Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Fresh thread.


JudyEddy said...

Feather for m . Thanks steve

JudyEddy said...

Thinking of Judie today also

Andy see u in a day or so. Packing up stuff no fun LOL

And in also have heard of eaglets taking the leap as a matter of fact just this month was one

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - I have a wonderful time at lunch with y 2 gals. Chinese
was the pick of restaurant - delicious

Thank You Steve for another fresh new thread today. Judy enjoy the

Need to read back on older thread
Anxious to maybe get an email from Judie sometime today.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Home again. Procedure went well. Check up in two weeks. Headed for the pillows. Anesthesia is still making itself known.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Judie - rest well

So happy to know you are home and

Mema Jo said...

Elliot and his milestones: 1st tooth coming in ! First time to roll over from his back to his belly .

They don't stay babies for long

JudyEddy said...

HI JUDIE so good to here all went ok and you get your rest

WOW only 4 comments since lunch easy to catch up

JudyEddy said...

Great news on E getting his tooth and roll over JO

They grow to to to fast

JudyEddy said...

back from Jordyn gym one eaglet is at launch pad hiding behind tree trunk the other is in middle of nest with ducky off to TV Where is everyone

JudyEddy said...

for got to say saw the eaglets at the one tower Haven't left home yet LOL and
one adult on the other tower that they roost on

Janet said...

good evening to all. busy day again. hope everyone is well.

work today. took livvy to hooping class...and while she and her coach were working, I was napping in the car! not sure what came over me, but wow. a 30 zzzzz and I felt much better.

nothing much going on around here. hope everyone is well!

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Did some TV this evening
I do like DWTS at times

Goodnight to all ♥
Prayers for Judie to have a restful night!

Lynne2 said...

wow, where is everyone today?

Judie, hope you feel better...not sure what you had done but I hope it all went OK!

NO A/C yet....GRRRRRRR. Thank GOD for the cold front coming through tonight.. Not supposed to get ugly again til the weekend

OMG....I never posted this hours ago!!!

Hello, my name is Lynne and my favorite color is CLEAR!

grannyblt said...

Good evening all. Still daylight here. Thanks for the new thread Steve.

I posted a couple of pretty poor pictures on FB of an eagle I saw this morning at Potter Marsh near Anchorage. It was barely visible with the naked eye. The nest was nearby, but so far away I couldn't see any occupants. There were a few other birds and ducks but nothing new for me. I haven't had time to really bird, the family is more important.

Glad Judie is home and resting comfortably.

SED to all

grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grannyblt said...

Sorry, my delete, impatient me hit the publish button twice

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Judie, good to hear from you and to hear that things went well yesterday. Hope you are rested this morning and can hop onto the blog.

Meetings went well yesterday - another thing I can check off my to do list for this year. A normal day of being in classrooms today for the first time in over 2 weeks! Hope I remember all the kids' names!!

Have agood one.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds ..

55 at the nest nice and comfy it seems one eagle is in middle of nest and the other wingersizing

magpie said...

Good Wednesday Morning, Eagle Pals... ☺ ♥
Wow, our posts are rather sparse in the last 17 or so hours

Nice, cool-kind-of-Sunny ☼ day on tap today hereabouts..

Been so absent, I am embarassed to show up!

Good to hear from Judie, and ....
other than that I am so way out of touch to comment appropriately....

Lynne2: Clear is the New
Wonderful, don't you worry about it one tee-tiny bit !!


magpie said...

"Eventually" as I've said often, I hope to return and be sociable....

full-time work, and "Activities of Daily Living" chomp at the 24-hour period fiercely....as all of you experience on a daily basis as well, no doubt...

I do think about all of you, and feel as though I am a "Flash in the Pan" of sorts, so talkative in past years and silent now....

but...." all things in good time" and please know, that as always:
"I CARE !!! "

I am at work now, full plate of duties...so "ta ta for now"
and LOVIN'S AND (( HUGS ))
all the Live Long Day !

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ☺ ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thinking of you with love, JUDIE, and hoping you had a restful night.

MARGY, it's always good to hear from you, of course. I miss the "old MARGY" and look forward to the day when life quits pressing in so hard and brings you back to us!

JO, I don't watch all the DWTS shows, but did last night since it was the grand finale. I fell asleep on part of it, but revived in time to see the final outcome. Happy for Val that he finally brought a winner all the way to the Mirror Ball.

LYNNE1, you're right, family first and the rest is just a bonus. So sweet of you to keep in touch with your eagle blog family!

LYNNE2, clear is such a flattering color for you!!!☺

SANDI, I'm betting your keen mind allowed for recollection of names and that you're enjoying being back to what teaching is all about--for a few days.

Prayers for all in need!!!!


Janet said...

morning all! Wild and wacky Wednesday! make it a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Good cool breezy weather today and
that means I can BREATH.. & Lynne doesn't miss her AC.Turned mine off

Going this afternoon to see my Pulmonary doc - haven't seen him for a long time because of dealing with these other ailments. Want some help with this constant coughing. Going to go over the meds I'm using to be sure I have the best !

Thinking of you Judie and hoping you had a good night with no discomfort and a restful sleep.
Stay out of the scullery !

Mema Jo said...

Good of you to touch base with us,
Margy. Praying all is well ! We will just wait for you to be back daily letting us know everything is

Lynne - I loved the pics of your nest and eagle - you sure have a good eye for spotting all that.
I am sure there will be sad good-byes
in a day or two. Great being with family.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - hope your 'regular' day stays regular. Happy that yesterday
went well for you!

Hope to hear from some more momsters and dadsters today.


Mema Jo said...

61° at the nest and the winds are 2 mph.

However I hope our eaglets stay hunkered down and don't start
wingersizing and get blown away.

Mema Jo said...

I have been received more then one bogus email and it is a spam message -do NOT open the link

It come in the name(s) of a friend
but in your junk mail.

It has a link ************ and then
always says Oprah had been using it for over a year!

