Monday, September 22, 2014


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good good morning to all ♥

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread

Getting a feather is a good way to start a new MONDAY morning.

Calling others over ♥

Mema Jo said...

Still cam looks great - happy it
came back up yesterday early evening

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE & JO
Good morning.
Autumn Equinox this evening
Lunar eclipse on the 8th

Enjoy being on the planet.

You look terrific KO ON FB
Thank you.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve and congratulations to Jo on yet another feather for her Eagle Whisperer hat.

Busy weekend. New landscaping, etc. Deer have rearranged a few things so much go out and un-rearrange.

Shirley, glad the washer will not be as expensive as anticipated. Hoping that Anthony will recover quickly being home and Hunter will be able to visit with him.

Sandi, congratulations on your decision.

Belated Happy Birthday wishes for Delphia. Hope she had a wonderful day and will have a wonderful year ahead.

Hoda, as I do not use FB, who is KO who looks terrific?

Okay, off to finish my last sip of coffee, then to re-plant, then to try to find appropriate sleeping attire for Thursday night - something better than cotton knee-length running shorts and a tee shirt.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

grannyblt said...

GM all eagle watchers. Glad our pair is visiting nest in the am and pm.

Hoda said...

Not sure who KO is!!!
JO has a rocking awesome picture in FB for the baby shower.
I love her hair.

Hoda said...

Auto correct is a bother!

Mema Jo said...

I think I am KO aka JO lol
Jenny has pic of me and grandson Aaron at the shower on FB....
Now that is an incentive to join up to FB if I ever heard of one. lol
I'll try to send it to you - you have to be my friend and also of Jenny's to see the shower pics.....

Mema Jo said...

ROFL Hoda - what little hair there is - it will grow back one day - I am not bothered with hiding it - I may just be a curly red head when it grows back!
I am so thankful I am soon to be 75 and not a vain bone in my body. lol


Costume Lady said...

Jo gave me the link to get on here...I put it in my "FAVORITES", so, I should always be able to find the blog.
I apologize to those of you who are not on FACE BOOK, for not keeping in touch. Up until now, I really haven't had any comments that I thought were interesting enough to share, anyway.

My life is getting, somewhat, back to normal...whatever 'normal' is. Keeping busy here at home and at GG's and church keeps my mind and body occupied and sad thoughts away, for the most part.

I have just learned that Glo and Vicky are coming for a visit, which is wonderful! It will be so good to see both of them again. I am wondering who else plan on being here, that day. If there is a fairly large group, I can call the Clarion and reserve a party room (My treat). Hoping someone on here or Jo will let me know what the plans are.
So good to be on here, once to you all! ♥

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Jo...I REALLY wish all Momsters would join face book. It is so easy and FUN! The conversations are not private and can be seen by all of your friends that you have allowed to see your comments, but, you can also instant message friends and that is very private!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome back to the nest, Wanda ♥
You have been missed dearly.

Glo and Vicky's visit for weekend of
Oct 18 - I have sort of bowed out of the planning because of not knowing what will be going on with me medically. I plan to attend a
luncheon or dinner with all who can come - Wonderful Wanda is going to be your contact person who needs to know who plans to be here to celebrate. Glo has been in contact with NCTC and sad but true we will not be able to be on the grounds. Being with all my Eagle Buddies is the most important gathering to me.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, don't want you worrying yourself one little bit over the plans for the get-together. I will take care of plans along with Glo and the approval of all attending Momsters. My Karla and Denise want to join in. Karla is a Momster, we will have to snag Denise into our fold :)

Mema Jo said...

Thank you so much Momster Wanda for caring about all of us..... I will
not be concerned one bit that the day will be planned beautifully. ♥

BBL - Dr appointment at noon - Just
for the shot that helps protect my
immune system......... BBL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yea! Great to see you on here, Wanda! Sure wish I could attend the get together! Would love to meet Glo in person as she has never been there the two times I have been there!

Yesterday I thought I saw more armadillo digging. Jack said it was squirrel. I still thought armadillo but did not argue! Well, this morn we had definite armadillo digging. Grrrrrr!

Going to church soon. Need to water the prayer garden at church and pull a few weeds.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Giving thanks for the New Thread !

JO, I don't know Jenny, but I'd dearly love to see the shower pics! So glad you had a good time and that the baby will have everything a fine little boy could need.

WANDA, so very good to "see" you again! We've missed news of your Family Nights, GG, church activities.... How very sweet and generous of you for being the "hostess with the mostess" for the Momsters in Oct.. Wish I could be there, but with medical uncertainties and expenses in mind I'd best stay put. I've given up on ever getting to Shepherdstown and the nest, but will never give up on this blog and the wonderful friends I've found here! How I♥Us!

Had a wonderful, wonderful time with son, Lee and Julie's family. Of course it all went too fast, but precious memories linger on.

Oh, LOLLY, I guess armadillos are like mice or roaches, if you see one you can be sure there are many others. Jack's work is not done! Thinking of your family as Jacob and Skippi face medical procedures this week.

SANDI, hope the morning went well. Can't wait to hear about the Chair's reaction to your decision.

Judie, hope you've found something stunning to wear on Thursday! More than that I hope there are results that bring improved sleeping your way!

SHIRLEY, positive thoughts for Hunter and Anthony---may their friendship only flourish now that the crisis is over.

HODA, ah yes, Autumn, my favorite Season! Made even more beautiful in 1958 by Julie's birth on the 23rd. Hugh's birthay is Oct. 4th, so tomorrow they'll be here for dinner--shrimp in lemon butter and Italian seasoning, rice pilaf, salad, some good "bakery bread" and apple pie with cheddar cheese slices.

Penny's agitating for an outing. 55° glorious degrees and sunny. Love it!

Love and prayers for all!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Oh Kay - you said the magic words - apple pie with cheddar cheese slices
Oh My that is my most favorite combination - sometimes I even put a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the side. The entire b-day dinner sounds
like heaven to the taste buds. ♥

Mema Jo said...

i am home already - received the shot in my tummy where you can hardly feel it - I am to go back the next 2 Wed just for blood work. I can handle that!

Lunch time......... BBL today

JudyEddy said...

On lunch and find a brand spanking new thread waiting to be filled up


AND good afternoon to ya all

JudyEddy said...

WANDA so good on seeing you on here again

Did they say why they wouldn't allow to see the nest JO and GLO????
The bend in the road is still there!!!

KO so happy you are doing good with the remaining of the treatment You are one tough bird

JudyEddy said...

WANDA I wanted to ask you a question in regards to Feeding America you had said something in the past and I can't recall ( I thing you said the SK get stuff from them)
about so much per pound. Do you get to pick what you want or are the boxes filled with various stuff Is it sorted by category?? We are doing so much donation to them and I thought it would be cool to know more infor on it

Costume Lady said...

Judy...we get the majority of our donated food from Wal Mart. A lot of it is free and some we have to pay a minimal amount. We are offered cases of fruits and vegetables and we know what is available, however, with the meat (19¢LB)we have no choice...we take what we get and it works out fine. All dairy and bakery is free and they send what they have on hand at delivery time. We tell them how many pounds to send. It all works out very well!

glo said...

