Wednesday, February 17, 2016


New thread.

We have a graduate student who is going to be studying and chronicling the eagles this season.  She will be at NCTC twice a week, and will likely be reaching out to some of you for help as she does her work.  I'll introduce her once she is on board.


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Others have been informed of new thread

WOW its been ages since I have gotten a feather

JudyEddy said...

THANKS JO for getting the zoom out for a while I love getting the fly in and out pictures Loving the new camera that we can get such great shots soo easy now

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve

Welcome to the Graduate Student - We will love to help with
information about our Royal Couple.

You got that feather Judy - that is due to your retirement - you are now here most of the day and not at work! You will probably get a full head dress.

Mema Jo said...


The zoom and wide range feature for the cam has now been set to have Wide Range view from 11:59am (Cam tour time) until 6:00pm. Then it will zoom back in close up!

Once the eggs are getting ready to hatch we will request the ZOOM to be in effect longer as we have PIP Watch.

THANK YOU NCTC IT - Rob Ball & Steve Chase for honoring our request.

JudyEddy said...

I want his job going in to eagle nest for blood testing

Mema Jo said...

Dinner for me


Sandi said...

Hi all. Just taking a minute to catch up on today's comments.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judy for the call over.

Welcome aboard to the new graduate student working at NCTC.

Need to fix food for ets and then people and then head to the grocery store. Probably won't get back onto the blog tonight b/c I think the new season of Survivor starts at 8pm. Does anyone watch Nashville? Just wondering when the season will resume for that show?


Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Good early evening.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and many thanks also to you and Rob for helping with the camera range.

Thank you Jo for the camera update. Wide view still there at 5:25pm. All looks quiet at the nest.

No doubt that graduate student is going to be thrilled to see Belle and Shep raise those eaglets.

JudyEddy said...

strobe lights at nest right before IFR comes one

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Zoom went well -------- Where is the IR night light - any minute now I guess.

Foggy at the nest

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

IR Night vision is on - 6:13pm I am wondering if Sandi's or anyone's cam
went down.

Mema Jo said...

Judy I think we had a very good day with our cams - thanks to NCTC!

I realize Still cam is still off a minute or two from the Live
However; the zoom and long range worked perfectly.

I am very happy about it all.

Taking a break! BBL

Well not sure I'll be back later - An apple pie and ice cream is ready for
some family company! LIFE IS GOOD

JudyEddy said...

my cam didn't go down at all and it has gone DOWN every night the same as SANDI

JudyEddy said...

I would have said JO that you hear apple pie calling your name and saying come eat me LOL

heading to TV land

JudyEddy said...

all pictures are in both places I am doing them both at the same time since now I have more time on my hands LOL

JudyEddy said...

didn't know if you wanted to give the new student the link to our YAHOO album some pretty good pictures She or He may wish to view Just a thought I was looking at the ones on Yahoo Like it because of the albums Not like FB each day

Judie said...

Adult all tucked in for the night.

Think I'll take a cue and tuck myself in for the night.

Restful sleep for all.

Unknown said...

good evening all Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and welcome to the graduate student!

looks like a quiet day today.

sleep well everyone!

JudyEddy said...

Love your avatar JANET

JUDIE be so careful tucking in tonight. Don't want to pull the neck LOL

Belle not tucked looking around

JudyEddy said...

Belle was tucked for about 5 min and is back up looking out Wonder what has her up and unable to stay tucked

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening - My "Lewis" mystery is finished - very good even though a repeat!

Where did the sycamore ball go? Maybe the stick was moved a bit & it is out of the cam's view. Belle is trying to tuck her head under wing - there she made it.

Judy - On the home page of this blog are all of the other programs including the Yahoo
Eaglet group link to which the graduate student should have access.

Janet - remember your Salt Float - Dana went this evening to one - She has it on FB. Sounds like she enjoyed it.

Hubby is now hooked on the Apple Pie - It was warm from the oven freshly baked when he brought it home ------delicious.

JudyEddy said...

JO thanks I completely forgot all about that

Belle is tucked again for a bit not Hope she has a restful sleep now

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Mema Jo said...

GrannyBLT - When is or was your cataract surgery?

Mema Jo said...

Headed to get some restful sleep

Prayers for all of our needs and for all of our friends & family

Goodnight ♥

Lolly said...