I never open the link and I do send message to the friend(s) who they say it is from that they have been hacked & to change their password.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult in and feeding from the top of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Wow nice size fish

paula eagleholic said...

Think both eaglets backed up and did a PS to make more room...couldn't quite tell, live feed not staying on well for me.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well howdy my eagle peeps!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I predict our first fledge will be 6/9.

JudyEddy said...

GOOD afternoon eagle BUDS

MARGY good to see you on here as always you are dearly missed Please do pop in when you can

HOWDY back at ya SHAR I need to think of a fledge date I guess and also good to here from you
Tell Bev and Thelma to stop by sometime The NonFacebooker would love to here from them

I came home at 945 this am only worked 2 and a half hours was up last night not feeding well so when I got home and laid down and took a long nap feeling better now hope just a food issue or a 24 hr bug

Thanks for the eagle report PAULA Hope STUD is doing good.

JUDIE hoping you are resting
and JO hope you get good news from the dr and thing continue to go well with you

SIS wild wacky WED to you hope you day goes smooth as silk

both out juvies are at the launch pad sitting in the 65° sen not panting today looks windy as JO said

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

For tonight's TV Viewing

The Sagebrush Sea 8:00 PM on MPT 22, 1 hr 2015 TV-PG

The life of the greater sage-grouse, which lives on the "sagebrush sea" that stretches across 11 states in the American West, is detailed. Other featured creatures include the golden eagle, great-horned owl, cavity-nesting bluebirds and American kestrel.

Mema Jo said...

Pulmonary doc and I went over Med list for COPD and I am ok with all the ones I take. I put on a great
coughing spell for him sooooooooo I
have my prednisone to dry up my head and lungs! I will be on the mend in
a few days or so.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NCSuzan said...

JO, so glad things are going well. I know it will only get better!

Watched "The Sagebrush Sea". Loved it. Of course, man encroaching and the changes to the land were the thin thread throughout the story. How many animals do we have to lose?

Margy, hi! Great to see you pop in.
Hope all is well with you.

Red, also glad to see you and enjoyed your garden view. I so miss being able to work in the yard so I always like to see what is going on in others!

Judie, hope you are feeling fine. Let us know should you need anything, OK?

As always, take care.

PS- I feel like I have also been to Italy with Lolly. How generous of her to share pictures and video "as it happens".

Mema Jo said...

I did watch "The Sagebrush Sea" and
I loved it - quite moving and there were so many different species of animals and birds in the area. Very
interesting and wonderfully presented.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥
God bless you and keep you from
all harm ♥


Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Boy, the Sandperson must have really dumped a ton of sleepy dust on me last night! Never made it back here after dinner!

Really glad that Judie got home OK and is resting comfortably.

Jo, hope that pesky cough settles down really soon. Prayers continue for you from this roost.

Margy, it was a real treat to see you here! Miss you terribly! Hope that one of these days, not too long from now, you'll be able to visit much more often!

We had an interesting day today.
We've (well, really, I've) had a major problem with our shower lately. Ken hasn't had this happen, but 3 times now I've been happily showering away, when in a nanosecond the cold water COMPLETELY disappears, leaving me scrambling to avoid being scalded!
Well, we had the plumber out here today to replace I'm not sure what, and now it should never happen again. We used to have 2 separate knobs for hot & cold water, and now we have a single control. We also have a new showerhead and spout. There's a large oval chrome plate (I think it's called an escutcheon) that covers up the holes where the old knobs were. Looks really nice! And it has an automatic valve that compensates if either the hot or the cold water fade out. No more shower shock! Yay!

Well, I really need to get going and try to get some sleep. Feel like I need to catch up. Must be leftover sleepy dust affecting me!
Have SED, and sleep well. God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, hope the cough gets lost soon.

Judie, hope you are feeling more normal today ans walking with less pain as you heal.

Field trip today to Wallops Island and Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge - forecast id calling for rain. :(

Have agreat day all.

Barbara said...

Was the cam reset? It looks so bright and crisp picture this morning! And the nest seems to have been tidied and vacuumed...

JudyEddy said...


Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

I just emailed NCTC with the email that is on the still cam page to have it reset

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Whoa, one of our eaglets is perched right up on top of the crib rail, close to the 12 spot. Can't see much more than those cute feetsies. The other is preening and sitting right about where egg cup used to be.

Kay said...

I won't relax til' the little adventurer returns to safety.

SANDI, hope the rain doesn't mess up the field trip too badly!

The second eaglet has now moved to the 9 spot and is peering over the edge. Something interesting must be going on down below.

So happy with the extended Spring weather we're experiencing this week. Have needed the heat on early in the morning and must wear a jacket on the first outing or two with Penny.

JUDIE, hope you're feeling much better today and that walking proves to be far less painful now.

I'll be in lurk mode--will be a bit anxious til' the eaglets get through exploring.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

KAY are you holding your breath like me with the feetsies only on the edge?
Just hope he or she doesn't decided to wingersize and the wind pick him up I did notice the wind died down hardly any noise coming from cam
go some snips of adult in nest earlier Belle with fish Getting ready to head out for a bit

The temp at the nest is 55° now that seems rather cool for me bet the eaglet are lovin it
I was out earlier and the weather is so nice I had my windows open but that is before heat of day

JudyEddy said...

looks like the high today is going to be 56° at the nest and by Mon 88°
Storm for sure with that kind of weather temp swing
Right now its 84° here hi will be 86 Sweet but tomorrow HOT again 93° and storms must be a front that came through to make the day so nice thought it was just me LOL

JudyEddy said...

DNR had its first fledge today

Kay said...

Yes, JUDY, I am really uptight!

I have some things I need to do, but can't bear to leave til' both eaglets settle down in the middle of the nest again. Maybe a parent will deliver food drawing them in from the edges.

Kay said...

This is the forerunner to branching and it just seems a bit early for that--am I wrong?

JudyEddy said...

now both are on the edge the one that was at 11 and one at 7

Kay said...

