Monday, July 03, 2006

Monday July 3

New Thread.


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Mema Jo said...

wvaGal Vicky I certainly enjoyed the poem you composed today. It was really really excellent.
Did you know you had that special talent or did the loss of the live feed just inspire you? LOL

belle_wv said...

Back from the picnic! Todd your pictures eclipsed the fireworks we saw tonight by a long shot! Incredible! I love the majestic shot of the parent carrying the fish - making it all look so effortless! All the pictures are breath-taking - well, one makes me HOLD my breath and duck out of the line of 'fire' LOL!! One shot you got where you were GLAD to be a long distance away?? LOL
Thank you so much for enduring the heat to get these wonderful pcitures and sharing them so quickly with us all! You are a gem!

Mema Jo said...

I think I am out here all alone-so I will close for the evening (always come back around midnight to check things out - I am really a Night Owl with an eagle's heart...........


paula eagleholic said...

Todd couldn't figure out how to get it all on one page, so for now it's just the photos from today

Mema Jo said...

Paula - that makes me feel better - knowing they will return for us to view again and again and again.
Goodnight... SYITM

paula eagleholic said...


Bird Girl said...

**Warning! Long Post!***

I have forgotten who asked, since it was about a million posts ago, but yes, it is possible that one of the juveniles was temporarily ill with some intestinal malfunction, or the bird could have just been too hot or tired...

It's kind of hard to say if the bird was having problems without being able to see the bird -- and the poop!

Jim, I think you had asked about adding hyperlinks in the blog posts. In the comments sections, the HTML tags are limited (bold, italics, underline) and you cannot add a hyperlink in the comment, as far as I know.

mema-jo, thank you for the lovely comment! I hope that I have been able to give everyone links that they enjoy, and that they can learn from. I am a firm believer in learning something new everyday. In fact, today I learned that if you don't have gloves on, a kestral's talons REALLY HURT!!! LOL... Also, thanks for the comment about my real first name (Delphia) it's from Greek mythology: the oracle at Delphi, which was the site where the Pythia would forsee the future of the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus; it can also mean "dolphin" (the Common dolphin is Delphinus delphis) and "love" (Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love -- the "phila-" part is brother, "-delphia" is love). Waaaaay more than you really needed to know! I've always been the only "Delphia" at any school I attended or company I worked for -- even the brokerage firm with over 30 thousand employees!

Hope everybody has (had?) a safe Fourth.

For anyone who may be near Lexington, Massachusetts, say a heartfelt "thank you" from me to my ancestors, brave Colonial militia who engaged the British Redcoats on that fateful day when the American Revolution began so long ago...

Talk to everyone soon!

Bird Girl

glo said...

Good morning all Happy 4th to you. Good morning Spunky could we see a little more patriotic kinds of stuff today. I hope you are not sink even a little. Maybe you need to learn where the good water is, and from what I've been reading there is lots around to choose from.

The turtle shells look very neatly placed. Are they waiting for a refill ?

floralgirl said...

Man ,we need a new thread.Happy 4th of July-3 eaglets in nest at 8:18.

Geula said...

HI! Happy 4th to all!

I see 3 in the nest...first time ive seen that in a long time! but no live feed.

Are there new Todd pics to be seen anywhere?

8:18....2 in the nest

belle_wv said...

Happy Fourth to all! Glad all three kids stopped in first thing this morning. They must be getting ready for a picnic :) I bet they know all those fireworks are for their honor and enjoyment!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi, Mits! How are you? We have missed you!!

Good morning every body and I hope you have a wonderful Independence Day!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just looked at the March blog page and there were 12 comments made on the blog from 3/20 to 3/31. My how we have grown! Sometimes have to have 3-4 different new threads a day.

Mema Jo said...

GEULA You have mail with link to photos.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:57 a.m. Eaglet in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

I'm with ya! Looks like rest time. It is so humid & hot today - I don't blame anyone for trying to find some shade...

glo said...

Good morning again to all. Quick stop to check things out. Glad all 3 were in the nest. Did anyone get a picture or maybe even just add it to the loop. Sharon Do you have a good FRAPS from any of the goings on yesterday while live feed was up. Got groceries to put away. Started my family grocery shopping...first time I bought any baby food in a long time !!! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He certainly knows where to find good shade and a comfortable place to lay!

Mema Jo said...

I am here - with just the still pics I could not tell what all was going on in that nest. I mainly would see wings... I need that Live Feed..BooHoo

glo said...

Yep I'm sure there was action too. Wondered if maybe Spunky doesn't want to share the nest at the moment...Hmmm I would so-o-o-o- love the live feed. haveing my tea break so sitting close by for a few. have a friend coming buy with high chair and pack and play any minute though :-)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo and Jo - you've got mail!

Mema Jo said...