Belle is awake. My cam has not gone down all day! Wonderful pic right now looking at her face!

Welcome to the graduate student. That is awesome. Jo, I am certain you, for sure, can give her good info!

Recently I have shared our cam with friends who are interested. Belle's eyes now closing.

Worked in the yard all afternoon. Beautiful day. Heard migrating geese once, but could not find them. Listened to and watched our local rs Hawks. Do believe I am going to be out again tomorrow.

Enjoying a great fire this evening. Once the sun started setting it cooled off. Night! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Crunched for time again this AM - still have 4 dogs to take care of instead of 3.

I see one eagle tucked in the nest. Eagle Cam says Shep arrived early but couldn't wake Belle so he took off again.

Have agreyt day all.

Unknown said...

good morning to all

JUDYE: thank you. Lorelei just cracks me up and makes me smile. She is a hoot. Something about those grand darlings….
JO: yes, I loved my float. For me it is across town and not terribly convenient, but loved it. I would recommend it and love hearing that Dana did one!!!! Thank you!
Looking forward to a bit of warmer weather for a couple of days. I have to admit it, spring fever has begun here. I have started making a list of projects….lol. I haven’t even gotten a good start on my “winter” projects I was going to do! Ha ha. That crazy issue we had last month really threw me off. I think the concrete is now dry downstairs and so Saturday it is my plan to scrub that floor and get the grit and dirt off…..and then start putting stuff away and continue to clean out stuff. Fun eh?
Need to get moving and get ready for work. Hate to disturb the 3 furbabies who have now dozed off on and around me…. I am so surrounded by love. 
Have a fabulous day to one and all! Hugs and love, healing and smiles!

DanaMo said...

good morning! The nest is on in the classroom and the kids want to know who is sitting in it. Mom or dad? I love that they are so interested.
I will be ordering my duck eggs today!!
Dad is in rehab right now! Needs to eat and get strong.
Pray for his contnued recovery.

DanaMo said...

Oh yes!!!
I loved the float!! It is walking distance to my school.
After the float we sat in the massage chair and got O2 from the bar!!! LOL!
I'm feeling very refreshed and relaxed. Slept great last night.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning!

What the heck is this "float" thing?

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Thursday morning to all eagle buds out there. It is so nice to get on here and see the beautiful sun shining on the nest. The wind could slow down a bit tho.

Judie said...

Good morning, Jo.

Enjoy lunch today with Tori and Robyn. Prayers for Tori.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I see sunshine and that makes me feel grateful to have this day. I have 8 squirrels on the deck at the seed piles I made for them. Didn't put out any peanuts yet as my supply is running low.

I emailed IT about the still cam being frozen right after midnight - attributed to the Wed night server download.

Sandi - I don't envy your morning ritual of tending to 4 dogs - I'm sure they depend on your loving attitude towards them - Kevin owes you big time - how much longer will he be the dog sitter? How's Denny doing? Any luck with the ENT dr?

I will now go check out my family members on FB - Jennifer just extended an invite to Sun dinner with Mr Elliot being there... Don't want to miss that! She said he did a Happy Dance when she visited yesterday - due to the snow she had missed a week or may even two. Of course it may have been the pizza she brought. lol


Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Looks like Belle is on egg-sitting duty. Shine is such a nice change from snow and wind.

Dana, so glad your dad is improving and prayers for his continued recovery.

A puttering around day for me.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Bird Girl said...

That's really cool about the grad student! I hope he warned her about us LOL

Very happy to see two eggs in our nest, I am eager to see two bobbleheads now! Fingers crossed!!!

My year has been, and will continue to be, crazy until at least July. I have my big medieval camping event (five days) next week, then a few days after that, I am helping move my mother to WA to live on my sister's property - which means I will be co-driving, straight through for 1300 miles, with 7 cats and a small dog; I will be staying for a few days, and then flying home. My mom is the Crazy Cat Lady(TM), and I will have to keep reminding myself that "I won't be seeing her for a while. Also, I don't look good in orange." HAH! It really is a great opportunity for her, and a good way for her to start over; I really am very happy for her :)

After I return from that, I am teaching the second part of the FEMA CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Animal Response module for my local CERT crew in my small town. April has me at a weekend-long medieval event (I'm in the Society for Creative Anachronism, www dot sca dot org), as well as packing to go on my dream trip!!!! For thirty years, I have dreamed of going to the Czech Republic, and I am finally acheiving that goal! I will be there for 19 days total. I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself! My great-grandparents were both there.

