Thursday, March 17, 2016


New thread.  Hatch today, I'll bet.


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Judie said...

Good grief! Big fat wet snow falling down outside the window.

Now, seriously, for real, headed to the scullery.

grannyblt said...

I would vote for Shamrock and Clover. Of course that could evolve to Shammy(sorry Jo) or Rocky, and Clo. I think there was just a switch.

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...


I guess we have not named our eaglets when they were only a day or two old. With St Patty's day I think we are all in agreement with the name Shamrock. We used to vote or at least take a head count on suggestions. So speak up with suggestions all of you.

On St Patty's day in 2011 we named our eaglet Patty 'O.

I took a long late afternoon nap today - really sound sleep - Tonight I probably will have trouble getting to sleep.

Loretta I sure hope Little Orange is safe and comes home

Sandi said...

Hi all - I have updated my avatar to a new one of Freyja as a "gato!"

It is really raining here - it must still be doing something in Shepherdstown b/c Belle is tenting again.

I don't have a strong opinion about names for this year's chicks. Regardless what they're named, I suspect that it will be hard to tell them apart in no time b/c they were born so close together.

Loretta, I hope your kitty comes home. If she doesn't, then I hope she has found a home, even if you'll never know for sure!

Didn't get the upstairs cleaned today - tomorrow is another day. Glo warned me to get the housecleaning done last weekend b/c we would all be glued to our computer screens this weekend, watching eagle chicks!

Off to fold laundry and watch TV. Goodnight all - see you in the early AM!

Mema Jo said...

lol Miss Freyja I have just learned a word for "cat" in Spanish - Thank you

Sandi - I thought Freyja looked like a bunny rabbit..... I best take a closer look!

WVJerry said...

Good evening. Been home a while and got something to eat. Not sure if it is the time change this week or being short-handed at work, but I just feel drained. I really like the Shamrock name but I am like Sandi - no real strong preference and I will like whatever names are chosen. Not real sure what some one meant about numbers and letters. Loretta - Sorry to hear about your Baby Orange. We lost out German Shepherd - Katie - once for over a week. Thought she was gone for good but Rhonda saw her one day not far from home. Never did know where she went and why but found her covered in black mud. I can hear the sprinkles of rain on the Cam some. I'm calling it a night. Have a peaceful night.

Judie said...

Good later evening.

Jerry, many eaglets are identified by numbers rather than names so that humans don't get emotionally attached (like that plan works). So DC's first eaglet last year is DC1, and the current two will be DC 2 and DC 3 in order of hatching. I believe there is an intent to band these eaglets and blood type for gender.

Speaking of being drained, a word of advice from me: if you have not purged your closets, etc. for a while (does not apply to Lollypalooza), you might want to. Jerry used the word "drained" and that is exactly what happens when cleaning out many years of accumulation. Not fair to those who remain JMHO.

Nests are quiet. Headed to my recliner and then the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Jerry - Most nest do not personify the eagles with names. Instead they
use a letter and the number - The number is in sequence of the eaglets hatched from
that nest. For this nest's eaglets some groups has chosen the letter "B" - Belle, I think.
The west coast has a complete register of eaglets from all the nests and they use
a bling with that letter-number in order to recognize them.
Ex: the SWFL eaglet nest always uses the letter "E" and then a number.

This is probably an ill attempt from me trying to explain something I know about but hard to put into words.

Mema Jo said...

WANDA update from Karla on FB 4 hours ago............

Ok. We are within minutes of leaving the hospital and going to Shenandoah Center in Charlestown.

Karla will send us details when Wanda is settled - and she probably is there by now.
Originally this is where Wanda is

Shenandoah Center
50 Mulberry Tree Street
Charles Town, WV 25414
304 724-1101

Wait until we get word from Karla to be sure

Mema Jo said...

Mother is all settled in at Shenandoah Center room 103.
It was a hectic day but she is good to go and ready to start the hard rehab. She's been amazing. I love her so much. I want to thank all of our family and friends for the prayers, love, comments and support. It's awesome to have you all in our lives. Xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Saying goodnight to all ♥


All is well at the nest ♥

BEagle said...

I think Shamrock and Clover are fine names.
It looks like Belle is awake and tenting.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Happy first day of spring! Happy Palm Sunday!

I went back to bed after feeding the dogs this morning so no early AM pics of the chicks.

Judie, happy Gotcha Day for Jude and Jacob!

