Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday 15 July

New Thread.


Just Vicky said...

Wow, first one today!

Just Vicky said...

None that I have seen!

Just Vicky said...

What a shame too, both cameras are working!

Anonymous said...

HI EAGLET (ADOPTED) PARENTS: We should celebrate!! We have had the PRIVILEGE to watch this family grow up---Our beautiful little "fuzz balls" are healthy & have left "their room"---They have graduated---WASN'T THAT OUR GOAL--how lucky we are that NCTC let us share this---But Granny Norma knows how painful it is to let go---I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!---but this has been a most rewarding experience---(Sorry it sounds MUSHY)---we have also made many BIRDIE friends----

p.s. Still pray they drop by for a nap------

Just Vicky said...

Yes it has been beyond description! I've longed to do this all my life (which is about to turn another year older!) Surely "man" did not create such a wonder as this has been to behold!

Just Vicky said...

Time to get the violins out for another trip to "memory lane!"

Anonymous said...

VICKY FROM COMMODE TOWN IL----You mean you didn't hear the violins while reading my post????

Just Vicky said...

Oh absolutely I heard them!

Just Vicky said...

A whole ochestra to be exact!

Just Vicky said...

I have watched them at work most of the daytime, which is a blessing to have a desk job!

Anonymous said...

VICKY---when is the big day??---bet you are a child---


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning out there in Eagleland..
Going to be another HOT one today.
Very thankful both cams working very well and for Steve giving us a new thread. Hopefully we'll see nest activity today - but if not, we do have beautiful memories.

Just Vicky said...

well a little ways off, the 30th! Not a kid but we can still remember how fun they "USE" to be!

Just Vicky said...

My new eagle is trying to cool us off! The other guy went too fast!

Mema Jo said...

HUGO Turn about is fair play - if you look at the nest now, it looks as though Momma Stork has traded spots with Hugo. She is lying down in the center of the nest and Hugo is sitting in the nest as though he is looking after her.

Anonymous said...

"YOUNG" VICKY FROM COMMODE TOWN IL---I really heard background music when I read your post----I HAVE COOKIE SHEETS OLDER THAN YOU----

You need to (as we said in my day)

Anonymous said...

Been visiting other sites---needed to feed my ADDICTION----
Read def. of eagle courtship: "Engages in spectacular flight displays. In the Cartwheel Display, a courting pair flies to high altitude, locks feet together, and then tumbles & cartwheels toward the ground, breaking off at the last moment."
More exciting than catching sticks???

Mema Jo said...

Norma I guess you have to catch the stick first - then fly high & tumble!

Mema Jo said...

Action in the nest 11:29pm
Get it Sharon

Mema Jo said...


wvgal_dana said...

New thread thanks Steven.
Wow vick from il you changed his direction and I like the white background and now he does look more like an eagle flying. Wow great shot.
Norma I heard the violins and the rest of the assembly playing with that comment.
Been visiting other sites; that one at Long Island New York for the Osprey I had it on while looking at the Opsrey at Washington State made a difference. Hearing them making sounds really neat lol.
So I re-checked Blackwater and they are up. Might have been a fledge someone said.
Norma no trying the cartwheel display

Mema Jo said...

I am busy getting the single shots ... What are the rest of you busy doing??

wvgal_dana said...

11:34 two in nest

Mema Jo said...

11:34 am Still 2 in the nest...

Anonymous said...


Just Vicky said...

Wow, had to restart and see what I missed

Just Vicky said...

Can't believe it!

wvgal_dana said...

Who do you think is at 12 o'cloclk and who is at 5 o'clock??

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky-wv & MITS.. Live feed messing up every now & then.

Shadows are deceiving when it comes to ID'ing the visitors.

Looks like Inbetween & whoever (under the cam) One is eating.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the one left was waiting for the other one to leave before he dug in..

Just Vicky said...

We've got food!

wvgal_dana said...

11:42 one is party uner the limb looks like head moving like eating. Don't know what happened to the other one.
Is it still there under a limb?

Anonymous said...

Where are my manners?? GOOD DAY EVERYONE!!!! Live-stream looks really shaky.

Mema Jo said...

Food fight?
Forgot to say (I think) that an adult was first in the nest....I'll need to rewind the live feed-I thought all 3 were in the nest at one time.. They have grown sooooooooooo large & when they mantle, you really can't tell how many are there.


Just Vicky said...

Good day there Mits!

Just Vicky said...

Hope someone got some pics! I got a couple

wvgal_dana said...

Well MsInBetween is sure enjoying her time in the nest. Nawing on something "turtle" you think. Hey mema jo maybe another turtle shell.
Hi Mits!!

Just Vicky said...

My frapper doesn't seem to work,

Mema Jo said...

Lots of yanking at the food happening - could be another turtle

Just Vicky said...

let's go for 3!

wvgal_dana said...

Hnag in there light just hit nest.
Bigboy at 7 o'clock and MsInBetween at 5 o'clock position nawing on something.

Just Vicky said...

Whoooo sibling fighting there!

Mema Jo said...

VICKY-wv Then turtle it is!

Has to be Spunky - BigBoy isn't that agressive.

Mema Jo said...

11:55 am Looks like one's going to soon be out of there since Inbetween won't share. Spunky may need to find his own lunch ..
OK! Is Inbetween going to push Spunky off the edge of the nest??

p.s. I really can't determine which eaglets are in the nest...

Just Vicky said...

awesome awesome, thanks eaglets!

Just Vicky said...

is anyone frapping????

Just Vicky said...

I'm so thrilled I got to see this again!

Just Vicky said...

MUST BE A FEMALE seems to be rearranging the nest

Anonymous said...

I thought it looked like Spunky---see how she was fighting for food------I AM A HAPPY CAMPER NOW!

You kids are so fast w/responses---remember I am GRANNY-----

Mema Jo said...

12 Noon: 2 visitors still in nest -
live feed still not steady

1 visitor in the nest 12:01pm

Last visitor checking for food scraps in nest. None to be found under cam. Back to center of nest to rearange out smiley face sticks.
I do think it is Spunky. The white shoulder stripes & not as large as BigBoy.

12:06pm Launching pad...GONE

Great Show!! Sorry if anyone missed it all....

Just Vicky said...

bye bye babies

Just Vicky said...

Norma, I'm a Granny myself, you can't be beyond hope if you're doing this!!! We get so caught up in the moment can't take time to blog!!!

Just Vicky said...

Ok, which one of you lives near this nest??

Mema Jo said...


Just Vicky said...

That Glo must be off enjoying her company!

Mema Jo said...

Janet M I don't think so. I think you lose what was on it and it restarts all over. Just drag the small live button backwards. I have it all on mine - but I don't do fraps.
I took a good many single shots which I need to review due to eagle cam streaks!!

Our smiley face and 'fungus leaves' are gone !!

Mema Jo said...

I have eleven pics - need to get them in order - I'll post on the Loop and can send later in email. I do need to leave for a few hours - LOL

Just Vicky said...

thanks Jo

Mema Jo said...

Sharon got it on Fraps. She was over on Friday's thread with Paula.

They should be here shortly!

wvgal_dana said...

I got alot of pics off the "still feed" don't know exactly how many yet need to look through them.
Boy that was a very nice visit wasn't it?
It is ashame you can't take pictures off of the Real Player I can off of the Windows Media Player. Darn still got Real Player playing going to go back and try to look see if parent did come in.
What to do what to do with all this "live feed"???

Mema Jo said...

Liberty did come into the nest first
I took his pic at 11:28am

Anonymous said...

MT nest 1:00p.m. Heading to the beach for the afternoon. Lots of dolphin activity today. Will check in later, hope more eaglets come by for a visit like this a.m. Was really nice to see them.

paula eagleholic said...

That is too funny! Sharon and I were on Friday's thread since 9 this morning. I thought we were all alone, and here you guys were!

We got to see it all, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Lisa at Blackwater just emailed me, said the one chick had not fledged yet, has been hiding in the right hand corner....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had absolutely no iedea this thread was here!

