Monday, July 03, 2006

Monday July 3

New Thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, STILL shots are back!! Yeah rah!

Mema Jo said...

Good almost late morning! Made it by 10am - Thanks, Steve, for getting the eagle cam running - ready for some nest action! Sun is brightly shinning here in my valley - hope it is the same over the sycamore tree.
Hi Sharon, Sunny & Geula!!!! New Day!

floralgirl said...

Parent and baby in the nest!!!Parent gone maybe 2 babies still there? mantling by one

floralgirl said...

Couldn't tell if parent brought food-1 eaglet was there with his wings really spread out-now it is sitting in the shade in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My power went out for about 5 seconds and of course shut down the computer. I do see 1 eaglet in the nest now! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone....I'm on my way out but thought I would check and see if the cam had been fixed, JOY its fixed and there is even 1 eaglet in the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, cam is up earlier than I thought it would be!

Looks like the one in the nest is eating!

Oh, and Good Mornin'!!

paula eagleholic said...

Quiet in here this morning, everyone must be out celebrating.

Still an eaglet in the nest, munchin' on breakfast!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Big Boy..


Anonymous said...

Good Morning to All:

Have been away from the computer for a while and what a treat to come back and see all the wonderful "Todd" photos - as well as all the comments on the blog!

To Todd: You are awesome, thanks for your effort - you really put this in perspective and what a great opportunity to see the eaglets soar! Thank You!!!!!!! I am so glad you love your job, what a shame if you did not! :)

Safe and Happy 4th to All!

belle_wv said...

Yeah! PIctures rfefreshing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is BigBoy also, Paula.

Who is anonymous this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:45 a.m. Eaglet just flew off!

Anonymous said...

10?45 Eagle Standard Time -- the nest visitor has left. It looks so nice and clear and sunny around the nest -- I hope Todd will be able to capture lots of wonderful photos today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:49 a.m. Eaglet back in nest.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Such a refreshing sight for my eyes! Love It! Love It! Todd has lots of sunshine today - Hope he's near the tree..........

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though it is nap time. Who do you think this one is? Spunky?

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, NCTC for getting the cam back up.

paula eagleholic said...

Could be the Spunkster

Mema Jo said...

When you look into the nest and invision how it was with 3 fluffy little chicks, this is unbelievable!
But, You Better Believe It!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Could be Sydney or Victoria! Oh, sorry, wrong nest!!

I think it is our little Spunkster!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wonder if we will get the live feed today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love seeing the R&R this morning. Soothing to the soul!

Would love to have the live feed though. I know, never satisfied!

Mema Jo said...

Big Sis (Victoria) is in good view & looks like she is ready to take off. Lil Brother is always hiding behind the tree trunk...
So for sure it is Spunkster in our nest.
I guess we'll need to wait longer for the live feed but it is after 11:00 our time...I am just thankful that the live cam is up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Mema Jo, why don't you call Steven and see if we are going to the live feed or do we just need to have acceptance of the stills? Just an idea.

movin said...

Good morning, eagle lovers,

The co. I work for through in a "floating holiday" and parlayed this 4th into a 4-day weekend, which I am appreciating, appreciating, appreciating .....

What a see Spunky finally got a chance to sprawl out and rest his bones!!

Looks like Mr Inbetween got the opportunity to straighten up his neck from hogging all the fish he can in the same technical 'reset' that brought life back to the little one.

Has anyone noticed that a large chunk of the nest on the left ... where the eagles make their landings has been carried away??

Hope you are all enjoying your life in the "Land of the Free and the Brave" this morning.

Keep the Spirit of 76,

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Jim.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Up and moving. What a beautiful bird!

movin said...

Looks like I should drink some more Folgers Mountain Grown before
writing blogs...

Of course the "through" in the first sentence s/b "threw."

I also need a new prescription on the glasses about now.


glo said...

Speaking of the wrong nest, did you all know that L'il up there got hurt yesterday as was limping badly. They were talking all sorts of options for the safety of the other eaglet if and when it fledges and how to help L'il without scaring him out of the nest...would not succesfully land on a bad leg,foot, talon etc.

The good news is this morning i read he is putting some weight on it, and even seems to be holding it to tear some food. Makes me sad, for that little one. I have worried aobut him all along anyway.

Ours however seem to be cruising along well. So good to see one in the nest. Hoping they like the fireworks, and can hardly wait to hear form Todd. Off for lunch here pretty quick.

movin said...

Spunky is up and looking for leftovers from brunch...


belle_wv said...