There's some heavy duty wingercising going on. Maybe they are ready to handle rail sitting.

JudyEddy said...

Lots of wingersizing right on the edge at 9 Nerve racking

JudyEddy said...

The one eaglet keeps looking down what is under the nest on that side?? is it the houses or the barn or the campus I can't get my bearings?? the the stump side 9

Kay said...

The rail sitter hopped down briefly, then returned to the rail and is doing some impressive wingercising or is is wingersizing??? At one point I thought it was going to take flight!

JudyEddy said...

I have to run back to Home Depot
went to get flexible extenders on my down spouts found one that works but its to short for the other one back of house the extender is 18inches and not long enough so back I go to see if I can get something else or a splash guard to go under extender will work the one I have is cracked

JudyEddy said...

Got to tell you a story Angie friend Tracey and Megan live right off a exit on 275 First house get homeless and vagrants hanging out there Tracy has called cops on numerous occasions but they still come Tracey made a treat that he would shoot him if he came on his property Well the vagrant called the police and they wen tout to talk to Tracey He told the police that he was in fear of his wife and her unborn TWINS in the house the cop understood and said they would patrol the area more often So Tracey when inside and told Megan when he had said to the police

The next day they had the appt for the ultra sound AND GUESS WHAT SHE IS HAVING TWINS oh boy oh boy Megan called him and said it was his fault for jinking it LOL

and they are identical also

JudyEddy said...

and there are twins in the family Tracey dad is a twin
can't blame the junking part

JudyEddy said...

Did notice ducky is still in the nest on the launch pad with a log across its neck HMMM do you think it was trying to escape and return to the dog under the tree on the property near the nest Is that what the eagle is looking at the dog down there LOL Thinking nanny nanny boo boo I got your duck LOL

Both eaglets are on the edge still only talons at 10 and eaglet at 7

OK heading out for sure now

stronghunter said...

Good early afternoon,

Cool, rainy day here today. I am watching two eaglets. Adult just landed with a fish, but eaglets are just sitting there.

stronghunter said...

Eaglets being fed. one hasn't bothered to get up, even. A very lazy lunch.

stronghunter said...


Big cam shake. Other adult just dropped into the nest. Belle?

stronghunter said...

That fish isn't going to last long.

stronghunter said...

Second adult to arrive grabbed the fish and is now feeding/eating. I think it's Belle.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see Lynne2 and Margy visiting us. Keep coming back, Ladies.

One adult poofed. More food will soon be needed.

stronghunter said...

One eaglet is on the rails at 12:00. You do hope that if one falls, it will spread its wings and glide. I do remember that Hidey got blown out of the nest and was fine.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to go put together a BLT. Also need to clean the kitchen.

Guess baseball has been postponed. Was expecting a game tonight. Somehow, I think the weather just might have been a problem anyway.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

Live feed is up but I have also lost my still cam. Judy did the email go to Steve as I do have another name
that has time to check it out.

Mema Jo said...

From where are you getting GOOD RIPE TOMATOES for you BLTs

JudyEddy said...

Back from home depot got more flexible extenders that should do the trick

JO on the left side of the still cam is email Nctc and that is where I clicked on to email them

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Bear climbs tower to get in nest

stronghunter said...

Wow, Judy, that is quite a video.

Mema Jo said...

I've never used that address Judy
I'll send to NCTC IT Dept now

Mema Jo said...

PA Falcon Cam News:
(I missed it )
5/21/2015 Banding Results:
All three nestlings have been determined to be females. They are all in good health. Each has a color coded tape attached to the USF&W band allowing watch and rescue crews to track their individual movements. The largest of the three weighed in at 900 grams and has a white tape; the blue tape is on the band of an 855 gram female; red tape on an 850 gram female. The watch and rescue program is scheduled to begin May 30th.

JudyEddy said...

Had a lovely evening with family after going to Jordyn school for their Art show then gym and then their house

popping in to say good night

JudyEddy said...

no post since 4 today what is up with that

Hoping all had a good day

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I haven't gotten a reply from my NCTC IT email. They were all busy with a graduating ceremony.
I don't think the cam has been reset.

I can resend if cam isn't up in
the morning.

Mema Jo said...


Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - TGIF!

We had a few sprinkles on the trip yesterday and it was windy and cold on the beach, but the kids had a good time. They didn't get to see a model rocket launch at Wallops, but oh well.

A normal today - as normal as a school day can be this time of year.

Have agood one.

Barbara said...

SOMEBODY is anxious to fly! I see one plopped eaglet and one set of yellow feetsies up on the rim at 11. Looks like a nice day at the nest...

Judie said...

Good Friday morning.

Sunshine and blue sky here and a bit of breeze into the bargain.

Looks as if the eaglets are beginning to seriously contemplate the world outside the nest. Sadly but joyfully, they will soon be soaring above the Potomac.

I am doing well. Resting and doing well. Thank you for the positive thoughts.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Loch of the Lowes has its first osprey hatch. #2 should follow soon.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

SANDI so sorry for the sprinkles on your field trip yesterday and happy had a good time in spite of the rain

JUDIE so happy you are on the mend
and doing well

HI BARBARA yep the will be leaving the nest soon

Right now they drug ducky back to the pantry and are relaxing in the nest

62° at the nest and the STILL CAM IS STILL KAPUT

out the door I am headed Angie saw a cell tower the other day and told me of it and I am going to check it out

OH my the wind is blowing so hard the feathers are sticking up on the back of the eagle that is laying down

Lator Gator

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete I double clicked and new it was going to dup itself LOL

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I forgot how wingercizes make me have heart palpitations. They are taking advantage of the breeze.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Boy is it ever windy outside -
I am happy that the live feed is up/running. I resent email to NCTC in hopes of someone being there to reset our still cam.

Eaglets at 9 and 5 positions. They are a little hunkered down right now. I looked again and now they are at 11 & 2 position. Thank goodness the cam is set to catch a glimpse of those talons when they are up around the noon position. They are entering their 9th week - 2-3 more weeks we should see first flights.

