Sunday, June 15, 2014


My apologies for the scarce posts.

I have been on travel out west and am now up north the past week or so.

I have been contacted by several folks about the future plans for the cam.  We have the crane booked for August and will move to fix things during that time, with more ability to do the work carefully until literally the last available hours that we had in December.

New thread.


Judie said...

Thank you Steve and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.

We know you and the NCTC crew will do all you can with the camera. We really are grateful.

Okay, off to forage. BBL

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE.
Safe travels and much appreciation to ALL at NCTC. Blessed Be.

Thank you JUDIE

stronghunter said...

Hi Steve,

Thank you so much for all you do.

Happy Father's Day!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve - especially for the note of the upcoming plans for the cam.
Happy Father's Day to you!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judie and congrats on a feather. Are you already back from Market?

Michael called from the Atlanta GA airport - he was on the plane awaiting take off for Haiti.

Hoda said...

Safe travels to Michael.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all.

My tennis playing house guest lost her singles match to qualify for getting into the tournament. She did qualify for the main draw in doubles, which starts on Tuesday so she will be sticking around for at least the next couple of days.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and for the update on the cam work. As others have already said, we are grateful to all at NCTC for providing a glimpse into the lives of these magnificent birds.

Forgot to say safe travels to Kay when I checked in this AM.

Enjoy this glorious weather everyone! Later.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and I find a new fresh thread


JudyEddy said...

/STEVE thanks for the info on the camera in Aug


Mema Jo said...

Checking in as all the kids have left
to go home and be greeted by their own children.

Just opened the cam - looks like our
guy found their own branch and put it in the middle of the nest lol

stronghunter said...

Just saw one of our eaglets fly across the nest. May have been on the stump.

Judie said...

Yes, foraging was successful. Lots of fruit now all cut up and in the fridge. Other critical items such as feline food also purchased.

I also forgot to wish Kay a safe trip. Happy trails girlfriend.

I'm sure my friends will be most impressed when I appear with my feather. lol

Nest was MT when I just checked. Did see what looked like an eaglet shadow up near 2.

So, Michael is probably nearing Haiti. Such a great guy.

Okay, don't have to cook tonight. Darth has a concert to attend. So, going to make like Jo and put my feet up.

Oh, I do wish we would hear from Paula. Getting a bit concerned.

JudyEddy said...


home from work

and one eaglet is on the launch pad


JudyEddy said...

Eaglet just showed up and is at the launch pad looking at his estate Looks like he want to take the leap :-(

JudyEddy said...

He or she has moved to the edge

JudyEddy said...

other eaglet dropped down from the stump one is in NHZ and one at 7

JudyEddy said...

headin up on stump

JudyEddy said...

eaglet came down off stump squeaking as he landed LOL

JudyEddy said...

Where is everyone I guess I will go watch TV LM


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Thank you, Steve, for the new thread, and Happy Father's Day!
Thanks to all at NCTC on the camera crew, too!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL OUR DADSTERS!!! (And to everyone else, for that matter!)

I'm about to head out the door to take Ken to T.G.I.Friday's for dinner. Will be back here later to say goodnight.

Wishing Kay a safe and happy journey! Enjoy!

Lolly, prayers continue for Laurel. Hope the sling for 4 weeks does the trick. DON'T like the idea of a replacement joint either! You and Jack have a wonderful trip, too, and stay safe! (You head out tomorrow, right?)

Well, gotta run. We hope to miss some of the crowd at the restaurant. Emma says hello!
I ♥♥ us!!!

Lynne2 said...

Happy Father's Day to all of our DADSTERS!

Mema Jo said...

Michael arrived around 2:08pm in
Port Au Prince - then the bus takes them to the orphanage.

ALSO: Christine and Patrick arrived
in Anchorage Alaska around 7pm for a week compliments of
the Army. I can also follow operation heal our patriots
on facebook and look for pictures of them. Anxious to see them at this gathering with other military couples.

They just may see some bears!

Mema Jo said...

I am off to find some entertaining movie on TV at 9:00 - wish me luck!

JudyEddy said...

