Monday, April 06, 2015


Going to warm up nice this week.

New thread.


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Barbara said...

Wow -- the big two have started to grow some feathers, and Biggie is wandering all over the nest. And look how big the feetsies are!!! What a nice spring morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Look at those wanderers! Littlest one keeping up with the others now.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Beauteous day which is especially nice for our eagles and their three eaglets.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread.

Jo, thinking of you today. All will be just fine.

Off to the laundry.

paula eagleholic said...

both parents in the working on the cup, the other feeding at the 5 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I think Shep is eating rather than feeding

paula eagleholic said...

2 of the chicks must be up under Shep, can only see one.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to JUDIE for the call over.

Nice to see BARBARA and PAULA doing our nest commentary!

JO, thinking of you, thinking of us during the MRI! Love the avatar and YOU!!!!

SANDI, book reading in the sun sounds divine!

JUDIE, are you still lizard sitting? If so, how goes it and if not, how did it go?

Another day in the 60's here so picture me n' Penny outdoors a lot! Rain will invade much of the week so we need to make hay while the sun shines!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new week thread and thanks Judie for the call over. Good morning Barbara, Kay, and Paula!

Jo, sending prayers and positive energy your way for the very best results today!!

OK, since the weather forecast is for clouds tomorrow, I will take everyone's advice and sit in the sun and read today! I think I'll start doing that real soon!

Great to see our 3 chicks scooting all over the nest and all being fed.


Sandi said...

Hey, I'm not seeing chick #3. Saw him/her a while ago but now I'm only seeing the bigger two who seem to be laying on a fish. I can see another gray blob but it's not moving. Think I'll just sit here until I can count 3 heads again.

Sandi said...

One of the bigger chicks has scooted over and is laying in the shade of the parent in the middle of the nest. The other bigger chick is sprawled on a fish in the pantry area. Still trying to find the smallest.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds YEP there is the big one i the fish pile now scooting over to cup area

Unknown said...

The smallest chick got trapped under the fish that the adult was standing on while feeding the others. That was at 10:00am and it is still under the fish that is under the bigger chick.

JudyEddy said...



THAT fish looks so big to the chick

Sandi said...

Now both of the bigger chicks are over with the parent. Still can't find the littlest!! Someone tell me I'm worrying over nothing!

Sandi said...

Oh Beth!!! I was afraid that gray blob was the smallest! I haven't seen any movement from that area and I have really been watching!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just got on here to read to see if anyone knew were Little Bit is. Where was it seen last?

JudyEddy said...

Where is # THREE ???

Sandi said...

Shar, comments on the OC page, under the live cam, are saying the smallest is under the fish in the lower right. I have been watching that area and have seen no movement in 20-30 minutes.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My heart cannot take this.

JudyEddy said...

I see lots of ants and bugs on the basement pile of vittles

Adult is out of view lets hope lil bit is there

paula eagleholic said...

Oh no....

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't see adult come in with the fish, but that's exactly where the littlest one was.

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if TERI or DEB or DEBI were recording

Sandi said...

I didn't see the fish arrival either. When I passed my laptop, a parent was feeding 2 chicks, one on either side of the fish and I could see a gray blob between them that wasn't moving. When the parent moved away, one of the two larger chicks spent some time laying on top of the fish but still, there was no movement from the gray blob to the right of the fish.

Sandi said...

Steve Chase has made a comment on the OC page that NCTC has been watching the events of this morning. I really think we have lost the littlest. I have to leave - going to play tennis outdoors. How very sad.

paula eagleholic said...

2nd parent back...brought food. Defurring at the top of the nest.

No movement from the bottom right

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Oh dear, I have been reading the posts here and on OC. It does not look good for the little one.

It looks like two parents are feeding the two oldest babies.

One parent just poofed.

paula eagleholic said...

1st Parent, (Belle) left. Looks like Shep still there

Lolly said...

At the doctors/reg visit. Hate reading about the morning development!

stronghunter said...

I do not see any movement in the area where that fish is, either.

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm might be Belle that is still there.,,hard to tell sometimes

paula eagleholic said...

Parent standing at launch pad area. Think chicks are in her shade.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did you see her step on one of the babies heads and stood there for a couple of seconds. Scared the crap out of me. I really need to stop watching for a while but I can't.

paula eagleholic said...

Such a shame...

Lolly said...

I see two very healthy, vigorous eaglets!

