Friday, July 08, 2016


Fresh thread.


grannyblt said...

Happy Friday all. Thanks for new thread Steve. I'll notify others.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve and Lynne!

71 degrees and humid, storms predicted for later this evening in these parts.

Praying for Dallas.

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Dallas, my heart aches for you. Prayers.

LYNNE1 thanks for catching STEVE's nice new thread and for hollerin' at us!

LYNNE2, same weather here, whether or not we like it. Just plain ol' July.

Hope you're all set to enjoy a good weekend! I sure am--Seth Sat/Sun, a play at his college Sun. afternoon and a concert in the park that evening. There is an indoor venue available for the latter, so concerts go on, rain or shine.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Hi all - just checking the email comments box. Tennis this morning was hot! The beach this afternoon was hot! It sure is summer!

Jo, I hope you're having a good day.

Town council meeting tonight - the email that I sent about Janey almost getting hit was published in the local newspaper along with a photo of the sign that I made and posted on the corner. I suspect the mayor is not very happy with me right now.


Hoda said...

Good afternoon.
Blog signed me out!
Will see if I can sign back on.
So many issues!
God Bless you all.

Hoda said...

Go Sandi Go!
Mayor should be more thinking safety as opposed to angry.
All power to you!

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Laurel came, spent the night, and had a hair appointment with Becky. She had a glaze put on her hair to cover the grey and 4 to 5 inches cut off. Becky said she had more grey than me. Laurel's hair is darker and the grey shows up! Lol

While here we had the AC on her car fixed. They are trying to keep the car a we bit longer and the AC had a couple of leaks. Expensive repair but we did not tell her how much! You just can not go without AC!

Love the story being published with pic, Sandi! Let the mayor be ticked! Lol

Need to read back. This is really a lazy day!

Lolly said...

Not much to read back! So very sorry this blog is going away!

Miss terribly several Momsters!

stronghunter said...

Good for you, Sandi!

stronghunter said...

Me too, Lolly. Have loved this blog.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Bowling practice later today.

Forgot yesterday to say thanks for the call-over, Lynne and thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Hoping that things are going well for you, Lynne2.

Glad you got your story published, Sandi.

stronghunter said...

I hope you are enjoying all of Seth's events, Kay. Can't wait to hear about them.

I agree, Lolly. It would be very difficult to live without AC in the South in the summertime. No, we did not have it when I was growing up, but it makes a big difference.

stronghunter said...

Tell us how the town council meeting went, Sandi.

Lori O. said...

Nope, this blog will never go away. I refuse to believe it.
LYNNE and LOLLY, I think it's just that busy post long holiday weekend lull. ;)

Yay, SANDI! How did the council meeting go? How impressive the
paper shared your letter and sign! That will help your mission a lot!

Very, very nice of you, LOLLY, to fix Laurel's car AC. I did not know
that Michael and Ashley had split up, but hopefully each is happier
and Zach is doing better than ever!
I'm so sorry for all of the heartbreak in Texas this week.

Kate and I have taken a couple hours this week to just float and
walk in the pool (good exercise). I always think of DanaMo and
JANET with their pool stories when I'm in it. Bulldogs don't really swim,
but I'd love to have a Corgi, Pitbull, Basset mix (short, big head, and goofy)
someday or a dog that enjoys the water but doesn't go crazy in it.

My better half is off to her family reunion this AM - too hot for me and it's supposed to be from 10 - 5pm! It's also too long to let Gordy alone without going peepee and eating. Kate is the youngest of 12 so be assured she will have lots of people there to talk to. lol

Daydreaming about new plants. I would like to do several more long blooming clematis
to intertwine with some of the shrubs. For the big raised brick planter
in front, right now I'm planning to do a Hosta garden with all types of
Hosta. I've found some good pics.

I will have to try posting them on my blog so you can see.

Lori O. said...

Aha! There's a few pics of beautiful Hosta gardens and a video of clematis on my blog. :)

Lori's Blog

Hoda said...

Good morning. Thank you Lori for photos. Good gift you gave Laurel Lolly.

Literally Mountain Fest this weekend.
Some good presentations.
Glad I bought a pass.

Raining here.
Happy to be cooler.
Another short house sit coming up next weekend. It works better when I sleep at home. Living in two places can be exhausting.

Off to Yoga I go.
Make it a good day.

Hoda said...

Lolly, maybe on the blog we are maturing to quality not quantity...
Endless postings that say nothing can be a problem??? For me at least.
Sandi wanting to hear about Council meeting.

Lolly said...

Beautiful pics, Lori!

Good morning! Yes, Lori, a year ago April Michael moved out! It broke our hearts,but looking back I knew it was coming. Only good thing is Michael says they are getting along better now. They are working together for Zach. No ugliness! I miss Seeing Ashley, but we are still friends on fb and she texts pictures. Saw her at Zach's school Grandparents day. Micheal has never said anything ugly. He is mum, but we have our ideas what went wrong. Prayers he remarries, prayers for true love and caring, prayers for a real, down to earth companion for him. Love Ashley, but know she is very self centered and very controlling. Prayers she finds happiness.

Late last night we went to church to weed the prayer garden. It was at that time in shade as sun was very low.

Guess today just going to do a little house cleaning.

Have a great day!

Good morning,Jo. Prayers and love coming your way!🌹

Lolly said...

I should say, I saw where Michael, too, had some faults In the marriage. I wanted to strangle him a few times. He was not innocent. And,cannot believe imadea typo spelling his name. Lol

I agree with you, Hoda, on the posts. If we just continue to say hello and check in. All will be well.

I came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships I have made.😍

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

LORI, I love Hostas, too. There are quite a few around our condo grounds. Some years the deer who roam the neighborhood have found them quite tasty and other years they leave them alone. Strange. Hoping to see pics of your new digs soon. So pleased for you and Kate!

Thanks, SHIRLEY! I'll report on the weekend with Seth on Monday or so. Have a good bowling practice!

SANDI, hoping to hear that you triumphed at the meeting last night! You go Girl!

LOLLY, 4 to 5 inches off a head of hair is major! I'm betting Laurel is looking lovely with that change as well as the glaze. Life is ever so much better in these days of A/C bliss---"they" can have the "good ol' days". I like modern inventions!

Hope our eagle family is faring well and I know we'd hear from STEVE if there was anything amiss. He's been so good in sharing his blog with us for so many years now. Shep's intrusion certainly brought a lot of us together for a while, making the blog buzz and solidifying some lasting friendships. Who could foresee the mass exodus to Facebook and the fact that some are really too busy to keep up with both the blog and that medium? That is one reason the blog is in decline IMHO. One thing is certain, most of us will always watch the life and times of Belle n' Shep, like hawks?☺ Thanks to the contributions of many we have a fine camera view of Sycamore Palace and surroundings.

JO and TORI top the prayer list----hugs to both! And, prayers for all in need as well.


Sandi said...

Hi all. Another hot humid day here.

Last night's meeting went OK. I didn't speak because I figured I had already "spoken" to everyone in town via my email to the council that was published in the paper. But lots of other homeowners in the neighborhood were there and did speak. In the end, the only new thing that was put in place for now is a barricade that will prevent anyone - including those of us who live here - from turning into our community from the main access road between the hours of 10am and 1pm daily until September 15th. That's when many people who live to the west of our neighborhood head to the beach and our roads are a short-cut to the main highway and the beach access streets.

Yesterday and today there has been a Delaware Dept. of Transportation vehicle parked at the intersection where Janey was almost hit. It's a T-shaped intersection and, right now, there is only 1 stop sign. Our community would like a 3-way stop sign there so that all cars would have to stop, regardless which direction they're coming from or heading. It would be one more thing to reduce speed in the community though it would do nothing to reduce the volume of traffic. Baby steps.

stronghunter said...

Nice to know that you got some changes made, Sandi.

Oh, I wanted to tell you that I saw a beautiful greyhound at the vet's yesterday. I immediately thought of you and Janey. I was pleased to learn that this lovely lady is also a rescue.

stronghunter said...

Hoping with you that Michael finds happiness in a second marriage, Lolly.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Bowling practice was nice, but I do wish I could have bowled better.

grannyblt said...

The weather was cooler and less humid today. Maybe it will filter east tomorrow.

I sure miss seeing our eagles and even the camera view. I'm not sure if it was mentioned here, but one of the interns or students at NCTC saw both of the juvies sitting near the nest last week. That was good news.

Today I attended a memorial service for a lively 96 yr old former neighbor and friend. Her children and grandchildren paid a lovely tribute to her. She was the kind of person who was always interested and interesting.

Glad that Sandi's town is taking some action. And that Lori has cooled off in the pool, and Lolly has finished her gardening duties, and Kay will be spending time with family, and Shirley hasn't given up bowling. And the rest of the group is busy with summery things. SED to all.

stronghunter said...

Could use some of that cooler and less humid weather.

Bless your 96 year old friend, Lynne.

My poor brain is wearing down, so I will say good night.

Thinking of our dear friend Jo.

I will check your blog, tomorrow, Lori.

For now, I need to say SED.

Prayers and good wishes for all in need of them.

Hoda said...

Good morning all
Last day of the Elephant Mountain Literally Festival
Some very good presentations.
Glad I attended.
Sending love and Light to Jo.
Woke up thinking of her.
Somehow this summer I am forgetting to hydrate!!! Not good!!!
Make it a good day everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Wishing everyone a good day.

stronghunter said...

Beautiful hosta, Lori, and beautiful quilts as well. Loved the eagle pictures and the pictures of our gathering, too.

Lynne2 said...

Hello all!

Steve and I are TRYING to enjoy our last couple of hours of peace here before my FIL gets home. UGH.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you, Lynne2.

Hoda said...

Lynne, I pray that you will find a safe place to live. It saddens me to read your post and to know that soon you will be living in unsafe and uncomfortable conditions.
There must be Social Services you can call upon for help and safe housing. There must be retraining programs for you to access so you can get a job.
This I write with love for you and compassion that you find ways to turn the page. This stress is bound to take its toll. It has been years since all this started...the house with the stink bugs, is when I started to be concerned.
You are a talented and efficient human being. Do not put up with less than what you deserve...

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Busy morning! First church, then lunch at church. There was a large group and that made it fun. However, now I am Sleepy! Not used to a large lunch! Yikes!

Oh, love that the juvies were spotted! Guess they are busy learning to catch fish. (On Eagle School Road ?). 😜😃

Yes, let's all pray for jobs for Lynne and Steve and for finding a great place to live!!! We can also pray for the FIL that he have a quick self improvement!!! Pronto!

This next week will be spent getting ready for a lunch here next Thursday and a birthday brunch here on Saturday. We will go get Joseph and Jacob next Sunday and they are spending a few days here while Laurel is in Colorado and Joey is teaching drivers Ed. Not calling it Camp Hawkwood, but it is a short version of it! Probably go to Dallas two days, once to the World Aquarium and another to the Perot museum. Hopefully go to Michael's office as well as join him for lunch.

Hot again today. Last evening it was 96. Storms brewed north of us and the temp dropped fast to 78! We ate dinner on the patio. It was great!

Pushing hubby to get the vacuuming done and then mop! Later Gators!

stronghunter said...

I am being guarded by kitties. They routinely check the ceiling and walls for any stray insect. They were very busily after something this evening, and then I noticed a mosquito. I think they may have gotten it.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another sunny hot summer day. Well into July! Surely we can survive! Two months away 'til our adventure to the north east!!!

So, today Skippi to vet for shots and more preparations for luncheon here Thursday!

Prayers for Jo, prayers for families who lost loved ones in shooting in Dallas. Prayers for peace!

Have a great day!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

We're off to a slow start today, I see!

Hope that means everyone is busily enjoying a mid-summer day.

Remembering everyone on the prayer list and anyone with an unspoken request, too!

I'm enjoying a laid back day after a Sunday filled with good music. "It's a Grand Night for Singing" by Otterbein's theater dept.. A flawless show highlighting the talents of five theater majors. Later in the day we all went to the Park of Roses to enjoy The Columbus Brass Band. Best band so far. Amazing to see and hear what can be done with an all brass/percussion band!


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Gosh, I've been MIA again, for too long! So sorry! Seems like we have had a lot to do, and it's been hot, and our get-up-and-go just got up and went!

Haven't read back much, so will have to make a concentrated effort tomorrow.
Hope everyone is well. Prayers continue from this roost for Jo, Tori, and all those with other health issues.

Have been so sad about the shootings in Dallas. Had some scary moments, because our granddaughter Jay lives in Dallas, and works there, too. Her shop was only a mile from where the shootings took place, and it took her a very long time to get home to her apartment, because the route she takes on her motor scooter was blocked off, and she had to take a long and complicated alternate route home. She got there OK, thank God! There were threats of bombs several places in her neighborhood, but all is safe now. Phew! We did quite a bit of texting back and forth, and praying, over that situation!

Lolly, I hope everyone in your family is okay! Hope you are managing to deal with the heat and humidity, too! The kids had a couple of nasty days when their A/C went out, but they got it fixed, so all's okay now. They live far enough away from Dallas that they weren't directly affected by the trouble there.

Well, better get going and try to get some sleep. I just realized it's getting pretty late! Have a great day tomorrow, everyone. I ♥ us!

WVJerry said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone. Not much new for me to report. Take care all and have a great day. Hope Jo is feeling better. I see Lori is enjoying her new house. Also see where Sandi is trying to get some safer roads. Good for you Sandi.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. After a couple of beautiful, low humidity days, it looks like the humidity will be returning to Bethany starting today.

It has been a nice 2 weeks with my sister and her family but they will be leaving today. I must admit, I am ready to have my house back for a bit and Madeline and Michael are getting pretty sick of one another. On Sunday, we went out to lunch on the boat, then went to Assateague island and saw some wild ponies, then took the boat out through the Ocean City inlet into the ocean. The kids had never been in the ocean on the boat - it was a fun day for everyone.

Jenni went to the vet last Thursday. Friday, the vet called to say that her blood test results came back showing that her liver function is stable and her kidneys are working great for a 14 1/2 year old dog (I wonder why she insists on peeing in the house then?). Her heart murmur, which was a grade 1-2 (very mild) last year is now at a grade of 3, but she's hanging in there.

I also took a fecal sample for Janey after being on worming meds for 5 weeks. When the vet called on Friday, she said that Janey STILL has hookworms! We've been battling this for 8 months now! I am waiting to hear from the vet about the next course of action for her. She was going to call a parasitologist at the company that makes Heartgard to ask for advice, since we have now tried 4 different worming medications PLUS she has been on Heartgard every month, which is supposed to also treat other parasites.

I am off to the dermatologist this morning for a 4 month body check. Hopefully she won't find any skin cancers. I'm also hoping maybe she can give me some advice or medicine to help with my fingers. The fungus that was under my nails is dead but the staining from the fungus is still there so most of my fingers have greenish brown spots on them. I have now lost at least part of all 10 fingernails and the new nails are only about 1/4 grown out. This ordeal is going to last for a long time!

Sending prayers and positive energy to Jo, today and every day.

Have a greyt day all.

glo said...

Good rainy Tuesday morning my way. Hadn't seen any info from Vicky for 4 days so messaged her. She and facebook are having issues so she asked me to relay this update Update: Dean spent the day in the reclining chair. Not being able to swallow of course he can't take a drink of water. I figured out he was thirsty (of course) as he pointed to the bathroom and I could tell he was saying water so I asked him "Dean are you thirsty?" He shook his head emphatically YES. Usually there are wash clothes in his room but not today of course so I soaked down a paper towel and folded it up and placed it on his lips and he got his tongue wet and you'd thought I struck gold! 😊 Made him so happy then I wiped down his face and left the cold towel on his forehead as he gets so warm. I also picked up magnetic alphabet letters to use on his dry erase board that is magnetic so we will try to work on those tomorrow the good Lord willing.

Hoda said...

Good to read your post Sandi.
I get upset, almost angry, about your nail saga!!!
Happy to read about the boat foray into the ocean. Fun day.
I forget who Michael is?? Sorry he and Madeline are getting on each other's nerves.
You are the best dog owner ever!!!

Life is good here. Two yoga classes today and lunch with a friend.
Rain too which is very good. We are on water rationing, yet no fires so far close to home. Relieved.
I got a "hi" from Jo yesterday.
I feel happy when that happens. A green dot next to her name on iPhone. So I said love you Jo. She said hi and the world was all beautiful.
Hi Jo!
Margy has moved and is busy with the unpacking and work.
Talk later everyone...

Lolly said...

Good morning! will not complain about my thin, peeling, weak nails! I have nails! So sorry, Sandi!

Lots to do today! Going to be very busy until after this week.

Judie would be very impressed with my Lollypaloozing! I am impressed. Lol.

We continue to walk and I watch the Brooks Falls cam and the Alaska brown bears catch fish. Some are better than others at fishing! Want to go There!

Have a great day!

Sandi said...

Dermatologist appointment was good - no skin cancers detected. I am being very good with using sunscreen.

Hoda, I can only be angry with myself about my nails. The salon I go to is not some shady bargain salon and the young lady's job is to give the client what she asks for. When I had the allergic reaction to the acrylic, the owner of the salon recommended I leave my nails naked. I did, but only for a week. Then I asked to have a different product - gel - applied over my nails and to have them polished. If I hadn't gotten another product over my natural nails, they may have been able to breathe and I may not have gotten the fungus. If I hadn't hadn't gotten polish, I would have seen the minute that some of them started getting green spots under the nails and could have stopped the fungus much faster. I did not make smart decisions; hindsight is 20/20. I don't blame the nail technician or the owner of the salon at all. The dermatologist did say that there is no sign of any fungus on the new nails that are growing out - all 10 appear clear and healthy. I just have to be patient - not easy for me!

Off to walk Janey. Bye!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SANDI, that dermatology report is excellent, good on you for being diligent with the sunscreen! Good to have that expert opinion on the nail problem, too.

HODA, thanks for sharing re:JO and MARGY!

GLO, prayers continue for Vicky's son, Dean. His mom's TLC will go a long way toward recovery.

I must tie up a few household chores and head to The Wellness Center for some exercise time in the pool.

Praying for all in need with extra emphasis on JO, Dean and Tori.


JudyEddy said...

Good morning as I write this

starting to feel better now still have to carry a box of tissues with me Where does all that come from LOL

the weather is hot hot 99 yesterday
hoping for rain to cool it off

JudyEddy said...

trying to figure out what the day entails

weather a big factor
i didn't see Jordyn last week and she has decided she needs a make up day She told Angie this am before camp on the way there that she decided a make up day is in order and she didn't want to go to gym this evening that she wanted me to go swimming with her from 4-6 then to her house for pizza and a movie Lol
so just got to see what the weather is going to do if no storms in the afternoon I just may go to the pool I figure sun may do my head drainage some good

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all!

My FIL is back and things are back to tense around here. UGH.

At least the weather is nice!

Margy is moving? How did I miss that piece of news?

Lori, glad you are all moved in. Moving is so stressful.

Hi Jo!

Wow Andi that is scary that your daughter's shop was so close to the shootings. I am sure glad she finally made it home safe. Must have been a very tense time for her.

Kay, I envy you getting swim time. I sure do miss of my favorite things to do!

Glad the Derma appt went well Sandi!

Lynne2 said...

Judy, it's that age old question....where DOES it all come from? Maybe a conspiracy created by the tissue companies!

Hoda said...

Good night.
God Rest the Souls of the Dallas Fallen.
Moving service.

Good day here.
New Yoga studio and excellent instruction.
I think tomorrow a Kayak and Bike Ride...
Two yoga classes in the evening.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Wherefore art thou?

A big hello to JO! We love you and hold you in our prayers!

It's a shame we haven't the ability to see action at the nest, but here's hoping our eagle family is doing well!

May you all have a grand and glorious summer day!

Prayers for all in need!


stronghunter said...

A quick hello.

I need to head out and take care of a few errands: bank, library, grocery store.

I hope Margy will pop on to tell us about the move.

Good afternoon, Jo. :)

Hoda said...

Good morning ladies, for it is indeed still morning here.
All good here.
Margy said she has moved end of May.
She said the two months prior she was busy with arrangements.
She is still in the process of unpacking and settling in.
My impression is all is good, she is busy.

Thank you Sandi.
I now have a similar experience to relay.
For two weeks I have had headaches on waking up.
I could not fathom it.
No apparent cause. I do not have them when I am out and about.
I checked my diffuser!
No wonder I wake up with head aches.
I clean it regularly but do not dismantle it!
Should have. This is where the mold was.
First I got scared and then got angry.
It should have come with a warning was my anger spot.
I threw it out.
For three mornings now no headaches!
Cravings for sugar all dropped!
I could not fathom that either.
I take magnesium and zinc regularly. So I am not short to explain sugar craving!
Made a doctor's appointment to learn about damage to internal organs and autoimmune system and what I can do to counter act it.
All is indeed good.
If you use essential oils and diffusers make sure there is no mold!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Golly, Hoda, that's scary about the diffuser and the mold!
Glad you found out what was causing the headaches--and threw out the diffuser!
Hope there was no permanent damage from that situation! Prayers for you!
Thanks for relaying the info about Margy's move! Hope we hear from her soon to get the whole story. BTW, a BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Margy~!

Jo, hope you are feeling better each day! You're always in my prayers, in my thoughts, and in my heart!

Prayers too for Tori, Vicky's son Dean, JudyE (yikes! Don't you just hate summer colds?!), and all the others in need of prayer.

It's 86 here today, but I'm just grateful it isn't hotter!

Hey, I FINALLY got an appt. with my PC doctor for an office visit! Had gotten a couple of phone messages saying it's been over a year since they've seen me, and I need to get in to see her before I need my next Rx refill. Also need to do some routine non-fasting blood tests. Called the 3rd week of June, and the soonest appt. available was in mid-July! Got through to the doctor's office (it took an act of Congress!), and they said they'd call me as soon as they had a cancelled appointment and could fit me in--probably within a week. Never heard from them! Got a letter from them a couple days ago, so called this morning to make an appt., and soonest available was August 29th!! Ken got kind of upset (no, he got really MAD!), and sent a very unhappy e-mail to my doctor. As a result, I have an appt. TOMORROW afternoon! Gee, it's good I didn't have a major problem or something! Now have to go in early to get the labs done before my appointment. Should be OK, because I can take my blood glucose monitor with me, and its cord, and we can hook it up to the doctor's computer. It will provide a chart of all my blood glucose test results for her. That should be helpful.

Lynne2, saying some prayers for you now that your FIL is back! By the way, it was my oldest granddaughter, not my daughter, that had trouble getting home from work in Dallas. It really was pretty scary, and we're just so grateful that she's okay! That whole situation there has just been so heartbreaking!

Oops! Well, I see it's time for me to make Emma's dinner, which explains the little reminders I'm getting from her right now! Guess I'd better get busy in the kitchen, and get back on the blog later tonight! (Priorities, you know!)
Have a good rest-of-the-evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Lolly said...

Hi all! It has been a busy day! Up early and out to mow, etc, the lawn Then it was clean up and get Jack to oral surgeon for his second bone transplant for his tooth. Hope this one takes! We were there most of the afternoon. Then I got busy with things I needed to do for the luncheon here tomorrow.

Will not be on tomorrow until afternoon.

Jack is doing well this evening. We ate scrambled eggs for dinner. He has taken no pain ills!

Off to the kitchen for more cooking. I am tired but I am about ready!

Unknown said...

good evening friends. I apologize for my absence.....I had a continuing education class from Friday thru sunday and in the midst, my router died and so I could not get online on my computer. of course, typing on the phone is I just held tight. hope everyone is well and I will read back tomorrow!

good night to all!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Glad your granddaughter is okay, Andy. The situation in Dallas is tragic. I'm glad to know that she got home safely.

Glad that Jack is doing well, Lolly.

Good that you discovered the mold, Hoda and that your headaches stopped. You take such good care of yourself that I would think you will recover quickly from any damage the mold might have done.

What kind of sunscreen do you use, Sandi? I am still looking for something with a moisturizer that I like with a SPF of at least 30. I have been using Olay, but it is so thick I end up wiping some of it off. I have a couple of samples from the dermatologist I have yet to try.

Hi Jo! Hope you are reading the messages. We are thinking of you.

Hello Kay! We had a nice summer day here, though it was plenty summery.

stronghunter said...

Any prospects on a job, Lynne2? I keep hoping that things will turn around for you.

Hello, Janet. Hope the class is going well for you. Glad you are feeling better, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the update on Dean, Glo. I need to check back on FB to see if anything else has happened.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

SED Shirley and everyone.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I think the humidity outside this morning must be at 105%!

Hoda, glad you found the source of your headaches. We run a humidifier in our bedroom during the winter months and I have to be really meticulous about keeping it clean. Mold spores floating in the air is not a good thing.

Lynne2, I sure do wish things would turn around for you and Steve and you could get out of such a toxic living situation. It cannot be healthy for you. But I'm sure your mother-in-law loves having you both there to talk to.

Shirley, I wear a tinted face moisturizer made by Neutrogena with a 30 SPF sunscreen on days when I am going out somewhere and put on make-up. For tennis and the beach I use a Garnier face moisturizer that's clear and has a 15 SPF sunscreen. For the rest of my body, I just buy whatever is on sale with an SPF of 15. I have read - and been told by a dermatologist - that an SPF above 15 is unnecessary and is often hype.

Jo, I hope today is a good day for you.

I am getting my toes done today. I have now lost at least a portion of all 10 fingernails. My fingers look pretty ugly even though the green color has faded some, so no polish for them. Fortunately, the new nails are about 1/3 grown out and look clear and healthy. It is kind of freeing not having to worry about nails breaking or polish chipping after 20 years of having long fingernails, but I sure do miss them for simple things like scratching an itch or giving the dogs ear scratches.

Have a greyt day all. Stay cool!

Hoda said...

Good morning Sandi and everyone else when you come on...
Surprised about still painting toe nails Sandi. Why do you not just let them breathe???
Tight about spores floating in air! Not good!!!
It should be a beautiful day today weather wise. The skies in Nelson were amazingly beautiful yesterday.
The first bird just started its song! So peaceful.
Love you Jo...

Hoda said...

Right about spores...
Tight! Even though chest became tight!!!

Sandi said...

Hoda, you are up very early this morning. My toes get to breathe for 7 months of the year - from October through April. But from May through September, when I'm wearing nothing but flip flops and sandals, they are painted. I love getting pedicures. :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the information about sunscreen, Sandi. Funny, my dermatologist said that 15 SPF really is not enough. I like her, but at the same time know that she does sell a product from her office. I was happy with a moisturizer that was 15--Lubriderm. Maybe I need to do a bit more research and ask my dermatologist a few more questions.

stronghunter said...

So you just get your toe nails painted--no fake toenails, I am guessing, Sandi. Sounds like Sandi's toenails are safe, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Yes, either Hoda is up early or hasn't gone to sleep yet.

Hoda said...

Up early ladies.
We have a coffee shop in the Slocan Valley called Sleep Is For Sissies!
No I did not stop there, their coffee is too strong for me!!! Anyway, I slept well and woke up breathing well.
Glad for toe reassurances ladies.

Kay said...

Good Late Morning Eagle Buds!!!

HODA, like SANDI (aka Miss Twindletoes)I'm glad you found the source of those headaches. Mold is my highest allergen. It's awful stuff!

SHIRLEY, I've heard that same thing about SPF--that is, 15 is sufficient. Keep us posted on your research and the opinion of your dermo-specialist.

Thinking of you JO and hoping you're enjoying our posts here! They are few and far between these days. Without the cam and realizing that Shamrock and Clover have flown the coop, I guess it's to be expected.

Have a great afternoon and evening everyone. I'm going to see what items in the pantry lure me into having some lunch.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good after noon eagle buds

Its hot hot hot i just came in from pulling weeds or I should say vines in the front yard
my yard is being taken over by fern Always had them only on the side of the house but now the front yard and back yard is being covered Really nice to have it green instead of just dead leaves from the huge oak tree nothing grows under it The tree shades my yard as well as the road and some of my neighbors yard across the road

gonna have our Thurs lunch with Angie in a bit at one

I only get regular polish on my toes Do you do the same SANDI??

Odd the polish last till I get them done ONCE a MONTH I can make it last
Being I do the french tip nails you can't see the growth as well as fully painted nails

hope everyone has a great day in no matter what you do

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle friends.

This morning I started a post with all sorts of insightful and interesting things to say, but the phone rang and the post disappeared along with all thoughts in my brain .

My dr recently diagnosed the dreaded toenail fungus in my left big toe. Probably not the same as Sandi's with her nail treatment induced problem. Dr says treatment for my problem is not covered by insurance, cost about $100 per month,lasts for a year and the fungus often returns. For now I'm just covering it with polish for the season, then decide what to do. Ugh, I hate all these old folks problems! I hate to think what might be next.

Haven't heard how Tori is faring--any news? Also keeping Jo in my thoughts and prayers..

Lolly said...

Good evening! Survived the day! It was fun! Lunch was good and then just lots of good conversation and laughter. Have tomorrow off (lol) and then Saturday brunch. I prepared food for today but Saturday it is covered dish. Saturday is celebrating two birthdays. "0" birthdays, we celebrate by giving them funny, raunchy cards. They have to read them out loud. Also give $ for Something of their choosing for the church. I have been sitting ever since, need to get out and water pots!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Checking in to say good night to everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

glo said...

Good evening. This Blog will not go away It gets busy at tiems and not so busy at times, but it has been a Momster home for 10 years. I would say as long as Steve posts a new thread for us as he can, a Momster will stop by home . There's no place like home. There really is no place like this Blog anywhere on line.

For me My little dog was accepted into training in the Therapy Dog program here at a local facility. We made our trial visit yesterday. She was awesome. Some of you may have seen her photo with her little tag that is bigger than she is that says Therapy Dog in Training. We have worked hard for 16 months and come a very long way. Then of course there is following Vicky and her son as best I can/ Another very good friend had triple by-pass surgery 2 weeks ago now. Found myself in surgical ICU for some time each day for 5 days. Another friend had a mastectomy yesterday and will begin radiation treatments shortly. She lives an hour away but we have a very close bond due to life circumstances we faced together back several years now. I will have to figure out if and how often she may need me to make that trip. I think that depends on how she responds to the radiation. Life just gets so very busy and even heavy at times. I will always come home as long as it is here. I am sure I will not be alone. (((((( Momsters))))))

Hoda said...

I am with Glo!
((( Momsters)))

This time I have not gone to sleep yet!!!
It is late.

I had an awesome hike today.
The vista was spectacular.

Talk to you tomorrow

Lori O. said...

Good morning (((Momsters))) . . . It's Friday!!!

Congratulations GLO on your therapy dog achievement! That's so wonderful!

Don't feel bad, LYNNE1, the forgetfulness like that happens to all of us a lot too ... and I'm totally wish you on hating the old folks maladies.

SANDI, wow, I cannot imagine Janey still having those hookworms!

KAY, Did you click the link to see the type of Hosta garden I have in mind? It really is beautiful. I just looked at the pics again last night and like them more each time I see them. Hosta seems so serene in any garden but mixed up in all colors and sizes will be tricky to plant and keep that feeling.

LYNNE2, Hoping you and Steve find a new home when you can, but until them I hope you can find some joy where you are. Living with parents is never easy and they aren't your parents so I imagine that makes it difficult too.

JO, JO, JO !!! I think of you everyday and hope you are feeling stronger everyday and managing to read here when you feel up to it.

It's supposed to be cooler today - thank you God!!!

I'm going with Kate to the doctor today as they're going to take a biopsy from her bladder which they say is thickened - took a couple tests to find that out. Now to find out why. She's pretty scared so if you can send some good thoughts and prayers it would be appreciated.

Brewster, our foster bulldog, is doing incredibly well after being neutered, having his nares tucked to open them and having his palate shortened - all typical bulldog problems from poor breeding. We have found a great new home for him but he won't be leaving until he's finished healing. Probably another week.

Hoping everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Lori O. said...

HODA, thank you for the diffuser tip. I use two of them with oils a lot! Glad you're feeling better. ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Hot, hot, hot and more hot! Oh, and humid!

Glo, I loved reading your words about the blog - it IS like coming home!

I'm never sure about these birthday reminders we get anymore. Today's says that Jusy'd birthday is Saturday, but it also says her birthday is July 15th. So, which is it? Just in case it's today, I'll say happy birthday Judy - enjoy your day!

Jo, I hope today is a good day for you.

Tennis for me at 8am - at least it's on a shady court!

Have a greyt day all. And yes, it's only polish on my toes - I didn't even think people got products like acrylic or gels on their toes.

Unknown said...

good morning to all! SANDI TODAY IS JUDYE's birthday!!!!

its been a busy week, but I have a four day weekend ahead and I am looking forward to it!