Jo, I agree that Freyja's face paint was pretty bunny-looking, but if she says it's a cat, then it's a cat!

43 degrees here and cloudy and gray with rain in the forecast. Rain could turn to snow tonight - gotta love Mother Nature's sense of humor!

Have a greyt day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Welcoming Spring on Palm Sunday.

Ta Da! The female osprey has returned to Loch of the Lowes and has already begun to make herself right to home with nest cleanup. She's lovely.

Watched the DC nest, did not see the second eaglet but News4 says the second eaglet has arrived. Hope the predicted snow tonight goes somewhere else.

Looks like Belle is just sitting and looking around her domain.

Gloomy here this morning. Later on will sort old coats, jackets from the coat closet. We plan a visit to Westminster later this month to visit with friends who moved there six months ago.

Okay, off to seek more coffee. Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I am watching one of our adults on the nest cup beside the remains of two large fish. It looks cold and damp there now. Not sure what the white bits of something is on the eagle's back. I do not see snow falling.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Cold and damp here as well. I did not see any snowflakes here, but I did not look out the windows after I got settled at home. Maybe some snow this evening?

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the address, Jo.

Shamrock and Clover are fine with me.

JudyEddy said...

Hey I got good news on my home owners insurance
I had a wind mitigation on the roof and it was lowered because of it went from 2146.00 to 15??.?? So happy about that! no positive of the exact amt just heard the 15 was that had me doing a happy dance hearing music so I didn't hear the rest lol

stronghunter said...

Belated happy birthday wishes, Bev.

stronghunter said...

Feeding at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Blackwater posted on FB that the second eaglet has emerged

stronghunter said...

I see both babies, but one is underneath the other. Maybe just waking up. Hard to see much because of the position of the adult.

stronghunter said...

OK, now both seem to be up and ready for food, but parent getting back into the cup. Maybe it is too cold to have the little ones exposed for long, but this was a short feeding session.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Just saw eaglets being covered back up. In about the middle of my house chores. Kinda of a chilly Palm Sunday and First Day of Spring.

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

going to be in a Greek Festival Parade at Jordyn school this afternoon

Thanks for the info on Wanda and Tori JO

oops wrong Jerry on FB with BDAY

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say nice to see no snow on the nest HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING A
gotta start getting ready see ya later

WVJerry said...

To Judie and Jo - Thanks for explaining the letters and number thing...looks like a scientific research namimg and it makes sense now. Looks like Shep has had good luck fishing so far too. Jo - Thanks for the update on Wanda. Looks like she did not get to the Front Royal home. I would like to visit her sometime but will wait until she gets settled and her family can all get in and see her. I wiil make sure she knows I am visiting. I have to go to Charles Town at least one more time to finish my brother-in-law's probate. Might be a good time to visit. Any idea if you can call her room or just Facebook her?

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Happy Spring! May your Palm Sunday be enjoyable!

Gotta eat and head to church! Have watched the babies being fed. Love seeing the pantry stocked!

Lolly said...

Ok, I like Shamrock and Clover, too!

Kay said...

Good Palm Sunday and First Day of Spring to you, Eagle Buds!!!

Just watched a rather halfhearted feeding. The eaglets weren't all that interested. That deep cup seems to make feeding a bit more difficult than we've seen in past years. However, I'm sure all will be well with our beautiful family of eagles. Consensus seems to be building for Shamrock and Clover and I'll weigh for those names, too.

JO, thanks for the Wanda info! I hope she's comfortable in her new surroundings and that rehabbing that knee takes place in record time!

JUDIE, kudos on your weeding out project. Enjoy that visit to Westminster when the time comes. It will be great to see your friends in their new digs, giving you some "new resident" insight into what life there will be like for you and Darth. Special pats for Jake n' Jude on their "Happy Day"!

SANDI, love your little Gato! A real doll!

Hey, SHIRLEY, what's new with the Phillips clan?

JERRY, I didn't get a notice re:your birthday, but if this is the big day, do have a Happy, Happy one! I need to go to the calendar and jot some things down.

I did a nest tour of the ones I like to watch, finding all well, but nothing new or notable. The Berry duo are growing like weeds!

Have a terrific day everyone! Prayers for all in need!!!


WVJerry said...

Hi Kay. Thanks but my birthday was Feb. 28 maybe another Jerry.

Kay said...

Thanks, JERRY! I see the birthday message has now been removed by the author. I'm not aware of another Dadster named Jerry.

Shamrock and Clover have just had a nice little feeding. A new crib rail has been put in place, though not without bonking the feeding eagle on the head in the process!

Gotta get some stuff done around here. See you later or tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Good Palm Sunday morning to all ♥
Everything seems to be exceptionally organized at our Sycamore Palace - feeding are really going well. Thanks Sandi - JudyE for photos. 40° at our nest and weather for Shepherdstown says 0% chance of any precipitation - that suits me fine.

Today is a Jenny day and later Michael will also come over for a visit.

JUDYE your statement confused me when you said "Blackwater posted on FB that the second eaglet has emerged" because I knew they had lost both of their eggs. I read the remark on FB and they were talking about the 2 hatches at the National Arboretum nest in Washington, DC. Thought I had lost it and that maybe Blackwater had laid a 2nd clutch! lol

Sandi - I agree - if it's a CAT then it's a CAT- I love her voice!

Hoping that Wanda is all settled in - her window view is a small court yard and does have a bird feeder there. JERRY Call ahead to the center - they should tell you or connect you to Wanda's phone if she has one. Hoping you can get to see her.

BEagle said...

Yes, the DC nest is following right behind the Shepherdstown nest in hatching.
The PA nest is due for hatching this week.

It's a 12:57 tour around the nest right now.

BEagle said...

With so many eagle cams to view it's easy to get them mixed up, turned around, and upside down. :)

WOW I didn't notice DC had three eggs. I have to have another look-see!

The kitty lure sounds good. If I lost my kitty that's what I would do.

JudyEddy said...

so sorry about the confusion on the Bday It was another Jerry on FB that is on one of the eagle pages also

The parade is a bust bummer

JudyEddy said...

anybody know anything about how long it takes for a caterpillar to a butterfly ?
It started the process yesterday!

Lolly said...

Lol. Our two are already having sibling rivalry!

Just watched a feeding at the DC nest. You can see how much smaller their nest is compared to ours. Quite amazing!

Sunny but 54. Want 60's and 70's to come back, no colder, no hotter!

Will do a little Lollypaloozing and might head out for a little while.

Sandi said...

Oh dear, something is currently being defurred and eaten in the nest - no idea what it is.

Barbara said...

JudyE, check out www dot wormspit dot com. It's mostly about silkworms but lots of info and links about butterflies too. I've raised several types myself.

Mema Jo said...

Message to me on FB from Denise and Karla about their mom

Talked with Mom, she is doing well today. She asked that I let her friends know that her computer is doing about as well as her knee right now
So, if you don't hear from her online, it's because she is having trouble sending out messages.....
She's all hooked up, she just struggles with typing. They took her off of her tremor medicine because her BP was so low and she's shaking a good bit. God love her. She's such a trooper and determined.

Mema Jo said...

BEagle - I read your comment about DC maybe having 3 eggs..... I can't confirm that but I only know of 2 hatches D-2 and D-3. They keep reporting that with Mom and Dad and 2 eaglets that their nest is going to be quite crowded.

Mema Jo said...

JUDYE - Our own butterfly people are Wanda Wright and Suzanne Hall - both of whom
we don't have a good contact right now.
SUZANNE wrote - September 29, 2015 ·

Released my last Monarch about 8:15 or so this morning. Warm enough and not raining. He's a boy. No females this year! Bummer. But he's beautiful. Live long and meet lots of ladies and propagate little Dude. Safe travels to Mexico.

I suggest a library book or a google search

Mema Jo said...

Robyn just posted this 1 hr ago concerning Tori:

Tori is still in the hospital in Baltimore and will be for a few more days it seems. She is experiencing nose bleeds which means ENT will be on board to figure out why, also she is unable to cough anything up which means they may want to bronch her and I am having a problem with that due to how weak her lungs are at the moment.

Not sure how this will affect her being activated in the transplant list with these little nuances, please keep her in your thoughts that this moves along and goes as it is suppose to, being activated tomorrow

Mema Jo said...

I have family off and on most of the morning and afternoon
I am going to close down until tomorrow.....

Everyone have a great relaxing evening
Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Good evening.

DC had only two eggs and now two eaglets, DC2 and DC3.

Prayers continue for Wanda our Wanderwoman.

Prayers also for Tori our courageous young woman. Prayers for Robyn, also.

Dinner over. Scullery in order. Much cleaning out accomplished. Very tired. Headed to my recliner then the pillows.

Wishing a night of restful and restorative sleep for all.

