Sunday, January 18, 2015


Fresh thread.


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve!

Thanks for the new thread. I will send put the notice.

stronghunter said...

I will send out the notice.

JudyEddy said...

Wow a Sunday thread Thanks Steve

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Our eagle is in again - this seems to be an all Sunday affair.
Our nest is being restored and so I
expect to see Eggs Soon....... ♥

Mema Jo said...

I get the feeling that our blog is
on auto ! I don't mind one bit !

Thank you Steve and enjoy the music

Lots and lots of eagle action today

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for keeping us "Threaded" and to SHIRLEY for calling us over. Hope the feather cheers you as you sit in the recliner and HEAL!!!

MT nest at this moment, but love reading about the earlier segments of nestorations, etc.. Each day brings us closer to that all important moment!

Seth and I had our usual good visit and Julie picked him up about noon. Only one week of the new semester under his belt and he already has homework to ready for classes starting up again on Tuesday. College profs waste no time!

Love and prayers for all!!!


Hoda said...

I love the Kootenay article you sent KAY.
Thank you.

Healing Energy and Love to us all.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! Went to church. Having a blood drive at church, was going to give, but it was a no go! Low In iron! I am feeling great, wonder how much greater I would feel if not low on iron? Disappointed!

Now working in the yard. Rake rake rake!

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all. Nest is MT at the moment.

Sandi said...

Good evening all. just starting the long drive home. first stop is my sisters to get the dogs, then 3 hrs to get home. hope I can stay awake to keep denny from getting drowsy. see ya in the AM.

Lolly said...

Well, we worked in the yard and more to go. Getting the trailer tomorrow,. Will start getting ready to hit the road Wed morn. Nice to travel with gas price low. $1.63 here.

Mema Jo said...

I missed something - Where are you headed Lolly?

Mema Jo said...


DE is really foggy travel conditions

for Sandi and Denny. Prayers for

their safe travels and for that

fog to lift

Hoda said...

Thank you JO!
On it.
I was just coming here to ask the same.
Be gone Fog.
Safe travels SANDI and DENNI.

I think LOLLY is going to have a visit with her sister???

Mema Jo said...

Almost time for Downton Abbey

Patriots are leading the Colts


Mema Jo said...

Hoda - now I remember Lolly speaking about visiting her sister.
My short term memory is shot! lol

Hoda said...

She just arrived.
All is well.
Stand down.
Blessed Be.

Mema Jo said...

All is well that ends well - very grateful that Sandi and Denny made it through fog.

Holiday tomorrow

Prayers for all my friends' needs to be answered.

Goodnight ♥

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Sandi and Denny made it safely through the fog.

Have fun, Lolly.

Lolly said...

Yes, Hoda knew! Heading to the Texas Hill Country! It is a good central location to meet Sharon and Dan and Larry and Sandy. We will all be in our RV's and trailers for three nights of visiting and gabbing! Sharon and Dan live near Houston. Larry and Sandy are in the Valley in far south Tex. we have fun doing this...three nights, three meals and we each fix one of the meals.

Achy tonight. Going to turn in soon!

Night all! SED! Prayers for all, and more so for some!😘

Hoda said...

Good night.
Love us dearly.
Special prayers for The Southern Delegation.
Safe travels LOLLY and JACK

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

go home rather late last night from dinner at RL and then just hung out at Angies house

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Thanks so much for the prayers last night - long, scary drive home! But I could feel my friends helping us through it!

Prayers for Shar and Bev today and especially for Thelma and her doctors.

Judie ... ♥.

School work to do today - starting an IEP. But at least I can work in my bathrobe and slippers all day if I want to.

Have agreat day all.

WVJerry said...

Eagle in nest.

Sandi said...

Good morning Jerry - you're getting good at the eagle alerts in the mornings!! My live cam had crashed and I hadn't reloaded the page b/c I was on Facebook.

Sandi said...


WVJerry said...

Two now.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


WVJerry said...

Thanks and good morning Sandi. Both gone now. Glad you traveled safe yesterday. I missed new thread yesterday. Probably watch off and on today. Hope everyone has a good MLK Holiday.

Janet said...

just a quick good morning! heading out to incur another bill: orthodontist. woo hoo.

beautiful weather the last few days, 60's. I've enjoyed some outside time.

hope everyone has a great day. will check in later!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thanks again Jerry and Sandi for our eagle report this morning. Holiday and you didn't sleep in Sandi?? I forgot about the doggies needing attention.

We have had a few very fine snow flurries. They start and stop so I don't think it is a serious condition. Should be lots of travelers today that are coming back from the long weekend.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Not much going on here. Not much change. Overcast and dreary day. Sunshine would be welcome.

Glad Sandi and Denny arrived home safely.

Happy to see Shirley stopped by and says she's better.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Aw, an MT nest, but grateful for reports of a morning visit!

My heart sunk as I read the morning paper with news of the devastating ice storm and many accidents along the Eastern corridor. So relieved upon coming here and finding that SANDI, Denny and the pooches arrived home safe and sound. Prayers for those families who've suffered great heartache in the loss of their loved ones.