Janet M I think everyone must have had a picnic scheduled for noon or else went swimming! Hope you are relaxing since all your company has left. I am going to do as little as possible today inside my air conditioned home.

Mema Jo said...

12:15pm Still one in the nest..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

JanetM - labs are my absolute favorite dogs but considering I have 4 dogs already, I had better decline. One of mine is a lab/shepherd mix, absolutely loves water unless I am giving him a bath, then he hates it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So I guess it is safe to assume the wind is whipping there. Could see the eaglet for the leaf!

Mema Jo said...

12:20pm 1 in nest has been at launch pad site for awhile - don't know a visitor is expected or trying to decide if it is time to fly out..
The sides of the nest are like - no more. Going to need a major overhaul next year. Maybe the cam will come on when Belle & Liberty start the work...

Mema Jo said...

12:29pm MT NEST
except for the turtle shells...

Mema Jo said...

Happy Fourth, Melissa.. One of these days it just could have all 3 and parents too - just for you.
Have you looked at Todd's pictures from yesterday?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MisMel - you've got mail!

movin said...


[I was tempted to say "soar with the eagles," but I resisted, as you can see........]

Well, I'm a couple of hours late to see all 3 eaglets in the nest, and now there are 0!! Think I'll go get a foot long chili dog with cheese and onions and pig out until I forget my disappointment...

Seriously, have a h... of a good 4th, enjoy yourselves. Come back safe.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:36 p.m. Parent and eaglet in the nest, now just mantling eaglet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Excuse me - 2 eaglets in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

1:42 pm Finishing lunch when what should appear on my cam but a nest full of eaglets............ wishing us all a happy 4th.........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:58 p.m. No more mantling. Looks like they are both watching somebody behind the camera!

Mema Jo said...

1:57pm The 2 in the nest seem to be looking at something. Their heads turning in exact patterns...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

JanetM - let us know when you add your shots. I will go through and see which ones you have added before I add the 25 million I got today! Didn't get any of the 3 in the nest though. I missed that one!

Mema Jo said...

I closed my LOOP popup window that shows me when something is added - the trouble was it wasn't just our loop - it included all loops & the pop up was distracting.

Mema Jo said...

Spunky is ducking something - You think he is going to get pinged again, Sharon. - BigBoy is looking for something out there
Do you think it is Spunky & Big Boy??
VOTE ______ Yes
______ No
______ Maybe


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are sitting so still, only moving their heads back and forth. Would love to know what they are seeing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I vote yes!

movin said...

Happened to look back around 2 p.m., and see the two male eaglets, Mr Inbetween and Spunky, looking for Dad to bring them lunch... They both look pretty hungry.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Too bad we don't have the live feed. I love my pinging video!

glo said...

Well Jo when our eaglets soar on out of here on us, we will have lots of times to figure out best how to get the Loop to function just the way we want it to. Mine only shows when something is added to one of the 2 eaglet loops I have started. Actually it shows if something is added to 2 others also, but that doesn't seem to happen often.

I did notice if I go to add something to a fresh loop and go backwards I end up seeing my garden loop. Just curious is this what's happening. Nice garden but no eagles LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo needs to put the pinging video somewhere on her blog!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Awww, a little togetherness!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Rest time!

Jo, do you think when that little bird pinged the eaglet, it thought it was going to carry it out of there? Talk about grandiose behavior. LOL.

Mema Jo said...

I was getting the alerts that comments had been made to the Entertainment Loop.. Only once was I notified that 'someone' added a comment to the June Eagle Loop. I forgot to ask you and/or Sharon if it were you but I knew it had to be one of you.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I can't imagine what that little bird was thinking when he was pinging our eaglets. Of course the eaglet was totally astounded by the attack. Yes, It should go on GLO's site for all to see. Also on that site should be the one where Spunky is practicing and bounces off the one tree limb - you remember that one?

I haven't seen any gardens yet, GLO.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I do remember that one. I will look for it.

glo said...

OK So help me, Which one is the pinging video. I watche july 3 twice and don't see it. Not sure I have it, but then again its been a pretty busy couple of weeks. Of to my neighbors for cookout, but back mid afternnon. So glad we do have some camera action today!!!

Mema Jo said...

Janet M If you have already registered, I wouldn't look for the invite. When you click on a pic in the July Loop - At the bottom of the pic you should see ACTIONS
Add photos is one of the options.
Select it and then it let's you browse. I selected about 7 photos by holding down the CTRL and cllicking on my pictures in the My Documents-My Pictures where I save them in albums.
They were all added to the Loop. GoodLuck

Mema Jo said...

2:34 pm One in Nest resting..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, you've got mail. The incident occurred on 6/8/2006. It was pretty interesting! I thought I had sent it to you when I sent it to Jo, but maybe not!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Storm brewing here! Sounding pretty ugly out there!

Mema Jo said...

