Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Watched an interesting interchange today with our two juveniles.  One was on a limb near the nest, the other came soaring in,  and slowly landed on the head of the other, which rousted the perched bird, who flew off.  Looked kinda playful and was a cool thing to see.

New thread.


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Tuesday!

Thanks for the new thread and the observation!

And the feather :)

I'll call the others over.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest appears MT at the moment.

Sandi said...

Thx steve 4 the new thread and paula 4 the call over. while brian lynnis and freyja r at the doctors we r headed 2 nctc!! will report back later!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread
Hey there, Paula
Sandi - I thought you were going
grocery shopping lol Anxious to
hear another ground report

Steve, thank you so much for the nest activity. I think they were
showing off for you!

Kay said...

Wahoo, thanks STEVE, for the new thread and for reporting that unique bit of eagletree ! Congrats to PAULA for the call over and feather !

Thanks to all who've welcomed me back in true Momster fashion.

SANDI, looking forward to hearing about the nest visit and perhaps some pics. Thrilled to pieces with the fact that you are getting so much hands on good time with Freya. Eager for more pics of her, too !

SHIRLEY, I never dreamed a tea "factory" could be so interesting. Before the tour we had lunch in their cafeteria which is both for guests and employees. What a spread, with the most extensive, fresh and beautiful salad bar ever ! If you get out there again, do take it in.

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

JANET, wonderful first hand account of an eagle sighting ! A blessing from above.

No need to wonder who generated a delete when it follows one of my entries. It seems to occur when I use the "back arrow" in order to read past postings. Grrrrr......

SHIRLEY glad the colonscopy is over and done with. Hoping results for both you and THELMA are "clean n' clear". One advantage of aging is that I had my last one a couple of years ago. The doc said they aren't done on people over 80 years of age and I'll be within a hairs breadth of that by the time the five years is up. He said he wouldn't recommend I have another.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, welcome home. Bet Penny was thrilled to see you.

If you use the refresh instead of the back arrow, it will eliminate those double posts :)

The refresh is the whirly arrow looking thingy in your address bar (if you are using ie)

paula eagleholic said...

Or Kay, click on the "Shepherdstown Eagle cam Daily" heading at the top of the page and it will take you back to the main blog page...then you can go to whatever thread you need to catch up on.

Mema Jo said...

And remember (this is why my stuttering occurs) WAIT after hitting Publish until the black whirly arrow completely stops.
It is when you click too soon that you get a double post.......

If you are reading comment on same page that you are commenting - use
the scroll bar to read

Kay said...

Thanks, PAULA and JO ! SHIRLEY has mentioned the whirly gig in the past. I do not see one on my screen, but will try going to the Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Daily at top of screen when I want to go back to a previous thread. No problems when I'm staying on the current thread. Another thing for this old brain to work with !

Kay said...

Aha, a test of my powers of observation---I now see the whirly gig way at the top of the screen. And I've tried hitting the SECD line with success. I won't promise no more double postings, but I now know some things to watch out for---no more back arrow for me ! Luminosity is not the only way to increase one's brain power. Hanging around with youse guys is the nuts !

Hoda said...

Good rainy morning everyone.
Tad chilly

Thank you STEVE for the reporting on the juvies. Cool observation and cool reporting.

LOVE LOVE LOVE little miss FREYJA saying good morning on FB. Thank you GRAN MA.
So delicate and elegant.

Thinking of THELMA. Prayers.

Enjoy the day everyone.

stronghunter said...

Oh, no colonoscopy for me, Kay. I was referring to T-Bird's colonoscopy. I had mine about a year ago.

Would have loved the tea factory, I am sure. I enjoy their teas, too. The fact we didn't get there is an indication of how many things were on our list of things to do. We were kept very busy last August.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, turtle shell at Minnesota and Alcoa!

I love Celestial Seasoning. My favorite is Mandarin Orange Spice.

Kay sounds like you had a lovely time.

Paula, happy that Larry is doing better all the time.

Wishing good results for Thelma.

NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

ring a ding ding
put on the boxing gloves (metaphorically speaking)
teenager years in full swing

had great acupuncture. now home and cleaning much to Olivia's dismay, she doesn't get to relax today....