Just noticed the screen isn't BLACK yet on the cam I still see the nest I didn't hear anything from STEVE on it yet Lets hope its working

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
We're back from T.G.I.Friday's.
We got the Flatiron Steak as the entree for the 2 for $20 deal. It was excellent! Gotta say, though, that the place was pretty much a drunken brawl! They had soccer on the TVs, and I suspect that 90 out of every 100 people in there were feeling no pain. It's nice to be home to our Emma, where it's nice and quiet. Jennifer called us, and we had a nice conversation. Sure do miss seeing them! Jo, glad Michael arrived safely at his destination, and also Christine & Patrick at theirs.
Has anyone heard from Paula? Hoping all is well.
It's still early here, but I'm setting the security systems. If you're out past curfew, hope you know the correct password! Have a great evening, everyone. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

The screen is BLACK I guess I was just hoping oh well

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Hi all! Had a great time in Dallas. Dinner out at a great steak restaurant, and out to eat breakfast this morn. I tell you....they never eat at home!!
Gourmet kitchen is a waste on them. LOL Zach hung on me the whole time. Want you to know I am number one, cool, and just awesome. LOL He told me so! Nice to be so loved!!

We are packed, loaded, hitched and ready to start out in the middle of the night. Up at 4 and gone by 5.

See you briefly from the road up and back, but probably not while we are there.

Night alll! SED!!

Mema Jo said...

Checking in to say Goodnight to all ♥

Dr appointment tomorrow early and will then know what the CT showed.
I'll be on when I return.

Safe journey to Kay and to Jack & Lolly..

Goodnight ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Safe travels to all!

Traveled to my brothers house in Waldorf on Saturday for my nephews HS graduation lookout. then to Eburg on Saturday eve...had to dig through some boxes for estate information ..bed after midnight then up early this morning for breakfast with my GF and her hubby ..he is still under going chemotherapy.

Back to the beach by 6 tonight..i am beat. Larry doing just ok. Neighbor nurse told him ice ice ice the leg. He is hobbling around with a cane..his throat continuing to heal.

Have been reading the blog and everyone's comings and goings .

SED love and hugs to all.

Good news on the future of our cam

paula eagleholic said...


Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA for checking in.

Good to know you family members arrived at their destinations JO.
Putting you in prayers for good results tomorrow.

I need to sleep.
God Bless Us All.

Janet said...

heading to bed, but gotta share a head slap moment.

was cleaning the boat. Olivia wanted to help. (yeah!) go grab broom, sweep the floor. I was putting the float vests away....and came across the square floatation device you use if someone falls over board. I said here sweep this off (as in, sweep the dirt off of it so I can put it away). I went to do something came back and she had literally swept if off of the boat onto the ground! really? she wondered why I didn't just toss it onto the ground myself....


good night.

Judie said...

I see Sandperson sneaked out and has started sprinkling sleepy dust. Well, I have to admit, he got to me first and I fell down asleep in my chair.

Lolly, glad you had a nice evening at Michael's and that Zack is being so loving. Safe travels in the morning. Stop in when you can.

Andy, glad you and Kubby also had a nice evening. Friday's has always been a meat market at night. I should know from my single days. I too now prefer quiet time.

Very happy to hear from Paula. Sorry his leg is still gimpy but happy his throat is healing.

Jo, glad Michael has safely arrived in Haiti. Wishing Christine and Patrick a wonderful week in Alaska. Tomorrow will bring a good doctor's report.

Judie said...

Sandperson has long ago departed.

Thanks to Andy and JudyE, we are doubly safe tonight. Two alarms systems enabled.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...

Goodnight Hoda.

stronghunter said...

Been watching TV this evening. Had Suddenly salad for dinner. Added a few olives and some tuna, and it was delightful.

Nice to know that Michael has arrived.

If Paula hadn't posted this evening, I was going to tell you that I knew she was around because she's been playing Words with Friends. Hope that Larry's leg is much better tomorrow.

Ah, quiet restaurants. Yes, I agree. Not wild about Buffalo Wild Wings or Texas Roadhouse, to tell you the truth. Guess I am just too old. Well, being old is not all bad.

Funny story, Janet. I can just picture it. Good that she didn't sweep it into the water.

stronghunter said...

Time for sleep. Or maybe a snack and then sleep.

SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

On the road! Good morning! 5:07 our departure time!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see one juvie in the nest and the wing tips of the other occasionally in the NHZ.

Happy trails Lolly & Jack!

Jo, prayers for a spot-free report today. Glad to hear that Michael arrived safely in Haiti - I'll be thinking of him and his mission there this week.

Prayers also for Larry's continued healing.

Brian called last night. Lynnis still has not started to dilate (due date is next Sunday) but her blood pressure was elevated and her feet were swollen last Thursday, so she was put on bed rest. She is very anxious for Little Miss to pick her birth date. It still looks like Brian will not have to go out of the country again until next summer.

