Friday, January 16, 2015


TGIF thread.


Mema Jo said...


I haven't had the good fortune of receiving a feather for a while. I feel honored and to help Shirley's day I dedicate it to her.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread - soon you and NCTC staff can let the weekend begin.

I'll alert all the other Momsters/Dadsters to come on over.

Mema Jo said...

Hi to all you early birds. Happy to have the report of eagles in the nest this am. Jerry Shirley and Sandi - hoping you all have good days

Now where is JUDYE? Hope she will be here soon or at least report in.
I'm pulling a friendly Hoda and I do worry about our Peeps when they break their comment time habits. I almost went on to bed after TV last night without signing off - don't know why but I can't do that if it causes just one of you concern.

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks for the TGIF New Thread Steve!

JO, nice dedication of that beautiful feather!

SHIRLEY, happy to see you're doing so well! You've answered a question I posed a couple days ago. Glad Hunter still has bus service available to him and hope he takes advantage of it this afternoon.

34° here right now--just enough to take care of some more thawing. Tomorrow will be a good day to get out for shopping as temp is to rise to low 40's. Old Man Winter will return, but it's sure nice that he's decided to take a little break.

SANDI, thinking of you as you deal with the "taken advantage of" problem. Can't wait to hear how empathetic or not your principal is.

Love and prayers for all!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds didn't expect and new thread already thanks for the new one STeve and the call over JO

JudyEddy said...

54° in JudyEland gonna go out and about

stronghunter said...


Thanks, Jo. You are so kind.

Getting around pretty well this morning. I don't feel like running a marathon though. Not that I had one planned. Was very nice to have Kathryn take Hunter to school.

Jufie did well last night, Judie. and the vacuum cleaner is working well with Luna. I could see that she moved the fence, but did not go past the vacuum.

Need to remove some Christmas decorations today. Not sure I have ever still had them up this late, but then we just celebrated on Sunday.

Mema Jo said...

If anyone gets in touch with or has contact with Chrissy Beahan let us all know. Today is her birthday but I do not have an updated contact.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
What is this I see?
Where oh where is my car?
Covered by the whirs stuff I see!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Red Friday thread. Have a lovely weekend.

Jo, congratulations on the feather. I'm sure Shirley is proudly adorned as she rests in her recliner. I also watched PBS last night - Fisher and Lewis.

Another night of intestinal upset for Bootsy. Am watching carefully this morning. Seems better, not hiding, more active, did nibble some food. Still may decide to call the vet. Carpet cleaning on the agenda today.

Sandi, do please speak up about having someone else take up BFF's slack. Not fair to always lean on the same person BUT a compliment to your skills.

Shirley, good timing with Kathryn taking Hunter to school. Nice offer from Hunter to take the bus home.

Okay, going to get busy. BBL

Judie said...

Hoda has a missing auto? Hmmmm. Covered in whirs? How unique. Hope the whirs have not taken the car to the secret hiding place where things go never to be seen or heard from again.

Hi Hoda. Have a great day.

Shirley, so glad to see you here this morning. Take it easy. Decorations can wait.

Jo, I have made several attempts to get Chrissy to respond this past year. Nothing. I stopped trying. Always hope she is doing well in terms of health.


Mema Jo said...

I have regular appointment today with foot doctor! I will be walking
on air when finished!


stronghunter said...

I sent Chrissy a birthday greeting on Facebook. Will let you know if I get a response.

stronghunter said...

Will be looking forward to seeing you walk on air, Jo.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Traveled to Denton, picked up Laurel, and then drove another 45 min north to Joseph's bb game. The they lost horribly. Main player broke his finger during the holidays and it's been down hill since!

Joey and Jacob did not go as Joey planned to pick up Cosmo. Cosmo had surgery yesterday, but he was still groggy so no pick up. Cosmo is now "Cosnomo". Or is it Cosmiss! Poor Cosmo!

Took cat beds and one Luke bed to Laurel. All pets are happy with new beds I made. Laurel texted a picture of PC in one of the new beds. He has a bed for each of the boy's bedrooms! He does not go into Laure's bedroom. Issabelle always slept in there and PC was terrified by Izzy and still does not venture I there.

Judie, sorry thinks are not going smoothly with kitties! Forrest is, okay?

Shirley, do not over do! Glad everything went well!

It is already up to 57 and sunny! Did a little outside yesterday and headed out again!

Judie said...