Unknown said...

good sunday evening to all. happy first day of spring...and we are experiencing dogwood winter. it is cold, has spit rain/snow off and on .

Olivia had a friend spend the night and they seem to have enjoyed their time together.

tom and I spent the afternoon working downstairs. I don't know if you recall or not, but the ceiling (suspended ceiling) fell down last fall. then we had this /that/the other happen. today the ceiling was shored up and put back up. looks good again.

the kids were tickled to see it back up.

weather is supposed to warm up this week. I guess we still have blackberry winter to go thru....

hope everyone has a peaceful night rest and a wonderful week ahead.

Lolly said...

At the DC nest one eaglet was raised last year. He was DC1. Maybe that is the confusion. Yes, only two this year. Yes, the nest looks so small, especially when compared to our nest.

Loweeeeeeda, do hope you find your kitty! Keep us posted.

Prayers for Wanda, Tori and Robyn. And, as always, the same for our Jo!❤️

Worked outside for about an hour. I convinced (NOT) Jack what fun it would be to dig dandelions. He did join me and we filled a couple of buckets for the trash. . Shhhhh! Do not tell dear Hoda!😁

Enjoying a nice fire tonight. I might complain about it being chilly but actually very good to have cooler spring. We have three days of nice weather coming up then another front and threat of storms.

Going to put my nose in a book. See you tomorrow! SED!

JudyEddy said...

Thanks BARBARA on the link
Pretty cool link also
I have been googling for a bit about it.
Thanks JO also I do remember someone from the blog that had posted a pic on FB just didn't remember who and I do remember Wanda moms GG's picture with her butterfly was amazing

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's the start of a short work week for me. Four school days for everyone else but 2-1/2 days for me,

One eagle tucked and sleeping at the nest - it looks windy there. Cold here and still raining with a few flakes of snow mixed in. Back to the winter coat and gloves.

Judie, sounds like you have had a very productive cleaning out week - good for you! Is all this cleaning out very hard on Frank?

Prayers for Wanda, Tori, Dana's dad, Lynne & Steve, Loretta's lost kitty, and last but certainly not least Jo.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Just read this on FB from the local news station:

"Four bald eagles were found dead in Sussex County this weekend, and authorities are seeking the public’s help after more eagles have been found sick near Dagsboro, Delaware."

How very sad. Dagsboro is only about 7 miles inland from Bethany.

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ Happy First Year Anniversary for Jake and Jude ♪♫

So interesting that the DC eagle page states the current pair are the first to nest in DC in 47 years; however, they forget the pair that nested on Saint Elizabeth's grounds - perhaps these two are the St. E's pair.

Chilly with bright blue sky here.

Sandi, have not heard about the Sussex County eagles. Would so love to have the culprits caught and prosecuted.

Darth seems to be more accepting in the past week. We are making much progress. My hope is that when we move, there will be little to clean out/donate other than excess furniture. He reminisced about some items boxed up long a go that he had forgotten about. I have put a few aside (a baby bottle, a tin baby drinking cup, first kiln fired object).

Hope Loretta reports finding Baby Orange.

Prayers for Tori and Wanda.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

Both DC and NCTC eagles and awake and enjoying the morning sunshine.

Osprey at Loch of Lowes was on the nest as well as flying around the lake this morning.

Berry eaglets are looking great.

Bears at Bear Center are emerging from their dens.


JudyEddy said...

Good Chilly morning this am

must not have thought about closing the windows last night. Didn't want to get ut of my warm bed to close them. Silly March weather! 51° now compared to 80 of late

Thinking of all in need and hope each have a great day

Digging flugg and piling around both sides now

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi, Judie and Judy. Breezy at nest. Heard some calling a moment ago. Eagle just sitting in nest now. Still chilly here too. Supposed to warm some in middle of week. Saw where Sandi reported the four dead eagles in Sussex County. Terrible news. I guess authorities will look to see if they are related to Caroline County eagle deaths. Lots of news on DC nest on TV. I'm guessing Federalsburg and Dagsboro are 50 miles plus apart from one another. I am hesitant to post this(last time I gave a decent report things got a little worse)Rhonda said her weight is down to 94 now from little over 120. It seems the new fluid medicine has helped her to rid the extra fluid from her system. Although she had two vomiting episodes yesterday she has been doing good. Just want to thank all the Momsters for the prayers and positive energy. It means a lot and is powerful medicine. Talk later and take care all. Have a ogod day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Sunny, but cold here today with nice Spring warm up beginning tomorrow. However, I'm feeling your pain East Coasters! Hope this return to winter weather is very brief.

