well for me. have a good afternoon all.
I wonder how much I would have to pay the Battery Installer to collect all turtle shells from the nest??? If we would put them up for an aucton-we could raise big bucks for next years' cam.
Oct 21 is a Saturday - should be beautiful weather that day. FloralGirl is the authority of the Open House as she has gone before.
Vicky-WV Gal We need to find out if it is inside or outside events (or both).
MITS I didn't know there was a Green Turtle Grill & Bar down in Mt Airy. They have Turtle Bites and Turtle Tenders on the menu (Chicken of course). We should meet for lunch this fall.
Sharon Been thinking about your band trip - I bet you give those kids a run for their money and love doing it!
Mema Jo, I have a blast with them. I even enjoyed getting smeared with shaving cream, hit with water balloons, running into Saran wrap across my door on my way to the loo, covering my car with toilet paper. It was great. That was last year's seniors. This year's seniors include my son so I would venture to say I have had it!!
NILLA just called to say Hi. She should have her DSL around 6pm today & said she would see you all this evening.
Jim With all your computer experiences it sounds as though you could qualify for an IT Help Desk position. I hope your vacation week has gone well for you - Your heat wave out there best not come to the east!
Hope your Hummers are still Humming!
Jo, tell Nilla hello back if you talk to her again.
There is "Panda"monium in the panda den. Mei and Tai are wrestling!!
Sharon Watching the panda cam--he is a little stinker! Momma made it outside & I thought 'Well, finally she got away from him'. Sure didn't work - he still wants to play.
This is so entertaining!
Mema Jo, you've got mail!
BOOYAH TO ALL OUT IN EAGLELAND Yes my dear, NORMA, I'm guilty, I just pushed the wrong buttom this a.m., I watch this guy on T.V. named Jim Cramer, he talks about stocks, have know idea what he is talking about, but he is really funny with the BOOYAHS Wrestling matches at the panda pad going on..JIM I have one question,HUH?????
Hi Jo, Sharon, WV GAl, Mits -WARNING:LONG POSTNCTC's open house has both indoor and outdoor activities.You can visit the main building where the auditorium is:there's lots of nature items to look at,and there are movies and usually this couple that brings wild animals they have rescued.They're show is great, and not to be missed!!Don't sit up front if you don't like snakes!There are outdoor demonstratios: some times raptors ,sheep herding dogs, falconry,parrots,it's different evey year,always good.Last year this woman had all kinds of birds, a great horned owl, some sort of African crow,numerous hawks,you could get very close to them,she put on a great show with them,with lots of audience participation.THe whole facility is designed to fit in with the acres of fields and trees.Lots of walking trails there,with lots of wildlife. The building with the cafeteria is beautiful inside with wood beams and wonderful decorative nature details. Check out all the stair posts,they're shaped like fish.The cafeteria serves a great affordable lunch,the people working at NCTC are all helpful and enthusiastic about what they are woking on there.A great event for all ages, BEST OF ALL-doesn't cost a cent to get in!
Thanks for the info, FLORALGIRL Quiet time in the panda den, both have their fruitcicles now, until one or the other finishes first and then the fights will start all over again. Never a dull monent, usually at the panda cam.
As I suspected Mei finished hers first and went over to Tai and stole his, and he was not a happy camper. Barked at Mom...
A little bird told me you were going to say that!
And well worth your time!
I hope they have some kind of display this year concerning the Eagle Family.
Maybe they'll even have a few turtle shells to show the menu of the eagles!
MITS What am I missing. Does the panda cam have sound? How else would you know he 'barked'...
Mema Jo, remember you will be on federal government property and anything you would steal from there would be a federal offense, i.e. turtle shells! :)
MEMA JO To the right of the play button there is an audio button, and next to that, you can adjust how loud you want it to be. Pandas have very specific sounds that they make, they are not very vocal in less something or someone disturbs them.
Your right SHARON The F.T.P. will be watching her like an eagle. Federal Turtle Patrol!!!
Oh yeah,Jo if it's free,we're they're-all I gotta do is buy my hubby lunch!!If you are going to go,you should get there first thing because all the activities are on a schedule,and something you want to see may start at 10 am.It usually takes us the whole day to see all the activities we want to see.
2 eaglets in the NU nest. Busy little nest!