It's sunny though still nippy. Penny outings have been brief, but hoping for enough of a warm up to allow for a longer walk this afternoon.

LOLLY, grab a bottle of Iron tabs and enjoy your sibling get together!

Wishing you all a happy day and praying for those in need!


stronghunter said...


Quiet morning here. Checking in with doc this afternoon, but I am okay. Have to check the news.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Waiting to see what developes. Woke up with a sore throat this morn. Gargled with salt water, have taken Advil and feeling better. I am also a little head achy, so do not know if I am getting a cold or if it is just my sinuses. We were working in the yard yesterday and smoke was in the air as well as a lot of dust.

Going to give it some time. Do not want to be contagious around my family. Dan is especially fragile and do not want to share germs with him, if I am germs!😞

Did get an email with a pictur from my brother. My nephew Brian was out bow hunting with his 13 yo son. Brian, saw a rattlesnake that Corban was about to step on, and yanked him backwards. Picture was of the rattlesnake. Yikes!

Another beautiful day here. No working in the yard but may go get the trailer. I am feeling okay right now, just a little ache at the back of my neck.

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McDs 130punch

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the eagle commentary,

Lolly said...

Continue to be okay, really think it is allergies!

Sharon has requested email sent to her to be given to Thelma. Encouraging, uplifting messages!😃

Lori O. said...

If anyone has an email message they want to send to THELMA to encourage her - she's having a bad day - Sharon will print the email and take it to her tonight. Just email it to Sharon as soon as you can.

Lori O. said...

Sorry, I see Lolly has already relayed the message. I need to find my reading glasses! ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

both in

JudyEddy said...

attempted HP but shot down

JudyEddy said...

lots of hurriedly nestoration

JudyEddy said...

beking and poof

Sandi said...

Hi all. We had so much eagle action yesterday but today our eagles have been pretty scarce! Looks like we're being stood up this evening.

The nest looks great - sides look nice and deep and the center looks very fluffy. Looks ready for eggs if you ask me, but what do I know? I'm not an eagle!

Shar, you're doing such a great job of taking care of Thelma, but don't forget to take care of yourself too! You're still recovering from hip surgery so I'm sure there are exercises you should be doing. Are you doing them??

Lolly, hope you're feeling OK and that sore throat won't interfere with your trip!

Shirley, how's the knee today?

Lori, great to see you on the blog! What;s going on in your "nursing life" nowadays?

Time to fix food for people and pets -later!

Sandi said...

Wow - Terri just posted a short video on Facebook of both eagles in the nest at 5:42pm, so it looks like I just missed them.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI you had just missed the visit at 549 you posted and 538 to 542 they were in the nest I did mention it above and on the EM FB page with pictures and there was a attempted HP she shot him down

JudyEddy said...

sad egg news

""Savannah and Derek of Carolina Raptor Center ...The cam has been out for many hours now and the last I checked they were on the last day of egg#3. ...they were very dedicated to those eggs. I wish I could hug them..""

Sandi said...

Sorry Judy - I didn't read the most recent blog comments in my inbox before I posted my comment about the eagles not showing up.

What happened to the eggs that belonged to the eagles at the Carolina Raptor Center? The comment you posted doesn't explain.

JudyEddy said...

They just didn't hatch MTBRL

JudyEddy said...

odd for all three to be non-viable
one person said they thought they were in their 30's but someone else said 20's I haven't looked at that cam in years from what I remember they are enclosed and have the nest on the ground if I recall

JudyEddy said...

this was just on the news This is too funnycheck out what a man did to his wife with the kids Ball big time

JudyEddy said...

17 min of doing it behind the scene

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Sorry to hear about the problems at the Carolina Raptor Center.

Hoping that Thelma is better today.

Janet said...

good evening to all. just sitting down for the first time since this morning....


orthodontist went well. braces are on teeth are hurting. had rotisserie chicken, mac n cheese, and applesauce for dinner. I will make her a milkshake in a while and have made up some chocolate pudding as well.

when I got her back to the house it was time for a quick bite, then turn around and go get my do done did. whew. it was beyond time.

tom has spent the last couple of days putting the downstairs back together. he fixed the leak and now the wall is back together.

sounds as if "our" eagles are busy prepping for another busy nesting season.

we had another beautiful day. it was 66 and sunny. I am relishing each and every moment of it. we walked beano and dax today. I think they both enjoyed it.

have a lovely evening to all. light, love, healing, comfort and big warm hugs to all!

stronghunter said...


Appointment to get my do done tomorrow. Doing that instead of bowling. I finally was able to find a sub to bowl for me.

I have bridge on Wednesday night, so I need to look beautiful then.

stronghunter said...

Nice idea to send e-mails to Thelma. I hope she recovers soon.

stronghunter said...

Remember the orthodontist visits, Janet. Always tough when the adjustments are made.

Will has offered to take Hunter to school tomorrow. Nice. I will appreciate that come early morning. My hair appointment is not until 10.

Time for me to wind down. SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. Hoping to get to see the eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Well I did have some TV shows this evening to entertain me... lol

Hubby's b-day is Friday - Then the great granddaughters b-days are Sat and Mon.

