Monday, July 20, 2015


Hot.  New thread.


glo said...

Good morning everyone and thanks for the new thread Steve

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread to start our week.

Glo you are on spot ! A feather for you !

This is another hot humid day and only good for all to stay inside
Blessings for all those who must be outside.

I am just about to pour my 1st cup of coffee! BBL

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

STEVE, we thank you for a nice new thread to kick of this week!

GLO, so glad Zoey is doing better. How nice of you to let her play with the feather!

JO, your first cup o' joe? I had mine hours ago, but then I have a little alarm clock that went off early today! She goes to the Vet for nail trimming today--Friday's appt. was canceled due to power outage.

SANDI, you made all the pertinent comments and asked all the pertinent questions, so I'm going to wait for those replies along with you. Sorry it's too sweltering for tennis, but you're wise to forgo it on a day like this. Fingers crossed that you and Kevin have a productive and calm talk!

Time to get set for the outing.

Prayers for all in need and for our dear Juvies and they experiment and find their way in the wild and away from Belle n' Shep.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread. Hope the anniversary was wonderful.

Congratulations Glo. Have fun with Zoey and the feather.

Nest filled with sunshine but not eaglets. May the babies soar high and thrive.

Prayers for you Jo. Enjoy your coffee.

Welcome home Shirley. Let us know about the weekend after you recover.

Sandi, what a relief that Kevin had a positive response to his room. The mutual respect approach might just be the best for success. Consider the Verizon store a huge toy store and you can choose any toy(s) you want for your very own because you were a good girl at the dentist. Very sorry that Jenni is again having problems. Prayers the vet can help.

Hoping for an update from Shirley on her weekend and on the kittens and hoping for an update from Glo on Zoey and Patches and hoping for an update from Lynne1 on her kitten family. Hoping Lynne2 will bring us up-to-date on the new ownership and Steve's parents and the donkeys.

Kay, how was the weekend with Seth? How's he doing with the computer activities?

Too horrid to be out today. Not much on the to do list. Maybe some reading. Tomorrow might be better for foraging.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Lynne2 said...

Hidey Ho everyone!

I finished Go Set a Watchman. I won't give anything away in case anyone is going to read it.

Glad to have my hubby home! Had a nice visit with the In-laws. But boy are they a mess.

No more word on the sale except if I haven't mentioned, there is a "silent partner" involved, and I have been informed that it is Dr Benson's ex-wife. Now if THAT wouldn't mean a whole lot of WTH??? I don't know what would! Seems that here involvement with this, what that may be, is what is holding up the works. I can only suspect that SHE is backing this venture financially and he cannot do it alone.

Did I mention I have been waiting for straw and hay for the donkey's for MONTHS? Yeah, still NONE.

JudyEddy said...

On lunch and find a new thread


Judie said...

Um, Lynne2, what are the donkey's eating? You must be very worried about them.

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, I'm so glad Kevin didn't blow up about his room and I believe that leaves the door open to productive conversation!

And WOW about awful that must have been for all of you! I'm so glad everything turned out so well!

I have my appt tomorrow. My mother's sister had hers already and it came back "borderline". My Uncle just had a knee replacement and she has a fracture in a thoracic vertebrae so they are not worrying about the tests until this all passes.

JO, hope there is no lingering scent of the dead skunk. Reminds of this song from when I was a kid. I can remember like it was yesterday, hearing on the radio as my dad was driving us somewhere and all of us cracking up like crazy people!

Dead Skunk Song

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Lynne - It was so appropriate! Loved it and now I can't get it out of
my mind! lol

Lynne2 said...


glo said...

Zoey has had a good day. She even came in and napped on the bed with Patches and I this afternoon for a while. Tonight Patches and I are off to puppy Class. She is very smart and can do all of what they teach there but she needs the socialization. I don't know if she will participate or just get scared and not function. I am sure hoping for option 1 :-) Stay tuned.

Mema Jo said...

Happy that Zoey is getting back to her old habits

I misunderstood and thought last night was Patches first class.

Take her purple ball and she will show them all she can do!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 the song was cute and it took awhile to get out of my head also

JudyEddy said...