Well two out of three is pretty darn good - beautiful sunshine and the still cam going with lots of visitor action - guess not having the live feed up is ok. Maybe if we raise enough funds we can get a better hosting service that is local and more responsible in keeping the feed going. I'm all for keeping the 30 minute history, too. That is a very good point. Have to have 'frappability' :), even though I have no clue how to do it, yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:18 p.m. Out of there. MT nest again. I got some good shots before he left though!

movin said...

The youngest just departed the nest.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:25 p.m. Parent and eaglet in nest. Now parent is gone and eaglet is mantling!

paula eagleholic said...

Parent and eaglet in nest, eaglet mantling, parent gone

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Spunkster is back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, at least we are really consistent on the reports!! That is good!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doesn't look like the eaglet is eating so maybe there was no food brought in.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I was going to say the same thing,

paula eagleholic said...

But there was mantling!

paula eagleholic said...

Or maybe it was sloppy landing!

Mema Jo said...

Would be great if Todd captured that!Spunky flying out, meeting Mom in the sky, and flying right back to the nest on her tail!

Anonymous said...

hello everyone :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like might be eating now

paula eagleholic said...

Might be something else in area, sib maybe.

There were all sorts of birds around the tree area and farm when I was there yesterday. I even got to see a hummingbird land on a bare branch, about 15 ft from where I was parked...that was really neat, they are so tiny. It flew off before I could stand up thru the sunroof to get a pic of it.

Anonymous said...

sharon, I have pics of my "children" on my personal blog... here's the address (make sure you get it all together with no spaces):




Mema Jo said...

Do you notice that the turtle shell at the 3:00 position isn't there? Or am I going blind? I just wonder if NILLA has been there? She didn't answer her cell phone this morning when I called to see if she had gone over to NCTC...

Bird Girl said...

Hugo the stork is doing well, it seems! He's so cute!

The MD Blackwater ospreys (with four chicks) seem to be doing well, although the littlest one is still quite slow to develop. There is a contest to name the chicks, ends July 14th! Click the link on the top of the cam page to get there...

Another osprey cam is in Minnesota, picture isn't very clear, but it's something, right? Three chicks in that nest. The address is in the MD Osprey Web Cam Log, click the link on the cam page and scroll down....

Off to Jody's to see how the baby raven, and everyone else, is doing. Hope everyone has a good day and Happy Fourth!

Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

Birdgirl-Delphia Thanks for all the times you have given us links - they are great. I do so like your real name..

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, it got moved the 5 o'clock position the other day during the food fight

paula eagleholic said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go for awhile, 1 eaglet still in nest at launch pad, eating.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - GLO This morning I added 2 shots of Spunky when he was first in the nest to the Loop
I really did it twice - I didn't think the first time went through-so I closed it down & did it again - Then when I checked I realized the 2 pics went in both times. #1)I was able to delete the doubles #2) I am able to add more then 1 pic at a time after clicking on add photos. I even got them inserted right where I wanted them..that was the hard part. I wish the loop pics were a little larger so I didn't need to strain my eyes to see the dates.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I am so proud of you. Good job! I have saved 34 pictures so far today so I am going to have to sort them and pick out the best ones. Of course, in my opinion, if any one of our babies is in the picture, they are perfect pictures!

Mema Jo said...

1:13pm 2 in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Looks like InBetween & Spunky ??

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! all 3 in the nest! Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

1:17 Eagle Standard Time -- all three in the nest! My guess: Spunky at 12, Ms InBetween in the middle and BigBoy at 5... Looks like there is something good to eat in there...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, rah. All three still alive and well. Wonderful to see!!

Thanks, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Can't take my eyes off of you
This is too good to be true


I think they are hiding from Todd HaHA!

Mema Jo said...

I agree with your ID'ing Barbara

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I agree with the ID too. I am so tickled that they are all 3 there!

Mema Jo said...

Down to 2 in the nest 1:22pm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:23 p.m. And then there were 2.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like they are doing a little nest work!

Just Vicky said...

I sure am glad we have all these "eagle eyes" watching our nest! Some of us depend on you to post and let us know as we can't always be on top of it!

So thanks Momsters! So glad all 3 were seen again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that stick attached to the eaglet or just sticking up beside it?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I guess it was not stuck!

Mema Jo said...

Jim had mentioned the left side of the nest looking as though it had lost some of the sticks.. does look that way.

belle_wv said...