June has me planning and putting on a one-day medieval dance collegium. During any times we aren't packing/unpacking for any of these other trips, we are packing to prepare to move! We have seriously outgrown where we are (mostly with the acquisition of pets HAH), and we are all in the town 15 miles away every day, so the commute is getting to us all (we are taking two or three vehicles each time, it really adds up). Plus, getting trapped on our property due to the snow is causing issues as well; me for not being able to get out in general, and them because they are missing work (my roommates). So, we have to move!

Not sure what the last half of the year holds just yet, other than moving, but I sure hope that it is not as crazy-koo-koo as the first six months!!

Also, my wildlife rehab season will be hit-or-miss, as I will be gone a LOT, and may have to have my colleague handle most cases for a while; however, I am sure I will have something to share with you. You can find my rehab updates on my FB page, www dot facebook dot com/BirdGirlofAZ

Yay eggberts!!!

As always, I remain,
Your Very Own Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

Good to see you Dana - Good also to hear that Dad is on the mend. Prayers for him and for all your family. I had to mention on here about your Salt Float since Janet was
very enthused about it when she did it. Take care.

Judie - on yesterday's blog (last page of it) I said: Going to reschedule tomorrow for lunch with Robyn and Tori. Her test for today started later then scheduled.-----
Robyn said they didn't get out of Baltimore until 4:30pm....too late for lunch! The drs are rescheduling Tori's appointment for today until next week. Then I'll try again to meet up with them.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

nice and loud windy day at the nest. I see had to tun down the volume. Odd yesterday sound issues today none what is up with our camera

JO thanks for the STILL reporting
Its just a Wed thing I guess LOL

JudyEddy said...

Headin out for a biscuit BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

Our Very Own Bird Girl - You are on the move for sure. Sending you strong vibes in all that you have planned. Take care and enjoy your life ♥

JudyEddy said...

both in nest now as I am ready to leave Taking tablet with me

JudyEddy said...

DANA keeping you and your dad in my thoughts and sending healing thoughts and prayers his way

SANDI BELLE wouldn't wake up
she was up most of the night every time I looked at the screen she was awake she would tuck for maybe 5 min and but right back up Rough night for her I guess

ok now its bye

Linda said...

Good Morning......

Have been busy and a bit "under the weather" this week, so posts are fewer......but I will be checking in when I can.

Just wanted to say Hi......and Welcome to the Graduate Student.........and wish you all well!

Happy to see the sunshine on the nest this morning and drier conditions!!

Have a blessed day!

Judie said...

Jo, my apology. I misunderstood. Regardless, enjoy lunch with Tori and Robyn when you do meet up.

Delphia, safe travels. Wishing a wonderful new adventure for your mom and lots of fun and success with all your upcoming activities.

Bird Girl said...

Thanks, all!

Mema Jo said...

Switch took lace - clear view of 2 eggs

Mema Jo said...

It really took PLACE - sorry

carolinabeachmom said...

Two eagles in nest and two eggs sunbathing, but not for long. I missed if it was a switch in the nest or just eagle flying in and out again.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another beautiful day! Loving it and will spend the afternoon outdoors! Bad news is we wanted to spend several days in East Texas next week, but we have rain in the forecast for Sun, Mon, and Tu! Hoping twill clear after that!

Dana, prayers for your Dad! Happy Heidi proving!

Salt water floats! Reminded me of our trip to Hawaii 12 years ago. We went on an all day boat ride to go snorkeling. I loved it!!! I bobbed in the water like a cork! To get down to the coral and fish was a struggle, but oh so beautiful. Jack on the other hand sank. Lol. I did not want to get out of the water and it was tiring him out. We walked down and up steps to get out and back in to the boat. Jack had to drag me out of the water to eat lunch. We wanted to go on a second boat trip but wind prevented the boats from going out. It also closed the beaches to swimming and kept the helicopters grounded. We just have to go again. I want to go snorkeling and want that helicopter ride!

Belle calling out! Brunch delivery! Think it was Belle, could have been Shep! Lol

Time to eat breakfast and then walk! Drum roll, down 15 pounds! Gardening surely helps!

