Saturday, July 08, 2006

Saturday July 8

New thread.


Mema Jo said...

I was gone longer then expected.
1 eaglet in nest
Is at the 6:00 position under the cam where the last food was brought in.

Mema Jo said...

5:08pm It does look like little Spunky. Has the white shoulder tips. He is also moving the large sticks like I think BigBoy did. Possibly to search for scraps under them.

Mema Jo said...

5:10pm Out of there from the lauching pad site MT NEST

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a guess about that object in the center of the nest? It almost looks like a soda can!

glo said...

Must be soda theya ren't old enough for anything else are they?

Mema Jo said...

I have been looking at it for some time now and I am just not certain what it is. Could it be an large upside down empty turtle shell? Size wise, it would have to be a gallon jug HaHa I wish we could zoom in on it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a great big empty coffee can to store the leftovers?

Mema Jo said...

6:00pm M T NEST
with large unknown object under a stick in the middle of the nest

movin said...

I've just been working some of those puzzles at the "eagle puzzle" site, and the object you refer to looks exactly like a puzzle piece out of its proper place....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello, everybody. I found a computer for just a minute. Had to check in. I see it is an MT nest. Will check back in tomorrow. I miss you guys.

Mema Jo said...

SHARON Hi there! We miss you too. There is some action on the previous thread. LOL

Mema Jo said...

7:11pm M T NEST

Mema Jo said...

7:48pm Live Eagle Cam has stip of red,green & blue lines across top of screen. A very small strip..for now anyhow!

movin said...

If you are interested, the eaglet in the Kent nest is about to fledge soon...flying around nest, flying a ways up one of the branches and perching, mantling his food with huge-looking wings.
[use the camera with the "i" next to it...much better.]

I'm off to check the first eaglet to be hatched naturally in the Channel Islands off California in more than 50 yrs...he's on Santa Cruz Island.


Bird Girl said...


The picture is not of a grouse, it's actually a domestic chicken!

We have an historic ranch here where chickens, peacocks, etc. roam...

movin said...

Thanks a lot,Bird Girl,

I only recall seeing that much color in Bantam breeds, which are almost like the original Asian Jungle Fowl...this breed is beautiful. Do you know which breed it is and where it is from?


Mema Jo said...

8:39pm M T NEST
I would think that the eaglets have all selected their branch for the night. Most of today's nest activity is on preceeding thread. Still wondering what that is in the middle of the nest - any good guesses? Live feed is still down - don't expect it up until Monday due to past history.
Hello, Delphia We had a visitor from Canada today - Linndda. (other page)
Don't forget that tomorrow is
Tai Shan's 1st birthday

movin said...

Yeah, mema jo, even though it's pretty light yet, I don't recall them ever returning to the nest this late....

I think I will head out. Have a great evening, Everyone. Catch you tomorrow.


paula eagleholic said...

It is 9:07 pm, and it looks like the cam is stuck...the time is updating, but the picture is not....probably stopped at 7:48pm when JO said there was a colored stripe across the top...I am getting that now too, and a picture that is NOT of the dark!

belle_wv said...

Just checking in, and I think there's something wrong in eagleland - I'm in the same time zone and it is dark here... me thinks the camera has taken a vacation whilst the timer continues to tick away... I wonder how long it's been that way?

paula eagleholic said...

Turning in for the night, no cam, and pretty beat.

Talk to you all tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

I was last on at 8:49pm - Now at 10:03pm I realize that the live eagle cam has to be stuck even though the timer keeps on ticking. I was waiting for spidey to appear before I signed off, but I don't think that is going to happen. I did restart the cam, but it is still too light! It's pitch dark here with overcast skys... Well, we will see what the morning brings..
Goodnight all. LOL

Just Vicky said...
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Just Vicky said...

It's after 8:00 am central time Sunday morning and the cam is REALLY messed up! Looks like a day without view!

wvgal_dana said...


movin said...

I just signed on from Cal. ...
I think the camera is refreshing, but it's hard to tell when nobody is in it.

There is a new thread posted...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...