Friday, June 06, 2014


Cam will hopefully be back up next week.  The new part we got last problem was the one that was damaged by the storm/lightning.

Clayton is doing everything he can.

Fresh thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥


Mema Jo said...

MAN~!!!! I split.............

Wishing for a fresh new thread!!!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Yawning. Having trouble concentrating.


Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless.

Yes JO's video was spectacular. Thank you for posting it. Good view of what is going on in the NHZ.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I see one eagle flapping when I first came one now in the NHZ

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Sun is shining on the nest and here in Bethany Beach. I have only been able to see 1 juvie in the nest, hopping around and flapping wings. I assume the other is on the stump?

Jo, did you say Michael leaves tonight? Prayers for a safe flight and a productive trip. I can't think of many things better for the soul than what Michael does in Haiti!

Hoda, how nice of you to protest march in support of your teachers - why am I not surprised??

Watched Captain Phillips last night - what a movie!!! Most have already seen it I'm sure but, if you haven't, do yourself a favor and watch it!! WOW!

Tennis at 9am, then I'm working outside on the garden areas. Cooler and breezy today!

Have a good one!

Janet said...

yawn. good morning. busy with miss Lorelei. brought her home last night, fell asleep, but woke @ 2 wanting home & mommy...took a while, but she went back to sleep and thus so did I.

we are up to a sunny day. other kids are on their way to Kentucky kingdome.

did dinner @ claim jumpers last night. splurged and bought dessert....a piece of chocolate cake that when brought to the table was big enough to serve EVERYONE at the table!!!! so surprised! very yummy....home made and not uber sweet.

had coconut shrimp for dinner. it was quite delicious and again, enough to share with several people!

I had a pineapple mango margarita. did not share this item. well, yes I did, the adults took sips the first one.

had lovely, attentive server. she was very good at her job.

hope everyone has a lovely day!

Janet said...

btw, JUDIE: I too am directionally challenged. my favorite saying regarding this is that I get lost in a paper bag with both ends open! love my GPS.

its okay, we have plenty of ice cream. i'll put out the bat signal for ya .

and happy to report feeling human today: after an acupuncture session, a massage and finally a chiropractic adjustment (a massive adjustment WOW) I feel like me again!!! woo hoo !!!

Stronghunter; hiding any more remotes? I love that!!!!

JUDYE: how many more days til your trip???

light and love, hugs to all!

Janet said...

p.s. talking about making lemondade out of lemons: the bowing green ky corvette museum is making the most of that sinkhole...good marketing, t shirts, new memberships...

Mema Jo said...

Good breezy sunny morning to all ♥

I see both adults and 2 juvies in the
nest - appears to be a brunch being served.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Today clean house and finish packing while Jack does trailer chores. Then we head to Dallas. Tomorrow we will do last minute grocery shop and water plants. So ready to head out!

Lawn service lined up and neighbor is watering pots on the patio. All other pots will be placed where hopefully they will get enough watering from the sprinkler system.

Mail and paper stopped. What have I forgotten? LOL

See two eaglets in the nest. Sitting quietly.

Mema Jo said...


Judie - card received and delivered.
Reply sent.


JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch not to many comment to read /there is one eaglet in nest in the shade of the tree

JudyEddy said...

I get the annoying arrow right away 31 sec and then it starts up and stalls out again

JudyEddy said...

14 days

14 days

14 days

28th is when we fly out in the early am

JudyEddy said...

I am only gonna do the still PIA F5 evry few seconds

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Hunter and Kathryn are off doing summer clothes shopping for Hunter.

He needs more shorts. He's been wearing jeans some of these warm days, as he's down to about three pairs of shorts.

I have been doing some major house cleaning. Nice to have some time to myself for that. Cleaned out the refrigerator this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Heading out shortly to 5:00 Mass
Afterwards meeting daughter and hubby
at Dutch's for dinner. Early Father's day
Tomorrow all the other kids are coming here for lunch and to be with their dad.

