Wednesday, February 10, 2016


New thread.


Barbara said...

It looks like the nest is going to blow away! It is rocking and rolling. I hope Belle can withstand all that if she decides today's the day for another egg!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread. We do appreciate.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Thanks Steve for another new thread - we'll be filling them up faster now! Thanks Judie for the call over. Hi Barbara!

Shep just landed with a food gift for Belle. Egg is uncovered but at least one parent is in the nest - barely in view.

Sandi said...

OK, I know I'm just being a worrier but it's COLD today and Belle has been off that egg and eating for the past 2 minutes. Someone just tell me that everything will be fine since this is only egg #1.

BTW, the way Belle is chowing down, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't settle back down on the nest and lay another egg!

Sandi said...

24 minutes, not 2 minutes!

JudyEddy said...

lots of eagle calls

both are in nest I can see feetsie


Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the Fresh new thread, Steve.

I have just returned from Chemo - I see 2 eagles in the nest!
One eating and one standing at 3 and the other standing at 11 - one of you best hop to it and start to Incubate that egg.

This is a time when I wish the zoom would bed moved back to cover the whole nest. I
realize there isn't an operator available at NCTC .......

JudyEddy said...

Found out they are having roadrunner maintenance of email today so should fix itself BUT its been 4 hours

JudyEddy said...

I wished I lived up there I would volunteer to be the operator

JudyEddy said...

I also wish the zoom was back until its time for hatch would be good I think JMHO

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Back from the doctor and errands........and though I would love to join my retired husband snoring in the living room, I am back at my desk!!

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE and JUDIE for the call over!

Hello to BARBARA, DELPHIA and LORETTA!! Nice to see y'all!!

Maybe Belle knows that next egg won't be here for yet another day, and she is letting this one cool down a bit?? We'll just have to trust she knows what she is doing!

JudyEddy said...

email is now working although I have lost all the emails from earlier I guess got the last two comments I did in the mail Angie had said she emailed me and that is when I discovered it wasn't working until now

Mema Jo said...

It is so windy out and proof is our nest swaying back and forth.

It is also freezing out temp wise

JudyEddy said...

Will be heading out in a bit to take Jordyn to her house and then the three of us will go out and forage for food Can't decided where I want to go and eat

JudyEddy said...

poof the one that was on the right

Linda said...

Egg is finally covered!! And something rather large is flying overhead.

JudyEddy said...

calling out from nest

Linda said...

It's that time of day, when trouble wants to show it's ugly head!

Mema Jo said...

Do you think we have trouble at the nest -

grannyblt said...

Someone is in the area that upset parent. I hope that quick jump didn't hurt Eggbert

Linda said...

Seems quiet now, but she sure got in protection mode right away!!

Mema Jo said...

We don't need any DRAMA

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Hello, Barbara. I still need to read back on the other thread.

Eagle settled into the egg cup. There was no eagle when I first logged on, and I couldn't see the egg, but I am sure it was deep in the cup.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Delphia and Loretta. Welcome to our conversation.

stronghunter said...

Windy here. Most of the new-fallen snow has melted away, but it is still winter. I think I will take a break--maybe sleep a little while.

grannyblt said...

The wind on the camera and the near white out snow conditions here have chilled me and I'm going to get a nice warm drink.

stronghunter said...

Wind is still rocking the nest. Eagle sitting pretty in the cup.

Lolly said...

Sitting here with feet up. Right after breakfast I quadrupled my baked mac and cheese recipe and prepared that for church. Left at 10:15 for church. Worked in the kitchen until time for the service. Church was packed. Then worked in the kitchen serving way over 100 people following the service. I got home about a hour ago as clean up, pack up duty followed that. I have collapsed.

Have cam up. A short while ago Skippi was watching the eagle. Jack explained to her that she did not want to mess with that bird!

stronghunter said...

Allie likes to watch the eagle, too. Kathryn commented that she figured the eagle would be happy to eat Allie. Good thing our kitties are not in any danger from those eagles. I wonder what they will think of the eaglets and all of the noise they make. That will be interesting.

stronghunter said...

