Thursday, June 26, 2014


Video of our two juveniles shot this morning.

New thread


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paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the video Steve.

Our juvies are doing well.

Thanks for the new thread, and I'll take another feather!

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, Have a wonderful trip to the big city!

Sandi, enjoy your company...know you are missing the grandbaby already!

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie in the nest. Plotzed on the launch pad...which now is probably a landing pad :)

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet looks hot....

Lolly said...

We are home and unloaded! Sweating and tired! Will save cleaning til Sat probably as we need to mow tomorrow.

It was yet another memorable camping trip. Laurel as said she already misses her tent. I do think Michael wishes Ash was a camper. He misses camping.

The yard is looking fabulous. 2.8 inches of rain while gone.

Lolly said...

Need to get to my computer for the video. Not showing up on my iPad.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Awesome video. They definitely have the flying thing down. :)

Kay said...

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and video. I don't see the eaglets in it, but the scenery is beauteous!

Thank you, PAULA, for calling us over. Glad you added another feather to your collection!

HODA, thanks for the explanation re:your trip! I must have missed it when trying to catch up after mine. You will have a grand time and return home refreshed, I'm sure. I've traveled on many a small plane---you'll be fine!

LOLLY, glad your back home, safe, sound and pleased with the vacation!

Kay said...

SISSY, thanks for the BIRDGIRL update--good news. Pray the healing continues to go well.

Kay said...

Okay, I hit "full screen" and can see the eaglets in flight. Belle and Shep have successfully raised a couple of fine offspring, again! Kudos!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and the video of Prez and Capt.

Congratulations Paula on another feather.

Welcome home Lolly.

Good news about Delphia. Hope she continues to heal.

Kay said...

JUDIE, was a decision reached re:retirement living location while I was on vacation?

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - Just had strawberries with homemade shortcake-
they tell me to eat 4 small meals in
place of 3 large meals! Mac and cheese for my dinner......

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread and the video sent chills up my spine as I watched those 'free
bird juvies'.

Congrats Paula - hope these feathers are decorating your Paradise!

Sent Delphia an e=card and mentioned that her critters (1 dog & 3 precious kittens) would probably be so happy happy to have her home. Their favorite sleeping place is Delphia's lap.

Judie die you watch New Tricks today? I had missed a few but now I am back on my 2:00 feet up mode.

Kay, glad you made the full screen
and could see them flying.

Hoda said...

Am at an airport with no security. Friendly folk. No fuss or problems. Did not even have to print my itinerary so they would know I am on their plane. They too my driver's license. Did not need passport. They had no problems with me carrying my water bottle. She let me take my pack as hand luggage and did not cause a fuss about tooth paste or cream...
They offered me, and made me a cup of tea.
Nice airport.
I will go take pictures.

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE and PAULA.

Sandi said...

Hi all! Thanks Steve for the new thread - loved the video!! Sure wish I could have seen that when we were there! Thanks Paula for the call over.

Denny was too busy talking on his phone - while driving - and missed a turn, which got us way off course so the trip home took 5 1/2 hours instead of 4! By the time we got home, my sister and family had already arrived. Have been helping them to unpack their cars and load their bikes into our shed (which needed cleaning out before 4 more bikes would fit).

Yes, I am missing Freyja already! BTW, I am hoping to be called Nana but in reality, whatever comes out of Freyja's moouth when she starts talking is what it will be. Lynnis's grandmother is called Gang Gang b/c that's what the first grandchild was able to say and it stuck.

OK, need to finish unpacking and then Michael would like to hit tennis balls. We will see!


Judie said...

No, Kay. Well, I made my decision. but Darth is not ready and I have chosen to stay quiet and wait.

No, Jo. Did not watch. Was at Ft. Meyer to get a new ID and medication. Bet that cake was delish!

Hoda, so glad your airport experience was so pleasant. Have fun.

Sandi, happy you had such a positive experience helping with Freyja. Enjoy the time with your visitors.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...just keep repeating Nana Nana to Freyja all the time...she'll get it :)

paula eagleholic said...

No juvies in view...yes they are both juvies now...they are flying...but eaglet is still OK :)

Lolly said...

I have always been Grandmommy, though do remember Joseph saying Gam Mommy.

Time to prepare dinner. We have washed 5 loads of wash, 6 about to start. Hate to think of how much Laurel had for the 4 of them and we washed last Friday!!

JudyEddy said...

What a great video STEVE thanks for the new thread and the video

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

my deletes that video didn't show the video of the release only Ed talking being it was part one waiting for part two not on their page yet

JudyEddy said...

I will have to remember tomorrow to uncheck the email to me on the blog that what my mail box won't be over flowing LOL

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Thanks for the video, Steve. I am going to wash Kathryn's computer screen so I can get a better look. :)

Have been pretty busy today. Did some shopping earlier . . . Home Depot and grocery store. Then I ran Hunter over to the school. Kathryn has requested some testing for him.

Glad you had such a fun trip, Lolly.

Looking forward to hearing all about your trip, Hoda. Speaking of small airports, Rus took flight lessons at a small airport nearby when he was younger. He said someone asked, "Which gate will you be going through to get to you plane?" Well, there is the gate in the chain link fence around the airport. That's it. Sounds like you found a very friendly airport, and probably a much more pleasant flight than being crammed into one of those narrow seats in an airliner.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, that is so funny because I had to clean my screen off too so I could tell what was the juvies and what was the spots on my screen. :)

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥

I've watched some TV mystery shows
Getting ready to close down computer

RED Friday tomorrow.... ♥

I've been getting awake and staying up a bit early every morning so at
10:00 I start getting sleepy.

Sure hope Hoda enjoys this wonderful trip she has planned.

Enjoy your yard work tomorrow Lolly but don't overdo....

Goodnight to all my friends here in our special world. ♥

Judie said...

Sandperson escaped and has already visited Jo in her valley.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Video and everything else looks much better through a clean screen. I have special cleanser for the computer screen. It works nicely.

Going to say good night now. I'm still downstairs in my recliner, and George is getting very restless. He wants me to go upstairs and give him his late night feeding.

SED, everyone.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Just got the last of the transcribed reports off to the doctor, and I'm trying to catch up here now.

Lolly, I'm glad you and Jack had such a nice trip, and made it home OK. What a nice surprise to find everything deeply watered for you!