JudyEddy said...

Tears!!!!! I wonder do the parents know the little one is there???????

WVJerry said...

Wow. Been away too long. Missing a lot. All I see is something big and black in near nothing else.

WVJerry said...

OK. Now I see black thing is an adult and see one eaglet.

JudyEddy said...

That is the shadow of the adult and the babes are in the shade JERRY

JudyEddy said...

OH I see you already figured it out I get the comments emailed to me and sometimes they are slow coming

paula eagleholic said...

It doesn't seem like they realize it JudyE :(

WVJerry said...

Thanks Judy. In my fourth six day week. Worked about 160 hours the last three weeks. Been away too long from Blog and Cam. Hope little one is OK.

glo said...

sigh. I was out with Patches at Petstore . I can't turn on the cam right now. I will check in a little later. Bless their hearts all of them

Janet said...

ugh. reading what no one wants to read! and I was thinking yesterday, maybe #3 will make it...but not looking good. so very sad. blessed be. nature is sometimes very harsh it seems.

grannyblt said...

Just returned from a fast birding trip--hate this news.

Kay said...

My heart is in my throat. Shadows are interfering with a good look at the cup and eaglets. Sounds like the consensus is that we've lost the wee one, but I'm still clinging to hope.....

Kay said...

The "survival of the fittest" is the natural order of things. We've been through that concept with this nest and others, but it never gets easier to take.

Kay said...

SANDI, are you watching the office tower ledge Peregrine Falcon's aerie? They are incubating four eggs, which is a normal clutch for them. I think the first hatch was on the 26th of March.

Kay said...

Oh, for anyone interested just Google Peregrine Falcon Cam Columbus Ohio.

Mema Jo said...

This is Deb's Video.

These are Steve's remarks:We are watching things this morning here at NCTC nest with concern. Remember the cam gives us a view into wild nature, which can sometimes be cruel.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Deb Steczyk thinks it is the oldest one?

Mema Jo said...

Beth: Thank you so much for giving us the Head's Up
Sandi: Thank you for alerting us here on the blog also.

Steve's word are so true and so many nest this season have had heartbreaks
such as our. I will miss Little Bit
He was really meeting the challenge of survival. RIP little one.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Deb doesn't say it's the oldest, she says littlest one as well. video is from 12.10 today

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Retraction. It was Little Bit. I have to remember God is in charge. And who knows what may have happened to it in life. There are some things worse than death.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Paula, I had read that on the chat but then she said she meant youngest.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, OK Sharon, thought you meant the description on the video.

paula eagleholic said...

My only solace is that we know what happened. Such a terrible set of circumstances. Poor little eaglet. I was just beginning to relax in my worrying about him, after watching that nice feeding last night. He looked healthy and strong. RIP littlest eaglet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I will not be watching the video. Don't need anymore heart ache today.

We need prayers for Justin. He has a girlfriend and is now staying at her house. Says he is moving out of here and we can't stop him. In the week since he has been there, he has taken up dipping snuff and got a tattoo for $120 that is horrible. And that is just what I know. He has been really sheltered by us and when his thought process was askew, we could kind of reel him back in. He called his grandfather this morning and asked him if he would get him a gun, he doesn't like the assistant manager at Walmart. Now I pray that he really wouldn't shoot anyone but I am so afraid of what is going to happen in his life now. Justin has the mentality of about a 13-year-old and his girlfriend is 28, has a 5-year-old child, lives with her father, brother and 3 of her brother's friends. So, with all that being said, I know all I can do at this point is pray for him and the situation and get my Momsters on it too.

Lynne2 said...

Just saw the news on FB. So sad...

JudyEddy said...

BELLE poof babes alone

paula eagleholic said...

Will do Sharon.

And there is nothing bad on the video, it is from Noonish time today, just shows our 2 remaining eaglets on the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and at the 12-1 spot, that is a mammal that was brought in today.

Kay said...

SHAR, I feel and understand your heartache. I'm lighting a candle for Justin immediately and he's most certainly on my prayer list.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Sharon.

I see two healthy-looking eaglets in the nest. No adults right now.

Barbara said...

I know I saw all three eaglets frolicking when I posted at 9:45 AM. We know Belle is very attentive and that she buried her chick in the year Lib vanished.