Glad you were able to work in the kitchen for your friend's family, Lolly. Being busy helps the hard times to pass.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though it could be Switch time.
Incubating is up and took the food that was laying on the left side of the nest
Shep is coming in and has a huge morsel to work on!
Our egg is alone!

Lolly said...

We had a great group working in the kitchen. Approximately 250-300 at the funeral and all were invited to partake of the lunch. We guessed at 100 of family and friends staying for lunch and we're thankful we guess right and had plenty of food. Plus food left over for family to take home.

Just read back on the blog. So sad for Blackwater!

Mema Jo said...

Squawking at something

Hope it was just a false alarm

Linda said...

LOLLY - What an exhausting day.......but all filled with love and honor for your dear friend. Sounds like you guys did an awesome job with the lunch!! I am sure the family is so very thankful for friends that go above and you do!!

And I can imagine that it feels good to get your feet up! An emotional day, I would think, but you must feel good to have been able to help. I remember you feeling at a loss when your friend unexpectedly passed and you felt so helpless!! I think you have made up for that big time today!! They are blessed to call you friend!

As are we.......... God Bless You!

grannyblt said...

I had lunch yesterday with an eighty seven yr old friend who is the funeral lunch committee chairman for her church. They have had 3 lunches in the last two weeks. It is exhausting for the committee, but so appreciated by the families. Good that you were able to help Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I think the loving effort you put forth today is the most gracious act of
kindness for the family at this time in their lives. I have experienced a few of
these events in Church social rooms and the grief is lifted with the friendship found
from family and friends.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to close for the day
Belle is nestled snugly in the egg cup and the night light is on.

Everyone have a pleasant evening
Goodnight to all ♥

BEagle said...

Watching the eagles, AT TIMES, is like watching the grass grow. Of course grass growing is a good thing.

It's been two days now since the first egg.
Doesn't Belle lay about every 3 days?

BEagle said...

She up and at 'em. Rolled her egg and wobbled down.

Lolly said...

Thank you all or your comments. This is the second death recently in our church family. Also, each of these deaths were unexpected. They were both the care givers to a spouse. If the spouse had died, we would not have been so surprised. Please take care of care givers and if you are a care giver, remember to take care of yourself!!

Lolly said...

I am thinking an egg tomorrow! What do you think? I won't be as lucky as I was Monday evening. But, I can hope!

BEagle said...

You have given wise words for those who know caregivers and those who will become one.

BEagle said...

Tomorrow evening around supper will be three days. I'm thinking Friday morning, early. This is only what I think. I hope it's sooner.

If it's tomorrow morning or evening, you may foof at me.

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Lolly, so very gracious of your church members to ease the family and friends through this difficult time. I am sure all your efforts were greatly appreciated.

So very sad about the Blackwater eagles. Hopefully, next year will bring a far better outcome.

Jo, glad all went well for you today. Jufie says you have a great positive attitude.

Adult, likely Belle, is tucked in for the night. So happy to see no snow in the nest.

Jude and Jake have shown no interest as I watch the nest. I try to give them updates but they seem to prefer treats as opposed to wildlife education.

Headed to my recliner and some reading. Hoping for eggbert #2 tomorrow.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Unknown said...

good evening.

LOLLY: what a wonderful thing you did today. I'm sure those who were there were nourished not only by the food, but by the love of those holding space for them.

and you are right about caregivers....several of my clients are caring for parents/spouses/ wears on them.

it is snowing again. it snowed yesterday. we received about 2" yesterday and it melted today. last I checked, looks to be an inch out there again. but it will leave tomorrow as it is going into the 40's.

loved watching the snow fall very gently as I cooked dinner tonight. felt so warm and cozy.

hoping for eggbert #2 tonight/tomorrow. love the camera. pix so clear. I just want to reach out and touch the eagles as they sit in the nest.

light, love, hugs and smiles to all. Sweet EGGBERT dreams!