JudyEddy said...

Just saw one eaglet with talons moving ducky and wingersizing

Mema Jo said...

Yesterday I had 2 red winged blackbirds fly up to the deck. When they are in flight their wings are so beautiful. The females come to the feeder often but their coloring just don't seem to match up to the male. Females are a subdued, streaky brown, almost like a large, dark sparrow.

Mema Jo said...



THANK YOU NCTC for being so

prompt and good to all of us


Mema Jo said...

The kids are lying down side by side.
This has been a good season even though we lost one which caused heart break but nature had her way.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to check out FB

Judie so very glad you are doing so well - Keep on walking!

Grannyblt may be on her way home
today - I need to check that out.


Mema Jo said...

Checking emails from Loch of the Lowes concerning their second hatch!

JudyEddy said...

just got home from lunch with Angie and checked out the cell tower she saw a nest in OSPREY nest it is pretty both were in the nest as I was there
almost time to go get Jordyn from school not positive what she wants to do today probably to Highland playworld like the past couple of weeks Then we are going to go to dinner by ourselves Angie and Carl are shopping for a Memorial day party stuff

I see adult in the nest with our checks really windy still at the nest

JudyEddy said...

its Belle I see the V

JudyEddy said...

Thought for a moment there was food in the pantry but I think its ducky they are picking on

JudyEddy said...

I do think that there is a fish there looks like Belle is trying to get it and the eaglets keep covering it and mantelling it

JudyEddy said...

one of the eaglets took a piece and went to the top of the nest and was mantelling it and Belle looked like is feeding the other and then the other eagle stole it and went next to sibling matnelling it

Mema Jo said...

I need you to try to open this link
and vote for Operation Second Chance


Thank you so much !

Mema Jo said...

The link works - just copy and paste.

Really need MORE VOTES
You can vote every 24 hours
Contest ends May 31

This is the organization that has
been so helpful to GD and family finding an affordable home in VA and
helped with hubby's PTSD.

Thanks - this is also on my FB page

JudyEddy said...

both adults were in and now only one feeding eaglets

JudyEddy said...

I voted JO
if you have google chrome all you do is highlight it link and right click and it suggest search for it love that feature of google chrome

back to Ms Jordyn

Janet said...

good evening to all.

its been a busy week. one more work day and then 3 days off.

I didn't realize until yesterday that this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Whoops. I missed that memo. someone told me yesterday.

we had some lovely rain this week. my tomatoes are blooming, cukes, water melon, and radishes are growing nicely.

someone gave me some plants....an obedient plant and some bee balm. I planted those tonight.

well, folks, livvy and I have completed our first year of home school. 8th grade. DONE! we survived.

I've started to prep for high school.

HIGH SCHOOL people. my youngest is in HIGH SCHOOL.

I have a curriculum picked out, and yes, The Farm School will issue a diploma and there will be a graduation ceremony at the end of her high school years....

all three of my kids have birthday within the next two weeks..... livvy's is first, then Michael, then Chelsea's....

so busy time ahead.

hope everyone is well!

good night!

Lynne2 said...

My goodness where has everyone been??

Janet, busy busy busy days ahead!

Well, in an act of UNgraceful this morning as I was walking to the car for work, I fall down go boom. The sidewalk is not flush with the ground in one part where the rain always puddles. Steve was walking behind me, I turned while walking to say something to him and my foot fell off the edge. Coffee mug crashed and splashed, my bag went tumbling and I landed in muddy wet grass requiring me to go back and start all over and be 10 minutes late for work. I landed on my right side shoulder wrist hip knee. My shoulder really hurts now...UGH!!!! Poor Steve, I though he was going to have a heart attack! And I have to report my falls to the anti coag manager due to the warfarin. Not that I have ever had a fall....I go to GREAT lengths to keep from falling! What a nuisance! I'm glad I was able to keep my head from hitting....that would have meant a trip to the ER!

I no longer can walk and talk at the same time. LOL!

Lynne2 said...

HODA...I need you to come here and help me be graceful and balanced with yoga!

Going to head to bed...the AC guy is SUPPOSED to be here in the AM....oh I sure hope so! With temps going to 90 most of the week next week, it would be horrific up here.

Andy my in-laws are stopping by with Norm's daughters on the way to the airport tomorrow and I am really looking forward to seeing them!

Hope everyone got to enjoy this beautiful day!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Good Saturday morning to all ♥

I think my Prednisone is the reason I don't feel sleepy tonight. I have had 3 days worth and now I am wired.

But I am going to force myself to sleep

Goodnight to all ♥
See you later this morning ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

41° at the nest now first didn't see the eaglet at the launch pad I don't see the other but maybe that is a talon at 12 not positive

LYNNE2 you broke the rule you will be discussed at the nest meeting of the minds as your punishment for falling
So hope all is ok and no issue in the fall

JudyEddy said...

so sorry you couldn't sleep JO

SIS so happy school is over for the year and Bdays again just seems they just had them LOL time flies huh

JudyEddy said...

YEP that is a talon I see at 12 so I can breath now

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Just a quick minute to say hi at the start of this Memorial Day weekend. I have an 8am tennis club meeting.

On the school front, I am down to 13 days! But ... remember me talking about racist Johnny and his mom earlier this year? Well, all year, the mom has been saying that she was not continuing an IEP for her son in 9th grade b/c he didn't want to be labeled as special ed. in high school. Well, Johnny has really been acting up lately but, since he has an IEP that documents he has ADHD, Mom can argue that his behavior is a "manifestation of his disability," which has kept him from being sent to the alternative school. So yesterday afternoon, she emailed me to say that she has reconsidered refusing special ed. services and she now wants a new IEP drafted to continue into 9th grade. So, guess who gets to write 1 more IEP???? Good grief!! Needs to be finished by next Friday. But I refuse to work on it over this weekend!

Jo, hope you are feeling better, breathing better, and sleeping soundly right now.