Tennis this morning at 8am, then I have a hydrangea that needs planting. Three tennis umpires arrive today - one this afternoon and 2 this evening. Lena (tennis player) is also still here. There is a players dinner this evening that Denny and I are invited to as a thank you for hosting people during the tournament.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

good to hear from PAULA

LOLLY safe road trip you are one traveling woman

JO so happy he made it safely

SANDI not to much longer before you are a grandma Have you decided what you want to be called as granny

JudyEddy said...

ONE EAGLET is at launch pad and the other right in front of him I see just the tip of him they were like looking at each other

JudyEddy said...

He is wingersizing in the NEZ see wing tips hitting other eaglet LOL

JudyEddy said...

One eagle is on the edge right under the stump He hung out there last night also

12 more days

and we probably won't have IE when we go they want 30 a day for it NO WAY

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Prayers JO!
Let us know your results.

Safe travels LOLLY and JACK!
5:07 departure time...can you get more specific? How many seconds??? Love you! Enjoy!!! I hope you packed your socks.

Rain here.
Cleans the air from pollen...

Hope KAY is having a terrific trip. Did a Penny go too?

Good to read your posts ANDY.

Enjoy the holiday JUDYE. I love the count down.
30$ a day for internet? Did I read this right?

Laughing JANET. Never heard the word sweep to mean cast overboard?

One activity on the books today.
Cooking and serving a meal to the MS group in town.
My cooking teacher invited me to participate.

Have a terrific day everyone.

I do enjoy watching the Juvies and they will not be with us long. They have grown so well. I still think of the mystery of how we lost the middle one. Where it went and how/ who removed it from the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Happy to see both juvies in the nest

Headed out for 9:30 dr appointment
Will see you when I return

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

I have a prayer request this morning. Mattie's boyfriend (yes, Mattie has an awesome boyfriend), Jordan, is having surgery at WVU to remove a partial disk from his L5-S1 spine. He is 17 years old, was born with a congenital defect of some kind, not sure what, but he had a rapid growth spurt and it messed up his back. He is a really tall feller and reminds us so much of Andrew in looks and actions.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Been watching I am assuming Prez doing lots of wingercising this morning. Gearing up!

paula eagleholic said...

Both eaglets hanging out at the launch pad

Sandi said...

We are havin a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Headed to Reston!!!

Hoda said...

Blessed Be SANDI.
Keep us posted Grand Ma

Janet said...

good morning and what a great day to be born!!!! YEAH FOR SANDI's kiddos!!!! come on little miss, let's see this world! and let the world see you!!!!

slept great (thanks sandman)

have made a decision. boat wouldn't start witht he battery last night despite having started all week just fine. the 2nd battery, we have never used and are unsure of its "life" is charging, but I am uncomfortable taking it out on the water. do not want to need a tow.

going on a trip this week, so will buy a battery after pay day. keeping travel funds for travel.

so fishing instead!

but first, coffee.

No, Hoda, Shirley, I forget how literally Olivia thinks. I was non specific, I get that. But wow. Yeah, headslap and wow.

I am thankful we were not on the water but merely in the back yard at that point.


hope everyone has a great day. safe travels, light, love and smiles to all.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Big day here. Guests arrive this afternoon.

I think I like Olivia's method of cleaning. Just toss everything

Isla has finally left the eggs.

Judie said...

Congratulations to Brian and Linnis. May the birth go quickly.

Hoda, are you feeling okay? Only one event planned for today? Something must be amiss.

Sharon, I'm sure Jordan will be just fine. Had the same surgery in 2010. Microsurgery. In at noon and home for the 6pm news. Rested a few days. Walking pain-free immediately.

Okay, off to take care of last-minute chores. BBL

Mema Jo said...


Praying for a safe delivery of a healthy baby girl

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They took Jordan to surgery about a half hour ago. He will probably be there 3 hours including recovery room.

Mema Jo said...


Please update everyone on the blog 4 me. Traffic at the bay bridge is bumper to bumper and very slow moving. Brian texted when lynnis was at 4cm and said she hadnt accepted any pain meds. An hour later he texted that she was at 5cm and had agreed to an epidural. :) I say good 4 lynnis! We wont even get there 4 another 2 hours at this rate! Cannot wait 2 see her and hear "the name."

paula eagleholic said...

I saw those Baybridge updates in my email, not knowing poor Sandi was stuck in that traffic! I caught a backup on the way back down was a 40 minute delay...hope hers is shorter.

Sure hope she goes in to see the baby before Lynnis goes home :)

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder what the name will be???

paula eagleholic said...

No eaglets visible at the moment, though I think one is at the 11 spot...lots of whirly arrows today.

paula eagleholic said... at the 2 spot

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nothing will prove whether both babes are in the nest quicker than someone coming in with food. Lunch has arrived.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch


paula eagleholic said...

Well said, Sharon :)

Eaglets on the launch pad...peering out.

Sandi said...

Hi all from the Comfort Inn at Dulles Airport. No baby yet. Lynnis is at 7cm. It could still be a while. Stay tuned!

Hoda said...

Yay SANDI, you are at the hotel which means you are close to the hospital. Blessed Be.Sending Love and Prayers to you and Denny and Bryan and Lynnis...and Little Miss of course...

Hoda said...

BRIAN not Bryan...sorry SANDI

Judie said...

Good news for Sandi and Denny. Dulles is very close to the Reston hospital.

Wonder if Linnis is actually planning on naming the baby after a parent or parents. That would be a lovely surprise.

Friends from Houston are delayed. Had to depart the first plane after an hour or so wait and board a second plane. No time of arrival now. Works for me. Still finishing up some last minute chores.

Jo, do you have a doctor's report?


JudyEddy said...

HOME From work and I hear the eaglet but don't see them

JudyEddy said...

SANDI congratulation on the upcoming baby and I hope they change their mind if you show up let you see the baby not her but the baby tell them Its every grand parent passage She will need you one day

JudyEddy said...

I am so excited I want to pack my suitcase already LOL but I won't I won't have any carpi or cloths to wear if I do I could become a nudist LOL Just kidding wouldn't want to shock anyone or make them go blind LOL

JudyEddy said...

just noticed the nest and my temp are the same 89° we have rain cloud moving in summer time storms with the seabreeze meeting the land breeze

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE that would be so cool if they did the names after one of the GP as a combination Jordyn is named Carla after my mom her middle name was my moms middle name also

so funny when she was born and people told Carl Come on you added a A to you name and made it her middle name not knowing it was my moms name LOL

Sandi said...

Still no baby. Brian just texted that Lynnis is still at 7cm like 3 hours ago. Just sitting in a hotel room watching world cup soccer. Later.

Lolly said...

Stopped for the night at RV park top of Raton Pass. Cooler already. Fritz family passed us! Lol. They are going as far as Pueblo tonight.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is copied from Jordan's mom's Facebook post:

Surgery OVER!!! Went well. Surgeon said he is thankful he got to that nerve when he did because it was very agitated and could've led to nerve damage. He made space in there so the nerve appears to be "happier" now. He doubts he will regain the ankle jerk reflex back, but that is common. He will have alot of movement restrictions over the next 4 weeks and after that he will begin therapy. Thank you all and above all, THE Great Physician above, and Dr. Collins too! Now just waiting on them to wake him and let me at him!!!

Janet said...

checking in prior to heading out to go fishing.

no baby yet all in good time, but hate the wait!!!

How's the beau, Shar?

It has been a busy day. Tom and I finalized finances for the upcoming trip to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg. Hit the walmart....I vacummed the pool, floated for a little while. We set up the kiddy pool for the dogs, Seven had a grand time playing in it.

Olivia is packed. I have gathered things to put in the RV. Will pack tomorrow after work and acupuncture.

Heading out in a few. SHHHHHH don't warn the fish!

:) later

Lolly said...

Sandi, so very excited for you!

JudyEddy said...

Thinking of SANDI talking to Angie the other day and she said NOW she regrets not letting her dad come up and see her during labor But she was in such pain she said no to him I had forgot all about that I was there and when they took her in to do the C section after discovering she had to have it We waited in the waiting room Carl mom and me

Mema Jo said...

Wow - just had one terrific storm with rain in all directions and hail and violent wind. I was headed down
stairs - but it all stopped as fast as it began. Sun shinning but no rainbow.

Nest does not look as though the storm was over the mountain into Shepherdstown....

JudyEddy said...

WOW just walked in from getting my change turned to $$$ for vaca and the SPEAKERS ARE LOUD WIND WIND

JudyEddy said...

and my TV is beeping for us with storm warning also

JudyEddy said...

adult in with food and was manteled by one

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Food delivery and eaglet mantling.

Lynne2 said...

Very excited about the baby coming! Looking forward to first hearing everything went well and mom and baby are OK, and then the NAME!

Sandi said...

Text at 7:45 said Lynnis was just starting to push. Brian said she is exhausted. Prayers for strength please.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI are you going to the hospital and look at the baby I know most hospitals have baby in room no nursery I hope you get to see whomever ♥

JudyEddy said...

LOTs of noises eaglets are really vocal now

JudyEddy said...

sure got quite after the feeding frenzy was over Adult went in to the NEZ and one eaglet is in center playing with sticks

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Puuuuuuuush Lynnis
Help her out Brian........

Come on Baby girl... Time to meet the

Prayers for them and for a healthy baby girl.

Mema Jo said...

I guess our cams will soon be black

JudyEddy said...

JO didn't know if you noticed and hope you didn't mind But I started a June album the other day and have put pic since the cam has been up

JudyEddy said...

I did @Steve with the question the other day and didn't get a reply on the black screen

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say that I got 263.49 and 20 that didn't go because of Canadian money not bad I say Change sure can add up in that bank

Mema Jo said...

Judy Thank You I completely forgot
about the album..... Glad to give you that job...Let me know if you have any problem

I am watching a 9:00 TV show
But I'll be checking for comments
from Sandi

JudyEddy said...

I will be honored to take that over JO and it was pretty easy I hope I did it right from what I can see I did

One JUVIE is at the launch pad again other is no where in sight gonna watch 24 BBIALB

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Was trying to decide if that was an eaglet I was seeing at the the 4:00 spot when one landed in the middle of the visible area and went over to the 5:00 spot. I have decided that was not an eaglet I was seeing before. Night light just came on, and there is one eaglet at the 5:00 spot.

How exciting! Baby girl whatever her name will be is on the way. Prayers and good wishes, Sandi. I hope you get to see her soon and that you are happy with the name.

Glad to see that the surgery is over, Sharon, and that they prevented a possible problem that might have come later.

Hope that you've covered many miles by now, Lolly.

I remember those days of packing the RV, Janet. A lot of work. Eventually, I had lots of things I was able to leave in the trailer. But the campgrounds were such fun.

paula eagleholic said...

Push Lynnis push.

Yes..want healthy Mom and baby first and foremost.
Mowed lawn tonight..grilled some chicken ..i am beat . Taped 24..have several to catch up on.

paula eagleholic said...

Yea Judy..what do you think the eagles are on Google for? I saw them too.

JudyEddy said...

PAULA the eagle are for USA against Ghana we won that why there are two chicks vs one chick I think rather cute I took a snip and put on FB

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say World Cup Soccer USA won LOL

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

JudyEddy said...

OH WOW the ending on 24 PAULA I won't tell

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night.

I had trouble sleeping last night and slept in this morning, but I'm about ready to wind down now.

Thinking of Sandi and family.

SED, everyone.

Also thinking of Margy. Missing her.

paula eagleholic said...

Yuppie Judy what..saw the next set too.

Hope Sandi posts the baby
news in the a.m.

SED love and hugs for all<3

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready for the pillows BUT
I am going to leave our blog up just in case a late night visit comes from Sandi.

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

last check in for today. come on baby!!!!! thinking of all.....good night and SED

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

oops my deletes. sorry!

Judie said...

Sandperson departed long ago.

Our guests have arrived. Am typing this in the dark. The detective is asleep and don't want to wake her and have her checking the computer for clues.

Will stop by tomorrow when I can. Very tired tonight.

Restful sleep for all. Hope Lynnis has delivered the baby.

Hoda said...

I keep checking in to see news from SANDI...
Blessed Be.

Cooking class for MS patients was fantastic and there were a few wheel chair bound students and they enjoyed it a great deal.

Good night
God Bless

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. It is not even 430 and the birds are chirping outside. I hope they are giving an early greeting to Little Miss Roberts

Sandi said...

Little Miss arrived at 5:08 this am by c-section. Lynnis tried and tried but the baby was presenting face up and Lynnis is so small. 7 lb 11 oz. and 21 inches long. Reddish blonde hair blue eyes 10 fingers and toes and good lungs. NO NAME YET!!!!!! Lynnis is too exhausted to know yet if her name fits. Btw, Lynnis never called her parents to say she was in labor!! Not sure yet when we will get to see her. MTBR. Have a great day - I know i will!!

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Sandi! I hope you get to see Little Miss very soon.

stronghunter said...

Rus did that face-up thing when he was getting born. He finally turned around, but I had a big back ache for awhile. They called it back labor.

stronghunter said...

No eaglets presently visible at the nest.

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

some kind of bird is singing to us at the nest don't know what kind but a pretty sounding one

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say my camera has been up all night

grannyblt said...