Shar, as for Justin, I would suggest you contact Adult Protective Services. I agree that he is in a bad situation and that he is not going to accept help from friends/family. APS works with special-needs adults and the elderly primarily. I am a rehabilitation counselor and we deal with this quite frequently.

paula eagleholic said...

Adult back, doing more defurring of the mammal and getting ready to feed the 2 remaining eaglets

NCSuzan said...

I do not want to give up hope. He was doing so well. I know it's nature but heartbreaking none the less.

glo said...

Prayers .Sharon I like Barbara's suggestion

Sandi said...

I have been playing tennis - needed to step away from the sadness of this morning, so it was good therapy for me. But between points, I couldn't help but think about our eagle family and here are my thoughts.

When I posted to the new thread at 10:25, a new fish was in the nest and Shep was feeding 2 chicks. As he tried to move away from the 2 active, begging chicks, he actually put his foot on the back of one of them but the chick seemed fine. I planned to check the box, publish my comment, and then go read my book in the sun (hadn't gotten a phone call for tennis yet).

But after I published my comment, I noticed that I could only see 2 chicks and, like Barbara and Paula, I had seen all 3 earlier and the smallest had made its way out of the egg cup. So I decided to sit and watch for a bit.

Shep moved from the right side of the nest to the middle and one of the larger chicks followed him, resting in his shade. The 2nd larger chick was sprawled on top of the fish, to the left of it. I could see a gray blob to the right of the fish but it wasn't moving. Eventually, the 2nd older chick moved to the center of the nest as well and was resting in Shep's shade. I still couldn't find the smallest, so I posted on the Eagle Cam page and on the OC page asking if anyone had seen him/her. Then someone posted on the OC page that a fish delivery made around 10am landed on the youngest, trapping him/her.

Shep brought that fish in and plopped it down where he has plopped countless other fish. He had no way of knowing that the littlest chick had made its way over to that area b/c until now, it had stayed in the egg cup. It would have been next to impossible for him to tell if a blob of gray fluff was one chick or two.

That was a huge fish and I'm sure the exertion of flying it back from the river and 90 feet into the nest tired him out. But when the 2 chicks begged for food, he fed them, as he always has. He was oblivious to what had happened to the 3rd chick.

Eagles are magnificent creatures, but they are birds - they're not parents as we know parents. This was a very unfortunate, freak accident, not a "stupid loss from experienced eagle parents" as someone on the OC page said. There is no blame, only sadness that the littlest one didn't make it.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - That is such BAD NEWS concerning Justin and it is so scary and going to be hard to turn the situation around. Prayers for sure but make the call as Barbara suggested and pray they can help Justin.

Barbara said...

OK, am I hallucinating or is that LB at 3 o'clock?

paula eagleholic said...

No Barbara, that is the mammal that was brought in today

Mema Jo said...

This can be used as #3 let down for the day - you know how things happen in 3's.
UPDATE: CT with contrast accomplished but was informed MRI with contrast could not be done for 2 days due to conflicting contrasts! I was so geared up
but WED is the MRI now and my Dr visit will be Thurs late pm.
Thank you so much for prayers and positive thoughts - I appreciate and need them all! I'll update on Thurs after Dr visit......

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yeah, no eagle bashing around here. It is what it is and like I said, God is in charge.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well that suck Jo on the MRI. That is one of those things they should really know about before they schedule these tests like that. I love you and many prayers, love, hugs, positive energy coming at you!

Sandi said...

Shar, very scary news about Justin. It's so frustrating when we know we can no longer protect them from the evils of the world (or from themselves), isn't it? I will keep him in my prayers.

Jo, how disappointing for you not to be able to get the MRI! Surely they knew before today that the 2 procedures would conflict and could have given you a heads-up?? Oh well, it just gives us more time to send prayers and positive energy your way.

Kay, I haven't been watching the Columbus falcons this year but I'm glad to hear they are doing well.

Mema Jo said...

I really will miss our
Little Bit

RIP and fly high in the thermals ♥

Kay said...

JO, I can't improve on the sentiments expressed by SANDI and so I second her emotion! Love you dearly!

What we now have are two good sized, healthy looking, curiosity seeking, active eaglets at Sycamore Palace! May happiness reign for our eagle family.

SANDI, the falcons aren't nearly as interesting as our eagles, but I'll let you know if any drama develops at the Rhodes Office Tower.

JudyEddy said...

Both adults in one at basement pile eating fish
It is the area last seen 3

JudyEddy said...