So great to have read all three dropped in at once. I agree they were trying to frustrate Todd. I have been watcihng the nest change - lost the sides when they didn't need them to keep from falling anymore - now it looks like they're getting nest building lessons

Mema Jo said...

I wonder what is catching BigBoy's attention?

Mema Jo said...

Well, whatever it was - he went after it! 1:47pm 1 in nest looking like "where did he go?"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like he is conducting an orchestra!

belle_wv said...

Live feed is up!Q!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


belle_wv said...

Oh JOY JOY JOY! Parent arrived and was waramred by two eaglets!

belle_wv said...

Oh how wonderful!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dueling mantlers!

belle_wv said...

Mantling covers up an entire half of the nest! Parent snuck out in all the hovering I guess

Just Vicky said...

Wow, it is up!!! Now I have my "life" back!

belle_wv said...

that unintelligable word was supposed to be 'swarmed' I was so excited! But I have to leave to take my daughter to a birthday party - sigh - keep good notes PLEASE?? (As if you don't always anyway... )

glo said...

Oh wow Live feed and here I sit at the office. Sharon are you there. Do you have FRAPS handy? Oh I hope you are there and see this!!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve -

Geula said...

how long has the live feed been up?

I'm so happy it's back up!

glo said...

LOL So excited to see live feed is up as I quickly read BLOGS didn't even read poster names and time YEP you are there !!! i am so glad. Also glad to read all 3 have checked in at some point Yippee. Wish I could watch even the delayed but its back to work for me for anothe hour and a half!! have a fun afternoon. capture our eaglets!!! On camera...Like Todd is.


Mema Jo said...

Geula - Came up just a few minutes ago... Right before 2:00 eagleland time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I do have fraps handy. I got a couple takes already. Had to restart real player though because it froze up. A few computer problems today.

movin said...

Looks like Spunky finally won the "grab the food contest."

Maybe that's the object of today's lesson...the parents have been bringing some food to him alone, plus the older ones have been giving in to him....

Being the third eaglet in the nest ain't too good for the aggressiveness at meal time, so Spunky can use the wins and the encouragement.


Anonymous said...


That email you sent out today--The Dam. I received the same story yesterday from a friend here in Williamsburg. What a sad commentary on our lives today! It is too funny and sick at the same time.

Sheri in Williamsburg

Mema Jo said...

That might just be another turtle - the way it's being held & the yanking & pulling that he's doing. What do you think.. I didn't see the original drop of food..

wvgal_dana said...

Hi gang just got in from funeral thanks for comments kept me up-to-date.
Now 2:19pm one in nest might be eating something?

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I think its got something to eat

wvgal_dana said...

Keeps looking around like "whose going to fly in try to take my food"?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just lost my live feed! ARGGHHH!

Mema Jo said...

My live feed just went down.........
I am going to close it & restart....
Anyone else having problems?????????

wvgal_dana said...

Whats up?? My live feed is down

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now it is coming back up! Go figure!

wvgal_dana said...

:) calls do work

Mema Jo said...

Glad I didn't send an email.

Keep the Faith!

Do I see a turtle shell being carried all around the nest... I think I do!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:36 p.m. One more just came in the nest!

wvgal_dana said...

Still one in nest ooops two one just flew in looks like MsInBetween was there and Spunky flew in 2:37pm

Mema Jo said...

2 in the nest... Now who has the shell?

movin said...

I was messing with that puzzle one of the members sent last week, and I decided to make one up using one of our eagles...

Wanta play?

Does anyone know how to make hyperlinks on these blogs??


wvgal_dana said...

:) well I did call Sharon but it good have already been the "eagle eye steve,brad, or someone at nctc"..but thanks lol

Mema Jo said...

Jim, I don't think I have ever seen one. We usually just copy it and go from there. OR we email it to Eaglet_Momsters and everyone receives it. I'll try your puzzle as soon as the nest is empty... it is really busy...

Mema Jo said...

Ok You can have it..... 1 in nest

wvgal_dana said...

Ah come on just drop it over the edge so Jo doesn't have to climb the tree for that turtle shell. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hard job eating whatever that was. Rest time now. Appears to be panting also. They can get out and get their own water now. We don't have to worry about the water hose anymore!

Mema Jo said...

My thoughts exactly.Drop it over!!
Having a little trouble with the blogger feezing on me when I go to make comments. Maybe we need a new thread soon.

1 resting in nest..

Mema Jo said...

Keep good notes - be back in a few - going downstairs to hit the treadmill....

paula eagleholic said...

