Monday, January 26, 2015


Looks like the storm is thread.


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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Mema Jo said...



JudyEddy said...

WOW what happened I got a little carried away I think I knew they would do it LOL

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I saw it coming but JudyE you sure do get excited! lol

Sandi said...

Judy, I'll say you got a little carried away there!

MT nest now.

Mema Jo said...


JudyEddy said...

I am laughing at how many times that posted I have been having issues with not responding and the blue cirle on the puter and it got sort of stuck LOL

Mema Jo said...

That visit was an hour!
We're getting there........ ♥

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

I talked with the lady at the county zoning office about the house number situation today. It seems she came by yesterday before I got the numbers up. I told her that I had put them up, and she said she would come again today. I am a bit surprised they are spending so much time on this. I will have to say it looks like there might be more houses in this neighborhood not in compliance than in compliance...but people have the numbers on the mailboxes.

Mema Jo said...

JudyE No No No
you can't blame it on the Blue Circle ! lol ♥

JudyEddy said...

my delete I wanted to say be back in a bit

stronghunter said...

Have to get started on dinner.

grannyblt said...

Nice long visit with a meal and some dessert for Shep. I watched on my iPad and didn't feel the need to comment when it was being covered by our star reporters. Thanks Judy and Mema and Lolly. I think the extra noise we hear may be the camera cables blowing in the wind and hitting the tree.

JudyEddy said...

either that is a eagle of white snow do you see it at 12 -1

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I am sure it is a safety factor for numbers to be on the
front of the house. Some places have more then one mailbox together and that could be confusing.

Mema Jo said...

Judy my cam is down for the night -
I can't give an opinion.

Mema Jo said...


stronghunter said...

Know you are right about the numbers, Jo. I have no problem with putting them on my house.

Lynne2 said...

evening all.....

Full moon arrives on the 3rd so that means we should be able to have good night light on the nest, barring clouds, right as we get our first egg! (she types hopefully)

The Codorus nest up the road from me seems to be just a little behind in activity.

stronghunter said...

Sounds good, Lynne. It would be very nice to see night activities at this important time.

Lynne2 said...

If we would be lucky enough to have a first egg under the Full Snow Moon, then Snow Moon would be a cool name! In a Native American sort of way!

stronghunter said...

I like that, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Not sure why I am so sleepy. I did sit up watching "Sons of Liberty" last night, but I did take a nap this afternoon. Afraid to turn out the light too early. Will wake up about midnight.

Judie said...

I think Snow Moon would be a lovely name for the first eggbert.

Shirley, I know here the numbers are important for fire/police emergencies. I'm sure you've done just the right thing to be in compliance.

Yes, I see JudyE got waaaaay too excited. Bet she's egghausted.

Sandperson is already packed and ready to depart.

Night light at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Terrific Yoga Class
Terrific Ski.
Decided to sign up for a group ski lesson to improve my skills. Also will take a few private lessons two or three to master the art of stopping going down hill on cross country skis.

I find I dki better with sun glasses even on overcast dark days as it gives me contrast and I can see the bumps and grooves better.

Thank you for the eagle reports.
Glad all seem to be well.

JudyEddy said...

Stick a fork in my I am done LOL

LOVE the name SNOW MOON also

JudyEddy said...

I am giving my eagle tables a shower did two and decided to much a PIA bending over the shower trying not to get wet so decided to do the other three outside maybe with the pressure washer So much dust on them

JudyEddy said...

Need to say GN early with neck bothering me and back somewhat to long on computer and long day on feet at work

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

LOL! Now all we have to do is convince our Belle to actually lay the egg on the night of the Full Snow Moon!

Lynne2 said...

Going to head for the shower. Prayers for everyone with aches and pains tonight to wake up in the AM feeling better! Hope to get some cam watching and blogging in at work tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Well,the movie was great! We are such fans of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Came home and had pizza.

Tomorrow we are going to Denton and then heading north of there for a bb game. Heading back there Sat to see a Jacob game. More fun!

Glad there was a little hp with that visit this afternoon. Lol

Think I will read a while.

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching TV
I like the Stalker series.

Time for some shut eye!