Good Monday afternoon everyone. I see Wanda and MeMa Jo have already started on building the excitement and the list for a get together in Shepherdstown. I did write to Steve to try to get us on to NCTC Here is his response.


Since the sequester hit us a few years ago our Director has not been open to "special" visits by members of the public to the NCTC grounds. Unfortunately, this includes visits from our Momster friends. We simply do not have the resources to accommodate the visits due to cuts in security and my staff (my budget has seen a $1 million decline and I have many open, unfunded positions). Our once vibrant lecture series is also a casualty of the sequester.

The best I can do is tell folks that the NCTC is open to the public this Saturday AM for the Federal Duck Stamp contest, and on Saturday, November 1 for the American Conservation Film Festival.

I convey this to you with a heavy heart, but there is very little I can do.


Yes Judy I am sure the bend in the road is still there :-). We must make some time for this. I will have my nice camera and lens but not sure If I can still get much from the nest but I am surely going to try. Our birds seem to be very much underway with their Fall nnestorations.

This is my second trip to Shepherdstown. It will be a quick in and out. Hopefully Vicky and I can be there for late lunch and to enjoy that afternoon with all of you. We will head back home on Sunday morning. Its a day and half trip each way for us. Hoping for nice weather but know the time with friends there will be sunny anyway. Be sure to let us know here and or on fb so we can have some idea of those who are coming.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I think your email
has been hacked again...... I can't believe it! Received a message and did not open the link - I just deleted it.

Anyone else get anything from Shirley

Kay said...

Yes, JO, I got the same mailing with Shirley's name on it and deleted it just as you did.

SHIRLEY, I know you've tried to get rid of that "thing" without success. So, if you do have something you want us to open in Yahoo mail, please give us a heads up here. Thanks!

Kay said...

Aw, too bad STEVE et al are hampered by extreme budget cuts. I know the feeling for I've put myself on an austerity program, too.

Hope some who can lunch and look together in October will have camera lenses capable of catching Belle and Shep in the nest or in the air.

Sandi said...

Hi all - what a beautiful weather day on this last day of summer!

So, I told my department chair my news. She mostly sat with her mouth open as i explained my plan, then said,"This is a sad thing. I know I should be sad b/c what you're saying is a sad thing, and yet you have such a smile on your face that I can't feel sad!"

When I asked Regena if she would have any control over whether or not I stayed at Selbyville Middle, she said that decision is entirely up to the head of personnel. At some point this year, probably mid-year, I will set up an appointment to talk with the young lady in charge of personnel. At this point, I just have to have faith that things work out the way they're supposed to and wherever I am working next year will be where I'm supposed to be working.

Wanda, how wonderful to see you on the blog - please visit more often! I miss hearing about your Family Fridays and about GG.

Judie, do we get to see photos of your new landscaping??

As usual, I have some school work to do so I will say "See ya!" Did anyone else watch the new series Madam Secretary last night? We enjoyed it.


JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

WANDA thanks for the info

GLO how many miles are you from the nest??

I am off that week on vacation but its about 1,000 miles from what I remember

it is 76° out now sooo nice and cool but its drizzly rainy on and off all day that is why its it so cool for us

stronghunter said...

Nope, I haven't sent a message through the mail to you all. I have changed the password again. The account is set so that I have to enter the password every day.

JudyEddy said...

Has anyone heard from our MARGY

stronghunter said...

Hunter is rushing around getting ready for football practice. Kathryn will be here soon to take him, so I get to take it easy.

Today was busy. Doctor's appointment, bowling practice, shopping, and home. I did pick Hunter up at school so that he did not have to ride the bus today. I bought a little gift and a card for Anthony.

Today is Kathryn's birthday, so I bought a tiramisu cake and had "Happy Birthday Kathryn" put on it. Interesting problem. The lady had a very hard time putting icing on all of that powder on the cake. Said they would usually refuse to do that. I told her I appreciated it, and that it would make a good story. We will eat late, after practice.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


.<3 Happy Birthday! <3
my delete graphic didn't turn out

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

ok I am giving up Why all a sudden not working HMMMMMM

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...

ok got it to work forgot one is for FB and the other for blog

JudyEddy said...

today I was watching Buddy and didn't realize he was tethered to a line

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

good evening to all. today has been one of those days mom warned me about.

the weather was gorgeous...even with this cold, it appeared that it could have been a good day, but found me wrestling with myself...all day. so to the best of my ability, I have taken a chill pill (just a term to say relax) and have let the day go on by.

I have done what I needed to do, but not before I thoroughly smashed my index (left) finger in a sliding glass door is purple, black and swollen. I did a "good" job.

seeing WANDA on here made my day better. :)

Reading about everyone's days....makes me smile.

thankful for the positive in my life...and you all are part of that positive.

calling it a night! SED

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

First, what a great and wondrous surprise to find that Wanda just walked right on in the front door and made herself to home. So happy to see you here. Please provide an update on Miss GG. I miss her and must make a drive to see her sometime soon.

Happy Birthday to Kathryn. Can only believe she enjoyed the cake. Hope Hunter's team won.

Jo, glad the dr. appt. was an easy one.

Jammie shopping was not successful. Very tiring. So much is either designed for teen pop tarts or pole dancers. lol

Janet, sorry about your smushed finger and hope the chill pill is helping you chill.

So, Oct. 18th is the date? Maybe that will be my drive to visit Miss GG and see other momsters.

Headed across the hall to watch Blacklist and hope I can stay awake.

Night light is set for 11pm. Sandperson will depart and make a visit to each of you. Restful sleep.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the birthday greetings for Kathryn, Judy. I will show her.

stronghunter said...

I really hope I can make it on the 18th, too.

Just practice for Hunter's team today. I think the games are played on Saturday. They have to play around the school team schedules because a number of the kids are on school teams, too.

Hunter's coach offered to talk to the school coach about his ability, but Hunter and Kathryn agree that two teams would be too much. (So do I.)

stronghunter said...

So happy to see Wanda here tonight.

Going to say good night and wish everyone SED. See you tomorrow.

glo said...

Judy Vicky and I will be driving 800 miles each way. Its a beautiful drive especially in the Fall and well Vicky is just plain old fun to go on a trip with also. Will be a great weekend overall.

JudyEddy said...

GLO I bet the drive is gorgeous with the fall colors Make sure you get plenty of fall pics OH I forgot who I am talking to LOL

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I am just here to say

Goodnight to all
Prayers for all


Sorry I can't stay because I am
half asleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lolly said...

A little yard work, a little grocery shopping and a little house work made up my day!

Yea, for you , Sandi. Had to go back and find your post on your plan. So happy for you that you can work this out! Wishing you the best!

Time to start thinking of getting ready for the pillows.

Night all! SED!

paula eagleholic said...

Sleep well dear Jo :)

Not sure I will make it back for the gathering on the 18th....

Larry still healing...throat very slowly getting better. His beards is growing back in dark..something to look forward to Jo...your hair might come back in darker :)

Nick is has been very is good.

Michael and Laura get married November 8.

My computer it's a pia to blog on my phone.


paula eagleholic said...

Challenger Eagle is on Dave letter man tonight..Michael got to see him fly at the Eagles game yesterday.

Oh the osprey have been totally gone for 2 weeks now..the Eagles are back :)

Nite again :)

Sandi said...

Goodorming on this first day of fall - it feels like fall outside this morning. Great sleeping last night with the windows open!

Paula, it was great to see you on the blog as well yesterday! Prayers continue for Larry.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

PAULA good to hear on Larry hope he gets better day by day

JudyEddy said...

eagle cam is reporting (*Ben) was in this am 20 min ago pic on fb

JudyEddy said...

you alll knew I meant SHEP

JudyEddy said...

today is my Fri they had cut one day on me so I turned in the last of my personal hours for tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

as MARGY would say I am on retirement for three days

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this clear, crisp 53° terrific Tuesday Autumn morning to all ♥

Today is a free day for me - meaning no dr visits! Whoo Hoo!

Just so you know - Margie is doing well with her life - I still get cards from her that cheer me up. She also sent to me a Mr Red that I keep on my table in the front room. Margie will always be with us in our hearts whether near or far... We wish her well ♥ Have faith - she will return.

Mema Jo said...

Judie, Kay, Margy and Carol Anne

Just sent you email of shower pics.

Let me know if I missed anyone not on
FB -Ty

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Great to hear from you, Paula, here on the blog. Hmmmm...Jack's beard has not been black for a long time. We will have to see a picture of Larry!

Enjoy your free day, Jo! And, thanks for the report on Margy! Do miss her terribly!

57 here this morning! So wonderful to have the house open. Miss Skippita is discovering the wonderful world of open windows! She especially likes the kitchen window where the hummingbird feeder hangs. Hope she doesn't decide to tear out screens. We did have one kitty that did that. She goes in tonight to have surgery early tomorrow. She will be gone until Friday. Certainly will miss her!

Need to get out and check for armadillo damage.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

JO, thank you sooo much for pics ! What a beautiful job Jen and her BBF did ! Great to see you alongside Aaron and ready to enjoy the shower ! Lookin' good !

Sounds like most of us are reveling in gorgeous Fall weather ! 62° here right now. I'm about to head for the market for birthday dinner fixin's and looking forward to honoring my precious Julie and the greatest SIL in the world this evening.

A belated Happy Birthday to Shirley's dear Kathryn !

Oh, so good to see PAULA and hope she gets a new puter soon ! Prayers continue for Larry !

JO, thanks, too for giving us assurance that all is well with MARGY ! We all miss her wonderful, uplifting posts.

Let me know if LORI, LINDA, CAROLANNE or any of the MIA's are heard from, please !

I fell asleep in front of the TV about 8 last night, but woke up in time to see our "favorite son", Jack Hanna and Challenger. I will miss seeing him on the Letterman show---unless, Colbert decides to retain that feature.

LOLLY, will be sending positive thoughts Skippi's way !

Love and prayers for all !!!


NatureNut said...

Hello,Hello! Have a short nature reports I had to mention. Although, the Park Osprey cam is off, this AM I saw an osprey on a favorite tree perch near the Visitor's Center!!!! Seen one there for 3 weeks in a row. Don't know if it's one of our juvies, or just a traveller. Haven't seen/heard any since then.
Also, had a hummingbird at home on Saturday.
Couldn't get a pic, but the other night went outside on deck w/my coffee. We have cat chow bowl there and one of our yearlings was munching. Looked to my left and a TINY possum was heading our way!! Cat stared at it, so it went back down the steps. Have some pics of an adult Mom carting some juvies a couple weeks ago.
Have a few pics to get in the Nook.
Wonderful to read about a get-together in Oct. Not sure if we can come, yet. And "Wonderful Wanda" is taking charge!!♥♥♥
Good to hear Larry and Jo are Hanging in there! Prayers for all♥

JudyEddy said...

Knock knock may I come in

ON lunch

off course

haven't read back wanted to post that way I know what time to go back LOL not that I have sometimers

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA went to the Nook no pic yet Jumping the gun I guess LOL
alwayslook forward toyour pics


JudyEddy said...

JO went over to your FB page and don't see the picture maybe because I am not friends with ther

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Bowling and lunch with Julie and Val, my teammates. We won our games. No opponent this time, as we had the bye.

Will be looking in the Nook, Loretta.

Janet said...

good afternoon to all. bright and sunny 69 degree first full day of fall here.

nothing much going on. just popped in to say hey!

Mema Jo said...

Judy FB - whoops - it's on Jennifer's page. I guess I best share onto my page so you can see them.

Loretta - My one feeder is on the deck railing and the other night I also had the baby opossum feeding at it. Tiny little face with a pointed nose - they are cute to me.

The osprey best be headed South Soon!

Loretta try to come up on 10/18 with Frank.

Dinner time here - Good TV tonight!

Mema Jo said...

Terrific Tuesday TV Tonight


NCIS:new Orleans

Person of Interest or Sons of Anarchy

JudyEddy said...

I just love the google graphic so cute Margy would love it

is going down on the nest

and the

”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

are shining on a empty nest

another nite of being stood up LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Larry ride to Emmitsburg this past weekend with me. He is visiting his other place at his sister's in Fairfield. .and bringing his truck back to the beach. Anyhow he saw an osprey get a fish in the lake behind his sisters house.

I went home this past weekend to help my 82 y.o. ex mil pack to move to Kansas so she can be near her daughters. Glad I could help...and wanted to see her and her husband. .probably one last time. John having a tough time with it but he understands.

My computer drive is kaput..getting a new one put in.

Sunsets down here of late have been gorgeous.

paula eagleholic said...

Time to go get some chores done...

Mema Jo said...

I watched two shows and that is about all I can handle. Loved them both and happy they are back in season.

Hope Kay's b-day dinner turned out well and all enjoyed their evening together.

I am looking for Judie...... YooHoo

Going to hit the hay - Just have noon time blood work tomorrow.

Goodnight to all and God Bless you
with restful sleep. SED

JudyEddy said...

I bet the sandman threw extra dust at Judie

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

I knew I heard Jo calling for me. Here I am. Busy day and my eyelids kept falling down asleep.

Did a quick speed read and everyone seems okay. Very nice to see Paula stop by for a visit and that Larry is healing.

Thank you so much Jo for the baby Elliot's shower pictures.

Wishing an easy time for Skippi.

Glad Shirley had a good bowling day and nice lunch.

Hi Lowreeda.

Hoping Kay had a wonderful family evening.

Guess Hoda is off galavanting with Dudley.

Sandperson has departed with a full satchel. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

I miss my kitty !!!! Wahhh! We took her at 5. Will pick her up Friday morning.

Enjoy seeing Paula and Wanda on here. Now we need to get Margy back on!

Beautiful day! 83 was our high and low humidity. We need rain soooo bad. We now have a pecan tree about to give up the ghost. Noooooo! We are in the "Extreme Drought" area on the weather man's map.

No new armadillo holes this morning! That is good! Worked in the yard and it was so pleasant!

Think it is time to get more comfy! Night all! SED!


NatureNut said...