I had a large entertainment center like with a china cabinet/glass door on the one side. Console TV fit into the other side - well I got the flat screen tv for hubby and I had the kids shopping around for a good maple/oak wood cabinet. I remembered what you went through Sandi to get yours - I just didn't care for most of the ones as the kids were sending me pictures sooooooo
our son Charles took the cabinet we had (about 4-5' tall) cut it down to about 3-4' and it is beautiful and it didn't cost $700 like it would have for a new one.
I am very grateful for my son's wood working skills.

Mema Jo said...

I have my big day tomorrow with
CT and visit with the doctor for the results right after the scan. Late morning hours is my appointment. My
prayer is to accept whatever I am told - Of course I would love to do the happy happy dance BUT if not I'll just deal with it since I know that all of you 'have my back'

Goodnight and God Bless
I ♥ Us ♥♥

Lolly said...

Yes, Jo, we have your back and you have our prayers! I am planning on a happy dance!!

We got the trailer, bought grosseries, and loaded a little. Will finish loading tomorrow.

Hoping this is not turning into a sinus infection. Throat is not hurting, but my head hurts and I am congested. Boo hiss!

Time now for a hot steamy shower! And get to bed!

Night al! SED!

Hoda said...

LOLLY took the words right out of my mouth:
We have got your back, you have my prayers, I too am planning on a happy happy happy dance.
Whatever it is we will go through it together.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, I thought today was your doctor day - you were on my mind as soon as I woke up. Big time prayers for you that your radiation and chemo did the trick.

Also, prayers for Thelma.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JO will be thinking of you today

NCSuzan said...

Eagles in the nest!

NCSuzan said...

First one then the other. A few sticks being readjusted.

NCSuzan said...

Other than that a pretty calm visit so far.

NCSuzan said...

Still just looking around.

NCSuzan said...

Oops1 just lost the feed.

NCSuzan said...

Here we go. All is well.

NCSuzan said...

One poof! Think it was Belle.

NCSuzan said...

Now back with a stick. Maybe a little action now!

NCSuzan said...

Here we go. Competing for that perfect placement of a rail! I love these two birds!

NCSuzan said...

Now it is peaceful again. Think maybe they feel like they got up a little too early this morning. One poof.

NCSuzan said...

Now the other.

NCSuzan said...

Great looking nest this year!

Have a great day. I'm headed to the doctor. Just a regular visit.

NCSuzan said...

Thinking of you Jo.

Judie said...

Good morning.

First thoughts are for Jo. Prayers. Spot be gone!

MT nest.

Wishing everyone a great day, especially Jo.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having my coffee and getting ready to get my do done this morning.

Sub is lined up for bowling.

Hunter was delivered to school by Will.

Prayers for Jo. Hoping for good results.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Please God, damn spot be gone. I love you Mema Jo and will surely be praying.

I talked to Thelma this morning. They only bring her the phone when she needs to call for me to bring her something. She is sitting up in the chair this morning and finally off complete bedrest. Maybe tomorrow she will go to Southern Highlands Crisis Stabilization Unit and then I am trying to get her into St. Albans Psychiatric hospital in Radford, Virginia. This is going to take a long time to get through and I am so sad. Her absence is truly felt around here. I will keep you all up to date on what is happening. I read all her messages yesterday and we both cried. Such an outpouring of love and support. I just wish she had felt that on Saturday night before she did this.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thanks for prayers and good vibes

I'll be in touch this afternoon

Love you all - you are the bestest!


WVJerry said...

I will be thinking of you Jo.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Adding my prayers and good wishes, JO---you know I'm always "on it" for you!!!

I can't find an initial post telling about our dear THELMA and her current condition---perhaps it was talked about on FB. At any rate, I get the gist and am going into overdrive with my prayers for her. Blessings on you, SHAR, for your steadfast care and friendship. Wish I'd known about the e-mail campaign earlier, but it sounds like our dear Momster's came through with flying colors. God Bless You ALL!

It's time to get Malcolm so that Doggy Play Day can begin here. Much fun ahead!

Love and prayers as always and for all in need!!!


NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds. Things will be looking up for Jo and Thelma. Two young eagles were sent from above this AM to watch over them and bring Healing and Love!♥ ♥
One is still here that I can see through the office window!

Lolly said...

Good morning! I see an eagle in our nest!

Hanging in there with head congestion and headache. Sigh.... Progressing on with loading up and leaving in the morning.

Lolly said...

Eagle poofed!

Keeping Jo in prayer as I go about my business.

Strange thing happened at church Sunday to one of my dearest friends. I told you we had a blood drive.

(Eagle back with flugg!)

Mary had told us she could not give blood as she always faints afterwards. Well, during church she went in to give blood. Someone came in to get Richard, her husband. Not only had she fainted but she threw up! I saw her after church, they were still tending to her, she gave a thumbs up. I left. Then about 10 minutes later, she did not know where she was, she did not know people and she was talking jibberish. She was also very irratable. That is not our Mary. (Eagle Poof) Ambulance was called and she was in the hospital until late yesterday. They had to sedate her to do an MRI. All tests came back negative. She woke up yesterday morning and was just fine. All therapist had her passing all tests. Not sure what to think. Stroe? Seizure? I think they are thining seizure. Really scary!