Congratulations to Lynnis and Brian, and of course the proud grandparents. I hope you are allowed to see her soon. My son presented face up also and the backache was the worst part of labor. They had me get into a knee chest position for a while that got things working in a hurry.

Janet said...

good morning to all. YEAH! congrats to SANDI AND FAMILY and welcome to the wee one!

hi ho hi ho its off to work I go. then, acupuncture. and then packing.

later yall. have a lovely day full of light, love, and hugs!

JudyEddy said...

check out Google again

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Lynnis and Brian
and special thoughts to you two new grandparents. Your description of the new little Miss sounds precious.

A long labor but a wonderful ending
can't wait to hear more. ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, Whoohooo on the birth of Little Miss. I think that is a good blog name for her. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Prez and Capt will in the nest this morning.

Sandi said...

Brian has,sent pics by phone but we haven't been invited to the hospital yet. And please - NO MENTION OF THE BABY ON FACEBOOK, since I'm still not sure if Lynnis's family knows about the birth.

Lolly said...

Good morning and congratulations to Lynnis and Brian. So very sorry she had to have a long labor and then a c section! But, welcome to this wonderful world little miss! I know a grandma who is ready to spoil you.

Headinfg out shortly! Have a great day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No invite? Go anyway. :)

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I have sent email to Steve to please reset the still cam.

Hoping that Lynnis gets some well deserved rest. Hoping your wait to hold Little Miss in your arms isn't
too far away.......♥

I have the Pulmonary Breathing Function test this afternoon. I'll blow and blow and then hold my breath.Wish me well! lol

Mema Jo said...

Our nest is MT
Guess the branching and sitting on the stump is taking place. Happy that some of you saw them this

I will BBL - Waiting with anticipation for the NAME of Little Miss ! Whatever the kids decide I'm sure she will grow into it. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...Congrats to the Roberts family! Glad everyone is doing well. Hope you get to see the baby soon.

Mema Jo said...

Frayja Catkin Roberts

Jo, all that fretting about a horrible ugly name was for nothing. the baby's name is Freyja, pronounced Fra (long a) - ya. We love it. The middle name that came 2 Lynnis in a dream is Catkin which I also like. So her name is Frayja Catkin Roberts. She is beautiful and we are so happy for and proud of Brian and Lynnis. We didnt stay long @ the hospital b/c Lynnis was exhausted and in a lot of pain. Headed home now please share the name on the blog for me. Thx.

Hoda said...

Simply Beautiful.

I love Little Miss' name.
I love SANDI and DENNY so considerate and loving and gentle and sensitive.
You are AWESOME Grand Parents.
Lucky Miss Freyja Catkin.
Congratulations BRIAN and LYNNIS.
Blessed Be the Roberts Family and the new member.

JudyEddy said...

LOVE the name SANDI unique

and so happy you got to go to the hospital to see the little one

On lunch as if you didn't know

Sandi said...

On the road headed home. as a teacer, I know Freyja will not like her name b/c her teachers will all mispronounce it on the first day and she will have to. correct them. but I guess that's not a good reason to stick to ordinary, easy to pronounce names. Freyja has such a pretty sound to it. I did cry - hard- when I saw her, b/c I was so proud of the little being Brian and Lynnis created together and b/c my mom didn't live to see her.

No traffic tie ups so far. should be home in an hour and a half. will wait to hear from Brian when we can drive to WV to visit. I hope Lynnis is allowed to stay in the hospital for a few days. nowadays they like to send young girls home asap.

Mema Jo said...

Hopefully Sandi with the C Section they will keep her at least 2 days!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, Nilla said to tell you she loves you.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon - hope she is doing well.

Lolly said...

We have arrived! Soon to loose service. See ya much later!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly we'll see you when we see you

JudyEddy said...

ome from work

MT nest

JudyEddy said...

got a silly question Some one said don't remember who but you can buy a air card for internet??????
I am not going to pay 30 a day on vacation and just was trying to figure something out I have only had cable so I haven't a clue if you can get IE other ways beside like restaurants that offer it free etc Any suggestions

JudyEddy said...

so odd once again the nest is 91° and so are we here in PP 91° and the feels like temp is 96° HOT

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna go watch the 6 news

Hoda said...

Little Miss FREYJA CATKIN has the coolest name ever and she will attract the coolest kids in school and she will have a great personality to follow her Grandma and Great Grandma and BRIAN and LYNNIS will have a house full of noise and friendship.

As to her Great Grandmother not seeing her, I think since they did...across the veil we do not quite fathom it but so much is possible and I do believe they would have crossed paths in transition...The gift of the flower speaks volumes to me SANDI...God Bless and Rest MRS MOORE

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if anyone on the grounds have seen our juvies today flying around DebS said last she saw was 420 in the nest and I see no shadow from the stump She thinks they may be flying around

I do hear peeps in the wind may be in the attic

DERN arrow is a PIA today on and off on and off

grannyblt said...

Freyja, what a pretty name. Glad you got to see her for a few minutes Sandi.

I hope Lolly and Kay get a chance to meet up in CO. Beautiful park there. I don't think I appreciated it when I was there during my teen years.

Hot and humid and now very windy here today.

Judy, I have no clue to your internet question. You could have a nice time without an internet connection. Times have changed though haven't they. When my neighbor and I went on our recent birding trip, the first thing we both did when we got to the hotel room was to hook up to the free wi-fi.

JudyEddy said...

BELLE in with fook I hear squealing

JudyEddy said...

and gone

JudyEddy said...

FOOD not fook

must be eating in the back room

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi happy you are pleased with the name and you got to see her. Did you get any pics ?

Lynne2 said...

YAY!! Congrats Sandi and Dennis! Or should I say Pap Pap and Gramma! Hope Lynnis gets some rest! And the proud Papa too!

stronghunter said...

Freyja--That is a beautiful name.

Might not say much tonight. Cannot use my computer. Bad virus.

Do hope

Costume Lady said...

Congratulations to the Roberts family. I know Sandi must be floating on a cloud right now. Did she know she was having a granddaughter? I envy her so much...wanted Rachael to have a girl this time (we knew it was to be a boy), but it just wasn't meant to be. We haven't had a baby girl in the family since Jillian was born, 28 years ago. When GG found out that another boy was on the way, she said Gene and I would have to have another baby because we knew how to have girls :) Don't think Rachael and Robbie will have anymore babies, but Jillian wants one very badly but can't conceive. She has a condition which seems to be the says it is also the reason she is so heavy. Birth control pills for a period of time would help, but they make her very ill :( Then, there is Dustin and Brandon, so, I guess there is still a possibility of a girl!
Last week, I got to hold my newest ggrandson, Jaxson Cole for the first time (he's 3 weeks)and I'm so in love with him...Brantley liked to snuggle on my chest and under my neck and Jaxson likes to be held horizontally in my arms.

I am doing well...tears don't flow as easily as they once did. I hated that I cried so easily, it embarrassed me.

JUDY...I will ask Karla about the Air Card that you were asking about, she uses that when she goes to the Beach. (will let you know)

Sorry I have been AWOL on here, I keep forgetting that all of you aren't on facebook and that is where I spend my CHATTING TIME :)
I will try to do doesn't take long to at least say hello, I'm still alive and well.

Good night to all, love and prayers ♥

stronghunter said...

Do hope Lynnis recovers quickly.

stronghunter said...

Today was baby bird day at our house. Kathryn came home from work and hollered in the door that she needed two boxes lined with rags for two baby birds. She spotted one in our yard and our neighbor found one in hers. Not from the same nest. The one in our yard has something wrong with its eye. Neighbor said that there was another one somewhere and not in good condition.

stronghunter said...

Hunter went out looking, but did not find another one. After several phone calls, Kathryn and Hunter took the two birds to a rehabber.

I went out and found a dead battery you bird in our side yard and buried it unnerving the trees in the far back.

stronghunter said...

Love that auto correct-I found a dead baby bird and buried it under the trees in the far back. -

NCSuzan said...

Congratulations, Sandi. Let the spoiling begin!!

Margy, know you are busy but am thinking of you and hoping you are doing ok.

Has been great to see the youngsters this week. They'll be gone before you know it.

Hope everyone else is well and content.


NCSuzan said...

Wow, Shirley. You did have a bird day at your house. Sorry all of that happened, to the birds and to your family.

stronghunter said...

The larger one with the bad eye is a robin. The rehabber thinks the mother might have pushed it out of the nest because of the bad eye. The other one is a starling. Rehabber's husband loves starlings and had it nestled in his hands. I think the one I buried was a starling.

It has been obvious that we have lots of nesting birds around here. The birds fuss at me whenever I go out in the yard.

Lynne2 said...

a dead battery you bird. ROFLMBO!!!

Really, so sorry about the birds. It's fledge time and it's the most dangerous for the babies. Glad Kathryn was able to find a rehabber.

Good to see you Wanda!

Gotta run....

stronghunter said...