Going out to eat with my son and his best friend!! Be back later!
Thanks for the Panda Cam info, MITS I can't bring the cam up now! I'll try later.
Don't worry my little eagle buddies - I'll watch out for the F.T.P.
I know you all would bail me out!
This must be some kind of record, no one has posted in over an hour. I'm expecting NILLA to show up any time now. Won't that be something, ALL NILLA, ALL THE TIME Brace yourself folks!!!!!!!
LOL Nilla That's right ,this is the day the dsl man comes. Good for her!!!
Does the NU site have 3 eaglets??
No Vicki Just 2
Just read something interesting over at the Seattle cam, for you osprey fans. Ospreys will fledge any where from 49 to 75 days and if they are still preening their underneath feathers, they are not ready to fledge.And now you have the rest of the story......Going to go Grizzly Bear watching.
Finished reading lol they are a comedian act in themselves, so funny F.T.P. and other things.
Have to find out when Nilla comes in how she likes DSL.
Oh no I just re-read "man is coming to Nilla's house to install DSL". Will someone have to pay the ransom to get the man free just kidding or maybe we have to pay to get Nilla free from him.
Just went into Blackwater Osprey and came right back to tell everyone "update is on the web log for today now".
Thank you VICKY I think we will have to free the DSL man. Going over to BW to read update.
Wow! Just returned from Blackwater what an update. Lisa sure adds to the pics with the explanations. I like they leave the cam up even after the chicks migrate. Get to see other birds and eagles. neat
Wish our eaglets had colored bands on them so if you were watching the Blackwater cam after the Osprey left we would know it was one of ours.
I'll be checking in and out of their.
She did talk about the Bald Eagle in there and what Ben Franklin said about them. I'll let you read that for yourselves.
She said after the Mom migrates Dad stays with chicks on the nest until they are ready to go. So that "might" be the time we see the other chick and Dad.
VICKY I just read Lisa'a update, very facinating. What a great idea, leaving a cam up to see the other birds, including the Eagles. How great is that?????
Lisa over at Blackwater is really nice,their eagle cam was the first one I saw,and I used to send her pics from it.Her updates on the weblog are always really informative.Anybody see anything on the news about a missing DSL installer?? Just wondering.Awfully quiet here without Nilla Where is Nilla,Where is Nilla?
Benjamin Franklin was not too fond of eagles. He thought a turkey would be a good national bird! Is that right?
Sad News
DSL is just a phone call -
No pants
We could hear from her any minute now if the Verizon phone call was on time.
What does Ben know, wasn't he the idiot who flew a kite in a lightining storm. Just kidding Ben, and everyone else, don't want to stir anything political up here.
Really, just a phone call and it is taking them 5 days to call, maybe Comcast isn't that bad after all. Even when I had Net-Zero, all I had to do was go online and I was on it in a flash
In memory of the little guy we fell in love with - you may wish to keep this clip of him in your hearts. I had never seen Hugo do this. I miss him.
What? Let me turn up my hearing aid lol "no man" just a phone call. Well thats just not American lol. The least they could do is send a man out, even if it's to read instructions to Nilla.
Hey Hey Hey Open the door here i come...Weeeeeeeeee Well i guess i am here havent got the phone call from Verizon yet. I installed everything my self Thelma no DSL man
Be back in a bit going to see sister-in-laws new paint job.
Yea!!!!!NILLA AKA LOUISE Is back in town. Let the party begin......I read an article off the Associated Press the other day about some red-headed woman mantling some federal employees at NCTC. Know anything about that?:):):)
You might know - the blogger couldn't take that entrance. Just kicked me out. Now it will probably post double! Here we go.
JO That was so awesome to see HUGO. I still can't believe he is gone.
Hail hail the gang's all here! Welcome back Nilla!
Thankssss well it is all set up but havent got the phone call from them completing the whole thing , but at least i am
Jo ya know i saw that on the news also, i think it is someone impersonating me wearing a red wig you know like the bank bandit in DC..LOL Didnt say if she had big puppies and a JLo butt did it????? Mits Hugs... hey guys i am using the eagle mouse pad.. smiles and this DSL is soooo fasttt better than cable at work.
Doesn't matter, doesn't matter, YOU'RE ONLINE AND FORGET THE PHONE CALL!