Each adult feeding on opposite sides of nest

I fear of the little one being unearthed

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have my Great Dane cam hiding that part of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Now just one adult feeding from the 3 spot...the fish has been moved but I can't make out our little guy

Mema Jo said...

JUDYE - your fear is something that may not be avoided -
it is nature's way


I sure don't want to read about it
either if it happens........

JudyEddy said...

Gonna head out for a bit

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes, please, I do not want to hear/read about sightings of the babe. I really want to move on from here.

I LOVE US!!!!!!

Lolly said...

Home from the doctor. All is well on the general check up. Blood work all great. Shoulder (rotator cuff) has been hurting. Went to hospital after doctor and had X-rays done. Guess next will be MRI. That does not bother me. Hopefully therapy will do the trick and no surgery!

SHARON, we will definitely keep Justin in prayer. How old is he?

Going to go dig inthe dirt. That is always good for sad days.😄

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Justin will be 21 on 4/20 but mentally is probably 13 or 14 years old. He lacks the ability to think things through, understand there are consequences to actions. Says some really off the wall stuff sometimes.

Sandi said...

I have ordered my new refrigerator, gas range, and microwave! Plumber needs to come out first and run a gas line since we currently have an electric range. Haven't used gas since the house we bought when we first got married in 1976. I remember when we moved to the new house in 1978, I burned everything b/c I kept forgetting that, when you turn the burner off on an electric range, it stays hot for a bit and I wouldn't move the pot, just turn off the burner. Switching from electric to gas should be easier - turn it on, you see a flame; turn it off, the flame and the heat go away. Right?

My sister says all the best cooks use gas. Well I am FAR from the best cook, but my kitchen will look like I know what I'm doing! ;)

paula eagleholic said...

Used to love cooking on a gas range, we had one when we were growing up.

Sandi said...

Shar, my Kevin is 31 going on 21 (maybe). He was in court this morning, dealing with a DUI traffic stop made back in December. Didn't lose his license thank goodness, but had to pay a hefty fine and now has to pay for some expensive driving classes. He lacks that same understanding about consequences - I feel your pain.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just saw a healthy poop shoot.

JudyEddy said...

wow not much happened eagle since I left Eagle in same spot I see with little ones at talons

JudyEddy said...

still at launch pad now tearing up a fish kids are waking up also and being feed

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

One parent in front of the eaglets feeding and one behind the eaglets trying to feed them.

Judie said...

Much saddened by today's event. I am grateful for the two who seem to be doing so well.

Kay, answer to your question: lizard duty ends Friday.

Jo, wish today had been filled with all tasks accomplished. Will continue to think of you each day, as always.

JudyEddy said...

both adult in one is digging cup deep

JudyEddy said...

kids sleep adult got fish unstuck from basement and went to 11 to eate

JudyEddy said...

adult was at 11 one chick waddled over there and is eating the other is sort of awake but dozes off

JudyEddy said...

out the back door one goes

JudyEddy said...

chicks are still eating at 12

JudyEddy said...

feeding over and I shall go in LM

Mema Jo said...

My prayers are for our two remaining eaglets to stay healthy and active
and make that successful 1st flight
towards the end of May.

I am headed off to Jeopardy.

Goodnight sweet Eaglets ♥

Lolly said...

Worked in the yard, pulling weeds out of flowerbeds. Best therapy in the world! It was 48 this morning, but saw 90 today!! I was hot out there working.

JudyEddy said...

I am right with you JO

JudyEddy said...

wow what a big swing in temp LOLLY

Judie said...

I'm right along with you Jo. Jeopardy almost over then to read a few pages before going to the pillows.

Sandperson will be along later. Restful sleep for all.

glo said...

for me it is time to watch Dancing With the Stars. Need to move on past today and celebrate the growing wonderful days and weeks ahead with our 2 eaglets and Shep and Belle. The eagles have already moved on I believe.

NatureNut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NatureNut said...

Sorry to all. I spoke w/out reading first. Mother Nature does her own thing and we don't always know why.

Mema Jo said...

I think since I was early to rise this morning that I will be early
to fall into bed!

Tomorrow is a new day
Let us think good thoughts

Goodnight to all ♥
Love you much ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Need to read back a bit. I fell asleep without checking in last night.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

When I opened the live cam, Belle was feeding both chicks. Now, 1 is hiding beneath her in the egg cup while the 2nd is in view.