3:00pm Not resting anymore - on side of nest - either getting ready to go or awaiting visitor........What's it going to be.. Looks like Spunky..

Mema Jo said...

3:04pm Nope! not going anywhere - too hot to travel... Just going to lie down here & cover this turtle shell so no one can see it...

Mema Jo said...

3:30pm Funny little Spunkster! Was on the launch pad site - looking at whatever was going on out & beyond. Hopped up to the 12:00 position & plopped down for another rest....

Mema Jo said...

Watching the BC, Canada, eaglets. Big Sis is out on her favorite limb to the left of the tree trunk & Lil Bro is up walking all around the nest to the right of the tree trunk - quite visible for a change. Like Sharon said - that tree does Sway in the wind.

Mema Jo said...

4:00pm Still lying in the nest..

Mema Jo said...

Both adult storks are in the nest with little (getting larger) Hugo. He still whimpers like a little lost puppy dog.

Mema Jo said...

4:15pm Adult in & Out... 2 in the nest...InBetween & mantling means no food....

Mema Jo said...

Changed my ID to Spunky & BigBoy.. I'm allowed to do that you know.....LOL

4:28pm BigBoy took off.... Spunky still in nest at his favorite 12:00 position............

Mema Jo said...

4:34pm Patience is a virtue.. Mom came in & Spunky mantling - FOOD !
Another eaglet under the cam at tree trunk - can't see yet who it is.

Mema Jo said...

I think BigBoy followed the adult in BUT Spunky holding his own.....

You know - after the 10th comment or more in a row - I KNOW I AM THE ONLY ONE NOT AT A PICNIC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Mema Jo said...

Janet M HI THERE! I think we were told the adults train for 6-8 weeks before they hunt/fish on their own. You see the activity in the NEST???

Anonymous said...

2 in the nest. First I've see them today, been in and out. Hope everyone is having a Wonderful 4th of July.

Mema Jo said...

Taking a good many shots for the LOOP

Mema Jo said...

4:48pm I have not seen any eating..saw the mantling .. you thnk they can mantle & eat at the same time...?

Mema Jo said...

Hope I don't miss anything for all you blog readers - but I am going to the Loo & answering the phone.

Mema Jo said...

5:05pm only one in the nest....

glo said...

Cool Jo, so you have pictures of an adult with food drop for today right. Great!!! I'm back from picnic LOL

Just Vicky said...

So, Glo's back from the picnic! Bet you talked about eagles and a certain "grand child?"

Mema Jo said...

5:30pm Spinkster is still at his favorite 12:00 position on the nest. I haven't seen his feet move once - but there has been movement of his head - I was beginning to think the cam had frozen even though the timer keeps ticking. I wish he would hop around a little or fly off or some visitors come in.

Mema Jo said...

GLO & VICKY I'm so glad you're here & hope your picnics were fun.
I am going to get some dinner & then return. Keep an eye on the Spunkster! I'm sure he is still waiting for some food.
I do have some good shots - later this evening I will add to the Loop for you to see, GLO.

glo said...

LOL Yep BOTH of those subjects were part of lunch. These people are just like family to me. They will actually be the first to see Elia in person on Sunday Morn before we get her ready for church, and show her off there, and then the compnay really comes after her afternoon nap. All they have heard is about babyproofing the house. My escapades at the baby food counter. Funny story about disposable diapers too but I'll spare you!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just checking in from a friend's house. Been showing off Todd's pictures and the eaglet in the nest. Will probably be out late tonight for fireworks. Will be on early in the morning though. Take good notes!!

Mema Jo said...

GLO I did load 19 pics from this afternoon onto the LOOP. There is a lot for me to learn about the Loop. Each time I go in to it, I learn something new. Just found all the comment screens.

Adult eagle in nest & Spunky runs to meet her

Mema Jo said...

6:40pm Spunky mantling & BigBoy was right there again behind the adult.

Mema Jo said...

JANET M I think Steve said that this is the 3rd consecutive year that Belle and Liberty have come back to this nest.

Go to Glo's Blog: NCTC Eagles of Shepherdstown


Mema Jo said...

6:53pm Only Spunky in nest. I really can't swear there was any food drop with the last adult's visit. Big Boy has gone from the nest.

Mema Jo said...

YAHOO! 7:06pm I really wasn't looking but when I checked the cam, Spunky has flown out of the nest...GLO and I were getting concerned about him hanging out for so long..
Watch now - the little devil will come right back!!!


Mema Jo said...


glo said...

Looks like Spunky left a little over half an hour after adult came by. I was feeding and walking dogs so don't know if he was hanging around for mealtime, OR if she just dropped in and said Dinner is being served over here in half an hour. OT maybe she said...You got to bring the salad now go hunt up a rabbit or something.

glo said...

8:25 eagle time...nest is still empty.

glo said...

No wonder I am talking to myself, there is a new thread!! DUH

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...