Thursday, May 29, 2014


Here's the scoop on the problem:

"I have confirmed the severe storms did damage the power box for the EagleCam. We are having a replacement unit sent to us ASAP. I won't know if the camera was also damaged until we have the replacement part. Hopefully we will be back online in a few days"

New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Where did you go Jerry - Thanks for the shout out.

Steve, thank you for the update on the cam. Here is hoping it is

WVJerry said...

Thanks Steve for update and new thread. Also Happy Birthday to Lori. Just wanted to let everyone know I am still on Blog. Take care all.

Mema Jo said...

Recent news from the PA Department Falcon Wire ......

5/29/2014 :: Eyases Nearly Ready to Take Flight!
At 6:15 PM last evening, May 28th the black-banded male eyas fledged prematurely, catching a gust of wind while wing-flapping at the edge of the nest ledge. He was rescued by afterhours watch and rescue volunteers and taken to the roof of the Rachel Carson State Office Building. This eyas and his siblings are not quite ready to fledge on their own yet but will be within several days. At this point in their young lives, they are most vulnerable and watch and rescue activities can play a key role in their survival.
5/15/2014 :: Banding Results
Based on Game Commission banding results, we have two female and two male eyases in this years' brood. All four were examined and appear to be in good health.

JudyEddy said...




Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE.
Thank you JERRY.
Thank you MEMA JO.
JERRY you had better claim your feather or Jo will have an even fuller head dress.

JudyEddy said...

♥ ♥ ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear LORI ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♥ ♥ ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ And many, many, many more!!

Being we have a new thread I wanted to bring a bday wish over on the new thread in case she doesn't see the old

Mema Jo said...

Hoda lol
You're right
My head dress is down to my toes.........


Hoda said...

The Premier of this Province is rude. At their convention someone said, " they grow a lot of things in Nelson and food is not one of them!!!" and they all laughed!!! How rude...they want to change our Agricultural land into industrial waste dumping ground!!!Nelson overwhelmingly said no!!! Petitions and all...they are the gov't and they will go ahead any way...Upsetting.

Judie said...

Good just afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread and for your efforts to get the live cam working. We do appreciate.

Jo, thank you for helping out with Lori's birthday message. Just in case she checks in here:

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LORI ♪♫ A new year to begin your new career. Everyone is so very proud of you.

Hi Jerry. Come back and let us know how you are doing.

Prayers continue for Lori's mom.

Hoda, happy paddling, cleaning, and return to your flat. Personally, I hope nothing changes for Nelson - where would we get our supply of jokes?

Glad that Buddy is doing better.

Hope the PA Eyases will be okay.

Not sure what to do today. Need to forage. Might be good weather. It's cool and misty rain.


Hoda said...

Where is LOLLY today?
LYNNE also is missing in action.

NatureNut said...

OOPS! Prayers for the camera!
Good Day all our Eaglebuds.
We had so much rain, thunder and lightening TU night, the electric went off for awhile. We didn't have wind thank goodness. All the plants are happy. More rain last night and still misty, moisty and chilly today. Went to work outside, but had to sit under umbrella! The two garage kittens are both curled up in one of their beds under the carport.

Happy Birthday, Lori & Prayers for your Mom.
Good Day to everyone!

Lolly said...

Here I am! Here I am! Good day!

Jack and I went to the church early. I noticed another prominent flowerbed that was neglected. We went down, cleaned in out and spread mulch. Did not plant flowers as it would involve watering. Looks nice just mulched

Came home and went right to work in our yard and I had not eaten breakfast. LOL Just came in, ate a bite and going back outside. Getting warm, 85, but it is a beautiful day.

Wished our Lori and Happy Birthday on FB.

Now, I am heading back outside!!!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Let's all hope that the cam is still intact.

Happy birthday, Lori. Hope that your mother recovers quickly.

Oh, Hoda, I hope that Nelson stays the same. It sounds like an ideal place.

Must forage here, too, Judie. I think there's something in the freezer I can serve tonight.

Congratulations on the feather, Jerry.

Thanks for the falcon news, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Returned from the dental appointment and then put my feet up and watch New Tricks.. No further work on my teeth needed. That is good.

Hi there Loretta! Meant to mention to you that when we went up to OC on the DE side - the street rods were there. Fantastic looking pieces of restored cars. You and Frank would have loved it.