Okay, eagle has not returned. lol Think I will get busy!

Lolly said...

My "K" key is not working unless I think about it an press hard. So, please insert "k" where needed in the previous post. roflmbo

NatureNut said...

Wanted to wish Shirley good luck with her leg and hope Lolly feels better and can have a great trip! My daughter is sort of on the edge of the Hill Country in Bastrop, TX. Saw lots of pictures of the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush when we were there many years ago for one Easter. I've been having fun? going thru boxes of older photos in their drug store envelopes. Sherry wants pictures of a cat they had in about 1998. Found a couple in an Xmas '99 album so far.
Hope I got some decent pics of our visiting eagles to put in the Nook tonight IF I don't fall asleep in the lounge chair!
Later ☺ ☺ ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, Thelma is being transferred to Southern Highlands Crisis Stabilization Unit this afternoon. However, I have a very dear friend in recovery who also happens to be a counselor there working on getting her into St. Albans in Radford. I know in my heart she is still suicidal and I think she is going to have to be watched super closely. Will let you know more when i know. Love you!

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch 156 punch I guesses aren't on auto thread like we thought

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the eagle report

JudyEddy said...

DNR nest has its first egg of the year

stronghunter said...


Back from hair do-ing and shopping. I learned something new today. Because I had anesthesia last week, a perm might not take. Therefore, I did not get a perm, just a haircut along with the wash and blow-dry. Jamie also gave me lots of curls with the curling iron and spent extra time carefully combing out the curls. It seems I need to wait about a month before getting a perm.

So, I had extra time to buy a new outfit, a purse, and shoes since I need to make up for not getting the perm. Also finally found a hooded jacket I like, so it was a successful trip. Winter things are on sale now, so it is all good.

Need to pick Hunter up in a bit, then it will be time to tackle that huge mound of dishes in the kitchen. You would think I did not wash any dishes yesterday. But I did a large load then.

Mema Jo said...

ALL of you the bestest yet








grannyblt said...

Wonderful , wonderful news!,

Sandi said...

Jo, I have been watching the clock and checking the blog and getting more and more concerned that you hadn't checked in. Here I was thinking no news meant bad news - shame on me!!!

Now I am crying as I'm typing, I am so happy for you!! What incredibly wonderful news!!! Your faith and your positive mindset are what made all the difference! But if our encouragement and prayers helped your positivity, then I guess we'll take a little bit of credit!

Your news has made my day! Wow - I can just imagine how relieved and thankful the whole Lennox family is feeling! This surely calls for a celebration - with peanut butter pie!

A giant hug and kiss from me to you, Jo!!! XOXO

I will check in again later from home!

Lolly said...

Yes!! I knew it! I knew it! Happy dance for sure! Praise the Lord!!! Awesome, just awesome!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi, Lynne, Lolly

Thank you Thank you Thank you

stronghunter said...

Happy dance at my house, Jo!!

Such good news!!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

And a very good afternoon it is with Jo's message that the spot has decided not to stay around. Well wishes for Jo and all the Family Lennox. Positive attitude was likely nearly as important as treatment.

Love and hugs!

Judie said...

I also now see the concern with Thelma. Prayers for her.

Judie said...

As for Shirley, yes, anesthesia does unkind things sometimes. No perm. I had some hair loss.

However, glad you got a nice "do" AND a new outfit.

Well, at the least you will look loverly while taking care of all the dishes. Maybe Hunter will help after school?

Kay said...

Thank you dear God! I'm so choked up it's a good thing I don't have to try to vocalize my thoughts! JO, I love picturing you doing a Happy Dance and I love thinking about each member of your family as they learn the good news! It's wonderfully overwhelming!!!!!!

Now we can concentrate on THELMA and pray for God to transform her life in one his marvelous, mysterious ways---we need another Momster Miracle! I'm heading for the candle site to light a candle just for her!

SHIRLEY, I've heard that same thing re:perms and meds, especially anesthesia. Glad you hit the jackpot with the new duds!

LOLLY, I'm praying for you as well. Here's hoping you'll feel much, much better come morning! Quite a strange set of circumstances for Mary--our bods are intricate pieces of "machinery" and it's amazing that they work as well as they do most of the time! Prayers for her, too.

LORETTA, will look forward to those eagle pics!

I'm having a good day with the dogs---44° and sunny makes for great walks!

Judie said...

We consulted with the rescue people today and are going to attempt some different ways of helping our ladies adjust. These people are sincerely helpful and we all want the best possible outcome.

Kay said...

JUDIE, happy to hear that the rescue people remain helpful even after a cat finds a new home. Good luck!♥♥

NCSuzan said...

Jo, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judie, good news.

Shirley, excellent use of extra time and money!

Now we must rally for Thelma.

Lolly, get better now, ok?

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

SHIRLEY I didn't know that about the perm either You are never to old to learn LOL

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send off the fireworks for a clean bill of health for our SWEET JO

JudyEddy said...