Grocery shopping is on my agenda for today and cleaning the upstairs - need to be productive today.

Jo, prayers!

Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Looking at the nest, I see one eaglet is near the 4:00 area and the other must be under the parent. I see a few black feathers on the one visible.

stronghunter said...

Was working on applying for a passport yesterday afternoon. I have to search for my birth certificate. If I do not find it soon, I'll be checking with North Carolina, but I know my mother sent it to me years ago.

stronghunter said...

Hi Loretta,

Nice to see you stopped by. I guess you didn't get to check in earlier and did not know what happened yesterday. We're all a little sadder today, but we still have two healthy eaglets to watch.

Some kind of bonding action between adult and child maybe. Looks like feeding, but I don't think there is any food involved.

stronghunter said...

They were touching beaks. Very sweet.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I see 1 visible eaglet and the other is under the parent. The 1 I am seeing is kind of making a jerking movement every couple of seconds. Just laid its head down and the parent pulled some fluff out from under its beak. I hear a little bit of chirping. Not sure what is happening but Lord please let it be nothing.

stronghunter said...

I think the eaglet is okay, Sharon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I guess I am just gun shy now Shirley.

stronghunter said...

I watched DWTS last night, too, Glo. It is the one program I watch regularly. I catch Jeopardy most of the time, but not every night.

stronghunter said...

That is understandable, Sharon.

stronghunter said...

I must get coffee. Brain works better after I've had a cup.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said Hunter woke up with stomach problems about 4:00 this morning. He's sleeping in now.

It almost looks like the eaglet is tucking its head to sleep.

glo said...

Shirley You will need a certified birth certificate. i ended up having to pay and get it from the state I was born in as the one I had used all of my life to get married, social security etc etc did not satisfy their certification requirement of that indented like seal.

I enjoyed Dancing With the Stars. I too am gun shy now as parents approach a nest with a fish. argh. I do think our 2 little ones are and will be fine. Rain in my forecast much of the week with some kind of bad stuff on Thurs. Patches just might see the basement for the first time that day. She continues to do great but seems a little afraid of Zoey. I'm not sure what is going on there. Zoey has no claws and Patches is very gentle. They won't hurt each other but it still concerns me.

grannyblt said...

Shirley, be sure your certified birth certificate has your parents name listed. I had to get a new one from the state.

Our eaglets were alone and pretty much zonked when I checked a while ago.

Judie said...

Good mid-morning.

Shirley, hope Hunter feels better quickly. Intestinal upsets are no fun.

Glo, I'm sure Patches and Zoey will adapt. You'll see what to do.

All quiet at the nest when I looked.

No specific items on the menu today. Might try to get to a craft store - would like some new silk flowers for Spring/Summer color.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
It's just me - Mema
Our nest floor looks newly covered with fresh flugg. Just looked at our weather report and we could have some
showers every day this week. My forsythia bush is turning a beautiful
bright yellow! I just wish the blooms lasted longer then they do.
I did receive my big bouquet of daffodils from Jenny's yard when they cam over at Easter. That made me smile.
I watched a feeding a few minutes ago at our nest. I also check out Bao Bao in the am. She is outside on the one cam and her mom is on the other. BB has a new yard as she and mom are separated. Well I checked back and BB is inside now.
Like Shirley - I need my coffee BUT
my brain is really slowing down -
You know - I may have already had my coffee but just forgot! lol

Mema Jo said...

Lots of work getting the meal d-furred I think. Both adults in the nest.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'm soo sorry to hear of the loss of the little one. I haven't been on the blog in a long time, but want you all to know my heart is with you :(
-- smokefancj

Mema Jo said...

C - thank you so much for coming on our Shepherdstown Daily blog - your words just show how popular our nest is to others. Take care and have a great day.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks's been tough, but it will get better...

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

I love opening up to find the whole family at home. Our two chicks are thriving and changing before our very eyes! We've much to be thankful for.

Happiness is catching up on your activities and reading your nest reports and thoughts.

It began to rain heavily here late last night and it isn't going to let up for the next week according to the forecasters. May flowers are going to be spectacular!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Saw the whole family in the nest. Wish they would lure the babies back to the center of the nest. Do not need them on the edge!

My Columbine, Iris, Dutch Iris, and roses are starting to bloom. Grass is getting green and the trees are really leafing out. Will be most happy when all the pollen has fallen from the trees.