Hoda, I'm so glad you had such a nice experience at the airport! Can't wait to hear about your trip. Enjoy!

Shirley, I so understand about George and his plans for you this evening! Emma is plotzed in the hall right outside the doorway of the room where we have the computer desk. When I look her way, I get the most pleading puppy-eyed look you could ever imagine! That dog's peepers could melt granite! Guess I'm going to have to head to the recliner for some lap time with her. Have a good night, everyone.
Judy, thanks for setting the security system. Don't forget to wear red tomorrow, everyone. God bless! I ♥ us!!

Hoda said...

Pretty cool flight.
Beautiful snow covered coastal mountains.
I am in Vancouver.
Pretty nice!
Amazingly fancy flat my friend has.
They don't have keys to get in or out of the bldg!!!
Oblong token with a chip open and lock doors.
Same with cars.
I have to find the proper word!

Goodnight and God Bless

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT but I saw the cam shake a minute ago so someone must have landed on the branch.

Jo, thanks for the ecard welcoming Freyja to the world! Thanks also for the pet scan explanation - will they tell you what they see right away? How was Michael's trip?

Hoda, enjoy your visit to the big city!

Lolly, how is Laurel's elbow/arm doing?

Tennis for me at 8am, then I guess we'll head to the beach. Forecast says partly sunny for half of the day and partly cloudy for the rest of the day - can someone please clarify??

Prayers continue for Larry and for Jo.

Have a good day all.

Janet said...

good morning. ITS FRIDAY! RedFriday!
A beautiful morning here.

SANDI: so happy you were able to bond with that grand baby! It is such a special relationship.

Work today, then off again. Hoping to get some pool time this weekend.

Have a great day to all!

Janet said...

JUDYE: its almost time isn't it? I hope you all have a fantastic time on your cruise!!!!!

Hoda said...

Good morning
The city is NOISEY
It never stopped all night

It is a pretty city though

Will go to Stankey Park with home schooled children.
Friday is outdoor adventure day for them.
Then I will meet a friend for an afternoon
Then supper in an Indian Restaurant
Then the Kirtan with Krishna Das.

Have a terrific trip JUDYE

Enjoy the day everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning and I hear two or one very loud eaglet calling out and one just flew in also

JudyEddy said...

JANET NO cruise we are flying out of Orlando cheaper tickets than Tampa by 200 a person We will be 8 days 7 nights there

I am logging off and powering it down and heading out to do some last min things

See you in a little over a week we will be back on the 5th and I don't go back to work till the 7 th need one day to recop

JudyEddy said...

test to see if I don't get in email since I got the last comment tata for now see you in a week or so

paula eagleholic said...

I could see our Juvies better if I put the video to full screen too.

JudyE...have a wonderful time on vacation!!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all my friends ♥

Here is the nest video that you will love from Deb Stecyk ====

Juveniles Return - Beautiful Flight Into Nest - NCTC Eagles - June 26 2014

Mema Jo said...

I bet I missed your leaving Judy
I'm sure you know I will miss you and all your eagle pics and comments
BUT I know you will be having a blast
Safe journey and have lots of fun ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I am sure you will be able to find many many activities that suit your life style. There must be more to life there then the noise..Nelson
has you spoiled and this new experience will enable you to cherish Nelson all the more.. ♥

Hoda said...

Oh JO!
It was just an observation.
Yes I am spoilt in Nelson and I love Vancouver.
Terrific energy. People on the go all night long.
The flat has a deck and I had my breakfast out there with the birds.
My friend does not wake up before one in the afternoon!
I am off to Stanley Park and a full day of beauty and discovery!
Not complaining more not used to or do not know.
Vancouver is TERRIFIC.
No shortage of stores here!
My oh my!!!
Miles of Smiles to you all.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Too late but will offer happy vacation and safe travel to JudyE. She should have a wonderful time.

As for Hoda, well, no place I can think of would be safe from her charm and energy.

Quiet day for me. Admiring the sunshine and white clouds in a blue sky from inside.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - PET Scan June 30th 9am
Results July 7th 2pm

Michael is once again, after this his 3rd trip to Haiti, ecstatic about his ability to see the orphanage children and give his love and service to them.
The month of July he is going with another church to Guatemala... I'm not too happy about that location but he says the area they will go to is like a 'safe zone'. Prayers please! Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Lunch for me.... BBL this afternoon

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all. got on my "real" computer today to watch the video. I had a hard time seeing even at full screen. Guess the screen needs cleaning.

Safe travels to our Hoda and JudyE.

Lazy summer day here, but I should be cleaning--brother and wife coming next week. Maybe after lunch I'll get busy..maybe.

Mema Jo said...

Are you cleaning yet? grannyblt?
I work better under pressure like 2 days at most before company arrives!

Hot Hot Hot out there today!
I AM staying put inside at least until the sun goes down. I filled the bird bath for my critters out there!
I have a very small quiet fan sitting here by my computer - my son got it for me and I love it!

Mema Jo said...

No breeze at all up at the nest right now. Our one juvie is perched at the 4:00 position looking outward.

I did email NCTC about getting our still cam up/running but to no avail.
It has been off since 6/17. I have a feeling it may not be back up until after AUG when they go up to the nest.

I need to forage for dinner - whether go out or eat in. Usually a pizza night but I'm favoring something else for a change.

Mema Jo said...

I'll try to get back this evening for any and all reports from our
travelers and hostess' house guests.

Take care and stay cool

One more thing to brag on;;;;;;;

Grandson turns 20 yrs old today!!

Love him dearly.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! We hit the yard early this morning. We had yard service while gone but oh, my, how it had grown!! Anyway, glad to have that task over with! It is 90 and very humid! Yard is looking great!

Laurel's elbow is about the same. She does not go back to the doctor for 2 more weeks. She is not keeping it in the sling as much as she should. He may put it in a cast yet, if she does not stop using it!! We fussed at her!

News last night said lakes are up a bit, but it is going to take a lot more rain to get us out of the "severe drought" title. Come on rain! However, with the rain we have had everything looks so green.

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie in the nest calling out!

Waiting for my company!

paula eagleholic said...

Saw the juvie eagle that hatched this spring from the nest near the house..he was soaring over the marsh. A little bird was harassing him!

Also, had 3 osprey right over the house...chirping up a storm!

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie is at the 6 spot...Not sure if it's Capt or Prez

paula eagleholic said...

They are here!


Mema Jo said...

7:13pm Cannot connect to our Outdoor
live feed - I even did a cold boot but same message:

Service Unavailable
This server is temporarily unable to service requests. Error code: 95

Am I alone - do any of you have the cam up since Paula's remark around

JudyEddy said...

Hello at Angie thought I would pop in JO I am able to get the cam just pulled it up MT and windy nest

JudyEddy said...

I see talon now

JudyEddy said...

wingersizing in NEZ

JudyEddy said...

and you though you could get rid of me LOL

Watching Lego movie and just got done with pizza and garlic knots

JudyEddy said...

ok just wanted to say hi and bye gonna spend some family time Love yu all

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Jo, I am able to get the live cam as well.

Judy, tomorrow is your big vaca day, right??

Busy day here - played tennis, then went blueberry picking and picked almost 25 pounds of blueberries. After dinner, it was back to the tennis court with Madeline and Michael. Now we're all eating blueberry crisp. Will have homemade blueberry jam on my toast tomorrow morning.

Just saw a big cam shake - someone must have landed in the tree close to the cam. I also hear an eagle calling out big time in the tree. Don't see anyone in the nest though.

Need to hop in the tub and then head to bed. See you all in the early AM. Goodnight!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Judy and Sandi
Thanks for the update
Just tried and there is our nest~!
I got worried there thinking no cam and no still cam. Whewwww~
Getting dark now

I knew you would be getting some good blueberry treats ! Enjoy

Judy glad I got to see you before you leave on your fantastic vacation. You will be missed and welcomed back with open arms. Relax and enjoy.

Lolly said...

We just came in from eating dinner on the back patio. Enough of a breeze to feel comfortable. This is highly unusual for late June! We saw lightening bugs!

Need to take pictures of the yard. It is really looking pretty with all the caladiums up.

Going to read now so thought I would say good night.

Night all! SED!!

Judie said...

Just home from Kennedy Center. Met one of my most favorite tv actors. Grew up in the area and attended Duke Ellington School for Performing Arts.

Jo, could not get the live cam earlier either. No idea what was going on.

Happy blueberry Saturday, Sandi.

Lolly, so glad the yard is looking so gorgeous. Enjoy.

Sandperson is on the way. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Spent the evening with my TV mystery shows. I sure could eat a piece of
blueberry pie!

Jenny has been picking cherries so I
just may be getting a cherry pie.

Everyone have a good night's rest
Don't forget to say your prayers ♥

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT but I hear an eagle calling out so someone is in the tree.

Community association board meeting for me this morning, then I am headed to the beach for some sun.

Prayers for all the needs on the blog, especially for Jo and Larry.

Judy, enjoy your vacation in Cancun!!

Have a good day all.

Sandi said...

Parent in the nest and 1 juvie. Parent just took off. Kid still there. Don't see any food.

Sandi said...

Ahh, both kids in the nest and the one in the NHZ must have the food.

Sandi said...

Both kids are still in the nest.

grannyblt said...

Morning Sandi.and everyone I see one Jufie in the nest. How long will the kids hang out around home? Another month or so? I wonder if the animal world has rebound children. You know, those grown children who move out for a while then move back in with Mom and Dad? Probably not.
Hope everyone has a great day.

grannyblt said...

Juvie in nest, not our Jufie --darn auto correct

paula eagleholic said...

Sure hope Jufie cannot get in the nest lol

Heading to Ocean City to do the touristy thing today..then dinner at the marina tonight .

Larry is happy today..his first day ocean fishing :-)

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to all ♥
Earlier I saw our one juvie in the center of the nest.

Enjoying my cup of coffee and watching the squirrels and all the
many varieties of birds.

Beautiful out but promises to get much warmer.


Janet said...

SATURDAY! good morning and a great sleep! I was so tired last night!

No big plans for the weekend. It has been an extremely busy couple of weeks, so I am pleased NOT to have plans!

Hard to believe June is almost over.

Had to literally LOL with the THOUGHT of JUFIE in the nest..

Thiknking of JUDYE: so thrilled Angie and Carl include her as they do. What a beautiful relationship they all have.

Finished reading UNDER THE DOME this past week. It certainly is different than the mini series, which starts this week and I am still looking forward to that.

Everyone have a lovely day! HUGS light and love to all!

Janet said...

btw, and I forget again, I finally got some pix posted on my blog. I had been having issues with internet explorer. I downloaded 8.1 last night and now it seems to work fine. So if you aren't on facebook and want a peek.... journey on over!

Mema Jo said...


Happy Birthday to our Momster

**** Carol Anne Schickert ****

Enjoy your day and come see all of us soon........ Missing you


Lolly said...

Good dorming! Had to laugh....Jufie in the nest!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLANNE, you are missed! Pop in and say hi!!

Enjoying just sitting and drinking my coffee, but really need to get to the trailer and start cleaning. Can not run the AC lie we did in the old trailer. We need to have a 30 amp outlet for it! Need to get out while it is cooler this morn.

I see an empty nest.

Lolly said...

OMG I am melting! Only 82, but very high humidity and making the bed inside the trailer was like a sauna. Wish it was fat melting off of me!☺

Judie said...

It seems there was someone who thought I was in the Sycamore Palace nest pretending to be a juvie. Ah, and there were some who laughed at the thought. I adore the juvies and only visited under cover of darkness when they were very young and most vulnerable. Also, I am not stupid. I fear Eagle Canes!

Mema Jo said...

You best watch out for Wet Noodles Judie ! You have been quiet today - are you relaxing?

I'm trying to decide whether to go to Mass this evening or not....

Received a lovely card from CarolAnne to help me feel better. She isn't able to follow the blog as she would like due to her failing vision in her good eye. She said she does miss us all. She wishes that only good news may follow the Momsters & Dadsters' families the rest of the year.


Mema Jo said...

Many shadow on the nest with breezes.
I do believe one of our juvies is at the 4:00 position. It was hard to determine if it was our juvie or a dark shadow.......

Lolly said...

Juvie not Jufie is in the nest!

Lolly said...

Nor is it Judie!!

Judie said...

After noon everyone.