Just Vicky said...

never alone, just possibly on the "wrong" threads!

paula eagleholic said...

So, if you want a second commentary on this morning's nest activity, read Friday's thread too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I meant "idea".

I frapped the parent coming in. Then I frapped the eaglet flying into the nest - great shot because he came in at 1 o'clock position. Then I frapped some more. Don't have time to work them up at the moment but will try to do it before the end of the day.

I absolutely could not figure out where everyone was today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, yeah, I got about 15 stills too.

Anonymous said...

Wondered where you kids were---Mema Jo is a good scout leader---keeps tabs on eaglets, eagles & momsters---Sharon & Paula----Happy she found you all!---we were kinda feeling sorry for ourselves----but visitors in nest changed that----

Mema Jo said...

Glad we're all together!
It was beautiful seeing the nest activity - I know just how much I miss it...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Boy, that wind is a whipping now! Why couldn't the camera have stayed this clear when they were in the nest?

floralgirl said...

Back from market and it sounds like I missed all the action again!Thank goodness all you Momsters are watching.Storm blowing through here right now.

paula eagleholic said...

MT Nest at 2:23pm

I am thinking the dark piece at the launch pad is bark from the sycamore tree, the dark side...swore it was white a little while ago...

Anonymous said...

MT nest 2:42p.m. Back from the beach, storm moving thru, should not take to long. Dolphins VERY active and VERY close to shore, putting on quite a show today. Lifeguards, had to keep whistling people to get away and not go near them.

Anonymous said...

Tai and Mei are fighting over bamboo, he was just sitting on her head and she pushed him off and he yelped.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

When watching this last night, I thought for sure there was a bug caught in Spidey's nest. Now I think it was just a smaller leaf, down in the left-hand corner.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It appears to me that Mei might have a little PMS going on. That is how I treat Andrew when I do! :)

NillaWafer said...

Afternoon Gang, Checking in for right now.. just came into work for alittle while.. Happy the kids was back in the nest and ya'll saw them.. Its is sooooooooo hot and humid here hope everyone is enjoying air conditioning and staying in, especially you Jo.. Well gona get to work here.. Hugss, Nilla

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in nest, parent just brought fish in, Eaglet mantling

paula eagleholic said...

Parent still looking upward, no one eating yet....must be lesson on how to eat when it's safe...3:15pm

paula eagleholic said...

Cam always seems to mess up when eaglets in the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What do you reckon this standoff is about?

paula eagleholic said...

Both still just waiting....really breezy now too, that prob has something to do w/ the reception...

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet mantling again...and off goes parent, must be safe to eat now, or eaglet won the standoff.

NillaWafer said...

Time is 3:25 and there is 1 in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Same eaglet that was in nest this morning, I think it's Spunky

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet still not eating yet

paula eagleholic said...

Intently watching to the left

paula eagleholic said...

Now watching toward trunk

NillaWafer said...

I agree Paula looks like Spunky to me also.. I am glad there is a slight breeze blowing but none the less the air is very humid here...I was watching Hugo awhile ago and he stood up, then made those honkin noises and Oh and did a huge poop

paula eagleholic said...

Still just sitting in nest...wonder if Papa took the fish?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do you reckon no food was brought in? I thought there was but maybe not. Maybe he is there for protection or something.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Considering the parent was there twice in just a couple of minutes.

NillaWafer said...

I hope its ok hasnt really moved in awhile now.Or is the live cam stuck again??

paula eagleholic said...

There was definitely a fish, just check the pic of it...either parent left with fish, or Spunky is full, and protecting fish for later.

NillaWafer said...

No its moving, but messing up with lines.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What do you reckon he is doing?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just saw a shadow fly overhead.

paula eagleholic said...

3:57pm Still 1 eaglet in the nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

God knew I needed to be soothed a while and out of some turmoil in the day, so he sent Spunky to sit in the nest, breeze be blowing and just a soothing little time. This is just too cool.

Anonymous said...

