Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday 23 July

New thread and another very cool non-eagle wildlife shot.


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Anonymous said...

Thank You Steven, that is a fantastic picture. Hope all is well with you!!!!

Mema Jo said...

She is almost at her destination.
I got so excited hearing from her. I did give her all you WestVirginia phone numbers as she gets closer. Probably will get onto Sharpsburg pike. Told her to call again once she got at that point.

Go Vicky Go

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven. We have been worried about you. Like Mits, hope all is well with you.

Love that picture. Wonder if the moose got his nose shredded?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, are you repeating yourself again? LMAO.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello Mits and Jo!!

Anonymous said...

OMG There is a moose on the loose!!!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't get to the NU eaglets. It says on my computer that the domain is for sale. This happened to me before, I restarted my computer and it fixed itself. Today, however, it didn't work! ARRRGGHHH!

Mema Jo said...

Steve What's with the moose?
I wish it were that easy to divert our eagle fixed minds!!
Steve , if you're reading this you need to know that we are going over to the roadside of NCTC for one last sighting - we hope - of one or two of our eagle family..Take all 5 if we're lucky. One of our bloggers from IL has driven this far in hopes of a sighting. I had talked with Jim Wilson Friday but he didn't think we could get on the grounds due to only 1 guard being available. Is there anything you could do to get our group of about 8 or 9 through the gate, guard shack, left at the 4 way stop and parked along that roadway?????

Anonymous said...

SHARON, Do you mean the norteast utilites eagle nest, I just went on, there is 1 eaglet in the nest jumping all over the place.

Mema Jo said...

Here I go again..Repeating myself..

NILLA is probably up in one of those hot air balloons flying over the nest tree - checking things out!!

Sharon Mits told me to do it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo -- and if Mits told you to jump off a bridge?

I know, you were putting it on the new post!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was sitting her thinking, yes I know that could be a dangerous thing, but what IF we can get a catapult and ME MA JO gets in it and the RED HEAD pulls the trigger, WALA, JO'S IN THE TREE!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon,

With no cam to watch, have been watching the pandas. Was able to see them early this morning, but since I got home from church I have not been able to. Also tried several of their other cameras and couldn't get a picture on any of them. Has anyone else had a problem there?


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sheri, I have not been able to see the pandas, or NEU eagles.

glo said...

I am so glad to hear you heardfrom Vicki in IL. Well actually she isn't in IL is she. How very exciting. I surely hope you can get up close enough, that maybe Steve will read and communicate back to you etc.

Looking forward to more more from yesterday new link I gave you but needing a little info about today visit etc to do that.

Here is link from yeserday in case you didn't see it yet..

Moose picture is really neat!!! Love it.

glo said...

LOL Thanks Mits You're giving me material!!!

Mema Jo said...

I would probably jump if I could hang onto Mits.....

I really wouldn't do it!

Anonymous said...

SHARON AND SHERI Same problem with me, all cams are down, but I've been watching on the "ANIMAL PLANET" site, they have the panda cam over there, I think you can just goggle it. It's the T.V. station Animal Planet.

Anonymous said...

Oh GLO RUN WITH IT!!!! I've got those pictures in my head right now LOL!!!

movin said...

Wow!! Good morning, everyone...

I was on and blog writing earlier, talking about what I was planning to beat the heat, but a series of serious thunderstorms came through despite the predictions of the weatherman, at least one of them carrying heavy rain... Knocked me off line and off computer at least twice!!

So, everything should be considerably cooler than predicted.

Boy!! That was some drama, and I can still hear thunder in the medium distance.

Anybody reported from the Eagle Nest site yet??


Anonymous said...

Tai and Mom are doing their afternoon wrestling match...

Anonymous said...

Jim, They will be there tonight...around 5 or 6 east coast time.

Anonymous said...

Sharon and Mits,

Thanks! After I sent the message, I rebooted and still nothing. Humidity has done me in and rain every day here in VA hasn't helped. Guess the HUMIDITY IS GETTING TO THE CAMERAS AS WELL!


Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry! Forgot to add my thanks to Steve for the great picture! Maybe he thinks looking at snow will COOL things off!


Anonymous said...

Things are getting ruff with the pandas, they are beating each other up, guess they are having fun.

movin said...

Thanks, Mits,
I'll check back later...glad Steve found his computer.


Anonymous said...

Ok, that's all planned, the FD comes and they hold out the net and you jump, or they will bring the Hook and Ladder and come up and get you. While you are up there, can you clean away the spider web. Maybe the Hook and Ladder can just put you up there, not sure I trust THE RED HEADS trigger finger and by all means, keep her away from the Firemen. Now does that sound like a plan or can you tell the weather is crappy at the beach and I have some time on my hands.

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Mitsd See that's what happens when you have time on your hands. I had that very same probably yesterday morning.

Anonymous said...


I did find them--about 50 seconds of picture, then picture froze! Hope I didn't JINX it. I do enjoy watching them. Mom is so patient with her beautiful baby. They are such a joy to watch.

Thanks for your help,


Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

SHERI, Their cam is not acting as it usually does. There may have been a bad storm in D.C last night, I'm sure they will get them fixed as soon as they can

Anonymous said...

Everyday at the beach is a good day, no matter what the weather..just feel bad for my husband who only gets to the beach on the weekend and likes to have the sun. I keep telling him you can get a great tan, when the sun is lurking behind the clouds. Speaking of lurking, do you think the RED HEAD is lurking?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Of course, on Animal Planet, I can hear the sound but the picture is black. Not my day for viewing any daggone thing, I guess!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't think redhead has gotten to meet the cable guy yet to get her DSL working!

Anonymous said...

HMMM!! That's odd, SHARON About the cam not about the RED HEAD

Anonymous said...

Tai Sah is in the backyard pond.

Mema Jo said...

VICKY IL is in Shepherdstown!
Going to walk around town & visit some of the little shops. I'll call her at 3:00 in case I can go over a little earlier then 5:00pm. She sounds in good spirits & excited.

More to be revealed
I borrowed that quote from Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, you can borrow my quotes anytime. I borrow them too.

Anonymous said...

That's greatJO Glad she made it safely to town. Tell her we said HELLO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I finally got the panda cam up on the national zoo site!! YEAH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

When you all gather, you have to do a group hug and think of all of us that want to be there!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now really, Vicki from Commode Town is meeting with all these ladies. How does she know they aren't serial killers or something? She is awful trusting. Almost like the online dating thing! LMAO!! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is nursing now. I love him!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon No problem with the hugs

NILLA just called - She said to tell everyone Hello and that she has not been up in a hotair balloon-My error because the balloons don't go up until a weekend in August.. She just got up! I asked her if she had a late night out????? Didn't get any type of answer... LOL
She is calling Vicky & will probably go on over to meet up with her.

Anonymous said...

Hi---LITTLE EAGLE BUDDIES---I am getting ready to drive to Shepherdstown for the EAGLE PARTY-----wish everyone could be there---Sharon, I had the same thought---SERIAL KILLER----(do they always have RED hair)----or is MITS REALLY at the beach?----I plan to introduce myself as Norma's mother & tell them Norma couldn't come---KIDDING---well, no time for a face-lift----Take care---hope Spunky will be LURKING-----w/be thinking of you all---

Mema Jo said...

Now Stop That, Sharon!
'Mema' stands for love & affection.
I even borrowed from my son 3 orange cones to place on the road to keep us safe from traffic.

I know you are just joking me!

Mema Jo said...

I was number 50

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have no doubt that Mema stands for love and affection. I was thinking more of the ditzy redhead! LMAO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, congratulations on your #50. Take a bow now!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OMG - we need our camera back!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei and Tai look like they are waiting on their fruitcicles!

Anonymous said...