Linda said...

Hey Gang!

I think I am headed for a hot shower and maybe a little TV with the hubby before heading up to bed.

Prayers for all and wishing everyone restful your homes and the nest!!

Good Night!


Lynne2 said...

evening all...just checkin in.

stronghunter said...


Such good advice about caregivers, Lolly. And none of us really knows when we could end up in that situation. Sometimes it is the parent who ends up taking care of a child.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said that coming home tonight was like driving through a snow globe. Funny, but I did not see snow this evening. When I checked the Weather Channel, snow was not mentioned, just cold.

stronghunter said...

Wishing for decent weather for our eagles. My brain is ready for a rest, so I will say good night and SED. See you tomorrow.

glo said...

Wind chill hardly above 0 all day. I dressed like I was going to Churchill and instead went eagling. What a fun day I had. I am blessed.

Lolly said...

Watched AI then we watched recorded Downton Abbey. All fought up.

Belle is tucked and all is well! Occasionally hear the wind.

Heading to the pillows. Luncheon tomorrow and bb game Friday.


Lolly said...

Caught up!

JudyEddy said...

I was just visualize you and Jack fighting LOL LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

Nice evening at Angie
Will be picking Jordyn up after school tomorrow to take her to gym Angie will meet us there. They have a school camping trip this weekend Carl is already over there setting things up for all the school. So Angie has stuff to get done before she drives over. Suppose to be 780 people this year Its at the Disney camp grounds.

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - I see one sleeping eagle in the nest. Looks and sounds like it's still very windy there. We are at 24 degrees with a real feel of 12 and a high of 30 today.

Jo, day 3 for you today and then another break. Prayers continue.

One school day for me and then a 5-day break! Tomorrow is teacher inservice which I will surely be sick for. Next Monday is President's Day so no school and next Tuesday I have a periodontist appt.

Have a greyt day everyone! Maybe egg #2 today? Based on the amount of time that Belle has let this egg "cool off," I'd say at least one more egg is a sure bet!

Sandi said...

BTW, CarolAnne, thanks for the chin strap suggestion for Denny's snoring. The good news is it arrived yesterday from The bad news is it didn't work! :( I advised Denny to order one that came with a money back guarantee. Oh well.

Sandi said...

Belle woke at 6:11 and Shep landed in the nest at 6:13. My guess is he was in the tree b/c Belle never even called out for him. Belle got up, shook herself, and took off. Shep did an egg roll and is now on egg duty.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi. I saw an alert eagke in the nest. It is calling for cold weather next few days. Wasn't on Blog last night. I just felt drained. I think the recent snow shoveling, a 50 hour work week and being too tired to sleep lately caught up to me. No - hope day 3 goes well for you. Have a great day. Take care all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Mema Jo said...

Good COLD Morning to all ♥
I had closed the blog down right after 7pm last evening - thankful I did say goodnight because at 8:30 my eyes closed until this morning around 7am. I don't know what they are putting in my chemo solution BUT I am surely getting a good night's sleep. lol

Lolly I have a caregiver whom I think the world of --- Every morning I let him take a break down for coffee and friends at Dunkin Donuts! Caregivers are special people.

Judy you sure are keeping track of Lolly's typos! Hope no one is tracking me as my nubby fingers are always acting just like Lolly's IPad. lol (especially my Caps Lock)

I have 1 piece of apple pie in my refrigerator - I am about to warm it up and eat it with milk - I really am going to do that -AND when hubby picked it up for me he confirmed that they rang it up as "Sugar Free Apple Pie"

I am glad to see that Steve is sharing on his FB profile page pictures of our eagles.


carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to the eagle friends that are here this morning; Sandi, Jo, JudyE, and Jerry. It was too cold to get out of bed this morninng! BRRRR. I think my husband said it was 30 here and the wind is a blowing.