Goodnight to all ♥
Prayers for all ♥

Lolly said...

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming all.

I think my observation went well - will see what the principal says this afternoon.

Stay warm everyone!

WVJerry said...

Eagle in nest.

magpie said...

Isn't it beautiful, Jerry...
witn the pink glow of sunrise !

Good Morning to you, and to All Eagle Pals !!


magpie said...

oh forgot the xxxxx ! to go with the o's

magpie said...

with fingersplits on 8 out of 10 fingers....typing is a bust !

Best Wishes for a Jolly, Marvy and Healthy Day to Every One !

☺ ♥

WVJerry said...

Gone now. Good morning everyone.

WVJerry said...

Hi Margy. Yes it was. What's wro.g with fingers?

magpie said...

Jerry: "fingersplits" - those impossible little cuts around the tips of fingers and around the edges of the fingernails....

"a winter time ailment "

WVJerry said...

I see. Hope everything else is good.

WVJerry said...

Looks like I missed a nice visit last night. Had to work 6-5 yesterday and stopped on way home. Came home after 7 and was soon asleep. Working 12-8 today so Wil watch some this morning.

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Our nest MT. Still some snow.
Decorah has both eagles in the nest.
Berry still incubating.

Grey and overcast this morning. Sun trying to make an appearance.

So nice to see Margy stopped by. Hope that continues.

Glad Hoda had a good day yesterday. Not at all surprised she has signed up for yet another activity.

Be interesting to know if Sandi's principal says anything about any of the incidents this year. I'm sure her observation will be very positive.

Headed to peruse the newspaper. Sip my coffee.

Wishing everyone a lovely day. Stay safe and warm, please.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

BRRRRRR! So cold this morning. Ice had to be scraped off the windshield.

Funny thing--Kathryn noticed our next-door neighbor scraping ice off his car windows while wearing shorts and a tee shirt. So Hunter is not the only one. In fact, my dermatologist said she knows people around here who do not even own long pants.

Nest is empty. There is still a bit of snow in it.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy!!

Please do keep coming back. We miss you when you're not here.

Judie said...

Hi Shirley. Seems Hunter is right in style. lol Hope it doesn't catch on here.

Off to find nothing to do.

grannyblt said...

Shirley, I have numerous pictures of my teenaged grandchildren without coats, in shorts , wearing flip flops in the snow in Alaska. They think nothing of it.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Both Belle and Shep are in the nest
One is at 10 and the other at 4 positions
Being very still..........

Mema Jo said...

Beaking and moving the flugg

Mema Jo said...

One went poof

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

What a beautiful sight---both eagles in the nest---love em'!!!

MARGY, so good to see you! Sorry about the sore fingers and hope they're better soon!

Hmmm, Belle and Shep having a bit of a spat over who gets to work the egg cup. ☺

Penny and I are all set for Malcolm's arrival. Then the fun begins!

One poof!

Kay said...

The poofer returns and nestorations in progress by both.

Mema Jo said...

Morning KAY

Glad you are watching with me

Kay said...

SANDI, I do hope the observation satisfied the powers that be.

Both Poof!

Mema Jo said...

Well we just had 2 poofs as I was commenting.... lol

Kay said...

Hi, JO! Happy to be here! I'll have the nest up and running all day, but may get too busy with the dogs to say much. January 29th already---we should have the first egg in that nest soon!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds 56 out now
Thanks for the eagle encounter this am Didn't see any report of one of the eagle being seen in the nest at first light

JudyEddy said...

Reminder keep voting for Blizzard Bear +and the JO doggie on a cold night ALSO

Lolly said...

Good morning! Jo appreciate your commenting on the fb blog about Eagles in the nest. My iPad chimes when someone posts a message! I was reading the paper, saw your post and brought up the cam in time to see our Eagles! Thank you!

Going to cook this morning to take a meal to Denton.

Sandi, will this be your last observation? Hope so! No matter how many of those you have, it is always a little intimidating!

Margy, so good to see you on here you are missed, dear friend!

Jack's fingers split and he uses a prescription hand cream. Would be glad to share the info with you and maybe your doctor would see that you get it!