The question is: BEACH OR NOT AT THE BEACH. Not to worry I'm at the beach. If I were home in Bethesda it would be about a 75 min ride to Sheperdstown. I think Ms. Nilla was out last night partying?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If Ms. Nilla has slept this late, she probably was out partying all night!

glo said...

One good thing about today is I will have a picture of vicki They are bringing a working camera right. So at least even if she turns out to be another serial killer. involved with a gang of them...My kids will have a photo ID of who I left IL with in the spring. How exciting for all of them!!! man I wish I was there!!!

Anonymous said...

SHARON Gee , what a concept, cams that actually get fixed in a timely fashion. Gonna get banned for that remark LOL!!! Those tigers cubs are putting on a show also.

Anonymous said...

Mei and Tai are enjoying their afternoon treats.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, thinking it but didn't say it!!

floralgirl said...

Okay-sounds like everyone is gearing up to meet at the tree-I just got home from market-got to run to the grocery store and then I'm gone to make myself do no work for a few hours.Yea-the house is a mess,the garden needs watering, and weeding,small flower order for tomorrow to get ready-not to mention I've only had three hours of sleep-but darn it I don't want to miss this "party at the sycamore"!!If Vicky can drive all the way from IL ,then I can free up some time to drive 10 min. Hope we see some eagles tonite.If I don't show up it's cause I passed out from exhaustion,maybe I should just go over there now and pass out by the tree.

floralgirl said...

Come on, a gang of serial killers obsessed with a bald eagle nest?That's a new one,on the other hand,might be a good cover story...

glo said...

flora girl Don't take any chances Go to the tree and take your pillow have a little nap and be ready to party!!!

floralgirl said...

Alrith .I'm headed to Shepherdstown to the grocery store-buy the family some frozen pizza so they won't starve while I'm gone.Then I'll take a shower to wake up and head to the tree.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe Glo could make us shirts or mugs or something with the Eagle Addict Serial Killers on it!

Anonymous said...

What time is the actual MEET AND GREET, fivish? Did someone say they were bring a lap-top with them? Hubby just left to go back to Bethesda. :(:(:):)

Anonymous said...

SHARON, we could become a posse and be Eagle Addicts who kill Serial killers. They have 2 out in the Phoenix area I think the police need help with them. We could become the "GUARDIAN EAGLES". Instead of red berets we could wear feathers on our heads.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think I'm on a caffeine high from this ICE IEA!!!

Anonymous said...

That's ICE TEA.

Anonymous said...

Going to sit on the balcony for awile, the air is really getting chilly.

glo said...

Yep we're having fun now!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, we sure are! Happy we could oblige!

Anonymous said...

I'm back, starting to rain and it is cool outside.

belle_wv said...

Sounds like everyone is too anxious and heading to the tree already - so I better gather up my gear - taking laptop, video cam and digital cam and binoculars and chairs oh my... wish my cam was like Todd's! I'll report in as soon as I can get a wireless connection with my laptop, if at all...

belle_wv said...

Wow - had no idea how many blogs there were and accidentally wound up being 75, hope I didn't steal anyone's thrill!

Will send reports ASAP

Mema Jo said...


I'm not getting in any pictures - I am the camera gal! Noone will point their finger at me... Ha! Ha!

Alright you Sleuths! Get ready for the show to begin......More to be revealed.........

That's Sharon's quote I'm using

Mema Jo said...

I really wanted to be number 75

Anonymous said...

Onward Eagle Soldiers!!!! We are counting on you! Good Luck and Stay Safe. Don't forget you orange cones MEMA JO!

Anonymous said...

Stop whining, JO and get out there and take pictures. Maybe we can save you #100.

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Good Thinking Anonymous

Time to go under cover

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

You must remember that I'm not good at decoding intials. I'll do my best

Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

THAT IS CORRECT!! kind of!

Anonymous said...

hope everyone has a nice visit out at The Tree! wish i could have joined you...

i'm having one of the crappiest weekends in a long time, so forgive me for not staying to chat.

bird girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...



Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I bet they are.

