Friday, July 29, 2016


New thread.


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magpie said...

Hello and Good Day Everyone....Morning, Noon or Night, whichever it is in all our Homeplaces...and/or wherever we might be hanging our hats during our travels

Special thoughts go out to our DanaMo on the loss of her dear Dad....


magpie said...

Happy Larry's 2nd Cancer Free Anniversary Celebration, Paula..... !

And thinking of Shar and Mattie as they experience Mattie's Marshall University Orientation Adventures

So much to say to so many...the past work week was busy for both Jewels and me...we have been on the same shift for months and NOW we go through shift change....I will miss my Special Pal....she is THE BEST.... over 6 years with us at 9-1-1 and she has Shone from Day One !!!

magpie said...

I, too, have been thinking over and over about the Family of Jo's granddaughters, Melissa, lives in West Virginia .... we talked quite a lot after the services, and are going to try to get some time together....Melissa home-schools the kids ... which leaves a LOT of leeway for visits....I think there is a virtual Field Trip Extravaganza at her homeplace, pets, produce, wildlife and children...and Adults ! So I will commit to making some Time Together, Happen !

magpie said...

Praying, Hoping,a sending Positive thoughts out for Sandi... hoping that Potter finds a Wonderful Perfect Home..what a Mission, Sandi....and I was So Delighted to learn that you are Retired Now....ridiculous that I got so very far out of the Momsters and Dadsters Loop but Happy to Start catching Up !

Oh, I see we Split !!! Should have known THAT was happening !

magpie said...

Well, to each and all, I have not Really caught up on this week's posts...but I'll hammer away at it and try to personalize some comments a little more "soon."

Have a Glorious Saturday / Sunday, everyone....

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ☺ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

SANDI hope thing go better with Potter and Janie

Slept late today being got home late

Thinking of DANA all day

GPS or like it Nothing for me but I do use Google map when needed

Wed school starts open house Mon I will be doing the used uniform sale
We are doing a blow out sale 2 for shorts and pants hardly any shirts left.
Also will be presenting the Buddy Bench to the school turned out ok . There are pics on fb I put on last week

JudyEddy said...

Check out Google graphic for Olympics gonna be different daily

Lolly said...

Well, guess who is coming for dinner tomorrow! And, spending the night! Y! Michael and Zach!!!! Guess my emotional fit did the trick.
Nowtoreach Laurel. I know Sunday is not her best time but maybe........!

Hoda said...

So happy for you Lolly!

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all!

Thinking of Dana and family today.

Sandi....our cocker Puddles is very food aggressive. We feed her and Daisy in separate rooms, supervised. We must be very careful with treat giving as well. It takes some planning but we make it work. I hope Janey forgives him. How did the meet and greet go?

Lolly I'm very happy about the news that Michael and Zach are coming over!

Lynne, sounds like you'll be having a PEACHY weekend!

Margy....what a shame you and Jewels will not be on the same shift for now. Did I read that you moved? Can you message me your new addy?

Happy 2 years cancer free to Paula's Larry! Hope they are celebrating in style!

Things are the same here. But at least the weather is nice. Low 70s and breezy. Going down to upper 50s lower 60s for a few days at night.

Lynne2 said...

OH...anyone have a good recipe for chocolate zucchini bread?

AZPatti said...

Testing to see if I can log in. Hoping the changes I made to Google work.

AZPatti said...

Hmmm, that was too easy. We'll see if it lasts.

Thinking of Dana and her family today.

Lolly, glad you might have all the family in one place tomorrow!

Not too much excitement here. Worked on the Google problems, off and on, most of the morning. Going to stretch my legs for a bit.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day! Especially Potter. Hope he finds his furever home today!

AZPatti said...

Lynne2, I've got nothing on the chocolate zucchini bread recipe. Sorry.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Boy, it's been another steamy day here. Starting to thunder now - bring on the rain!

Lynne2, thanks for the info. about your experience with food aggression. I don't blame Potter for what happened; I blame myself for not thinking that anytime food is "in play," there could be a problem, even if it's not official breakfast or dinner time. Janey is still refusing to even stay in the same room with Potter. At dinner time, she didn't come into the dining room as she always does while I prepare everyone's food because Potter was in there. I am now requiring Potter to "down" in the dining room while I am in the kitchen fixing the food. I hope that each day Janey will feel a little more comfortable being around Potter again - this event was a big setback. Fortunately, she IS willing to walk with Potter with no reluctance.

Potter was very sociable at today's meet & greet but, as I predicted, no one came in looking for a pet. There were 8 greyhounds there and our table was set up right at the door so the dogs did get a lot of attention and ear scratches. Potter was the only dog available for adoption.