Got tickled yesterday. When working outside I often just sit on the ground, easier to do. Pest control guys arrived next door and spoke to me. They were amazed at me sitting on the ground. Lol. Anyway, they were spraying "all natural" components to keep away armadillos. I accused them of chasing the armadillos into our yard. Neighbors paid several thousand dollars for a year contract to rid them of the critters. A bit steep!!!

Lolly said...

Lol. Laughing at auto correct. Must learn to proof read! Twill was supposed to be it will. And Heidi was supposed to be he is improving!

Oh brother!

Mema Jo said...


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Oops, missed the Cam Tour, but did get in on a nice egg roll a couple of minutes ago. It's amazing how such a powerful bird can be so gentle with those precious eggs.

DANA, so happy with your Dad's progress! I hope his rehab facility serves really yummy food. The one I was in following back surgery had dee-licious fare. Something I didn't expect with institutional food. Glad you enjoyed your stress relieving Salt Float.

DELPHIA, I'm out of breath just reading about your busy life. So happy to know you're feeling well and up to that schedule of events.

SANDI, it's all I can do to care for one little doxie! You are a Super Mom and dog whisperer.

LINDA, feel better soon. Prayers!

JO, whoopee, another wonderful time with Sir Elliot! Keeping ROBYN and dear Tori in my thoughts and prayers.

It will be interesting to have the grad student aboard! She is most welcome!

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Welcome to our graduate student.

Did a quick read-back of posts.

I agree with Kay--Just reading Delphia's post is enough to make me tired.

Prayers for Tori and Dana's father.

Hope you are feeling better, Linda.

Hi, Lynne2. Looks like the "float thing" is something they use on the ocean. I don't think I have indulged in this activity, either.

More family time for you, Jo. Enjoy it and keep us posted, please.

Happy puttering, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Granddaughter, Christine and her family have arrived in FL - She will be participating in the Disney 1/2 marathon and then the family will be staying and spending time in Disney World. Samantha and Izzy are full of smiles.

Oldest ggd just messaged me to say We Made It (they drove)

stronghunter said...

Oh my, I am so ready for spring. It is much warmer that it has been, but it is just too cold for me. The wind really gets to me on these days. I have a poor daffodil that has been trying to bloom for a couple of months. I think it got fooled by the warm weather in December, and it has been sitting there in pre-bloom form ever since. Some others have poked their tips out of the ground. I see some crocus plants as well. But nothing has bloomed yet.

stronghunter said...

Love hearing about all of those grandkids, Jo. They make me smile.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like a large corn stalk was brought in. I haven't been watching for the past
3 hours or so. My computer was being sluggish and so I gave it a rest. Seems better now

Roast beef and potatoes in the slow cooker - I get tired of eating out so often but when there is only two of us it is sometimes easier to order out!

BBL this evening

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Best wishes for Christine in the Disney half-marathon and may they all have lots of fun. Enjoy the slow-cooked dinner.

Shirley, I too am weary of the wind and cold. Hyacinths are poking through the soil so hopefully they will be in bloom soon.

Nest is bathes in sunshine. Adult all snuggled in.

Headed to the scullery.

Mema Jo said...

Night light blinking on a lot..........

Night light not usually on until 6:14pm or so

I am waiting for the Zoom in

Mema Jo said...

Should be a switch

Incubating eagle just flew out

Waiting to see Belle fly in

Mema Jo said...

Belle came in
Egg Roll and settled down

Zoom comes on around 5:58 or 59

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Have tried to work on pictures----3 sets of Park Eagles. 1 set is edited & I will put it in the Nook after dinner.
I don't know if this will work (probably a cut & paste), but I got the internet address link for the Wash. DG eagle nest at the Arboretum~~~~~

If it won't work I could email it to those who want it.
BTW none of this stupid Win. 10 'puter browsers will let me copy from emails. I guess I am not techie enough!
Later ☺

Unknown said...

LYNNE2: before I forget, this is the web page to the float tank that I enjoyed. floating has been around a long time, just not gaining some popularity. I floated in a closed tank . water is about 10" deep and has about 1,000 lb of Epsom salt in it. when you float in such, it is like being suspended as if you were in the womb again. it is the first time since a person is in the womb that all postural muscles are able to let go and rest.

in the tank there is no light, no sound. all is quiet. you are alone with your thoughts, it is sensory deprivation. after a bit, you loose where you begin and the water begins. it is phenomenal. very very relaxing. it also can help with different pain disorders.

the place I went has 3 tanks, 2 closed, 1 open. the floats start @ 90 min and private. I know the owner personally and I know the cleanliness standards and such.