You know, I was thinking (which could be dangerous sometimes), it would be a shame if Vicky would drive all that way and not get to see anybody, but I think I would be thrilled just getting to meet my friends from here! I know, getting a little sentimental here! :)

Anonymous said...

Now, now, SHARON Here's a hanky, let it out.

glo said...

So sorry bird Girl If I were closer I would come to help you. More trouble with the Aviary?

Sure would love to hear from the tree

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would love to hear from the tree too, Glo. I hope they get a real show!

Anonymous said...

SHARON I started to ask you a question awhile back, but my sister called me and I can't remember what I wanted to ask you. CRS!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking we will not hear from them til they are in a position to plug in computer. I remember now SHARON Will JO be calling from the tree?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would love for her to. She has my number, does she have yours?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pandas are safely in for the night.

Anonymous said...

Are we going to save#100 for JO Nah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go for it SHARON!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOPPPSSS! Did I get it??

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Tai Shan is nursing again!

Anonymous said...

SHARON Are you on the phone??

Anonymous said...

Mei Xiang told Tai that she is done nursing and he is sitting there like a little "BUDDA" eating his bamboo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was on the phone but not to Jo!!

Anonymous said...

Just read the update on the BW chick. At first they thought he had taken flight, showed picture of what appeared to be an MT nest, but second picture revealed , he was hiding.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going out until about 8:30. Hopefully by then we will have lots of reports!! Have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

I really like the fact that BW keeps you updated, wish they had live-streaming video like some other osprey-cams.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That little osprey just ain't ready. He is like Spunky. Will go when he is good and ready.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, he is a Spunkster.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am at my sister's house. Wanted to see if we had heard from anybody yet. Guess not!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:30p.m. No News yet.

Anonymous said...

Still nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mits was just trying something. It didn't work

glo said...

Hmmm Well Either the show is wonderful, or they are waiting just a little longer and hoping.. OR they are chowing down and forgot to tell us whatever...No computer hook up, cell phones are dead LOL

Anonymous said...

I've been sitting here entertaining myself by watching the Long Island osprey family. This is the one that is live-streaming with sound. Fascinating stuff. You can hear boats on the river, planes overhead and a Blue Jay near by that is really upsetting the ospreys, lot of yelling on their part.

Anonymous said...

Ok, enough of that, they are giving me a headache and I'm upset because they are upset.

Anonymous said...

Its 7:00p.m., Do you know where your Eagle Moms are??

glo said...

Been staring at the screen for hours see me LOL I don't know where they are, but I bet they are having a great time no matter what!! I hope Jo isn't stuck up the tree or someting.

Anonymous said...

NILLA will rescue her.

Bird Girl said...

glo (and whomever else may care) I'm having a crappy weekend because:

1. Hubby is gone;
2. The Aviary Disaster and resulting lack of coos, beeps and other vocalizations from my birds;
3. Can't sleep because of the steroid the doctor put me on for my back;
4. The Kitten Fiasco (haven't told any of you about this yet) and ensuing Fight With Mom;
5. Stupid Urgent Care facility had a FOUR-HOUR WAIT and the other one I was going to try CLOSES AT FOUR PM; 6. I didn't get anything done around the house that I wanted to have ready when Hubby gets home tonight (he'll be home about 9 pm or so); and
7. My mail-order pharmacy prescriptions have not yet arrived, and it's been over a week.

I'm going to go fall into a big heap on the bed and wait for sweet unconsciousness to sweep me away from this crappy weekend....

Hope the Tree Meeting went well :-) Sorry, just not feeling fluffy and chatty tonight...

Bird Girl

glo said...

Well bird girl I am hoping you get your prescriptions tomorrow in the mail. Sorry you are still just not feeling well at all. Hope you get a good nights rest and wake up to a better day.

glo said...

Man I think we are missing a part!!!

movin said... I opened this site, the lines on the cam actually lightened up enough that I could make out the nest, but it was empty (maybe still frozen come to think of it).

You might be interested to know...

1) The youngest Blackwater Osprey has not fledged yet.