I also concur with SANDI with the made my day and tears running down my cheeks so friggin happy for you JO

JudyEddy said...

The nest looks pretty in the sunlight

getting ready to head over to the gym to watch Jordyn

WVJerry said...

I am glad Jo got good news and a Happy Dance. Hoping Sharon gets strength in helping Thelma. Also hope Lolly can feel better. Glad Shirley had a good day out. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Hi all - tree just shook. Someone must have landed near the camera.

Jo, I am still smiling!

Judie, your comment today sounds encouraging!

Shar, prayers for Thelma and for Justin.

Sandi said...

And there's an eagle!

Sandi said...

Cam just shook again - looks like another arrival! Now 2 eagles! Oh yeah, and some eagle sex right away!

Sandi said...

Poof one!

Sandi said...

And poof 2 - short and sweet visit this evening.

Sandi said...

Guess I'm all alone here.

Time to fix food for pets and people and then hit the grocery store.


stronghunter said...

Back to say hello.

Just so thankful that our Jo got good news.

Now, I am wondering if the county is going to haul me off to the pokey. It seems I am in violation because I do not have my house numbers on the actual house. I have very large numbers on the mailbox, but, no, that is not good enough. No matter it's been that way since I got work done and they took down the post that had the numbers. Maybe 4-5 years ago.

Well, maybe tomorrow I will get numbers. Then Will can affix them in the proper place. And then there is the matter of a lawnmower that got left in the driveway and incurred the wrath of the home owner's association.

Just glad these problems are easily solved.

stronghunter said...

Yes, encouraging news from Judie.

Kay said...

Julie called about an hour ago to say that Hugh's mom had just passed. A grand promotion at age 90 and a peaceful one, thankfully. Thanks to all for prayers over these last few and traumatic weeks! It's so comforting to know my prayer partners are there when needed! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

My condolences, Kay. She lived a long life and it is good that the passing was peaceful.

Yes, prayer partners are wonderful.

JudyEddy said...

a 40 sec video of the cell phone tower eagle talking and then two fly outs I didn't realize the one was in the nest in the tower till the fly out I just pulled up and they were talking so I started recording and they POOFED one me

Judie said...

Kay, condolences to Hugh and Julie and all the family. Always sad, never really prepared for these life-changing moments. Hugs.

Judie said...

Shirley, you really need to begin to try to conform to the rules and regulations. You have become quite the scoflaw in your retirement. lol

Now that I know my way around down there, I will come and bail you out of the pokey, if need be.

Off to do some reading. Then to sleep. Can't let Shirley "do" me one better so getting my "do" done in the morning.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

First off, condolences to Kay.

I have been busy the last couple of days. Livvy got her braces yesterday and I got my do done did.

today, felt like a whirling here run there go go everywhere.

on a positive, I bought something I have been wanting for a while. slowly but certainly we have been replacing appliances in the kitchen with the stainless steel looking with black trim. today, I bought a matching trashcan!!! with a foot pedal to open it!!!

funny how the little things can just make such a difference.

very pleased. I don't have to touch the trashcan to throw away things while cooking dinner....
and it matches!

will check in later! hugs to all!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Judie. I will let you know if they come haul me off.

Nice video, Judy. You have quite the collection.

Wow, Janet, a matching trashcan! Mine is hidden in the laundry keep Luna from knocking it over should she get past the vacuum cleaner barricade.

About to go upstairs. Jamie the hairdresser gave me some paper strips to wrap around my hair to keep it from getting messed up while I sleep. We will see how this works. She wants her styling to hold through bridge tomorrow night. Not sure if I can sleep with these paper things around my head.

SED, everyone. God bless.

stronghunter said...

Wondering if there will be snow tomorrow . . .

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

On this day of such stress and turmoil in my life, it was all wiped away when I read Jo's news. I AM SO INTENSELY GRATEFUL!!!

Lolly said...

Ok, off with my head! I'll be much happier! I am miserable. Heading to bed shortly. Going to dope up and hope I can sleep.

Kay, so very sorry for your latest news. No matter what age, one is always missed!

Jo, we had wine with dinner and made a toast to you! Another habby dance!!

Thank goodness we do not have an HMO! Shirley, how could you!! Numbers in the wrong place and leave a lawn mower out? Shame!!

Hot steamy shower here I come!

Will not be on in the morning, maybe from phone on the road. Probably no wifi at the park, so se you Saturday!

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

I send love and Respect KAY. I am glad she had a peaceful crossing. Happy Continuation Day as we say in Buddhism. I pay my respect to HUGH and JULIA and her family. Love and Respect to you too Dearest KAY.

to quote a MARGY
It was the first thing I checked when I came home and phoned MEMA JO right away.
I concur with the others JO your positive energy and your strength and your faith and taking it one day at a time got you through this. We were merely the chorus to repeat your prayers and affirm the goodness of your heart. the credit is GOD'S and Yours and we but played a little humble part...Blessed Be. You sound terrific on the phone and thank you ever so very much for answering it tonight...

SHAR love and am proud of you. You are a real trooper and we have got your back.