Oops, the Sandman is out and I already had a Panda Nap after dinner!
Thought I could stay up and work on photos,but must be some dust in the eyes!
Took about an hour hike after work at Park and went around the boardwalk Nature circle and down on the woods path to the tower at edge of River. Haven't been there for ages! Got mostly plant pictures and one white Great Egret fishing where the creek goes into river. Haven't plugged in camera yet!
Lolly, best wishes for kitty, Skippi. I assume the treatment is for the sore paws?! All the outside kittens staying here have been fixed, but our one yearling boy, BW (Black & White) started having mobility problems in Aug. His back legs and hips barely work, but he does get around and he lost lots of weight. Since he did get fixed and dewormed, I thought there would be more improvement. The catch is trying to get him in a carrier again. He ignores the trap!
That's enough domestic stuff!!! See where some of my time goes???~ 6 outdoor cats/kittens and the 2 regular indoor pets. Frank is the more active zookeeper!
Prayers for Good Health for ALL,
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

Good evening.
Yes I agree that it is VERY GOOD to see WANDA and PAULA on here.
Fantastic that WANDA is looking after the gathering. Such a gracious lady.

MAAAARGYYYYY We miss you...
Seriously time for you to come back!!!
Thank you JO for telling us you have heard from her.

No I am not MIA.
This is the first day of Autumn.
I am seriously making my flu/virus potions so I would have them ready. Gathered the ingredients. Chop Chop Chop Chop...New moon tonight at 11:30 PT...can not mix them till then...
Will have to stir and keep in a dark place till the full moon on the 8th.

I also found Thieves Oil and had to fill my bottles to clear the air from sickness and to help with the breathing.
Did you know that in France during the plague people used to steal valuables off of the corpses and they used to douse themselves in this stuff and they never got the plague.
It helps combat virus and colds since I do not take the flu shots. They make me sick...The hospital phoned today and so did my doctor's office to remember to get the flu shot. I said no thank you and they told my I am making a mistake. I do not think so. The one time I took it I thought I was going to die...
Off to chop chop some more.

Hoda said...

remind me NOT remember me...

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...


Costume Lady said...

I thought I'd check in before I do a face plant :)
This is what I have, so far:
Glo, Vicky, Jo, Suzanne, Christie, Bev, Sharon, Mattie, Tom and Wanda ALL ATTENDING FOR SURE.
candy, lYNNE DOOLAN,Carolyn, Dana, Robyn and Tori are all MAYBEs. I need to know if everyone wants to have our gathering in a Party room or in th Rumsey Tavern room. Party room will be no cost to anyone...just the cost of your meal. Please give me your comments and opinions in the morning. LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO ALL ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Wanda, I will not be able to make the gathering in Shepherdstown - I'm sure a wonderful time will be had by all!

Have agreat day all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Wacky Wednesday to all my friends ♥

Getting ready to eat some cereal and a banana and piece of toast. I have
already drank my cup of coffee and read your comments.

Down right COLD here when we fed
the birds and squirrels and they must also think it is because there has only been one bird and one squirrel to come up for their breakfast!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

no pic are posted on the eagle cam page so no visit I guess this am Stood up again

Its 74° out now nice gonna get 86° later no rain today but it will return tomorrow Need to go do some outside stuff

Got woke up with someone knocking on door seemed like maybe 4 knocks when I went to do no one there
probably Ken from across the street

Janet said...

good wild and wacky Wednesday morning. I just opened the windows for the first time in months. maybe not prudent with ragweed still rampant, but sure feels good. it is 55. :)

not doing much today. home school run to wally world. try to recover. work the next two days.

light and love to all!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda I am praying for you and all your home remedies so that sickness will not find you this fall/winter.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - sorry for all the quiet in your house with Skippi at the vets. I am sure she will miss you just as much!

Loretta - I so enjoy having you come in here to blog... Love all your cat and nature stories.

Janet - Hope you have a good day

Judie - pack up those jammies - your sleep awaits you. Prayers !

JudyEddy said...

so so nice out just drove up the the park to see if the eagles were there not yet Had my windows down No nice and cool
Will try to go later

Mema Jo said...

Off for bloodwork

JudyEddy said...

Hope blood work comes out ok JO

back to house work

JudyEddy said...

Headin out to Party City for Angie to pick up Elsa costume for Jordyn Hard to find and Angie called around

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept in this mornings as I did not have a kitty to purr and demand petting! She will be "fixed" this morn. No kitties for her!

Sounds like an awesome get together. I am wondering if the Queen has heard about it? She is making herself very scarce here as well as on fb.

53 this morn!😀 but, it is already up to 77. Planning on spending the day outside.

Mema Jo said...

I got an A+ on blood work.
All cells present and accounted for ♥

Mema Jo said...

Time to watch New Tricks......


JudyEddy said...

You get a GOLD STAR JO for great blood work

JudyEddy said...

just got home from getting the Elsa costume and a few Christmas gifts while I was out of Elsa stuff
now to go play
went by cell phone tower and no show yet

Lolly said...

Taking a break from the yard work.

Anyone watch The Voice last night? A Burleson girl performed and will be coached by Bake Shelton. Way to go Reagan!

JudyEddy said...

The Queen where are you Your royal subject miss you!!
and DANA she is also being missed along with our Margy, Jim and Red also MIA

JudyEddy said...

Did not watch that LOLLY

stronghunter said...

Happy to know your blood work is
A+ quality, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

The best plan of action when you feel someone is MIA - send them an email if or if they are on FB send them a message! Then let all of us
know what is going on with those MIA

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say hello. Jo, so glad your blood work is an A+!! That's fantastic! ((Hugs))!!

Paula, glad that Larry is mending, and that Nick is good. It's nice that you've had beautiful sunsets to watch! Good to see you here!

Lolly, sorry the house is so quiet with Skippi at the vet's!
Bet she's as anxious to get home as you are to have her back there!

Ken and I have walked at Anaheim Coves the last two mornings, instead of at the mall. The river is very, very dry in spots. They are widening a bridge across the river at Lincoln Ave., and have re-routed the river water away from the area so they can put more pilings in. No birds in that area, but where there's water, we've seen large flocks of pelicans, and great blue herons and egrets. It got pretty warm again today after a bit of a reprieve for 3 or 4 days. It was 95 again. I vote for colder weather!

It was mighty good to see Paula, Wanda, and Loretta here! Now if we'd just hear from Margy.

Ken went back to the dentist for some more fillings yesterday, and now he'll not have to go back until January.

Well, have some chores that I need to do, so will go and get busy now. Hope everyone is having a nice evening! I'll try to get back here later tonight.
I ♥ us!!

Mema Jo said...

Message from Lori

Hi Jo! I've been really busy with moving myself from MD to PA, but I'm now back in MD to help Kate move to Virginia. I believe she has booked the movers to come on Sunday. I cam home from taking the nursing board exam and was sooo bored! I don't know what to do with my time now, so I guess I should be thankful for moving. NEVER! I'll start looking for a job as soon as I decide where I need to be to do what I want to do. Right now, that is humanitarian nursing, but they all want experience! It's harder to volunteer than to get a job.

JudyEddy said...

Yeah JO THANKS for the message from LORI so sad hard to find a job after she worked her behind off Wishing her all the luck in the world

Waiting for our royal to come Hope we don't get stood up tonight

Lolly said...

Our former pastor quit being an ordained minister and went back to school and is now an RN. She is about Lori's age. She had a hard time finding a job. She finally landed a job in Fort Worth as an elementary school nurse. So far she is loving it!

Found several armadillo diggings today and it had also dug out a former "home". Not happy about that!😁

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Lolly, no doubt Skippi will be so happy to be home with you and Jack. She's going to be just fine.

Wishing Lori the best in moving and job hunting. Neither is an easy task.

Wanda, I hope to join the momsters on Oct 18. Please let me know if I can help in some way. Thank you for being our organizer.

Jo, congratulations on the A+ blood work. Will look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

Now, it seems to me that Hoda's plan of attack against winter illness is borderline voodoo with her herbs, darkness, and midnight rituals. Must notify Dudley of these activities. Really Hoda, wish you a winter of goo health, warm woolen socks, and water-proof sandals.

I know I'm not caught up on all the activities. Just preoccupied with this stupid test. Creepy to go to a strange place, get wired up, and be video taped. I use to teach that as voyeurism. lol

Off to watch a little t.v. so just in case: Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm with a satchel of sleepy dust. Night light will be on. Restful sleep for all.

Oh, Cheetah cubs are getting so big and now learning to hunt (chase each other) and climb and balance in the big tree. So adorable.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

As for THE QUEEN, may she know that prolonged absence could be the equivalent of abdication and a new queen would have to be crowned.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie. ..under other circumstances. .yes that may be considered voyeurism!

Lolly. .glad Skippi will be back with you soon..did you get an update tonight?

Doing laundry chores tonight...sheets comforters etc.

Andy..glad Jen is done with the dentist for awhile. .nice bird sightings. Didn't see too many pelicans here this year so far..but cormorants and kingfishers are already back.

paula eagleholic said...

Oops Ken not Jen !

DanaMo said...

Hello, hello! I am so sorry I haven't been on the blog!
Jo asked me to send her a little note to copy over here, so I decided I should just take a little trip over and say hello.
I can't promise I will come over often, but I will try to do better!
Everything is hectic at the Hilmoe house.
Aric is back at Dayton and doing well after hitting some bumps in the road. Hopefully everything is okay now and back on track.
Andrew has gone back and forth to CA a couple of times and actually was there for a whole month with his girlfriend.I think he will be "moving on" in the spring. Not sure how I feel about that, but he is trying to get things in order to graduate from HCC at the end of this semester, pick up more hours at work, and maybe continue on for his bachelors degree.
Adam is doing well at bumps thus far. Keep praying.
Annemarie has entered Junior year and has a really hard schedule. She worked all summer at a Veterinary hospital in Gettysburg and enjoyed the work and the people, but she is not sure it is the direction she will go. I think she will make that determination after Anatomy and Physiology this year and dissecting a fetal pig!! (I think she is very worried about this).
I have 23 adorable kindergarteners this year and a new classroom assistant. I'm trying very hard to adjust and missing my former aide terribly.
Monte is doing well, still traveling.
Dad is so good. God is great! He recovered from all that bad stuff last year. The cancer is still there, but remains status quo. No growth, no chemo right now. It isn't growing or spreading so we continue to hold off on the chemo.
Mom is trying to keep busy. She is starting to volunteer at the school cafeteria every other week and joined a bowling league.
And of course the pups...Javalin tore her ACL and had to have it repaired. She is doing well, putting more weight on it and keeping up with her in home PT ;) Boomer hasn't eaten anything lately (that I know of) and Frisbee is just a good ole boy!!

Love you guys. Hope this finds everyone well. <3 <3

Mema Jo said...

Thank so much for dropping by, Dana.
You did forget to tell everyone that you are still keeping fit and trim and doing daily runs when possible.
Please come back soon again

Mema Jo said...

Judie -I hope you return because I forget what time of day or night to do you have this
sleep study?

Judie said...

Wowser! So strange. I keep hearing Jo calling my name. Well, here I am...

I am to report at 8:30pm. I will be awakened between 5-5:30am. There are two pages of do and do nots. One do not that is not on their list is "I do not like this." So, I will be absent tomorrow night. Sandperson has graciously agreed to take care of the momsters.

Hi Dana. Busy life. Come back soon.

Hi Paula.

Okay, this is my goodnight. Sandperson tossed sleepy dust in my eyes.

JudyEddy said...

Good Luck sleeping JUDIE

DANA yeah good to hear from you and visit more often
Thanks JO for giving her the nudge

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥


Lolly said...

Judie, I wish you luck with the test. I would not be able to go to sleep. Started to say I would be too wired, but guess that is part of the process! Lol. Joey did this and now wears the mask and is on the machine. Not ideal but he is sleeping better and not as much snoring.

No, did not hear from the vet. I plan to call in the morning. I thought they would call today.😢

Great to see you, Dana!

Yep, we need a new queen!😱the one we had has flaked out!😫
Time for buddy bye! Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Thank you JO Blessed Be on good blood work.
Very happy.

Do we have a date yet for SHAR'S surgery.
Good luck JUDIE with the test tomorrow evening.

Cold rainy day, and still lovely.

Volunteering for October is getting busy.
Meditation weekend this weekend.
KRD and Front of a House weekend the next weekend.
Water testing and Kootenay Lake Summit to follow.
An Ayurvedic cleanse mid October for a week.

More Dragon Boating and Yoga continue.
Cooking classes have started.
Going to Nakusp for some mineral water therapy after tomorrow.

Finally time to do something besides Kootenay Spirit Festival.

Good night
God Bless

Sandi said...

Good rainy Thursday morning my eagle friends.

Dana good to see you on the blog rather than just on FB.

Lolly, I'm sure Skippy is missing you as much as you are missing her.

Shar, news about the band job for Andrew??

Hoda, pray tell what is Front of a House Weekend????? I sure wouldn't want to be out on the water in BC this time of year!! You are far braver than I! BTW, I don't get flu shots either, nor do I make "potions." I am just blessed with a healthy immune system.

Jo, your blood test results sound very encouraging - prayers continue for you.

Shirley, has Hunter been able to see Anthony? Is the teasing on the bus still going on? I would doubt it - kids have short memories and I'm sure there have been a dozen new things since Anthony's accident to tease other kids about.

Judie, good luck with the sleep study - hope you can actually sleep and find out answers to whatever is bothering you. BTW, what problems are you having that your doc recommended the study?

Have a great day all.

Janet said...

good morning to all! have a super Thursday!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Up early. Maybe I'll be extra tired tonight.

Sandi, a diagnostic test to determine if interrupted sleep is basis for fatigue, etc. Personally, I think I am tired from reading about all of Hoda's activities.

Lolly, I'm sure Skippi is going to do just fine. Know how you feel. So hard to wait to get the patient home to be carefully watched by "mom."

Hoda? Front of house? Are you participating in a play? Are you going to be working in a restaurant (selling brownies)? Really, I do wish you would stop sitting around on your tush and DO something. lol

Okay, off to begin my day with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. May venture out into the raining overcast weather.

Have a good morning everyone.

Judie said...

Oh, have already gotten my flu shot. Nice bonus CVS gives a 20% discount on a purchase. Worked for me.


stronghunter said...

Good morning!

stronghunter said...


Hunter hasn't seen Anthony yet. Not sure how that will work out. He hasn't been riding the bus, either. He was pretty upset. It would help a lot with the bus situation if he could connect with Anthony. Hunter doesn't take teasing in silence.

stronghunter said...

Got my flu shot, too. I was at the doctor's for another reason and they asked if I wanted one. I have gotten one most years. Have sometimes gotten the flu anyway.

Guess I missed out on the CVS deal.

Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday Morning - for a moment I thought it was Friday - I sure don't need to have my week finished before it's time. Today My Grandson
In-Law is 33 yrs. old.- ex Sgt Patrick. I'm sure you all remember me speaking of him = especially with Sammy and Izzy.

It is a rainy wet day here. Squirrels and birds still had to eat.

It was great hearing a run down from Dana. She was one of our early birds.

Our Royal pair haven't been spotted since the 23rd and their nest is still grassy green.

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I have always gotten flu shots - he was a public servant and I had COPD. 2 good reasons. Sometimes
we would get the sniffles - but not the flu. With Chemo the doc said I
had to wait for 3 weeks after Chemo treatment.... so not sure about this
year's shot as to when it would be done.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I am a little concerned for Hunter's emotional state. I really wish the Kathryn and Anthony's mother could get communications going
between the two boys who are really best friends. I agree with Sandi that school bus kids probably have something new to yack about. Couldn't a phone call between the 2 boys be planned? Hunter is too special to all of us having seen and heard about his growing up years to watch him be depressed. I'm sure it tugs at your heart too.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

JUDIE, special thoughts wafting toward you as you prepare for the sleep study. Hope it's revealing and helpful!

SHIRLEY, you know we're all concerned about Hunter and hoping for positive changes, soon! Prayers for Anthony as his leg heals.

I have always gotten flu shots, too, just about this time of year. More important than ever when one reaches "senior" status.

JO, Happy Birthday to ex-Sgt. Pat! My dear father was born 100 years ago today--lost him in 1985 and miss him still! And, you must know, dear friend, just how encouraging it is to hear about your fine n' dandy blood! Yeah!

HODA, I'm as puzzled as the others about "Front of the House", please enlighten us.

LOLLY, I've known many folks over years who've gone through sleep studies. Ahead of time every one of them said, "I'll not be able to sleep for those folks". But, everyone of them did fall asleep after all!

DANA, good to see you and to get an update on you and those you love! Such good news re:your dear parents! Good luck to Annemarie---she'll do you proud!!!

All's well here--Julie n' Hugh's birthday dinner was a huge success. Afterward Malcolm stayed overnight, spending a long day with us. Penny, he and I had a grand ol' time.

Love and prayers for all !!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Making a casserole to take to Laurel's today. Picking up Jacob at school, going to the house and waiting on Laurel. Game is at 5:45, so will reheat the casserole after the game. First home game so we do not have to travel as far, just an hour!

Armadillo did it's worst damage last night and Jack went out. Need to get out and make repairs! Grrrr!

Flu shots we had done at CVS, very convenient! Have not had flu in years!

Good luck tonight, Judie, with the sleep test. Will be interesting to hear what you have to say afterwards.

Need to get busy!

Judie said...

Finally decided on tonight's attire:

Lace teddi
Fishnet stockings with garter belt
Lace thong
Tassels as appropriate

Just hope they have appropriate music.


JudyEddy said...

JUDIE you for got the G STRING or the edible undies lol outfit complete please take pictures lol

JudyEddy said...

Good morning I forgot to say

JudyEddy said...

KAY so good you had fun with them
HODA I also want to know about Front of the House Is that code

NCSuzan said...

Good morning! We had rain yesterday and today is gloomy looking. Hope the sun shines through.

Lolly, hope Skippi is doing well and back to her self soon.

Shirley, hoping the situation with Hunter finds a friendly solution. We all care about him and want the best things in life to come his way.

Judie, good luck on your sleep study. I have had two. Did not sleep at either one! I took a book to read and they turned the light out! Haha

Jo, you are right about us taking the responsibility of finding out about those that are MIA. I guess we wonder "out loud" first here.

Hope everyone has a great day! I am loving the thinner air! Go Autumn!!

Judie said...

Don't need to take pictures JudyE. The perverts are going to do that. lol

Shirley, I forget. Have you spoken to Anthony's mom? Maybe a cup of coffee together?

Supposed to be a t.v. in the room. Will also take a book. Tonight is good t.v. PBS mystery and First 48.

Kay said...

JUDIE, a TV in the room would do it for me----fastest sleep inducer, with reading a close second----at least late in the day. You are going to be stunning in that outfit and I DO mean stunning!

NCSUZAN, I'm with you, Go Autumn!!!

JUDY, I take it yesrerday's horrible scenes of flooding in Florida did not affect you in the central Gulf Coast area? Sounds like you were able to get out and about as usual yesterday.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
We're we hacked?
Porn outfits and sleeping arrangements posts!
Gracious me!
You all had better chill out some!!!

Front of House? The live stage theatre, actually movie theatre too, need volunteers to run.
I volunteer with the Capitol Theatre. I like live productions.
So after they commented that they would like me to put some volunteer hours I agreed.
Good group to work with. Cheerful and Delughtful. I love the local chocolates sold there too. Scrumptious.

Hoda said...

Auto correct is nuts!
Worst with IOS 8
The hacking is the main point I was questioning

NatureNut said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds! It's Thursday and I don't have appts?????Definitely working on pictures and will have a set of about a dozen on here TODAY!!! I'm going thru pics of the magnolia tree I took thru the window to try and get those elusive vireos who stop by once a year!I have to blow them up and scan to find a bird! Then my elbow told me it was tired of playing Tennis, so gotta take a break! Wish I could do 'puter mouse w/left hand!
Have a great day! Be back in awhile, but don't hold your breath.☺

Mema Jo said...

ROFL - Judie
In that outfit I am sure Frank will lock you in the closet just like you lock Jufie in the closet.

Best of slumber to you!

Judie said...

Why are we not surprised to find out Hoda is volunteering at a place that provides chocolate? Special Nelson chocolate brownies, no doubt. Good volunteer activity. Free live performances. Cool.

Lowreeda, so nice to have you here. Lots of pictures soon, I'm sure.

Locked in a closet? Well, my reality outfit will be knee length cotton running shorts, a Sheriff's tee shirt, and socks if they will allow me to keep them on. Hopefully, the Sheriff's shirt will make them think twice about messin' with

grannyblt said...

Afternoon all.

Don't know if I will be able to make it the 18th. Daughter and grand kids to be in TX for college hunting and think I should come along. Daughter posted on FB a while ago that there was an earthquake in AK an hour or so ago. She said the strongest she's felt in her 14 years there. That may make her a little happier to move back to TX next year!

Joined the crowd and got my flu shot today.

Judie, have fun at the sleep clinic. I doubt if I could sleep.
Hoping to catch an eagle nest visit this evening.

Janet said...

good Thursday afternoon to ya'll. since i'm feeling more like myself, will chat a bit more.

JUDIE: now don't you go forgetting to paint them nail extra bright red, preferably with glitter polish and some nice deep red lipstick would do nicely. lol.

what ever happened to the nice tye dye jammies????????


flu shot. yes, on the agenda. getting over this cold first. bleech.

son in law has been working on Olivia's computer. I just don't get it. it is about 6 weeks old and I've had virus protection on the thing since day 1 and he said it is full of viruses!!!!! why do I put virus protection on it if it doesn't prevent viruses? I am using the same brand MCAFEE I've used for years updates on its own etc and this is baffling me. just thankful my sil is a computer guru. rather pay him than someone else.

not a lot going on. made a pot of chicken and dumplins for dinner. last night went to o charley's.... they don't have the black n bleu salad any more. sigh. as mom would have said, all good things have an end, except the hot dog. it has two ends.

not a lot else going on. drinking my 3 p.m. coffee, then off to work on math, science and who knows what else!

SED to JUDIE .... and hugs and love to all

Mema Jo said...

Mcafee should update if you set your automatic update....
Download Malwarebites .... try loading cc.cleaner or Clary utilities. They should help.

Mema Jo said...

Headed for some TV - Judie I'll be think of you as you Dream away in La La Land. Be sure you check in here
as soon as you get home no matter how early (at least before you go
back to sleep in your own bed)


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in quickly to say hello.
Judie, wishing you well for the sleep study tonight. Hope you're able to get some sleep, all things considered. Hope they're able to get some answers for you.

Lolly, I hope you hear from the vet soon! When did they actually do the surgery? I'm sure Skippi will be fine, and will be SOOO happy to be back at home!

It's good to hear from Dana! Glad your 3 labs are all doing well, and the rest of the family too. Have missed seeing you here!

Shirley, I hope that Hunter and Anthony can get back together for a visit soon. I hate to hear that Hunter is so upset. I'm hoping that if they can just talk on the phone or visit, everything will soon be back to normal.

Lolly, sorry to hear of more armadillo damage! How frustrating! Hope Jack gets him soon. Oh, and sorry to hear of your struggling walnut tree. Golly, we all need more rain! It's 90 here again today, so our reprieve didn't last long.

Well, need to try to get some housecleaning done, although I'm not very motivated. Too hot and sticky. Hope everyone is having a nice evening. I ♥ us!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have an eagle in the nest! Or at least we did.

Judie said...

Okay, here I go.

Sandperson is on high alert and will be checking on each of you.

Be back in the morning.

Restful sleep for all (me included).

Hoda said...

Praying JUDIE.
Love and Light to you.
I am thinking now I should have sent you a Nelson Brownie.

I am off to Indian Cooking class.
It is another autumn like day.
I have not yet taken out my autumn clothing.

NatureNut said...

Dear Judie, Hope you can get some restful sleep tonight! I guess a good stiff drink wouldn't be allowed!
Shar, you got to see a Big Bird!! I keep missing them, but if the nest had become a golf course hole, would certainly be a hazard!!!
Pics are ready to put in Nook, but will try to be faster than normal! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Got an eagle visit here this evening. .same female as a couple of weeks ago..same molt pattern.

Going to Rehoboth this weekend to Larry's. ..going to the sea glass festival in Cape May NJ ON Saturday. .taking the ferry over..should be fun.

Got my laptop hard drive and windows 7 installed. ..need to reinstall some programs..lost everything on my hard drive :( one day I will learn to keep it backed up

Can probably reload some pics...but that's about it.


Hoda said...

Momster Prayers for Tori.
Robyn said health issue developed because of prolonged usage of medication.
She is also suffering bone loss.

NatureNut said...

Hello, Dear Friends. I did not lie, but had two phone calls, and Blogger is going to get thrown in the River!!!!!! I have my Nook pics on Save, (we hope). The cursor will not make spaces for the text where I want to put it, so I'm trying to write Under the pics as Captions.It keeps changing, font, size, color and underlining the text! I didn't tell it to do any of that stuff!!!
The 'puter doesn't have Google Chrome anymore, so maybe blogger is upset or doing it's own sleep study tonight, too!
Be back in a little while and try some more. :>(

stronghunter said...

Don't you just love it when technology takes control, Loretta?

stronghunter said...

Things seem to be falling apart for the Redskins tonight. Yikes!

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Tori. She and her family have been through way too much.

stronghunter said...

Hope Judie is sleeping soundly by now.

Mema Jo said...

Coming back on to check things out.

Sounds like a fun weekend Paula - especially going over in the ferry and seeing all the sea glass. Hope you can bring some home.

Hoda - Having heard of Tori's left foot injury I have been praying.
Thanks for bringing info over her for
Momsters/Dadsters prayers.

JudyEddy said...

KAY we were high and dry yesterday but other parts of Fl got pounded like you saw

TORI and her family have been through so much Lets hope this is just a small bump in the road Sending her healing thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery

sandman is a little late He is probably pacing the floors wondering where JUDIE IS hopefully she is sound asleep by now I didn't get my sleepy time tea in me just yet
came home not to long ago from kids house

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow Skippi comes home. Lolly had you called them today to see how she was doing?

Understatement Shirley that the
Redskins have fallen apart. Whatever
happened I'll never know.

Mema Jo said...

Saying Goodnight to all ♥

God bless us for all our needs

Sleep Judie Sleep


NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. If you,re
asleep, catch this in the AM.
Finally got pictures sort of on Blog! I started with text under the pics, as it wouldn't give me any space!

I had not read back when I last posted, so want to say that Tori is definitely on my prayer list. It's so strange that I was thinking about her and Robyn a day or two ago.
Fubby did not have Redskins on & checked. It was 14 NY to 0.
Gotta hit the hay soon and a couple chores to do, so Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL, especially Jo, Tori, Larry ;>)

JudyEddy said...

OH LORETTA your pictures are great great of the raccoon's

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

The Redskins' situation has gotten worse, Loretta. 45-14.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night and head upstairs. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

We are home. After Joseph's game we went back to the house to eat and watch football. Joey and Joseph were thrilled with the Giants.

Yes, I called the vet this morning and Skippi was doing fine. We go get her in the morning. In the afternoon I will be meeting Laurel and Jacob at the Children's hospital in Fort Worth. They are going to remove the tumor at the back of his neck. Prayers please that he is a brave and cooperative 10 year old. He can be uncooperative at times! Grandmommy has promised him we will go into the Build a Bear Shop which is right there in the hospital. They are coming home with me afterwards and spending the night.

Heading now to the pillows and thinking of Judie. Hope she is able to sleep!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Prayers for JACOB
Keep us posted LOLLY.

Good night all

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. TGIF!

Hoping that Judie's sleep study will reveal some answers for her fatigue.

Prayers for Jacob's surgery to be quick and easy and pain-free. Prayers too for Tori who has been through so much in her young life.

Ongoing prayers for you, Jo.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning all.

JO: thanks. per sil, over 100 viruses on that computer, he had to completely wipe it. since it is so new, that is fine. he has suggested I get symantic by Norton...said it is what they use at work and since they are all computer gurus, this is what I shall do.

the only thing I can think is that the music sites she likes to frequent are honey pots and laced with nasty bugs. grrrrr

another beautiful morning. fall like, almost 60 as I sit here drinking coffee.

hope JUDIE slept well....hoping JUFIE didn't make an appearance, lol.

thinking of all, holding you close in my heart and thought.

have a great RED TGIF!!!!

Judie said...

Good morning - well for all of you.

As for me, I am exhausted. The night was not fun. Had to turn the light out at 11 so tossed and turned in the dark watching the camera watch me. Wake up call at 5:30am. Grrrrr! I am not a warm and fuzzy person at that hour. Anyway, I am home and the test is over. Won't know anything for two weeks.

Did watch Midsomer Murders and First 48.

So glad Skippi will be home today. Sending thoughts and prayers for Jacob to have a successful surgery and to be a good patient.

Lowreeda, will check out the pictures when I am more awake to enjoy.

I see Hoda is off to yet another boring day. Have fun cooking and yes, I probably could have used a Nelson brownie.

Heartfelt prayers for Tori. She has been through more than any young person should have to accommodate in life. May this be a temporary bump in the journey.

Eyelids falling down asleep now. Will return later. Wishing everyone a pleasant morning.

Judie said...

Still awake and seems I am home alone.

Loweeda, the pictures and the narrative are just terrific. You are a brave woman to get so close to the wild critters and the kitties are also apparently fearless. Amazing. Many thanks.

Okay, now to contemplate the day. Lovely sunshine and bright blue sky. May make myself less scary (I have sticky paste in my hair) and go foraging.


Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning To All ♥

The weather is going to be beautiful
today. I have no plans but I may ask for a ride up into the mountains.

Jacob - Successful surgery by skilled hands and healing. Good for you to be able to go with Laurel - Sometimes I feel that the person(s) waiting for a procedure to be done are more nervous then the patient.

Tori - I hope you made it to your class like you wanted and I pray the pain was not too great. I pray they can do a joint replacement in that left foot. Avascular Necrosis in case any of you wish to look it up.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see that the sleep test was more of a non-sleep test. I think that would happen to me as well.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks again Judy for pics in our
album. I did see Belle (I thought)
in the nest last evening. We hadn't spotted either of them for about 2 days. Like one of you said about all that grass - it is going to make for a very cushiony floor.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo!

It looks like a beauteous day here, too. I haven't ventured out yet.

stronghunter said...

I suppose all of the rain in the area has made that nest grass grow so well. And there should be plenty of fertilizer.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Fervent prayers for LOLLY's Jacob !!!

And, so, too for Tori !!!

JUDIE, 2 weeks seems a long time to wait for results ! Hope you can catch a few zzz's today since your night was so short.

Have a good day all and my love and prayers for each and every one of you !!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

JUDIE so sorry about not sleeping at your sleep study I hope they find some answers for you

Mema Jo said...

Judie - you are headed for fresh air and then a Panda Nap this afternoon with your feet up! Thanks for touching base as soon as you did this morning. I also watch First 48

They may just tell you the conclusion to your sleep test is that
you don't sleep well while being watched. I'm not sure I could have
completed that test. Good on you as one of our friends says.

Hoda said...

Good on you is right JUDIE!
So funny to force lights out and then when you are finally asleep to wake you up!!! I do not understand that test!

Prayers JACOB.
Let us know LOLLY.

Off to yoga
Then to the hot springs

Be back this evening.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Skippi is home and doing well. She started purring as soon as I held her at the vets. She was as happy to see me as I was to see her. She has wanted to play and is also spending time looking out the window. We still have the house open.

Thanks for the prayers for Jacob. I guess we are more concerned about his actions as the procedure. We that is really a concern too as it is so close to his spine.

Lolly said...

Wow, sure is quiet on here. Have done a little Lollypoloozing and now going to get ready to head to Fort Worth.

Was going to make Jacob a special dessert, but everything I thought of to make I lacked ingredients. Whoops! Dieting and I tend to ignore the grocery shopping for some every day cooking. Maybe I should get ready to go but head to the grocery store first. Guess that is what a good grandmommy would do!

See you all later!

Judie said...

Okay, here I am home again. Went foraging and my eyelids are falling down asleep. Guess my seemingly sleepless night has infected the momsters as everyone is quiet - except Lolly who has Lollypaloozed.

Glad Skippi is home and happy to be there. Thoughts are with Jacob. Not to worry about food, Lolly. He may not have much appetite at first.

So, headed across the hall to put my feet up and my eyelids down.


Mema Jo said...

I'm thinking (praying) that Jacob
will be very brave with having the procedure done as he will be on his own with the dr and assistants. I'm
sure you will be very proud of him.
Praying for skilled hands and quick removal and rapid healing.
Ice cream will be the best treat I'm sure.

Judie said...

Yes, ice cream is the perfect solution.

Headed for the scullery. Grilled burgers tonight. Easy to cook. Easy cleanup. Then to the pillows.

Mema Jo said...


Blue Bloods
Partners10:00 PM on WJZ 13


I also hear another
Jesse Stone TV Movie is coming out
but I can only find older ones listed

Lolly said...

At the hospital, ready to head home! He did great ! Just the shot at the beginning was the worst!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Prayers indeed for Tori! She and her family have been through so much, I pray that this is just a bump in the road.

Prayers for the Redskins, too! Gee, what happened?! Yikes!

Prayers for fast healing for both Jacob and Skippi! Glad both surgeries went well.

Judie, I am sure that I would have had the same reaction to that so-called "sleep study"! Are those people kidding? Hoping they won't make you do a repeat! Bet you'll sleep like a rock in your own bed.

Paula, your weekend sounds like it's going to be so much fun! Enjoy!

Prayers for you too, Jo! Glad you're doing well. Love you! (Hugs)!!

It's cooler here today! High of 81, and our onshore breeze is back! MUCH better, thank God!
High 70s forecast for this weekend, with clouds and 40% chance of showers tomorrow! Yes!!

Need to go now, and figure out what to have for dinner. Will try to get back here later tonight. Have a great evening, everyone!
I ♥ us!!!

Judie said...

Eyelids keep falling down asleep. Sandperson claims no responsibility as sleepy dust for me would be wasted.

Hi Andy. Second test is an option NOT. lol

Sandperson is preparing to depart to visit all of you. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Rest well and SED

Lolly said...

Has been a good evening! Jacob has gone down with Advil. He has done so well. He is sleeping with "Steve" his new bear. Lol. Heading to soccer early tomorrow. See you tomorrow late!

Nite all! SED!

Hoda said...

Good to hear JACOB came through alright.
Blessed Be.

Good autumn day here.
Enjoyed the Nakusp Hot Springs.

The colours are breath taking.
Saw deer and elk and eagle.

Good night
God Bless us all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Another work week down.

Lolly, glad to hear that Jacob did well with his surgery.

We are driving to Baltimore for a baby shower for our niece Meredith who is expecting her 1st child at age 36. We'll come home tonight b/c I have tennis tomorrow morning. Lots of driving time for 1 day.

Have a good one!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

another work week beginning for me and ending for others

Hoda said...

Good Morning you two!
Enjoy the weekend.
The only trippin' I am doing this weekend is in my head!
See you all tonight

JudyEddy said...

HODA you are opening a can of worms with that comment

JudyEddy said...

Can't wait to see some responses lol

Just checked the nest temp brr chilly 48°

me we are 76°

more rain for some in the area We got rain last night after 5

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 265   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED