Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Today's obituary for Jo lets folks know that they can send checks in Jo's memory to the Eaglecam c/o me at the NCTC address. I will forward anything I get to the Friends of the NCTC, who manage the eagle cam donation account.
For an alternative and quicker method for the eaglecam donations in Jo's memory, use this link .
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3/12/25 PM 🐟
12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...

Sunday thread.
TGIF thread.
Weekend thread, a little late...
R THE NEW THREAD STEVE AND THE LINK I shall call the others
thanks you for got lost
Thanks Steve. Thanks Judy.
Thank you Steve....Mom wanted to make sure the donations went to the Cam and I knew you would know how to get it there.
Love you Jennifer. You are your Mother's daughter. Taking all the steps and doing it right.
Like Lolly at the time of the service I will be with you all from British Columbia, Canada.
Thank you Steve for the link. I tried to make a donation yesterday and I was not too successful.
Emotionally I am not quite with it!
I do not like it when my friends get their big promotions before me.
It is what it is, and it is like that. So here I am very unbalanced and doing my best to celebrate Jo.
Today turtles! So cool.
Love you all.
God Rest your Soul Jo. Glad you are done with this damned spot.
I expect an incredibly intelligent and compassionate welcoming committee when I get there.
Looking for an eagle cane, just because you have one... Love you...
Lost my avatar>>>don't like this new google
I had had Normabyrd on my mind for a couple of days so I called this morning just to check on her. Her caretaker answered the phone, I tried to explain as best I could who I am. She asked Normabyrd if she remembered my name, she said no. She asked her if she remembered the name "Normabyrd" and she said no. It made me cry. I knew that was coming. So we've lost her before actually losing her. I found a short little video from one of the nest visits that has Jo, Lynn and Normabyrd in it, I think. I will post it after I get off work.
When anyone asks a question on here as to what we should do, my first thought is to ask Jo. :(
Jenny, my thoughts are with you all. It is so awesome how many folks Jo affected in her life.
I remember Normabird....she had the first Eagle She has got to be close to 100yrs old. I am sure she remembers in her heart.
Hoda, Mom knows you and Lolly will be there in your hearts.
What a cool tribute to a wonderful lady! Thanks Steve! No words, just much love to everyone who's missing Jo :)
Jenn I know your Mom knows Vicky and I will be there in our hearts too for sure. I don't know how the private service online later works but I will watch for info if it applies to friends etc. I have a long post on the other thread from this afternoon. I kind of like it over there and am just not ready to come here just yet. I may talk to myself over there for a while. I'm ok with that. It just feels about as close to her as I can ever get again because it is HER thread.
You are right Jenny, she did have the first eagle cane.
Okay folks. We are getting an eagle arrangement made, just like the one that was for Gene's service. The total cost is $375 and if you want to pitch in, just let us know so you can be included. It is absolutely beautiful!
Tears again.... (((((((( Glo )))))))) I know what you mean. I felt like that too. I feel like I lost a piece of Mom... When Mom passed she left 4 great women to take me in under their Eagle Wings. Now I have lost one. Hurts so much. I Love US. and Hold each of you ever so close to my heart.
Thank you, Jeeny. Oh, dear more tears! (Hugs) for you!
Should add we need to know who is going in on the flowers. Wanda has ordered it and we need to send the money to Wanda.
Regarding EAGLE CANEs I bought one at the gift shop at Nctc just like the one JO has in the picture
I am in on the flowers as well as donation I am going to make to the cam
SHAR, it is a very special arrangement. I've never seen one like it. I'm sure it will make Jo proud and comfort her family.
JUDYE, thanks for the call over.
STEVE, Gracias for the link. I really appreciate it!
Big hugs for everyone. I think we're doing amazing considering such a big loss. Even when I took a break from the blog when I just got too busy to keep up, JO still messaged, emailed and showed up on my Facebook page.
JENNY, thank you so much for being such a comfort to us right now. Like HODA said, you are your mother's daughter. Is there anything we can do for you?
Please count me in on the flowers. Just made my donation to the cam.
Jenny, I agree with the others that you are a big comfort to us and you are your mother's daughter. <3
We are thinking $20 each to Wanda for the Eagle flowers! Money goes to Wanda!
Andy, I just posted on the old thread. I sent you an email. Did you get it. That was when Jo went into hospice.
SED, all. (((Hugs)))
I went to donate with the link Steve provided.
It is for Americans only!
States, no Provinces.
It filled in my address and all my info on its on...
It does not recognize British Columbia or Canada...
Use the info that Jenny provided is my next step and hope Her Majesty's Postal service does not go out on strike or get locked out...
There are times I wished I had a US address!!!
Never you mind...
I will deal with this...
Jenny...the tough old bird picture is perfect ❤ will make it thru the mail. Love you!
Time to say good night.
Paula, it is so good to see you on here. Jo would love it!
I sent two pictures to Steve, not knowing if anyone had done so.
SED! ((Hugs))
Good night all.
I love us.
The picture of Jo with her Tough Old Bird Shirt is an awesome one.
Goodorming my eagle friends.