JUDIE keep us posted...I hope it works and if it does not then it is not meant to be.

JANET I understand about the simple brought me a smile.

SHIRLEY Miss Beautiful Curly Hair Friend, enjoy your bridge tomorrow...
I shook my head about the house number story...

I had a very good day. The first of my eye test experiences to figure this out starts tomorrow and I am sure it will all be alright...I will let you know when I return towards the evening tomorrow...

Pilates class is a very good class.
I had a positive experience. Will try it again three more times before I get a pass...

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless Us All


LOLLY and JACK travel safely.

JudyEddy said...

Just on facebook
Sad news in the Ft Meyers nest

"""""Am sorry to advise our Peep members that little E5 the first born in 2015 SWFL nest joined Mom Norfolk at approximately 10:45 pm Tuesday night. Prayers for the little one ..""

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

JANET... I love your avatar.
Blessed Be.
Powerful Symbol.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Kay, I'm so sorry to hear of Hugh's mom's death. Even when it's expected, you are never prepared. Prayers for him and the family as they get through these next few sad days and then adjust to their new normal.

Jo, I am still smiling!

Shar, prayers for Thelma - the right place for her will happen. How could it not with you watching over things?

Judie, it took 3 months for jenni to stop peeing in Bella's bed when she first arrived here. Fingers crossed.

Lolly, safe travels - hope you feel better quickly.

Have agreat day all - snow is in the forecast for north of here but just rain for us.

Sandi said...

Happy National Hug Day! Here's a big virtual hug (not quite the same, but ...) for all my eagle friends, who I love dearly!
((((( )))))

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Janet said...

good morning.

HODA: thank you and I LOVE the happy continuation day...I may have to borrow that thought for myself. it is the same concept that I use, just never had a phrase to go with....blessed be!

still smiling over JO. :)

thinking of one of the daughters of a Tuatha Dea member as she undergoes hip surgery this morning. she is 14 and Kathy's one and only.....I know this is tough on them.

today is bright and sunny, but cooler. 40. just a gorgeous morning.

yes, the little things, like a matching trashcan, with a foot pedal. lol. sometimes those are the greatest joys...

work today. looking forward to it as always. four days off is super as it leaves me feeling quite productive, but also mentally and physically quite ready to go back to work.

all right, coffee cup is emptying quickly. (image that, it has a hole it in, right at the top!) ha ha

have a beautiful and loving day to all! ((((hugs)))

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds and sleepy heads! We're off to a slow morning I see.

Thanks for the prayers and kind words re:Hugh's mom--no more misery and a long life--cause for much celebration. Julie, Hugh and Seth will fly to WI on the 30th--attend memorial service on the 31st and home again on the 1st. Dorothy was an Eau Clair resident and faithful church member for many years, so this is an appropriate tribute.

SANDI, love your group hug! I'm adding mind with a bit of extra squeezing {{{{{{{EM}}}}}}}}☺

Yes, JO, you have us all glowing with bright smiles! Do you keep pinching yourself to make sure it's real?

My hairdresser is ill today, so appt. put off til' next Weds.. Penny and I have already been out for two little walks and will enjoy another good weather afternoon!

Prayers for THELMA, her extended and loving family and for all EM's in need!!!


Kay said...

"adding mine", not mind though that's where the thought originated.

Yes, HODA, I like "continuation day", too. A good friend and I have used "earned promotion day" for a very long time. Both concepts that ring true!

Kay said...

MT nest, but hope springs eternal. Putting myself in lurk mode and continuing on to newspapers and mail. Have a good day All!

Mema Jo said...

I can't believe I did it! I must have had my head up in the clouds or was doing too much dancing - I forgot to say Goodnight to all of my FB family and friends last evening soooooooooo Here is a big good morning ((((((((((hug)))))))))

Mema Jo said...

It is snowing here in my valley
All roads have been treated in preparation for this... even in front of our house - oh yes, I have house numbers on my mailbox and about a year ago we had to place them on the house - Get them up, Shirley - lol

Mema Jo said...

Kay please accept my prayers for Hugh's mother to rest in the sleep of peace in Heaven above.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I pray that you felt half ways decent when you left this morning.
No welcome kissing! Safe travels.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Janet - a new trashcan would make
me happy too. Your kitchen probably looks beautiful with matching stainless steel. I love the simple things in life - like a new throw rug in front of my sink !

New hips for even all ages.
Waiting to hear about the successful procedure for your friend's daughter. Sharon and Tori are good examples of medical technology.

NatureNut said...

Happy Dancing for Jo. I knew those eagle visits meant something! God is sending positive prayers and vibes and they are also sent for Thelma. Her troubles may take longer to be solved, as we have seen similar conditions in our family. But you have to remember IT ALWAYS GETS BETTER!!!♥

Good Grief! I just saw snow flakes falling in the nest.

As usual, I konked in the lounge chair TU PM, but edited some of my new eagle pics and will get them in Nook this evening.
Have a good day ☺

Mema Jo said...

MT nest is already snow covered!