Clear Lynne, you must be blonde on the inside! We sometimes have difficulty with multitasking things like walking and talking at the same time! Seriously, I hope you didn't hurt yourself beyond a few bruises.

Gotta run - have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just voted, Jo.

I'm watching one of our eagle children eating something. No parent around, so whatever it is must have been there already. Sunshine on the nest. It is cool here this morning, so I am guessing it is cool at the nest.

Glad you avoided hitting your head when you fell, Lynne2.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Sandi. Another IEP? As frustrating as it is for you, I hope that your efforts will pay off and you will be a positive force in this boy's life. Blessings to you.

stronghunter said...

Jo, I do hope you are sleeping in this morning.

I am home alone for awhile. Kathryn had to work today, and she took Hunter with her.

Watching one eaglet take short flights across the nest. Those wings are getting stronger.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Gorgeous sunshine and blue sky. Lovely beginning for the Memorial Day weekend.

Thousands and thousands of Rolling Thunder motorcycles and their riders have/are arriving. Incredibly impressive.

Loch of the Lowes has a second hatch with little one first seen at about 8:15am their time.

Jo, hope you have/can get some much needed sleep.

Lynne2, very sorry you fell and hope the soreness is gone soon. So glad Steve was there at the time.

Not much on the agenda. May try to finish a book and do some inside walking.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Our eaglets are busy, busy, busy today. They eagerly exercise in preparation for branching and beyond! Really a beautiful pair.

Oh, JO, I know about that Prednisone high. I love what it does for me when needed, but I really don't like to wash windows or get out the ironing board in the middle of the night and that's what it makes me feel like doing. Hope you were able to force some sleep. Hope those votes are adding up!!

LYNNE2, that was a bad fall---if you still have shoulder pain today you'd better go to ER! You are a naughty little rule breaker!
Enjoy your company!

JUDIE, Laughlin/Bullhead City has a Bike Run in April every year. I know that rumble and roar well. Julie and the guys booked into Myrtle Beach on their vacation without knowing the town would be teeming with bikers! Hugh has a motorcyle and loved looking at the massive array.

SANDI, who else but that kid and that mother would throw a monkey wrench in the works. Grrrrrr.

JANET, congrats to you and Olivia! Hope your High School years are rewarding!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all and what a beautiful morning it is ♥

Jenny is here with me and we are doing some cleaning out on the deck
Picnic scheduled in a day or two.

Our eaglets are snoozing in the sun
Lots of downy feathers on their backs
Enjoy them while we can - First flight is drawing near in about 2 weeks.


JudyEddy said...

Goood afternoon eagle buds

JO I just voted again

reminder to vote for JO Operation Second Chance they are behind we can get them ahead of the other one

vote for Operation second change for JO

JudyEddy said...

second chance not change lol

stronghunter said...

My hairdresser is one of those motorcycle people in Myrtle Beach for the gathering. She and her husband both ride.

JudyEddy said...

one of the juvies is on the stump at the bottom of it not in the nest but on the stump

Mema Jo said...

THE VOTING - link is great

Looking at the nest - first glance Looks like it is an MT NEST.

Hoping that most missing bloggers are having a wonderful outdoor day today!


Mema Jo said...

Happy to see our one eaglet come into the nest from the 5 position at the tree trunk.
Guess I'll check again to see where
#2 eaglet is hiding...

JudyEddy said...

the one juvie was hiding at 11 saw talons he keeps wingersizng and then goes back there the other is lazy

JudyEddy said...

the one eaglets is preening his bro lol

JudyEddy said...

big cam shake

JudyEddy said...

ANYONE out there giving the new game show a try 500 Questions???

JudyEddy said...

another cam shake I think this time a take off eagle looked to the side as if something flew that way

JudyEddy said...

commercial over

Mema Jo said...

It certainly has cooled down - I had to close up the house.

Going to sign off for the day

Goodnight to all & God Bless and keep you safe throughout the night

Sweet Eagle dreams ♥

Judie said...

Jo, voted earlier today.

Sandperson is packed and plans to depart early. Suggests everyone into their respective jammies.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

LYNNE LYNNE LYNNE what ever shall we do????? falling like that!? So glad it was not worse.....remember ice is nice. ice is your friend. first 72 hours of an injury ice takes down inflammation. and if necessary, don't discount doctors!

I have accomplished 21 hours of massage since Tuesday. One client came to me today...I've worked on her off and on since 2007? I hAD SENT her to a fellow therapist whom I felt could help her better...and then he lost his job with the company. I didn't know she was floating from therapist to therapist and was about to discontinue her membership...just happened to be able to get on my schedule today. she decided not to cancel her membership, but we went into the boss' office together and booked her as many sat as she wanted for the rest of the year with me. everyone's happy! I also sent her to try acupuncture...I think she will find it beneficial. she's is I guess early 60's and drives a city bus. 8 hour shifts driving those beasts makes one's muscles really spasmed down.

I grilled out some chicken tonight. turned out quite yummy!

we went out and Olivia picked her bday cake. I was glad she didn't want a home made one right now....

JO: that prednisone high is tough.....the worst part for me when i'm on it is the desire the EAT~~~~~~~~~~the last time I was on it I downed a 12oz prime rib without thinking about it!

KAY: thank you. it has been such an experience this year. I think I've learned as much as livvy has.

just trying to wrap my head around her turning 14. 14~~ in my head she can't possibly be that old~ much less starting high school....

really wrestling with this concept in my head.

well folks, thinking about hitting the pillows quite soon. they need some denting!

good night, sweet dreams to all
light and love, hugs and smiles to each and all!

stronghunter said...

Very tired. Must sleep.

SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet is at launch pad and the other is looking out at 11 ducky is still there also a mess but still there

JudyEddy said...

48° at the nest now wow that is chilly

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Denny got up with the dogs at 5:45 and let me sleep in. I can't even remember the last time I slept until 7am.

Scratchy throat - started yesterday and a little worse this morning. No other symptoms though.