Yes, I was beyond words when I saw that eagle fly over head. there were no words....no words can really describe how I felt...

later ya'll I need to get moving!

Janet said...


NCSuzan said...

LOL! I just posted somewhere. Now I can't find it. Just wanted you to know Jo, that there is a nice turtle shell in the Minnesota and also Alcoa nests!

JudyEddy said...

HEllo on lunch and find a new thread

STEVE you made laugh out loud in MCDs


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Love your eagle sighting SIS

now what is the story behind your avatar??

Nest is MT at the present time

Maine nest I see the adult and juvie picture is fuzzy
MboundN nest has one juvie
Decorah nest MT

WR see juvie and adult

and off course critter cam I see adult zoomed in on

JudyEddy said...

two in the mn nest one near the stump I missed

Mema Jo said...

lol Thanks for the information Suzan

Turtle dinner must be better then fish at times...........

JudyEddy said...

well I discovered I can't have more that 3 open with the flash player
Naturally on browser has the radio playing for my entertainment
and the critter cam
and the blog
then I switch to see if anyone is home at our nest but no luck so I will keep it on the critter cam Guaranteed to see a eagle adult and juvies they now have three juvies in the pen

JudyEddy said...

once again GOOGLE has changed their
design for the second time today pretty cool this one

JudyEddy said...

I googled Google graphic for world cup and it shows them all some days 2-4 different ones

paula eagleholic said...

lol sUzAN....your post is there...now twice!

Nest appears MT...was a juvie in there awhile ago...screen was frozen on it...

paula eagleholic said...

Janet, so very happy you got to see an eagle in the wild....a powerful emotion...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thank you Steve for the on-the-scene report. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It really is powerful to see an eagle in the wild. Nothing can describe what it does for the spirit.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and YES there is no feeling like watching a eagle soar I love it when I got to see them every year at the cell phone tower have so many video of them just flying around on my YouTube Channel

I heard eagle squealing when I first signed on but now all I hear is WIND

Kay said...

NCSUZAN, Mandarin Orange Spice is my fav, too ! I sampled some of it as we waited for the tour to begin. Our tour was "The Blueberry Tour", so that is what I have in my courtesy packet. Not so sure I'll like it, but will give it a try !

Kay said...

I'm off to Julie's for a taco supper. See you tomorrow !

Love and prayers for all in need !


JudyEddy said...

I see wing flapping in the NEZ

JudyEddy said...

One is on the stump see wing for a second

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

double clicked my mouse

JudyEddy said...

The adult bald eagle that is at the Critter Cam is being released back to the wild this Thursday

JudyEddy said...

If you know someone in the area the release is open to the public and they are asking for RSVP's
would be something to see ♥

JudyEddy said...

I can hear out eaglets but no sight of them

Hoda said...

Off to Dragon Boat practice.
I usually go Saturday, Monday and Wednesday and am a spare on Tuesday...
They are three short tonight so I am on for sure.
Very pleased.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, Paddle well! May you see an eagle.

Picked out 2 TV shows for this evening. That will be my entertainment before
bed time. If I don't return - know that I wish you a good evening and
a pleasant night's rest. My early hr to rise up and hit the road is way too early for me to stay up late.

TTUL ♥ I should e back on here late am or early pm..... Love you all and thanks for thinking of me.

JudyEddy said...

adult in

JudyEddy said...

nice size fish one eaglet has it in middle of nest adult went to side and is being squished to the stump

Lolly said...

Hello! We are on our way home, slow and easy! Today we came down central CO. We stopped for the night near Canon City and the Royal Gorge. We will stop tomorrow in Wichita Falls and arrive home at a good hour on Thurs. keep Laurel and family in prayers. They are driving straight home, arriving home in the wee hours.

We have had an awesome time. We had great weather, tiring but great hikes, and just could not have been better. So very proud to have made the hike to Loch Vale, 3 miles UP, over rocks and ruts and then 3 miles down. I was exhausted and every muscle hurt but I DID IT!

Lolly said...

Kay, so sorry we could not meet up! We left the park and went into Estes so seldom.

Lolly said...

Kay, I did see on my phone where you tried to reach me. Also, said I had voice mail, but there was nothing.

Have received way over 2 inches of rain since Sunday morning. Neighbor sent text and friend sent picture of flooded prayer garden at church. Happy camper here. LOL

Judie said...