No snow at Blackwater

Judy had this on yesterday:

Ozzie and Harriet.
From the Pritchett Family: "It was with a heavy heart, we report E5 has passed away. After noticing a change in behavior yesterday, E5's health quickly deteriorated and stopped moving around 10:15pm this evening. While the cause of death is unknown, we will continue to observe e6 and hope for a safe and healthy development . . . Fly High and Free E5! Your time was short but sweet for certain.”

Kay said...

Thanks for the prayers, JO---much appreciated.

Be careful with those throw rugs, my dears. Several years ago Eileen insisted I do away with them as they are so easy to stub on and risk falling. I had them in front of the sink, in the bathroom and at each bedside. Since then SteadyU Ohio consistently gives out the same warning. I've gotten used to the bare floors and find an occasional wet mop in the kitchen and bath quite satisfying. Started wearing socks to bed so my feet don't hit the cold hardwood floors in the wintertime. Jus' sayin'!♥

Yes, prayers for LOLLY and JACK as they travel for the sibling meet up. Here's hoping she's much, much better today!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Kay = these are NOT throw rugs that you can trip on... I learned my lesson big time with a rug, a slide and a broken leg Ouch !

Mema Jo said...

Check out the nest

See the SNOW

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Interesting about the throw rugs, Kay.

No snow here so far. I think it's supposed to be rain only, but we will see.

Today's adventures---

No hot water this morning.

Kathryn had to wash her hair, so she took a painfully cold shower.

I really wanted to sleep in and ignore the problem, but eventually went to the basement and saw an "Energy Smart" contraption on the water heater. There was a green light blinking on the thing. Two blinks. That meant "high water temperature," according to the info.

Ventured into the garage and checked the circuit breakers. Flipped the water heater breaker off and on.

Back in the basement, the green light is now glowing steady.

Called power company and got one confused person who told me that they were the power company and had nothing to do with my water heater. He sounded like the thought I was demented.

Meanwhile, the hot water has come back on!!

Still trying to deal with the power company. Am deep into their phone system and on hold. Again.

stronghunter said...

Okay, the power company has cycled me back to customer service. I have given up. I do not know what happened, but it seems that I will be getting no answers from the power company. I just hope the hot water stays on. At least I know how to fix it--at least for now.

stronghunter said...

Perhaps I should call the water heater company if I can figure out who that is. We got this water heater from the hardware store and installed it ourselves.

stronghunter said...

Will is home. I have given him the task of figuring out what company made this water heater. We will go from there.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I think you need a plumber.
Do you have a manual for the water heater anywhere or can you research it online. Not sure if the redoing of the breaker fixed it.,... You need
to find out what is with the little green light - Lots of luck.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I think you need a plumber.
Do you have a manual for the water heater anywhere or can you research it online. Not sure if the redoing of the breaker fixed it.,... You need
to find out what is with the little green light - Lots of luck.

stronghunter said...

I am thinking that the water heater automatically turns off if the water temp gets too high. So, we will need to lower the thermostat. That should be simple enough, but I am happy to get Will to do this.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

I went through all of our manuals, but did not find one for the water heater. If we get the name of the company, we should be able to find a manual online.

Yes, I think what I did was a temporary fix.

Mema Jo said...

I really think we are headed to
snowfall of 2"

I am now among the living because:

I am getting my "do" trimmed up around the neck line and sideburns.
It's a start! lol

Hoda said...

Dancing my morning away!
Happy Happy Happy Dancing my Day.
Praises Praises Praises.

Phone the Hardware Store and get contact info for water heater company. Service Dept should do it.

How is the Do SHIRLEY? Did it hold up?
Happy Bridge.

I love the Great Promotion expression KAY.

You are welcome JANET.

SHAR thinking of you. Hang in there.
Praying for THELMA

Meetings and appointments day.
I love us.
Safe travels LOLLY and JACK.

stronghunter said...

Yay Jo!! Enough hair for a trim!!

Will has disappeared into the basement with a fast-food breakfast. I know he likes hot showers, so I know he will take care of this problem.

stronghunter said...

Nah, the hair-do is flat, Hoda. I thought it would be. That is okay, I bought a new curing iron with a very small barrel and some other beauty products. I should be good to go.

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here

Snow Snow Snow Still very heavy
Trees are all covered along with the ground - It must be winter ♥

stronghunter said...

I just saw a snowflake.

Hoda said...

I wished you knew how funny this sounds.

I saw a snow flake!!!


We have been long past the one snow flake syndrome
Ready to come out the other side.

I heard a robin.
Looking for a shoot
A flower.

Maybe in a month or so.
Enjoy the snow flake SHIRLEY.

stronghunter said...

I saw another one, Hoda. That does tell you something...

stronghunter said...

It is 38 degrees here. Not likely to have much build-up at that temp with random snowflakes. I think we are safe. No blizzard here.

Hoda said...

Stop the presses!
Change Headlines!


JudyEddy said...

On lunch oh I see lots of white stuff in the nest

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

So, Shirley saw A snowflake? Well, come on up the pike Shirley. We have lots and lots of those white fluffy raindrops falling down.

I see Shirley is stuttering from the cold water. lol Do hope the fix will be quick and easy. Not fun to have to be camping out in one's own home.