2) Several weeks ago I visited the Brisbane, Australia, Peregrine site, found it "off season," but I asked the expert a question on the Peregrine's lifespan. Last week I got an e-mail saying my question had been answered, and today I went there to read it.

He says the record of a Peregrine in captivity is just over 19 yrs., but the average of Peregrines in the wild is around 12 yrs. ... couldn't find that info in several references.

I also found out that "down under" the Peregrine nesting season is about to start. In fact, a lady got a video of them mating not long ago, and the expert says they expect eggs in early August in those parts.

You might want to check the site out yourselves.

Hope the WVa nest peepers have had a lot of sightings and got some pics. Any news??


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am back and I see there is still no word from the nest!! Where are you?

Anonymous said...

SHARON You have mail.

Anonymous said...

Well they must be out to dinner, because we know it is dark out there at the sycamore tree.

Anonymous said...

I see from the talk that the Eagle watchers are not back....Bet they stopped for dinner. I hope they got to see them ? ? Can't wait to hear their story's, if nothing else I bet they had fun.

glo said...

sigh!!! And there's ticks and mosquitos and gremlins and its time for them to check in... man this is like waiting for the eaglets to check in

Anonymous said...

This is like waiting in a Doctors' office.

belle_wv said...

Sounds like everyone is too anxious and heading to the tree already - so I better gather up my gear - taking laptop, video cam and digital cam and binoculars and chairs oh my... wish my cam was like Todd's! I'll report in as soon as I can get a wireless connection with my laptop, if at all...

belle_wv said...

We're eating dinner - we have had such a WONDERFUL day - more will be revealed soon

belle_wv said...

Hello from the Rumsey Tavern in lovely Shepherstown, WV

Reporting in with me are
Paula, Nilla, Vickie-IL, Mema Jo and Norma

We saw all three eaglets flying, soaring, playing, and Spunky sat in the nest for a long time, parent swooped in and brought dinner, the lil Spunkster sat on it and taunted his siblings for an hour before he ate, then the sun went down and we came here...

More details later - my salad is wilting and our steak dinners will be arriving soon...

Anonymous said...

WOO De-ja-Vue, Thought I was hallucinating when I just read Belles' blog a few seconds ago, but sounds like they are having a good time.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you saw the eagles, proof positive we still need at least the 30 second cam to stay up for awhile longer.

Anonymous said...

SHARON, Are you on the phone with JO?

glo said...

Well happy to hear they have checked in and seemed to have had and are still having a wonderful time. I thought maybe the bLOG would be jumping with info, but I guess they are chatting and visiting, and we will get to find out later tonight or maybe not til tomorrow more about all the happenings. Our eaglets are all continuing to do fine and still around I want to be able to see them on the camera I sure hope that will happen tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

From your lips to Gods'ear, GLO

glo said...

Jim Thanks for the info on the Frodocam site. They have it so you can just keep the cam up and running and surf away from their page and still watch the cam. Kind of a pretty bird. Don't know much about them, but I think I'll learn.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Mits, I wasn't on the phone this time. I was at my sisters when I posted a while ago so I just walked up the hill to my house and saw the post. It is about daggone time they let us know something. You know they have been sitting there laughing at us, knowing we were just hanging out here. I am so glad they saw activity.


Anonymous said...

Be careful, young lady walking up those hills in the dark. Boy, I would love to be a fly on the wall in that restaurant.:):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My biggest threat when walking up that hill is that my dogs will come and lick me to death!! I would love to be a fly too!

glo said...

Well I think they need to be passing that computer around between bites of steak and talking ot us too. Or we need to hook up a conference call or something like that!!!

glo said...

I am thrilled for Vicki that after driving all that way she got to see all 3 of them!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I too am soooo tickled Commode Vicky got to see them. That is so cool. She was taking a big chance there but I will reiterate that those eaglets know how much we love them!! Spirit in the Sky!

Anonymous said...