I agree that the photo of Jo in her "tough old bird" shirt is a great one. Thanks Lolly for sending the 2 photos to Steve.
Prayers for Ed, Jo's children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren during these very difficult days.
morning all. will definitely chip in to the flowers. not a problem. thanks for coordination Jennifer. Love to all.
Good morning eagle buds heading our for a bit but will take tablet with me
Morning everyone.
Honestly have not felt like posting. Just knowing that Jo will not be "reading back" is sobering.
Jennifer, I hope that we have been a comfort to you as much as you have been a comfort to us. Wrapping you and your family in virtual hugs and real love.
Due to my health I am unable to attend Jo's service but will be there in spirit.
In keeping with Jo's wishes I am making a donation toward sustaining the cam.
Be extra nice to yourselves. Our wings are bruised.
Oh NCSuzan, what a perfect description of the Eaglet Momsters - our wings are bruised. They certainly are.
GM everyone. ty for that heart felt short sentence for today NCSuzan. Make it a good day everyone. Our gal was never one to just sit around and think down. She was an inspiration and encourage. She has left several tough old birds and a few not so old ones here. We got this. (((((Mantles)))))) work for all of us right now.
Good morning!
Taking the boys home this morning. I should say I am taking them home after Joseph wakes up. Lol
Will stay long enough to see that Jacob unpacks and puts away his clothes. Joseph will do it without supervision.
Have been eating well with the boys here this week. Will diet after they are gone, get back to walking, and lose the couple pounds I put on with them here. Yikes!
Have a great day! ICFTEBSFTFIHM. 😍
K then!!!
Translation please???
Good Morning Eagle Buds,
Thinking of all Momsters n' Dadsters non-stop as we absorb the need to say farewell to our dear, dear JO. Bruised wings indeed, but they will heal and we'll have memories, reminders, things to share. She will always be a part of us, just as our precious Lynn/Hedgie is. What a couple of great, great ladies!
Hot, humid, July! Ugh! Hope you're all coping with the weather and staying indoors with the A/C as much as possible.
Prayers for the Lennox family and all others in need of blessings.
Hoda the translation is I came for the Eagles but stayed for the friends I have made
Lovely thought Suzan and how very true. I've been away from home for a week so I am doing yard work today. I will be back later.
Bruised wings I LOVE IT SUZAN
LOLLY also I love the ICFTEBSFTFIHM and thanks for sending the pic to Steve for NCTC I wasn't sure if it was done by anyone yet
I mailed my check to WANDA
went to do PAYPAL and odd I no longer have a acct I know I cancelled part of it the paypal credit part that I accidentally clicked once but not the paypal acct hooked to my creditcard
So be it guess will have to redo a acct but didn't want to mess with it at present time
Its storming again our daily summer storms
Home! Was a long trip because of a fatality accident and interstate closed! Ugh!
Lol. Sorry tohave confused you, Hoda! Paula figured it out! Lol
hey all. bruised wings and bruised hearts. but I love the image of mantling....of holding each other close.....
WANDA: $$ is en route for the flowers.
hug yourself and be kind to yourself and let us be kind to one another.
I should have figured that out Paula! Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
Enjoyed my morning hiking six KM with a three year old. He was a delight.
Then we went to the beach.
Getting on to say good night! It has been a long day and having the boys here as awesome as it was also very tiring.
Night all! SED!
Hi, Everyone,
Didn't make it back here last night--fell asleep in my chair after dinner.
Wanda, I'm mailing the money for the flowers tomorrow.
Lolly, I'm having some real issues with my laptop--to make a long story short, I may have to upgrade (?) to Windows 10 soon. I use Windows Vista, and lately have had a BIG problem with Internet Explorer. What I'm trying to say is, I didn't get your e-mail because of the glitch. Thanks for the effort, though! Hope you're managing to stay reasonably cool with the weather there in Texas! It was 96 here today, and we're under a heat advisory for the next 2 days because it's supposed to get hotter. Guess us Californians are a bunch of wimps....
... I still can hardly believe that Jo is no longer here! My greatest consolation, though, is that I know she and Lynn/Hedgie and Deb Palmer are together now! And, I bet Liberty is with them, too! Now there's an amazing thought!
Well, guess I'd better get going. Emma needs some attention tonight. Ken and I
were pretty busy today, and she didn't get as much lap time as usual.
By the way, Ken sends his heartfelt condolences to everyone. Sending up prayers for Jo's entire family, and all the Momsters & Dadsters. ((HUGS)) for everyone!
I'll most likely be back here tomorrow evening. Have a restful night's sleep, everyone, with SED. God bless us all. I ♥ us!!!
Good night all.
Happy Red Friday.
Praying for the Troops. God Bless them all.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️
Good morning eagle buds
Watching Jordyn at her house today
Hope everyone has a good day
Morning all. Heading to Larry's for a few days.
I've read back through the blog and Fb chat but I can't find Wanda's address and how much to send for the eagle flowers. Does anyone know?
SUZAN, I've been gloomy too and haven't felt like posting.