DID it make it on your news

FOOD COMA bear found in a yard in Seminole County FL

Bear in Food coma after eating 50lb of dog food

JudyEddy said...

20 LBS not 50

JudyEddy said...

This was on fb and it is awesome

Fishermen help hawk that is being squeezed by a bullsnake

Janet said...

good evening to all!!! i'm home!

jack was dropped off about 7 Friday morning. we had to finish packing and because Cave City area is about 90 min away.....we were in no hurry. We were setting up camp by early afternoon.

We didn't do too much Friday. We were all kind of tired. The KOA campsite had a pool, play ground, stocked fishing pond, and a small barn with a pony, horse, donkey , chickens, geese, ducks....

We went to Kentucky Down Under on Saturday....

The above link will take you to the pix if you want to see them. I am glad I found a groupon because even though it was very nice, much nicer than I anticipated, it would not have been worth it at full price. We were able to actually pet kangaroos. They are very soft! The kids were enchanted!

Then we went to Kentucky Action park. Jack had never been on the alpine slide and they had one. So we took him on that and he and Olivia jumped on a trampoline that had a harness and allowed them to do flips and such.

Sunday we were up early and headed to Mammoth Cave. We took the Historic Tour, which was 2 miles and took about 2 hours. At the deepest point we were 310 feet below the earth!!!! It was simply amazing!

The above link will take you to the Mammoth Cave pix.

Then, we went to Dinosaur world. jack was all about going to this! I think he was rather disappointed. I THINK he imagined Jurassic Park and what he got was Dinosaur Statues, a museum and some other stuff. Now, the set up was great, and the art very nice (for the most part) BUT not what a 7 year old boy wants! lol. And did Imention it was stinkin' hot the entire time. Heat indexes WAY over 100....

And this is the link to the pix for dinosaur world.

We slept late this morning and headed home.

It is still hot out. Waiting another hour before I water plants. Ugh. This is just not my weather!!!!!!

Anyway, I need to go back and catch up and such. Hope everyone is doing well. Stay well and hydrated in this nasty weather!

Hugs to all! I missed you!

JudyEddy said...

oops had posted on the ole thread when over to read and forgot to come back
I found you all

gonna see what I still have on the dvr to watch

JudyEddy said...

clunk on cam and shake

glo said...

Patches did really well in Puppy School. I am encouraged. She is ready to be in a group now and was relaxed and enjoying herself most of the session. I am so glad for her. She is starting to feel much safer in her new world. It's been tough for her. So very different from how she spent her first 8 years. She is tired tonight but it's a good tired.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to say my day is done.
Very happy for Pretty Patches to have done so well.

Goodnight to all
God Bless and Keep you through the night


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. No comments since 8pm last night?

The vet couldn't figure out the source of Jenni's diarrhea but did put her on meds to correct the problem. And he discovered that she has an infected anal gland so she's also on meds for that.

At my dental cleaning the dentist said she really thinks it's time for me to have surgery on 1 quadrant of my gums. The periodontist mentioned a while ago that it might be a possibility at some point. Dentist thinks I'm at that point. Will be calling the periodontist today for an appointment - what fun!

Conversation with Kevin went OK, not great. He became defensive when I listed specific things I would like to see done differently with regard to his room. He said he felt that I was treating him like a teenager. I refrained from saying that's b/c he is ACTING like a teenager. Sigh.

Tennis for me at 9am (subbing in the men's group and they prefer to play from 9-11) and then the beach this afternoon.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Wow, now I see there were lots of comments yesterday, some during the day and some last night after 8pm that never made it to my gmail inbox. Will need to catch up on everyone's Monday!

Oh, and now I see the box that needs to be checked. I missed the new thread alert yesterday but then Judy posted on the Friday thread at 8pm last night. That explains things!

Sandi said...

And STILL I didn't check the box!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Glo, what a wonderful feeling you must have seeing Penny become a happy and confident companion. Congratulations on your efforts to help her live a safe and happy life.

Janet, seems you had quite a fun-filled weekend. Glad you all had fun.

Sandi, at least there wasn't an explosion. Do so hope Kevin will come around. Happy tennis this morning and beach this afternoon.

Will check back later to see if Jo, Kay, and Shirley have stopped by.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Terrific Tuesday Morning To All ♥

Janet - your weekend sound like there was not a minute lost with all your activities.
Did Olivia enjoy herself along with Jack?

Coffee and newspaper took precedence this morning. I can quickly get through our Frederick Newspost - really only check out the local happenings and of course the Obits Keeping check on my acquaintances.

Very happy to hear that Pretty Patches did very well at class last evening. Glo has some adorable photos of her on FB. Incidentally it is hard at times to remember our
furbies owners - Penny - Emma - Luna - Jenni and all the others! ♥

Well, I am off once again to start 3 days of Chemo.... I'll be ok.... They may not recognize me except for my smile and sweet "hellos" as my beautiful dark curls are gone. I will be back later - like early evening.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

GLO, JUDIE meant to say Patches---she's used to my frequent mentions of Penny, my dear little doxie who is also happy and confident companion! I do so love dogs and the way they love us so unconditionally! Penny wasn't happy about her mani-pedi yesterday---it takes three of us to control her---the vet doing the clipping, a tech holding her tight and close and me as anesthetist with a peanut butter laden tongue depressor in hand. How can one very small dog be so strong?

Back to Patches, who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks? So glad your little one likes school!

LYNNE2, glad STEVE is back and that his folks are doing "relatively" well! Here's hoping the test goes the way we want it to! Also hoping the sale and silent partner aspect of it goes well for all concerned---especially you two!

I see we still have many who need to check in with us--just a "hey, I'm okay" message will ease our minds, dear absent Momsters!

A hot, but mostly sunny day here. Just exactly the kind of day we expect in July! Nothing by routine tasks anticipated for me.

Love and prayers go out to all of you, with special emphasis for those in need of healing, comforting blessings!


JANET wears me out just reading about your big weekend! What fun!

SANDI, I guess some defensiveness had to be expected on Kevin's part, but hope he got the message and after some thought will comply with new house rules. Yikes, the surgery does not sound like fun, but, of course, we must all take care of the pearly whites. Beats eating baby food! Enjoy your summer day in the great outdoors!

Kay said...

JO, I see you posted while I was blabbing. You have my prayers as you begin this three day regimen. Looking forward to the day when it's complete and those pretty dark curls reappear!♥♥♥

Judie said...

My goodness. Companion Confusion has struck.

Dear Patches, please accept the apology of an aging human who sometimes gets confused. You weren't around when I confused Lolly's husband with Wanda's husband. Scandalous, it was.

My penance is having to forage for food.

stronghunter said...

Oh, but I was here to witness the scandalous confusion, Judie.

Just got a call from Val's son Keith. His company will be replacing my front steps this weekend. Yay! The steps and the rails are a mess. They have been replaced once before, but the job was poorly done.

Looks like I might have left my computer mouse in North Carolina. I do have a problem with those things.

stronghunter said...

We had a very nice visit to Huntersville. The Carolina Raptor Center is very nice. We saw Derek and Savannah and many other raptors there. It is all in a very wooded area with pathways connecting the various facilities. We heard lots of eagle calls while we were there. And Hunter had a conversation with the ospreys. Ospreys always have something to say.

We had lunch with our cousin Donnelle and her husband Bill and visited with Kathryn's friend Trina and her children who were on their way back to Florida from Ohio.

stronghunter said...

Came back home through Tightsqueeze, VA. As many times as I have been on that route, I had never noticed that town before.

stronghunter said...

We also visited the small cemetery where my parents are buried and placed some flowers there. It had been so long since we had been there before.

glo said...

LOL Penny Patches It's all good and very loving. Patches has a fear of strangers. It has taken her 3 months to even feel comfortable at coffee with my neighbors. Even now she does not want anyone but me to pick her up. She cowers most of the time whichis really sad. She has taught me to approach her very slow from the side and crouch down to get her. She is not aggressive just afraid. However that does seem to be easing some. Only the instructor approached me last night to give me her homework "our" homework. I gave her a treat as I took the page from teachers hand and Patches did not back away whichis really good. In the group with dogs though she did really well. She already knows most of the commands. Learns very very quickly. I hope she learns that all the people who will be around her in her life will be kind gentle loving people who want to be her friend.

stronghunter said...

