Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday 23 July

New thread and another very cool non-eagle wildlife shot.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

Then one landed in the tree, and another in a tree north of the nest. We spent quite a lot of time trying to find him in the tree. Then we finally found the other one in the other tree.

Then Liberty or Belle came in with dinner! It was hard to tell who was fighting over the dinner that was brought in, but we believe that Spunkster came out the winner. He sat on it for almost an hour. During that time, Liberty or Belle circled the nest once. He was very vocal with another eagle that we finally saw in the tree. Then he finally ate dinner, and did a poop shoot! At that time it was almost 8, and we figured they would leave soon, so we trekked back down to the paved road. About 10 minutes later, he left!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They knew you all were there and wanted to put on a good show for you. I am so glad you ladies got to see them like that! It is definitely a "God thing".

paula eagleholic said...

When they were soaring above us, and in the nest, we could hear them calling out to each other, and answering each other. It was so cool!

I can't believe we got to see them for 3 hours!!!

It was an incredible visit.

We went to dinner afterwards at the Clarion, Belle was able to get online once, and when she tried again, she couldn't get on.

They must have know Vicky drove 10 hours to see them! And that this was probably the last group visit for the season.

It is a day I will always remember!
Those beautiful eagles soaring together and calling out to each other. Absolutely amazing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to bed now. I have to get up in 4 hours and 40 minutes. I will read the rest of the story from everybody else tomorrow morning. Good night all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Don't shoot me for not getting here sooner What an awesome day! They did put on a show for us in the beautiful blue sky with fluffy clouds.
Right above our heads they soared - I mean like glided thru the air in large circles going higher & higher into and behind the clouds.......... It was spectacular. Then we saw Spunky in the nest. He just stayed there what seemed like forever. Talking and Talking. We saw the adult fly by the nest 2 different times. Huge wing span. Then that little Spunky must have had food all the time because he started eating big time. We left afterwards & he was still in the nest.We were there from 4:30-8:30...Yes, the guard let us on the grounds- I drove in because I didn't see any cars along the road & I just assumed everyone got through the gate... I asked if anyone had come in to see the eagle tree. He said 1 woman was here & said she was from IL but I couldn't let her in. Then I went into my song & dance about Eagle Momsters & yes she had driven cross country to just see these eagles - By then he was saying "Well I didn't know that-can you get in touch with her-tell her to come back- will you vouch for her (he thought he remembered me from before) Tell her to come on in." He really felt badly about not letting her in on the grounds. So as I went out to the road to find everyone - here comes the redhead in the jeep with the lady from IL. Nilla then went in to the guard shack---& he said we could all come in. Apple Pan Dowdy!!!!
FloralGirl has given a great review of our afternoon. Will only mention that Todd Harless stopped by our group - introduced himself - showed us some more pictures he has taken - asked me who I was -I said,"I'm PoopShoot". I want to go over & create a photo album of our group-my camera was not good enough to get any eagle pics - just people pics.

paula eagleholic said...

We did take pictures. Mine are on a regular camera, I'll get them back by Wednesday and post them on the mOmsters site.

I wish we had Todd's camera. He was heading to DC tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

So, that is it for tonight. Almost 12:30 am, and have to get up for work at 6:30. Didn't get the laundry done, but got to see all the eaglets.

Oh, also, we saw turkey buzzards in the sky too, a big group of them. You can't see their heads! That is how you can tell they are not eagles!


Mema Jo said...

I tried to create a new album but the tab wasn't there - I emailed Paula to help me out - I just read she signed out for the night. Will get them on the Momster site as soon as possible.

belle_wv said...

It was AWESOME - Nilla and Jo definitely got the party off for a super start - getting us right up to the tree! Thanks to the guard!
Meeting Todd - awesome - he's as great as his pictures. The eaglets waited for us all to arrive - didn't start their show until floralgirl arrived - then bam they launched and flew around right near us, right over top and then soared higher and higher. It was so incredible to watch them effortlessly soar until they looked like dots against the clouds. Watching them play 'tag' in the skies was so fun. Then we went up to investigate near the tree area and waited for them to come back into the area which they obligingly did soaring back to the field near the tree and calling to each other and possibly the parents. Just perfect! The only thing that would have been better is if everyone could've been there!
So great to meet those who were there! It was a blast! Thanks everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight all.
Sweet eagle dreams.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne. I think the eaglets were right on cue yesterday. Just absolutely incredible. Hopefully the camera will get fixed this morning (I pray) so we can see them ourselves today.

Everybody make a good day!

floralgirl said...