Lolly, I'm happy to hear that Michael is bringing Zach for a visit - hope Laurel and the boys can also come.

Need to rustle up a quick dinner for people and watch a little TV. I'm sure it will be an early night for me. I was so worked up last night about the dog fight that I didn't fall asleep til after 11pm. Then I woke at 4:30am and started replaying the whole thing in my head again and couldn't fall back to sleep. In between, Potter started barking at 1am and 3am! Good grief!

AZPatti said...

Heading outside for a bit before prime-time Olympics. Hope you have a wonderful evening! SED.

magpie said...

Good Evening, Precious Pals....
I, too, AZPatti, am watching as much of the Olympics as I can....I started swimming - as much as I can - in the last two years so I have a special interest in men's and women's swimming...I swam a lot as a child/teen so it is realllly nice to be doing that again...The Olympics and all the Backgrounds of the athletes, and the Education about Rio de Janeiro....fascinating, riveting, inspiring

Lynne2 - and Lolly...Yes, I'll get my address around, should/could put in our Yahoo emails...I'll get to that kind of update "soon." AND another way to get this out is for me to send Cards Out To as many of you as I have addresses for ! ☺

Special thoughts for our friend Dana and her family in this time of bereavement....

and to need of comfort and loving.....special thoughts to each and every one....

Signing off for the evening...Rest thee well, friends, and Sweet Dreams.....

God Bless Us, Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

Well an awesome evening at an Organ Recital.
Lives in Connecticut and gets International billing, but he is a homegrown boy. Delightful and talented. Went to an awesome yoga class today too. Still rather hot outside, the temperatures are supposed to start cooling down by the coming weekend.

Saw some awesome pictures of the Family Lennox at the service.
Prayers continue for all of them and of course our Jo.

So happy you and Lydia will meet Lolly.

Margy good to see you. Grateful that you stop by. No way can you do personal comments on everyone. It is all good. We live it that you do stop in. We understand the crazy busy. We love you. Sorry shift change will result in not seeing Carolyn as often.

Andy missed you today.

Thinking of Glo. Hoping things are sorted out.

Big Day for Dana and her family. I am sure our prayers reached them.

Goodnight friends. See you in the morning.

Lolly said...

Not having everyone tomorrow. Laurel had already made plans. Laurel did see Michael in Dallas tonight. So,I continue to see my kiddos one at a time. Oh, well.......

I love swimming, too, Margy. However,no place to swim. I am going to a swim party Thursday nite! Someone stated they never put a swimsuit on anymore and we told her none of us look great. Who cares! Join in on fun! We basically soak, talk,and drink wine? Lol

Watching the Olympics,too. Really enjoy watching.

Nite all! SED!

Unknown said...

GRANNYBLT: agreed. WAZE can be difficult if driving alone, but, I do like it and use it regularly. Nashville's traffic continues to get worse with the housing boom we are experiencing and WAZE will alert me to back ups and has even redirected me when there is a better way/long delay. I agree, there are probably better systems out there, but this is the one I like and use.

SANDI: yours is a very special mission and I am sure when the right family comes, it will be magical!

MAGPIE: so good to see you on here again! I have missed you!

DANAMO: still thinking of you.

PAULA: congrats to you and Larry!

and good morning and hello to one and all.

Busy weekend. After work went to Hobby Lobby. I am on a mission. I have a dear dear friend whose dad transitioned a couple of weeks ago. Mom passed several year ago. She is pretty depressed and heart broken right now as she was dad's care giver since her mom passed.

I had purchased her mom's favorite chair which was a small lazy boy recliner some time ago. well it eventually bit the proverbial dust. before we disposed of it, I cut out a good bit of the material from it and saved it. yesterday I purchased a small pillow and a musical modules (will play you are my sunshine, the song her mom would sing to her). I will put the module in the pillow, cover it with the material from the chair and mail it to her......

we finally received a lovely rain yesterday.

today I promised Olivia we would take her to the movies and then this evening we are going to the gd's soccer game then out to dinner.

niki and I are heading to lowes in a short bit to purchase some paint. she and Michael wish to paint the down stairs kitchen.

I hope everyone has a lovely day! thinking of you all....

Lolly said...

Good morning! Off to church soon. Another scorcher of a day!

Have no idea what time Michael and Zach are coming. Will do my cooking this afternoon so to spend time with Zach when he gets here.

Have a great Sunday!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Received a message from Chrissy Behan with thanks for notifying her of Jo's death. She expressed her sadness and sends condolences to Jo's family.

Kay said...

Good morning and thank you, JUDIE. So pleased that CHRISSY responded to your message.

Another scorching day. I think the Olympics viewed from my nice cool condo will be far better for me than a concert in the park this evening!