Gotta get moving! Lots to do today before we leave!

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in doing taxes and just saw

JudyEddy said...

still there and done with taxes on rail at 11 can't see head of eagle

JudyEddy said...

and poof

Judie said...

Good grief. What a sad state of affairs when an eagle is trying to start a family and has to do taxes at the same time. lol

MT nest.

I am still doing nothing significant.

Darth has a meeting tonight. Dinner will be a salad of romaine, red onion rings, warm buffalo chicken tenders (left overs) and blue cheese dressing. Nothing heavy or he will fall down asleep. I doubt snoring is on the meeting agenda.

Back to my book.

JudyEddy said...

OH JUDIE LOL you got me giggling and yep it is a sad state of affairs when we have our eagle do taxes Since the eagle poofed and forgot to take my mail to TX I am heading to the postoffice to mail it I am still old fashion and don't like to do that online My mailman hasn't come yet but I would rather drop at PO especially in the past I have found peoples mail in my yard That mail person is no longer in my area but I would rather be safe

JudyEddy said...

temp has warmed to 63°

grannyblt said...

Come o nupcias to western PA JudyE. First a little siete, then freezing raín, now snow.

grannyblt said...

Sorry about that , my keyboard keeps
changing to Spanish

Hoda said...

Translation please GRANNYBLT

The robot prooving box is back up!

Some blue skies here.
Must do house cleaning and pay bills before I head out skiing and yoga.

SHIRLEY Hunter type dress code is periodically seen here too! We think they are Albertans!!! Sorry JUDYS

Judie said...

Lordy, not only do our eagles have to prepare taxes but now Lynne1 has started speaking in tongues. lol


JudyEddy said...

OH MY I took the eagle tables out side to spray off and boy did I cause a rukis I had 5 different people stop and asked it there were for sale I said no just bath time that they were dirty birds LOL Then they asked me where I got them Told them they were old and three were from Fingerhut and the other two I can't remember, I told them I have seen in past a places like Kirkland, and at Flea Market I bet they could locate them Next time I take to the back of drive way on carport Took me forever to get such a simple job done with so many people stopping and wanting to have conversation
Did you all here the big controversy on the Superbowl ad that got pulled Go Daddy funny how the dog is just like the Bud puppy

Mema Jo said...

My valley is getting precipitation
Snowy/rain....... weird stuff coming down... Hopefully it will stop just as fast as it started.

You can see it on the live feed.

Mema Jo said...

Live feed was acting up again just like yesterday. It would only run for less then a minute - Keep bringing it up and after the 4th time or so it stays up - at least mine has now been up 6 minutes

Judie said...

No fair, Jo. You are not supposed to send precipitation over the mountain to my roost. Well, okay. We can share.

MT nest.

Hmmm. Eagle tables? Interesting. Don't think I've ever seen one of those.

Lynne2 said...

hello all! have a little break and I'm enjoying watching the bold little tree rat steal flugg from the Codorus eagle nest!!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

dinner time for sure

Lynne2 said...

looks like yum yums!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Something has their attention

Fresh snow going to make for a
cold egg cup

Mema Jo said...

Poof for one

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...

BBL to say goodnight after and IF I can find something on TV that I haven't seen before..... I know -
it's doubtful

Judie said...

Jo, tonight is Fischer and Lewis night. Hope for new not reruns.

Missed the eagles' visit. Do hope the weather will stay clear of Shepherdstown.

Sleety rain here.


Lynne2 said...

getting ready to wrap it up here at work, will hopefully check in tomorrow!

grannyblt said...

Just got back here to see i should have deleted that post. Speaking in tongues is not in my DNA. This iPad with auto correct can make for some interesting word substitutes . Then add the fact I accidently turned on the Espanol keyboard. And it didn't translate.

Missed the eagles today.

Janet said...

good evening to all. just finished reading back over everyone's exploits....

what a lovely day! some sun, some clouds. it was 63 when I got home from work. livvy and I went outside for a bit.

however, now the winds have picked up and they are COLD. brrrrrr winds are gusting to 31 mph ... a windchill of 36.

colder temps on the way.

not a lot has been going on around here.

just keeping you all close in my heart and thoughts....