Well guess the phone call is to verify everything. I am checking out critters cams.. BRB GOING OVER TO MOMSTERS TO LOOK AROUND
How long did it take the rest of you to receive your goods from CAFEPRESS? It's been about a week since I placed my order and still no goods.
Nilla You will love your DSL...well unless it behaves like mine did last night.
I have had mine for almost a year now,a nd that was the first problem I had ever had. Oh and my company will send a mon over for like $140 . No thanks I will figure this out myself!!!
Hey Vicki It says it was completed on the 23rd. My guess is its on route to you. You should have received an email that it was shipped. Check your junk or spam filter if you didn't get it. Mu guess is it will be there today or tomorrow. Coming UPS. Did you get email when you orderd, thanking you for your order. It is on the orders record and marked as completed on the 23rd. I hope you will like it!!
Yes I had confirmation I placed the order but nothing since then, not even in the junk mail.
Oh I'm sure I'll like it! Anything with our babies on it!! What a show my oh my, it was spectacular. I can see them even now! Glo, you gotta get to "the tree!"
Well you got good reports, so mys guess is we'll plan something for spring AND I am pretty much able to set my own schedule starting like 3 hurs ago "semi retired", so asking for time off from work isn't going to be a problem. Write to me email Got some questions to ask about "You know who" Just kidding, but I do have some questions for ya, but not gonna be fun reading on here for everyone else. "I'm not a serial killer either I promise". Ask the people from Commode race town...most own't even know or remember us. More people in fairmont actually would know the name LOL. Also my daughter took opiano lessons from a lady in I think it was called Catlin...tough excellent teacher!!!
Man I need a proofreader Someone remind me I am semi retired now I can slow down a little bit. LOL
Glo, are you wanting me to email you?
and Glo, its Fairmount! Nice town Catlin!
Ok Fairmount Yes email me so I can email you LOL
VICKI-IL---I bet your mail w/arrive tomorrow---mine came yesterday----It's so cool---I love the mouse pad---look down & there she is---Spunky in her usual place------NILLA LOUISE just checked in-----bet you are glad to have your computer back---WELCOME BACK------GLO----enjoy your semi-retirement----I think it's great & I put off retiring---thought I wouldn't like it----LIFE IS GOOD!!!!! WHEN YOU HAVE MOMSTER FRIENDS---IT'S BETTER!!!
We know who anonymous is lol
Nilla was here now she is faster than a speed of light leaving to browse around.
I'll wait until she comes back; that is if she does. You know once you get the "speed" you can't quit.
Would someone please go up to Ct and pluck that stray feather out of Mama Smurf's back, its driving me and her crazy. TU!
VIVKY Don't keep us in suspense. Who is ANON?
MitsI thought it was you since you was doing that earlier.
No not you well duh I don't know no no
Ok Norma, I'm going to anticipate my package tomorrow! I Know you wouldn't lead me astray! Not little Norma!
GloI got my mug right here beside me. Has my very important eaglet papers in it plus my 2 pens. I love it ty for designing it. My memories forever.
Nope, I did one this a.m. by mistake and corrected it right away on the next msg. I thought it was JO
Did anyone hook a line to Nilla before she left to go surfing?
A new DSL'er needs to be on a drift line, did anyone remember?
we'll never get her reeled in!
Pretty good, she gave up soaring for surfing!
I think someone threw her back...
If you are guessing who anonymous is on this thread - it means you have not read comments for today.
Shame on you
MITS You're playing with my brain
JANETM The cam is moving around between 5 and 9 east coast time. They panned off a little while ago to show a mountain top.
Howdy Folks!
Thanks for the info on the Open House, Floralgirl , I am really looking forward to going! (Was going to go anyhow!)
Blackwater - you can go to their gallery and look at last years pictures from inbetween the seasons at the osprey cam. All sorts of cool pics of visiting birds. I might have seen all 4 chicks at the nest tonight. I'm going to send the pic to Lisa and see what she thinks!
Nilla, glad you got your DSL up and working. I ate all my veggies last night.
If you can, are you still going to turn the cam back on for a little while? I know you said August 1 was the turn off date?
MITS OR DO YOU MEAN THE GROUP HUG ONE ?? I didn't remember that one. I only remembered seeing your comment from this morning about the new thread. Sorry - OK WHO IS IT
It wasn't me - I give bigger hugs!
Whoops! I want to be number 100
Wish I could take credit for the group hug, but, it wasn't me, but here are some XOXOXO:):):):).
There was a fight over at the grizzly site. NILLA IS PROBABLY THERE.
MITS----what's in the nest w/Mama Smurf? Is that food---bird?---I see why you are so hooked on the panda----You really would like to "hug 'em"----
Must fix dinner---LATER--
You did it Mema Jo!
Did you get the link to the kitty cat puzzle?
Well i have been surfin all over .. checking the Ospreys in Washington State.. It is raining here right now.. Watching ballroom dancing on tv love it so graceful and beautiful moves.. Looked at the pics Paula posted on momsters of the eagles in the sky WOW they turned out great, but nothing compares to being there and witnessing them for real that day. Been playing games, bought afew sometime ago, There is anew one called Titanic where you go in search of things hidden inside of the ship.. BRB in alittle while
anonymous said this morning BOOYAH A NEW THREAD, RATS BAD NEWS
also later anonymous said about the hug
Group hug time ((((GROUP
OMG!! You can hear the bears roar. I want that for the eagle-cam next year. Sound and the ability to have someone move the cam around, is that too much to ask. You think they could find a company who would like the publicty to underwrite the exspences, but, that is just wishful thinking.
Mits seems to really know Nilla! How could you think our Nilla would be at a bear fight??? (wink!)
PAULA-----SORRY, I forgot to say Thank You----I worked it----almost----but I am hung up on about 3 GREEN pieces---So I have saved it----w/try tomorrow----MUST finish---want to see the tongue----Worked Jim's last puzzle---it's fun---easy---he said he cut it down from 50 pieces------
NILLA----You promised----no initials that aren't in dict.-----BRB??????
BOOYAH WVA GIRL VICKY That anon was me, I forgot to put the name mits in and I explained that in the very next msg. I sometimes don't pay attention to see what button I have pushed, as for the group hug anon, your guess is as good as mine. NORMA can't see anything on the CT osprey cam now, too dark. The smurf cam is the one in Conniticutt.
BRB Be right back.
Maybe we should use a net next time she comes in.
Mits I know you said then it was you but it's not you of course now. Don't know.
BRB=be right back
only for those that don't know
I read the bear roar. Mits that's not a Panda bark lol
BRB = Be Right Back!
Honey I'm telling you if she comes in like she did and out that fast we'll never get her with a net. I got an idea though. You remember how I told someone to "hold the door open for you?" Well someone be ready as soon as she hits her "slam the door shut" we got her then.
OOOPPPSS forgot 2 of you better be on the outside holding that door shut lol
VICKY FROM ILLINOIS Somehow I just picture NILLA watching bear fights. I think I'm wrong though, because I think she likes the games more WELL DID SHE EVER RETURN, NO SHE NEVER RETURNED AND HER FATE IS STILL UNKNOWN...
Ok i am hangin around but watching tv "Americas Got Talent" is on..
OK Well here's a clue when you work for the FBI you don't always have time for ((((((((BIG GROUP HUGS))))) But the timing was such that it certainly was needed. here i am trying to finish my last day of work, and feeling disappointed that we aren't all going to enjoy our little buddies on the cam anymore. That doesn't at all take away from my appreciation for all that Steve and everyone else at NCTC has done for us so yes it was quick and small, and even wrong the first time so I quickly went back in to fix it. heres another one (((((((GROUP)))))))))) Feel hugged. I love this group of people and the critters that they love, ONE Eagle family and three little "they aren't so little now are they" eaglets in particular!!!
I'm watching America's got talent too, but my computer isn't by the TV, so will check back in later on.
Okay I am back, but no one missed me except 1 person. You know who you are!
I think the group hug anonymous was from our Glo!!
Paula, Steven said on the main blog page that the camera problem was up in the tree and won't be fixed this season. I hate it but am praying for and gaining acceptance of it. Had this happened 2 months ago, I would say all of us would be willing to climb the tree (not to say I wouldn't do it today!)
WESTVAGAL, VICKY,You have me ROFLMBO and LOL with that last comment, maybe someone can throw a blanket over her, she is such a slippery one.