Janet, congrats on the end of the school year for you and Livvy.

Shirley, why do you plant seeds instead of buying plants? I would never have that much patience - I want flowers right away!

Judie, hope you are continuing to get more strength in your legs and are not feeling any more pain.

Temps only got to about 60 yesterday - sunny but WAY too cold for the beach, though there were plenty of folks ON the beach! I guess they figure, if we're going to the beach for Memorial Day weekend, then we're going to BE on the beach. Our sleepy little town is not a sleepy little town for the next 10-12 weeks. That's OK with me.

Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hi Sandi,

Not sure if I could get plants for the flowers I wanted. I really enjoyed the nasturtium flowers last year. I bought 4 hanging flower pots that are very pretty last year.

stronghunter said...

Very pretty this year.

stronghunter said...

Might go back and check on some plants later today, though. I do appreciate having flowers right away as well.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn will be picking up Hunter and heading to a cook out later today. I am going to hang out here.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends ♥
Beautiful day for a picnic !
I love the coolness of the morning with sunshine

Sandi I guess your count is now lower then 13 come Tuesday ! YEAH !

Janet congrats to you and Olivia for this past school year. I think it has
bonded the 2 of you even more then you thought possible - at least I think it has matured your young lady

Shirley I hope your seeds sprout and that you get your hollyhocks.

Judy thanks for the pics in the album from yesterday. The peeps are hiding again this morning - at least I saw them earlier both smack dab in the middle.

Mema Jo said...

My gd and her ghubby and 2 young sons are down at our summer home and upon arriving they go straight to the beach to make sure it is still there.
That is what my kids would always want to do. They are having a great time - Not sure if they have gotten their feet wet or not -

Judie said...

Good morning.

Absolutely beauteous day.

Eaglets just hanging out when I looked.

Looks to be a pip in the third egg at Loch of the Lowes. So, maybe triplets this year. Isla would be proud.

Loon babies should arrive in a week or so.

Owlettes (Red Tail, Barn, Barred) all growing and doing well.

Decorah three lots of wingersizing and practicing. Will fledge soon.

First outing last night. Dinner at a local restaurant with next door neighbors. Very nice company. Good food. Was pain free. That is good!

Jo, is the picnic today? If so, have a wonderful time and give an extra hug and kiss to baby Elliot.

Shirley, enjoy your time to just be Shirley. Hope you find some lovely flowers.

Sandi, will send an email in a day or two. Neighbor is a special ed teacher. They are thinking of moving to DE. She has some questions about the school system. Nothing urgent.

Janet, congrats on the first year of home schooling. Do you plan to keep up with some schooling over the summer? Little refresher sessions?

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Here is a recent video from Deb Stecyk :
Mom Lands Without Food - Juveniles Disappointed Expected Food - May 24 2015 - NCTC Eagles


JudyEddy said...



REMINDER to vote I just tried and it told me I already voted 1231 is when I posted the link yesterday HMMMMM that is 24 hours will try in a bit again

watching our nest and WR WR has two in the nest ours are on the edge 11 and 5

just barely there I should say They are looking out on the world

WR every years has issue with the silly Ravens as they are today flying right now over the nest in between the adult and the babes she finallly jumped in the nest WOIW he cam close

JudyEddy said...

oh no now I don't see the one on the launch pad I know is there just can't see

JudyEddy said...

One eaglet is on stump

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Got pic too

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle buds. The nest looks sunny with a little breeze. Just like the weather here in PA.

I am back from my trip to AK. I never want to have to navigate 4 airports in one day again. I still haven't adjusted to the time differences, but that will come thank you for all of your kind words for the he pictures that were posted on FB. My daughter and her family are super special.

Judie, happy that you are feeling well enough for a social life.

Sandi, we are all counting down with you.

Janet, so glad your year homeschooling was successful. Do you have to turn in any reports to the local school district? I think something is required here. Many are impressed that the Superintendent personally reviews and remarks about each one.

Shirley, I have rarely seen nasturtiums as starts. They are pretty easy to grow from seed. I planted some geraniums in a window box before I left, and they greeted me with some pretty blooms when I returned. This next week I hope to get to some gardening.

I hope Andy is getting some rain. I think TX and OK have had more than enough the last few weeks.

Hope all of the eagle parents here have a good weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home Lynne !
You'll need a few days just to wind down I'm sure. Happy that you had
family time!

Getting ready for picnicers to come
by. Fried Chicken and baked beans and corn on the cob and mac salad and other trimmings. I am starting to make myself hungry.

Pranging that all of you are enjoying your day.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Sunday afternoon.

Judie, glad you were able to go out and enjoy yourself.

Isn't there a song, "Livin' On the Edge"? These juvies give me a heart attack with their crib rail antics! Won't be long before they fly away though. Enjoying them while they are here.

Read today that the actor Omar Sharif is suffering with Alzheimer's. Remember going to see "Dr. Zhivago" as a young teenager.

Hope everyone has a safe weekend.

Remember those who have fallen.

Mema Jo said...

Dinner in the nest being given out to 2 hungry eaglets. They are so large

Picnic has been eaten ♥

Mema Jo said...

Blackkwater Refuge Osprey Nest News

Nest Update 05/14/15:
We just updated our 2015 Osprey Cam Web Log with an update on our eggs and some other interesting osprey news.

Hatching could start around 5/27

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for GLO

Gloria Vincent Keeslar
6 mins ago·

Tornado warning All of my pets and I in the basement

Judie said...

Prayers for Glo and her critter family. Sure hope she will be safe.

Jo, I must say I am heartbroken. The picnic is over. I was racing to get there but got lost coming over the mountain. Sheesh!

Going to put my feet up and do some reading.

Sandperson will be packed soon and is hoping for an early departure.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...