Has the blog page changed? Hubby was just on computer and everything is different, letters are smaller, leave you comment is at the top not at the bottom and I have to gog up and down the page to make a comment. Where is my stick? #@^&%*$!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spunky looks to be talking to somebody. This is just too sweet!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet has not moved!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hit refresh on the blog page, Mits. It might change it back. Mine is normal!

paula eagleholic said...

Go back to the main page and get back in, there is a way to get in like you where, just can't remember how I did it either, it lists all the comments differently on the page.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, yeah, you get that when you click on the tile for the blog, for example on this one, if you click on "Saturday 15 July" it looks like that.

floralgirl said...

Wow-just walked in 2 eagles in nest now,looks like one is mantling.Does he have food? 2nd one left

floralgirl said...

What is with the camera?I feel like I may have been in the sun too long-everything looks psychedelic.Better now-Looks like the eagle that was in the nest would not let the other in,so it left

paula eagleholic said...

Guess he does have the fish and is protecting it!

paula eagleholic said...

Look at that gorgeous Eagle, now facing noon,

Anonymous said...

Ok, hubby fixed it. That's why I threw him the big stick.Got to see some of the recent action. What fun this is....

floralgirl said...

Yeah-I thought he must have food-he kept the other eagle on the edge of the nest and he was really spread out like he was covering up something

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, talking about something absolutely making my day. All three and almost a parent in the nest at the same time!! I have been a-frapping and a-snapping!! Did you all see the backwards dive off at 12 o'clock? That was deep! I am going to say that is Ms. InBetween in the nest now!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did anybody else see all three of them in there for just a second. The parent was flying off as the third one was coming in! It was beautiful. I have it frapped a couple of times. I am so excited. This is the first time in such a long time we have seen all three at one time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody out there?

floralgirl said...

That must be why you are called eagle -eyed. Are you watching the live feed??

paula eagleholic said...

No, I missed it, stepped away from desk for just a moment....

paula eagleholic said...

Has been guarding that fish for an hour and 25 minutes!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been checking in much lately with all the camera problems and such. What a shock to look in, find one in the nest and how hugh that one looks especially compared to the size of the nest. I can't imagine how all three could even fit in the nest now. What a shock and great for the "babes" now almost all grown up.


paula eagleholic said...

Just turned back around, sitting in middle of nest facing trunk, now closer to trunk near launch pad..looking out towards right...(4:44pm).

Aha! Now we are going to eat that stiff fish!

Anonymous said...

It was quick, but, I got to see all 3 in the nest plus a parent, and yes, SHARON , I did see the backward flip off the nest. AWESOME!!!

movin said...

Hi, All

I just checked in too, and I'm surprised to find Mr. Spunky in the nest...don't know if he got fed, but he seems to be following the shade, so maybe the heat got to him...gets to me.

So, Mits,
Which one back flipped ... the parent?


Anonymous said...

Going out for awhile, talk to you all later. Hope an eagle spends the night.

Anonymous said...

It was so fast , Jim, I think it was one of the eaglets, I think Sharon Frapped it . CU.

movin said...

He appears to be eating now (again?)...he has grown a lot, but he's still smaller than Mr. Inbetween.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did frap it!! It was beautiful! I sent it out to a few emails that I have. So check your mail and see if I have yours!

Just Vicky said... did not get an email!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, that was so cool - He didn't flip off the back of the nest, but did like a little quick turnabout and soared down - really neat!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Janet, Vicky - you've got mail!

I am going out for a while. I hope somebody has fraps ready for more action. You never know these days! Feast or famine! Yesterday was definitely famine and today has been such a feast!

movin said...

I just checked the weather there... 85° but it feels like 87° because of the humidity. Looks like Spunky is still having a few problems keeping up in the heat with the older eaglets.

My e-mail is


paula eagleholic said...

heading home, will check in later!

Just Vicky said...

Hey a new thread is up gang!

Just Vicky said...

Jim, you have mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, I got back just in time to catch the action. All three in the nest again. I am frapping now. Will get back to you in a bit.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...