Also when we went out to dinner with Denny and Sandi I neglected to mention this: as Sandi walked towards us her beautiful gold chain and the 2 golden wedding bands really caught your eye. Such a wonderful keepsake for her to have.

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon! Still a dismal and wet day. Went out thinking I could do some plant chores, but more than just drizzle now!

Jo, thanks for mentioning the car show in OC! We went for many years each May, taking a different car and had many friends up there, too. Got so congested getting out of the big lot up town, that Fubby couldn't stand that any more. Was like sitting bumper to bumper on the beltway! I always loved going then and could find presents for daughter's June B'Day! And of course loved the beach even if water was too cold. There's always a pool, though and some of our favorite restaurants were so yummy!

NatureNut said...

IE must have gotten wet! When I posted my message, it said IE wasn't working and was closing the program! So look out! I got lucky and didn't have to rewrite.
Would I have remembered what I said?? LOL
Lolly, send us some sun. We had upper 80's yesterday and 60 today!

Janet said...

good Thursday afternoon to one and all. TODAY was the last day of school. Tom picked livvy up @ 12:30.

THANKS TO STEVE for the new thread and updates. We are sure are having a time with cameras and such this year.....


Its been a good day. Humid this afternoon and partially sunny.

I hear neighbors having their yards mowed. We need to do ours this weekend.

Hope everyone has a pleasant day!
Light, love, hugs and smiles!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

It's always something with the cams...never an easy road keeping the cam up and running. Thanks for everything that ya'll do.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, made it to MVA to get my license renewed today...only 1 1/2 mail! (If I have the eye dr exam in time!)

paula eagleholic said...

Larry did get to work on his boat this week...said he felt no worse than any other that's good I guess. I told him to keep eating!! The more active he is, the more he needs to try and eat....hard as it is.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Sorry I've been MIA again--just really busy. Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend.

Prayers ongoing for Lori's Mom and for Buddy the Basset, Laurel, and Larry.

Hoping the eaglets wait for the camera repairs before fledging!
Thanks, Steve, for the update on that situation.

Lolly, I hope Laurel is feeling somewhat better by now! Prayers for her healing still ongoing.
Glad you finally got some rain!

Lori, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Shirley, I'm glad that you and your family have made it home OK, and that the services for your brother went well. Sending prayers that God will comfort all of you and heal your hurting hearts.

I'm trying to figure out how to post some of the best pictures from our vacation on my blog. I need to get them into a flash drive first, as I don't think I have enough room in the computer itself for that many pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to get it accomplished soon. Hope to add a few pictures that Ken and I took up at the Santa Ana River on our morning walks. We got a few good ones of some of the many, many birds that are there. Will have to make a list of what we've seen.

We still have our resident ground squirrel! The little rascal has been making afternoon trips to the backyard from his burrow out front. He shovels as much bird seed as he can manage into his cheeks, then zooms back home to stash it. We also have a young raven that has been limping around the backyard. He has a gimpy foot. Hope he heals up soon. This year we have a California Towhee and a Mockingbird that have been stopping by regularly. A couple of days ago, while driving home, we saw an all-yellow Cockatiel fly across the road, too. Hope his owners have been able to catch him! Haven't seen him in our yard yet, but we're keeping watch just in case.

Hope I'm able to get back here after dinner tonight. Keep falling asleep in my chair with Emma snoozing in my lap!

Have a good afternoon/evening, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Hi all, just checking in to catch up and to check the box for the new thread.

Sure hope the cam fix is an easy one.

Jo, thanks for the compliment on my new necklace - I really do love it and get many comments from people about how pretty it is.

Went grocery shopping tonight - it was so chilly out that I was sorry I wore my flip flops - I'm back in sweatpants and a sweatshirt! I think temps start warming up again tomorrow and the sun is supposed to reappear.

Time for bath and then bed for me - I'll see everyone in the early AM!

Lolly said...

Long day in the yard. Probably should have stopped sooner.

Got a call from my brother, Larry this evening and I have been crying ever since. He has three sons. The middle son is probably getting a divorce. This has me terribly upset. They have been married 16 years and have 3 children. The younger two have no idea what is going on but it is tearing up the oldest who will be 15 next month. Both are at fault, but Brett is trying to save the marriage, says he loves her, but she will have nothing to do with trying. Understand it is really ugly. Has me very upset. Please keep Brett and Kellie in your prayers. Please and thank you.

Lolly said...

Think I am going to go shower and put my nose in a book. Try to forget my woes!

Have not talked with Laurel since Tuesday evening. I am thinking and hoping she is getting better each day. I'll call this evening after she has the boys in bed.

JudyEddy said...

Back home from evening with kids and I realized I forgot to check the box earlier

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Good evening.

I return to find that Paula is still legal, Lolly is distressed, Andy has a chipmunk, Sandi has joined me in donning winter clothing, Olivia is on summer vacation, Loretta's yard work got rained out, and Shirley needs to go foraging.

I did my foraging and got thoroughly soaked by pouring rain.

Lolly, hopefully the animosity will be contained for the sake of the children.

Was watching First 48 and eyes began to droop. Roused Sandperson and a satchel is being prepared.

Night light is on. Hope JudyE will set the alarms for us.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...


Stopping in to say good night.

Having a little trouble typing because there is a cat on my arm. I think he missed me.

Hope things work out okay for your nephew and his family, Lolly.

Rest well, everyone. SED.

Mema Jo said...

We went out to eat at Red Lobster - ♥
I had my nose stuck in the tv all evening. Julie won again on Jeopardy
She has over $400,000 - she just amazes me with her knowledge.

I am late and I am saying

Goodnight to All and God Bless

I ♥ Us

Lolly said...

Heading to bed myself. Eyes are ready to close and hoping I sleep tonight.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

good night
God Bless Us All

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday! Only 2 more Fridays in this school year.

Flying time is getting close for our eaglets - I hope the cam gets fixed for us to see it happen.

Prayers continue for Larry and for Laurel.

Have a good day.

Janet said...

good TGI / RED Friday!!!!!

We made it thru another week and know what? Almost half way thru another YEAR!!!!! Sunday is June 1. YIKES!

I am working a half day today. Last day of school and all that jazz.

Planning on cleaning the pool this afternoon. Tom has yard work in mind. Get ready for grocery shopping in the a.m. woo hoo. (not) At this point I am thinking I'm gonna groove on these 3 and 4 day weekends....hmmmm

Hope everyone has alovely day!

(((hugs))) to all!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ It is early for me to be here but here I am.

Wear red to show support from our troops until they all come home.

Hoda said...

Good Morning
This from LORI posted at 1:00 AM my time.

Lori Gaston Olivieri 30 May 00:36
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I talked to Mom about 9:30 last night and she still hadn't seen the doctor who did her scope yesterday. The nurse had told her they did find some inflammation but that's all she knows. The ultra sound did rule out it's not gallstones and that her gallbladder and pancreas appear to be fine. She's hoping to come home today and hopefully will have seen the cardiologist before she leaves to know more about the possibility of a pacemaker. I'll keep you posted. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I have just a moment as Luna is barking to be let in.

Cool and drizzly here today. I have been busy trying to get appointments straightened out for next week. Having been out of town for much of the month of May is keeping me occupied now.


NatureNut said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds. Just checking in before I paddle off to "farmhouse " office. I have not seen fox kits there this year. Must have used other burrows. I knew I had been missing seeing anything new there!
So much overgrowth around the pond, you can hardly see the water. I've been tempted to take loppers, but want to avoid trouble.
Here at home I saw a bright flash of ORANGE as a bird flew into neighbor's treetop. Hope it was an oriole.
Prayers for Larry, Laurel, Lori's Mom and Lolly's nephew and all in need.
Hope to see some sun later ☺ Have a great day...

Mema Jo said...

Recent PA Falcon First Flight NEWS:

5/30/2014 :: Fledging Update
Early this morning, the green-banded male made his first flight landing on a lower ledge of the Rachel Carson Building. After a few more short flights, the male landed on the Aberdeen Street sidewalk. He's was rescued, examined and released onto the building's roof.

The black-banded male made some short flights and now is on a ledge of the neighboring Harrisburg University Building.

The Falcon Watch and Rescue volunteers are keeping a close eye on the young fledges.