Have a good day everybody---prayers for those in need. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

grannyblt said...

Good Sunday morning all.

I see tha the still cam of the tree is still in it, has been for a few days. Maybe they will get it back on this week. I've yet to see an eagle, but at least see the changing color of th Sky!

Pleasant day here yesterday. I opened the windows and just had ceiling fans going. Still cool so far today.

Hope all the eagle Momlets and Dadlets have a wonderful Sunday.

grannyblt said...

Auto correct again. I must proofread everything! I meant to say the still cam is out .

Also, I hadn't realized we split. Thought no one had commented since noon yesterday. Glad we are all trying to post more often.

AZPatti said...

Good morning, all! The plan for the day is a bit of gardening. With our recent rains, the temperature has cooled off some. It's still humid with the summer monsoon season but the temps are bearable. I believe hubby plans to put steaks on the grill tonight! He makes a pretty mean mesquite-grilled anything!

Janet, what a lovely and thoughtful gift for your friend. I'm sure she will treasure the pillow for a number of reasons.

Margy, the "back stories" on the athletes are truly inspiring. I remember one in particular from last night on one of our swimmers, I cannot recall her name. Her parents were not able to afford the trip to Rio to watch their daughter. Their community raised $28,000 for them. One neighbor that they didn't even know, knocked on their door and handed them an envelope with $500 inside. Yep, these sorts of things remind me that there is indeed lots of good still in this world of ours.

I think I will take a page out of Sandi's book and request that if anything important happens on facebook, would you please let us know over here? It seems there are just not enough hours in my day, so I will be following along here and not so much on facebook.

Wishing all a wonderful day! If I don't get back tonight, I'll "see" ya tomorrow evening after work.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

Not much going on besides threat of a rain event
They are threating up to 10" of rain over the next couple of days

Hope everyone has a great day

Hoda said...

Good morning,
Stormy here.
Cooking, cleaning and writing in my future today. A youth play this evening, from the youth summer theatre.

Janet, lovely present you are offering. Thank you for the sharing of your inspirational gift from the heart.

Good luck with the uniform sale Judy.
So important to up cycle things and not focus only on new everything...environmental ecology is the way to go.

Lynne1 Margy commented on the split. Yes I too am happy we are checking in more often.

Thank you Thank You Thank you Judie.
On two counts writing of Jo's passing to someone dear to her, and for letting us know.
We miss you on the blog. Your wit and your perspective and your humour. Stay well. We miss you much. The exchanges between you and Lynn are priceless in my memory. True Gold. Please let us know when you move. Love you, miss you, keeping you in the Light.❤️❤️❤️

Have fun with Zach Lolly.

It looks like a big storm. If We lose power I will check back in after it is restored. Yesterday trees fell. I will save my phone battery for emergencies.

Yes Patti. I promised Sandi and now you too.

Miss Freyja will soon be at Nana's and Poppa's

Love to all.

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all.

Janet, what a lovely gift idea!

Judie, good to see you and thanks for the message from Chrissy. I tried and tried to reach her a couple of years ago but met dead ends every time. Glad to know she is still out there!!

Stay safe in the storm Hoda!

Lolly said...

Wow! Thanks JUDIE! Great to "see" you! So very happy you heard from Chrissy. I have worried about her! Thank you for letting her know about Jo.

Have been to church. Have done a little straightening and heading to the kitchen soon.

Temp is sitting at 100. Yuck! Everything is burning up, no matter how much you water. I hate August.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. I spent the day with Hayden, T-Bird, Aunt Glenna and Aunt Libby. I made pulled pork BBQ, baked beans (Bush's beautiful) and Mac and cheese. The only thing homemade was the BBQ. Everyone said it was really good. Really grateful for my aunts. Feels like I have part of Daddy through them.

And Hoda's internet is out from storms but she is okay.

Hoda said...

Thank you Shar.
Internet is back on. We are on Severe Weather advisory till 11:15 PM Pacific Time. Three hours behind the East Coast.
The youth are still putting on their play, do I will go out to support them.
In an hour I will be there. Only ten minutes from my flat.

Your day sounds awesome Shar. Thank you for sharing it.
My heart continues to know gratitude to Judie that she connected with Chrissy and informed her of Mema's passing. This would have been something Jo would have liked to have a very good friend look after. Here comes Miss Judie.
Jennifer Lennox is no longer on this blog. I copied and pasted Judie's post so she would know. She said thank you very much.

Hoda said...

All good. I am back and no storms other than rain. Beautiful play. Lovely.
Goodnight all.
God Bless Us All.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Just out of curiosity, I looked back and March 17th - around hatch time - was the last time we had a thread with over 200 posts.

Judie, thanks for the update on Chrissy. She was on the blog before I joined - she's the lady in England who always reported about the osprey, right? I know that many have been concerned about her since they haven't heard anything from her.

Janet, what a lovely thought for your friend! That pillow will be a treasured keepsake for her I'm sure.

Lolly, how was your Zacharooski visit?

Hoda, is the festival over? Kevin's festivals usually run from Thursday through Sunday, then he heads home for a few days to get his clothes and himself clean before heading off for the next one.

Tennis for meat 7:30am then I'll head to the grocery store to load up on grandbaby goodies - goldfish crackers, cookies, french toast sticks, bubble bath, etc. Brian, Lynnis & Freyja arrived in the States yesterday afternoon and then got a ride to WV to pick up Brian's truck. The tags had expired so they are heading to DMV today to renew them and then they'll drive to Bethany. Can't wait to see them!

Janey is still very leary of Potter, both in the house and outside when they're chasing a ball in the yard. She's fine when they're on-leash walking together. I hope she feels a little more confident each day - I hate that she doesn't feel comfortable in her own home. Obviously I have no idea how long it will take for Potter to find his forever family and I really don't want to see him bounced around to another foster home, but I also don't like that Janey isn't acting like herself.

Have agreyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds
Its raining blah miserable day

Hoda said...

Sandi, sooooo happy Miss Freyja is home.
I bet you your heart is dancing.
Yes about Chrissy. Scotland though I think. She was in contact the early years when you and I joined.
Sorry about Janey's discomfort. You might have to give up the idea of Potter having only one foster home???!!! Thinking out loud.
March 17 th eh? Wow!
No Shambhala Festival is still on. They are on the farm out of town. Nelson is pleasantly calm and clean. Almost like normal. We are all bracing for tomorrow when they are off the farm!!! Then they hang around here for ten days or so...festival is four days...hanging out here before and after makes it a two week period every summer.
The theatre is in town. We had two people from Sydney at the theatre. They enjoyed our local talent and they were refreshingly normal!!! Ha ha! Delightful.
I too am wondering how it went for Lolly last evening with Zach... Can not wait to hear.
From FB pictures of DanaMo and a cousin. Her Mom's sister also came...
In a few hours I will ride my bike to Cottonwood lake. A two hour ride on the Rail to Trails.
Medically could not continue being Vegan. Hard to adjust. Cooked Salmon yesterday and while sad about eating what was a live creature my body reacts well to fish. My central nervous system in particular. No misfiring. Can not wait what the December check up will reveal.
Enjoy the day everyone.
Pictures Sandi of your Miss Freyja please.

Hoda said...

I know you said she has not yet arrived to your home. She is States side though.

Hoda said...

Judy, sorry it is " miserable weather" there.
After I read your post I opened the New York Times and they said, " good majestic morning"! I smiled.
As Sandi says, " make it a greyt day "

grannyblt said...

TGood morning all

Greyt that Freja will soon be with you all Sandi. I'm sure you'll enjoy every minute. I hope Potter gets along well with children. This will be a time to find out.

I keep thinking about you JudyE when I hear about all the rain in FL. Try to stay high and dry.

Hoda, I was vegan for a few weeks this spring and I found that dairy was the hardest to give up. Wild caught salmon is very tasty. I'm sorry to have to give up your beliefs. I am more concerned with the ethical treatment of farm animals and the environmental impact of fish farms, feed lots, etc. I'm certainly no champion for the cause, but I try to at least spend my $ more selectively.

Hope everyone has a pleasant day. Prayer for those in need.

Unknown said...

good morning everyone. wow. if you all are thinking the pillow is a good idea, then I am sure she will love it. she is having such a difficult time right now. my heart breaks for her.

thank you for your words.

busy day ahead. will have the grands this afternoon. mia will go to soccer practice but after dinner, the younger two and I will swim and play and then I will have them showered and ready for pick up by 8 p.m. when dad and mia swing by to get them en route home!

it is so beautiful and so quiet here right now. I forgot to tell you I have seen several gold finches and cardinals out enjoying the seeds my sunflowers have produced. and as with you all, I nod my head and say hey to JO.....

ya'll have a beautiful day! love to all

WVJerry said...

Good Monday morning to everyone. Not much new with me. I was supposed to work six days this week but was given the day off today. Just going to relax some. Enjoy your day and week ahead. Take care all.

Hoda said...

Meteor showers!
Look up look up Waaaaaaaay up!
Instead of 80 you could see 150!
August 12-14. Around 10:00 PM. The Preseids. Also a planetary alignment. Have fun...

JudyEddy said...




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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...