The pollen has turned the pond water amber. Yuck!

Mema Jo said...

Just adding a new pic of my littlest great grandson, Elliot

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a fresh fish in the nest at the 10 spot

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, we are supposed to have rain off and on all week too.

both parents in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

both parents digging in the bowl and freshening up

paula eagleholic said...

Kids are in the bowl...

paula eagleholic said...

Or cup area I should say

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Belle poofed

carolinabeachmom said...

:( Just came on to catch up on what I had missed while working around the house yesterday and read the sad news about the littlest one. So very sorry to see that.

Sharon, my heart goes out to you with your son. You could just take him and shake him and knock some sense into him, but I would follow the advice of the others on here. Prayers coming your way that things will get better for the two of you.

Janet said...

good almost afternoon to all.

Warm but wet day here. Thankfully not steady, gives it time to soak in.

Not a lot going on. Just popped in to check in and say hey.

enjoy your day!

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Candy, Justin is my great-nephew but he lived with me until now. Just like my son though.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Really grateful we have 2 healthy, thriving eaglets. I am really trying to focus on the positives instead of the negatives with everything in life. Sometimes it actually works.

paula eagleholic said...

Yep, sometimes we just need to count our blessings.

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

2nd eagle departed...

Mema Jo said...

Nest Update Blackwater Refuge

After some time spent recovering from migration, our pair is kicking into gear with their mating and nest building. Good to see things progressing normally.

We also have ospreys at the three water nests along our Wildlife Drive.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The eaglets are at the 10-11 o'clock position, bickering every now and then.

stronghunter said...

I was hoping they were joyfully sharing the lovely view, Sharon. and now one put its wing on the other one's back. An eaglet hug.

JudyEddy said...

been back for a bit
went down and filed for my ssn
and Med B just got to get a supplement but will do that shortly

also got a 1800.00 check in the mail my escrow overage Not overage they didn't pay the insurance Which is now out in the mail due the 24th

JudyEddy said...

big shake in the attic

JudyEddy said...

temp is so nice at the nest 75°

JudyEddy said...

both chicks are relaxing in the sun one wakes up and pick on himself for a bit other is out

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The rain has begun and the mumbrella/dadbrella is out. Getting harder and harder to cover them completely. I think it is probably Shep there now, but I am never sure anymore. Sure wish he still had his identification spot on his head.

JudyEddy said...

raining at the nest eaglebrella at work I think that is Shep not a big mumbrella at all I see big rain drops both chicks under adult

JudyEddy said...

I see SHAR also thinks its Shep and I really haven't seen the V yet

JudyEddy said...

they can really make themselves smaller when they want to fit under there it seems eagle moving stick and flugg

JudyEddy said...

gym in a bit

JudyEddy said...

I see the V its Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Eating time again...eaglets look a little bit wet.

paula eagleholic said...

Boy, some real spaghetti this feeding!

Mema Jo said...

LOL Looks like spaghetti!

Wish the sleeping eaglet would
awaken and get some......

Rain had started - It's almost here on this side of the mountain.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shep was trying and still trying with another piece, to feed one of the eaglets a long string. The eaglet would take it and Shep would pull it back out of its beak. Doing the same thing again with another piece. Then he puts most of it in his mouth, gives it to the baby. When the eaglet takes it, Shep pulls it back out of its mouth again. Now we have more manageable pieces. Just seeing the oldest one eating but the smaller one is waiting impatiently. And just got a bite.

paula eagleholic said...

#2 is getting some good chow now too...

That pulling it back out was funny

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I can't call it spaghetti because I love pasghetti and this is nasty. LOL (yes, I meant to misspell it) Both are definitely eating now.

paula eagleholic said...

Funny how they still don't know how to look down yet for a dropped piece of food

Mema Jo said...

Love seeing some of their new feathers coming in - Pin feathers - right?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle in with another fish from the right.

Mema Jo said...

The adults don't let them waste one bite!

paula eagleholic said...

No, that is still the darker down coming feathers don't start until 4 weeks or so

Sandi said...

2nd parent just arrived with a big fish!

Hi all - productive day for me.

paula eagleholic said...

Boy they sure are pulling in some nice sized fish!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle left

paula eagleholic said...

She left the fish in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

#2 is so full he could hardly move back to the cup

Sandi said...