JIM, If you are lurking nearby, LISA has put up a brand new entry on the ospreys at Blackwater. Some interesting stuff, the youngest has not fledged, but they are a little concerned about not seeing one of the fledges, they are asking for help if people spot all 5 in the nest to send them a picture. Also info of when they will start to migrate and some videos.

Anonymous said...

SHARON I can think of no other explanation!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay girls, break up that party and go home. Isn't it getting pretty late for you older gals to be out this late? :)

Anonymous said...

BBS, Going to go fix myself a skim-milk chocolate milkshake. All this talk about steak and salad has me hungry.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know the problem. First, they are with the ditzy redhead - second they are at a tavern -- getting my drift. She slept in late today after possibly partying last night. They might not get home tonight! LMAO!

floralgirl said...

Oh yeah we saw the eagles alright.Went onto NCTC property, saw all three eaglets flying above us, we went up to the tree with the nest and sat close by and watched as a parent brought food, there were 2 eaglets near the nest, one landed in the nest and sat on the food for at least 45 min. before he started to eat it.They were very vocal and so beautiful.We were so close we could watch them in the nest without binoculars.Saw an adult twice,once when it brought food(which happened so fast)and then again when one flew over the eaglet in the nest as it apparently sat on the food in the nest.There was a lot of communication between the eaglets,they were really loud.How lucky we were to see them all.Great to meet everyone, hope you had a good meal,sorry I had to go back to do some work.:( What a great day watching our eagles soaring above,they really put on quite a show.Thanks to Nilla for sweet talking the security gaurd so we could get close to the nest,YOU GO GIRL!Some of the Momsters walked up by the tree to look for goodies,and there werelots of bones,but Jo refused to be catapaulted into the tree!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I can't believe you were too chicken to go up and get the turtle shells!

Anonymous said...

Just got knocked off the blog I was posting. Did I do something wrong?

Anonymous said...

Anyhow, to make a long story short, glad you all had such wonderful sightings. Vicky I know you are happy you made the trip. Just how did MS. NILLA sweet talk her way onto the grounds

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wonder if she took a pie with her.

glo said...

Sounds like an absolutely wonderful afternoon!! I can hardly wait to see pictures. Tell us more, more!!!

floralgirl said...

All I know is when I pulled up to the security booth the others had already gone thru and the guard said no problem,go catch up with the others,he didn't want all those women sitting along the road,he said,so he let them onto NCTC property.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is so funny, didn't want all those women sitting on the road!! I would venture to guess there was a lot of sweet talking and manipulating going on! Sure do wish I could have been there!

floralgirl said...

Oh yeah she said there may have some flirting and I guess he was putty in her hands,because we all drove right in and were there for hours.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


floralgirl said...

Nice to meet you Belle WV, Paula,Nilla,Jo,Vicky(I am not calling you commode Vicky),Norma and Lisa .Hope you have a safe trip home,Vicky.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I'm betting it wasn't the pie, but, the twinkle in her eye that got them in:):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am going to assume that no one has worked Jim's puzzle he sent to the eaglet_momsters group in email. Hardest daggone puzzle I have ever tried to work. Turned right into a vendetta and I was going to win that fight. I came, I saw, I conquered. Hey, Jim, thanks for the challenge. Now I have to go bed soon because I have to start working at 5 a.m. But I am going to stay up for a little while longer waiting on the other reports to come in!

Anonymous said...

You see SHARON I don't got it, so I can't use it. So I will probably never get in...

Anonymous said...

I'm staying for a little while also.

glo said...

LOL Well I sure hope some other reports are coming in tonight. Could be the wee hours of the morning. Those gals had themselves an absolutely wonderful time and i thinkit oculd go on and on. We could call the Tavern and ask to speka to the red head LOL

floralgirl said...

Hey Mits ,we all got it, we just have to figure out how to use it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I, myself, have never mastered the art of using it so I am really unsure if I actually have it!

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL so that's my problem. GLO great minds think alike. That thought had crossed my mind.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So, how long should we wait? I know JO seems to be a night-owl. But I'm fading fast here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am fading too, Mits. 4:45 will be here before I know it. I am going to wait until 11:30 or so!

glo said...