JudyEddy said...

Angie JUDIE I will post pic ofthe eagle tables when I get home or in the AM if its is too late whenI get home I made coffee table out of two of them when I found two end tables that were different than the three I have

Judie said...

Ah, looking forward to seeing what the tables look like, JudyE. Thank you.

Watched some PBS (Fisher & Lewis). Eyes are getting sleepy.

For those with precipitation, take care in the morning if rain freezes.

Headed to the pillows. Tomorrow is foraging day.

Sandperson is packed. Thawing out the chariot. Night light is on.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Here I am - late TV shows again
Goodnight to all and SED

Mema Jo said...





stronghunter said...

Been reading the posts--trying to catch up on today's activities.

Really getting time for some eggs.

Time to quit for the day, so I'm saying SED.

Lolly said...

We are home, had a great day!

Due to two kids with broken bones and illness, Joseph's team had only 6 players. The other team had 12! They lost but those 6 boys played their hearts out! They were exhausted. So proud of them!

Home tomorrow, just need to go to church to prepare communion. Then back to Denton for Jacob's game on Saturday!

Time to lay the bod down. Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday MEGAN

Good night
God Bless

Maybe an egg this weekend.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday! And a teacher inservice day - no kids! This morning is meetings and this afternoon is for grades.

Happy birthday Megan!!

Prayers continue for Thelma and Shar.

I recall one year that Belle laid her first egg right before the Superbowl game started - just sayin' ...

Have agreat day all.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Nest coming in to view and is empty. Calling for wind today.

WVJerry said...

Two in nest now.

WVJerry said...

One now.

WVJerry said...

Gone now. Have a great day. Will check in at work.

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the heads up Jerry. I did get a short glimpse.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all ♥

This would be a good day for a fresh new thread - just saying.

33° and not really windy YET.

Jerry thanks for the nest report this morning.
Sandi - have a kidless day at school.

Enjoy your special day, Megan

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning, dear Eagle Buds!!!

All's well and swell at my Doggy B&B! Still icy/snowy out so most of the time taking dogs out one at a time and with gentle leaders on. It won't do any of us a bit of good if I fall down and go boom.

Happiness for me is reading your eagle visit reports--thanks to all.

SANDI, hope this is not only a kidless day at school, but a kindness day as well!

♫♪♪ H♥ppy Birthd♥y De♥r MEG♥N ♪♪♪

SHIRLEY, I have to thank you for mentioning Benedryl the other day. I grease myself up regularly, but still wake up occasionally due to winter dry skin itch. Once you mention the product it reminded me that it was helpful for such things out in arid Arizona. Bought some Wednesday and am getting good sleep!!! Yeah!!!

Love and prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see Jerry reported on our eagle visit this morning.

Will check the nest.

stronghunter said...

Hi Kay,

I think you must have posted while I was writing. I am glad the Benadryl is helping you sleep. I have been using it, too, and it seems to make things better. Also using some over the counter pain pills.

Nest is empty. Looks like plenty of flugg there. I see what people mean about the cam shutting down. It happened to me twice.

Happy birthday, Megan!!!

Kay said...

Hi, SHIRLEY, what a timely little get together---glad you're sleeping well, too. Thank you Benedryl and OTC pain killers! I take Ibuprophen and my anti-leg/back seizure Rx, Gabapentin, at bedtime. Nothing like a good night's sleep to prepare one for whatever a day brings!

Judie said...

Good mid-morning.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR MEGAN ♪♫ Wishing her a really wonderful day and a more than wonderful year ahead.

Well, as I prepare to depart on my foraging adventure, the wind has started blowing and the large fluffy snow flakes are blowing all around. Grrrr.

Well, have a great afternoon. BBL

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

I didn't want to go digging for the pictures of the eagle tables I have taken in the past easier just to snap a few pic Three are alike with eaglets in the nest and the other two are different from each other a little taller also

JudyEddy said...

There are 4 tables altogether (5eagle) one has two eagles as a coffee table and the others 3 are just end tables

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - keep signing back in on the live feed and eventually it will stay on for you. I've been up for almost 10 mins. Really windy - I had to turn off the sound...