((((((HUGS))))))) ♥
So nice to see you here, PAULA!
Have a nice weekend and hello to Larry. ♥
Sandi, you might want to delete Wanda's address from here as it is open to the public. I gave Lori her email address on Facebook chat. :)
The heavens have opened! Bike ride cancelled. It is a soaker out there. We are supposed to have Market Fest tonight! Open Market with music downtown Nelson. A street dance of sorts. I hope it eases off to just normal rain!!! Not much hope of no rain or blue skies!!!
Safe travels Paula.
As others have said you are greatly missed here when you do not post.
I love the Red Cardinal picture you posted.
Love Love Love you Jo. Hope you and Lynn have met up by now and are catching up with one another.
Good evening everyone. Keeping busy as always focusing on things I enjoy doing for others. Sure makes a day go by quickly. Looked at the clock and wow it is almost time to feed and walk Patches. She always lets me know. Stayed overcast today so not quite so hot which is really a good thing BUT it stormed half the night so folks are tired. I will mail my money off to Wanda early next week. Hugs for all. Did you wear red today? You know that was always very important to MeMa Jo.
Lawn is mowed, dry spots watered. It is 100!
ANDY......we are hanging in there with the heat. Do not venture out much in the middle of the day.
Sent $20.00 to Wanda via PayPal. Also made donation to cam support via PayPal.. So convient!
Was telling people on our fb blog this story. A few days ago Laurel and friends at lodge in CO saw a momma bear and cub out by the garage. Well, they were gone yesterday tubing, shopping, and eating out. When they returned home they found Marissa's car had been broken into by the bear. Bear broke a window, did lots of damage to car. Also, bear attacked humming bird feeder on deck. X paw prints were on one of the sliding glass doors by the deck. A Colorado parks and wildlife ranger cam out. He brought back a bear trap. Will relocate bear and cub if possible. Hope relocating for bear works. One of the girls was extending her vacation and her hubby had arrived. He knew how to cover the broken window, so they could travel home today. A very scary situation! Glad he did not try to break into the house!
Those of you not on fb, I have to tell you there has been a lot of chatting and picture sharing. Silliness too! It is so easy to post, share pictures and it is a private group!!
Love and hugs!
This is the link to Friends of NCTC. They have posted a great picture of Jo and a wonderful tribute to her.
Evening, all!
Good evening all. Where is Wanda's address so I can contribute to the flowers. I will also donate to Eagle Cam...I would like to mail it to Steve if he doesn't mind. I am still planning on attending the service. Not sure how...I will be working 6 days with my boss on vacation. Along with that a two day sale Friday and Saturday plus a decent week long sale. If no one minds I will probably be at the church at 11:00 and have to leave before the end. I will be dressed to go to work and hope it doesn't look bad. I can only imagine how much you all miss Jo. I only briefly talked to her in person but we did "talk" some on Facebook and e-mail. It seems funny to me to be posting knowing she won't be here to respond. Take care all.
Good evening,
Just wanted to say good night.
SED, everyone.
Good Morning Eagle Buds
Going to be going to a self defense class with Angie Jordyn and a bunch of friends I think 7 kids total with parents Jordyn old VPK teacher and her husband do this
Hope everyone has a great day in what ever you do
Listening to the news and just got reminded we only have two more months to go of this heat
Gonna head out for a bit before it gets to stinking hot
Good afternoon.... Just got my notification on the eagle cam... I made a donation, and they let me know that they attached my comment to the page. How sweet. I love you Momma Jo!! and I love you all too.
Yes it is going to hot hot hot. for the next 10 days here, every day above 90 excpt maybe 3 days.
LOL Good Morning.... I am here at work and it seems like the afternoon already.. Now I am bummed that it is still morning.
Love to all, Mema Jo's flock of Eagle lovers.
All good here. Went to an Ikebana course yesterday. Beautiful arrangements.
Thinking of Jo and the Service.
Love that we will send an eagle arrangement.
Love that Megan will have two arrangements too.
Theatre tonight.
Yoga in an hour. Too hot to cycle.
Jerry I have pm you Wanda's address on message in facebook.
Hello my eagle budlets. I'm on the pontoon boat in the middle of the lake hoping to see an eagle. Hope everyone is well today. I love us!
Good afternoon! Being really lazy today. Laurel is home and spent a long time on the phone talking about the bear. She explained a lot about the bear trap. Very interesting! They had not been in the garage and decided to check it out. The previous group staying there had left garbage in the garage! Grrrrr!
Another hot day. Walked around some earlier. Cut a couple of roses and thought of Jo.
Thank you, Glo for sending a message to Jerry.
Have a good day!