Rain Dance - Decorah Nest

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

GLO is back upstairs with her

All is well

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds just got home from a party at Angies house Had a great time They sure know how to throw a party and cook out Learned from the best lOL

she had quite a turn out I had to leave early because of work HMMM I could call in sick or maybe not wouldn't get paid for the holiday if I did I have 192 sick hours I could use
When I left my house and work it was raining and it stopped Lucky Angie and Carls house didn't get a drop that is Fl for you

So happy GLO is ok from the storms

JudyEddy said...

took my Tylenol PM and melatonix on the way home I have learned when I visit them I keep a bottle in the glove box for that occasion

always prepared I say LOL

need to jump in the shower I smell like smoke from the smoker and the citronella candles

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Hope your day went well ♥



JudyEddy said...



”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

have a good day no matter what you are doing

60° at the nest

adult in in they are in the pantry

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

One eaglet being fed and the older one fending for itself!

Just visited NJ's Duke Farm nest cam. Two eaglets who look almost identical to ours. Hatched March 27 and 30.

One of our eaglets now full and testing those wings up in the 11 spot. Belle and the other still enjoying breakfast together!

Hi, JUDY! I'm even considering a Wally World visit today in hopes of finding the deck chairs I have in mind. Will scout a couple of garden spots for plants and posies while out.

Belle poofed.

Kay said...

Seth and I had a wonderful Sat/Sun together. Met the family at the first of our summer band series in the Park of Roses. A jazz band from Seth's alma mater, Whetstone High and remarkably good! Julie, Hugh and Seth were part of the Civitan Club program and viewer assistance group. I was so proud of them!

JO, that picnic menu was marvy and I know you enjoyed the guests a lot!

JUDY, glad Angie's party was so enjoyable!

GLO, happy to see that you and the critters were able to emerge from the basement, safe n' sound!

LYNNE1, what a grand vacation! Is that the daughter who plans to move to Texas?

Saying prayers for those in need!!!

Have a grand and glorious day all, and may we pause to remember those who've laid down their lives for our country.


Kay said...

Meant to say "met the family...last night at 7.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this Memorial Day Monday.

Lynne, welcome home!

I don't know if I have already shared this but I recently learned that my BFF's DUI on 4/30 was her 3rd offense. I don't know if she is in rehab or is unable to drive - I haven't been in communication with her. I also heard on Friday (from another teacher so nothing confirmed) that she will not be back at our school next year, though she will be teaching at another school in the district.

Planning to go to a local nursery today to buy some perennials for the canal end garden across the street from our house that we have adopted. I also have laundry to do. The weather forecast for today sounds just about perfect for all things outdoors - sunny and 70s.

Make it a good one everyone.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Glorious sunshiny day to remember our military members, past and present, and the sacrifices they and their families have made for our freedoms.

Looks as if Loch of the Lowes has a third osprey chick on the way.

Glo, very happy you and the critters are okay and survived the nasty weather.

Wonder if Jo is having a leftovers picnic today?

Kay, glad you had fun with Seth and family.

Sandi, happy flower purchases for you. Okay, so the BFF is not being terminated BUT at least she won't be in your school and that is good.

Lynne, welcome home. Rest up and enjoy the memories of family time.

JudyE, hope work won't be too awful today.

Nothing much on the agenda for me. Will bbq some ribs. Made slaw. Plan to read and continue to heal. So far, so good. No pain.

Wishing everyone a perfectly wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this Memorial Day to all ♥ I am giving thanks and prayers for all who have served and for those who are still serving our country to keep us free.

I am happy to see that our eaglets are spending the day in the nest

Beautiful weather - a little warm so AC is on a low setting. No plans for the day - the picnic went very well. Only 9 of us but chicken and corn on the cob were a hit.

Everyone sounds like they have a good day planned for themselves. Blessings to all.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. Happy Memorial Day to all.
I have the suitcase put away and the laundry done, so now it is time to come back to reality here. I think I will grill some chicken and make some potato salad for my dinner today. Rain will be here for the rest of the week, so maybe some yard work too. Folks around here call this Decoration Day and everyone puts gaudy plastic flowers on their loved ones gravesites. I continue the tradition, but put living or cut fresh flowers.

Kay, yes that is my only daughter and she will be moving to Oklahoma by the end of the summer. Her husbands job location changed due to the oil downturn. They lived in Tulsa for a year before AK, so they are happy to go back. I still hope to relocate to TX eventually.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Wow. I slept until nearly noon today. I couldn't sleep during the night and decided to take some Benadryl about 3:00 AM. When I woke up and went downstairs, I found that Kathryn and Hunter were outdoors. It turned out that Kathryn had advertised Hunter's old bedroom set for sale and the buyers were loading it into their vehicle. Oh, that does clear up lots of space in the garage. :)

stronghunter said...

Now, Hunter is off to Will's apartment to help him move a piano. Will and Stephanie went to Tennessee yesterday to get the piano from Steph's mother. When they finish, they will bring the U-Haul truck here to load trash from the garage to take to the dump. Yay! This is a plan I like.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley it sounds as though you are having a productive day!

Not much going on here in my valley..
Enjoying the peace and calm of things


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!


Heartfelt thank yous to all those who served or are serving in the armed forces, and kept/are keeping us safe and free.

Yesterday was Courtney's (our youngest granddaughter) 17th Birthday! (Can she really be that old already?!) We had sent her a gift card for Forever 21, and she had gotten a couple more gift cards, so she went to the mall. They ate lunch at Cheesecake Factory and shopped till they dropped.

Ken and I went to see "Far From the Madding Crowd" yesterday, and we really liked it!

It's been really cloudy here, but not cold (about 69 or 70), and although at times the clouds are very dark gray, no rain at all.
The kids in TX are about to buy a rowboat. Lolly, hope you and yours are doing OK! Jen says it's a hot mess where they are, but so far they're above water.
The lake she runs around every day is over its banks, though.

Lynne2, hope you're feeling OK after that fall! Prayers!

Well, I need to get some food ready for Emma, so will say bye for now. Hope to get back here after dinner tonight, if I can stay awake that long. Have a wonderful day! I ♥ us!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Andy - Happy things are going well for you all.