I strongly recommend anyone interested to go and try it.


enough about floats. lovely to see BirdGirl and others on here today!!!

DANA: i'm jealous! walking distance to work! wow that must be great! there was no oxygen bar at ours, but what a nice addition!

today the weather was gorgeous! upper 50's and sunny. we will have warmer weather for af ew days. I have spring fever already. well, it happens every February. I went into big lots of my favorite haunts as you know....and I found these great little solar lights for my deck! I've been wanting to put some lights on the railing, but we weren't too bright when we had the pool electric run and we didn't have an outlet up on the deck. soooo....I've been looking for solar lights and finally found some. think i'll get some for the pool deck as well!

far too early to actually DO anything, but I can plan!

hope everyone has a great night! sleep well ya'll!

Mema Jo said...

At the TV - BBL

Judie said...

NCTC, Berry College, DC nests all quiet with adults tucked in.

I'm headed to be tucked in also.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...


I am sitting here in my recliner, but the fire has died down and I am cold. I think I will take myself and my laptop upstairs and crawl into my bed. There's a kitty sleeping on the back of the recliner who'll likely follow me.

I'll see you all tomorrow.

Rest well, my friends.

JudyEddy said...

The first egg in Decorah was laid tonight at 8:28pm central time. Congratulations to Mom and Dad Decorah,

NatureNut said...

Good Evening, Eagle Buds ☺
Put one new? set of Park Eagles in the Nook-----Jan. 19!
Probably won't get more on here, as work tomorrow~~~~that means shampoo time! There's always the weekend!
Nice seeing so many folks on here today. Bird Girl is really busy! We have a few medieval groups who camp for weekends in the summer at the Park! Very interesting!
Time to finish up stuff and say Good Night to All
Good Health for Everyone and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

I am going to be sitting in my recliner in about 10 mins.

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Watched AI tonight! Really enjoying it. Starting to get my favorites.

Worked again in the yard, cleaning out flowerbeds as spring weeds are starting to appear.

Early doctor appointment in the morning. Need to head to bed! Nite! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I have missed chatting with you - busy couple of days.

Speaking of busy ... Delphia, I thought you JUST rescued injured wildlife! I had no idea so many other things are also going on in your life!! Wow!

CarolAnne - Theravent arrives today from Amazon. Searched in all of the pharmacies around here but couldn't find it. Fingers crossed it works, since nothing else has consistently.

Bocce's family arrives home today so we will be back to 3 dogs! Yay!

Prayers for Dana's dad, Ernie, and our Jo!

Gotta run - will check in this evening.

CarolAnne said...

Head tucked.
All calm.
Morning all.

CarolAnne said...

Stand up
Egg roll
Settled back down

Judie said...

Good morning.

Belle tucking flugg. Quiet time.

Sandi, hope Bocce appreciates your care giving.

Foraging today.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Tucked eagle in the nest.

All is well.

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls brought me back. Looks like Shep had just landed. Belle in egg cup. Shep just poofed. I think Belle is not pleased because he did not deliver a fish.

Sandi said...

Hi from Geography class where we are learning about how minority rights are protected by the Constitution.

Yes Judie, I am certain that Bocce has been much happier at our house than staying in her house alone with Kevin stopping by periodically to take her out and feed her. She has had full time canine and human company to keep her from missing her people so much. She is a sweet dog and less work than our 2 doxies since she doesn't use the house as her bathroom. Still i will be happy to be back to 3 dogs, not 4.

Patricia has a meeting at district office today. Apparently, the district is still saying she violated something in the sfaff code of conduct, though the asst. superintendent hasn't specified exactly how he did that. At today's meeting she'll find out if she is getting just a verbal reprimand or if a letter will be placed in her file. If she is to get a written reprimand, then she will start the appeal process with her attorney. She is happy to be back in the classroom but still very anxious about what will happen at this meeting.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Friday morning Sandi, Judie Shirley, CarolAnne and anyone else who gets on here to chat. No snow on the nest makes me very happy, but that wind is still blowing!

Shirley, of course Belle is upset that no breakfast arrived! :) The excitement of calling out and seeing him come in, was quite a let down when there was no food in his mouth. :) Maybe they both ate breakfast a little earlier.