Good morning everyone- still in awe over what we saw last nite at the tree.Sorry I missed meeting Todd,glad I got to meet everyone else .Gotta work this morning for a while,have an order to deliver later.If my new pic posted,it's a picture of Spunkyin the nest-,as good as I could get with my little camera.If you click on it ,it will enlarge.

floralgirl said...

Oh yea,I almost forgot-CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FIX THE CAM!!? WHen you get people hooked on these cams and then they are down for so long it is FRUSTRATING We are missing our last glimpses of the eaglets in the nest,I need the cam,please!

glo said...

Good mornng all. Sounds like a wonderful day. LOL I happened to notice that Jo entered her comment like 1 minute after we all went to bed...See That's just how it works sometimes

Well it was a fun way to start a new day too

Will check in on ya later, back to the FBI so might have to be incognito...depends on how much time I actually have to spy

glo said...

floralgirl Thank You so much for posting that picture of Spunky......You did great!!! I see him and I haven't seen him for days!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is up a tree this morning. Love him!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hugo has his head underneath his mommy's belly. Do you reckon he is nursing? JUST JOKING!!! LMAO!

glo said...

Suzanne I hope that is a good sign that someone is working ont he camera.

Of to coffee and treats.

glo said...

Mits Woul dyou please email to me at I need to be able to connect your blogger name with your email address. I probably have the email address already under eagle people, but i don't know which one is yours. Help...Thanks

Just send me something like Here is my eamil address LOL.

glo said...

Jo You've got mail

glo said...

Still trusting that today the right contacts will be made to get the cam up since we do know now that all 3 still are in the area, and at least Spunky still stops by the nest.

Anonymous said...

Just about ready to leave for work but wanted to stop by and see if the cam was up, no. Sounds like everyone had a great time yesterday. Wonder if Steve took that GREAT picture? I just love it, I'm a cold weather person, don't care much for summer.
Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL DAY and that the cam is back up when I get home.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Been having trouble with the blogger in the last little bit. Anybody else?

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

It was so wonderful to finally meet Norma, Nilla, Jo, Floralgirl, Belle, Vicky-IL, and Lisa .

I had a wonderful time!

(and yes having problems w/ blogger too, this is my second attempt!)

paula eagleholic said...

As hard as I looked, I couldn't find any turtle shells under the tree, but I did find a turtle shell bottom, which I gave to Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Took me forever to get onto the blogger. Good late morning! I need to read some comments - I have checked emails. Just talked with Vicky-IL and she is on her way home-said she started out around 8:30 this morning. She will get on the blog as soon as she gets home.She had a great time & thanks everyone for making it more then worth her while for coming in! I called NCTC about the cam - I left phone number forSHARONto get the return call. Angie said STEVE was in today-his office door was open-he was probably in a meeting-Sharon expect a call-I will be out of here from 11:30 - 2:00. Need to read the comments- Oh,Yes. Still working on being able to place pics into the album Paula created.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you JO!!

Anonymous said...

HELLO! All the nice remarks I made this a.m. were knocked off, but, you would have loved them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe they are censoring you! :)

Anonymous said...

GLO, you have mail....

Anonymous said...

Yep, Big Bad Mits, getting the boot once again:):):)

Anonymous said...

For the record, I was employed at the FBI when J.Edgar Hoover was the boss. So you censors out there I'm taking names. LOL!!!:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, were you an intern? ROFLMAO!

Anonymous said...

SHARON I was a lowly clerk in the clerks office. SUZANNE As I tried to ask in one of my cut-off blogs, Did you read last nights update at BW. They are looking for people to take pictures, because one of the fledges was MIA, but from your report sounds like all 5 are there.

Anonymous said...

I'm going over to the zoo site, to calm my nerves...

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you saw all 5 osprey at BW. Did you take a pic? They want to confirm it is all fledglings.

Mema Jo said...

Will check on things as soon as I return.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Will blog if I hear anything from Steven!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No way, Hugo died!!!! I am so sad!! He was just snuggling up to his mommy this morning! Oh my God! See I don't want to watch things that do this to me!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I read on the stork blog that the parents hadn't been able to find much food. They need to just shut that camera down. Too sad to see that MT nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, I am having a really hard time getting past this. It really sucks out loud.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


wvgal_dana said... glad Vicky Il got to see the eagles/eaglets that I am sure made her trip worth whiled. Tried getting on the new blog 0 comments won't let me.
I am saddened by out "gentle little fellow Hugo" can't believe if they new they couldn't find food, why didn't they place some food around. Those 2 parents have had such a tought time of it. Plus little Hugo orphaned and then making it this far; mades me upset that they didn't do anything for those two storks and baby Hugo.
Trying to get to see all 5 in nest at Blackwater.
Cams are all down sounds like we might just have "sound next year!!! Be great.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...