New boxspring and mattress have been delivered. Mattress protector & blanket have been washed, clean sheets on and everything is all put back together. The delivery guys carried the old box spring and mattress out onto the balcony off of our bedroom and just heaved them over the railing where they landed 3 stories down in the driveway!

New allergy mattress protector has been purchased from Amazon and doesn't arrive until tomorrow so I'll be taking everything apart again. New feather pillows arrive on Thursday - sorry, I love birds but I am a sucker for a nice smooshy feather pillow!

Upstairs has been dusted and vacuumed, wood floors wet mopped, and all 3 bathrooms cleaned.

Need to feed people and pets and then head to the grocery store.

Both chicks look like they're getting plenty to eat.


paula eagleholic said...

Going to try and cover the eaglets again

paula eagleholic said...

Ha Ha, easy for the delivery guys to take it away

paula eagleholic said...

Headin home...catch ya later

Mema Jo said...

Boy Sandi - you are going to sleep
comfy tonight !

Judie said...

Checking in.

Chores accomplished.

So glad the eaglets are dining in style. Belle and Shep are doing a fine job.

Going to watch Jeopardy. Just in case my eyelids cannot defy gravity, I will wish everyone a lovely evening and restful sleep.

Sandperson will depart later.

JudyEddy said...

just got home from gym and seeing the eagles at the tower near her school got a video of the juvie doing a fly over and off and I thought was the juvie comin back turned out to be a adult as I got done with the video and took pic I realized it so I got to see 4 juvies today and one adult

Lolly said...

Good reporting on our eaglets! Thanks!

Enjoy the new mattress, Sandi! We are still enjoying our latest mattress and it has been more than a few yers now!

Today we spread mulch and then Jack trimmed trees. I helped by picking up the cut branches. More to do tomorrow. It is getting so green! Love spring even though it means work!

Mema Jo said...

Going to do an "early departure" lol

Hoping the rains are all day long - but just concessional showers.

Goodnight to all ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everyone. I saw the doctor, had my iron infusion, came home and worked about 5 hours, then clocked out to go to a meeting and the grocery store. Now I am finishing my work day. Starting at 7 this morning sure has made for a long day.

Justin called me tonight and we talked for a little while. It was a really good conversation and I told him that is all I wanted, for him to stay in touch and not act like we don't exist anymore. His girlfriend is working tonight and he was getting ready to put her little boy to bed. That was so strange to hear him say that. Maybe he is going to be okay after all.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I posted this on the OC forum so I thought I would copy it here.

I have been watching this cam since March 2006, so this makes my 10th season of absolutely loving these eagles. There are been a few unfortunate happenings but the good far outweighs the bad. When the sad times hit, I tell myself I cannot watch anymore, but the cam is always back up in just a short period of time. Watching this nest is just as much a part of my life as anything else I do. I know it is hard sometimes to not put human emotions on animals. I watched yesterday with a broken heart but I could not tell that either the eaglets or the parents even noticed the little one was gone. Our first season, we watched the 3 eaglets (who we affectionately called Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky) thrive and fledge and return like champs. I even received roses from those 3 while in the hospital that fall. smile emoticon Anyway, I am truly trying to focus on the positive. We have 2 beautiful eaglets who are thriving and 2 beautiful parents who are so awesome at their jobs. There is enough negativity out in this cold cruel world. I think we should just love each other through these hard times and move on. PEACE, LOVE AND HUGS - EAGLE-EYED SHAR!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Well, looks like a cold, wet and rainy week is about to start. UGH. Those babes are going to need some serious Mombrella action!

Our forsythia is just now starting to bloom and the quince is only buds! At this rate, EVERYTHING will be blooming all at once...of course, that will be amazing! You are quite right about that, Kay!!

I think Lolly may have mentioned this but there is a giraffe baby about to be born any time now at the Dallas Zoo and there is a live feed just waiting for the blessed event! Link on my FB page.

We have a new foster dog, Henry! He is old, practically emaciated and not in the greatest of health right now. He's at least 8 yrs old. He is a real sweetie pie!

OOOOHHHHH Sandi...NEVER google where the feathers come from in pillows. EVER!
Thank you for the detailed report on the sad events of yesterday.

Had a nerve ablation in my back last Thursday. It didn't work, and in fact seems to have made things worse. I have stopped taking my warfarin so that I can take Aleve. Not going the narcotic route. What will be will be. But I need to be functional.

