Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Back from travel.  New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread

I'll call the others over

CarolAnne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...




Good Morning Eagle Buds

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and for the call over Jo. I'll paste what I put on the other thread.

Good morning all my eagle budlets. I see no report of a pip so I guess we watch and wait.

On Saturday, I took T-bird to Louisville, Kentucky to see her Aunt Thelma who just found out on Wednesday she had cancer everywhere. They moved her into Hospice on Friday, we saw her on Saturday and she would open her eyes every now and then but was unresponsive. So glad Thelma got to see her because on Sunday afternoon, she passed away. So please keep Thelma and the Elmore family in your prayers. This was T-bird's favorite aunt and the one she was named after. :(

718 miles in 1 day. Still tired.

JudyEddy said...

switch but no sign of eggs

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Adult off the eggs. I think the eggs are in China now. Can't see any part of them. Rolling eggs now but still can't see them.

JudyEddy said...

SHAR I am so happy that she got to go up and see her before her passing Please accept my deepest condolences to your and yours

JudyEddy said...

more flugg is being piled in front of our eagle What are they up to LOL Hide and seek this is not Easter

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Odd can't get the blog emailed to me

Unknown said...

morning to all. SHAR: please pass along my condolences and blessings.....

busy day planned....finishing Amelia's painting.....planning on whipping thru this house like a tornado and clean and be outside by afternoon. 80 today and sunny. cooler temps for the weekend. planning on enjoying today.

good to see everyone this morning. have a beautiful day!

Judie said...

Good morning.

No question that Steve has years of experience with the momsters -- knows to provide a fresh thread to accommodate all the pip posts.

Thank you Steve and thank you Jo for the call over.

Condolences to Thelma. So nice she was able to visit her aunt.

Thinking of the situation with Lynne2 and Steve and hoping they can arrange a meeting. Wonder if it would help to mention momsters with eagle canes?

Off to tackle more sorting and tossing out.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yay! Hanks for the new thread!

Only one more night with Luke! He is presently asleep on Jack's chair. Uh Oh!!! Skippi did join us in bed last night. Well, for a little while anyway.

Got up to 87 yesterday but today will be 10 degrees cooler, thank goodness! Always scary when you have such high temps in March.

Have been watching the cam. Eagles are doing a good job of keeping the eggs hidden.

Hope Lynne gets on and reads all the great advice!

Today we run errands then back outside we go.

Luke has not been eating. So last night we are ready for bed and he decides to eat. I just sat down and waited. Lol. Then I took him out. He is being a good doggy. He is my shadow. Goes everywhere with me. Yep, even there! Jack took him out first thing this morning, but as soon as they were back in, he was at my side of the bed whining! I was out of reach! Lol

Have a great day! Yesterday was Pi day, maybe today will be pip day!😜

Lolly said...

Love it! Hanks for the new thread! Roflmbo

Mema Jo said...

Don't mean to read and run off but I have a date with Dracula


Judie said...

Lolly, his name is Steve. Who's Hank? Does Jack know about him?

Jo, Jufie is there. Says the report will be a good one.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

We're back home from the cheer competition! Fantastic news: Both of the cheer teams that Courtney performs with ('Mystic' and 'Platinum') won 1st Place!!!!
We could not be more thrilled! Thank you all for your prayers and support. Gotta run and feed Miss Emma, because we are going to drive up to Hollywood to see some of the sights, and will probably eat lunch at either Pink's or Tommyburgers.

Haven't had a moment to read and catch up here, so hope everyone is O.K. Will have a chance to get back here tomorrow, after we take Courtney and Lauren to Disneyland.
(Court's other grandma, who used to work there, can get them in for free!)

Have a great day, and I hope we soon have a hatch! Take care, everyone. I ♥ us!

Mema Jo said...

That is great news Andy - I am sure you and Ken really enjoyed being a part of it all.

Blood work accomplished - Platelets are a little low BUT there are foods to help boost
your immune system - CHOCOLATE - I can do that except must watch the sugar for my
diabetes 2. There is always a down side..........

It is still a cloudy dismal day with misty showers. I think it is time for a feet up nap.

Have I told you that I do N O T like the haystack around our egg cup!!!

Lolly said...

Yes, Jo, it s a haystack! Just ran errands into town. Put Luke in his "cage". All was quiet when we returned but when I let him out he went wild! He was so excited! He grabbed up his Hippo toy and has not put it down. Lol

Head outside! Whoops! It is 82. NOT supposed to get up to that!

WVJerry said...

Thanks for New Thread. Thanks Jo and congrats on the feather. I see an eagle sitting on eggs now.

WVJerry said...

Lynne2 - sorry to hear about you and Steve's problems. I was think you have gotten good advice here. I would say too many bosses and not enough workers. Also, sounds like to me if owner gets rid of Barn Manager and office person he solves the problem. Hope you get situated soon.