JO Enjoy those nights when you can get all that sleep. It is good for you.
I wish I had a piece of your apple pie for breakfast this am. I thought I heard bacon sizzeling in the frying pan this morning and I thought how nice of my husband to be getting us breakfast. I got up and went to the bathroom off our bedroom and it was just water he had left trickeling in the sink. :( I should have known! Hope day 3 goes well for you. Hugs,

SANDI You sound like a smart person taking off when you can. I think you had said that this was your last year before retirement? Good luck at your periodontist. Thanks for letting us know what was going on in the nest this am.

JERRY You might need to try and slow down a bit. You are doing too much.

Eagle is picking at a branch, trying to get it in place and out of the way. I don't know if it was brought in or wind blew it in. She/he is still sitting in the egg cup. I hope the wind leaves our nest in one piece.
Husband is waiting to walk, so I guess I had better get my coat and go. All have a wonderful day. Stay warm.

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, must put my 2 cents in about Denny and the snoring....he should address this w/ his Dr. He may have sleep apnea and if not, there are other things to be used for the snoring. Not breathing well during sleep means not getting good sleep and that is VERY dangerous to overall health.

That's a beauty of a bloody, disemboweled brunch in the nest!

Hope we get another egg today. I think the chances become slimmer after today that we'd get another.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly please stop fighting with Jack, it's SO UN-queenly. LOL!

Jo, day three...praying! Hang in there!

Wow Judy, a 780 people camping trip.....WHEW!

Lynne2 said...

Egg roll! Only one that I can see.

Mema Jo said...

If it is tent camping I sure hope Karl put a very high flag marker in order to find it.
That is a lot of campers!

I only have seen one egg so far.

Thanks you all for well wishes for me today.

I ate my apple pie and it was delicious

Mema Jo said...

I am still sadden with the Blackwater situation.
Lisa said: This is a sad occasion, but if something like this was going to happen, we guess it’s better it happened before we had actual chicks in the nest. Watching this unfold, we remembered something our friend Craig Koppie — the raptor biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — said about how it’s a positive thing that eagle populations are growing around the country, but the downside is that it brings more competition from eagles that are looking for mates and prime nesting locations.

That is so true and of course it happened at our nest and also at SWFL nest....
I always read Blackwater's Eagle Cam Web Log.

JudyEddy said...

ice cream or whip cream JO on the pie??

don't like that nasty pile of vittles in the corner

JudyEddy said...

They have golf carts at the camping also Angie is trying to rope me in to going out and buying some stuff to decorate it with

I told her she shouldn't have waiting till last min

The Plato camping is for all the school campus in the area I think there are 7 schools now not positive on that and not for sure about how many family make up the 780 people Funny thing is they just got yesterday from the school the disc with all the pictures from last years All Pro Dads camp out
Really nice disc just a little late because of birth in the family and natural chaos that goes on But I guess pretty cool getting on the week they are going out this year

JudyEddy said...

I think last night was our coldest night of the year in the upper 30's

the weather man says its payback for all the warm weather we had in Nov and Dec and bragged about it

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Still very cold but sunny here today. I will try to get out with the eagles again for a while. FIRST though I need to get groceries. I have some very special guests coming to spend Sunday night at my house if it all works out. 1 old teen and 1 young man so I will get a lot of food. I sure hope I do not end up eating it all myself. Stay tunes.

Lolly You are so lucky to have so many friends taking care of your typos. I am glad I do NOT have that going on for me. They gave up long time ago. I am the winner of typos BUT I do hope you did win the fight :-) and then you did Kiss and make up too.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Only see an adult egg-sitting next to some ugly nestovers. Sunshine and windy.

Agenda for me is paperwork to prepare for upcoming doctor visits.

Jo, Jufie will be there for day three. He says you two are then on a vacation.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Let's see if I can do this without typos!😝

Another beautiful day! Leave soon for luncheon and meeting. Presently 62 and headed up. Daffodils blooming all around the yard. Posted on fb a pic of snow 6 years ago.

Going to be glued to the cam this evening! Come on Belle!