I am hoping LYNNE2 finds peace and a peaceful place to be....a true home....
I am thinking of JO. of TORI. of each of you....

the weather is hot and steamy, which, considering that it is July, is quite normal. I have had a couple of beautiful pool afternoons this week and have taken advantage of them!

last night I went to a bridal shower for the gal who provided math tutoring for Olivia last school "year". there were 11 of us in total, a cozy small group from work.

unfortunately I am finding that in such gatherings I have a difficult time discerning all sounds like a big noise "mush" to me.....frustrating.

not sure if this is "normal" i just said i was taking it all in and was a bit tired, which i was. i left @ 7. almost my bedtime, sure didn't want to turn into a pumpkin! lol

anyway, hoping everyone has alovely Friday!

sadly watching the news....more hatred. more deaths. it both scares me and makes me sad for humanity...

light and love to one and all! hugs!

Hoda said...

Clean clean clean those diffusers Lori!!!
I was cleaning mine once a week!
Any movable parts go inside and tiny brush them...

Prayers for Kate and her health.

Yoga day for me. A start of four day house sitting too.

Love you Jo.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Chilling here with my good friend Cheeto. He is such a sweetheart. Discovered a huge pile of destroyed toilet paper a little while ago. Allie Cat has been busy. She is sweet when she wants to be.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the Bday wishes

SIS I am the same way on hearing in a noisy environment. I have issues with my right ear not hearing
and I hate it not hearing what people are saying

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon

Also just chilling here. Well, not too cold, it is the Ides of July after all. ( I didn't really know if there is an Ides of July, but Merriam Webster says yes). Playing mindless games on my iPad while turning over thoughts in my head. My daughter wants me to spend several months in OK this fall/ winter. I would find a small apartment or the like. Problem is what to do with the cats if taking them with me isn't an option. I'm thinking I need someone to house/pet sit as I don't really like the thought of leaving the house unoccupied for months. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

Miss seeing our Eagles, or any eagles at this point. This isn't the best time of the year to go birding, and my backyard birds are scarce.

Thinking of all of you and keeping you in my good thoughts.

Kay said...

Good Late Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Happy Birthday, JUDY! Many pleasant memories for me on this date as it was my dear mother's birthday. She only got to celebrate 45 of them, but we did do birthdays up right in our household.

Prayers please for my neighbor who received a kidney from his daughter today. His wife was a nervous wreck over having them both in surgery this morning---praying it went well and that Tom is on his way to improved health. God bless their daughter!

Prayers for Kate, LORI. Hope it's something simple and either remedied or easy to live with. So happy with the Brewster report! Yes, I did look at the Hosta garden---beautiful!

Yep, LYNNE1, the 15th of every month is the Ides. March is the only month that gets much recognition.

HODA, good luck with the house sitting!

JO, thinking of you, praying for you and hoping you enjoy our daily chat here!

Prayers for all in need!


stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Judy!

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday JudyE! Hope you have a great day.

Hope everyone is doing alright and staying cool.

Take care.

Lori O. said...

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, JudyE! I'm checking in late, but I hope it was a great day!

The doctor looked at Kate's bladder today - amazing the things that can be done now! - and she has a small reddened spot but nothing unusual. She put her on a low dose antibiotic for 3 months to see if that clears up the inflammation or irritation then she'll go back for another look at it in 6 months. Of course, I asked questions and learned that most people with thickened bladders get it from holding their urine too long OR straining to get it all out.

Stay cool everyone, another hot weekend is here! Lovin' the pool! :)

Hoda said...

Good night all.
Judie's birthday in fifteen minutes.
Happy birthday Judie, if you happen to read this, make it a good day and year.

glo said...

Happy Birthday to Judie Way Kay that is amazng about your neighbors kidney transplant. I sure can understand why she would be so nervous for hubby and daughter. Prayers for sure.

Off to photograph Disability Assistance Dogs today. They train service dogs . It is wonderful to watch the dogs learn to do exactly what those who will receive them, need their help with.

Spending afternoon with a friend who is then off to Spain for a month. By the time she gets back school will be in session and she is a teacher, so we are pretty much finishing up our summer time together this afternoon.

Zoey under the weather some again but I refilled her prescription which will get her down the road a few weeks again. Works well for a short time but not months like it used to. I am trying to give her summer and maybe Fall in by her window where she loves her sunbaths.

Beautiful day today and then we are in for a heat wave. uggg I enjoy winter so much more than summer. I have a coat. I put it on and go outside. Doesn't work that way for me in the winter. I stay inside lots more :-(

Unknown said...

good morning to all.

KA and LORI; sending love and healing light to all......what a generous gift, KAY

JO: as always holding you close in my heart and thought....

JUDYE: thanks sis for sharing....I knew about the right ear, but was unaware of this noise mush we appear to share. it is indeed frustrating. my dr asked me if I wanted to look into a "hearing aid".....I said no....usually I can manage....but it is frustrating!

after work yesterday, I was just tired. I was glad to be home. I vegged on my sofa.

I have four days off....going to enjoy them. I see pool time when the sun shines and time to finish up a painting and some other projects!

will check in later.

hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...


♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear JUDIE ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!

***Sending birthday wishes your way***


grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle watchers. The nest tree area looked bright this morning. I try to check every day to try to catch a glimpse of a possible eagle, but no luck so far.

Happy, Happy Birthday to Judie. I hope her absence here is due to getting the house sold and moving to the retirement community.

Prayers for all in need.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!

Happy Birthday to you JUDIE, may all your dreams come true!!

Haven't had a chance to talk to my neighbor, but update you when I can on her daughter's miracle gift to Dad. Last time Penny and I were outside I saw her car disappear up the street---no doubt on the way to OSU Medical Center.

LORI, thanks for the Kate update! Hope the antibiotic does the trick!

See you on Monday. Tomorrow filled with activities with Seth---breakfast, lunch, a tour of The Ohio Historic Museum and then, if the ol' gals energy holds up, will cap off the day with a band concert in the park.

Have a great afternoon, evening and Sunday all!

Prayers for all in need! Of course, special thoughts of you JO! Miss you!


NatureNut said...

Good Grief, the heat must have melted all the days together!
When I was out earlier, kitchen thermometer said 98°, and now it's a little breezy and 93°!!!!!! The tiny kitten (1 of 3 born in garage) was ill and returned to us by our genious Vet, all better and also socialized!!! He just came in, went in kitchen for food and wanted to go outside! (They have food/water outside, too & get meds every day). It's like a mini-zoo! They're so adorable together, it's painful to think of taking one from group to give away.


Hope Lori's Kate is feeling better. Just got done w/a UTI, which only lasts a week or so, but understand how irritating these things can be. I got Cipro and didn't read the text 'til now. Was wondering why I had such a dark tan on my arms!!!! DUH!

Gonna trudge to kitchen, so want to Wish for prayers for all in need, esp. our Jo,
And Peace in the World.

Lolly said...


HB Belatedly to Judy.

HB to JUDIE! ❤️ Miss you, JUDIE!

Whew! What a whirl this week has been and it is not slowing down. 17 here for lunch Thursday. Friend Janie and I prepared the meal. Then today 17 fora birthday brunch. It was covered dish but I prepared a brunch punch and cheese cake. They came starting at 10, last left at 2:30. I have been sitting g since! Lol

Yesterday was going to be nothing, or so I thought. I started laundry and Jackand I were sitting here reading the newspaper. I told Jack I could smell something hot, something burning. He did, too. So we started searching the house. It was the washing machine. It had filled up but then the motor burned up! We wrung the clothes out, put them in an ice chest. (They were still very wet!). Dipped out the washer and then went to a laundry mat. More fun! Then we went to Lowes and purchased a new washer. It will be delivered Wed.

Tomorrow we go and get Joseph and Jacob for several days. They can not dirty a lot of clothes! Lol

Tonight I need to get up energy to bake Jack a lemon pie for his birthday tomorrow!

Much love and prayers for you, Jo!🌹🌹🌹🌹

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, please tell Jack I said Happy Birthday!

Lori, I have been meaning to tell you that all of my flowers have been growing just fine in the Miracle Gro Moisture Control potting soil that I bought. About the hosta garden - do you have a lot of deer around? Ours LOVE hostas - they have pretty much wiped out all of the hostas in the neighborhood!

Jo, I hope today is a good day for you.

Off to walk Janey with 2 other greyhounds this morning. Then we have a dog birthday party this afternoon - always a good time! This is the party where a neighbor brought a 12 year old dachshund named Jenni that she was fostering and I brought her home. Sure do wish I had skipped that party 2 years ago - then I would only have half the amount of pee to clean up from the sunroom floor!

Have a greyt day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Another hot and humid summer day.

New car for Kathryn. She made herself a good deal. Lots of new tech on it.

Hi Jo, hope today is a good one for you.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

hope you are gaining strength day by day

SHIRLEY what kind of car??

LOLLY tell JACK to have a good birthday from me

Any news on TORI???

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday Jack.
Enjoy your day...

New car for Kathryn? She just got a new car a year or so ago? No? Congratulations. Safe driving.

Saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers from Paula to Jo. Loved it.
Two of my favourite people those two...
Awesome friends to one another too.
Love to you two Paula and Jo.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi, Shirley and Judy. Once again Judy - sorry about the missed birthday. Happy Late Birthday to Judie. My friend Lance and I went to Sprint Car races last night. Hope everything and everybody is OK and if not hope you can get better soon. With my son working more lately our fishing trips don't exist. Play a little golf occasionally...maybe tomorrow. It's been hot around our parts - but I don't seem to mind the heat. Good morning Jo - have a great Sunday. If you come on Blog sometime, I was curious if they sold your golf course at Hollow Creek. Take care all. Although not a big part of the Blog, I also enjoyed Glo's comments. I have always been appreciative of Jo and Paula allowing me to join the Momsters Group. Such a tremendous group.

Unknown said...

morning to all. JO; missing you on here. Holding you close.
Hope JUDIE had a fabulous birthday!
LOLLY: so sorry about the washer. What a pain! I remember all too well from back in January when I spent much time at the laundry due to the washer line collapsing under the house….yikes yikes yikes. No fun!
Please send BIRTHDAY WISHES to JACK for me LOLLY!
SANDI: sounds like a fun day around your place.
So yesterday was a good day. Tom and I went out and mowed the grass at his 2nd place of employment. (Advance auto). It needed to be done and so he volunteered. I love yard work so my weed whacker and I were there! Wish I had had one of those gas leaf blowers that fit on your back. Think I’d feel like a “ghost buster” with one of those wink !
Then we went down to Murfreesboro to a small boutique that he knew was closing. It was a women’s boutique. No clothes appealed to me, per se, but I did get a new pair of tall, gray, suede boots that are awesome and a pair of denim shoes that are adorable. And while those things are great….i got an ironing board for niki and Michael ($2)……cuz believe it or not they iron. Personally, I don’t. I avoid it. At all cost. But a like new ironing board for them. Rock it!
I think I told you all Michael is now the general manager of his own jiffy lube. Growth is painful. But I am so proud of him. Hopefully he will get this shop turned around…
Today off to work with bamboo…..
Thinking of each of you

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, Happy Birthday wishes please to Jack. Hope his day is filled with awesomeness!

Hello Jo! Hope you are feeling stronger and better every day and are staying as cool as a cucumber in this hot weather!

My daughter made Bread and Butter pickles this week. Her first foray into canning. They are so far a success.

Another tragedy, this time in Baton Rouge. Heartbreaking. Sounds like they were set up for their death. Horrific.

Miss our eagles but know they are fishing and enjoying life in the skies.

Take care.

Unknown said...

Mom asked me to post this to her friends before posting anything on FACEBOOK. Not sure when we will post anything on FACEBOOK yet.

To all of my wonderful friends. I am waiting on a bed to become available at the Hospice Kline House. This is where I would like to spend my final days with my family because there is 24hr nursing care and the place is supposed to be like a beautiful suite in a hotel.
I love all of you and have Cherished your Friendships through the years. You have made my life Happy and Fulfilled.
Mema Jo

Mema is resting comfy at home for now. She wants no visitors at this time except family because she needs to take this journey alone.
Will try to update soon

Hoda said...

You tell your Momma, our Gracious Lady and awesome leader we love her so.
Putting her in prayers and helping her with her transition by expressing our gratitude for her life and her friendship and her example.
Travel well Mema Jo.
We'll see you on the other side.
One of the best things that happened in my life is knowing that you are the beautiful soul that you are. God's Grace and Speed. Love you Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Jenny, we are with you. Please tell her again we love her with all our hearts❤

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bless your heart Jenny. Please tell her I love her so very much. My heart is breaking for you all of you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, you are loved beyond words. You have been such a blessing to so many lives, mine included. I have always loved watching your family and how they love you, a true testament of your love. I love you much my dear friend. Know in your heart you are not really alone in this journey as you carry us all in your heart.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jenny, please tell Jo that I send my love. I will continue to keep her - and the entire Lennox family - in my daily thoughts and prayers. She has been a leader, a voice of wisdom, a trusted advisor, and a true friend to me, and to everyone on this blog.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Jenny, I join the other Momsters in sending love and kind thoughts to Jo. She has been our matriarch throughout our blog years. We are with her in spirit.

Jewels said...

Momma Jo,
I am saddened to hear this, I wish I had known to come sit with you before no visitors... My heart pours out to you, Ed and the Family, Jenny, thank you so very much for sending us this on the blog. Momma Jo I love you and I hate that time , distance amd my work has kept us so far from each other. Prayers for restful loving and easy transition. I have looked up to you since I met you. YOU were one of Mom's best friends. The only solace I have is knowing that you will be pain free , receiving the new body, cancer free from our lord saviour and that you will see Mom, and the rest of your loved ones gone before you. I love you my Momma 3. I will see you one day again.

grannyblt said...

Jo, thank you for your love and friendship. You are in our thoughts and prayers..❤️❤️

magpie said...

My heart is brimming with love and sadness, admiration, and with the profound joy, comfort, and inspiration that you, my friend Jo....have shared abundantly; People like you Make a Difference, and Inspire us to do the Same.... Jenny thank you for letting us know ...
JO Lovins' and ((( HUGS ))) to you, and all your wonderful family...

Forever, Your Friend, Magpie xoxo ☺♥☺♥
God Bless Us, Every One xo ♥

glo said...

I am sure Jenny will read our words of love and support for our Mema Jo to her. Her heart will be filled and surrounded with so very much love and respect from across the country Prayers continue for comfort and peace for MeMa Jo and her family Tears spill out for MeMa Jo and her family. I am sure she understands that even tough old birds sometimes cry. They are loving gentle tears through tough times, taught by our MeMa Jo. ((((Momsters and Dadsters)))))

Judie said...

thank you sandi for the email
thank you Jenny for the update on your mom

Thank you Jo for the years of love and friendship.
May your spirit soar as an eagle.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Hoda for telling me to get on!

Jenny thank you for posting.

Jo, we love you! We respect you! From the very beginning when I joined this blog you were just so wonderful reaching out to me. You helped me with technical problems. You have been an awesome friend. Love and hugs go your way along with many prayers. You will be thought of every time I cut a rose, every time I am blessed to see an eagle! God be with you!🌹❤️❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️❤️

JudyEddy said...

JENNY thank you for letting us know

your MOM is loved by so many

I feel so honored to have meet her several years back

I will be keeping her and your family close to heart

so many of our hearts are breaking along with your and your family I pray you all can be strong for our mom who is loved and admired by so many

Bless you dear JO for your hard fight we are here for you and with you

NCSuzan said...

Jo, damn lungs.........

NCSuzan said...

Thank you for your friendship, your leadership, your diplomacy, your knowledge, your tenacity, your love of eagles and your love of this blog. Thank you for sharing your wonderful family and yourself.

Kay said...

Thank you for the e-mail alert, SANDI. Thank you, JENNY for so lovingly taking care of your precious mother and for conveying her thoughts to us. JO, there is nothing I can add to the eloquent, heartfelt words above, but to say I love you dear friend and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I do so understand and respect your wishes, finding your decision so in keeping with the wise and thoughtful woman you are.♥♥♥

DanaMo said...

I'm so sorry to get the news about Jo. She is loved by so many. I'm glad she is resting comfortably surrounded by the love of her family. You are in my heart and prayers, Jo.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love us! And I absolutely hate, hate, hate cancer.

Robyn said...

I have not been on this blog in ages, though I have popped in from time to time to catch up on eagles and friends. I heard some news today that made my heart hurt...

Jo, Tori and I both love and miss you and are so thankful you are a part of our lives.

I have been thinking about you lately as I have not seen you posting of late and now I know why, I am glad you are surrounded by your family and comfortable. You're on the road to your next journey in life where arms will be waiting wide open for you. I wish you much comfort.

Thank you Jenny for letting us know, you and your family are in my thoughts

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Blessings to you Danamo.
You are right, she is so loved by many as she also loves many... We are all blessed with her friendship.

Hoda said...

Robyn, very good to see you.
Oh how much love Jo has for you and Tori and Tori's Granma. Blessed Be you all.

If anyone on the blog has posted anything about their own personal sadness or grieving process please make sure Jo's and the Lennox Family privacy is honoured and respected. You might want to go in and edit any references that would indicate who you are grieving for.

Unknown said...

We are now at the Hospic Kline house with Mom. The time has for us to wrap our arms around her, and love her completely into the hand of the Lord so she can be Free.

Unknown said...

I will be posting on FB now too

Hoda said...

Thank you Jennifer. Very grateful that you took the time to let us know.
With you in prayers.

Sandi said...

Thank you Jennifer for taking the time to update us when your heart must be hurting so much. My prayers for Jo, for your dad, and for the entire Lennox family are ongoing. Please give Jo a hug and a kiss from me.

NCSuzan said...

I don't have words......just thinking of Jo.

DanaMo said...

Thank you! God bless Jo.

CarolAnne said...

The years will come and go, but the love and memories will last forever.
Prayers for all who are hurting at this time.

glo said...

So many tears and some pretty special heart smile kind of memories today. God Bless MeMa Jo and her family.

JudyEddy said...

Thank you JENNIFER we are all holding your mom in our hearts as you are holding her in your arms May her transition to the next chapter in her life be peaceful one
May you hold her in your hearts forever. I know she knows we are all thinking of her

Lynne2 said...

Jenny, thank for letting us know. My heart and prayers go out to you and all of Jo's family even as my eyes swell with tears. I hope she can feel all of our arms around her, gentle as the eagle's wings do they surround her now.


glo said...

AOYP everyone and surrounding MeMa Jo and her family.

Unknown said...

my heart is aching with all of you.
JENNY: thank you so much for letting us know....I chime in with all the others, we love your mom so so much. such a kind, loving and gracious woman. we cannot put our physical arms around her and you all at this time, but our hearts are holding you close. MEMA JO: we love you. thank you for your love and kindness. may you transition be peaceful and blessed. may her spirit soar with her eagle and owel totem.s...blessed be blessed be.

Lolly said...

Nite all! Sleep well. It has been a long, emotional day. God bless and keep Mema Jo and her family.....and each of you!❤️

Hoda said...

Good night everyone.
In our own ways we are all keeping vigil for Mema Jo. May her transition be painless and in knowing the Grace of God. You are getting your Big Promotion Jo. Keeping vigil for you with love and gratitude.❤️❤️❤️

Hoda said...

Good Morning all.
Happy Birthday Christie. So proud of you and celebrate you year round.
Today I head out in an hour to study Osprey on Kootenay Lake.
So I pack for a boat ride 7:00-1:00.
Taking my gratitude of and prayers to Jo with me. Eagles will know.
❤️❤️❤️ For a day of love, comfort and ease Jo. Celebrating you always.

Hoda said...

Miss Sandi where are you?
Goodorming too you, where are you?

JudyEddy said...



Unknown said...

Mema Jo is in Heaven now Flying with her Eagles..

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...