Jo, need to read back but I personally do not like throw rugs. Have some and put slip guard mats underneath them.

Not to be out "done," I got my "do" did and see that Shirley has started a chain reaction. Jo, congrats on needing a trim.

Thinking of a sip of coffee and the newspaper. Ladies are back to hiding. Email from the rescue center. Trying to find an experienced foster in our area to make a visit to see what more we can do. Sigh!

Stay safe and warm, please and thank you.


Judie said...

Oh my. Just looked at the nest. Just really dislike seeing it filled with snow. Not good memories.

Okay, bye.

Kay said...

Oh, SHIRLEY, I hoped the paper strips would work. Glad you have a knack with curling iron and hair products. I have to wear an easy care do, for I'm all thumbs with such things! Good luck at the Bridge table tonight!

JUDIE, hope a Rescue expert visitation is possible and helpful!

stronghunter said...

Hoda, you make me laugh.

Kay said...

I'm with you JUDIE, that snowy nest brings back memories we don't like as do the reports of sad losses in other aeries around the land. Life in the wild is just that Wild and hard for we humans to embrace!

I'm hoping that white stuff y'all are seeing veers away from Central Ohio for the next couple of weeks. Dream on!!!

stronghunter said...

Graupel here. I just hope there is not enough ice falling from the sky to cause school officials to get upset and decide Hunter should not stay after today. He is supposed to stay until 4:00 to make up some work in his keyboarding class. The software is only available on the school computers, and he does need to improve his keyboarding skills.

stronghunter said...

Also hope the weather does not get upsetting for my bridge friends. I am likely one of the boldest about going out in the snow, but I am a bit handicapped at present, and I have to travel further than most.

stronghunter said...

Kay, I figured the paper strips would just smash my hair. :)

Mema Jo said...

lol Shirley - when you talked about paper strips my immediate thought was about years and years ago we wore
hairnets ! That sure is a flashback for me...

Mema Jo said...

I need to put your minds at ease about my Throw Rugs. No way do I mean cloth flimsy ones - I mean the ones that will stick to my tiled kitchen floor - No slip backings
believe me I know the "No Fall" rule

stronghunter said...

Yes, I asked about a hairnet, but Jamie liked the paper strips better. My hair is baby fine and does not hold a set. Period. It has to be re-done.

stronghunter said...

Yes, there are different kinds of throw rugs. I don't think mine are going anywhere. The one in my front door has a no-skid pad under it, and others have thick rubber backing.

stronghunter said...

Printing out a manual for my water heater as we blog. I got a phone number from Lowe's and spoke with a very nice person named Brittany. She e-mailed me a manual.

stronghunter said...

Also learned that my water heater is still under warranty for parts, even though it was bought in 2003.

stronghunter said...

Still snowing up north, Judie? Sun is shining here.

Mema Jo said...

Snow has stopped here in the valley

Judie said...

No, Shirley. Frozen rain has stalled upstairs in the stratosphere. Just gloomy and damp-cold.

Well, paper is as paper does. Lordy, Darth's mother wore a hairnet type thing for sleeping. She also wore a kerchief whenever she went out. Made me chuckle. Looked as if she just got off the boat in 1915.

Okay, Shirley's throw rugs are approved. Now, if she can just win a couple of bucks at bridge tonight to pay for her new "do" and outfit.

Kay, will hope that the weather remains mild (for OH). Did see another storm is headed across the country. Boo!

Judie said...

Oh, meant to mention that it must be colder in Shepherdstown - nest still full of snow.

Berry nest in sunshine.

Checked in on Derek and Savannah. Still incubating. I thought someone mentioned the eggs are not considered viable? If so, sad.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Sandi said...

Hi all - it's snowing in Bethany Beach!!

Today was one of those days - won't bore you with the details (it was a parent, not a student). Suffice it to say I am channeling the theme song from "Frozen" - my new mantra ... ♫ Let it go, let it go ...♫ 92 more teaching days!

I normally hope for 2 hour delays rather than snow days, but after today, I will be wearing my pjs inside out tonight, sleeping at the foot of the bed, burning my snow candle, AND flushing 6 ice cubes down the toilet (1 ice cube = 1" of snow).

Didn't make it to the grocery store last night - my husband whined until I relented - so it's on tonight's agenda. See, our deal is that, when I'm working, we BOTH do the grocery shopping. When I'm off and he's working, I go alone.


Judie said...

Both eagles in the nest for a long while. HP. Crib rail adjustments.

Sandi, hope all your techniques work and you have school cancellation.

Judie said...

Just wondering. With so much time being spent arranging sticks and clearing out snow from the egg cup area, we might have an egg this weekend. Anyone think likewise?

Mema Jo said...

Judie - Jan 31st has been the earliest so far for our first egg - I think we have another week to go.

They look beautiful but also there may be more snow Fri or so.

JudyEddy said...

home eto find two eagle in nest awesome

JudyEddy said...

just got back from the park and saw a fly in and a fly out of the female

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There was some pretty intense HP happening a few minutes ago.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 238   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...