Interesting mental image of Jo walking along with a slinky on each foot.

Wonder if the whirs have returned Hoda's chariot?

Sunshine and windy.


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

eagle almost being blown away

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

my truck is nice and clean inside and out Angie called wanting to know if I was coming over I thought we agreed not to I told her I would rather play on safe side she thought it was 3days on meds I assumed till meds were gone 5 days I hope she isn't mad that I am staying away She did sound disappointed
Jordyn is 100% better no fever or symptoms but still has to take 3 more doses one today and two tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

I told her I am planing on making the cell phone tower round today so now I am off to do just that 5 towers I drove by Freedom Lake and now one was home but they are only playing house where as the others may be in the nest more so I am going to go check them out

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Berry College nest basking in sunshine with adult preening and shoving flugg around.

Big Red and Ezra have a nice looking arrangement to include a very well-defined egg cup (well-defined because it has snow in it).

Decorah nest in sunshine. Snow still on the ground.

Our nest MT. JudyE was just in time.

JudyEddy said...

my delete I double clicked

JudyEddy said...

I did get two pic of the short visit See ya all later K

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle friends. Checked nest a minute ago and it was MT, but I could tell the wind was blowing.

This must be the week for himless and herless surgery. My birding friend's new kitty went in this morning. Just in time too, as she was behaving strangely yesterday and the vet said she was starting estrus. Poor baby is barely 5 pounds. She is also getting declawed.

Glad you are doing well from your knee surgery, Shirley. I hope it provides the relief you need.

grannyblt said...

Eagle in. Rearranging fluff

grannyblt said...

About 20 minute visit with both eagles

JudyEddy said...

Howdy just got home from visiting the cell phone tower eagle nest went to 4 not the 5th one and only one eagle was there at Walker Ford but by the time I got through the road construction the exit was moved since last time I was there the eagle had either went in the nest or Poofed on me Bummer now is time for shower Good we had a 20 min visit LYNNE1 did you get pictures?

Sandi said...

Hi all -I'm surprised that we got another new thread for the weekend! Glad to read there were several eagle sightings today, that Shirley is feeling OK and that Bootsy has perked up a little.

Shirley, how are things with Hunter and his friend Anthony?

I did not talk to my principal today. It seems that my BFF decided it would be a good idea to notify the boss that her classroom is causing all her illnesses and, if something isn't done to clean her classroom and "protect her rights," she will be forced to file a lawsuit against the district. (Interestingly, she has a history of using every sick day she is allotted every single year, regardless of the building she's teaching in. Either we have a lot of "sick buildings" in the district or just one teacher who likes to abuse the system!)

Anyway, after hearing that my BFF had "verbally attacked" the principal in the parking lot this morning with her accusations, I figured he wouldn't be in a very good frame of mind to listen to my complaint. So instead, I went to my special ed. coordinator who is a very good friend and who I knew would be supportive. She agreed to take my concern to Jason next Tuesday and also agreed that the administration needs to have a plan in place that doesn't involve me always having to pick up the slack for a teacher who is habitually absent.

Time to fix food for people and pets - later!

Mema Jo said...

Just returned - Thanks Lynne aka Grannyblt for the eagle report!

Temps dropping for the night but it was almost up to 40°today and maybe again tomorrow.

Can't find much interesting on TV tonight.

Sandi that was very good judgement when you decided NOT to put more on your principals shoulders!

WVJerry said...

Good evening all. Glad Shirley did well. Last two mornings I watched the morning light comes over the nest. Won't be able'd up and off to work before 5:00 AM. Probably be dark when I getting back home. Have to catch up on Facebook. Gonna be watching games on Sunday. I took Packers to beat Patriots in work pool. Not feeling real confident about those happening right now. I will try to check I tomorrow on work breaks. Take care all.

Lolly said...

Spent the day working in the yard. It was glorious and actually go warm! We raked, blew, mowed and burned leaves. Found two armadillo holes and filled them in. After we finished the raking did some mowing. More than a little concerned about the armadillo evidence in the far front yard. We have never had armadillo digging in the yard in the winter. Moan.....

Anyway, it was a great day and so great to soak up the sun! Going to work out there again tomorrow. Maybe we should just cut down all the trees! LOL Then no raking and burning! Still have the south side of the house to do...the garden, as we call it. It has no lawn, all flower bed and path as well as the gazebo. It is the hardest to get the leaves out of.

Think I am going to put my nose in a book the rest of the evening. Jack has reclined in his chair, turned out his light, and has his head phones on. He listens to his classical music and opera this way. He will soon be asleep. :)

Night all...I foresee an early bed time! SED!!

Mema Jo said...

Coming in and hope everyone is having a nice evening. Thinking of you Shirley and praying for your comfort.

Thinking of our Lynn as Blue Bloods is coming on TV and how much she enjoyed Tom Selleck.

Jerry sounds like you have long work hours. I am happy that you have seen the eagles for the past 2 days.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it quits on the computer.

Goodnight to all

I may be up when the Sandperson comes around but I won't guarantee it.

Mema Jo said...

Deb Stecyk's video entitled
"Bonding Mishap and Nestorations"

Published on Jan 16, 2015

This footage captures the activity at the NCTC bald eagle nest just before dark, which includes a bonding mishap :-) and some nestorations ... Belle certainly looks to be in full "nesting mode" enjoy! Thanks to NCTC and the Outdoor Channel for keeping us connected to this beautiful bald eagle pair.

Hope you can open with this link

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends. It's cold out there this morning.

Busy weekend ahead for me - laundry and the upstairs to clean today, driving to Baltimore for newest baby Olivia's baptism (Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja will also be there) tomorrow, and an IEP to draft on Monday (no school for MLK Day).

Shirley, I hope that knee is feeling better today than yesterday - sounds like you are bouncing back nicely.

Judie, I hope Bootsy is feeling perky today.

I wonder if we will get "early eggs" this winter like Blackwater? The Yahoo page shows the earliest egg was laid at this nest since the cam has been up was on 1/31.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...


WVJerry said...

Two eagles in nest.

WVJerry said...

Make it one now.

WVJerry said...

Two now.:-)

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thanks for the morning report Sandi and Jerry. I missed them BUT

Eagle Alert

Sandi said...

Good morning, Jo! The eagle in the nest has been there since about 9:15am. I brought up the live cam when I read Jerry's comment. There were 2, then 1, then an empty nest for a few. Then an eagle (not sure which one it is) landed with a very large stick, placed it, and has been in the nest ever since.

Mema Jo said...

Just one in our nest at 3:00 position
Very breezy - blowing feathers.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - happy to know that he had been busy and I guess he is just taking a break. Eggciting to think that within 2 weeks (or less) we could have an egg.

Sandi said...

Just flew up to a branch.

Mema Jo said...

Poof as I was writing......

Nest MT

grannyblt said...

Good morning. Nice to see increased nesting activity.

Mema Jo said...

Egg cup there around 10 position looks well defined.

Mema Jo said...

I can't leave sound on too long
Reminds me of an ultrasound.... lol

Mema Jo said...

Hello Lynne

Any birding for you today
I have had a woodpecker out at the tree almost every morning - red head is very brilliant - don't think it is a downy. And of course the jays are in abundance this year at my peanut pot.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa 11:21am Saturday

Eagle Alert Again

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

S'wonderful day here with temp beginning to rise and ice beginning to melt. I'll be off to Kroger soon. Need to think of something good for Seth and I to share for dinner this evening. He's helping Julie with her Meals on Wheels duties this morning and will be with me this evening and overnight. A long weekend after just one week of school---nice!

Julie brought dinner in last night---the ultimate veggie burger from North Star for me! Her m.i.l. is still in the nursing home, but under hospice care as well---bed replaced with hospital bed, morphine for pain---she hasn't taken in anything but sips of water all week and they think the end is near. Hugh has stayed after hours this week and sings to his mother. He has a good voice and he remembers lyrics to most songs he's ever heard. I have to feel this is comforting his mother. Yesterday was his and Julie's 22nd wedding anniversary and the first they haven't celebrated together. Julie and I toasted their union.

Happy to get the eagle reports and JO, I really enjoyed Deb's video. Our eagles are lookin' good as well as lookin' good and ready for the task ahead! No sign at all of the old black spot on Shep's head. He has matured into a fine looking young man!

Love and prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters in need!!!


Kay said...

I'm with you, JO. Had to turn the sound down. It makes me shiver to hear that wind, though our regal eagle doesn't seem to mind it a bit!

WVJerry said...

On lunch break now. Nothing to report. I agree with Jo and Kay - Wind does makes some noise. I am so happy I am able to watch now...not even refreshing either. Best $29.99 I ever spent was on my new cell phone. Have to get groceries after wowork and get printer ink so will be home after dark most likely.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the eagle report so nice to know they are regulars eggciting for sure Jo

Mema Jo said...



grannyblt said...

Jo, I've seen them a couple of times this afternoon. I guess they ate getting serious about this nesting business. BTW, MT nest a minute ago.

Sandi said...

Hi all - upstairs is clean except for wet-mopping the hardwood floors in our bedroom and the hallway. Decided to take a little break.

I just read on FB that Shirley is home from the ER, which means she WENT to the ER today. I wasn't aware that anything was wrong - did I miss a comment from Shirley earlier today??

Our eagles sure are stepping up their time in the nest - it's almost time!


Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I just saw the comment from Kathryn on FB - Shirley must have had swelling and to be sure she went to ER to check out any chance of a blood clot. Shirley hasn't been on
today so no you didn't miss anything.
Prayers for the knee to heal and not pain.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - it is such a pretty sunny day that I can't blame our Royal
Couple coming to check out their nest. The egg cup looks good and I just hope they soon can make use of it.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

71° balmy in JudyEland

Mema Jo said...

Lolly should be out doing yard work from what I remembered her saying.
I sure hope Bootsy is ok and that may be the reason we haven't heard from Judie. Hoda is probably out skiing again today with friends.

That is a lot of PROBABLES...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...

she sure does look comfortable

JudyEddy said...

she has been in the cup for a bit now

Mema Jo said...

Eagle has been there about 15 min

JudyEddy said...

really making herself comfortable turned a bit and muzzled down again just turned a bit

JudyEddy said...

now we are up

JudyEddy said...

gonna poof

Mema Jo said...

Dinner time - BBL this evening

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! Need to read back. It has been a busy day! My dear Michael turns 46 tomorrow. I asked a WEEK ago for them to come over Sunday. He had mentioned earlier that he wanted some of my chili rellanos. Well. As usual, no definite response from him. Heaven forbid he should plan a week ahead of time. So they called this morning and they will be here this evening. A quick trip to the grosssserie store, and an afternoon of cooking I have dinner ready. Laurel is irritated at the last minute plans, as she can not be here. Boys already had plans. Now waiting for Michael and family. Having the requested chili rellanos, enchiladas, tamales, and tacos. Have been in the kitchen all afternoon. Just sat down for a breather!

Going to go read back.

Lolly said...

Beautiful day and no yard work. Maybe tomorrow! but, have to tell you it is 62 and the house is open! Can hear my wind chimes! And while cooking it was so neat to have a breeze coming in the open window.

Concerned about Shirley. she should be doing nothing but sitting and chatting on the blog!

Lolly said...

Today is my sisters Sharon's 75th birthday. 46 years ago we went to visit her on her birthday. I figured back, after we got Michael , that we were at her house, sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffe when he was born. Lol. Now that is the way to "have" a baby!

Lolly said...

Going to go work on a puzzle. Waiting for Michael and family. I'll be back much later!

stronghunter said...


Just read back and see that Kathryn mentioned my trip to the ER today. Last night I wondered if my foot was swollen. By this morning there was no doubt, so I called the doctor, and he sent me to the ER. After all kinds of tests, they concluded the bandages were too tight, so they have been loosened.

I came home very sleepy, so I've been napping. All is well.

Mema Jo said...

On FB Shirley just left the message:

Thanks for the concern. I am okay.

stronghunter said...


Mema Jo said...

Shirley if you hadn't checked that discomfort out - you could have cut off your circulation! It was something so simple as loosening the bandage but sure could have caused a problem and lots of discomfort. ♥

Hope you have a relaxing evening..

Hoda said...

Sorry JO for being one of the do many probables.
I am trying to keep a balance between home time and active time. I have opened some cards and I am very grateful.
No skiing as I have an intensive yoga workshop. Will go again tomorrow.
Unexpected announcement in the papers that I am I the a Library Board. People stop me to say congratulations. Slightly embarrassed.

Very glad to hear SHIRLEY is alright and back home. Sharp eye there SANDI! Way to go for looking out for each other.

Headed out to Front of House at the Capitol Theatre. Not sure what is on.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Hello everyone.

As we all know, life is not always as smooth as we would wish.

So glad Shirley was able to "loosen" up. Bandages too tight would not be a good thing.

Bootsy is somewhat better. Sad hearts for us. They do not seem to be adapting. Please, no comments. Hurting hearts.

Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Oh, am so happy our royal couple have been visiting and staying around for a while making preparations.

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening..

Hoda - 'Embarrassed' should not be a word in your vocabulary. When you receive a compliment about being on the Library Group Board just say
I'll do my best! I am very proud to
know you and especially honor you for all the good works in which you involved yourself.

Mema Jo said...

I will be on the lookout for our famous sandperson in about an hour.
Until that time I am going to get
ready for sleep time.

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

almost go caught up with what I have dvrd NCIS was one
so before I doze in the rocker and forget to say GN here it is

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Had a great time this evening! Placed pics on fb messenger. Can not put pics of Zach on fb! He picked out my STARS shirt! And, they won tonight!

Good dinner and just fun being with them!

Tomorrow afternoon I get to work outside again!

glad you are doing okay, Shirley

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Shirley, I'm so glad the swelling was caused by tight bandages and not something more serious.

Lolly, loved the photos of you and Zach!

Judie, ♥♥♥♥. No comment.

Rain, rain, and more rain today. We could get 2 inches here. We will be in Baltimore for the baptism - leaving about 9am. Makes me nervous - driving long distances with wet roads and rain AND leaving the house when they're calling for so much rain in one day.

Have agreat day all.

WVJerry said...

Eagle in nest.

WVJerry said...

Gone now. Good moring all.

Sandi said...

Good morning Jerry. Thanks for the eagle alert. I'm still seeing 1 in the nest. Working on rearranging sticks around the 3 area of the crib rails.

Sandi said...

Uh oh, Shep is calling out! Seems to be on alert!

Sandi said...

Quiet now - something must have flown to close to the nest for his (I think it's Shep) liking.

WVJerry said...

Hi Sandi. I had to step out a bit and missed what you saw. If rain holds off here I will be in and out today. Enjoy your day although sounds like rain for you today.

Mema Jo said...

Good cold morning to all!
It isn't wet out here but there is
frost (ice) on the car's windows. It is at the freezing point of 32°F.

Sandi - wishing you safe travels. I'm not sure where the rain line ends but hopefully you will drive out of it and your canal will stay at a decent level.

Hi Jerry - you got the early bird report award again - thanks!

Hope we get a full house here on the blog today - It is always good to keep updated on all our friends.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I just checked out your photos - Zach sure does favor his dad ! Looks like a very happy evening !

Hoda said...

Good morning JO. Thank you for your kind words about my being embarrassed.

Blessed Be every one.

Stay Safe.

Excellent children's dance program last night. It was fun to work Front of House.

Thinking of JUDIE. With you dear lady.

No Falling Rule reminder with all the rain and the ice/ frost.
Yoga workshop and groceries today.
See you on the evening I hope.
Make it a good one.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Rainy day here.

Feeling okay, but some pain. Will call doctor tomorrow. Foot still looks a bit swollen, I think. At least I can get a shoe on comfortably.

Have to find bowling sub for Tuesday.

stronghunter said...

Need to check out the nest.

No, Hoda should not be embarrassed.

Bless you, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - do you need to elevate your foot to help the swelling go down?

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...

Both left Nest MT

Within a minute or two BOTH are
back again

Rearranging sticks in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Very nice long visit

Working well together with nestorations - just a little bit of beaking

Both still in the nest

Mema Jo said...

One went POOF
Very well could return

Looks like Shep still in nest

Mema Jo said...

Belle has returned

Both are Moving sticks and flugg

Mema Jo said...

I am laughing

Beaking incident over where that stick was going.....

Now it is a tug of war

Belle usually has the last word!

Mema Jo said...

Belle may have left to get lunch
Shep still in Nest

Mema Jo said...

There Shep did a fly out

I love to see those wings open and then there is Lift Off

Mema Jo said...

This is a confusing nest day

Belle has returned - lol

Mema Jo said...

WOW ! new BIG sticks brought in

and are now being placed... each

one has a stick to work with.

I sure wish I had seen the fly in..

Mema Jo said...

MT nest

Jenny and I just had lunch here at my table


stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, elevation is required.
Recliner helps with that.

stronghunter said...

Must check the nest.

stronghunter said...

New Sunday thread!!!!!

Come on over.

WVJerry said...

Not seeing much at nest. Getting ready for football games. Looks like rain will hold off for a while too.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...