Wanna watch some hummingbirds at a feeder, lots of them well 3 LOL. kinda neat and its a live bird doing bird stuff!!!

Hope the link works

movin said...

Thanks, Mits and the nest peepers...interesting stuff.

I noticed there were only 4 Osprey young today, but I remembered Lisa had taken pics of the oldest perched behind the camera lens, so I figured it wasn't anything unusual.

Floral Girl...
It sounds like a perfect trip today, and you got to see them all flying and perching in the immediate area. And you all took your lives in your hands by approaching so close to the world record "pooper shooters!"

We're all really proud of you... now where are the pics??


Anonymous said...

Next time we are going to impose a curfew for them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Curfew is a good idea. Maybe we could call the tavern and ask them to kick the group of crazy ladies out!

Anonymous said...

I know we will not hear from the ditzy RED HEAD tonight because her DSL is not ready.

Anonymous said...

That's an even better idea LOL!

floralgirl said...

Oh, I forgot we did see a poop shoot!

Anonymous said...

Jo must be in poop-shoot heaven...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo's life is now complete. Personally witnessed a poopshoot! It don't get no better than that!

Anonymous said...

Love ya all, But I'm packing it in for the night. Sweet Dreams Eagle Friends!! Sharon don't stay up to late.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, I think I am out too. Got to get up in just a few short hours. Good night, all my friends of fine feathers!

movin said...

eagle-eyed sharon
I'm glad you looked at the puzzle as a challenge, but I did crop the photo and limit the number of pieces so that there wouldn't be too many plain blue pieces to deal with.

Guess the sycamore branches and foliage could be confusing though. I'm glad you got it's a really great pic, maybe of Spunky.


glo said...

LOL Well its off to bed for me. I have an exit interview to do tomorrow on top of several other things to get tied up right this week at work. I may return for a few weeks to finish a majoy project they only do once a year, that I really don't mind helping with if we can figure out how it going to work for me to just come in for that ONE project. Got to keep my wits about me, and that starts with a good night's sleep. I will read the posts in the morning which is probably when they are going to happen anyway, seeing how its almost tomorrow in W. Virginia as I type. Good night all.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Jim, I was speaking of the cable car one, although the Spunky one was quite a challenge too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle (same as our Belle, by the way) and Floral girl, thanks so much for letting us know what you saw! It sounds like it was just so exciting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo is on her way!!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone still on here? I am full of eagle adventures!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Go for it Paula!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really do think their spirits feel our spirits.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, here we go.

Nilla sweettalked the guard into letting us on the grounds. There was Nilla, Jo, Floralgirl, Vickie-IL, NOrma, Lisa (Norma's daughter), Belle and myself. We parked along the road next to the tree. And who should drive by but Todd! He said he hadn't seen the eaglets in awhile, and showed us his shots that he had posted on the web.

Then, right after he left, we noticed the eaglet sitting above the nest. Then the eaglet took off, and was joined within a minute or two by both siblings! They soared right over us, no more than 50-100 feet above us.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all get any pictures?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you ask Todd to borrow his camera? LMAO!

paula eagleholic said...

The eaglets continued just to soar in the sky, slowing moving about 1 mile east/southeast of the nest. Two were in that direction, and we couldn't find the third. Then he joined the two others. They soared very high in the sky, and stayed that distance for some time.

So we decided to trek the little gravel road that goes up next to the barn. Todd told us there were all sorts of carcasses up around the tree. So Norma, Vicky, Lisa and I trekked up to the tree. The eaglets were still about 1 mile away.

paula eagleholic said...

We actually walked down to the tree and collected some sycamore bark and some turtle and other small animal bones. Then Jo, Nilla, Floralgirl and Belle walked up to the barn also. Then the eaglets started heading back towards the tree. They soared over us and then south (noon).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Was it turtle bones or turtle shells?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am #200 unless somebody beat me to it!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...