Well!!! That's all I can say, Sharon! Lol
Do not burn! Do not want wrinkles!😱😬
good Saturday afternoon to all. thick thick thick hot hot hot sticky sticky sticky that's our weather. air you can wear! ugh. summer in Tennessee!
we went to outback steakhouse last night. it opened a couple of weeks ago. saw a storm rolling in our way, well let me tell you! the skies opened up. it was raining sideways! and it lasted a good hour. we received over 2 " of rain in that hour! lightning struck a nearby school and quite literally blew the chimney off of it.
when we got home, we found the fence between our home and Aldi's was completely blown down save but for a piece that is stick to a tree that had grown up....and we always keep the steps on the hot tub cover as it sometimes will be blown off in a storm. these are heavy wooden steps. it blew the steps and the cover off of the hot tub!thankfully the side of the deck stopped them as it could have easily blown into the front windshield of the RV....
thankful all is well!
work was good today.
came home. saw a cardinal in the yard. thought of Jo.
hope everyone is well. hugs and love to all.
Thanks Gloria. Got your message. I am going to do the online Cam Donation. I will send a check to Wanda.
OK. Got the donation done and will get a check to Wanda early next week. Thanks again Gloria.
check your email on fb
Still at Angie
Here is the site for moms funeral....sorry I did not post it here before I forgot mom had told me in the past that not everyone has a FB page. For those of you that can't attend on Sat there is a area that you can write your condolences on this site.
Lolly..thanks for the link to the friends page. clothes are fine!
Good morning,
Actually bowled a 147 game at practice yesterday. For me, that is very good.
Will and Steph stopped by for a visit last night after they brought my car back. (Will had borrowed it to go to work because his car is having problems.) Nice to see them.
So hot and humid.
I love us, too.
Good morning!❤️ Off to church. Reception after church for a 60th anniversary of friends. Having a very lazy weekend. Chance of rain this week. Need to get out the ol' rainstick from CarolAnne and give it a good shake!😜
Have not heard from CarolAnne recently. Hope all is well!
Good afternoon eagle buds
Wow late nite last lite 1 when I got home I am so sleepy. To old for that LOL
LOLLY shake that stick in my direction 3inches here while I was not at home yesterday
Went shopping school supplies last night with Angie saves her 10% every little helps
Have a great day one and all
Got my notice that they got my donation for cam
on Fri about 4
Not showing on site yet
I guess being it was late on Fri is why.
Must not work on weekends so hope it show up Mon
What is going on around here?
Sandi is abusing Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream and Lolly is prancing around the store with 2 different shoes on!
Hey, Lynne! Just starting a new fashion! Jealous?
Getting on to say goodnight! A lot of laughs at church concerning my shoes! Also,over 70 likes , reactions and comments on fb. So very happy to bring smiles to everyone!
Nite all! SED
morning all. wow. one new comment since I last peeked.
don't go away ya'll.
everyone have a great day....
Good morning eagle buds
Gonna go out before are it rains
Good morning.
Janet, it seems as though most of the chat has taken place on the group messenger on Facebook. To me it is more convenient and more immediate, but it does leave several of us out.
I check the still can daily, hoping to see an eagle flying by, but no luck so far. I'm looking forward to the repairs. Jo is probably keeping watch.
Stay cool everyone.
Good morning! Chance of rain here! Hoping, hoping, hoping!
A little house work today, a little outside work, not much of the agenda! 😄
Have a great day!
Just read the email from nctc and they asked permission to post comment that is why I guess it wasn't there. I just responded to them to post OK
Did the do the same to any one else?????
Hugs everyone. Sitting here thinking of Jo. Amazed how someone half of us never even met in person, feel so touched by her passing. Just more proof of how remarkable she was.
Thanks to Judie for checking to see if I knew of her death. And the note from Wanda.
MEMA JO'S daughter wants to have our permission to use quotes from the blog reflecting how we feel about Jo and her transitioning.
There will not be time for a Eulogy in the reception. So many of us, me included wrote her wanting our words to be read.
There will be TWO BINDERS. One for the family and one for Jo's Momsters and DADSTERS.
So if you object to having Jennifer use your blog posts, only concerning Jo's passing, please let me know ASAP.
I assured her that knowing everyone on the blog we would be honoured to have our words included in a book of Rememberance of our Mema Jo.
If you object please email me through the group email list. Let me know ASAP.
Jennifer is Jo's daughter who is asking.
Mr Jo, or as we also call him, Mr Ed said the following
" Dad said that we could have some people speak but not everyone. I do think however one of the Eaglet momster should say something, I know mom would have wanted that. I would also like to put a pic of you and anyone else from the blog in the binder, if you all want. They can email the pics to I don't mind my email being on the blog."
I nominate PAULA to speak on our behalf.
Write Jennifer and send a picture ASAP.
God Bless Jennifer.
You are doing your mother proud.
HODA you have a period on the end of the email MAKE sure if anyone uses it to take of the period It came up invalid for me
I sent some pictures of my visit up there Thanks for the info HODA
I check the eagle cam page and so far my comment isn't on it will check again tomorrow
Tell her she also should check FB for pic lot of people been posting pictures there
Jennifer's email.
Thank you Judy for your note to delete the end period.
Much appreciate it.
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Judy, I do not know if Jennifer has enough time, with all what is going on, to go to various sources on FB.
I just relayed what she asked of me.
Perhaps you could suggest it in an email to her? I do not know...up to you. Thank you.
I think Mema Jo would be pleased with us both just now. Thank you.