Carol_in_WV said...

When are eggs expected to hatch?

JudyEddy said...

ANY DAY NOW This is the 36th day of the first egg
but with the cup sooo deep I think we may miss is as others have said!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I agree JO the Hay stack needs to go

JudyEddy said...


Carol_in_WV said...

Thanks, JudyE. It's been a long time since I've posted here. For the last couple of years, I've just observed the cam occasionally.

Judie said...

Good mid afternoon.

Whew! Got lots and lots done today. Need to finish packing up crime tapes/videos.

Welcome Carol. We're on pip watch both NCTC and DC.

Jo, wouldn't it be wonderful if someone invented sugarless chocolate that really does taste like the real thing? Glad the blood report was generally good.

Andy, congratulations to Courtney. She and Lauren will have a terrific day tomorrow. Puppy pats for Emma.

Lolly, I have some suspicion that you're actually going to miss Luke. Maybe you and Laurel can set up a puppy play date schedule.

Hi Jerry. Tell Rhonda hi from the momsters.

Have a community meeting tonight. On the agenda is recognition of neighbors who have spent 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years patrolling our community.


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

No pip yet, eh?

After voting this a.m., I came home for Penny and off we went to Julie's. This is her Spring Vacation week and we busied ourselves with some deep cleaning. It's always such fun working together!

WANDA, sending positive thoughts and fervent prayers your way!

LYNNE2, you've received a lot of good Momster advice and I'm crossing my fingers for you and Steve!

THELMA, thinking of you as you mourn a sad loss. So glad SHAR took you to see your Aunt Thelma just in time. Remembering the good times with her will get you through this.

Must move on to the neglected newspaper and some e-mail.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Carol_in_WV said...

I can't remember - how many years has Belle been doing this?

glo said...

Cam has been on since 2006

Mema Jo said...

It's Terrific Tues TV for me - however; I am trying to monitor our nest to see if
Belle comes in for night duty. Seems as though Shep has been there for a long time

Please if you see a switch report it on here.

I'll check back later.......

Sandi said...

Hi all. Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Jo for the call over.

Welcome back Carol in WV - please visit often!

Saw what I thought was an egg roll that just looked like the adult sticking his/her beak down into that pile of grass - didn't get even a glimpse of the eggs! We will never know when there's a pip! Geez!

Off to watch some election results and some mindless TV - have started season 4 of House of Cards.

I will see everyone in the early AM! Goodnight!

Lolly said...

Yes, will miss Luke but at the same time will be happy to have Skippi back to normal. She has not been as playful. Miss her sleeping with us. So often she hides behind things sn jumps out and "tackles" us. She has not been doing that this week

Fritz family is home. Taking Luke home tomorrow and taking steaks to grill. They had a great time.

We will have no idea when an egg hatches, not until they start feeding a bobblehead. I have never seen an egg cup so deep!

About to start dinner. Need to go make meat patties.

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Belle has arrived for Night Duty
I was getting a bit worried

Going to say Goodnight - sleep well ♥

WVJerry said...

Good evening. I see an eagle wide awke. Usually thought she was tucked in this time of night. Anyone know if this means a hatching tonight. Thanks...not normally on duty at this time.

WVJerry said...

Not real sure but think something is happenning now.

JudyEddy said...

she is piling the flugg backup again silly eagle

WVJerry said...

I wish someone was here who could tell what I' seeing.

JudyEddy said...

That is about norm JERRY for her to be awake

WVJerry said...

Hi Judy. She seems to be having trouble settling down.

JudyEddy said...

I think she may be getting a tickling moving sensation MAYBE

JudyEddy said...

I bet that does feel funny under her skin the egg moving She does seem to be cocking her head looking down somewhat

WVJerry said...

Judy - can you hear some clicking, crunching like noises too?

JudyEddy said...

I do hear something but not positive I also have some static

JudyEddy said...

sitting here with speaker on ear lol

WVJerry said...

I'm also starting to wonder if something is in the nest with her.

WVJerry said...

I can hear a "churring" type noise too occasionally.

JudyEddy said...

gonna set up lap top and watch hard to see desktop it to the side of my chair
while watching TV

will pop on if I see anything naturally.

still looks like she is looking down

There she goes pulling on flugg

she maybe listening also seems jmho

WVJerry said...

I can hear a little clicking like noise and the static. I have never really seen this part of the process so I9 don't really know what I am seeing happen. Sorry I can't really help much with that part.

WVJerry said...

I can say that Belle is unsettled about something in her area.

WVJerry said...

OK. Thanks Judy. Looks like I got a little over excited about everything. Thanks for hanging around.

WVJerry said...

She seems to be watching something around the nest now.

WVJerry said...

Good night Judy if you're still around. Looks like Belle is settling down and I have to be up at 4:00AM...so I'm calling it a night too.