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning! At work, our nest MT and the Codorus nest has adult lying down for a while now....something happening soon? or is it because of the crazy winds!

Lynne2 said...

I can't get our cam to stay running for any length of time....GRRR!

Mema Jo said...

Live feed has been up 1/2 hr
Keep signing on - one time after the other until it does stay up

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne2
I loved on FB the bouquet you gave Megan!

Kay said...

Wow, JUDY, the pics are great---I think I recall seeing some of your amazing eagle collection on you blog, long ago. No one entering your home can have any doubt about your passion! Pretty funny that you can't even give em' a bath without creating a traffic jam.☺

Kay said...

I'm having trouble getting the cam today, too. Will keep trying....

Kay said...

Doggy B&B continues to hum right along. Penny has no interest in toys til' Malcolm is around and then she wants everyone of them he picks up. They are always in a basket at her level and she completely ignores them. Have to engage them in lots of indoor games as it's too cold to be out for very long at a time.

Arf, Arf!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello folks. Our T-Bird came home yesterday and it is really good to have her home. She is doing well, adjusting to being back home. The dogs and Lilyun were elated when she walked in the door.

I AM CALLING ALL MOMSTER PRAYER WARRIORS: My best friend since 6th grade, Vicki, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The original surgeon that did her biopsy was fiddle-farting around so I suggested another surgeon. She went to him yesterday, oncologist today. Next week she has to get a PET scan, MUGA scan, and get a Port-A-Cath to start chemo. She is in an absolute whirlwind and not knowing which way to turn. I feel so bad for her and prayer and being here for her is all I know to do.

JudyEddy said...

I am also having issues keeping cam up for more that a few min earlier went for a bit but not now
Gettin ready to pic up Jordyn at school 70° out now cold front now heading in overcast out and possible showers

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

odd showed in live cam but not still I did get a snip also

Kay said...

SHAR, Vicki is ON the list! So glad THELMA is home--I'm wishing her renewed health and happiness!

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday MEGAN.

Tough day in these here parts!
A cougar sighting in residential area. Confusion as it is a healthy male and while not aggressive he is certainly not scared of people. Nelson Police put out a warning.

Next town to us, an Officer answered a complaint in regards erratic driving on the highway towards Nelson.
Not one of our members. He caught up with the suspect. Something happened. They can not tell us what, subject to the Crown a Investigation. Officer discharged his weapon. Suspect was taken to hospital where he died.
I think I will stay in and give a good scrubbing to my flat! Too much going on out there! Feel sorry for the officer.

Hoda said...

Prayers for VICKI SHAR.
Glad THELMA had a good reception on her return.
Prayers continue there too.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

eagle stillshowing in still but not live feed either lap top of desktop ODDD

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn and I are confused she is still in the still but but not live What the heck is going on Jordyn says LOL

JudyEddy said...

Is anyone here that is seeing this also on still but not live feed

JudyEddy said...

well this really puzzles me sure wish someone was here besides Jordyn LOL I did get some snips I keep loosing the live feed but no eagle in it when I have three up

Leaving to go to angies

Mema Jo said...

Good late afternoon to all ♥

Hoda - with all your news I would be staying inside also......

JudyE = images 1st show on Still Cam and as fast as they were in and out on the Live feed is the reason you missed them on the still cam.
At least I think that is why!
I did open a new Momsters album
for Feb Judy,.

JudyEddy said...

Eagle is still in still but i am leaving and I did put pic on fb and will album later

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - prayers for Vicki

Happy Thelma is doing well - with all those furbabies who wouldn't

Judie said...

Good evening.

Wishing the best for Vicki and continued recovery for Thelma.

MT nest when I checked.

Hoda, I think staying inside is an excellent plan. Cougars and bullets are not something to risk.

Power outage here. Wind still crazy.

Glad tonight's menu can be prepared on the grill if power is off again.

Mema Jo said...

Judy I agree we have a big
Nest Cam mystery...

I also have on the still cam an eagle in the center of the nest & it is real because when it refreshes he has moved.

Live feed is cutting off - I had it up all afternoon and had just closed it.. Usually after 4 tries it stays up BUT no eagle is visible - the wind is forceful and the limbs and sycamore balls are moving.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon!

Happy Birthday to Megan! Hoping she is having a glorious day!

Cooler her now, 57. Much better than 79!

Kay, Jo shared a lovely picture of you. Love it!

Just realized what today is. 46 years ago today Michael was placed in my arms and I became a Mommy! I can remember that day like it was yesterday. What an exciting, wonderful day. We were blessed!

Sharon, prayers for your friend. Very frightening for her! Hope they caught it early!

Skippi loves the footrest of our recliners. You would laugh to see us get out of our chairs without disturbing her. Sort of bowlegged action! lol

JudyEddy said...

Oh JO So happy you also witnessed the can mystery

JudyEddy said...

Angie got the 400 for Blizzard Bear

Lolly said...

Eagle flew into the nest 10 minutes ago.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - at 6:21pm it is pitch black and we don't have a night light!

Really screwed up - Must be one of those Play Backs....... lol

Mystery keeps getting deeper and

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think the live feed is stuck in a loop. It's dark now and I just saw an eagle in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

My avatar is Elliott, of course. I don't know what Val was doing but he was having a belly laugh for sure.
Only 2 months old and showing his
personality for sure!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for Angie's 400
Blizzard Bear.

Lolly said...

Ok, I was wondering about that. I can still see an eagle in the nest. Saw it fly in. It is just looking around and I have to renew every few seconds. 10 to 35 seconds. So....guess what I am seeing is not live. Interesting!

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully Outdoor Channel will see all of the message on their comments.
I think our Still Cam is current.. I
think Live feed is doing replays.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Megan! Hope your day has been as beautiful as the flowers that you grow.

Happy Birthday to Lolly's Michael!

And welcome home to Thelma!

Judie said...

Watched a repeat of Downton Abby so I will be caught up.

Going to finish a book tonight. Only a few more chapters.

Love the picture of Elliot.

JudyE, thank you for the pictures. Have never seen tables like your eagle table. Most special is the one with the bobble heads.

Hoping all the aches and pains are gone, or almost gone, with the dawn's early light.

Sandperson is packing up. Jufie was assigned night light duty.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Judie Glad u like me tables those 3 with bobbleheads are the ones I got at Fingerhut many moons ago 40 + yrs ago.
They were end tables turned two into coffee table eagle back to back.

Angie downloaded her Kindle to my tablet. Now I can read and I did not know that it doesn't need WiFi Read while I was sitting in car line Really nice instead of just sitting there

Lolly said...

Had a late dinner and now I am sitting here getting sleepy!

Denton tomorrow and then Dallas Sunday. Going to watch super bowl but really going for Zach's birthday! He told me tonight that I can spank him lightly 9 times. He is a hoot!

Night all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all
Prayers for all


I ♥ Us

Lori O. said...

Been up since 3 - couldn't sleep. URGH!

Wanted to check and see about what time the eagles have been showing up in the morning.

Margie, I'm so happy to see you're back. I will do my best to try and get on here more.

I've started a Facebook page called Artisans and Crafters Supporting Animals in Need. When I'm not being a nurse, I've been making fabric flower dog collars and bow ties to donate to animal shelters. Stood at the ironing board yesterday for 6 hours ironing petals and gluing covered buttons on 29 flowers. I've got 25 bow ties pieced together, so I just need to put the middle band on the tie and fix it to a stretchy collar.

So exciting to see that there's been HP!

We are getting more snow here in PA tomorrow and Monday. Is there snow in the nest forecast? I hope not.

Love you all and big hugs!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds and HOWDY LORI Welcome back you and Margy have been missed glad you will stop in more often

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and Lori and all my eagle friends!

Lori, so great to see you back as an early bird. They usually show up a little after 7am.

Cold here this morning - 20 degrees but feels like 5. the winds have been awful!

Kay, thanks so much for the photo that Jo posted on Facebook - it was so nice to "see" you!!

Jo, love your Elliot avatars!

For the past 2 days we have been having trouble with the electrical voltage to our house - lights are dim, toast takes longer to toast, hair dryer takes longer to dry my hair, etc. Called the power company on Thursday and, when someone came out, he confirmed that our voltage was low due to a nearby development that's being built that it using the same transformers. After about 45 minutes, the guy said he had managed to boost it. By last night, the voltage was low again - will be calling again today. If my dryer or refrigerator went up, the power company wouldn't accept responsibility for it but I've read that low voltage can damage appliances with motors b/c they have to work harder. We're not paying for 90% power - we pay for 100%. I WILL take this to the DE Public Service Commission if I have to. Grrr!!

Our nest is just starting to come into view and is MT.

Cleaning and school work are on the agenda for me today.

Have agreat day all!

WVJerry said...

Hi Sandi. Hope you get fu power soon. I see empty nest too.

Sandi said...

FYI, I have had to load the live cam page about 8 times already ...

Nest is still MT.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...



Live Feed & Still Cam finally were
the same.
Really windy up in the nest

NatureNut said...

OH, Jo! Missed that by a couple minutes!
LUV your Elliot! What a personality ☺
SO GLAD to read that Thelma is home! God Bless her! ♥

It is 25° here, but sunny. I sure hear lots of wind at nest. Yesterday PM, it got so windy at Chelsea Farm Office, I left a little early as 2 pine trees over our parking spots were REALLY blowing. I think we always get more wind there because of all the open fields.

Since things never go as planned, I will not promise any pics in Nook, as I haven't even had a chance to plug in camera! But BOTH eagles were at the nest at Park TU as I was going back to car, of course, and I did see some HP!

Great Day to All ☺

Judie said...

Good morning.

MT nest. Good part is that the sun is shining. Maybe a midday visit.

Things to do today. Busy morning.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - sorry to hear you are in a Slow-Down mode! Something best be done about sharing power with a new
development. They really should be required to get their own..!

Hoda said...

Here it is the last day in January!!!
From now till March I go to swimming pool by seven thirty in the morning to exercise with the Dragons. Then I will go skiing.
Stay safe everyone.
See you before yoga.
I have mung beans on in the crock pot!
Yum for good protein.

Sandi said...

Live feed won't even run for a minute before I have to reload the page. What a pain.

Nest is MT - eagle just poofed.

Power company is here - voltage is at 113 instead of 120 which is normal.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Jerry

Hi Loretta - how are all those kitties?

Lori - so good to see you here. How are the doggie tutus coming along?

JudyE - I see you are up/running early - must be a work day for you!

Judie - Stay in and stay warm - at Least the wind has died down here in my valley. ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thank you, JO, for sharing my birthday pic--I guess inquiring minds want to know what the oldest Momster looks like---at least I think I have that distinction. And, thanks to SANDI and LOLLY for mentioning the ol' mug!

JO, laughter is contagious and Elliot is making me laugh! How cute he is!

LOLLY, memories of holding one's first baby are precious beyond compare! Enjoy Michael and Ashley's dear son on his birthday, spanking and all.

SANDI, that power brown out is horrible--it must be affecting some of your neighbors as well and shame on the power company for not keeping up with the load as buildings are erected. Good luck!

LORI, you are such an industrious gal and are to be commended for your work on behalf of ACSAN! I've been thinking of you a lot this week as Malcolm and I have great tug-of-war games with the Lori-tug! Penny gets involved at times, but isn't a very playful dog. She's a cuddler.

Hi, JUDIE and LORETTA, it's a happy Saturday morn when you show up!

The last Saturday---the last day---of January. Weather prognosticators are getting ahead of LORI's neighbor, Punxsutawney Phil. They say we're to have a very cold and snowy February and a late Spring. Boo-hiss! Hope that doesn't extend to The Sycamore Palace and/or so many of you, Momsters!

Love and Prayers for all in need!


Kay said...

HODA, have another great day---watch out for an oversized kitty while oot and aboot!

SANDI, glad the power company is there---are yours the only home affected by this outrage!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - enjoy your busy day and keep your eyes peeled for that cougar on the loose!