Getting on to say good night!
Hoped for rain today but no luck!
Looks like Jack is getting sick. He is feeling bad and under a blanket watching the news.???
Nite all! SED!
Good night Lolly and everyone.
Sorry Jack is getting sick.
Is it a summer cold?
Good morning all!
Somehow it has been a week since Mema Jo earned her big promotion!
Amazing rather. God Rest Your Soul Jo.
Sandi, not like you.
You have not posted for a while.
Thinking of you.
It's a very sad day (again) here. We will say goodbye to our big gray and white cat Parker this evening when a mobile vet comes to our house. He is about 10. We took him to a veterinary internal med specialist a while back and found out he has a blocked bile duct. Surgery would only give him a year, but the vet said it's usually not a very good year so she did not recommend it. We adopted Parker in Frederick. He was thrown out of a moving car window in the back parking lot of the Animal Welfare League's cat shelter. Their loss was certainly our gain. He's been a caretaker to everyone in the house, humans and animals.
LYNNE1 / GRANNY, I added JANET to the Facebook chat and tried to add you but you are already on it. :) Anyone on Fb can add people or take themselves off the conversation. I am so sorry if anyone was left out.
Thanks HODA. It would be wonderful to use our words for Jo.
Good morning my eagle budlets.
I love us!
Hugs Lori.
Yes, missing Sandi.
I would be honored to say a few words at Jo's service. I sent Jenny a message.
Good morning eagle buds
LOLLY hope JACK gets better soon
I emailed her Jenny some pic. She emailed me back. She had already had the pics from when I posted on her moms fb page
She has made a beautiful tribute board with pic on it.
My comment still isn't on the can page.
Hmmm wonder why I did email back that they could post it. Well be patient maybe the are busy
Good morning! Jack is on his way to get a prescription the doctor phoned in. Jack has a urinary track infection. This is his "specialty". Meds will wipe it out! very sorry. It hurts! ((Hugs))
PAULA, thank you! You will represent us well! ❤️
Another hot day but again a chance of rain!
Sandi is OK. She is missing Jo like we all are.
good afternoon to all. hazy hot and humid. current heat index 102.
LORI: I am so sorry you have to let your sweet baby over the rainbow bridge. ((((hugs))))
PAULA: thank you for being our voice.
LORI: Sigh. I love facebook and will just have to get over myself and pop in there and post there as well. I am just very attached to this particular site.
busy day. work. chiropractor. errands. now home. making curry chicken for dinner.
love to all.
Good evening, all!
Lori, so sorry about Parker. Their loss is definitely your gain. They didn't deserve him, JMHO.
Paula, Janet said it well; thank you for being our voice.
Hoda, thanks for relaying the request from Jenny/Mr. Ed.
Good night or is it good morning??!!
Do not drink Matcha Tea after 7 PM!
Yikes The Tea Way tradition that I attended tonight, served Matcha and I have yet to sleep!!!
Love to Jo and her journey.
Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc!
It is five in the morning your time...
Someone is bound to post soon?
Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc
Please someone post soon...???
Good morning.
I was in SD last week and wasn't able to go to the funeral and missed the messages about flower donations. I will donate to the cam instead.
Please keep my dad in your prayers. I know I haven't been on much, but you all have always been a great support. The nurses are asking mom about final wishes and such. Dad has been in and out of hospital along with battling the cancer. He had a perforated bowel back in Jan. And we didn't think he as going to pull through, but he did and moved on. He had a bleed recently that sent him to the hospital. They fixed the bleed, transfused him and the one doc was ready to send him home, but his family doc did not because of some levels being high or low (sorry not sure which it was). So after lying in bed he now has pneumonia and they think he isn't going to come out of it.
We got home from SD and went straight to the hospital, I'm not convinced that this is the end, but the one doctor is and I don't know if I'm in denial or what but I think he has given up on my dad, but not the cancer doc. He is like let's take care of this pneumonia. I'm not sure what to think. I'm in the anger and denial stage! Lol! None of this is on Facebook, please don't say anything over there.
It's been the year from hell for me. My dad is only part of it. Don't believe all the rosy stuff on Facebook. I'd like to pack my bags and run away.
Well isn't that just the most uplifting post...sorry.
Dana prayers started as of now for you and for your Dad and family. Hang in there Lady hang in there.
Your Dad gave it the MOST amazing run. He is a good good man. If it is his time you have to let him go. He is a man of Faith and you have always lived your faith. God's Blessings to you and to all you are facing.
Being friends is not about cheerful posts. We are here for you.
Generally your Dad has always been in my prayers. I am upping it as you asked.
JO's service is this weekend. Many MOMSTERS and Jerry DADSTER will attend. If you are able to go do, and lean on your friends. You are not alone. We will see you through this and any other tough spots you are going through.
It is not about how often you post.
It is about us coming for the Eagles and staying for the friendships we've made.
Jo would be very pleased that you posted and that you shared with your blog family.
God Bless.
Thanks Hoda!!! I totally thought I missed the mass!
Dana, thank you also for donating to the camera on Jo's behalf. It is a good way to keep her memory alive and connected to the nest she so supported. You are going the contribution where it matters...Paula will speak on our behalf.
No friend. The Mass is this weekend. I will tell you what Mema would tell you. It would be an honour if you could be there. Yet remember that FAMILY always comes first. See how things are unfolding for your Dad. Even a last minute to attend decision is good. You do not live far away, she so loved you and your way of being. God Bless young Lady. God Bless.
Goodorming my eagle friends. Thanks for worrying about me. I am fine. It just makes me sad to come to the blog because it's a reminder that my friend Jo is gone.
Dana, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad. He has really been through so much - what a fighter. He will be in my prayers, as will you and the rest of your family. I'm also sorry to hear that it has been a rough year for you otherwise - I hope the things that are unsettled settle down for you.
Lori, it's so sad that you are losing another pet. It's the only bad part of owning them for sure.
Hoda, it's good to see you posting on the blog again! Will you try to sleep this morning or just stay awake until tonight?
We have had company since Saturday - friends from Baltimore with their teenage daughter and a friend. This afternoon they leave and our nephew, who lives in TX arrives with his 2 boys. Jake is in the Army and just returned from 18 months in Afghanistan. So he drove to Missouri with the boys to visit his parents (my brother and sister-in-law), then he's coming here, and then heading to Virginia to visit a friend. His wife will not be with them, as she is in TX working. Still, it will be nice to see Jake, who I haven't seen since Mom's funeral. And I haven't seen his boys since they came here for a visit 4 or 5 years ago.
Stay cool. Have a greyt day.
Good morning Sandi.
Thank you.
I might just have a whole bowl of Matcha and keep going like the energizer bunny!
If I sleep through the day, I will be up and about at night again! Yikes!!!
I remember how much you love your nephew. Glad that he is home safe from overseas tour of duty. God Bless him. Please thank him for his service.
good morning.
DANA: light and love coming your way. I am in agreement with HODA: your dad has fought and fought hard. and it is tough to let go .....just take a deep breath and take it one moment at a time..... many hugs and love to you and your family.
Good morning to everyone. mid week. the month is drawing to a close. amazing how fast time goes.
SANDI: glad your nephew is home!!!
hugs and love to all
Good morning! I see here why you could not sleep, Hoda! No more tea in the evening!😬
DANA, so very sorry your dad is having such a rough time. I really think it is awful that the doctor is not giving you any HOPE! Prayers for your dad. There should always be hope!
Sandi, you were missed. Yes, it is sad to not have Jo here. However, think of how sad Jo would be if you were not here. That is what keeps me posting!
Getting the do done today!
Good morning all.
Lori, so sad to read about Parker. (((HUGS)))
Dana, hang in there. Don't give up hope yet. You know that saying and it's cliche but oh so true....hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Sandi, Steve and I have been watching a show called "My Fighting Season" which features different men fighting in the Middle East who have videos from helmet cams. Gives a WHOLE new perspective on the lives our soldiers have over there. Thank Jake for his service for me.
Hope the meds clear up Jack's UTI in a hurry Lolly!
Good morning all.
Dana, so sorry about your bad year. I'm sure your strong faith has helped keep you going. Your Dad has had a very hard struggle these last few years. Keeping you and you family in prayer.
Lynne 2 that's exactly the thought that went through my mind as I left the hospital. I was afraid the nurse was going to think that mom and I are in denial, but my dad beats the odds all the time!!
When I walked into dad's the room the first thing he said was, where's mommy? So he knew that I was me and not her and was alert. He talked to me about not being in much pain, the O2 level was only on 2.When I asked him if he wanted an Ensure, he said yes. I started looking for a straw and he said I don't want a straw. He took the drink and drank it all. To me those are all signs that he hasn't given up and doesn't intend to!!
Keep praying. My faith has surely been tested, but I will continue to pray for him to pull himself out of this one!!
Dana so sorry to hear about your dad. I agree hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Sorry you have had such a rough time lately.
Good Morning Eagle Buds
DANA sending healing thoughts for you and your family and keeping you close to heart
So sorry that your dad has lost his battle after a long hard fight may his end be a peaceful one
Dana he sounds pretty alert to me! Will keep your family in my prayers.
Sandi I'm glad you get to see your nephew again. I am lucky that my house has not been a revolving door this summer. My nephews and nieces are all working now and it makes it harder for them to visit. John and I are going to Mississippi with the grandkids in mid-august. I pretty much spent my time between my house and Larry house. He's too much of a homebody to come down here!
Are you still awake Hoda?
heading out to rake the pine needles in the yard be back later
Yes Paula as wide awake as Zi have ever been!
Heading out to exercise and a swim...
Energizer Bunny here I am!
Catch me if you can!!!
Ha ha ha!!!
Slap happy kind of a day it will be.
Dana, your Dad sounds very much with it! I agree with Lolly, Paula and Lunne2
Lynne said it the Best! Hope for the best prepare for the worst. I agree with the others. You know him best. It ain't over till it is over!
Judy he has not lost his battle yet! Family sees it differently from the nurses...
We all support you Dana.
Have a greyt day!!
Sandi is a bad influence!
Wanda too!
Painting Alolly's toes with a marker!!!
Can not leave you youngsters for a moment and you are up to no good!
Thank you Lynne 2 you said it very well to Dana and to Sandi.
Who remembers getting "wax" as the prize for every 100th post on the blog?
DanaMo, I'm sad in my heart that you have been having a rough time but remember, pain shared is pain lessened. We will love you through whatever you need us to.
I was definitely encouraged about your father's positive attitude. A positive attitude goes a long way when it comes to health.
Peace, love and hugs my friend. Hope to give you a real hug this weekend.
Lol wax!!!
And poop shoot facials!
Yes, that is why we all look so young. :)
And what a confusion that was!!!
You all would talk of facials and poop shoots and wax and several times I seriously doubted your sanity!!!
Honestly I asked several times and when Judie congratulated me for getting waxed I was not too sure that was a good thing!!!
Hiking up to Idaho Peak tomorrow. Amazing vista up there. Hope it is clear. Lovely Alpine flowers too.
Will leave early as it is a two hour drive to get there. Want to be on the trailhead by 8:00 AM.
Wish me well for sleep tonight.
Prayers for Dana and her family.
Celebrating Jo's Life with love and gratitude.
God Rest her Soul. God Bless her family.
I do wish you well for sleep tonight Hoda. Seems like we were talking about my sleep problem just the other day. :)
Good morning Sharon and everyone else. I am still on track to attend Saturday. Planning on being at church before 11:00. I will most likely have to leave before the end and will have to miss gathering afterwards. The only thing stopping me would be a problem at work. Sorry to see some of the sad posts and I'll my thoughts and prayers to everyone else's. My son was to have mailed my flower donation to Wanda and I hope she gets it before Saturday. Paula thanks for representing the Momsters Group. Take care all.
Good morning! Ahhhh, yes! WAX and poop shoot facials! We are the BEST!😀
Have been watching Brooks Falls and the Alaska brown bears catching salmon as I walk. Yesterday there was a momma and two cubs on the shore right by the cam. They moved the camera around to try to keep her on the cam. The cam is on a deck with a lot of people there. I had no idea! Awesome! Shall I say ROAD TRIP!
Chance of rain all week. Every evening thunder and the storms miss us. Not a happy camper!
DANA, your. Dad sounded very much with it! Keep your hope up! Keep encouraging him. All our prayers are with you both!
Sharon made a beautiful tribut video for MeMa Jo's Celebration of Life. Here is the link Mema Jo Celebration of Life
Good afternoon eagle buds
LOLLY I also have been watching Brooks Falls I got a snip of a mom and three little ones yesterday They are so cute I peak in on Petes Pond every now and then
Gotta go check SHAR tribute
Just got home was over Angie while no one home Painted a bench for the JORDYNs school A Buddy Bench
One coat done, will do the other tomorrow Is so hot out 96 out I am doing on the carport that way the dogs won't go nuts. Have to finish it tomorrow with second coat
Then Tommy who built it and I will put our hand prints on it in the back side.
Also have to stencil it with a saying "no act of kindness is never to small"
Will have Jordyn and a few friend put hand prints on it also
Gotta head out again dropping three of Jordyn school shirts to get Plato Academy embroidered on the front of them
Thank you, SHAR. The video is a beautiful tribute to our dear JO! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Just, "No act of kindness is EVER TOO small." Hope u don't mind me correcting your grammar/spelling. But I would hate for u to take so much time on the bench and have a mistake in the saying. What a nice idea.
Directing traffic for the library's house tour fundraiser. Very hot, very boring.
Judy, not Just. Stupid autocorrect.
Mema Jo's Celebration of Life, Take 2
NO issue SANDI so happy you corrected it
much appreciated SHAR lovely tribute
Be sure to follow Sharon's take 2 of video with a cardinal :-) posted at 4:08
Love it Sharon!
Judye...lovely bench and lovely saying.
Oh, Sharon! That tribute is wonderful! More tears, but happier tears this go 'round. What a spectacular woman.
Sharon - Awesome tribute. Very well done. I was not able to see Part 2 but I am sure it was great too.
SHAR I got inspired by your video remembering all the pic that I did from the momster albums so I did my own
Remembering JO
There are a couple of PS video from the nest on the end of it also I put a pic of nest one from each yer on it also
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
Good Evening, Everyone. Have not been on 'puter due to "mouse" damaged shoulder, but just learned today by snail mail of our Wonderful Jo's passing. I'm just devastated and feel like I have a hole in my heart or rock in my stomach or both.
Shar, your picture show 2 is just wonderful and have just seen JudyE's new picture tribute. They are both beautiful.
When I first tried to join the Momsters in 2008, I "met" Paula and Jo online. We came to NCTC Fall Open House that year and got to really meet everyone! "I came for the Eagles but stayed for the Friendships..."
What can I say? Jo was amazing and we will all still love her forever~~~~
Loretta, so good to see you.
You said it well.
A great Lady Jo is and she will be greatly missed.
Shar your you tube tribute touches my heart. I robbed. Thank you a great deal. You put the report of my last call with Jo. I am honoured.
Judy thank you for your tribute also. Love the pictures of Jo.
Good night ladies.
Say what???
I did not rob any thing!
I did however sob a great deal with Shar's video...
Oh well!
I am presuming you are all asleep by now, and have not been bothered by my robbing something!
Red Friday folks!
Judy - I enjoyed your tribute. Great job. Looks like I missed a lot of great memories that you all have of Jo.
Good morning eagle buds
Goodorming my eagle friends. Lots of rain here last night, also lots of thunder which didn't make Janey happy at all! The noise and the rain continued until about 2am so it was a long night with the dogs awake and pacing. Dennis slept through all of it, of course. I think I may head back to bed after posting this.
Jake, my nephew, will be driving to BWI airport in Baltimore this morning to pick up his wife who is flying in from TX and then driving back. The boys will stay here with us. They'll all stay here until Sunday and then head to VA to visit friends who just had a new baby.
I will be driving to my sister's this evening to spend the night tonight. Tomorrow morning I'll drive from Lisa's house to Middletown for Jo's service and reception. On my way back to Bethany tomorrow afternoon, I'll be picking up Potter, my first foster greyhound.
Have a greyt day all.
Good Morning, Everyone,
Shar and Judy, thank you so much for the wonderful You Tube tributes to Mema Jo.
They are so touching. Absolutely beautiful! I still can hardly believe that Jo has moved on to her Big Promotion, and left us behind for a while. She was such an amazing lady, and she has left a huge hole in my heart! I am confident that we Momsters and Dadsters will pray and love each other through her loss, though, and all of the beautiful memories will remain. Our bruised hearts will eventually heal, and we will all love Mema Jo forever.
DanaMo, sorry to hear that your Dad has had a bit of a setback, and is in the hospital again. It sounds as if his fighting spirit is intact, though, and he hasn't given up. Prayers that he will improve and beat the pneumonia. I'm sorry that this has been such a tough year for you! Sending love and hugs to you, and praying for you.
Lori, I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty, Parker. My heart goes out to you!
He certainly had a good life with you, and I think you did the right thing in letting him go now, rather than him having to suffer through a miserable time for another year. Sending you hugs and love.
Lolly, hope Jack is feeling better now, and the meds are working well to rid him of the UTI. Take care with all the hot weather, and hope you get some rain soon.
Ken and I will be going to visit our friends Jim and Darlene Wilkoski today. We hope it will be a bit cooler at their place, they are so close to the ocean. They are in Costa Mesa, right on the border of Newport Beach, and it's usually about 5 degrees cooler there.
Shirley, I'm glad you had such an enjoyable time bowling! By the way, how are your two kitties and Luna doing? Hope they are fine.
Hoda, I had to chuckle at your 'Tea in the evening/Sleep? What is sleep?' adventure. I had a similar experience recently when I drank coffee late in the afternoon. (I usually drink decaf, but this cup was the 'leaded' variety.) Have you been able to catch up on sleep? Sure hope so!
Well, I'd better go now. Have some chores to do while it's somewhat cooler this early in the day. Don't like coming home later to an untidy mess, when it will be too hot to clean things up.
Still praying for Ed and all of Jo's family, and all of us Momsters and Dadsters. Hope you all have the best Red Friday possible! I ♥ us!!!
Good morning!
Out to mow shortly! Over an inch and a half of rain last night and it came down in minutes! Wow!
Loretta, I have been worried about you! So good to see you on here. It was 2008 when I joined as well and attended open house. I first posted at the end of February with a question. I did not remember that we went to WV the first year I started posting.
Judy, you did a good job with your video. I smiled at the HP and the poop shoots and know Jo would have, too!
Have sent Wanda a pic of me, with eagle necklace on. Will be attending the service Sat in WA da's purse along with Lydia and Hoda! Party in the purse!
SANDI, did you get the word that a small group is being allowed on the NCTC campus following the service? Let Sharon know if you want to participate.
Love and hugs! Out to mow!
Jack is doing fine. This is his "speciality". He knows the urologist well! Doctor phoned in the prescription and Jack got on meds fast. He is doing great, thank you!
Good afternoon all!
Sharon, Judy.....great tributes well done.
Glad Jack is on the upswing of his UTI
Wondering how Dana's dad is doing today.
Good to see you LOOOOWEEEEEDA
Andi, how is Emma holding up in the heat?
Hello, Lolly, Lynne2 and all Momsters. Tell me the info about pictures in Wanda's purse!!!!! I guess that maybe those who can't attend are sending her their pics!? Right????
I'm not sure we can make it and if not, I will try and post something tomorrow at 11:00 AM when service starts. If we're not there, at 11:00 Sat. I will be praying, crying, thinking fondly of Jo and all the Lennox family (as well as now). God Bless
Well my donation comment got posted BUT I am now Judy Eddie. LOL
I sent another email to see if it can be corrected
She apologized in a response to my email about it not posting as it seemed to gotten lost when it didn't post
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