Nillawas that adelphia cable for the computer you have at work?
If so you truly think DSL is faster?
ans witchin backin forth to WETA Channel for ballroom dancing.. Plus grooming Sugahhh Boogahhh.. he loves to be brush. I am usaing that Shed-Ender comb and it really works great.. Wish i knew someone who makes clothes out of Himlayian Cat but wont be happy tuesday going to the shop for complete works..
THANKS MITS----My brain turned off about 8:00----I wish you the best weekend ever----even if I won't be there------Hope you don't miss the bongos!!!! GMTYFB
((((((Me Slobber Slobber with hugs all over Sharon now you know we all like you and missed you))))))
Opps switchin not And this DSL is fast yes,, yes Adelphia i have at work and its fast also but i think thsi has it beat .
there is no internet flag in the corner to wait on when the internet gets stuck.. this has a V for Verizon
wow because I thought cable was suppose to be faster neat you'll be ready for Liberty and Belle next season.
Hummmm internet flag never had that
where are you guys?
Better make it clear Sugaaah Booogah is going to the groomers tuesday for a bath shave around butt under belly and his paws trimmed.. He will be PO'ed
WVGal, thanks so much for the hug! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HUGS!! They are so healing.
Sure Vick the internet flag in the right hand corner thats checkered when you us internet explorer..
I just had to check my internet flag. I only blinks a little bit when loading a page. I have cable internet and I love it!
I can see with this new key board i am making some mistakes just look over Whats the bear cam ya'll are talking about??
I asked him that question because he said they were going up the tree next week. We'll see how things progress.
Just wondering if they find that switch that Spunky flipped, are they gonna leave it back on for a week or so.
Steve put a link up on the blog, it is also on the Momsters site
Paula, got ya! I understand now. I was just assuming it was all over but maybe not, huh?
Before I go for the night...You all did read at Blackwater where after the female migrates in August the Dad hopefully will come back to stay with chicks until they migrate. The neat thing is then they will leave the cam on and we will get to see other birds plus eagles land in the Osprey nest they left. Maybe see Spunky, MsInBetween and Bigboy even Liberty and Belle maybe
Sounds like a possibility, guess we'll just have to wait and see. Maybe we will get a surprise one day.
Uh oh, now Nilla is off to see the bears...sorry, forgot to put that line on her!
There are lots and lots of bears in that river. Glad I can watch from here and not have to be there!!
Seems like those bears would snatch up a bird or two if they got hungry enough!
Well i would watch if somone posted the web Please
1st Anonymous MITS
2nd Anonymous GLO
Now that settles it!
NILLA is your email address the same? I do not like Verizon email-too slow. At least slower to get messages then my Hotmail.
Severe storm overhead. Closing down for awhile.
Nilla, are you talking about the bears? See above.
Yes Jo e-mail is the same i do have Verizon e-mail but the Yahoo i have used for years and its the main e-mail.. Oh my checking out the bears now thanks Instigator Huggles
SHARONBirds were not on the list of things they like to eat, but if a bear gets hungry enough, I suppose he could snag one of the little buggers. Glad we have the anon thing cleared. Paula and Vicky, I thought you were keeping an eye on Louise. She is like the Tazmanizn devil. Just swirls around and she is gone.
Ok, she's back, somebody catch her, quick..
Well, good night all for tonight, gotta get some chores done before I hit the hay.
Sweet eagle dreams to all.
Hello- Bad thunderstorms just passed through here-very heavy rains and severe lightning.One strike looked like it may have struck something close by.Have to wait til morning to see.One of the Cornell bird cams I was looking at had a spot where you could donate money online to help fund the cam,seemed like a good idea.It showed what percentage of money needed they had gotten.
NORMA Splain this to me Lucy, What bongos? And what is GMTYFB? My brain shut down about an hour ago.
BOOYAH, FLORALGIRL Excellent idea......
A donation link would be a good thing!!
I like that idea of a donation link gr8t idea.. Ok i checked out the bears and Holybearchit they are very wheres.. Loved it.. Oh Thelma i am off work next tuesday weds n thursday might drive down to OC. I always liked Bahama Mommas, Crabs, Beer , Thelma & Louise, wouldnt life be
Did you know Bahama Mamas has opened a new place , but, in the same location, I've never been there.
Crabs - OH - the kind you eat, right? ROFLMAO!!
I'm back up in Bethesda next Wednesday til Sunday. Have to get my hair cut and colored, going to a wedding up in Baltimore on Saturday. Want to get back down here to watch the start of the "WHITE MARLIN OPEN" I go down to the inlet about 4:ooa.m. and watch the 400 plus boats parade out to the starting line and at 5:ooa.m., they take off. Its quite a sight.
Don't go there SHARON LOL!!!! You'll just get her started...
NILLA I will still be in town on Tuesday..
That remind me, JO I believe the original "GREEN TURTLE" started here in OC. They are celebrating their 30th anniversary
Now, how can Thelma and Louise get together without Sharon the instigator? I just don't think it will work!!
I think you are absolutly right, it cannot happen. Someone has to bail us out of jail LOL! The jail and couthouse are just a few blocks from here and they have the bailbondsmens' office right across the street. One stop shopping.
Didnt know about the new place Thelma but the old place had a gr8t AYCE..YUM YUM Tuesday is ok.. maybe we can pursway Jo on coming along?? Sharon all i can say is HIT THE ROAD
Can't hit the road again! Remember that my summer vacation is going to be at Summers County 4H Camp - definitely God's country. Really rustic place with lots of bugs and bees but they have a great sounding band while I am there!!
MITS The Green Turtle in OC was the only one I knew about - I was surprised about the one in MtAiry.
Hope you have a good weekend with the kids visiting. Don't forget to rub her belly and talk to that new Grandchild so that when it arrives - it will already know your voice.It's a proven fact
Oh WOW i have been there early mornings at 4 am to watch the boats go out its awsome, and when they come in with the catch.. Dont know if i could go out on 1 i have this thing of a very weak stomach for motion sickness..
Well going to play the new Titanic game.. BBL...Be Back Later
JO I love just talking to the baby, and I believe it. We have 2 GT"S down here now and there is one in Fells Point and some other places around the state. NILLA I've never seen them bring the catch in, the crowds are so large to see that. I would love to go out, but I'm don't want to go on anything smaller that a 60 footer or larger.
GOOD NIGHT EAGLE FRIENDS Have alot to do tomorrow, before everyones arrival. Peaceful dreams!
Norma I'm glad you got your stuff and you are pleased. I love the mousepad too. Yep Spunky is sitting in his usual spot as Ms In Between fledges, LOL. I love the miracle of all 3 of those moments captured on that mouse pad, and the nest in the middle with Mom is where it all began. captures something miraculous for me I shall never forget times 3 no less!!!
Good night all
Good night everybody. Should have been in bed a long time ago. Sweet eagle dreams to you all!
Enjoy your game Nilla. Everyone is going to bed - me included. Busy day tomorrow.
Goodnight all,
Sweet eagle dreams
Me too Nighty Nite.. C U tomarrow
Hey everyone... under the weather today, in bed most of the day...
I posted the Hugo Part I on Nest Watchers, please feel free to check it out.
I wish I could come out for the Open House this fall, but there's just no way... with me not being able to work since March, things have been pretty tight around here. Good thing I like ramen noodles! LOL
Nilla Tell me more
about this Titanic game!
Steve What fundraising does NCTC do in general? Are there any "eagle-cam" specific fundraising efforts, aside from our own Cafepress items?
clearing the cache Jim brought up a good point, about clearing the temp files on your system to speed it up. There is another way to clear the 'net cache: on the menu of the internet window, choose TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS; click on DELETE COOKIES, click OK; click on DELETE FILES, check the box DELETE ALL OFFLINE CONTENT click OK. I set my History to zero, and CLEAR HISTORY every session. Most people like to keep history though; I have a bazillion links in my favorites, organized in file folders, and generally only use the "Back" button if I need to go to a previous page. Everyone has different habits :-) Also, everyone should do a "disk cleanup" at least once per session. Click START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, SYSTEM TOOLS, DISK CLEANUP, then click OK. These actions will help speed up your machine.
And remember, folks, to turn off your system properly! This means (in XP) going to START, click TURN OFF, click TURN OFF again. This allows the computer to safely power down.
Another trick of mine to keep track of things during my time online is using Notepad. This is one of the Windows accessories, you can find it by clicking START, ALL PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES, NOTEPAD. There are no special fonts or anything, it is just the actual text of whatever you type or copy onto the notepad. If I want to check out a link later, or add it to an email or something, I simply highlight the link, then copy & paste it onto notepad. Then, I can copy & paste it into my browser, or email, or whatever. I will also use notepad to take notes on whatever I'm reading on the net, such as when I want to respond to a question one of you have, or whatever. I'll just type or copy & paste it in there. And I don't save them, unless I've compiled, for instance, a huge list of links. It just makes things a little easier when dinking around on the net, at least for me.
Well, I need to get back to bed. Here's hoping I feel better tomorrow!
Take care everyone!
Bird Girl
Bird Girl I hope things get better for you really soon.
Suzanne Good morning to you. Yesterday actually was Glo's last official day at work.
Everybody Make a good day. Don't forget to do random acts of kindness. Great rewards.
Good morning all- Suzanne, glad you made it back, I was having a lot of problems opening the blogpage yesterday too.Bird Girl- sorry to hear you are feeling bad.Get well soon, Ramen noodles,not one of my faves,but don't feel bad,there are many of us who are struggling to stay afloat right now. so many things have become more expensive, including gas and groceries.You are not alone if you are having trouble making ends meet,there are more and more of us living paycheck to paycheck. Hang in there, life is good,sometimes the road gets really bumpy. Got an inch of rain here last nite,looks like there's more on the way,going out to cut flowers,check back later.Have a great day everyone,especially you Glo!
Good Morning Eagle Buddies, MT nest up in the Conn. smurf-bear nest. I was shocked so use to seeing him/her. 1st thing in the a.m. Sure chick will be fine, has great parents.
Everything looks good over at BW.BIRDGIRL Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Sometimes meds that are helping you, make you feel bad. Take Care.
SUZANNE, I thought my eyes were deceiving me. Yep,4
In for a Gatorade break,and to change my WET shirt.Suzanne, We did get an inch of rain last nite in about half an hour.A very heavy,damaging rain.Luckily most of my flowers are grown thru netting,to keep them from being knocked over,but some of my sunflowers are definitely laying down.We needed the rain badly,so I won't complain,just start cleaning up.Back outside to cut flowers.
I hate MT nests...
Looks like 1 parent and "lil bit" in BW nest.
Good Morning All. No sleeping in at my house I have 2 dogs who keep me on a tight schedule LOL Will slowly bump that schedule up a half hour or so, but I really don't sleep in much.
I do however love that I am officially NOT punching a clock again!!! at this job anyway
More to be revealed LOL
Wishing yo all a wonderful day. I might try to follow some of those fun links from our eagle momster group page. Mostly on my time off I had been working on web pages or Blogs, Cafe Press items, BUT I always had our eagles to keep it fun and interesteing as I played wuth those other things while computing. Gonna have to find me another cam or two to enjoy watching just in th ebackground.
For me though the hummingbird cam I have posted on here a coulle of times is pretty neat on its own, but "Bird families caring and fledging ar so very exciting.
SUZANNE Those cats have you trained well. Did you see the MT nest up in Conn., Baby Smurf osprey, think he has fledged.
Down to one at BW
Has anyone seen Sharon?
YES, SUZANNE,That was me that saw the MT nest. That is the best cam, live streaming, close up, and the ability to take pictures easily. The chick has the most beautiful brown eyes and Moms are a steely-blue. And of couse the blue teddy bear has been there from the start.
I am here for a minute, checking in from my sister's house. Had to take my sister-in-law for lab work this morning. Hope everybody is having a wonderful day!
WOOHOO!! #200!
SUZANNE, Don't sweat the small stuff
Baby osprey is back in the nest and boy, does he look tired, that's the baby smurf osprey, have to get all my ospreys in line , so many of them.
Chick is back at the papa smurf nest. Got an inch of rain also
Great Osprey cam here:
Got the link from Lisa at Blackwater.
Also put it on the Momsters site
THANK YOU, PAULA Great cam! SUZANNE,Lisa does an excellent job, her blogs, her pictures, she makes you feel that you are right there. Happy baby smurf is back in nest.
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