Sandi - is this DEC electric co.
I hope they get you up to 120
or else!

Mema Jo said...

Last Saurday we received a fresh new
thread - I wonder if it will happen
this Saturday.... I am hoping!
I really don't want to reach 400 ♥

Are all of you remembering on FB to vote for Glo's pic. We have it up to 405 when I voted this morning.

Sandi said...

Jo, the power company is Delmarva Power.

Kay, the houses on either side of us also have low voltage - the guy checked when he came out Thursday night. Part of the problem is that many people aren't living in their "beach houses" in January, so there aren't as many people to complain as you would have in a metropolitan area, making it easier for the power companies to get away with this kind of thing.

This guy thinks maybe the transformer is going up.

Thursday night, I called our closest neighbor who lives here year round. Ann said everything was fine at their house, but also said they had a similar problem back in December - their lights kept flickering. When Delmarva came out, they found corroded wires going from their transformer to the house. Once the wires were replaced, the problem was solved. Keep in mind that all of these transformers were flooded by 2 feet of brackish water in September of 2012.

WVJerry said...

eagle in nest.

WVJerry said...

Hi Jo. Really windy at nest. Calling for some sleet/snow/rain tomorrow. Live Cam really spotty on my phone today. PC is useless for Live Cam at all times for me.

WVJerry said...

Gone now.

JudyEddy said...

Hello 1213 Punc . ⌚
Yeah bothe can are in synic 😀

Sandi said...

Eagle in!

Sandi said...

And poof - and I lost the live cam. It ran for about 10 minutes this time.

stronghunter said...


Just went back to read comments.

Hope your power problems are fixed, Sandi.

Prayers for Vicki. Hoping for a complete recovery.

Love those eagle tables, Judy. I was trying to picture what they looked like.

Did not enjoy the cold wind yesterday, either. Had to give up and go buy gasoline. Kept hitting the wrong buttons and having to start over while shivering in the cold.

Need to go clean out the refrigerator. Kathryn and Hunter are off with the coupon notebook to purchase groceries. I want to make space for everything in a clean refrigerator.

Mema Jo said...

Company has gone - Hubby's late b-day celebration is over. All kids but 1 attended and the dessert was fantastic.

No eagle alert BUT

small bird in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - We have Delaware Electric Co-op. Only once did we need service and the transformer was repaired. Good Luck - and I hope you perhaps only need new wires like your year round neighbor did.

Mema Jo said...

OK I have 10 min and still live feed running. Holding my breath.

Still Cam and Live Feed seem to be
in sync.......

JudyEddy said...

eagle in still cam only

JudyEddy said...

and poof

JudyEddy said...

and we are back in the STILL only maybe in a hour will be in the live feed lOL

JudyEddy said...

not positive but either poofed or on rail and I can't see I think poofed

JudyEddy said...

and we are back in the still with stick

JudyEddy said...

LIVE cam now has eagle in it

JudyEddy said...

spookie now there is no eagle in the live feed

Mema Jo said...

I have closed the Outdoor Channel Live Feed Cam

I am watching only the Still Cam

Mema Jo said...

Poof or up on the rail at noon ??

Mema Jo said...

NCTC IT said in my email this afternoon that they will
keep an eye on the Outdoor Live Feed Cam.

JudyEddy said...

eagle is no longer in the still

I did get a snip of the eagle in the live feed and you could see the stick that was brought in Then when the live feed goes down and come back no eagle and the stick is not there I did post a pic on the momsterFB page to compare the nest with out the sitck Its a wonkier nest cam on the live feed way behind

Sandi said...

I still cannot get the live cam to run for more than about 20 seconds. Also, if you hover over the bottom of the screen while the live feed is running, you will see that the time jumps. It may go 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16 seconds. That's why an eagle in the nest will simply disappear and we won't see the fly out. Something is still wrong with it.

Off to watch some TV.

JudyEddy said...

Did you see the picture I posted to compare to the stick that was place at 3ish not in the live feed Odd that it worked for a breif second

JudyEddy said...

SANDI the stick isn't in the place that is on the still I think its behind times for most of the time and I can't get it up more that a few seconds also PIA PIA

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...