Rehabber said that they would take care of the eye.

stronghunter said...

Made me laugh too, Lynne.

It is nice to have Susan in the rehab network. She put Kathryn right in touch with people who could tell her what to do.

They said that you feed baby birds dog or cat food. We have plenty of that.

Mema Jo said...

Going to say Goodnight to all ♥

It has been a blessed day - I always get excited about a new life.



I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Yes! Great to see you, Wanda. Male children run in the Cower family, too. However, I was told that "Phillipses have sons." Well, I did, but i had daughters, too. You just never know.

stronghunter said...

That's Cowger family. Auto correct again.

Going to say good night.

SED, everyone.

Judie said...

Good almost tomorrow.

Been a busy and fun day. We are all tired.

Congratulations to Lynnis and Brian on the successful arrival of Freyja Catkin. May she thrive with the love of her family.

Shirley, so sad about the injured baby birds. Hope they survive.

Sandperson departed with a really huge satchel of sleepy dust.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - nest looks MT. Wonder what our juvies are doing?

Wanda, great to see you on the blog! Please visit more often!

Jo, how did your visit with the lung doctor go? Are you spot-free??

Brian sent an email last night that said his insurance will cover Lynnis staying in the hospital for 4 days after delivery so that should give her until Friday. Lynnis did post a photo of Freyja on FB which means it's now OK for me to comment about her. I also put 2 photos on my blog for non-FB peeps.

It's gonna be a hot one today here in Bethany - heat index near 100. Our young tennis player won her doubles match yesterday but doesn't play today. The umpires staying here seem very nice and were very understanding about us not being here to greet them when they arrived Monday evening.

No tennis for me today - I've got a hydrangea that still needs planting, then I'm headed to the beach for the day with a group of South Bethany ladies who have created a group called WOW - Women on Wednesdays. They all meet together at the beach every Wednesday afternoon.

Prayers continue for Larry.

Have a good day all!

Sandi said...

My new avatar is a photo sent to me yesterday by one of Mom's neighbors. Tony walks his dog Zoey past Mom's condo every day (Mom loved Zoey and Zoey loved Mom). On Monday he noticed that a single purple petunia was blooming in the grass right outside of the condo. I guess seeds from her flowers on the patio last summer dropped into the grass and rebloomed, even though petunias aren't perennials. Isn't that just somethin'?? It sure did make me smile to see that little flower and think that Mom is letting us know she's OK.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

nest is MT this am

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Reporting an juvie at the 3:00 position

Another hot one - 83° at the nest

Sandi - I love your pictures of Freyja. She is a precious bundle of love!

Dr appointment at noon to go over blood work. Then we will pick up Samantha and Elizabeth for the rest of the day. Remember that Patrick and Christine are in Alaska. She has sent a few pictures and it is so beautiful up there. It is sponsored by Operations Second Chance and is for military couples.

Mema Jo said...

I wish we had a ground report from the nest area.

Shirley, I hope the little feathered friends survive - especially the robin with the bad eye. I'm sure he could grow up and find those worms with one eye!

stronghunter said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

SANDI: what a lovely name! and I have to concur with HODA, just in dealing with things that I deal with….the veil seems far away to us, but I too think at least in transition, they would have met…..if you haven’t read JOURNEY OF SOULS, now might be a great time to do so.

WANDA: so lovely to hear your voice today! Tears are healing. Tears are real expression of deep emotion. Let them flow. Let them heal. All is well. You are much loved and so glad you got to hold Jaxon. Again, healing.

Today is Chelsea’s 28th birthday, and my neighbor Peggy’s 75th birthday. Lots of celebrating all around.

Went for more acupuncture yesterday afternoon. This time was better than the first time, I sat down, got comfy the therapist placed the needles, I covered my eyes with a little silk cover and promptly went to sleep ! I think the Sandman has an accomplice there as many people sleep there. I woke after about an hour.

After a nice Mexican dinner spent the evening packing the RV. Easier this time…I was more organized I think. I still have a few things to put in there, but mostly done.

Right now, gotta get moving and get ready for work. Everyone have a lovely day! Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Janet said...

JUDYE: btw, check with some place like BEST BUY for portable internet cards....I knew someone who used them....this was a couple years ago, so yes, there should be something available.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Sandi, CONGRATULATIONS to your whole family on the birth of little Freyja Catkin Roberts!!!
Love the name! So happy for all of you!!!

Glad to hear that Lolly & Jack have arrived safely.

Must go get some laundry done. It's calling my name! Will check back in later today. Have a good evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...