Jo, glad you are sleeping well. Sleep is good. I have been sleeping good, as well! I used to have trouble falling asleep at night, but no more. I do not nap, have never been able to do that except for in the evenings after a glass of wine. Lol

Gotta get ready to face the world! Have a great day!

Ok, Lynne2! No more fighting with jubby! Never want to be unqueenly!

And now to proof read this comment! Lol. Oh and now down 13 lbs! At least 7 to go!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

I made it just in time for the "Really big Shoo". That brisk wind sounds ominous. So glad Eagles are designed to handle all kinds of weather!

Now I must read back to see what you've all been up to in the last 24 hours or so. Here it's in the single digits and so outings are reduced to a minimum.

Thanks to those who've been praying for and projecting positive thoughts to my friend, Ernie. He's a pretty amazing 92 year old! His daughter writes:

"Wow what a week! Dad is doing ok. Still battling some confusion but if timed right, we have some coherent conversations. He has had a sitter with him the last few days so he doesn't get himself into trouble. They're hoping to send him to the skilled nursing unit that is connected to his apartment; maybe tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Thanks for the prayers."

BB after that catch up read.....

JudyEddy said...

Great news on Ernie KAY
Loving this view sure would be nice for a fly in. Well maybe before 2 someone will visit

capture the tour JO on FB now

clouds shadows are pretty cool moving across the land on the cam.

Mema Jo said...

Good news about Ernie, Kay. He really sounds like he is improving or at least holding his own. A skilled nursing unit so near to him is a fantastic setting.

Getting some light lunch and then leaving........ BBL

JudyEddy said...

EGG ROLL in the winds see only one egg and down already

Kay said...

How true, JO. The proliferation of the eagle population is bound to bring more conflict for mates and nesting places. On the positive side, it means more of us will, as time goes on, see eagles overhead. I live in a forested area very close to a big river so I'm hoping a pair of those beauteous birds will decide it's a good spot for them. The pair residing about 6 miles north of me at Highbanks Metro Park are in a sycamore tree like our Belle n' Shep. There are a number of those majestic trees along the river bank close to me, so there's hope.

Kay said...

That was a good parental responsibility change and egg roll!

Geez, GLO, are you a Cougar or what? Do tell us more!

JO, I'm beaming positive thoughts your way! Sounds like it will be time for Ed to bring in more no-sugar sweets for his Sweetie this afternoon/evening.

Stay safe and have a good day everyone!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Got another email last night from Oneida, NY for the instructions for the crochet Christmas tree. So happy others are wanting it and happy I can send it to them. I just now put out in the mail

Judie said...

Oh my goodness. Every time I step away...

Glo has become a cougar with not one but two young men visiting; Lolly has put away her boxing gloves and made nice with Jack; Jo has a sweetheart who brings her sugarless sweets; and Kay's friend Ernie is improving and being well-cared for; looks like Belle is egg-sitting.

Now to hear about Jo's afternoon, Sandi's day at school, Lynne2's animal farm adventures, and Shirley's adventures at the bowling alley.


JudyEddy said...

OH it looks like E8 may be going home sooner from His exam looks great with his feetsies able to stand and movement

JudyEddy said...

Did you see the memo under the cam??

'""Teachers & Students: The National Conservation Training Center will host a LIVE broadcast on February 17 at 2:00pm ET that will feature the NCTC EagleCam. We hope you can join us! For more details, please visit - See more at:

Mema Jo said...

I have returned and all your positive thoughts helped me have a very good treatment.

It is so very cold and windy outside - glad my coat had a hood attached.

I hear and see that no 2nd egg has appeared... well, the day is young!

Feet up - BBL

JudyEddy said...

heading out to take Jordyn to gym

food delivered and changing of the guard

Lolly said...

I am home and see two eagles in the nest. Wow! The wind! I think it is making me seasick!

Oh, I spy our lil Eggbert! Second eagle must have brought dinner. I love the close up, but missing some action!

Mema Jo said...

They just switched - You could see only 1 egg in the cup!

stronghunter said...


I see one eagle in the nest cup and some yucky looking mess nearby. Buffering is going on at the moment.

Bowling was successful. Our team won two of our three games and had the most total points. I did some grocery shopping, then kind of regretted I'd bought so much because I had to carry it all into the house in the cold, windy weather we are having. I seem to do that from time to time. But at least I now have supplies in the house. Tacos tonight.

Glad to see Jo has returned from her latest chemo and is resting.

Cam is still buffering. I guess the wind is causing problems. I did see one egg earlier. It would be nice to see two. Oh, finally, buffering is over. Not too much snow on the ground below.

Linda said...

Good Afternoon!

Haven't had so great of a day today as I woke up with a nasty migraine again! So I've been draggin' all day. Made it to my desk, but the progress is slower than normal! Tomorrow is another day!!

Jo, happy that Day 3 is over and you're doing good. Keep resting and let your body heal, as I know you will. Will keep you in my prayers! <3

Shirley, good to hear bowiling was successful today and there is food in the house!

I'm checking the cam every now and then and hope we get that second egg soon!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Congratulations to Shirley and her team. Yep, I see a Bowling for Dollars future. Enjoy the taco dinner.

Have missed food deliveries but do see a swaying adult egg-sitting.

Jo, glad you had an easy treatment afternoon. Rest well.

Headed to the scullery. Pizza.

Sandi said...

OH ... MY ... GOD ... is this east coast weather cold enough for everyone??? The actual temp here in Bethany MAY have reached 30 degrees this afternoon but the wind chills have stayed in the teens. Temps this weekend could drop as low as zero at night - that's actual temperature, not wind chill and highs on Valentine's Day will only be in the teens. Forget Florida, I really need to live at the equator! I hate, hate, hate cold!

So, we still have only one egg I see. I'm thinking based on size that this is Shep egg sitting, am I right?

Jo, chemo over, now to re-energize!

Shirley, congrats on your bowling victory.

Lynne, Denny has already had a sleep study done - about 5 years ago. No sleep apnes

The greyhound rescue group that we got Janey from is bringing 5 new dogs back from WV at the end of this month and they're looking for foster homes for them until they are adopted. I asked Denny if we could foster and got a resounding NO! Not because he's afraid I'll keep another one but because he just feels like 3 dogs, especially 2 with very bad bathroom habits, is all he can handle. He told me that, once I retire, I can foster as many dogs as I think I can take care of. This is not a battle I'm willing to fight so we'll stick to 3 for now.

School day went smoothly - now 5 days off! Time to feed pets and then people. I think my dinner will be a nice big bowl of hot oatmeal with milk and brown sugar!

I'll be watching off and on this evening to see if we get egg #2!

Lolly said...

Belle calling out and just left the egg cup. Near by and still calling. We need the cam pulled back!

Lolly said...

She is back on the egg. Hmmm m???

Lolly said...

So sorry, Sandi! Would you believe 76 here! Just beautiful weather!

Sandi said...

I lost the live cam and can't get it to reload - anyone else?

Watching Belle on the still cam.

JudyEddy said...

Is it???

Unknown said...

good evening to one and to all.

it appears that everyone has had a pretty good day. :)

although it snowed here last night, our road was fine. other areas, not so fine and therefore, metro was out of school again. Olivia, however, has no snow days. lol. we do however, take other days off.

I hope everyone everyone has a warm and snuggly evening. closing it down...I am tired. good night.

Mema Jo said...

I had been resting and it seems that the 21nd egg was laid

No pic yet to my knowledge

Sent email about live feed down

I need to read your comments.........................

Lolly said...

I lost my connection.

Just watched on fb an interview with Scotty McQuerry. Is it wrong for an old lady to have a crush on a 22 year old? Lol. He is just the cutest and love his voice!

Mema Jo said...


Sandi said...