Sandperson is on the way.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

good evening all.

JUDYE: the avatar: at Dollywood they have Eagles living there who cannot be returned to the wild. They have lovely out door habitats for them. Most have been injured or imprinted on humans and therefore are now dependent upon us.

They have a few birds, golden eagle, bald eagle, a barn owl and a raven in some enclosures so you can get a closer look at them. It was clean and spacious and I think they are removed and put out to a wider out door aviary at the end of each day. ANyway, I had Tom to take my pix with the Bald Eagle, thinking of you all.

Part of me just hates to see such beauty caged....sigh, but I also know we as humans are mostly responsible for what has happened to cause these birds injury...so now we must care for them....

The out door aviaries must be 75 feet tall? and quite wide as well. Wit the one in the enclosure, we counted 8 eagles.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless
Great Paddle JO, thank you.

Keeping you in prayers JO.
Love and Light to you.

Mema Jo said...

This entry qualifies me as an extra early bird! Up and about getting ready to roll into Frederick.
I'll return later today - wishing you all a pleasant day ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Mega prayers in progress for JO !

LOLLY, sorry about the missing voice mail---your instructions were so garbled with static and I couldn't tell when to start talking ! It was worth a try---sorry we were so close and yet so far away.☺
Years ago I visited Canon City/Royal Gorge. Spectacular ! Hoping to hear Laurel and her guys are safely home by now.

We had heavy rainfall from about 6pm and all through the night. Some lightening/thunder and a brief power outage. Lookout PA n' WV, it may be heading your way.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JO yep you are a early bird this am along with KAY

Nest is MT at the present time from what I can see or hear no eagle chirps so far

JudyEddy said...

eaglet chirping going on

grannyblt said...

Good Morning all

Nest is MT from what I see and hear. Only the neighborhood crows.

Hoping Sandi will check in so she can tell us of her nest visit yesterday, and of course the details of her new adventure into grand parenthood

Kay, I think I forgot to welcome you home. And thanks, by the way for the rain. Yesterday and last night we had 80% chance and I think it rained 80% of the time. Still have light rain this morning. I think we could surely share with the parched west.

Jo, you will have a special place in my thoughts and prayers today.

Hoping for a wonderful day to all.

Hoda said...

Yes VERY GOOD to have KAY back.
Welcome home.
Looking forward to LOLLY'S return.

Good morning.

JO in prayers.
Funny on early bird!
Keep posting
Got your back

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Prayers and good wishes for early bird Jo today.

Pretty and sunny here. I think it is supposed to get hot and humid. I've not been out yet. Just sitting at my kitchen table looking out at the back yard.

Janet said...

top of the morning to all. wild and wacky Wednesday!

have a great day to all! JO: holding you close...

light and love to all

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Hello all you beautiful Eaglet Momsters and Dadsters! Thought I was dead, didn't ya!?? Lol!! I have an update from our very own Bird Girl, Delphia. She said to let you know that she is okay. Here is an update from her facebook yesterday:

So, the update on Delphia Strickland. The good news is that at least thus far they haven't had to reverse her hyprocure surgery. And it now seems unlikely that she has a staph infection of something awful like that. On the downside she is still in the hospital on the strongest antibiotics they have and has a big ole hole in her ankle. The forecast is to keep her leg in a splint and let that hole drain while she's on strict bedrest for 3 weeks. That will give it time to heal on its own. Theoretically.

If we are lucky she gets to come home tomorrow but it's more likely Thursday so feel free to email her and help keep her spirits up.

Hope everyone has a great day! Bask to the salt mines for me. Love and hugs to all!!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the update on Delphia, Sissy. I didn't know all of that was going on with her.

Need to get busy and accomplish something here.

Wishing everyone a good day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! About to hit the road again. Have a great day!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends! so far this morning I have fed the dogs, fed the pigs, fed the donkey, fed the chickens & collected eggs, made 2 homemede quiches, and of course spent time with my freyja!

Yesterday I did about 6 loadsof laundry, washed dryed and folded, bought groceries, cleaned the bathrooms, cleanedthe kitchen & mopped the floor, fixed dinner, and of course spent time with my freyja!

We went to the nest before grocery shopping. the guard wouldnt let us on the property so we went 2 the bend in the road and watched from there. the whole 30 minutes we were there, one juvie was perched on the stump. we could see him very clearly with binoculars. never did see the other juvie or either parent fly in.

More cleaning 2 do today and I want to make some vegetable soup for lynnis. the carnivores will have burgers for dinner tonight.

Sending positive energy jo's way.

Safe travels lolly & jack.

Have a good day all.

Hoda said...

Good report SANDI thank you.
Little Miss Freyja Catkin is blessed with her Granma.

Almost noon. Hoping to hear from JO soon.

Safe travels LOLLY and JACK.

stronghunter said...

Sounds as if you are having the time of your life, Sandi!

Thinking of Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet in the nest...think it's Capt

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi,,,what will Freyja call you???

Sorry you couldn't get on the grounds, but at least you could see one of our juvies.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at the launch pad...cleaning his beak, although I couldn't tell he was eating

Mema Jo said...

Well Well Well I am home

Hospital procedure was NIXED
I feel like a REJECT
Both my doc & the anesthesiologist
agreed my lungs were Too Tight.
I had the IV in - the glorious white stockings on with the green vibrating leggins to ward off blood clots on and a new type of gown that was called Bair Paw - funniest thing was the little bear paw emblem. It is new and is used instead of those wonderfully warm blankets in recovery. This crazy gown has openings for a hose which is attached to warm/cold air machine and it is blown into the outer part of the gown.

So I was sent over for a visit with my pulmonary doc to have him try to get my lungs clear. Prednisone for 24 day & 12 days for the azithromycin.

I am home now but did take time to eat some lunch that Kristen fixed for me as I had been fasting sind last night's dinner.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers... Come July I may finally be able to see what this is on my lung. I love you all dearly ♥ I am not upset because I know what is happening is meant to be. I do have a PET scan on June 30th.

I must put my feet up since I was up at 4am. Going to turn on my show of New Tricks......... BBILW

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well Mema Jo, I am glad you are home. The docs know what they are doing and I am glad they didn't try to forge ahead anyway. I love you!!!!!

Judie said...

Momster prayers are more than powerful, Jo. Sorry you had to go through the morning process. ♥

grannyblt said...

Well, darn it anyway Jo. But it was interesting to hear about the hospital warmer gown. We will certainly have you at the top of the prayer list.

JudyEddy said...

JO so happy you are home safe and sound and glad you have a dr that seems to be looking after your best interest I am sure you a pooped after being a EARLY BIRD this am nap I say is called for

On lunch as if you couldn't figure it out

SANDI good report on the nest and on the family so happy you get baby time I am sure all what you are doing is greatly appreciated

Just went to pick up my prescription it was suppose to be a one month extension Appt next month with dr so they gave me a vaca refill
and they did goof up I now have 10 month refill on it that makes no sense to me

JudyEddy said...

I am unable to get the live feed at all anyone else having issues

JudyEddy said...

only 2 hours before I am officially in a semi retirement mode


JudyEddy said...

and its MT with the exception of the PIA spinney twirling around and around PIA arrow looks really windy at the nest

JudyEddy said...


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

I'm not really caught up on the blog yet, but had to get on and let you know that we're home from our Capistrano Beach weekend. Got home Monday, but have been so busy I've barely been on the computer at all. That changed quickly when the doctor's office sent me more reports to transcribe!

We had a glorious time doing nearly nothing, and getting all rested up. Sis-in-law REALLY needed that! The weather was beautiful, the ocean was gloriously blue, and we loved it.
Now we're home, and so's Emma, so all's right with our world!

Jo, have been praying for you, and sorry you had to go through all that this morning for naught, but guess the doctors know the best way to care for you! Prayers continue! (Out, damned spot!!!!)

Right now I need to get some work done, and then catch up here. Have all of you in my prayers, and on my mind. Will try to get back here later tonight. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

Watching the critter cam the adult will be set free tomorrow will miss seeing him or her daily but the three juvies are still there

paula eagleholic said...

I AGREE WITH SHARON...the Dr's know best...and glad they didn't force the issue....the waiting sucks tho!

paula eagleholic said...

Have a frozen pic of part of an adult and a part of a juvie...going to restart the cam now.

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is MT...but looks like lots of fish scales in the bowl. :)

Kay said...

JO, I agree with the others---the docs know best---just wish they'd known "best" before you had to go through all that stuff this morning ! Sounds like that is a state of the art hospital, further proof that you are in good hands. Better yet, we know you're in God's hands ! You are loved !

SHAR, thanks for the news of our Bird Girl---I hadn't a clue---will be remembering her in prayers, too !

SANDI, it's a thrill to hear about country livin' in WV and glad you're getting lots of Freyja time in the mix !

Kay said...

Oops,just realized it was EESissy who filled us in re:Delphia--sorry I got you lovely sisters mixed up !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so excited. I just had a scarlet tanager out here. It was too quick to get a pic but it was beautiful!

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

the storms are a brewin'....

JO, UGH!! Sorry things got all cattywampus this morning. But it just gives us more time to pray!

Lynne2 said...

Glad Kay and Lolly are back from CO safely, and that Paula has had some time with Studmuffins, and that he is doing pretty well, and nice to she Shirley back too.

Prayers for Bird Girl!

Shar, aren't those STs just beautiful?

Lynne2 said...

By chance, is anyone growing GG Morning Glories this year? I have them, they have about 4ft of vine and leaves but NO flowers :(

Lynne2 said...

Back Dr today is recommending epidural injections....YAY!!!!! There has been a LOT of degeneration and far more arthritis in my spine and discs. blah blah blah....
SO I have to stay off of the Warfarin for 5 days prior to the procedure. UGH. Will hopefully have injections in 2-3 weeks.

Hoda said...

JO What SHAR said!
Right on SHAR. Exactly right.
Keeping you in prayer JO.

Lynne2 said...

Officially I am TEN POUNDS DOWN!!! IN about 5 weeks!! That is forty lbs less pressure on my knees now!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 Great job on the #10

JudyEddy said...

eaglet chirping

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a prayer request for you awesome praying folks. My Aunt Glenna, who is my Daddy's sister, is in a nursing home near Asheville, NC. She has had untreated mental health problems for years and finally her daughter stepped in and had her transferred nearer to her. Her physical health is pretty bad with complications of diabetes. With her mental health issues, her physical health has suffered too. Please pray for her and her daughter. It is really a tough time. I haven't had much contact with her since Daddy died because she got in her mind that I starved him to death.

NCSuzan said...

I give up! Had the camera up and it has been running uninterrupted for hours and NO eagles. Ugh!

Lynne2, soon you will be so skinny that a regular breeze will sweep you away!

Looks like we might also have a storm brewing. Conditions are right.

Paula, yes I found my post. What was extra embarrassing was the posts I had just read about double posting. We'll see what happens this time!

Miss Shirley and Margy. Hope they both will be back soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Suzan. yours weren't exactly the same :-)

JudyEddy said...

juvie in nest

JudyEddy said...

wind is really violent a leaf and branch every now and then show up on the camera lens from the right

JudyEddy said...

lots of wingersizing on the edge of nest in the nhz wings goiing up and down I see tail feather

paula eagleholic said...

Good news on the weight loss and back treatment Lynne

Judie said...

Hope the situation will improve for your aunt, Sharon.

Eaglet in the nest. Wind is blowing. Storm likely. Skies dark here.

Happy Sandi is having lots of Freyja time.

Welcome home to Lolly & Jack and to Kay.

Have been in touch with Jo.

Lynne2 said...


Judie said...

I see that Lynne2 is going to have some treatment for her back and hoping for success. Congratulations on the weight loss.

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for you Aunt, Shar.

Mema Jo said...

Hagerstown and now Middletown having rain. The rain in my valley is steady and no storm conditions. Nest looks dry - it may have not hit

Sharon, hoping that since your aunt's daughter has stepped in that perhaps her situation and health may change.

Mema Jo said...

Going to my WETA channels tonight
Father Brown and Death in Paradise.

My daughter Kristen surely outdid
herself today with the time here at
the house. She cooked so many dishes
for us - delicious dishes I must say.
Then she invited over her two brothers and family for dinner. She
made me forget anything that I was
worried about. All is well ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - so proud of your weight loss.
You have got to feel so much better, gal. Keep it going!

Mema Jo said...

Suzan I double post when I am in a hurry and think that I didn't give the right command and then just do it again. My Double Posts is
quickly deleted with my trash can!
lol - sometimes I then don't take the time to own up to it being my delete!

Mema Jo said...

Spoke too soon

Boom Boom!

JudyEddy said...

juvie was up on trunk supporting camera again I got a couple of snips

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! We have stopped for the night! It was a long windy day. Home tomorrow.

Prayers for you ,Jo! Do not like you being under the weather.

Sandi, so very glad you are having this time. Sounds like me when I stayed with Laurel after births. Even got to do a little of that after Zach was born. Ash's mother had not yet moved to Dallas.

Way to go, Lynne, on the 10 lb loss!,, Keep it up! Was wishing I weighed a little less while hiking. Was thrilled my knees and hips held up!

Anxious to see what our rain gauge reads when we get home. Michael called and he said it was 73. Unbelievable!

Judie said...

Thunder and lightening here. Going to shut down.

Sandperson will depart after Jo has watched her programs.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

waiting for my build a pasta bowl to be delivered got extra spinach and sauce and tomatoes but forgot the mushrooms oh well

JudyEddy said...

and oh yes I did order that bad bad lava cake

JudyEddy said...

Angie Jordyn and myself are getting our toes and fingers done tomorrow
The place we go has a child chair Jordyn loves it

JudyEddy said...

should have said its part of my mothers day present

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all!
No early bird appearance tomorrow am

Love you all ♥

Prayers for Delphia to heal ♥

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Goodnight and God Bless.

Tomorrow I will fly to Vancouver BC!
I will stay there till Monday.
That would be the big city for me!!!

Hold off on earth quakes please!
I hope I can get on and off The Sky Train!!!
I hope I do not beep any security gadgets at the airport because of my long hair!
I hope they let me carry my water bottle on the plane.
These are my priorities...
it would also help if there are no muggings or accidents while I am there.
I will live in a high rise right down town!!!

insert: Laughter!!!

Stay safe everyone.
Prayers for all.
I Love Us.

Janet said...

good morning to all!

JO: I know you wanted to get that procedure over with…but everything for a reason. You have a great attitude on this….
LYNNE2: super job on the weight loss!
SHARON: holding your family close in light and love
SANDI: am so glad you are enjoying yourself…I can feel the joy in your post!
HODA; in the big city! Oh my!
Another beautiful day starting here in Nashville.
Great day with work and grandkids yesterday; although they were crabby and fussing with each other. Such is the life of a child. I think some extra sleep might be the answer.

Summer time break is not all a bowl of cherries!
Tom has the deck on the pool mostly done. It is a small start on what we hope will eventually be a large deck around ½ the pool. For now, it is small. We will add as we can. He has the deck itself complete. Working on the stairs and rails today.
Thinking of each of you, sending you light and love on this beautiful day!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all wherever you are

Nest is MT and the blog (unless I am on the wrong page) is sorta MT this
morning. HELLO Janet ♥

Hoda - praying you can relax and think positive so you enjoy your trip to the Big City. ♥

Beautiful morning here in the valley
I love the breezes....

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

MT nest

Judie said...

Good morning.

Wishing everyone a lovely day!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. headed back to bethany. it was hard to say so long to that beautiful baby! I did more laundry, cleaning, and cooking in 2 days than I normally do in 2 months but I know it was appreciated and I was happy to be able to help.

Jo, sorry about the delay on your lung biopsy. what might the pet scan tell you? I so admire your positive outlook. if you pray, don't worry, right? easy to say but not so easy to do.

My sister and her family arrive this afternoon for 2 weeks - I hope we get there before they do!

Have a good day all.

Hoda said...

Good heavens!
JO is making a valiant effort to join the Early Bird Club.
I love it when you give reports on what is happening in your valley.
Thank you for your wishes for my trip JO.
Will the plane take off with thunder storms predicted for this afternoon?
Wait till you see a picture of the airport from where I will fly!!!

Safe trip home SANDI.
I am sure it was hard to say good bye to Little Miss Freyja.
What will she call you? Have you told us?

SHAR thinking of your aunt and cousin.

Enjoy your holidays JUDYE.

Welcome Home LOLLY and JACK for this afternoon.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

HODA, wishing you storm free and safe travel to big and beautiful Vancouver ! Is there a grand purpose to this trip or is it just for fun?

SANDI, hope it won't be long before you see Freyja again. Isn't grandmothering one of the most beautiful experiences ever?
Enjoy your sis and family! I suppose many days of their two weeks with you will be spent on the beach, eh?

JO, thinking of you prayerfully!

Mema Jo said...

News from Blackwater Osprey:
We know folks have likely seen this news on our Osprey Cam page, but we lost our two chicks. This photo is one of the last that was captured of them, and the following morning they were gone. We heard eagles were seen flying high over the nest, but we've never seen one land on the platform with ospreys there, so we suspect it might have been a Great horned owl, which is a known predator of osprey chicks. We'll share any more news that we hear.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - safe trip home - If you get there after Lisa maybe she will have baked a lot of good things for you !
It is hard to leave WV, I'm sure, but
I along with you can't say just how
grateful it was for the new parents to ask for your help. As you say -
Helping others out of love is much more rewarding then doing our own cleaning and laundry! Blessed Be ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi a pet scan can id cancerous cells in the body; however, it can also miss very small ones..... So the biopsy is the best indicator. It
is a type of nuclear medicine imaging that uses small amounts of radioactive material imjected into your body to diagnose and determine the severity of or treatment of a variety of diseases, including many types of cancers.

Mema Jo said...

Belle is in the nest -

Mema Jo said...

Belle is digging and doing her
nest cleaning...........

Mema Jo said...

A juvie is there with her

Lolly said...

Good morning! On the road again, 177 miles to go.
Hoda , enjoy your trip! I want to go there!!!
Sandi, I see things to be done at Laurel's and want to tackle it. At home not the case! Lol

Enjoy your sister!

Mema Jo said...

The length of the juvie's body is just the same as Belle's. This juvie must be our female; Prez.......

Both juvies at nest - one in the center and the other on the edge at 3:00 position
I think Belle may have poofed

Mema Jo said...

Home sweet home very soon Lolly!
I hope you find your yard well watered naturally........

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning again!! Our very own Bird Girl is going home today, bless her heart!! She has really had a time of it with that ankle. Love and hugs to you all. Hope everyone is well.

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from three different store looking for three things well I got the sandals but no luck on the floating strap for a waterproof camera Carl is checking sport store later and looking for a monopod I bought one but don't think its the right one extension to put camera but not a tripod If this isn't the right one we can take it back

and I bought my insulated cup I kept forgetting to get at work
Waiting for Angie to call to see what is going down next
Jordyn class got to go to Olive Garden to see the kitchen and what goes on there and then lunch so I won't pick her up normal time Just waiting to find out when

Mema Jo said...

Watching the World Cup Soccer
No score yet - fast moving teams of
USA and Germany

Hoda said...

Well, my bags are packed and ready to go...however I am not leaving on a jet plane...a teeny weeny little plane. I think it takes ten people...
Hold off thunder storms please.

KAY I am going to a Kirtan/ Indian chants concert with a very famous American known as the Kirtan Master of the World.He goes by the name of Krishna Das...I will meet friends from two cities, Vancouver and Edmonton, and I will stay with a childhood friend from Egypt in a high rise down town Vancouver!!!
I might escape the city to Whistler, a ski resort north of the city, if it gets too much for me and I need to be in the woods...gone for five days.

Sorry about the loss of the two osprey JO. Still sad that ISLA also lost her eggs in Scotland.

I will try to check in through the five days and post pictures on FB too.

I love us...stay well every one and I am keeping all in prayers...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I just got a robo call from Lost my doggie On a dog lost in my area on 6-6 just a block over they gave description of dog Have you all ever gotten a call like that New to me Let the machine pick the call up

Judie said...

Enjoy your musical adventure Hoda. Safe flight.

Mema Jo said...

Just took time to send out e-cards for all the many July momsters/dadsters and family birthdays and anniversaries plus a few others.
Be sure to check out the calendar on Eaglet_Momsters site. Some are coming up as fast as the 1st day of July...........

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your adventure, Hoda...
Small planes give wonderful travelers a thrill in flight! The
scenery will be beautiful - take a window seat! Hope to hear from you at some point in time during your 5 glorious days!

paula eagleholic said...





3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...