JudyEddy said...

Goodnight JERRY You have had a long day. You did great! First time pacing the floors with us at night It can be more dramatic at night I think.
and so glad I could be here with you also that is what friends are for.

Looks like Fulton is getting thunderstorms saw lightening

back to my show LM

and my email is finally working The odd thing is I am getting emails from this am that didn't come them several hours late and they aren't in the order that of thecomment

Belle is up and looking down

NatureNut said...

Hello All Eaglebuds. Just saw Belle standing for few sec0nds and eggs are out of sight below the "canyon wall" of the nest well. She put her head down, probably rolling them and then scooched down forward towards the cam. Then flugg got spread all around that top edge so we can see even less! Wonder if the cam can be lifted UP somewhat.
Checked the DC nest awhile ago & they have no announcement. Egg #1 could begin hatching now.
I'm home tomorrow~~~guss I'll get a lot done! LOL
I did get some late PM pics at Chelsea Friday of something we've never seen in person at the pond! And a pic thru the window of one of our faves. So I have to work on them, but don't expect perfection----low light and some blur. ☺

Judie said...

Good evening.

Meeting was fine. Patrollers received their awards and the police were kind enough to show up.

How is work Loretta? All things sorted out?

Lolly, give Luke some extra pats and Skippi some extra treats. They were good critters.

Going to finally get to the newspaper then to the pillows.

Looks as if Belle is settled in. As Scarlet said "tamarrah is anutha dayh." So, maybe tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

stronghunter said...


Nice to see a new thread. Thank you, Steve.

Congratulations on the feather, Jo.

Goodness me, our babies will not be hopping out of that deep cup for quite awhile.

Lolly said...

Watched The Voice tonight. Kept an eye on the cam as well! Saw the eggs at one egg roll! Wahoo, they have not fallen into a black hole! Lol
Luke worked in the yard with me again today. Such ago doggy! He stays right with me.

See you tomorrow. Time to bathe, take Luke out, etc. now that I will not miss!

WVJerry said...

Good early morning. I see Belle is awake. Just saw on Channel 4 that Metro Rail is shut down for safety reasons. Have a great day. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - 1 sleeping eagle in the nest. I've been watching for about a half hours and she hasn't gotten up. I'm guessing the only thing under her are eggs.

Schools here are on a 2 hour fog delay ... but my dogs didn't get that message.

Read on Facebook that Wanda's surgery was at 6:15 this morning so she should be fast asleep by now and getting that new knee.

Glo, glad your made it out of the basement last night!

I may try to fall back to sleep for an hour.

Have a greyt day all. Maybe a chick today? Fingers crossed!

glo said...

gm everyone. All is calm after a very wild evening in my area. Power came back about 3 am. I am ready to watch for that Pip and or hatch since she covered those eggs so well yesterday we really have no clue about what is in process lol. Thanks Belle. Prayers for Wanda and her surgeon this am. Eyes to the nest today as much as possible

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

just got a snip of two eggs can't see much tops of eggs

JudyEddy said...

GLO so happy you got your power on and a is safe with you and yours

Thinking of WANDA this am

Judie said...

Good morning.

Eagle basking in the sunshine. DC site is unavailable because of heavy viewers.

Prayers for Wanda this morning. Wonder if she plans on dancin' a jig tomorrow?

Also thinking ahead for Jo tomorrow.

Glo, happy you and the critters are safe. Thanks for stopping by to let us know.

Looking through the window, I see the Yoshino cherry tree is covered with big fat buds and a beauteous red cardinal is sitting there. Should have some beautiful flowers in a week or so. Usually a bit later than DC.

May do some book sorting today but first, the newspaper and another sip of coffee.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

STILL is cam is stuck

It was like that yesterday for a bit also but seemed to start up again in the evening

another sort of roll dig and turn no sign of eggs this time

JudyEddy said...

another sort of up and dig and wiggle

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, we take Luke home today. Know he will be very excited when we arrive at his home!

Laurel and Joey arrived home with no back fence. Neighbor them tore it down to replace it. In the meantime Cosmo has to go out on a leash. He does not do his business while on a leash. Not good!

Got up into the 80's yesterday. Had house open, went to sleep with windows wide open. Went down into the 40's. Lol. Very chilly this morning. Skippi did sleep with us last night, up beside Jack. She came to visit with me, purring very loudly. Also, when we have been out, Luke will pass right beside Skippi when coming inside. We have been needing to push Skippi ack so Luke would come in. Wonder how much longer it would take for them to play?

Took Belle a long time to go to sleep last night. Wonder if she is listening to peeps?

Time toget a move on. Will head to Denton early afternoon.

Oh, and guess what! Armadillo dug in the front yard last night! Not good, at all!!

Lolly said...

Neighbor behind them

JudyEddy said...

I LOST the CAM anyone else and when i reload its is not in the correct # of buffer on 2 and when you move the red bar up it goes out or hit live goes out

JudyEddy said...

cam is back I panicked for nothing LOL

JudyEddy said...

and the STILL cam is back to the correct time also I wonder if they were working on that when the cam went out

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY so sorry about the yard being dug up.
and the fence issue.
Think they would have had the fence ready to put in place when they tore it down. One would think!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

NCTC just now reset still cam - I had sent an email earlier as I did the other day.
JudyE - my live feed also was going down as yours did but when I rebooted it was
fine - It could have happened due to resetting the still cam --- ALL IS WELL -
There is a possibility that a pip has occurred on the one egg. It's up for speculation. Lots of good photos on FB

Karla has been keeping us posted on her mom's knee surgery. Everything went very well and Wanda is in her room now recovering. Our prayers for successful surgery have been answered.

Glo I am also very thankful that your stormy night was uneventful.

No plans for the day - just to enjoy being able to enjoy the sunshine.


stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

I see a panting eagle on the eggs. I see Jo's comment that there's a possible pip.

Good to know that Wanda's surgery went well.

stronghunter said...

Guessing that Cosmo might have to manage eventually to do his business on a leash or on a lead. Hope the fence gets replaced quickly. I, too, would have some issues if one of my neighbors decided to tear down their section of the fence. I share fencing with several neighbors; some parts belong to me and some parts belong to others.

I can imagine just why Skippi is purring, but maybe it wouldn't take too long for the two fur of them to decide to play.

stronghunter said...

Just enjoyed the cam tour tour. Cam now zoomed back.

stronghunter said...

Cam just zoomed back in. :)

stronghunter said...

Need to check Facebook to see how Susan and Rus got to work today since DC Metro is closed down. They were planning their strategies last night.

stronghunter said...

Good grief, that flugg fortress is being built higher. I think there was an egg roll, but I did not see any eggs.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Cam tour started at 12:57, guess it's still on EST. The beauty of our eagles, up close, is a sight to see! I love it.

So happy to hear Wanda is back in her room and beginning the recoup process. Hallelujah!

Here we are having heavy winds, makes it feel colder than it really is. I pray that no limbs fall on Penny n' me today!

Wishing you all a good day and sending positive thoughts and prayers to those in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Susan's post, along with a picture of her desk at work:
"Two hours, one bus and one $4.33 uber ride, and I've made it. I refuse to use a vacation day because metro sucks."

JudyEddy said...

Did you all notice how they pull up flugg right before a roll Not able to see Naughty eagle LOL

stronghunter said...

Earlier comment from Susan: "Thinking about strapping my herd of cats up to a wagon tomorrow to get to work. I figure it's about time they start pulling their weight."

She has a whole series of comments and pictures. It seems she had plenty of time to post on FB. Susan has 4 cats. :)

Back to Shepherdstown--

Another egg roll. I saw a tiny bit of an egg, but couldn't tell anything about it.

stronghunter said...

Rus said he made it onto the VRE (Virginia Railroad Express, I think). He said people were lying done on the seats so that no one could sit next to them. Goodness.

stronghunter said...

lying down on the seats...

stronghunter said...

Stay safe out there in Ohio, Kay. Watch out for flying branches. I am hearing rumors of impending snow. Need to check the weather channel.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY so sorry they had issues getting to work. and wow lying down not allowing anyone to sit. So sad! Is the area you live fighting to shut down Uber?? they are here!

Heading out need to buzz to the bank. Deposit my change I rolled 110. and deposit in savings and also transfer the $ from the one acct to my current acct I keep forgetting being it is locked because of the fraud.
Will need the $$ to pay for siding work on house.

KAY stay safe. No branches falling rule applies just like the momster falling rule


Mema Jo said...


Heading to B'more soon to get tori admitted, PFT was quite low and a bronch will be scheduled tomorrow to find out what's going on.

Mema Jo said...

METRO - my daughter drove into work and anticipated leaving job site very early in
order to beat all the traffic. She, as were others, was very upset by the 4:00pm
announcement! She said so many school children ride the Metro. Also Helen's cm duty at the zoo this afternoon - she said she probably will not go because of getting home at such a late hour due to traffic.
Shirley I don't understand what Rus encountered - why were they lying down in the seats???

Wanda is in her private room now and she is resting

stronghunter said...

He got on the train and people were lying down on their seats because they did not want to share the seat with another person. I guess they are used to sitting alone in their seats and were not interested in sharing.
sounds pretty selfish to me.

stronghunter said...

I wonder what was so wrong with Metro that they could not wait at least until the weekend to take care of things. Even Kathryn left early this morning because she anticipated traffic, and she only goes as far north as the Quantico area.

Judy I am not informed on Uuber. I do not know if there is an effort to shut it down.

stronghunter said...

I saw this morning that school children would be excused if they were tardy or absent in DC today.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda will be in hospital 3 days per Karla

Berkeley Medical Center
2500 Hospital Drive
Martinsburg WV 25401

Karla is not sure which rehab faciity after that.

Mema Jo said...

Room 436

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is definitely at least a hatch in process. Parent keeps looking down. And now digging that cup even deeper.

Mema Jo said...

Sure hope you are right - these little signs are very familiar to us.
Wish the fish would come in - lol

stronghunter said...

Oh, a fish delivery would be lovely.

Mema Jo said...

SWITCH 3:24pm

Sandi said...

Hi all. I see on the comments below the live cam that someone reported seeing some gray in the nest bowl and announced that chick #1 is here. I shall wait until I either see it, hear it from someone in this group or hear it from Debi, Terri, Deb S. or Chris on the Eagle Cam page.

Last night, while I was brushing my teeth, I could hear something that sounded like tapping - I thought maybe it was raining at the nest. The sound on my iPad is actually better than the sound on my laptop.

Glad to hear that Wanda's surgery went well - thanks for the news, Jo.

Lolly, when we first got Janey, we only trained her to go potty in the yard, off-leash. That caused a problem when we went to my sister's for Christmas since she doesn't have a fenced yard. Now we make sure to take her for walks to take care of business as well as going in the yard so she will go either way.

I guess I'll spend my afternoon/evening trying to catch a glimpse of something other than white eggshells.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

DC eagle still quietly brooding. Some early activity suggested adult was troubled by something - maybe little birds flying around?

Adult waiting peacefully at NCTC. Saw a roll earlier but could not see any activity of pip or arrival. Yes, a fish would be a terrific sign.

Metro was shut down because electrical areas (rails) were found to be in poor/dangerous condition, a situation thought to be the reason for two recent fires inside tunnels. I agree that the shut down is very inconvenient for thousands but then being burned up in a tunnel would likely be more inconvenient. As for the VRE train seats, well, many people are very selfish these days - speaks volumes.

Thank you for the updates on Wanda, Jo. Very happy she is doing well.

Many prayers for Tori and her medical team and for Robyn.

Sandi said...

Just read this on a local weather site on Facebook - SERIOUSLY???????? It was posted 5 minutes ago:

"***Coastal storm may bring SNOW to Mid-Atlantic/New England Sunday into Monday***

~I am about ready to fall out of my chair laughing looking at today's model runs! We all thought spring was here for good right?! In all seriousness, could be looking a snowstorm even all the way to the coast for the I-95 corridor from D.C. to Boston. Today's model runs have come into more agreement to bring the heaviest axis of snow Sunday afternoon into Monday morning across northern VA, eastern MD, DE, NJ, eastern PA, southern NY, and New England. Still 4 days out and there will be changes in this forecast. I'm not ready to sound the alarms just yet. If the models really begin to lock in by tomorrow afternoon, I may have to put out a first call map Friday. Not going to go into amounts yet because its still uncertain...but this storm has potential to surprise a lot of people! I'll have a more detailed look later today!"

Judie said...

Hmmm? Wonder if the eagles sense the possibility of snow? Reason for that mountain of flugg?


Sandi said...

Adult eagle is doing a lot of looking down into that sink hole under him/her. I went to full screen when the parent got up briefly and I am certain I could see something moving under the parent. BUT ... I am not certain that what I saw moving wasn't just a feather on the parent's chest as s/he was panting. I'm also certain that I hear something. BUT ... I don't know what I'm hearing. It could be the wind blowing something near the microphone of the camera.

But again, lots of raising up and looking down into the egg cup. Something is going on, just don't know what.

JudyEddy said...

Howdy back from running around

trying to stain my neck looking in the cup each time someone get up.

I wonder if there is any fish around her that may have been brought in?
We all know what a great provider Shep os!

JO thanks for the info on WANDA I want to send a card or something up but afraid will be more that 3 days to get there. So when she gets moved to the nursing home can you repost the new place and I will send it there. thank way she will get it. Thanks in advance.

JudyEddy said...

who ever is on the nest is now down on the cup now. For a while was standing or squatting sort of.

JudyEddy said...

Shep is not OS

WVJerry said...

Good early evening. Just watching an eagle sitting on egg/s. Saw where one may have hatched now? I was watching last night but didn't really know what I was seeing. Judy was here and watching too. I don't have to be up early but not sure how long I will watch. Have a great evening. Also saw on Channel 25 yesterday it could be in the 20's this weekend and now I see Sandi posted possible snow this weekend. Gotta love March weather. I'm guessing I want be getting out to golf course with my friend Monday.

glo said...

I am thinking next year we need a cam in the basement with a very small peep hole :-) Don't want any eaglets falling through but man that's a deep nestbowl. tap tap tap

JudyEddy said...

eagle up nothing showing

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Parent is up and off the eggs - I can see NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING but grass!

NCSuzan said...

I'm full screen with glasses on. I don't see a thing that looks like a bobblehead or a pip!

Mema Jo said...

No Jerry - not unless you go down to the Carolina...

That is the second time Shep has been completely UP and off the eggs
Maybe they are pushing dad off the egg cup!

When will it be?????????????

Patience ♥

JudyEddy said...

eagle back on digging at flugg naturally waddle back down on them eggs all the way down tooo

WVJerry said...

Must be switch? I didn't see anything.

NCSuzan said...

And he is all about flugging up the flugg!

JudyEddy said...

Prayers for TORI Thanks for the info on her JO

WVJerry said...

I hear ya Jo. On Carolina and the patience. Also want to thank you on Wanda update. Is anyone going to hospital to see her? Thanks.

NCSuzan said...

Prayers for Tori and Wanda.

Hope everyone else is ok. Have to step away for a few so watch everything happen then! haha

Take care.

Mema Jo said...

Not that I am aware of, Jerry.
Karla has been there all day -
It's room 436 if you are free for a few minutes.
Wanda should be there 3 days (Unless she gets snowed in)

WVJerry said...

Thanks Jo. I am working the next three days and kinda odd hours. I'm sure she is well attended by her family. Maybe if she gets settled in the Nursing Home I may visit but will make sure she knows beforehand. She probably just wants to rest and recover for now.

Mema Jo said...

Good thinking Jerry
I think the stay in the rehab nursing home is rather lengthy

JudyEddy said...

ON news here the Metro mess

Mema Jo said...

On the comment section of the Outdoor Cam....after a complaint of zoom being too close:

Steven Chase · Works at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Hi Patricia, We have zoomed in because we got many requests to do so from folks who have watched these birds for many years--we have never been able to see the eaglets close up in the time that we have had a camera on this nest. This new camera has changed that and allowed us to really see close up for the first time. We ask your patience, the birds have brought in a lot of grass this year. The eggs in the past few years have hatched in the evening or at night. We will be watching and will adjust for the best picture once we have the hatch. Thanks for your interest.

WVJerry said...

Bravo Steve and well said.

JudyEddy said...

We can see our eagle all the time but this will be our first year to have such a great front role seat

JudyEddy said...

Eagle looks like standing up in the cup not down at all. Tickle tickle maybe going on trying to get out

JudyEddy said...

up nothing I see nothing bummer

WVJerry said...

Saw same Judy. I think Steve recognizes you(The Momsters)importance to these eagles and their nest. I think it is/was a nice touch on his part in honor of you all as a group.

carolinabeachmom said...


JudyEddy said...


marks the spot??????

WVJerry said...

Hi Candy. you know it's time for the Tar Heels to go all the way this year. Have you heard of any talk about Roy Williams retiring after this season. Iknow he has had some health issues.

glo said...

YEAH Steve

WVJerry said...

Just from what I gather while reading Facebook below the Cam, when I see an eagle put a piece of fish in "the hole" I will know what bas happened. Good information about the fish deliveries on there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good evening all egg watchers outthere.

I finally was able to get back on here. I had to log in for some reason and couldn't remember my password from years ago.

I have been lurking at the nest since I got back from Richmond and a visit with my granddaughter and family. Love the close up of our nest and read where all is well so far.

Just read about Tori and praying that everything goes well for her. AND I didn't know that Wanda was going to have a knee replacement. So glad to hear that she is doing ok. She just got her sun room finished. Hopefully someone will get us her addy at her rehab place so we can cheer her up a little. Prayers for her speedy recovery.

I sure don't like hearing that you all may be getting a snowstorm up there. The last few days down here have been beautiful; windows open, reading on the screen porch and decorating for Easter in the yard.

Got a call from the school I retired from 2 years ago to come in to volunteer in a first grade classroom with a new boy that just transferred to our school. Right now it is only for 1 hour each day, and in a kindergarten, I am supposed to read with two struggling children at another time. Hope I can still do it. I am a little nervous.

So nice to be able to finally get back on. Hope all are watching for the first pip to appear and that the snow storm stays away. All have a good night. Prayers being said for all in need.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just read your comment Jerry. I am hoping for the best for our Tar Heels this year. It has been so long. It looks like we will be playing on Thurs. and Saturdays. If we can just make shots and have a great defense and not give up. If you hear any screaming from the OBX, it will be me cheering them on. Thanks for mentioning them to me. You have a restful evening.

Mema Jo said...

Candy - Wanda's address for the next 2 days is posted above

carolinabeachmom said...

Jerry, one more thing, I haven't heard anything about the coach; hoping he stays. AND they gave you a good idea how to tell if the eaglets had arrived.....If you see a fish going into the deep hole, they have hatched. Too cute.

WVJerry said...

Looks like a distraction.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Jo. I saw it there,but will her cards be forwarded to where she is going for rehab. I might wait also until she gets settled.

JudyEddy said...

up again and no show

JudyEddy said...

the cam is shaking

JudyEddy said...

Shep must be in the attic Maybe!!!

JudyEddy said...

back up again

JudyEddy said...

cam shook again

WVJerry said...

Yes Candy - thanks for your comments. I think as Marcus Paige goes so go the Tar Heels. I was watching some of the Bracket shows and I heard someone mention about Roy. You have a restful evening as well. Glad you got logged on and enjoy your volunteering.

Sandi said...

Jerry, we may also see a piece of the egg shell in the nest, moved by a parent just to get it out of the way. So that could be another sign that we have a hatch.

I love Steve's comment on the Outdoor Channel. Like so many things, you can't please all the people all the time. But someone who's watching the cam for the first time has no idea what our view used to be to know that this view is so incredible.

At 8:00 I am heading to the TV to watch Survivor, but I'll have my iPad next to me to keep up with comments and watch the nest during commercial breaks. Judy, Lolly said her refurbished iPad only cost $99. I don't know if hers allows her to minimize one site and still have it on the home screen while doing other tasks, or if it's because I have the iPad Air that I'm able to do that. But $99 is a pretty small investment IMO.

Mema Jo said...

From Karla over on PM FB:

It's me Karla. Mother left her Facebook open on my laptop. Didn't want anyone to think it was her on here. Just left her sleeping. They took her vitals and gave her a shot for pain. Hopefully she'll be able to get a few good hours of sleep. Thank you all for your kind words, prayers, support and friendship. We love you all! xoxo

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I have a RCA tablet was a gift for Christmas
but I also have my laptop and desktop

ON yours how do you minimize it??? Like a reg computer? Is there a symbol in the corner? On mine there is not Just may have to gocheck out some used ones Carl uncle has a computer shop. May have to go visit and he should be able to sell me one that does. I am writing down the info of the one you have also. Thanks

grannyblt said...

I'm keeping watch too, I've been for the last three hours while my neighbor chatted on the phone to me. At one point the parent eagle was standing on one foot and I thought for sure something was happening, but just now Belle seems settled. Will keep laptop on while I attend to other things--thankfully not the phone!
I too will wait until Wanda is settled in rehab before I send a card.

Mema Jo said...

Belle is incubating now

I am going to be checking the nest every so often but
going to say Goodnight to All ♥

I'll return only if proof of hatch would happen

WVJerry said...

Looks like it is getting windy at the nest. Hi Sandi - Thank you. That is a good point about the eggshell piece. I am going to try and keep an eye on my screen and try to work some on my Fantasy Baseball stuff. If I don't come back on, I hope everyone has a peaceful night.

Lynne2 said...

EGGcitement! Hope we get a little look see at a bobblehead tomorrow!

stronghunter said...

I'm a Tar Heel born and a Tar Heel bred!

Always happy to see Carolina win.

stronghunter said...

I guess the possible egg piece mentioned earlier is that piece of something I saw earlier near the egg cup. Interesting.

Belle is restless now. She moved out of the cup a bit, but not all the way. I couldn't see anything, even when I went full screen. I think she is tired. Looks like she is falling asleep.

stronghunter said...

Like Belle, I am sleepy. SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

She is up and moving about again now. Head way down in that deep cup.

stronghunter said...

Hi Ksrla,

Thinking of your mom tonight. Glad to learn she is able to get up and about--at lest a little bit.

NCSuzan said...

Belle's definitely looking like something is going on.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle is sure paying a lot of attention to the goings on underneath her. I'm not hearing any noise except a little buzzing.

Her head just dipped about 3 feet down into the nest and pulling out flugg. I guess it is the perspective of the new camera but I swear I do not recall the egg cup being so deep.

NCSuzan said...

Took out some flugg and really wiggled down in to the nest.

NCSuzan said...

The wind has picked up and Belle seems a little more settled....for the moment.

Will keep watching for a while.

Have a good night.

WVJerry said...

Hi Sharon and Suzan. I have only had one eye Cam for a while. I saw same things you all did. Belle seems to trying to sleep some now. I think it will call it a night too. You both have a peaceful night.

Judie said...

Gosh, my eyelids fell down asleep.

Maybe tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep. Especially Wanda.

BEagle said...

Skimming over the posts today I noted one...it made me laugh...saying the eggs must be in China.

Shep likes to build that egg cup up and dig the eggs down deeper. They must sense the colder weather approaching.

Also, noted the post about a piece of eggshell. There's something going on.

The eagles aren't cooperating with our need to see that "something!"

Lolly said...

We are home. Had a great evening in Denton. Luke took going home in stride. No evidence of extreme excitement. Lol

I started to ask if the Night Herons were back when Joseph came in and said there were three of them high in one of their trees. They do not want them nesting there.....too much poop!! Anyway, Joseph threw a wiffle ball at them. It went close but before he threw I told him he could not throw it that high. He threw it again, it went above the birds and they flew! He was doing a habby dance all around the yard! It was funny!

Read the comments. Do not think I can reduce my screen on my pad. It is not an iPad Air. Yes $99 was a great price for a "rehabilitated" iPad!

So,nothing new at the nest? Maybe in the morn!

Night all! SED!

BEagle said...

Earlier I searched other nests in other states to check on Bald Eagles and their progress. Although I don't see all the nests on cam, it remains a relief to me and it makes me proud to return to the Shepherdstown nest.

It is a fine fortress of a nest. It looks safe against the wiles of weather and varmints.

I may be a little partial.

BEagle said...

Belle untucked herself and was looking down. Well, she's tucked in again. Maybe if I watch a little bit longer.....


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - happy St. Patrick's Day! Schools here are on another 2-hour fog delay, though there was no fog here when I took the dogs outside. Make that a 6.5 hour delay for me! :)

It's amazing to read that Wanda has already been up and walking! Glad the surgery went well.

Jo, PET scan today, right? Will you get the results right away?

Belle is tucked right now. But when I opened the live cam she was awake and kind of hovering over the egg cup looking down. When she did an egg roll, I could tell from her head movements that she definitely only rolled one egg. I did get just a tiny glimpse of the top of the egg as she moved it toward her body. Then she settled back down and went to sleep. But I think we now have 1 egg and 1 chick.

I did not mean to confuse anyone last night by saying that I saw a piece of an egg shell - I did not. Again, I have NOT seen any egg shell pieces!! Jerry was asking how we would know when there was a hatch and someone said that Shep would start bringing food to the nest. I merely said that another way we COULD know if there had been a hatch - without seeing a chick - is IF we saw a piece of an egg shell that a parent moved out of the egg cup.

Can't go back to bed b/c I have an 8am doctor appointment at 8am to discuss my left arm. I hurt it back in October (upper part in the back, not my bicep) and it hasn't gotten better on its own. I can raise my arm to the front with no problem (like to toss a tennis ball to serve), but can only raise it 90 degrees out to the side without pain in my upper arm and shoulder. And when I lift something, like getting a gallon of milk out of the refrigerator, or if I try to scratch my back, I have pain that radiates up to my shoulder or down to my elbow.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Note to self - proofread BEFORE publish! Of course my 8am doctor appointment is at 8am! DUH!! :)

Oh, and hi to BEagle - good to have you back!

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning all Eagle friends excitedly waiting for a little eaglet to appear in the nest. A Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all.

Wow, Wanda is already up and walking on her knee. The getting to OBX should get her up and going. :)

Sandi,I am up early as I have to go into school to help out with a new student that just was admitted to one of our first grades and is behind a little. I am a little nervous. I am also supposed to go in to help two Kindergarten children with their reading. I'll see how it goes. Just volunteer. Hope your dr. app't. goes well and you can get some relief.

Welcome back into our blogg BEagle. Nice to see you here.

Shirley - Gooooo Taaarrrrr Heeeels! Hoping for at least the final four.

Well I have to get ready so am depending all you eagleholics to keep a watch out for our first borne. Back sometime after lunch. You all have a wonderful day.

WVJerry said...

Good morning all. I am also glad Wanda did well and is moving and I'm sure she will get better each do going forward. Shirley and Candy - enjoy the game. I will also be rooting for the Mountaineers. Heard some calling a short while ago must have been a switch. Had to take dog out and missed what happened. Enjoy St Patrick's Day. Two in nest now.

WVJerry said...

Nest empty and see one egg at least part of it.

WVJerry said...

Looks like Shep on eggs. Pretty sure I saw what looked like one egg being rolled. Couldn't see much else. Just like what Sandi reported earlier.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Belle again basking in sunshine and Shep arrived. Couldn't see if a fish was delivered.

Such good news about Wanda. She's a trooper.

Jo, Jufie is on the way. Happy scan results.

Sandi, betting the diagnosis is impingement. Been there done that. PT and time!

Candy, have a good volunteer day at school. Remember, the new kids will be nervous, too.

Foraging on today's agenda.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

WVJerry said...

More calling. Both in nest.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning to a calling eagle no one one eggs Shep must be there nothing showing

WVJerry said...

Eggs uncovered.

WVJerry said...

I think Belle may be back.

glo said...

gm everyone. Lots of activity on our nest today. How long til we see an eggshell, eaglet or feeding behavior. Stay tuned.

Judie said...

New thread. Come on over.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...