Jo, thanks for the email to NCTC about the live feed and the heads-up that it's running again. I was watching on the still but, with the 30 second delay, there was no way I could tell if Belle was laboring and laying another egg. She is tucked in now.

stronghunter said...

As far as I know, Jo, no one has reported a second egg. I just wished we could have one, but did not see one.

stronghunter said...

Belle is tucked and on the egg cup.

Lolly said...

Just realized what Jo said. Where did you hear that, Jo?

Cam up and watching AI. Scotty sings tonight!😍

Mema Jo said...

Deb, Debi, Terri, Christine and I are on a PM and we get our heads together about our nest. They are the gals that do all the videos -
I was resting but when I got on I realized they were talking about the possibility
of the second egg which definitely should be here today.....

Here you go:
2/11/2016 NCTC second egg laid
Belle laid her second egg

COPY And paste & tell what you think

Mema Jo said...

It will be much better in the daylight to see both of them!

OK - with that accomplished I am going to close down for the day

Anxious to tune in early morning

Goodnight one and all
Hope you are blessed with a sound sleep
and peaceful dreams ♥

Judie said...

Good evening.

How wonderful if Belle has produced a second egg. She is currently tucked in.

Ah Sandi, soon you can foster as many as you wish -- so fun! So kind! I also dislike cold weather.

Jo, have a night of restorative sleep.

Headed to my recliner. Restful sleep for all.

WVJerry said...

Checking in a little late today but got home a little while ago and just got something to eat. I see an eagle tucked in for the night. Also looks like I missed the second egg today. Windy and very cold here. Good to see Jo made it through Day 3 fine. Going to call it an evening and check in tomorrow morning some time. Don't have to be up at 4:00AM until Tuesday so I won't be on real early. Have a good night.

stronghunter said...

Oh, now I understand. Great to know we have two eggs. I am sitting by the fire. So cold today.

Yes, Hunter wore shorts. I wore long johns under my jeans and long-sleeved shirt. Kathryn said he did want to turn the heat on immediately when her got in the car with her. I am not surprised.

I do not like cold weather; I especially hate cold, windy days.

stronghunter said...

I need to check out some Scrabble games.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Watched the video. Just saw an egg roll. Anxious to see two eggs!

Sandi said...

Jo, I have watched both videos twice. I can't say there is a 2nd egg, but I also can't say there isn't. I can say that I didn't actually SEE 2 eggs but the quality of the picture with the infrared light on the nest makes it difficult to see clearly. I guess we'll know more tomorrow.

Calling it a night. Tonight Denny is trying something else for his snoring - he ordered 3 different things from and is trying them one at a time.

Goodnight friends - I'll see you in the early AM - I've told the dogs we can sleep in tomorrow but they never listen!

Sandi said...

Just watched Belle get up - she rolled 1 egg that I could clearly see and then settled back down again. Doesn't mean there aren't 2 in there but again, I only saw 1.


Mema Jo said...

Hopefully Sandi you will be the early bird to see the 2 eggs and report it here on the blog.


Lolly said...

Thank you, Sandi! I have watched it twice and only see one egg! Hopefully there is a second egg! It just looked like an egg roll to me and she promptly tucked!

Unknown said...

Had to stop by and say Congrats to Belle and Shep on Eggbert #2! woo hoo. Saw vid of the laying and then a friend saw egg roll and confirmed 2 eggs. Congrats to all. Wondering if there will be an egg #3 this year? I know there has been for past 2 years, even though each of those years only 2 fledged. With old cam we never really knew what happened to the chicks that did not make it. I surely wish them a successful and healthy season regardless of how many eggs they have. Glad there is that nice deep egg cup to keep them warm in this artic cold snap. Hugs to all and SED's

Lolly said...

Egg roll!!! Just saw 2 eggs!

Lolly said...

Guess I just had to see it with my own two eyes! Sunday egg three??

Lolly said...

Belle is tucked and sound asleep.

I think the wind has calmed down.

Time for a hot shower and pjs! Nite all!