SANDI, glad you have a short work week! News of more dead eagles is distressing--waiting to hear the cause. With the eagle population soaring, so to speak, I'm afraid there will be more of this. They are known to frequent city trash dumping sites and may in some cases get into chemicals that are deadly. Just a thought. Guess I just want a somewhat natural cause rather than something perpetrated by persons of ill will.

Just look at our beautiful eagle family---who could harm such wonderful creatures?

DANA, thinking of you this week as I always do on Easter week---it was Easter week when you and Annemarie visited me. I have such wonderful memories of that visit and the beautiful "the tomb is open and Christ has risen" panorama you made for me! Hope your dad is improving day by day and that this will be a beautiful Easter for your whole family!

JUDIE, those childhood mementos are certainly keepers, but good on you for parting with so much other stuff. You'll be amazed to find that you don't miss the "stuff" at all when you're in your new digs. I do so appreciate your recap of nesting and den activity around the country!

Thinking of JO, TORI, WANDA, DANA'S dad and all others in need, including Baby Orange, with thoughts and much prayer!!!


Kay said...

JERRY, I see you posted while I was composing my daily booklet. Rhonda is on the permanent prayer list of those in need. Glad that new med is doing it's magic!

WVJerry said...

Empty nest now.

WVJerry said...

Parent back in now.

WVJerry said...

Thanks Kay. Good morning too.

WVJerry said...

Both adults in now. Both adults eating now.

WVJerry said...

Starting to feed at least one is feeding now.

Lolly said...

Good morning! 36 this morning! What happened to spring?

Another grocery delivery to the nest. A fine specimen for fresh sushi! Wish Clover would get stronger. This morning mostly seeing just one eaglet.

Today a run to the grossssserie store then hopefully work in the yard. Tomorrow I accompany Jack back to the dentist specialist. His implant did not take. It has to be removed and they start all over. Not good!

Wedenday I bake. Thursday we have an Eggstravaganza at church for our preschool. I am in charge of providing the sugar cookies and supplies as well as conducting the decorating of said sugar cookies. I will bake Easter Egg shaped cookies. Will make pastel colored icing and supply a lot of pastel sprinkles. Lol. More fun!

Sunday the Fritz family is coming to dinner following church. Busy week!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY oh my I never knew that the implants would fail. Is there a guarantee on them??
JERRY the momsters and dadsters are a powerful bunch.
Healing thoughts and prayers continue for your family as always.

ALL THREE ARE IN THE FULTON NEST or all 6 I should say

JudyEddy said...

both eaglet popped up now for feeding

JudyEddy said...

looks like adult is eating first both are watching like hey over here

JudyEddy said...

no feeding just looking around

JudyEddy said...

now going back on eaglets

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Really is a cold day out there - a bit breezy - at least it is sunny
Very happy how well our eagle family is doing - squirrel is on the menu!

Prayers for Wanda, Tori, Rhonda and for all of our needs. ALL of YOU on FB - should be friends with Wanda, Karla, Robyn and please feel free to bring over updates to this blog.

In case you didn't record Wanda's new rehab address:
Shenandoah Center Rm 103
50 Mulberry Tree Street
Charles Town, WV 25414
304 724-1101

IT is doubtful that I will be able to visit at any time - Christie is only 5 min away and made sure Karla and family knew she could be called at anytime for anything needed. I hope Jerry will be able to find time to visit and perk her up.

I guess I missed most of the cam tour - the wide range stayed for awhile - now zoom in.
Everyone enjoy the day!

NCSuzan said...

Judie, Happy Anniversary to you and Darth and Jake and Jade! What a wonderful event to celebrate. Canned tuna anyone?

I am "friends" with Wanda on FB but not the others. Have relied on the blog for news and updates!

Cooler here also but today is bright and windy. A little warmup later in the week I believe.

Everyone is being fed now. They are even doing better leaning in to the deep cup to reach the babies. They are already growing so much.

Healing thoughts for those in need. Have a good Monday!

Judie said...

Hey, y'all. Come on over. Steve says our nest is going to get some tv time tonight.

stronghunter said...

Hi, I see Judie has already posted the news about our new thread and tonight's TV opportunity for those of us in the Hagerstown area.

Steve has also posted some excellent pictures.

Come on over.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...