Sandi, I am feeling sad for Patricia and her predicament at school. School, kids, or parents aren't the way they used to be; kind, polite, caring and giving of ones time. And of course somehow she'll be found to be the one who is in the wrong.I really don't know how she can ever trust and go back to work with that kind of environment. Even if she gets a verbal reprimand there will be something in her files. I do hope she goes after them if her attorney thinks she has half a chance. I was just an assistant for 30+ years, and worked with my teacher as if the kids were my own in class and after class. I loved watching their faces light up when they learned something new. I loved being where I was and loved the kids, but the last few years, it started not to be fun anymore. The kids got more and more unruly with no respect and the parents were something else. I really don't know how in some situations, a teacher can control the few unruly ones and still teach something to the majority of her class, and I was only in Kindergarten. This is the second year I am in retirement, and I miss being with the children sooo much. Then I start to think about the disrespect they have and all their problem behaviors. I pray that your Patricia makes out ok. It is too bad that she had to go through this in the first place. Maybe you need cameras in the room. They have them on our buses now.

Eagle just flew in with some more flugg; no fish. :( Two eagles in our nest now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Poof, I guess the one on the nest didn't want to give up her job of sitting on the eggs, so other eagle flew off for now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sun is out here on the OBX, but it is still a little chilly. I am waiting for it go get a little warmer before I go out for my daily fast walk. It looks like we are getting more rain here starting Monday night and running through Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully it won't be more snow. When we got the 3 or 4 inches the other day, I used a dust pan to shovel the deck and down the steps. It worked great! It was a light snow, but it was also good for making a snowman with. I saw a few large ones as I traveled around. Usually the kids only get enough snow here to make tiny ones.

I got myself to choir practice and back after dark ok last night. My husband had to work late, so we had to take two cars. I am leary driving at night unless the road has white lines on it. We did go out to dinner like we do after every Thursday night practice. So of course I would get myself there! :)

DanaMo said...

The kids asked who was in the nest, then told me to ask my "bird friends". I had told them about the blog! LOL! They are really taken with who is in the nest this year.
So I guess you all think it's Belle? Have anyone noticed something that we can use to distinguish if it's Shep. The inverted V doesn't really help because sometimes it seems both their feathers lay that way.
Dad should be home in 10 days!! Keep praying. He needs strenth and to eat. Thanks love you all!!

Mema Jo said...

Good Late Red Friday To All ♥

Still cold out there - tomorrow the temps are to start rising. Crazy weather for sure.
Checking on nest as Shep seems to be alerted to something above and calling out. I really don't want drama at our nest.

Going to regular appointment with foot Dr this afternoon. I guess my big weekly event will be going to Jenny's to meet up with Elliot. I know I am going to be amazed at his growth and ability to do things - haven't seen him for a while - I know I can get a high five!

On FB last evening I checked out Sandi's page...Here avatar pic is just one of more adorable pics of that very photogenic gd ! Lynnis dresses her so stylish! But my favorite is the video in her little car when she says "Beep Beep" Love her and would hope to meet her one day!

I do like the wide range view we have during the day since it isn't time for Pip watching. I love seeing the fly ins and fly outs!

Time to start to hustle and get on with my day - BBL

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana - Good news about dad coming home. Me - I think it is Shep - he is shorter in the egg cup then Belle. I have always been hesitant to say who I think it is - so tell the Kiddies that the bird people sometimes get confused. Of course Belle always has night duty!

DANA 11:58am is the cam tour - Not sure if the kids are still there but they would
love seeing the camera span over the NCTC property

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Still

Thought I said hey before I headed out but I didn't


just popped in to grab batteries for camera I left in charger

got some pic of the eaglet at the tower

Headin back out with batteries

JudyEddy said...

calling out

JudyEddy said...

DANA SHEP isn't as wide in the cup also I use that at times When Belle is in it she fits but Shep there are gaps on both sides and if you get a close up remember the beak and the eyeball Belles goes to the pupil and Sheps doesn't

JudyEddy said...

ok now I am heading back out to the park HOPE the eaglet is still on the edge so I can get better pictures I did post some on fb already of this am and the parent left and was alone when I left so maybe adult back

Kay said...

Hey y'all STEVE has provided us with a NEW THREAD!


I'm going to stick around here and catch up on today's news and then I'll see you over yonder......

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...