Wishing you well with the chemo, Jo. I am sure they will recognize your beautiful smile.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch 1206 was punch time

SANDI sorry the dr couldn't find cause of the diarrhea issue
and glad you had the talk and he should know your house your rules If he wan't to live like a slob then he should get his own pace JMHO

JO keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as always

LOL confusing husbands and dogs names only on our blog LOL

and they both start with the letter P so its easy to do

suppose to get off at 3 today but when my AM keyed it in he put me in at 4 for today and tomorrow I have asked him 4 times in tow days to change it and so far not changed He comes in at 12 and I havn't seen him yet Hope he will change it I know it is included in payroll Everyone said I should keep my mouth shut BUT I feel if I take the hours (2) that it could come back to bite me in the butt at some point We will see when I punch back in if he will change it One mgmt said just leave early I said NO WAY then I will be on report for leaving before my shift ended I know how they play the games LOL so will just wait to talk with him

JudyEddy said...

BIG SPACE did SHIRLEY have a face plant to cause it That is a WANDA thing LOL

so happy you are getting you stoop fixed also and hope it is done right this time

GLO so happy Patches is doing good She is so adorable on all the pic I see on FB and so happy she is getting more comfortable with people

JudyEddy said...

looking for eagle cam to watch NO ONE is home at any of them

WR is really rockin in the wind

JudyEddy said...

Critter can one has a juvie

JudyEddy said...

Critter cam auto correct pia

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
That was about a 2 hr Chemo visit - Tomorrow & Thursday will be only an hr and a half.
The room's temp is comfortable and they have all recliners, pillows and lightweight
blankets if you need them - also bottled water, a snack basket (I ate granola bar)
and lunch sandwiches (I packed my sandwich today)being that the appointment was at 11:45. First they check your blood work and then when report comes back (about 10 mins)
they start your chemo. You are always allowed to have one person with you and their
chairs are right beside your recliner. It is a good setup!

Will - my feet are going up for a short timed. BBL

Janet said...

a toasty afternoon check in. 96 at my roost. goodness knows what the heat index is. melting I say.

slept in today, which felt great. tom went to his part time him out of the house for the day! :) gives him something to do.

I went to the chiro. ran to wally world. bought a new vacuum. not expensive, but has a great attachment for hard wood floors. its small and light weight. just want I wanted/needed as the old was getting quite gruesome to work with.

laundry today. vacuumed....the house and the rv.

now, time to clean the pool and catch my breath.

KAY, MEMA JO, JUDIE-- I was worn out. by 9 p.m each night camping we were lights out. not just the activities, but the heat. Olivia gets along best with Jack and Lorelei. She and Amelia often butt heads. :( it was fun, but glad to be home and onto a normal routine.

Just had a bacon-tomato sammich. good grief, nothing screams summer like that does! yyyyuuuummmmyyyyyyy.

making cucumber-tomato salad later. sammiches for dinner tonight. I have some sliced brisket that I think will make a lovely sammich or two.

all right, I probably should get myself up and get moving again. I will check in later. hope everyone is staying hydrated this afternoon. love and hugs to all.

JudyEddy said...

Just saw below the cam that the live feed will be off tomorrow 22 and Thur 23 for maintenance HMMM could it be new cam install Why would do they maintenance when they are installing a new camera Maybe they want to surprise us LOL just speculating

JudyEddy said...

my dinner is also a sammiches but its seeded rye bread and braunschweiger

glo said...

Love you MeMa Jo You sure know how to add a comfortable report to a difficult experience. Sammiches for supper hmmm well maybe. Right now it's a cup of tea. Finally cool enough to mow so I will do that after tea and then decide on supper.

Janet said...

JUDYE: hmmmmmm have a bite for ME! love it!

NCSuzan said...

Jo,thinking of you and holding you close in thoughts and prayers.

The sky is light black, wind has picked up and there is rumbling thunder in the near distance. Believe there may be a storm coming. And oh yes. Satellite went out!

So happy Peaches is discovering what life is really supposed to be about.

Went to the Pulmo doc today and have jury duty coming up. Life is exciting!

Hope everyone is fine and staying comfortable as summer really gears up.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Sandperson just went by me in a huff. Okay. Whatever. Then turned and threw sleepy dust in my eyes. Okay. Whatever. Will try to read a page or two in a library book before sleep takes control.

Have read comments. ROFLBO. According to JudyE, Jenni's vet doesn't know why he has diarrhea but Sandi had a talk with him about staying at her house and being a slob -- well, diarrhea can be slobby. Too funny.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I loved it LOL

went to gymnastic and then after ward saw the eagle in the cell tower there near her gym

YEAH I have a short work day tomorrow another AsstMgr changed my time to 2 so I am thinking about running down to FT Meyers area to check out the nest there

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Have had some computer problems (hopefully minor ones!), and have had some trouble getting here. My Kaspersky Anti-Virus program has put a box on my screen about upgrading the program in anticipation of Windows 10 later this summer. Only trouble is that when you click on the "download" button, nothing happens, and you can't minimize or close the box. Need to find a phone number for them and get to the bottom of this! On top of that, two of my long posts (which I have copied, just in case) have gotten lost, and have not been copied, after all! Hoping this post gets published!

We spent most of the weekend dodging raindrops! It's been brutally humid and hot, and the rain cooled things down a bit. Still muggy today, but no rain, just clouds. Feels like we are living near the Amazon River! Guess some of you back east are having the same weather, too.

Emma is feeling good. Her diarrhea is gone, and no reaction to the new antibiotic. The "anti-itch" medication is working, too. She's allergic to grass pollen and some tree pollen.

I'm glad that Patches is doing well in her puppy class, Glo. Sounds like Zoey is doing well, too.

Lynne2, got the biggest kick out of the song about the dead skunk! LOL!

Well, I need to go watch a couple of TV programs, and then hit the hay.
Have SED, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...


JudyEddy said...

good Morning Eagle buds

MT nest

JudyEddy said...

63° at the nest

ME 82°

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. A little cooler this morning, thank goodness.

It was phone upgrade time so I got my new one yesterday - stuck with Android, not an Iphone. Spent most of the afternoon and evening playing around with it to finally get everything transferred from old phone to new one.

Tennis yesterday was exhausting, today should be better. Subbing in the men's group again this morning at 9am.

Jo, prayers and positive energy continue for you as you go through this next round of chemo.

Hoping that Zoey and Emma continue to mend. Jenni's gastrointestinal issues are still hanging around.

Have agreat day all.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle watchers. Haven't seen our family lately.

Today dawns sunny and cooler. My feline family is doing well with all eyes open and kittens shakily trying to walk. Lizzie is ever vigilant . However yesterday she hid under an upholstered chair during a brief thunderstorm, while the kittens slept in the middle of the living room. I had moved them from the laundry room while I was doing the several loads of laundry that having company for several days generate. My brother and sister in law helped with several projects around here, but one was only partially accomplished--disposing of an old television. I guess it will ride around in the back of my Equinox until I find a site that will accept it.

Hope all is well with all of you and the day brings good things.

Janet said...

good mid week morning to all.

rain anticipated today (hoped for as well) with cooler temps they say. only in the 80's. what a treat! the POOL WATER was 99 yesterday. tells you how hot the air is.

I accomplished a lot yesterday. felt good.

today is work. right now, my schedule is full steam ahead. I have no vacays planned for the near future. actually, not for the rest of the year. just go go go.

tom picks up his school bus this coming Monday and the routine starts again. sigh.

I hope each of you has a lovely day. stay safe, hydrated and take care of you! holding each of you close in heart and thought!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Y'all come on over. Steve has provided a fresh sunshiny mid-week thread.

Mema Jo said...

Judie you did it again! I guess the feather I was so excited to claim has flown up with the wind to your headband lol

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...