Tuesday, May 09, 2023

5 8 23. 2 fishies 1 duckling


Nice 🐟



I double time this all the videos that are above of him Winger size and I think there is six of them or five and I put them all together the regular speed was too many MBs for the stupid blog is 120 and B's but it's really weird what I double time did it brought it down to 68 don't understand that but I put I'm going to post it here I laughed my butt off it's funny


Nice 🐟

🐥 duckling

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...