So happy for two eggs!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I was watching the laying of the egg and being I was on tablet can't do two things at once I did post at 629 Is it??? then went back to the cam I did get a few snips and they are on the fb page

STILL CAM is stuck at 1130:15

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

JudyEddy said...

still cam is caught up now

BEagle said...


Egg #2 arrived almost exactly 72 hours after Egg #1. On the video Belle stood up, rolled the 1st egg up alongside the 2nd, then hunkered down again to keep them toasty warm.

She's a good gal!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It's a cold one outside - 18 degrees but with no wind.

Belle was facing the camera when I opened the live feed at 5:45am. She woke at 5:55, stood up, rolled something - or 2 somethings - laid back down facing away from the cam, and is tucked again. When she stood, I did not see one egg, much less two! That egg cup is deep!

It sounds like a number of people have spied 2 eggs during an egg roll. I agree that her head movements on the videos looked like she was rolling 2 eggs rather than 1, and the still cam pictures that several people grabbed around 6:25-6:28pm look like Belle is laying an egg. And the timing is right - like BEagle said, almost exactly 72 hours which is consistent for Belle.

So now we wait and see if #3 appears. Personally, based on the experiences of the past 2 years, I hope we only have 2 eggs but this is obviously Belle's decision,not mine.

On another note, last night Denny tried something called nose vents. They're little ventilated cone shaped pieces of silicone connected with a narrow piece of silicone between them. When they're inserted in your nose, only the little connector piece is visible and Denny said they weren't uncomfortable to wear. You put them in your nose and they keep your nostrils dilated so, if your snoring originates from your nose, these little things should stop it. AND THEY DID! Several times during the night, I could hear his breathing change and know that he would otherwise be snoring. But instead of being loud and annoying, it was just a slightly noticeable sound that I'm certain I can get used to and sleep through - last night I was just very tuned in to his breathing changes.

I looked back at the email I sent to Jo and Paula about egg laying dates for the past 2 years that aren't yet on the Yahoo site. In 2014, Belle laid her 3 eggs 3 days apart, on the 17th, 20th, and 23rd of Feb. Last year was a little different. Eggs 1 and 2 were 3 days apart on the 12th and 15th but the 3rd egg didn't arrive til 2/19 - 4 days after #2. So if there's going to be a 3rd egg, it could arrive Sunday or even Monday. However, there have been a couple of years when eggs were laid only 2 days apart so we could see #3 on Saturday. Again, it is what it is - just wanted to share some past history.

Today will be some upstairs cleaning and some laundry. Town council meeting tonight to address increased traffic volume and speed through our little part of South Bethany as more and more homes are being built west of us and people use our streets as a cut-through to get to Route 1, the main highway running north and south.

Have a greyt day all - stay warm if you happen to be in the path of this arctic air mass! Did you know the temperature on Zanzibar is about 85 degrees every day of the year?

Sandi said...

Belle up, calling out, and then she took off. I could hear Shep returning her call. Now Shep has arrived and has settled down on the EGGS. I did get a look at 2 and was able to get a photo of them.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi and Beagle. Glad you and Denny got the snoring issue fixed. Also thanks Sandi for the report on Egg #2. Just see one eagle now. Have a great day and take care all.

Linda said...

Good Morning Sandi, Jerry. BEagle!

Glad some are noting the second egg!! And thanks for the history of the eggs, Sandi!

Heard some screeching when I first opened the cam, but must have been something flying over. I think they surely consider that protected air space and feel nothing should fly over or around that tree!!

Feeling better this morning, but not completely over this migraine. I will move slow this morning and hope the throbbing fades.

Just heard some more screeching and looked over at the cam. Saw no eagle and what looked to be ONE egg.......

Then when our Eagle came back and started to settle in, he/she moved some of the nest material and rearranged the OTHER egg and I definitely saw both of them. Amazing how even with that close of a view, we can't completely see into that deep egg cup!

Hoping Friday is a good day for all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Steve has provided a "second egg" fresh thread.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...