No, Judie is not in the nest and I am reading that Jufie, evil that s/he may be, protects the eaglets. That is good.

Just doing some laundry. Have been very tired recently. Not sure why. Summer doldrums perhaps.

♪♫♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLANNE ♪♫♪♫ Warmest wishes for a lovely day today and 364 days to follow.

If you go out, Jo, stay cool. Pretty but uncomfortable around my abode.

Washer is beeping. BBL

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday CAROLANNE!

Lori O. said...

Hey my Momster friends!

Feels like my first day off since school began. Cindy and I worked together on our Gerontology projects this morning then went out for lunch and hit the nicest store in town for some afternoon shopping. I have not done that in sooo long. In fact it was my first time ever doing something with Cindy that was not school related, and on a weekend. Very happy.

I'm so glad I got to read the blog today. All of it...well, just this thread. Did not go back.

Sandi, I'm so happy for you with the birth of Freja. I love that spelling, too.

Jo, Prayers for your healing and PET scan. Thinking of you so much.

Paula, Larry has been on my mind, as well. Prayers for both of you. I'll email.

Lolly, glad you got so much rain while you were away. 2.8" is a lot!

Hoda, have a happy vacation. I'm enjoying your pics on FB.

Where's Margy? I don't think I saw here post on this thread.

Kay, hope you're enjoying your summer, though I think it's too hot for both of us! Lots of humidity and storms here. Big hugs!

Judie, I can't wait to hear your decision about retirement, and where. Rest easy.

Shirley, you sound like you're as busy as ever. I do miss your Hunter stories.

JudyE, enjoy your cruise - lucky duck!

Lynne #2, where are you?

Janet, Hope you're getting a break this summer from all the Olivia activities that keep you so busy. Big hugs, lady.

Big hugs to all. Five more weeks of school to go. I can't wait to move on from this phase. It's been great and I've learned so much, but I'm ready to begin studying for the license test and find the nursing path that is right for me.

♥ ♥ ♥

Lori O. said...


I hope it's a great one for you and special - spent with those you love.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Hope your day is just spectacular!

Golly, the nest is SO high up the Sycamore, I can't imagine anyone, even Jufie, making it up there! Not without a crane!

Judie, who was it that you got to meet at the Kennedy Center? You mentioned meeting a favorite actor, but didn't say who. Curiosity is killing me!

Wow, Lolly, lightning bugs! I just love to sit and watch them. Never see them here in CA, but do when we visit PA.

Glad to hear that Larry is feeling well enough to go fishing!

Been thinking of you, Jo, and praying for that damned spot to vanish!

Shar, have been praying for the health of your family members, too.

Sandi, you've got me craving blueberries! What fun to go pick them! Love it!

Judy, enjoy your vacation! You're a hard worker, and you've earned it!

Lori! It's really good to see you here! You have been missed! Only 5 weeks of school to go? Bet you'll be so glad to have that past you! Wish you all the best in your new career!!! Proud of you!

It's been warm (82 today), but not bad here. A bit humid, but not as bad as it could be.

We have had a pair of Monarch butterflies hanging out in our yard for a few weeks. Caught sight of them mating a few nights ago! They also love to play tag in our back yard. Beautiful!

Well, I need to go check on the washer and see if it's finished it's cycle yet. Will check back in later. Hope you're all having a good evening! I ♥ us!!!

Mema Jo said...

Watching some hallmark movies this evening.
There are so many lightening bugs out in the yard - I love them.
Fireworks are starting down in the community park. My trees out back block my view anymore- Lots of booming........


NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday, CaroleAnne. And many, many more.

Paula, I love your hair!

Jo, be careful going out in this hot weather. It is harder to breathe as I am sure you already know!

Love experiencing big city life through Hoda's eyes. Think she is having a blast! At least I hope so.

Love the video of the juvies. They look awesome in the sky.

Take care everyone.

Judie said...

Evening all.

What a wondrous surprise to find Lori stopped by to chat. Only five weeks remaining. Almost to the finish line with school. Happy you and Cindy had a fun day. Well deserved.

Jo, we have some fireflies but would love to have you share a few more. Reminds me of summer as a young child.

Lolly, are you done Lollypaloozing the trailer?

Lucky Andy. In spite of butterfly bushes, not so many butterflies so far. Milk weed bit the dust.

Wonder if JudyE is doing a Mexican hat dance tonight? That would be a good picture.

Andy, two women seated next to me attended Duke Ellington with David St. Louis. They invited us with them back stage. He is a really handsome young man with a powerful voice. Been a fan of his for years. You would recognize him from Homicide: Life on the Street, NCIS, Law and Order: SVU. Very gracious. Even got a hug. Darth got a handshake. Lucky me!

Lolly, hoping Laurel gets some relief for her elbow.

Lori, decision is in Darth's court now. I can only wait.

Shirley, there must be some Hunter adventures. What's been going on?

As for Hoda, no doubt she has turned the town upside down with her energy. Hope she's having a lovely time.

Judie said...

Sandperson has locked Jufie in the closet although Jufie does love the eaglets.

Satchel is packed. Departure imminent.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good late evening,

Reading of Jufie in the nest with out juvies. Goodness me, that nest does get crowded.

Hunter and Kathryn went off to Colonial Beach with some friends this afternoon. This morning, he went to work with Kathryn. He had a math test to work on. Kathryn is trying to keep him doing some school work this summer and is interviewing a tutor on Tuesday evening.

Spent some time playing word games on the computer until I got a headache, so I am not going to stay long this evening.

Just want to wish everyone a good night.

So nice to see Lori on tonight, and Andy, too.

Missing Margy.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥



And all that good stuff!

Don't forget to say your prayers ♥

NatureNut said...

Dear Momsters and Dadsters, Sorry to get back on with some sobering news about the "pollution saving" energy windmills, but since Sunday is a day of prayer for most, we can add some extra ones for our wonderful eagles. A few months ago, I got an email from the Sierra Club (nature lovers, right??) They wanted everyone to write back to help support a Bill in some state permitting windmills. I wrote back a blast that I would NEVER support such action and why! Got another note from them thanking everyone for support. Their bill passed.
A friend just sent us a new clip on this subject. All here should see it. I lost my "Blue Thingy" instructions I got from Lynn years ago, and can't find it anywhere online, so here's the copy/paste link-----------

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Going to shower and then do my nails.

Trailer is all Lollypaloozed. Looking and smelling good. Monday it goes to the dealer for a few repairs that they are responsible for. No big deal, just little things. Hope it comes back to us clean but have no real expectations of that. Grrrrr! No trip planned in it until September. Then we are headed to New Orleans. Going to paint the town red, lol, and also go to a Georgia Tech football game and tailgate party. Michael says he wants to go too, but he will fly and stay at some fancy Hotel.

Night all! See you in the morning light. SED!!

Lolly said...

Lorettas Link

Lolly said...

Blue thingy instructions

< a href=put your link here>Give it a name

Lolly said...

Had to break up the instructions or it would not post.

No space between the first < and the a, then close it with < / a> and this closing has no spaces either.

Hope this makes since, but if you type it all out all together it will not post or make a blue thingy and no instructions.

Lolly said...

Night all!

Lolly said...

Oh, and there is a space between the first a and the href

Hoda said...

Stopping by to say Goodnight.
God Bless Us All


JO prayers on going.

Very happy with my day.
I rode the bus and went to a favourite book store.

Met a friend for lunch.

Met another friend for supper.

No shortage of good and varied tastes in Vancouver.

Lots of laughter
Lots of serious discussions.

Up to five if not six languages spoken at any given street corner.
It is how I used to experience as normal when I was a child/ teenager in Cairo.

Tomorrow I see another friend and her two sons. She is a daughter of a friend who died of cancer and the boys think I am their adopted grandma.breakfast.

Then I meet another friend and we will go for a boat ride and then for a Greek Restaurant for lunch.

Then I will go shopping with another friend who knows how to find bargains. Not sure why I am going except she enjoys it so much!

Looking for a simple supper at home but am not guaranteed that is possible.

Enjoy the day.
Blessed Be.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT this morning but I can hear one of the kids calling out.

Paula, love your hair in the FB photos!

Lori, it was great to see you on the blog! Please visit more often - only 5 weeks to go for you!! YAY!

Wanda, great photos of Jayden and Jaxon on FB!

Judy, hope you're having a great time - check in if you can!

Have a great day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good sunny Sunday Morning - put your smiles on ♥

I have seen the article that Loretta has posted. It is so upsetting as it's in the name progress so they say - I just think there could be something to deter the eagles from going near those windmills.

I just had a visit from my Red Winged Blackbird - I hadn't seen him for quite a few weeks.

Hoping everyone has a beautiful day. Sure wish I could go over to market! :(

Janet said...

good morning.

missed CAROL ANNES bday! happy belated birthday!!!!! hope it was dandy!

I have slept in. it just felt good. I am getting used to these 3 and 4 days off in a row. its nice. it gives me one day to just sleep in if I so feel like it and today, I did.

tom's been busy with the deck. I didn't get a lot done yesterday, but some stuff.

I hope everyone here has a lovely day. Hugs, light, and love!

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Church, nap, water cooling off before mopping some floors.

Wish 2.8 inches of rain would not disappear so fast. We have very sandy soil and it dries up soooo fast. Bummer!

Nothing new around here, back to same ol routine. Having a group here in two weeks, so will spend some time doing some deep cleaning and polishing. ☺ Yep, intense Lollypoloozing!!

Janet said...

woweeeeee! where is everyone today?????????????????????????????????

Judie said...

Quiet day. Foraged for food then did nothing.

Sandperson is all packed and ready to depart.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

I had a relaxing day - some of the kids stopped by for a visit. Closing down for the day....

Goodnight to all and pleasant dreams

paula eagleholic said...

Visited Tangier Island in VA. today..went by boat out of Crisfield leaving tomorrow ..will catch up and hugs.

Lolly said...

Know nothing about Tangier Island. Must tell me all about it!

I read a lot today. A really lazy day. Nice!

Ready for the pillows now. Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good morning.
I fly home this afternoon.

Wishing you all a terrific day.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. One parent and 1 juvie eating in the nest. Oops, now both juvies are in the nest and parent (Belle?) is feeding them.

Jo, sending positive energy and prayers your way for good pet scan results.

Another beautiful day weather-wise here. Will head to the beach after tennis. Have a great day all!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
MT nest right now.....

Safe journey home Hoda - I can tell from all your photos that your trip has been exceptional. ♥

Thanks for your thoughts Sandi - These 'early bird mornings' just aren't my cup of tea. <y 'no coffee' morning routine is disrupted. lol

I'll back later today - Take care!

Janet said...

and Monday again. good morning. just got up. the sun is bright outside. so nice to see after a couple of cloudy, blustery days.

we did get a lot done over the weekend. I spent yesterday staining the deck. what a time consuming job, but I love painting and staining. talk about instant gratification!!!

I am using a product I got from lowes that a client of mine used on his deck. my issue was I wanted to change the color of the deck. this product does that andlays down a nice coat of color while doing it. I am going from the "old fashioned" (but still nice)) red wood color to the chocolate color I have put on the front of the house. it has great coverage, kind of thick and works well! happy to report that. it was $25 for a gallon, so not terribly priced. it will take me several gallons, but I can buy them one at a time, which my pocket appreciates!

tom has made super progress on the deck around the pool it is nearly complete.

back to work tomorrow. I have today off and have just around the house sort of stuff to do.

maybe oh maybe pool????? its been so cloudy and rainy that the only thing I did was vacuum it!

everyone have a super day! love and hugs to all!

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals....

Knock, Knock, Knock, may I come in ?

Last day of yet another month....
the year is nearly half over !

thinking of our dear Jo with the PET Scan today....
not only thinking, but Praying too


magpie said...

I cannot even pretend that I am up on Bloggin' news....

Every day I try to read, TRY but do not always succeed, my computer
loses its connection so often it is really not funny or fun at all...
that will get corrected "here in the next month" I hope

But one thing that is not on the computer but on paper, are my
ever-growing pages of names and needs for prayers....

I miss Schmoozing with everyone

magpie said...

A/C folks were here three times last, three short-lived fixes, followed by three the repair call is in again
James's Dad brought over a stand-alone A/C unit Saturday so I am not THAT miserable, and this
all gives me lots of reasons to
review my Gratitude Blessings, which far outnumber this condition

all my other appliances are working, wheee!

Work has been ca-razy busy, AND my initial report that I would be working with Jewels for July and now changed, she was moved to another shift and we are
both crest-fallen about it :(

magpie said...

Sounds like tons of fun things

magpie said...

Sounds like tons of fun things
you FB-ers are sharing....

and the Nest reports sound very
exciting also !

Nope, I do not have live feed but
you all spark some vivid imaginings


magpie said...

I am really sorry to be missing birthdays and vacation news
and all that goes on amongst us...

This is just a time that I must
really hunker down and get some
long-term projects worked on....

I need to run along now, have a pretty long list of things on the agenda, including slashing the checking account to pieces

My Bicycle, IS working, thanks again to James's Dad, replace one inner tube, fixed the adjustments on seat and handlebars, it's a fun little toy to have

Lovins' and (( HUGS ))and Prayers to and for all amongst us...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

A beautiful summer day here.

Thinking of Jo this morning.

Nice to see Margy on the blog this morning.

Lolly, I have always wanted to go to Tangier Island, but so far haven't made it there. Used to be that it was said there were no cars there. The article below says there are a few now.

Tangier Island

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, prayers are being said as you undergo the PET scan.

So good to hear from MARGY and LORI over the last couple of days. Busy gals and I appreciate their effort to keep in touch.

SHIRLEY, thanks for the overview of Tangier Island---sounds exotic and looks to be a quaint little piece of Americana to visit!

HODA, you've had a full schedule in beautiful Vancouver! Thanks for sharing the joy of it all!

SANDI, thanks to you for the nest report this a.m.. Was Belle actually feeding those big kids, or did she deliver food for them to tear into? They'd best be learning how to fish and forage for themselves soon! It won't be long before Belle and Shep insist on "an empty nest". ☺

Hoda said...

Prayers JO.

Good morning all

Off to explore some more in the city before I take the plane to Nelson.
Thank you Vancouver!
Thank you all for looking at the photos on FB

See you from Nelson this evening.
I hope to make it in time for Dragon Boating.
Pretty sure will not make it in time for Yoga.

Enjoy the Day.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Just saw a juvie in the nest. He is now at the top out of sight.

Busy morning! Went early for routine blood donation to local vampire. Then we took the trailer to the dealer for warranty repairs. Minor!

Now going to straighten and dust the house...Laurel and boys will be here tomorrow to watch the soccer game. They can not get it on their TV. Joey is going to a bar with friends.

Lolly said...

Shirley....thanks for the info on the island.

Prayers for our Jo! Will be anxious to hear!

MARGY.....♥We miss schmoozing with you, too!♥ Glad you paid us a visit this morning!☺

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels Hoda!

Lolly, the Island is a step back in time...only golf carts...bicycles...couple of cars...don't need a car tag, LOL. Very small...toured by golf cart, had some ice cream, visited the museum. Will have to post some pics...very picturesque.

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome back Margy!

Sorry you don't get to work with Jewels!!

Mema Jo said...

Hello friends ♥

I am filled with radiation and I just finished my snoozing. The PET scan went as scheduled - Lots of waiting time involved - you get the radiation shot and then relax in a recliner for 45 min before the
imagining begins and that lasts for about 22 mins. It's noisy but not anything that loud.
So then I had some IHop pancakes and coffee right near by & went home to relax for an hour before my Retina eye doc. I did get another shot in my left eye - it is healing well. But I was very exhausted afterwards when I got home I Put My Feet Up big time.
Results of PET scan July 7th pm hours. Thanks for continuing to pray for me... Love ya Much ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is a parent in the nest with food and a juvie arrived a few minutes later to claim it.

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Should anyone have trouble falling or staying asleep tonight, be advised that Sandperson will be watching over Jo. Wants to make sure she gets lots of rest.

Maybe she's watching Midsomer Murders, also.

Sandperson is on the way to Jo's. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

Prayers Continue JO.
Sounds like a challenging day your end but you came through.
Love and Light to you Dear Friend.

Back home in Nelson.
Vancouver was terrific.

Good night and God Bless Us All.

Mema Jo said...


TY Judie - I snoozed much of the afternoon and I really will need Mr Sandman this evening as now I feel quite wide awake - I will need his help!

I did watch Major Crimes and Longmire this evening. I had seen them I think - Last evening I did watch Endeavor Morse - new one - love that young man detective!

Mema Jo said...

Got your message, Sandi from over on FB about the Olde South BBQ. Thanks

Hoda said...

Jo take warm milk and will help you sleep right away.
Drink it from a glass so it would not stain your cups...I sometimes drink mine from a mason jar even!!!

Thank you it feels very good to be home as much as I had a terrific time in the big city...

Praying BEV is alright too.
Was good to see MARGY from earlier on.

LOLLY is missing this evening...
SHIRLEY too...Please check in gals...

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Very tiring day but hey the good part is that I am thankful NOT to have any pain. I am very comfortable
and that is good.


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda..glad you enjoyed your visit. S

Spent much of the evening talking to Michael about the rehearsal dinner..they found an Italian place they really like..its within the budget ..its a byob which they like..we talked about the menu..they are happy..i will send them a check for the deposit..lots of wedding stuff coming up..

paula eagleholic said...

Jo glad it went well.Prayers for you.

Lolly said...

Prayers for you, Jo. Not sure about the SandPerson watching over you....sorta creepy. LOL Do wish you a good night's sleep!

Watched some TV tonight, Hoda and of course checked out FB.

Laurel and the boys coming tomorrow. That is something to look forward to.

On fb was reading a great article on autism.

Heading to get ready for the pillows. Night all! SED!!

stronghunter said...


Checking in. All is well here.

Prayers for Jo and for Bev.

Will see you all tomorrow. SED.

Lolly said...

Paula, just saw your comment about the wedding preparations. Exciting!

The island sounds a lot like Macinknaw Island in Michigan. We loved cars on the island, just bikes and horse drawn carriages.

stronghunter said...

Autism--I remember thinking that I wasn't likely to have an autistic student in a regular ed high school class, but ended up having a boy who was diagnosed with Asperger's in the ninth grade. His parents seemed very involved with him, and I am not sure why the parents or the boy's doctor did not figure it out sooner, but he is one of those students I will never forget. His writing was beautiful, but he had big problems socializing with his classmates and teachers.

stronghunter said...