Good evening to all ♥

Hubby and I just had our Memorial Day hotdogs and they were really good. Added some chips and macaroni salad - Just took Velvet crumb cake from the oven and will clean some local strawberries for dessert later.

Prayers for all of you to enjoy your day and reflect on it's true meaning ♥

Judie said...

One if by noon and two if by nine. Eaglets keeping watch. Look settled for the night.

My goodness. Shirley has had a most interesting day. Furniture out. Trash out. Son out. I'd say it was an memorable memorial day.

Jo, wait! I am grabbing my car keys and will be there in time for cake and strawberries. Really! I'll try not to get dizzy going round that mountain to your valley. Enjoy.

Lynne also had a productive day with unpacking and laundry done. When I lived in Ohio, I remember people going to cemeteries for Decoration Day. Never really understood that "country" tradition of a family reunion and plastic flowers in a graveyard.

Andy, hope you enjoyed the holiday and hope your family in TX will be okay. Hugs for Emma.

It is approaching my new bedtime hour. Sandperson is pacing the hallway mumbling about me typing faster. So, headed for the pillow in a few minutes.

Restful sleep for all and I do hope each of you enjoyed this day of remembrance and thanks for the sacrifices of others.

Judie said...

Oh, Loch of the Lowes has a third osprey baby.

Mema Jo said...

I have decided to close down for the day. Hoping all my friends had a good day

Congrats to Loch of the Lowes Nest
That should be a full nest now...

Goodnight to all

May you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.....

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

This blog is one week old today and we don't even have 200 comments

Oh where oh where has all my eagle buds gone oh where or where can they be
They lost their way and haven't returned oh where oh where can they be

JudyEddy said...

both juvies are at the bottom of the stump

This am my comment box is HUGE or long I should say
ODD anyone else notice a change in the comment box It was always a square but now its a rectangle a long one

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - forgot to check in this morning.

The long weekend was soooo wonderful. Now, back to work and back to state testing - this time in science. Will probably take the next 2 days.

Have agood one!

NCSuzan said...

Good morning! What a beautiful start to the day we are having here. Supposed to become hot and humid later on.

Shirley, much transpiring at your house. Good to have more room for more stuff!

If you have room for another open window you have to watch the cubs at the Wildlife Center. They are enjoying life! here is the link. 6Cubs

Jo, hope you are feeling better and that the cough has subsided.

Judie, hope you are doing better every day too!

Have a great day!

NCSuzan said...

The link works! I'm never confident in my ability to do it right!

Janet said...

good morning sunshines! cloudy, windy, muggy morning here. getting a late start...on purpose. not feeling a need to rush anything today. I have plenty to do...of course.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. JUDIE: continue to rest and allow yourself to heal! JUDYE: I've noticed the same thing. a few years ago this blog would have been a zillion posts...now, barely any. I think the facebook end of it has gained popularity.

here's to a wonderful day for all! hugs! light and love

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone!! I hope this finds everyone alive and well on this Tuesday morning.

I just brought up the cam and wow!!!! Daffy and Donald are so big!

Not sure if you all have seen the news but Nobel Prize winner John Nash and his wife being killed in an accident on the NJ Turnpike Saturday afternoon. His story was told in "A Beautiful Mind". He is from Bluefield, West Virginia, and my Mom went to school with him. We have road named after him, John Nash Boulevard. He and his wife had gotten a taxi at the airport to go home to Princeton, NJ. The taxi driver was attempting to pass someone and hit the guard rail. They were ejected from the car. Just sad.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Jo, do you have a treatment today? My memory is failing me. If so, hope it goes easily and an ice cream cone is your reward.

Suzan, I check the bear cubs two or three times daily. They really are adorable. The wildlife refuge is not far from me and someday I hope to go there to see their work up close. It will be even closer once we move to Occoquan. Also, this begins your busy tourist season. Do all the visitors impact on you? Beginning with the cherry blossoms, DC is swarmed.

Janet, I am doing quite well. The absence of pain is wonderful. Will make my first outing alone on Thursday to test relatively sustained walking. That will be the test.

Yes, FB has taken over. Sadly, I suspect that soon the blog will fade into memory and most blog members will use only FB or some yet newer form of communication.

With the house to herself this morning, I have a mental image of Shirley standing in her garage with a cup of coffee and breathing a sigh of happiness. lol

Okay, off to begin some laundry, read the newspaper, and generally be lazy.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

A serene scene at the nest as our eaglets seem to contemplate change!

SHAR, that tragic crash was a terrible thing. Why aren't taxi seat belts a law?

SUZAN, thanks for the "cub site"--none of them home at present, but I'll keep watching for them.

SANDI, State testing, ugh! Soon to be a part of your past, yeah!

JO and JUDIE, thinking of you as treatments and healing continue for each of you.

JUDY, every now and then someone at Google or Yahoo and others seems to feel the need for justifying their existence by coming up with changes in format. Oh, well, job security for them, I reckon.

It's "do" day for me--will tend to errands while out and about--or oot and aboot with a shout out to HODA!

Prayers for all in need!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Wow I know I can't make this large of a comment to fill up this huge space. Hoping for a fresh new condensed thread soon.

Watching the nest and at times it is hard to see those talons up there around the noon position. We are going into the 10th week and it is usually 11 week when first flight
happens. This was NCTC report on the 21st....................
Eagle Nest Updates
May 21, 2015

The eaglets are now 60 and 58 days old. There have not been a large number of food deliveries to the nest over the last week and the young have been very hungry. The Potomac River has been running high and muddy, and this may have limited fishing success by the parents. The young have shown increasing ability to feed themselves which makes any prey item difficult to share between them as the young defend their food by mantling over the item. The weather has been hot and humid, and you can see the young panting hard to stay cool while seeking any available shade. Although the young are fairly large, the parents can often be seen perched above the nest or on a tree nearby to insure their safety.

JudyEddy said...





JudyEddy said...





JudyEddy said...





3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...