I'll be back much later today
If not - Here's thinking of you! ♥

Lynne2 said...

My goodness it's a GORGEOUS day in these parts! Hope everyone is having a HAPPY FLAG DAY!

Lolly said...

Leaving for Dallas. See you tomorrow. Nite all!

SED!! ☺

Janet said...

good afternoon. enjoying the day with Lorelei. we have had a nap, a trip to the store, pool time and soon it will be dinner time. its been a lovely day. while in the pool,i thought about how nice it is to be a grandparent.

when you are the parent, there is always something that NEEDS to be done it seems. you are busy being the parent.

as a grandparent, you can just be. you can sing in the pool, blow raspberries in the water, splash, and just laugh with your grandchild. what a marvelous gift.

blessed be. blessed be.

JudyEddy said...

check out google

JudyEddy said...

one just went up to the stump Some eagle chirps then up

I am having issue with cam and the arrow freezing up all the time

JudyEddy said...

sounds like someone is calling for dinner eagle call and one is on the launch pad hiding behind the tree trunk

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Lynne2, it was a lovely day here as well. Sunshine and a brisk breeze.

Janet, may I borrow your paper bag explanation? I really like it. So happy you had a wonderful day with Lorelei.

Jo, I am so jealous. Dinner at Dutch's. Did you have peanut butter pie? Well, whatever you had I know it was pure deliciousness.

So many are absent today. Hope everyone is okay.

JudyEddy said...

I took a snip of the still cam and posted it on FB tagged @ in the post to Steve and this is what I said """Steven Chase this is the cam live and still at night Either Belle and Shep are pulling the blinds down or we lost our infra red night vision We on the blog are curious if you were aware? Just passing along"""

Judie said...

Seems it is time once again to encourage Sandperson to move down the hall to his closet. I washed his largest satchel today. Departure will be a 2am - going to see Michael off then make rounds.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn at the Library with her Summer camp and other kids they had a hour thing on air and gasses Was quite entertaining All the kids had a blast There are two video on the link the one is just pic and the other are the same pic with 5 min video of what the lady did

JudyEddy said...

there are two pic of my jar of change also Going to take tomorrow I ask people on FB to guess the highest was 65 I hope more than that I think about 200. going to use for vacation

stronghunter said...

Got the dining room carpet shampooed today in addition to some other organizing, etc.

But I keep thinking of the quote I saw on FB. "Cleaning a house with dogs is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos." Or something like that. I have cleaned up enough dog and cat hair to provide a coat for a very large BEAR, so help me.

No, I am probably not making any sense.

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow. :)

Janet said...

good evening all'

JUDIE: it would be an honor to share my saying with you! HEY if we BOTH get lost in a paper bag with both ends least we have great company! :)

tired. after dinner took Lorelei to the park for 30 min to finish wearing her out. she ran and ran and ran. she loves the slides!

home...snack. drink. bath. put her in bed @ 8:11. at 8:12 eyes were fluttering. @ 8:20 out light a light and hasn't moved.

talked with chels several times today via text and phone. the kids had a good time, but the park is very limited in what they have, lines were very very long and by 6 p.m. they were headed home.

they stopped by mom and dad's graves....Chelsea called crying....apparently no one there has tended the graves in a while....I had to remind her as gently as I could that mom and dad aren't there, its just a spot, a marker....but she cleaned the markers up (they are flat and on the ground) got the grass off of them, etc.

It is sad knowing we have family within 20 min of there and they don't bother.

I think i'll stop by next month if we do go up to mammoth cave and put some flowers out.

lol. and I'M supposedly the bad one.

anyway, its been a glorious day. thankful the sandman came and gave Lorelei a good dose of sleeydust. she is resting well.

early HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all Dadsters....and those we hold close in our hearts.

SED to all!

Mema Jo said...

I think I overate at Dutch's = fried shrimp, twice baked potato, cold slaw and a cup cream of crab soup.
I didn't have room for my pie :(

I am now headed for the pillows
Michael has left for his friend's
and from there the shuttle for the airport.

Goodnight to all
and SED and AOYP ♥

Hoda said...

Paddled in the morning
On to yoga
On to a ten KM walk with the Grans, Stride to Turn The Tide.
Off to lunch
Off to Sauna
Off to a Social Justice presentation.
Now back to my flat!
Done doing for the day!

Good Night
God Bless

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds one eagle is on the tree trunk right at the launch pad looks so cute got a couple of snips

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle friends. Opened the cam to a first - one of the juvies is sitting on the branch that has the camera mounted to it so I'm getting an up close and personal look at him/her. Nice sight. Don't know where #2 is.

Safe travels Michael and Lolly and Jack.

Spent the day outside working on trimming shrubs yesterday - what a gorgeous day it was weather-wise!

Prayers continue for Larry.

Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...

the one eaglet is still on the camera trunk and we have sweet eaglet peeping going on Maybe she is the look out I bet the other is on the other stump

JudyEddy said...

I don't recall any of our other eaglets that hung out there this long but sure is nice basking in the sun on the branch I do remember on it but not this long

and now down

JudyEddy said...

hopped over to the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

and I shall hop out the door

Sandi said...

Just watched one juvie hop up onto the branch with the camera, then hop up higher and right out of sight. Every once in a while I see the tips of the other's wings from the stump. So both of our eagles are branching out! Now, the one from the stump is back down in the nest ... and now he flew back up to the stump from the 3 position, so clear across the nest. Soon, they'll be gone soon.

grannyblt said...

Good morning to all, especially all of the Dadsters.

Tuned in to the cam and saw the up close and personal view of an eaglet very close to the camera, as Sandi mentioned.

My son, who was hospitalized recently for the 4th time in two years for blood clots, had a nice experience last week. He had heard that Richard Irvine, from one of those Food Network shows, was in Portland doing a restaurant make over. His SO Debbie went by the location to see what she could see and ended up chatting with Mr. Irvine himself. She explained my son's situation and he called Dave to say hello. It sure made Dave's day, as he is a big Food Network fan.

I hope all have a wonderful day.

Janet said...

good sunny sunday morning to all. had a much better night last night. we didn't get up til 7 and slept all night!

clearly I must get this child more animal crackers. she seems to have a definite affinity for them. (and the box too, as you can carry it!) she looks at the empty box, searches it for more of those yummy little treats. lol. hard to believe something I ate as a child still has appeal.

not a lot on the agenda today. kids are coming by to swim and get Lorelei. not sure from there....

light, love, hugs and smiles to all today as we honor and remember Dads....

Judie said...

Good morning.

Glorious sunshine here with a bright blue sky.

Shirley, your comment about cleaning a house with dogs certainly applies to our place. We weekly collect a baby Audrey and a baby Grace. Need to invent something so we ladies can shed wrinkles so easily.

Sandi, thank you again for the picture. Much appreciated.

Janet, have some last fun time with Lorelei then relax.

Lynne, speaking with Robert Irvine is a super treat. He was certainly gracious to take time to speak with Dave. I'm jealous.

Judie said...

Plan to go out foraging at the Sunday farmer's market and then the grocery store. Hope the market has some nice vegetables.

Safe travels for Lolly and Jack and Michael.

Have a lovely day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all and a Happy Father's day to our Shep.
Sandi and Judy the photos of our
Juvie are awesome. You are right Sandi that with both of them now branching they soon will be gone.

Three of the children will be coming here to celebrate their dad's special day. It is such a beautiful day - wish I had time to go over to the farmer's market at Shepherdstown. Hope you find lots of veggies, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne, what a surprising treat for
Dave to have received the call from
Richard Irvine. I bet he couldn't
believe his ears at first.

Lynne I am cherishing the magnet you
sent to me from your birding trip.
Their slogan of "Where Wildlife Comes First" says it all. I goggled their site and it is a beautiful place. Thank you ♥

Judie said...

Steve has provided a fresh Father's Day thread for us.

Many thanks (:


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...