Jo, sorry your MRI got messed up. Praying for you!

My chipping sparrows are back and we had an Osprey flyover Saturday! Never seen one in this area! It was being vexed by two angry crows!

Paula, I seriously cannot believe Gianni is going to be FIVE!!!

Shirley, hope Hunter is feeling better by now. There is a "thing" going around involving the digestive tract. Short lived but intense.

Sharon, praying for Justin. I think Barbara's suggestion yesterday is very sound. Some things are hard to take objectively and a little outside help can make a world of difference.

I've rambled on long enough. Hello to Judie, Judy, Jerry, and whoever I may have missed!

Lynne2 said...

OH...Lynne1, where did you go birding and what goodies did you see??

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

So sad about what happened to the smallest eaglet....Really glad the other two are doing so well, though. Nature sure can be cruel at times!

Yesterday we had a pair of Mallards in our front yard! Have been trying to discourage them, though. We have a couple of feral cats that show up in our yard fairly regularly, and would hate to see the ducks injured.

Shar, prayers for your situation!
Hoping that things improve.

Shirley, hope the stomach flu has left your house!

Jo, prayers continue for you, too!

We are experiencing rain tonight, heavy at times. Supposed to last through at least tomorrow morning.

Going to say goodnight and attempt to get some sleep. Have SED, everyone. God bless! I ♥ us!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Here very early because Penny woke me up with an urgent need. I hate going outside in the middle of the night---worry about running into racoons and coyotes who's domain it is at that time. However. Pen apparently nibbled at something upsetting on one of our walks yesterday. I saw her grab something, but couldn't tell what it was. She seems to be comfy and has settled back down in her bed now.

SANDI, hope you had a wonderfully dreamy good night. I love those times with new bedding from the mattress up!

LYNNE2, hope the change of meds works well. So nice of you and STEVE to foster a needy dog.

SHAR, enjoyed your OC post. So glad your line of communication with Justin is open. That is key to seeing through a transition period! The experts say the human brain doesn't fully mature til' age 25. Hang in there!

ANDY, hope those feral cats do no harm to the mallards---another situation where Mother Nature and natural instinct may rule.

JUDIE, I faithfully watch Jeopardy, too. I'm enjoying the current champ--she could be the daughter of one of my dear friends here and I find her quite pleasant!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Got a great night's sleep on the new bed!

Lynne, sorry about your back pain. Lori posted a photo on FB a while back about feathers, but I still love feather pillows.

Shar, well said on the OC page. Glad the lines of communication are open with you and Justin.

Shirley, hope Hunter is feeling better today.

Kay, hope Penny is OK and you are back to sleep.

Jo, prayers continue for you.

I'm seeing 2 chicks huddled together in the egg cup. One parent on the edge at the 10 spot picking through leftovers.

Never made it to the grocery store so that's first thing on my dance card today.

Have agreat day all.

Kay said...

Hi SANDI! I've just finished with e-mail and now I shall return to bed. If all is well with Penny she won't surface til' 8:30 or 9.

I do so enjoy your Freyja avatars and well as those of JO's Elliot! Those babies are adorable!

Glad the new bed provided a good nights sleep!

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Up before the sun, literally.

Yesterday, I looked at comments on the OC forum for the first time. I will not do that again. So pleased that mean-spirited woman is not on this blog.

Jo and Sandi, thank you both for the new pictures of Elliot and Freyja. Adorable little people.

All looks quiet at the nest. Adult covering eaglets. Large fish delivered for breakfast.

Hope everyone is feeling well and all furry critters, also.

Wishing everyone a good day.

Janet said...

good morning all. we made it to Wednesday again. babies look healthy and well. amazing how quickly they grow and develop!

shaking the bat outta the belfry here.....thank goodness for coffee.

finally got Olivia's allergy serum across town. whew. now that its there, my life is a tad easier! I don't have to drive towards downtown and deal with a parking garage every week.

I hope everyone is well and has a beautiful day!

glo said...

good morning everyone. rainy stormy forecast here. things going well in the sycamore now. that is great

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to all. Just checked into nest to see two babies in the egg cup. being fed by parent. Not much eaten as they seem a little tired yet this am. Now the bigger one is coming to and starting to eat. The smaller of the two is still showing no interest. A little struggling match started between the two and parent put a stop to that. Other than that, all is quiet and peaceful at our Cycamore Palace.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 273   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED