Monday, January 12, 2015


New week, icy, wet day thread.


Lolly said...

Oh, my! A feather!!! Thanks, Steve will call the others over!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Lol Guess you got that message! Happy to claim the feather as it's been a long time since I added one! What a thrill to see a new thread with no comments! Then you race to post! You gotta love it!

Cold and gloomy and colder tomorrow, but they say at the end of the week we will see 60.

I wish you all great week and now I go back to the old thread to read comments!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Rainy and foggy and cold.

Thank you Steve for the bright spot in a dreary day.

Congratulations to Lolly on her feather.

Shirley, glad you had enjoyable time with the family.

Quiet day here. Ironed a couple of shirts for Darth.

Generally a lazy rainy day.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...


Can't budge it

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Big CLUNK up in the attic

Mema Jo said...

Congrats Lolly on the feather...

THANK YOU STEVE for the fresh
Monday thread..

Hoping your weekend went well !

Mema Jo said...

The sound on our cam is giving me some weird noises...... lol
At least the wind isn't blowing!

Mema Jo said...

The visit around the noon hour...

TY Deb Stecyk

JudyEddy said...

hello on lunch and find a thread that is waiting for me

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Hi, JUDY, happy lunch hour!!!

Thanks to STEVE for supplying a new thread and to LOLLY who now sports a lovely new feather!

I'm still isolated in my little neighborhood as rain fell overnight and created another sheet of ice on top of the old. Grrrrr.

SHIRLEY, glad you and the kids had a jolly good time---it's hard to get enough time with adult children who have busy lives!

JO, thanks for eagle and bear news. Even in the dead of winter our world is teeming with activity. Am seeing "my" flock of deer daily in the meadow behind my place. Penny now accepts them as part of the scene and no longer bothers to bark at them. They're used to us, too, and no longer shy away when we emerge for a walk. Do their coats darken in the wintertime or do they just look darker against the snow?

Love and Prayers for all!!!


NatureNut said...

Hello, Hello! Got the Live Cam on and just heard a "clunk" above the nest! Will go back to check.
Surprised to see not much snow at nest site. We didn't get freezing rain here as predicted as it's 42.
Be Back~~~~

Judie said...

Missed the noontime visit. Poor timing on my part.

No freezing rain here.

Kay speaking of deer reminded me to tell you all that on Friday night I went out on the patio to start the grill for steaks. Four deer in the center of the yard. We looked at each other and decided to keep doing our individual jobs. Heard a sound behind to my right, turned, and Freddie Fox and I were enjoying an up close and personal moment. Said skeedaddle and he did (and so did I back inside the house). Extreme cold and loss of habitat (hot lanes construction, etc.) have driven them all into our yards.

Chores done. Feet going up. BBL

Judie said...

Been cruising around and see that Cornell is testing a new camera live-stream for Big Red and Ezra. Lovely picture. Snow flakes falling.

Decorah has snow on the nest but no eagles. Nest doesn't look well-constructed for crib rails.

Berry adult egg-sitting in what appears to be wet weather.

Emailed my friend in Norfolk about the new Norfolk eagle nest. She may have some information on location, security, etc.

Okay, later.

Hoda said...

Good to read all the posts.
The plough just went by.
I will head out for groceries and yoga and errands and a sense of what is happening in town.
Enjoy the day.
Make it a good one.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and MT NEST bummer

JudyEddy said...

Looks like most of the snow is melted under the nest and in the nest must be warming up

We are having rain on and off 68° out now

JudyEddy said...

I hear something on the camera housing clunk

NCSuzan said...

Calling for ice here tonight and tomorrow. Heavy chilly rain today.

Of course I had to be out in it as I had a visit with the lung doctor. I really do not mind becoming wet but some people act like it is the end of the world!

Shirley, glad you had Christmas with your children. I live in the same house as my daughter and even then we do not spend as much time together as I would like. They work, have friends, live life. I would not want it any other way. But do miss special time here and there.

Stay safe and warm friends.

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school. Officially 99.5 teacher days left in this school year - 2 digits is better than 3!!

Thanks Steve for a new thread for the week!

All rain all day here - just cold and wet and yucky!


Sandi said...

Ummm ... I DO realize that 99.5 is 3 digits! What I meant is that the number of days is below 100 - just don't want you thinking special ed. teachers can't count to 3!

Janet, ouch about needing to call a plumber! Don't know what they cost in Nashville but here they charge about $90 an hour!!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi your logistics keep sounding better and better!

Judie - what is the link for Big Red

Suzan - Wish I could come down and visit!! Did the visit with your
pulmonary go well - any new meds?

Kay - I had forgotten about the bears there for a while!

stronghunter said...

Our Christmas celebration was a bit shorter this year since we had to squeeze it in between the time Will got home from work and the time Susan and Rus had to head back to Northern Virginia before we had ice on the roads, but we opened gifts and had dinner. It would have been tough if we'd had a Santa-believer in the house this year. I guess we would have found a way.

The kids told me they had a nice time together on Christmas Day, and that Hunter enjoyed himself as well. Kathryn and I just sat around the house and felt cruddy, but we were happy that the others had fun.

Mema Jo said...


The online voting for the Giant Panda Zoo Awards 2014 will close on Sunday January 18, 2015.
Bao Bao is in this picture contest.

.In the search box type in Bao Bao and then on the new pictures click VOTE.…/giantpandazooawards/voting/

stronghunter said...

I didn't even think to question your claim about the digits, Sandi!

Mema Jo said...

Janet - you need a plumber in the family! Hope it gets fixed soon and causes no more leaks to clean up.

stronghunter said...

Will check out the voting, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - don't go anywhere on ice.
Get a very very long leash for Penny
and some boots! lol Be Careful.

Mema Jo said...

Off to find some grub!

Judie said... Jo, this is the link. Currently, you must click on the streaming update to get the camera stream. Big Red and Ezra are high up on stadium lights at Cornell. Can probably also Google Cornell Big Red and Ezra.

Darth is fighting the IRS. I am staying as invisible as possible. Will head to the scullery soon (a different part of the house).

Sandi, we know you know the 99.5 and that the 99 is still far too many days. lol

Big mess at one of the larger, more congested metro stations in DC. Heavy smoke, evacuations, triage areas set up. No word shred on a possible cause. Does not look like a panic situation though. All trains on delay.


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

poof poof

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Judie, I do hope Rus and Susan aren't caught in that Metro mess, but they probably are if all trains have been delayed. Hunter is not happy that I told him to turn off his program and let me watch the news. Poor child is so mistreated.

stronghunter said...

Rus is at L'Enfant, so he is in the middle of whatever is going on. He says he hears fire trucks. Guess he is okay, though.

stronghunter said...

Susan is at her office, but may have some problems getting home.

stronghunter said...

Need to fix dinner. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like Darth has started early with the IRS.

Judie said...

Headed to the scullery.

Russ may be a while getting home if he was in the station. Tunnel filled with smoke. He's okay, I'm sure. Mostly issues with smoke and soot. Buses are available.

I agree. Hunter is the single most abused and mistreated teen I know. Sheesh! He sometimes even has to wear long pants to school. lol

Darth is not early. Darth is correcting a mistake he made for last year plus we failed to sign an updated page and, guess what, it has taken four months to find out that lack of signature. on one page, was the cause of several letters threatening seizure of all assets and prison time. We have pretty much concluded that our congressman, whom we do know, is going to know about this.

Headed to the scullery. Taco salad tonight.

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Judie. Do you think Jufie might be the cause of your IRS problems? Has Jufie been hanging out with the IRS?

Susan's guy Vince is also at L'Enfant.

Hunter seems to be surviving. He has contacted his mom because we are down to half a gallon of milk, so she is going to pick him up and go get milk. Yes, he is very mistreated.

stronghunter said...

Rus is requesting intel on the Smithsonian station.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, wish I could come up to visit! My visit was ok. My doctor's chant is 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it" when it comes to meds.

Darth fighting the IRS! Go Darth!
Taco salad? I'll be right over. LOL

NCSuzan said...

Milk. I used to drink a lot of milk. Love it. When my son-in-law first made it on the seen as a boyfriend he drank milk like it was the elixir of life. Twenty years now I have been without milk!! Haha

stronghunter said...

Latest report:

Rus is thinking of heading over to the Smithsonian.

We think Vince got on one of those buses. It seems they are stuck behind the emergency vehicles.

Susan thinks they should get together at a bar somewhere.

Judie said...

I vote with Susan! Lots of places in that general area. Really a mess for commuters. I predict many lawsuits over this - sadly, to include those which are simply opportunistic.

Suzan, my apology for not waiting dinner. Next time, I'll give a good heads up and a plate will be waiting for you.

No, Jufie is not involved with the IRS issue. Jufie is too preoccupied with his new interest....

No longer enjoy milk except with real sugar on Cheerios or Shredded Wheat or with a yummy chocolate brownie.

Scullery in order. Headed to watch the end of Jeopardy and then my book.


stronghunter said...

Okay, Rus is at happy hour and Susan and Vince are having dinner at an Indian restaurant and asking Rus where he is. Sounds like they are all okay.

stronghunter said...

Meanwhile, I'm a bit concerned about Jufie's new interest.

Judie said...

Good news Shirley. Glad all the family are safe and accounted for.

Will be turning in early tonight. Tomorrow is foraging day.

Sandperson will be packed and on the way at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Rest well, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Need to stay up for awhile tonight. I have been having trouble sleeping because of knee pain. Kathryn shared some of her prescription pain medicine with me over the weekend. I took 1/2 of a pill and it worked beautifully, so I called the doctor because I don't want to take something that might cause a problem with my surgery on Thursday. He does not want me to take any more of those for now, and it was confusing whether I could take anything, so I'm holding off.

stronghunter said...

Bowling tomorrow. Have made arrangements for Will to take Hunter to school if there is a delay.

stronghunter said...

Watching Ohio State play. Brings back memories of the Woody Hayes days when we lived in Columbus.

stronghunter said...

The metro incident is quite serious. There has been a death. Another person is in critical condition, and more that 80 have been hospitalized. Rus was at the station, but I don't think he was on the train involved, and I don't think Vince was either.

stronghunter said...

At least, more than 80 were taken to the hospital. Not sure how many have been admitted.

Mema Jo said...

Hoping the Metro system finds out from where the smoke came... I missed the news and perhaps they have said. Glad all your children are safe, Shirley.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all and sweet dreams ♥

stronghunter said...

I saw something about an electrical fire, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone. Going to try to make it to the end of the game.

Lolly said...

Have been watching the game all evening! Now TCU should play Ohio St. lol

Spent the day making cat beds. Laurel had given me 3 old sweaters. That was fun! Made especially fun with Skippi helping!

Now time for bed.

Shirley, glad no one in your family was involved with the metro incident. Hope you sleep well tonight.

Nite all! SED

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Tuesday.

Tons of rain yesterday, all day. Just cold and overcast today. I LOVE winter!

Kay & Judie, you are missing the photos Bev is posting on FB of her new wiener dog puppy, Sadie Mae. She is an adorable dappled doxie! Too cute - this makes 5 for her!!

Hoda, hope the hot water gets fixed soon. Must admit, I would be one of the people fussing. You are all paying rent or condo fees that include having hot water. Are you all going to be financially compensated for not having it? Just sayin'...

Have agreat day all. Like Shirley, I am anxious to hear about Jufie's new hobby.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hunter is off to school. I will soon be heading out to bowling. Cold and grey this morning, but no ice nor snow.

Nest MT.

Hoda said...

Good Morning all.
SANDI I agree with you, yes we pay for hot water.
Yes also that we live in a small town that is slightly out of the way.
In the whole scheme of things to me this seems minor.
A friend of mine is owner with her husband to a plumbing business and she said it could take up to ten days. Most such services are small businesses and they do not keep items on hand. They order from the city as the need arises.
My patience scale can extend to months. I think it is more like a couple of weeks. Seems reasonable to me. I would be surprised if we got refunded. They are trying their best and they are apologetic. Small town living that is all.

Not to worry. All is good.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY you are in my prayers for Thursday. Who is taking you in for the surgery?

Hoda said...

Did WILL get home alright SHIRLEY? Did he meet up with SUSAN ?

Hoda said...

28 here this morning and clear skies.
Headed to a routine visit to the doctor's to check in about the flu season and what I sm doing so far to maintain health and do I need any thing from them to stay healthy. Am I coping! Honestly sometimes I think they pamper us seniors a bit too much!!!

stronghunter said...

Thank you, Hoda. Kathryn will be taking me to the surgery center.

It was Rus who was at the Metro station, and he got home fine. He was watching the Ohio State-Oregon football game and rightfully claiming that he's a Buckeye. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, so that is legitimate. Will and Stephanie were sending me FB posts from the bowling alley. They have a big event for local workers on Monday nights. I think it's free.

Hoda said...

Thank you, of course it is RUSS, WILL was going to take HUNTER to school if there was a delay. My confusion. Glad to hear KATHRYN will drive.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sunshine and cold.

Shirley, so happy everyone is safe and accounted for. Sad situation.

Hope bowling is fun and not too stressful for the knee.

Quiet day. Just going out to forage in an hour or so.

Hoda, get a good report on your health regime. Most inconvenient with no hot water. Hoping that is fixed in a hurry.

Oh, Sandi asked about Jufie. Check out the Coming Soon blog. Someone has arrived.


Judie said...

Hoda has competition!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all and it is great to see sunshine again ♥ It is only 28° so I am still staying inside!

Judie, I see all your "tree people" but I'm not certain what Jufie is going to be doing. Inquiring minds want to know ♥

Nest is MT now. Reports say around 7:13am both were in the nest. And then returned with stick around 10. They are really getting The Royal Palace ready!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been doing some computer clean up and down loading up grades. Hoping the cam will run smoothly for me now. Presently up to 3 minutes, best time so far!

Nice to see sunshine on the cam as no sunshine here. 35 and gray.

Spent yesterday making cat beds and taking three of them to Laurel. Skippi should be happy with keeping two, one for our sofa and one for our bed. She is so funny as her habits keep changing. I was thrilled when she came and cuddled with me this morning, purring loudly. Lately she has just been waiting for me at the foot of the bed, mainly wanting to get to the bathroom to drink from the sink. Silly kitty!

Woo woo...up to 7 minutes and running! I may have succeeded! Today I will run some errands and may start to work on some closets. Key word here...may. :)

Yes, can not figure out the Coming Soon blog. Mysterious!

roflmbo Jack just answered the phone. Some man wanted access to our computer to "clean up some malware." Jack asked him "Do you think I am a fool?" "Why don't you crawl back under a rock where you came from?" Hilarious! Maybe they will not call back!

Well the cam shut down. Ran for a while and refreshing is not getting it back. Frustration!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been doing some computer clean up and down loading up grades. Hoping the cam will run smoothly for me now. Presently up to 3 minutes, best time so far!

Nice to see sunshine on the cam as no sunshine here. 35 and gray.

Spent yesterday making cat beds and taking three of them to Laurel. Skippi should be happy with keeping two, one for our sofa and one for our bed. She is so funny as her habits keep changing. I was thrilled when she came and cuddled with me this morning, purring loudly. Lately she has just been waiting for me at the foot of the bed, mainly wanting to get to the bathroom to drink from the sink. Silly kitty!

Woo woo...up to 7 minutes and running! I may have succeeded! Today I will run some errands and may start to work on some closets. Key word here...may. :)

Yes, can not figure out the Coming Soon blog. Mysterious!

roflmbo Jack just answered the phone. Some man wanted access to our computer to "clean up some malware." Jack asked him "Do you think I am a fool?" "Why don't you crawl back under a rock where you came from?" Hilarious! Maybe they will not call back!

Well the cam shut down. Ran for a while and refreshing is not getting it back. Frustration!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been doing some computer clean up and down loading up grades. Hoping the cam will run smoothly for me now. Presently up to 3 minutes, best time so far!

Nice to see sunshine on the cam as no sunshine here. 35 and gray.

Spent yesterday making cat beds and taking three of them to Laurel. Skippi should be happy with keeping two, one for our sofa and one for our bed. She is so funny as her habits keep changing. I was thrilled when she came and cuddled with me this morning, purring loudly. Lately she has just been waiting for me at the foot of the bed, mainly wanting to get to the bathroom to drink from the sink. Silly kitty!

Woo woo...up to 7 minutes and running! I may have succeeded! Today I will run some errands and may start to work on some closets. Key word here...may. :)

Yes, can not figure out the Coming Soon blog. Mysterious!

roflmbo Jack just answered the phone. Some man wanted access to our computer to "clean up some malware." Jack asked him "Do you think I am a fool?" "Why don't you crawl back under a rock where you came from?" Hilarious! Maybe they will not call back!

Well the cam shut down. Ran for a while and refreshing is not getting it back. Frustration!

Lolly said...

Closed the cam down completely, have it back up and running. Will see how long it lasts. Anyone else having problems?

Judie said...

No mystery.

Jufie was rejected by the love of his life (Hoda) so, on the rebound, he acquired a cat and a home and has married Mrs. Jufie. She looks to be a real tree-top nest of mischief.

Off to forage.

Lolly said...

Eagle alert!

Lolly said...

There were two but one poofed. Second one poofed!

Lolly said...

Cam has been running 10 minutes now!

Lolly said...

Eagle back with stick!

Lolly said...

Still sitting there looking around.

Lolly said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lolly for the Eagle Alert..
My live feed has been up for a few hours - just now went down and I had no trouble restarting.
Hope yours runs longer for you.

Lolly you were stuttering big time with your Good Morning comment lol

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Tuesdays are doggy play days this semester, but our first one was cancelled by Julie. She early this a.m. to say it's too icy and cold for me to get out in, except for the necessary Penny trips outside. Malcolm didn't even want to peek his head out the door today and he is paper trained, so he'll be perfectly happy staying in his cozy home. Brrrrr......

SANDI, thanks for the report on the latest doxie member of our extended family! BEV's little Sadie Mae is no doubt adorable! Penny Lou says, "woof-woor"!

SHIRLEY, so relieved to know your kids are okay. I still haven't read or heard a good account of the metro fire and it's cause.

HODA, you are a patient woman with a keen understanding of what small town living is all about. We city folk are spoiled, I guess. I hope your hot water problem is solved soon.

JUDIE, oh no, double trouble ahead and Mr. and Mrs. Jufie put their evil little heads together. Watch out!

Football crazy Ohio is jubilant! Of course, some of the college kids had to act up a bit, but kids will be kids.

Love and prayers for all!!!


Mema Jo said...

Eagle Alert

Mema Jo said...

Our Lone eagle in center of nest

Mema Jo said...


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon. Hope to glimpse our eagles this afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and I see we had eagle in the nest today super cool

What is that in the nest at 2 whitish of sort and also at 12 is it a bone??? Inquiring minds want to know

JudyEddy said...

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
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JudyEddy said...

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JudyEddy said...

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(¸E.•´A(¸.G• (L¸.•´E¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥


JudyEddy said...

moving sticks p0of one

JudyEddy said...

one still there I think Belle not positive seems to be picking at nestovers

JudyEddy said...

are you here LYNNE I hope so I know you were waiting now I must leave Gym for Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

and back again

Lolly said...

Thanks for the alert, Judy. Watching eagle having a bad hair day. The eagle...not me!

Lolly said...

Down loaded pictures off my phone today and then spent time deleting pictures. Going tomorrow to get my new phone, working on getting the best deal and Jack maybe taking over my phone. Just depends on the $ situation with the phone company.

Eagle still there!

Lolly said...

Jack just may be ready to step into the smart phone era. LOL The boys make fun of his flip phone.

Lolly said...

Eagle just sitting and looking around. Cam is getting dark.

Lolly said...

OMG, eagle just settled into egg cup. Now standing in the egg cup.

Lolly said...

Cam ran 12 minutes, just had to refresh.

Think eagle is thinking of...yep, just poofed!

Sandi said...

Hi all - have been watching our eagles.

Lolly, I thought the same thing when I saw an eagle wiggling down into the center of the nest - like OMG!!

MT nest now.

JudyEddy said...

well back home

got there no Angie no Jordyn No car I waited I called her cell phone no answer I called house now answer I was getting worried I called Carl cell (work cell) and he answered thank goodness I guess Jordyn is sick and they are taking her to the dr Love the Ped center open late and weekends Don't know what is wrong Carl chuckled when I said I was worried and I told them to call me back when they can to see how she is and what is wrong I didn't know she was sick must of just came on I hope not the flu Angie has been sick with a nasty night time only cough
Ok I am gonna get off puter my neck is killing me from playing on it last night doing a album on Blurb Books

JudyEddy said...

POOR JORDYN she has the FLU type B Lucky not type A Lucky she took her right away to get it checked she was at a birthday party Sat and Ella has it also so that is where she got it I told Angie to make sure to get in contact with other parents just in case
Angie did apologize to me. I had left a frantic message about worry not hearing from her while I was waiting up at the gym

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

I am going to watch a TV show at 10 so I am closing down for the day.

Goodnight and sweet dreams ♥

Judie said...

Sandperson wants to leave early tonight. Satchel is packed.

Restful sleep for all.

NatureNut said...

Getting late already!!!! My eagle report for today is that I did see one in the Park nest in AM. Stopped for a sec to take a pic~~~~it's not good 'cuz the dang branches were in the way as usual and we have to fly to punch the Time Clock! At the office about 45 min. later when our secretary came in, a beautiful adult flew some circles over our parking spaces & edge of River! About a 1/2 hour later one (same?) did some wide circles over our Museums behind the office! Guess we'll have to have cameras with us all day!
One of our ladies who works on the Saturdays that I used to sent me some eagle pics at nest and said she saw our pair doing some HP! This was around a week or more ago!
c vvvvx Drat---interference from the Punkin!
Recently got an OMG story and update tonight that concerns Patty, my Godfather's daughter, who lives in OR now & is about 6 months younger than I am. Her younger sister, Jeanne, in Annapolis wrote all of us about "Patty's Xmas Miracle". Pat had gone to an annual dinner with her Church's Ladies Group on the Sat. evening before Xmas. When they left the restaurant, Pat realized she was going in the wrong direction, started to turn around and ended up down a bank into a River!!!!Car was not totally submerged, she hollered for awhile, then decided she better get out and up the embankment so someone might see her. She encountered some injuries on that bank---cuts, bruises, fractured toe. No clear info on when/how someone found her, but her husband, Bill, was not notified she was found until a sheriff called him Sun. AM. She had been airlifted to a hospital in WA state, had hypothermia w/body temp of 80! She got to come home before Xmas, is doing well & will get the "boot" off her foot soon. She's really itching to do her daily 2 mile walk! Her newest decision is to NOT drive at night!

God Bless All and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lolly said...

Oh, what a story, Loretta! She was being watched and taken care of, for sure! Was her husband out looking? I should hope so!

That time of day!

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. More rain - egads!! It has been so gray and wet these past few days - depressing weather!!

Loretta, truly a miracle story! What a nightmare for Patty - it would certainly make me give up night driving!!

Have agreat day all - stay safe, warm and dry! Baltimore, DC, and northern VA are supposed to get ice or snow this morning.

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

WOW LORETTA so glad that she is doing good and what a story

Sandi said...

Rain is mixing with snow now. Schools are on a 2-hour delay. We shall see what happens.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Hoda said...

Well I think I might go skiing today!
Woke up and it is a bright clear night sky.
Will wait till 8:00 AM my time before I head out.

I am officially a member of the Library Board, for a one year term. A good group of people to work with.

The Nelson Cares housing group invited me to join on a fund raiser project. Am pleased they did.
All other activities stay the same. It is going to be a good year.

Medical Dr is very pleased with my health.
So all is good in that dept.
Waiting on the set of tests from the optometrist next week.

Amazing stories we share here.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Snowy landscape this morning.

Boots is not feeling well. Stomach upset. Will watch. Might need to make a vet visit.

Loretta, what an amazing and very scary accident for Patty. So glad she's doing well now.

lol. Hoda, while you're skiing today, surely if you peek under a tiny avalanche you can find yet another committee or volunteer opportunity. Try poking around with your ski pole. Amazing energy you have. Good news on the medical report.

Have a good and safe morning everyone.

Judie said...

Oh, forgot.

Decorah nest MT with snow.

Derek and Savannah have three eggs. Looks like a dusting of snow.

Berry nest had a lovely switch. Incoming adult brought flug then they carefully changed places. Looks like raining there.


Janet said...

good morning to all. private clients canceled for today so I slept in a bit and woke to a dusting of snow! :) :)

it is so light that when I first got up I though it was heavy frost.

plumber report: $125 for him to tell us : he cannot repair this. we need to call a contractor and have ALL the water pipes replaced as they are all over 50 years old.
tom said bologna.

so he discussed some strategies with the young man and last night we made a trip to lowes. (I took my kindle and read because tom gets lost in time in the plumbing aisle, been down this road before). an hour or so later we walked out with fittings and pvc pipe. he plans to cut out the old portion of the pipe and replace it with pvc pipe

I agree, the system COULD spring another leak and we may have to do a more major repair. but the idea of completely tearing up the house to replace everything seems a bit much!

so that' the plan. there is a temp. measure in place to stop current leaking and it is working.

laugh for my week.

so yesterday morning I was snuggling with scout before I went to work. she loves to snuggle. she was eating her cookie as we snuggled.

I THOUGHT I felt something drop into my shirt. couldn't locate anything running a bit late, so just headed back to work.

during my first massage it became obvious something was in my bra!

after session I went into the bathroom and pulled out a large chunk of milk bone. I guess she thought I needed a snack for later!

then, I looked into the mirror as I was washing my hands and guess what, I had put on two entirely different earrings! :/ seriously?????

oh well, easy enough to fix.

so that was my yesterday.

I am watching the birds eat outside. I need to finish this cup of coffee and get moving. I have to be to work @ 11 but am in a slow poke mood. perhaps another cup of coffee????

light, love, and hugs to all!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Temp has climbed to 34! Downright balmy. Hope a lot of ice begins to melt today.

JUDIE, nice to start the day with a good cross country Eagle report! Hope that upset clears Boots system in a hurry!

HODA, you really are off to a good start in 2015! So glad the folks in Nelson work hard at keeping you off the streets and out of trouble!☺ Enjoy the slopes today!

LORETTA, thanks for sharing Patty's amazing story--that's the kind of stuff Reader's Digest articles are made of. I wish her well!

JUDY, wishing Jordyn well, too! Lots of bugs get passed around by students her age!

S.I.L. Hugh leaves today for Eau Claire to join his two sibs at their mother's bedside. The transition from assisted care to nursing has been traumatic and they think the end is near. I pray for a peaceful transition for 90 year old Dorothy aka Nana--Seth's other grandmother.

Love and prayers for all!!!


Sandi said...

Hello again on this lazy day for me! Schools closed, though we have mostly rain with a little ice and snow mixed in here at the coast. Temps must be colder inland and our buses have to run on a lot of rural roads so probably a good call from the school district.

Kay, so sorry to hear about Hugh's mom - prayers for her and for the family. Still, maybe she'll surprise her children and rally - stranger things have happened.

May call to see if my "Nail young lady" can do my nails today rather than tomorrow after school. May also call to see if my "hair young lady" can do a cut and highlights today. Then again, I may do nothing.


Judie said...

Appt. for Boots at 3:20. Different vet but rather not take a chance. I suspect it was yesterday's menu but.....

Sandi, hope you can get the nails and "do" done today.

Kay, may Seth's other grandmother make a peaceful transition. So good that family can be with her.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - Sandi why did you send that snow up to my valley? lol

Here is a link to Eagle Cams...

Guess with this weather I have another reason just to stay home..
Hoping all is well with everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Judie I sure hope Boots checks out ok

Janet you surely did have a day of surprises yesterday

Sandi hopefully your beauty needs can be taken care of today

Kay prayers for Seth's Nana - You can't outguess God's loving hand.

Mema Jo said...

Can't remember - did we get the news over here that Blackwater has 2 eggs now? Nest is snow covered - check it out

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another cold day, but warmer weather is coming! Hoping to get outside and do some clean up! We have plans for this spring. Going to put in new rose bushes. Have to put them in front as no sun in the back.

We have also told Untours to go ahead with our airline tickets. Flying to Italy in May! Hard to believe! This will be our third trip to Tuscany, but over 10 years since we have been there.

Have not been to the cam yet this morning. Need to check it out!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly that is very very exciting news!

Judie said...

Hi Jo. Staying in is good.

More snow coming I am certain. Still piles of snow in the yards. Waiting for more.

Yes, Blackwater has two eggs.

Lolly, we will all look forward to sharing the Tuscany trip with you.

Janet, what a comedy of events. Hope today is less of a "boner." Do hope the fix will be more permanent than not.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Snow day here. Only a dusting, though. Offered Hunter leftover chili for lunch. He said he did not like having the same thing two days in a row. Good grief. I told him he could cut some slices off the chicken in the refrigerator and he decided the hot bowl of chili would be okay.

I am not excited about going out in the cold to forage today. Thinking about ordering Chinese for tonight.

Knee surgery is tomorrow. I really hope it takes away the pain.

Read back a bit. Hope Boots is okay. Happy for Lolly and Jack--exciting plans.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Just scattered patches of snow here. No piles. When do you think more will come?

Birds are enjoying the feeders. I filled one feeder last night. Not wanting to go down the icy steps to fill the peanut feeder, I put some food with lots of peanuts on the porch rail. That works!

Lolly said...

Shirley, what time is your surgery? We will be with you in thought and prayer. Think of that tomorrow! Love and hugs!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Hugh's mother.

Glad you are enjoying your snow day, Sandi.

I think someone mentioned the 2nd eggs at Blackwater, Jo.

Hope Tom's plumbing work does the trick, Janet. Very amusing story about the Milk Bone in your bra. There have to be some funny twists one could make to that story . . .

stronghunter said...

10:30, Lolly. Thank you.

Kathryn is taking the day off to be with me.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Loretta, what a story about Patty. So glad she got out okay.

Sandi said...

Oh wow - 3rd egg for Blackwater!! They posted on FB about 15 minutes ago!

I have accomplished nothing so far today except going back to bed for a nap.


Mema Jo said...

WOWSER - 3 in the nest

Mema Jo said...

I have had a record number of Mr and Mrs Red couples here today. We have had a little bit of fine snow flurries that have already stopped,
The red coloring of the male cardinals is so brilliant - especially during a bleak gray day!

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, will be thinking of you tomorrow. Will someone be able to let us know how you are after the surgery?

NCSuzan said...

Had a little ice here this morning. Schools were delayed two hours and some were cancelled. I am convinced the sun is on vacation this January.

Hoda, happy you received a good medical report. Sometimes those are hard to come by as we age but you have the right prescription for life!

My ground feeder has been knocked over by ?. A mystery. Everybody does love it especially the doves.

NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCSuzan said...

Sorry. Don't remember hitting publish twice but I did!

Mema Jo said...

I am going to try to keep an eye on our cam... Perchance I'll catch
them coming in for a visit........

Hi Suzan ! My feeding area is my entertainment for every morning!

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and I see MT NEst

JudyEddy said...

OH NO my sister has resorted to stuffing her bra LOL as if they weren't big enough LOL Just kidding
and maybe he planned on getting it later from you lol

SHIRLEY will be thinking of you as you have your surgery and hope it takes away the pain

JudyEddy said...

QUESTION is JOrdyn still contagious with the flu type B after she takes the tammaflu ??? Angie is having Carl stay home Fri because Angie doesn't want me to get it I thought maybe she may not be contagious Any idea anyone

WVJerry said...

Good early evening. Just wanted to check in and say hello. I am glad that my updated cell phone will play the Cam video. It is a little slow but it refreshes by itself. Hope all has been well. Will try to stop more often now. I think this will be my first full eagle experience. Take care all.

Mema Jo said...

Judy I have had no encounters with the flu - I think your question is for a doctor... You definitely do not
want to contact it.. A day home with
dad should be fun for Jordyn. I hope she feels much better soon.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jerry! It will be good to have
you for a whole season! Take care

Sandi said...

Judy, like Jo I have had no personal experience with the flu this winter (that sound is me knocking on wood!!) But ... I would err on the side of caution as far as when Jordyn is non-contagious.

Shirley, good luck with your knee surgery tomorrow. It's being done arthroscopically, right? Outpatient?

Hoping to see our eagles this evening - it appears that Shepherdstown didn't get a weather event today. The nest looks dry.

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

that was to fast

JudyEddy said...

I did just get the one pic it was that fast

JudyEddy said...

maybe the will be back
it happened before

JudyEddy said...

Kurt Busch LOL says his x girl friend is a trained killer a secret agent LOL

Mema Jo said...

That was the quickest visit ever at our nest. One in and out faster then you could say Jack Robinson.

JudyEddy said...

Angie just called Jordyn can not be around anyone until the meds are gone 5 days and Angie also found out from her boss that she can't come back to work till then also
Angie will be working Sat and maybe Sun to make up the work Cool that her boss suggested that

stronghunter said...

Yes, Sandi, it's arthroscopic knee surgery at an outpatient center. Just learned that Hunter has a 2-hour delay tomorrow. That is going to complicate things because they just announced that Hunter has a 2-hour delay tomorrow morning. I can certainly drive myself in to the surgery center, but I can't drive myself home, and my car will be there.

stronghunter said...

Well, that was confusing. But you probably figured out that Hunter's two-hour delay tomorrow will complicate the plans for Kathryn to take me to the surgery center.

Lolly said...

Sorry , Shirley for the complication. Frustrating when things do not go as planned.

Merry Christmas to me. Got my new iPhone today. Yippee! Jack is taking overly old Phone. Spent a couple hours at ATT store getting new phone,changing, etc. Thank goodness for young people who know what they are doing!

JudyEddy said...

Here is a new PA camera link

Pa new camera check out the timelapesed video they have under the live cam looks like no night vision IR

JudyEddy said...

just got done bagging up three big big black bags of cloths pants and blue tops can't wear and some of Jordyn old stuff from when she was little Got a pink bag on my stoup for VA's good cause and I can get rid of stuff and lots of pants that I have been hanging on to to loose weight to get back in to LOL that hasn't happened so bye bye cloths Now you watch I may loose weight I doubt it LOL

24 pairs of pants that don't fit
mostly khaki, tan browns work attire and 30 various blue tops can't wear either with new dress policy $$ down the drain I say.

Judie said...

Evening all.

Hi Jerry. Welcome to what we all hope will be your first full eaglet dadster season.

Shirley, if you need help, please call or have Kathryn call. Thoughts and prayers are will you. Would another parent be able to help?

Bootsy has some intestinal upset. May have been a reaction to food. Was given fluids, antibiotic injection. Antibiotic pill for two weeks. I suspect this will not be fun. She is totally angry with me.

Going to watch the end of Jeopardy then a book and early to sleep.

Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

JUDYE: from my bit of research, no one is sure if one is contagious even after several doses of Tamiflu. with the flu, you are contagious the day prior to symptons and up to seven days after symptoms start.....may want to keep her home just in case.

Janet said...

oops. read on to see you got your answer.

anyway, its been a good day. I didn't have to be anywhere til 11, so I had time to piddle around the house. it was nice.

work was great. I had a few extra min so I reorganized the back storage room .... which I straighten up periodically anyway.

came home and grabbed Olivia. I had to get some food for the furbabies and she wanted to look at make up. I bought her some candies that she won't be able to indulge in for the next couple of years. braces on Monday!

I made chicken tortelinni soup for dinner with cheese biscuits.

anticipating another light snow maybe later tonight. :) we shall see. don't want to get my hopes up.

other than that, reading a really good book, YOU"LL NEVER FIND MY BODY. i'm about to dive back into it.

everyone, have a great evening!

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's friend Keshia will take me to the surgery center so Kathryn can take Hunter to school. All is well.

Thank you, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Getting sleepy.

Ready to turn off the light. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Coming in at this late hour to say

Goodnight to all ♥


***Thinking of you Shirley and praying for your successful your knee procedure. ♥

Lolly said...

Shirley, I may miss you in the morning, but remember we are thinking of you!

Going to read for a while, but I get so sleepy!

Get my do done in the morning, just after you get your knee done. Whoops! Quite a bit of difference there!
Then we are heading to Denton, bb game north of there. Picking up Laurel. Cosmo has "his" surgery tomorrow and Joey will be tending to Cosmo.

See you tomorrow sometime!

Nite all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Thursday. No delay phone call as of yet - fingers are still crossed.

Shirley, sending prayers and positive energy your way today for a successful surgery.

Stay warm everyone - have agreat day!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Just saw a nice visit.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for all of the kind words. About time to get moving here.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SHIRLEY, thinking of you and waiting eagerly for your return!! I must have missed something along the way re:Hunter and school bus service. Wondering if routes were cut there as in so many places where schools face funding woes. Glad Kathryn's friend came to the rescue! Prayers!!!

JERRY, so good to have you back and nest watching for and with us. Sounds like you were the only one enjoying the early morning visit to The Palace!

Julie and Malcolm came over last night, bringing pizza and salad for dinner. No word yet from Hugh re:his mom---he arrived there about noon yesterday. Thanks for the prayers!

Another freezing day here, but Penny and I are aOK. Julie picked up my Rx's and brought in enough grosseries to hold me over til' Saturday when the temp is going to zoom up into the 40's!

Love and prayers for all!!!


WVJerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WVJerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WVJerry said...

Hi Kay. I hope to enjoy the whole process this year. Deleted posts because of terrible spelling. Just need to stay active and better start posting what I see earlier. Sorry for not shouting out.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Suspect Shirley is already up and dancin' a jig. Hope she or her designated blogger will let us know how she is doing.

Not much going on for me today. Overcast and gloomy looking. Not nearly as cold as Kay and so glad she has provisions. Prayers for Hugh's mom.

Hope everyone has a good morning.

Kay said...

JERRY, don't be too worried about spelling! We all have typos now and then and no one is grading us here!

Kay said...

Thanks, JUDIE! Hope you've been forgiven by Boots and that there is some improvement already. Have a good "not much going on" day. I love those days--lots of them in retirement and I'm thankful!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Here's hoping that Boots doesn't hold a grudge Judie about the medicine. I so dislike giving animals pills. They are too smart for you to put in their favorite food

Today my one granddaughter turns 29. Love her dearly but she sure is adding on the years fast! lol

Mema Jo said...

Kay, like myself you are so fortunate to have your Julie so close and so caring and such a tremendous help.

Mema Jo said...

Good to have you here Jerry!
Visit as often as you can.
Happy to have you report that an eagle was in the nest this morning.
I think he was just there checking it out for about 5 minutes.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Off to get the do done! Thinking of Shirley!

Mema Jo said...

Thinking of Shirley - I am checking her FB and also Kathryn's for any news.

NCSuzan said...

Yes, Jo. Seems like we would have heard something by now.

NCSuzan said...

My do is wayyy past needing done. Since we have moved I have been to a couple of places and was not satisfied. It is long now so I wear it up most of the time. If I could do something pretty with it like Wanda does, I would be much more content. However I look more like Opie's Aunt Bea than anything else! Haha

NCSuzan said...

New thread. Come on over!

NCSuzan said...

Hello? Guess it is lunch time!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...