I wrote a college recommendation for him his senior year... I do hope things worked out well for him, and I do wonder if it would have been different if the diagnosis had been made sooner.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like Paula is having fun with the wedding plans. :)

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - nest looks and sounds MT. I guess both kids are off on a flying lesson. Kay, yes Belle was actually de-furring something and tearing it apart and the kids were taking it (rather aggressively) from her. I'm sure we won't see that for much longer.

Hoda, welcome home - as nice as vacations are. it's always good to be home.

Paula, will have to get to Tangier Is. some day - heck, I'm lucky to make it to Berlin!

My sister-in-law, niece, and my niece's 7 year old son arrive this evening from Missouri. No, my brother was not invited. It will be good to see them for a happier reason - vacation, rather than for a funeral. So Michael will have a friend for a week and Madeline's friend that she met last summer arrived yesterday so she has a friend. It's good for the adults when the kids are happy.

Tennis at 8am, then I don't know what's on the agenda for the afternoon.

Prayers for our Jo, and for Larry, and for Bev who is in the hospital.

Have a good day all.

Janet said...

Good morning. Feeling refreshed and dandy this morning. Its going to be a HOT day around here!

Yesterday was very busy. I was able to complete the part of the deck that I wanted to complete. The rest of it will have to be pressure washed first. I am very pleased with the appearance!

Tom has made much progress on the deck around the pool. I can hardly wait for it to be complete!

Chelsea and the kids came by last night for a swim. It was a busy day.

Hope everyone has a lovely day. I am heading to work!

Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Mema Jo said...





BEST YET! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Hoda said...


It is also

Canada Day.

Our 4th of July...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Update on T-Bird. The doctor's office called and said she had cell changes on the biopsy of her esophagus. She will have to go to another GI specialist in Abingdon, VA, to get an ultrasound of her esophagus to further evaluate it. She could use all the prayers she can get.


Lolly said...

Good morning! Prayers for Beverly!

♥♥♥ Happy Birthday, Margy ♥♥♥
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! Love you!!!

Need to get a move on. Laurel and boys coming today! Woo Woo!

Lolly said...

Whoops....prayers for Thelma and Beverly!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

♫♪Happy Birthday, dear MARGY, Happy Birthday to you ♪♪♪ And, many more ♪♪♪

Prayers for BEV and THELMA as testing and answers are sought. ♥

SANDI and LOLLY, enjoy all the holiday week visitors ! Sounds like a whole lot of fun for all !

Fun here, too, as my little family looks forward to Seth's 20th birthday tomorrow.

HODA, enjoy Canada Day !

Judie said...

Good morning.

Very hot and humid this morning. Glad I do not need to go out.

Sandperson is good, Lolly. An angel watching over Jo during the night.

Janet, have a wonderful time with the visitors.

Have sent Margy a birthday greeting.

Welcome back to Nelson, Hoda. No doubt you and your whirling dervish energy were missed.

Jo, I also watched the young Morse. Enjoy that program. Oh, New Tricks was on MPT this past weekend.

Hope that Bev will be okay.


Judie said...

Some disheartening news.

For those who have not followed the bears, due to the legal rulings against the bear center, all radio collars and GPS units have been removed from research bears. This, of course, means they cannot be ribboned for identification during hunting season. I am sad ):

Mema Jo said...

Bev was having a CT and then being sent home - new med so I am praying that keeps her comfy and healthy.

Dana and family down on vacation with their camper at Myrtle Beach with all the family except one.

Margy being treated to Bavarian Inn
Should be wonderful day for her.

Mema Jo said...

It is very sad bear news - They have some vicious law makers out there!

Mema Jo said...

Miss Manners just reminded me I didn't even say Good Morning on this Terrific Tuesday to all ♥

I slept so soundly through the night
Thank you my Guardian Angel.....
aka Mr Sandman......... ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

Prayers for Bev and Tbird.

Sandi, sounds like you have quite the housefull!

Judie, I am wondering if they did that so the bears WOULD NOT be targeted...he thought that's what happened last year. That whole MN deal is a real cluster****!!

paula eagleholic said...


stronghunter said...

Good very early afternoon,

Sad bear news, Judie. Thanks for telling us. Will have to check the bear news. Hard to understand how it can be a legal problem to collar and put GPS units on bears.

Happy birthday, dear friend Margy.

Prayers and good wishes for T-Bird.

Nice to know our Hoda has returned safely to Nelson.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Paula. That makes sense. That there were people targeting the bears with collars and ribbons.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that the weather is good for the 4th. It seems that a possible hurricane is threatening.

Judie said...

Paula may have a good interpretation. Must go back and re-read the posted update. Still, it is sad that the research is suspended. Much was learned and many myths dispelled.

Jo, Sandperson woke briefly and said he's happy you slept well last night.

Shirley, what are you up to? What's Hunter doing? I'm experiencing Hunter Antics Withdrawal syndrome.

Bavarian Inn? Well, la de da Miss Margy. Very nice fine dining for a very nice fine lady.

Okay, back to do some reading.

Janet said...


Sending light and love, healing and comfort to T bird....

Its hot already. Someone came in for a 9 a.m. hot stone. seriously? its 95+ degreesssssss...thankfully my room was @ 68 and I had two fans going. The stones are heated to about 135 to 140.

Now, heading out to do some chair massage, then I think the pool is calling my name........

hugs to all!

Mema Jo said...

I think that the Bears could have a microchip in order to keep track of them and perhaps continue some research. JMHO

Lolly said...

I have pulled away a little about the bear research. It is just too sad. Can not help but wonder what the law makers have against the research. It just does not make sense!!

Had an idea and called Laurel. The boys are going to bring old clothes and paint my picket fence around my herb garden. Will have to supervise to protect flowers and herbs, but thrilled to get this done. Will pay the boys!

CarolAnne said...

Hello everyone,

Here to say thank you for all the various BD wishes I have received.

Had a lovely birthday w/Bubby & another couple at our cottage.

Have you ever baked a cake on a gas grill? Box cake mix, omit oil & eggs, stir in 12 oz of Pepsi or Coke. That's it - just cake mix & soda. Pour into greased cake pan. Place on grill in indirect heat for 30 minutes. Looked perfect, tasted great & kept the cottage cool by not using the oven.

Keeping all in my thoughts & prayers & wishing only good things for everyone. Take care, be safe.

GO EAGLES!! Another great year.

Hugs to everyone.


Lolly said...

Wow Wheeeeeeeeeee! Great to hear from you CarolAnne! Hmmm?? Thinking I must try the cake while on a trip in the trailer. The oven always heats up the trailer.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, sounds like a rewarding job for the grands!

CarolAnne so good to hear from you and I sure am going to try that type of cake! Happy you had a good day with friends. Come back often! ♥

Mema Jo said...

World Cup Soccer half time
No Score

Lots of good saves and immense amount of passing

Rooting for USA team - all the way

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


Hoda said...

Rooting for the USA from Canada too JO.

Awesome to read you C/A

I like PAULA'S and JO'S take on the bears.

We mingled in the park and chit chatted with RCMP in serges. All is good. Had a fund raising pancake and maple syrup breakfast downtown. A fund raising hamburger and hit dog lunch all day in the park. Fire works in the evening. Singers and music all day in the park. Good day here.

Janet said...


I believe every critter has its place on this earth; save but for wasps.

why on this earth these creatures exist confounds me.

I just got stung 5 times in less than 30 sec. ammonia Benadryl and motrin. ice pack. grrrrr.

magpie said...

Thanks Everyone, for the Birthday wishes....You are kind and caring friends...I have missed birthdays
(CarolAnne's most recently!) and anniversaries and all sorts of important events by not being able to BE HERE very often.
But the time will come along that I can get back and me a Magpie again.

Happy Canada Day, Hoda !
Sounds like you have had many
wonderful adventures these last few weeks/months

Prayers for Bev, and T-Bird, those are the most recent ones I have read about

(( HUGS and Lovins')) to all

PS Lunch at The Bavarian was
Swell! Could not get a Pass to use the Endless Swimming Pool there, that seems to "cascade" vo

magpie said...

oh heck.
Cascade over the cliff into the Potomac, quite impressive..., but
guests come first and this is a busy week there....

Another time...

Okay, well, Best Wishes to All for
Good Weather, Fun with Family and Friends, for Not working too hard,
and Joyful moments all along the way !

You are ALL my special Birthday
Gifts today :)
Every Day !!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

Oh Janet!
OUCH !!!
I am sorry to read of this, a wasp
sting really hurts, and you have
Five of Them...hope your "poultice" and the ice works, Pronto !!!

Janet said...

just called the neighbor...she still smokes. getting some tobacco to put on them to draw. Bah humbug Thank you Magpie. Glad you had a wonderful day.

HODA: sorry! Happy Canada Day!

Hoda said...

Gracious me!
No need to be sorry.
Let me know how the tobacco works. Sorry you were stung.

Judie said...

Wow! Had forgotten the tobacco remedy for stings. That's what my father did.

Janet, I do hope the stings have been quieted. So sorry for all the discomfort.

Hoda? Were you flirting with the RCMP officers? You've got male - oh, I mean mail.

Margy, so glad you had a lovely lunch. Lovely location, lovely food, lovely lady.

Judie said...

Sandperson is already packed. Something about wanting to leave early to check on Shirley and Jo.

Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

May We all Sleep Sweeeeeetly.


Hoda said...

Blessed Be JUDIE and KAY.
Thank you ever so very much.
Grateful for your thoughtfulness and kindness.
Thank you.

Hoda said...

As to flirting with the RCMP, very tempting in their red serges yet the ones here have the eagle eyes of their wives focused on them. That got a laugh out of me JUDIE.
Do 65 year old ladies still flirt?
Need to figure how to mend my ways if we do!
All the good ones are taken I think.
I spend so much of my time trying to be healthy I forget to do anything else!!!

Janet said...

my knight in shining armor came and disposed of the wasps. so thankful it wans't worse...could have been very ugly.

thankful for each of you.


Mema Jo said...

Had a TV relaxation evening with Hubby. I really don't have any plans for the next 5 days.. Not sure of any
4th activities other then to be home.

I ate Tacos for dinner - love them
Hubby ate spaghetti - does not like tacos.

Getting ready now for another good nights' sleep.

We did have a e=heck of a rain storm earlier - buckets and buckets
No flowers need to be watered on my deck.

Mema Jo said...

Happy that you had a good day, Margy.
Can't find any FB news on Bev - she should be home after that CT. Hope to hear something.

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...


Just realized it is getting really late.

We had a tutor come over to talk about working with Hunter on some math this summer, as he has not been working up to his potential at school. Lots of the instruction was done on the computer, and it just did not work for him. He needs a real person. (Too easy to outsmart the computer.)

I also took him to school for some testing there. Interestingly, he tested above grade level on math.

While we were at the school, we saw a couple of women following a baby bird fluttering across the grass. After awhile, they left, and I went to check on the bird. As I did not see any adult birds around, I picked up the baby and took it into the building so I could get a box for it. I then called Susan to get the phone number of the rescue people.

Left a message for them, and while I was waiting for them to call back, I took the little bird back outdoors and looked around. There were some birds flying around nearby, so I put the baby in the grass and backed off. Thank goodness, two birds that looked very much like the baby came right to it, so I left that little one to its parents. It had its wing feathers, just needed to be left alone with mom and dad.

When I talked with the rescue people, we figured out that they were barn swallows.

stronghunter said...

Also managed to get my glasses fixed today. Somehow they fell on the floor and Hunter stepped on them. The lenses were fine, but the frames were bent all out of shape. Thank goodness, they were able to do the repairs at no charge. I thanked the guy and assured him that his company has truly gotten lots of my money in the past, and I did appreciate the free repairs.

stronghunter said...

It is very sad about the bears. It is hard to understand what is going on between the government and the bear research people.

stronghunter said...

Planning to be home for the 4th, too. Hunter should be with his dad for the weekend, and Kathryn is planning to go to the river house to visit a girlfriend from her childhood days. I hope the weather won't be an issue for them.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Hoda, I am sure that many 65-year-old women flirt. In fact, 65-year-old women should have flirting perfected, don't you think?

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. See you later.

stronghunter said...

Happy Canada Day, Hoda...or at least I hope you had a Happy Canada Day, as it is now July 2.

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 372   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...