Man, leave for awhile, and all h--- breaks loose! Parents! 3 Eaglets! Food Tug of War! Live Feed Up!

and all such wonderful news!


wvgal_dana said...

Now awake after short rest.3:02pm went back to rest again

Jim at puzzle site says "puzzle expired". You need to put it in a letter to "Eaglet_Momsters" that way it should be a link and everyone can get to it. Was looking forward to see what you made up.. no go.

paula eagleholic said...

Spunky cleaning up leftover tidbits in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

He's's pretty warm today, low 90's

wvgal_dana said...

Were up again 3:05pm picking at things in nest; maybe a leftover. Rubbed face on sticks and layed down again. Is he restless or thinking ahead of an attack to steal food when someone comes flying in...hummmmmm

paula eagleholic said...

Mama Osprey at Blackwater is trying to provide her chicks with a little (or should I say a lot) of shade today too....has had her wings out for at least 2 hours now.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I am having a hard time seeing the turtle shell that was at 5 o'clock now, unless it's inbetween those sticks....or maybe over the edge for you!

wvgal_dana said...

3:15pm at launch pad ooops tilting forward alittle too much back end raised up too far. He didn't mean to do that lol..ready set looking around the sky and limbs. Is he going to go well maybe not wait oops almost alittle too forward again off 3:17pm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

JO, did you see him poop in the nest? I frapped it for you! MT nest again! Not supposed to poop where you eat, feller!

movin said...

Re: the puzzle...

I will be happy to try the e-mail procedure, but, after reading your comments, I copy-pasted the link I gave you into Explorer, and it took me right to the puzzle.


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I didn't see him do that. Seen him about fall forward twice. Maybe I need a nap.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The link took me right to Jim's puzzle.

wvgal_dana said...

eagle-eyed sharon Now I know why your called that lol. I'm watching his head falling forward didn't catch his "poop shoot action".
Sharon you know how they have "rappers" well your our "frapper".

belle_wv said...

Poopin in the nest - naughty, naught!! Doesn't look like anyone's home now, though. Thanks for the great notes while I was gone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Official Frapper of the 2006 Eaglet Season!

movin said...

Could be he's been much time in the nest today...and just had an accident.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


movin said...

When you want to send a message to the momsters group, Ladies, do you use "," or
"," or a third option??


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody out there?

movin said...

I sent it to both addresses ... hopefully one will be right.


glo said...

Yes I'm out here sulking cause I just got off work :-( and no live feed to enjoy...what's with that!!!

belle_wv said...

Oh my Jim, I hope the little guy isn't feeling 'crappy'! Birdgirl, would that be possible? Maybe the heat just has his tummy a little edgy.

Let's hope still cam stays up and live feed comes back... was it acting 'goofy' before it went out?

wvgal_dana said...

Well the scoop is this; in the building that harbors our nice "live feed" everyone got to go home 1 hour early which meansNO ONE IS THERE TILL WEDNESDAYYYYYYYYsorry had an early live feed withdrawal side effect.
We can hope the still pic since it comes out of Denver will stay up.
Sorry to have to give you this word. SUGGESTION: All Momsters put brains into thinking "live feed reset" senting that message to the machine letting it know if it does this for us we will take turns dusting itand I hate dusting!

wvgal_dana said...


belle_wv said...

We all need one of those big red buttons like the office store has for an advertisement. Instead of saying 'easy' ours would say RESET!
Wouldn't that be lovely?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info, Vicky. Sucks though! Hopefully we will keep the stills though.

belle_wv said...

Thanks for trying so dilligently, Vicky! I'm sure the lady was almost convinced and would've done it for you if it wasn't that she had to stay when everyone else got to leave an hour early - LOL

At least we know that live feed is off for now, so I can stop pushing play button and holding my breath, crossing my fingers, toes, eyes and other superstitious 'make the thing work' attempts.

belle_wv said...

Visitor in the nest - light brown one - almost missed it- still not positive I'm seeing it - at 9 o'clock?? seems so small... is it another bird taking a look see - maybe they will be subletting the nest once everyone's gone for the fall? That could explain the spruce up... Not sure I'd want to be the bird checking things out, though

Mema Jo said...

Jim Email address is:

Your message should get there. I did check but has not yet arrived.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am with you Belle. I would like to have a dollar for every time I have pushed that stupid button today! I could have taken the day off from work (about did anyway, another long day).

glo said...

Well nap time here with my pooches then. I'm tired, was gonna lie down and watch live feed on computer. Now I guess i'll watch the delay cam but won't jump up to save pics. I'll be sleeping I hope LOL. CYA in a while

belle_wv said...

Must not be a visitor in the nest - too still - sure does look 'odd' though. Right above the turtle shell...

paula eagleholic said...

Here is instructions to post a message to the group. Easiest is to send mail to

How can I post a message to a group?
You can post messages to your group by email or from the Yahoo! Groups web site:
Via Email

To send a message to other group members, create an email and address it to, substituting the actual name of your group for "groupname." Group names are not case sensitive.

Note: you can only post to groups you've joined, and only from email addresses registered with Yahoo! Groups. If you misspell the name of a group, or attempt to send an email from an account other than the one you joined under, your message will not be delivered. If you receive a failure notice, check your email addresses and try again.

Via the Yahoo! Groups Web Site

After you've signed in, go to the group you wish to post to, and click Post, write your message, and then click Send Message.

Note: Yahoo! Groups restricts messages to 1 megabyte in size to prevent abuse.

wvgal_dana said...

I think we need to talk with Steve C. and since we have reliable people monitoring the Eagle_Momster site. Steve should be able to give on of them the key so the reset button can be hit.
They could even fix it so one of them can dial a number and it resets the "live feed". I think this is a very good idea.
Must we have a poll???

Mema Jo said...

Would be wonderful with the live feed being down, if Todd would publish his pics of today by tomorrow. That would give our spirits a lift.....

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be out of here for the evening - going to Baltimore area to visit at my daughter's to see my grandson who is on leave from FtStewart ... As soon as I return I will read all your up-to-date comments & do Jim's new puzzle. Hugo & his parents are getting ready to sleep. LOL

movin said...

Thanks a lot for the whole body of information...believe me, I need it.

I sent it to the address from my AOL address, but I don't see it on that site yet?????


wvgal_dana said...

There once was this thing
They called it "live feed"
It showed all the movement
From the sky to the tree
When it would freeze up
A cry went out far and wide
Press that button someone would cry
Call for a reset another would cry
It showed all the movement
From the leaves to the sky
It would show eaglets could fly
Parents soared in the skies
It would show movement
From the leaves to the sky
Excitement when food would arrive
Eaglets mantle winds spread wide
Others would steal slipping inside
Now that thing called "live feed"
Kept everyones spirits alive
Froze we grumbled for lack to see
The Eaglets The Parents of NC--TC

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

4:53 p.m. Parent in nest, now mantling eaglet in nest and parent is gone!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Ol' Eagle Eye beat me to it!

:) Way to go Sharon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That has to be the Spunkster in the nest now!

Anonymous said...

Mema Jo,

I'm working on it. I'll try to update my photo album in a bit and post back when I have. Beautiful blue sky this morning. I think I got some neat stuff today but it was sure hot. I had to give it up before noon. I should have taken somebody up on that fanning offer!
You said you hoped I caught the flying out, meeting mom and flying back. I did! Near mid-air collision. Highlight of the morning! I also got a good shot of her on the way in just before that and you can see the fish in her talons.
They were very vocal all morning. Very cool. What you can't see from the Eagle Cam is that even though they're not on the nest, they're in the tree and all three were in the tree most of the morning.
And for the "poop shoot" fans, I got one of those shots too today.

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the update Todd,
Sounds like you got some wonderful images! I'm looking forward to seeing them.. . We should've come out with fans and water and gatorade for you!

Heading out to a picnic - hope I don't miss much, and what I do gets captured in logs and/or images - Have a great evening all!

paula eagleholic said...

Looking forward to those pictures. Sounds like a great morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Still one eaglet resting in the nest @ 5:30pm

Just Vicky said...

Todd, you wouldn't believe how much help you could have gotten!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Todd, I am the one that offered to bring the fan! Would love to have been there! Anxious to see the pictures. God bless you for doing that and then being willing to share them with us!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:02 p.m. One eaglet (I think it is the Spunkster) in the nest, at the 1:00 position looking out to the left!

Just Vicky said...

It looks like the "Spunkster!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I mean looking out to the right!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am chomping at the bit waiting for Todd to tell us where to go to see the pictures!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am out until about 9. Somebody keep good notes!

floralgirl said...

OK Todd- I am so jealous.Lucky you, spending your morning with the eagles.Maybe we should have offered to bring you cold drinks,that might have been a better offer since it is so hot today.I can't wait to see the pictures you took this morning. I wonder, are the eagles doing any of their fishing in the pond by the nest, and are they also going out to the Potomac? Just curious.

floralgirl said...

7:04- eaglet in the nest

floralgirl said...

7:06, MT nest again

Anonymous said...

I have stuff up from today. Sorry, I'm a photographer and not a web guru so the web address has changed for my photo album. I'll also try later to get the old and new stuff on the same page. Right now, it's just the stuff from today. The old link won't work. Sorry, but remember what you paid for it! :)

The new stuff is at:

Just Vicky said...

Ok Todd its not working! What's wrong with the address??

Just Vicky said...

Sorry, I got it!!!

Just Vicky said...

Just amazing! Love the "poop" shot!

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to find the site, what am I doing wrong???? HELP !

Just Vicky said...

I retried and I had to make the P in photo a capital and the A in album capital!

Just Vicky said...

Has everyone left this place? Is it echoing again??

Anonymous said...

Vicky I've done that?? I must be doing something else wrong?? Just how did you write out Todds link to find it ?

Anonymous said...

I too had a hard time getting in to Todd's sight. Somehow the computer would add extra characters. Just type exactly like Todd had it. Review after you type to make sure the computer didn't add anything like "www", or added "//". After the third try I finally got in--but I was also very frustrated!

Good Luck,

Just Vicky said...

I just copied it down on paper and typed it in, you might try putting http://www.---------------

Just Vicky said...

What browser are you using?

Just Vicky said...

I could email you the link ??

Anonymous said...

Would you, that would be great. I'm also going to try http://www I'm not sure if I tried that one.
Thank you so much...
my e-mail

Just Vicky said...

Cindi, you have mail!

Anonymous said...

Todd, Thank you sooooooo much! As always, the photos are amazing! I would have come down from Maine to bring you ice packs! How much longer will the eaglets keep coming 'home' to the nest?

Anonymous said...


movin said...

Super pics, Todd!!

This set is easily worth "the price" and much, much more...just beautiful.

I'm curious about your camera-lens set...900 mm in a 35 mm format would be about 18X magnification, but what is it in the digital format? Also, how many megapixels does that model of Nikon feature?

Super work, Todd.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Vicky, I looked at all the pictures and can't pick just one....What is a girl to do ? I sure hope Todd will let us have some or buy some or we can make a kind of book with all the pictures, that way I wouldn't have to decide on just a few??

Just Vicky said...

See Todd, you've got buyers here!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Spidey put up some natural fireworks for us! It looks really cool!

Anonymous said...

Spidey's been busy. It does look like Christmas lights.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh my God. Todd, those pictures are so incredible! Thank you so much. See, had I come with the fan, you could have stayed all day!

Spidey sure looks busy tonight!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:53 p.m. As best as I can tell, there is an MT nest. Hard to tell through the shiny web. Go Spidey!

floralgirl said...

Yea Todd, name your price, you definitely got some buyers out here.That shot of the eagle holding a fish as it soars thru the sky is really beautiful!! And of course,you gotta love the "poop shoot" shot!Thanks again for sharing your pics with us, your fans await

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't wait for Jo to get back and see these pictures. They are just wonderful and one even mentions her and one is for her (poop shoot).

glo said...

Todd thank you so very much. Your pictures are great!!! Are you going back tomorrow LOL.

Storms headed my way. Gonna shut downt he computer. Good night all.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now.

Night, night, Sleep tight, hope we see eaglets in the morning light!

paula eagleholic said...

Those pictures are awesome! Thank you so much!

If you just copy and paste the 2 lines side by side, it will get you to the pic site.

paula eagleholic said...

I think Todd deserves a pie too!

Mema Jo said...

10:41pm Yes! I'm Back! WOW WOW WOW
Thank you, Todd. I rushed to the computer as soon as I got in the door-I really didn't think they would be there yet - but they were. Fantastic photography work by our man, Todd. I can't believe the site he was shooting from - that's quite a distance to get such marvelous photos.I feel very honored being mentioned on the Near Miss. The Poop Shoot is one that should touch the hearts of all Eaglet Momsters & Popsters--such an inside joke we have! We need to have Todd get this in some sort of a printed album - if only to sell to all of us and maybe at places in Shepherstown. We may need to help financially to get it started, but I sure am game to do so. I am very happy and feel so peaceful after seeing these.
1 question I can't get to the first album..... boo hoo!

Mema Jo said...

Now back to the puzzle board. Jim, it may be a few pieces - but be darn if I can make all those branches fit! Where is the original pic found? I always use the puzzle top to the box to help me!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...