5/29/2014 :: Eyases Nearly Ready to Take Flight!
At 6:15 PM last evening, May 28th the black-banded male eyas fledged prematurely, catching a gust of wind while wing-flapping at the edge of the nest ledge. He was rescued by afterhours watch and rescue volunteers and taken to the roof of the Rachel Carson State Office Building. This eyas and his siblings are not quite ready to fledge on their own yet but will be within several days. At this point in their young lives, they are most vulnerable and watch and rescue activities can play a key role in their survival.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Drizzly here too...looks like it might clear up soon :)

Glad to hear the news on Lori's Mom!

Lolly, how is Laurel feeling?

Larry saw 3 fox kits playing on my road, not too far from the house...this was over a month ago. Wonder if they are out on their own now?

The bunnies have invaded my yard! Well, not really, but I've seen 2 out there at a they had babies. The dogs scared the Momma and ran out onto the beach path. We put him back in the grass :)

Got a laptop assigned to me for the trip next week...ugh! That means I'll have to work on my regular stuff in the evening. Co-worker told me not to let my boss drink, LOL...I said maybe I should...then we wouldn't have to work in the evenings :)

Headed to Eburg tonight...working on carpet store stuff on Saturday...will head back here to the beach on Sunday....gotta pack. Flight leaves Monday around noon.

JudyEddy said...

Chiming in before I head out the door
Hoping LORI's mom gets to talk with the dr and gets positive results Waiting in the hospital is the worst

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Hoda for relaying Lori's message. It is best to be able to rule out things before you can put your finger on the right reason.
Hoping she gets to go home and also that a pace maker isn't going to be necessary. Prayers

Mema Jo said...

Paula I hope your business trip goes
well - Safe journey up n this neck of the woods this weekend. With all the graduations and OC being the place where to go - traffic in the city should be horrific. You probably won't have any tie ups.

I hope the kits don't find the bunnies!

Mema Jo said...

Loretta keep looking - seems like every year you have seen the fox and the kits! Have a good day at the farm :)
Give me an update on the Osprey

Mema Jo said...

The sun suddenly appears
WHoo Hoo

Mema Jo said...

Some lunch and then off to the Retina dr for a check up...


Mema Jo said...

i have returned from the eye dr and
the vision is improving - I go back in 5 weeks.
I watched New Tricks - and now I am just looking into the mail received.


Lolly said...

Helloooooo1 Glad your eyes are improving, Jo. For some the surgery goes well, and for some of us it takes a little longer to see better. Prayers!

Did not sleep to well last night. Groan...

Out to mow early this morn. Grass had really grown what with the rain we have had. Time for some more rain!!

Laurel is improving a little each day. She can not pick up light weigh things and hold things a little heavier. She is a week away from her trip. Hoping for fast improvement!!

Mema Jo said...

This is another show I love - Mystery

TONIGHT: Series 3 of gritty crime drama DCI Banks premieres tonight at 9pm on WETA UK!

stronghunter said...

Oh good grief!!

Planted lettuce. Thought the squirrels might not bother it, but something is digging it up. I think the fence is still keeping out bunnies.

Put some ground red peppers on the ground to discourage squirrels.

Mema Jo said...

Off for evening TV

Saying Goodnight now and closing down

Take care and God Bless......

Everyone have a great start for the weekend...... ♥

Judie said...

Evnin' all.

As Andy would say, been MIA today.

Jo, so glad your eye exam was a good one. I watched a murder documentary on Dateline.

Shirley, hope you are getting appointments made and at your convenience (mostly). Any new Hunter stories?

Hope Loretta sees some kits. We have two fox that visit our yard. One has the skinny tail the other has the busy tail. Hear them calling occasionally.

Oh, Loretta speaking of an Oriole reminds me I saw a Red Wing Blackbird yesterday. Was astonished. First time in over 60 years.

Prayers continue for Lori's mom, Laurel, and Larry.

Looks as if Isla will not have a
a ospreylette this year. Time for a viable hatch is at the end. Very sad.

Judie said...

Going to watch the news then dent the pillows.

Sandperson has readied a satchel and departure is imminent.

Night light is on. Hope JudyE sets the alarm.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening folks Had a lovely evening and day with family We were lucky again today the rains stayed away from the park all around us but us

JudyEddy said...

got to remember tomorrow after work I have to go to a ball game in Clearwater with family Jordyn school sold tickets

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...


I sometimes see red wing blackbirds with groups of other blackbirds. I read that they sometimes hang out together.

stronghunter said...

Going to get under my covers now. Hope everyone has a good night's sleep.

SED, everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Judie ...sad news for Isla's nest..thanks for the updates..have not kept up. and a RWBB ..i have loads at the beach.

Jo glad your eye is still improving . The fox and bunnies are far apart..tho i do know we have one down my way..i see his/her scat on the beach. No squirrels though ..think the owls took care of them long ago.

Larry starting to feel a little better! YAY !

Lolly said...

TERRIFIC!!! So glad to hear Larry is feeling better. Prayers for that to continue!

Did a little grocery shopping after cleaning up from working in the yard. Had a quiet evening at home. We made pizza and then enjoyed a stroll around the yard. We work hard in the yard and then in the evenings enjoy the fruits of our labor. LOL

I watched TCU play baseball on the computer. They won!!! On to the next game! Ga Tech was rained out. We are hoping the two teams play. That would be fun!

Laurel and boy are coming tomorrow evening. Taking the boys to find new hiking boots for our camping trip. Zacharooski called, "I am calling to tell you I love you." Can't beat that! He is out of school and is now a third grader! Thank goodness for his school and his teachers. He will succeed!!!

Yawning and can't stop. About time for some shut eye!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Sorry this was posted by LORI.
I just got in, so I apologize for the delay in passing on the word.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Good news. Mom is on her way home from the hospital. No pacemaker for now, but she has to see her cardiologist in 3 weeks. They still can't pinpoint the cause of the bleeding. Just glad she's coming home and she sounds good on the phone! Thanks so much for all your love and prayers. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Hoda said...

I am at the flat.
Great day.
Went to a Classical Indian Music Concert.
Terrific simply terrific.
Safe Travels PAULA.
Good Night and God Bless.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, good news on Laurel's arm feeling a little better each day.

Paula, great news that larry is starting to turn a corner and feel better!

Lori, so glad to hear your mom is home from the hospital - prayers that her doctors find the source of her problem quickly.

Nothing special on my agenda this Saturday and that's a good thing. The weather is supposed to be beautiful - sunny and 70s. I'm missing seeing our eaglets - I hope we're not looking at an MT nest by the time the cam gets fixed.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

HODA thanks for the great news from LORI

Hope everyone has a great day in no matter what you do

Mema Jo said...

Good morning and I love the sunshine
No special plans except maybe to
rearrange deck furniture. All of my potted plants are doing well. The past rain has helped. More rain for
the week approaching.
Hard to realize that tomorrow is JUNE 1.

I am having withdrawal anxiety by not having any cams to see how our 2 are doing.

Mema Jo said...

Good news about Larry starting to feel better and about Lori's mom
coming home.

No update on Buddy since 5/29 - Hope he will improve.

Mema Jo said...

May I request prayers for 9 yr old ggs, Anthony. Lyme's disease. Caught very early and is being treated with
antibiotics. Thank you

Mema Jo said...


Enjoy your special day

Jim be sure to go over on FB and see all the wishes for you....

Lolly said...

Good Morning! Certainly prayers for Anthony, Jo. So glad it was caught early! Same age as my Jacob!

Wanted to say gm but need to get busy!

Have a great day!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Been to the Farmer's market. Too early for most of what I would use. Still, a nice sunny hour in the fresh air.

Hoda, thank you for posting the news about Lori's mom. Prayers she continues to improve. Glad you enjoyed the concert.

Lolly, glad Laurel and boys will visit for a shopping trip and that Zack called with love.

Paula, happy Larry is improving. Continued prayers.

Jo, very sorry about Anthony having Lyme's disease. Early treatment should work. Prayers for recovery.

Off to consider more closet cleaning.

I also hope we get the cam back before fledge. BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,


Paula, glad that Larry's finally feeling better!

Hoda, thanks for posting the good news about Lori's mom!

Lolly, glad Laurel is improving. Prayers for Brett & Kellie & their 3 kids, too.

Jo, glad your eyesight is improving. Prayers for your ggs, Anthony. Glad they caught it very early!

Need to go brush Emma. She's managed to get some crazy armpit knots (don't ask me how--I haven't a clue!) Her hair is SO fine and soft.

I'm in the process of making a list of the birds we've seen at Anaheim Coves (the Santa Ana River bird sanctuary). Saw a Graylag goose there yesterday!

Will check back in later tonight.
Hope everyone is having a good day today! I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...


on lunch

JudyEddy said...

JO gottcha so young so sad but have to be happy caught it early

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Anthony, Jo.

I have been doing a bit of research on Lyme disease recently and it sounds as if the prospects for recovery are good when the disease is discovered quickly.

We got word that Hunter's dad was hospitalized because of a tick-borne disease as we were traveling back from Colorado. I am assuming that it's Lyme disease. He had a high fever and had some tests done.

It seems that Tommy did not want Hunter and Kathryn to know. Guess he did not want to worry them. Anyway, the information we have is limited as we haven't spoken directly to Tommy.

Judie said...

On the Lyme disease, a former colleague two years younger contracted the disease about three years ago. Treatment has been very successful.

Think I might imitate Jo and put my feet up and rest my eyes.

Mema Jo said...

We attended Mass and then ate over at
Cracker barrel......

Anthony's Lyme is in the very first stages - he should come out of this ok.They will know more on Mon after
Dr sees him.

Going to go for a Hallmark Movie
"The color of rain" Previews look good.

BBL to say goodnight....

Sandi said...

Good evening all.

Jo, I had lyme disease about 20 years ago. I was treated with antibiotics and have had absolutely no symptoms since the original ones cleared up. It's good that your grandson's was caught early - I'm sure he'll be just fine.

OK, I have a question for all of the grandmothers. When your children were having their children, were you in the hospital waiting room for the big event?? We have been told (as have Lynnis's parents) that she doesn't want ANYONE at the hospital when she is in labor and giving birth. Lynnis said something to that effect when we were at their house back in early May but I didn't think she really meant it. I asked Brian today if she was serious and he said that, while he doesn't agree with Lynnis's decision, he will defer to her since she's the one going through childbirth, not him. He said he has tried to dissuade Lynnis but she won't budge on the issue. Needless to say, I am speechless, and very disappointed. Brian said that Lynnis has even given her dad the name of the wrong hospital b/c she is convinced that he will come even though she has told him not to. Honestly, that girl just makes me shake my head.

It was a sunny day here but breezy and a little chilly. Tennis is on the agenda for tomorrow morning.

Good night everyone - I'll see you in the AM.

Judie said...

Stuuuuupid Sandperson.

Asked me to open the hall closet door and I did. Threw sleepy dust in my eyes.

Seems those who have been here have had a nice day. At least a quiet one.

Night light is on. Sandperson is on the way. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Sandi,so very sorry about the attitude of your DIL! We were at the hospital when Zach was born. Michael came to get us and Ash's mother after Zach was born, with a big grin on his face. Laurel was another matter. I was at her side when both Joseph and Jacob were born. with Joseph I was the photographer but with Jacob, I was on one side and Joey on the other side, supporting her legs and helping her push. I am blessed. Laurel is very down to earth and very loving, sensible and giving!

Lolly said...

Had a great evening with Laurel and the boys here. I bought them new hiking boots and Laurel got them new tennis shoes, though I am sure that is not what you call them. Lol. Joseph...11's and Jacob 9's. Both too big for me? Lol. Laurel said she should have taken one look at Joey and said she couldn't marry him! She could never afford to dress their big footed children . Lol

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Just got home from eening with kids at Baseball game , fireworks, $14 all you can eat and admission benifits Jordyn school

SANDI I was at the hospital in the waiting room and went up to see as soon as we were allowed Carl parents were also there as well as her dad and his drunk wife That is a long story she didn't go up to see Angie because of us protesting her being there drunk He should have left her at home They weren't even married then either So hope her attitude changes in the future maybe she just doesn't want anyone to see her a mess Angie got cleaned up and was happy to see us all

paula eagleholic said...

I got to see Cohen and Gianni being born...I was out of town for Brensin .geesh I don't see why she wouldn't want anyone there..if she doesn't want them in the delivery room..i can understand that. I guess she feels its a private moment ?? Or maybe very self conscious ?

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi..tell her that you won't look at her at the hospital just want to see the Baby :-)

paula eagleholic said...

She is due in June..correct ?

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

I'll join in Sandi's conversation tomorrow...........



JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Well prayers for GGS JO

SANDI DIL either has control issues or she is incredibly insecure. Either way go past it all and provide love and support. No one really knows the reason why, I am not sure she does either...

Terrific Day here and another amazing concert by the youth of this community.

Saw bears today and lots of wild birds.
Life is good and I feel blessed.

Good night all and God Bless.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn had a bunch of us at the hospital when Hunter was born. I was there for just about everything--as soon as I got out of school--I had to go find Tom when the decision was made to do a C-section.

Tom was the only one in the room for the C-section, but he was so full of coffee that he had to run to the restroom as soon as Hunter was born, and they wouldn't let him back in.

Sandi, I don't understand Lynnis' opinions either. I guess you just stand by and be available when she is ready.

stronghunter said...

Very sleepy. I will see you tomorrow. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

I am so sleepy, too. However, TCU is in the 15th inning of their game. Sigh.......2-2.

Will say goodnight!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - sunny but chilly here - only 49 degrees on June 1st!

Lolly, Judy, Paula, and Shirley what you experienced with your grandchildren is what I expected. Jo, I'm sure your experience will be the same for as many of your grandchildren as you could possibly be there for. I surely didn't figure to be in the delivery room - this is not my daughter we're talking about - but I expected to be in the waiting room, like I was for my sister and like I have been for several friends, to see the baby right away. When Lynnis first said she didn't want anyone there b/c she didn't want anyone seeing her looking a mess, I told her we would only have eyes for one little person when we walked into the room. Didn't matter what I said. The funny thing is, Lynnis is not a vain person about her appearance.

She would like us, when they call to say she's in labor, to go to their house in WV and take care of the animals and wait to see the baby until she comes home from the hospital!! Can you believe it! Trust me, that is NOT going to happen! They will have to find someone else to watch their animals. If I can't be at the hospital, then we will drive to VA (she's delivering at a hospital a little over an hour from their house in WV) and check into a nearby hotel until we are given permission to come to the hospital to see the baby. Due date is 6/22 - 3 weeks from today.

I did a whole lot of nothing yesterday - practicing for my summer vacation I guess. Got a pedicure, took a nap, did a couple loads of laundry, rode my bike. I do need to do some cleaning today.

Prayers continue for Larry's healing. Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all ♥

Beautiful day for a 6yr old to have a pizza party in the park! Elizabeth aka Izzy is going to have a special day.

We will probably be headed down your way Sandi on Monday and stay thru

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH ♪♫♪ Have a beautiful day in the park.

Sandi, I suspect Hoda is on the mark. Control is often a cover for insecurity.

Off to have lunch with my Interpol pal.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I was up til 2:00 listening to TCU baseball. It was the top of the 21st inning. I said that's it...going to bed. Game was over about 2:35 and TCU won! LOL Should have stayed up!

Heading to church shortly, better eat my breakfast.

Sandi, good for you! Get to the hospital and see that baby fast! DIL's can be frustrating!

See you all later!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi: With only 1 great grandchild did this same thing happen - At all others (I was in with Jenny at Aaron's birth) we were there in the waiting room or a day later due to keeping the siblings of the new baby. The one we didn't get to see and hold until a week later was a home birth and it was the decision of both mom and dad that this is the way the visitation was to be arranged. The grandparents (my daughter) did get to hold him about 2 days after the birth and it was upsetting for them to even have to wait 2 days as it was their first grandchild However, Mom and dad's wishes were honored. What you are reporting is that this isn't Brian's wish; however, man and wife must be in union! ♥
Best of luck as this is such a new experience for Lynnis and Brian and also for you and Denny. Perhaps a nursery visit at the hospital would be a good place to view the little girl.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back later today..perhaps early evening........

Take care and enjoy the sunshine before the rains come in a day or two

Janet said...

Good afternoon to all
JO: light and love, healing and comfort to Anthony
I was not present with Amelia’s birth because I was in TN and Chels was in VA. Her mil went in with her. But I was in the room for both Jack and Lorelei. I loved it and Chelsea seems to have loved having both Chris and me there.
The only thing I can think is maybe you DIL wants time for the new family, alone, without any pressure. Maybe she just wants a special bubble of time before having to share…?????

Kids are all out playing in the pool It is Michael’s 24th birthday and he wanted a bday breakfast at home . So I cooked a huge breakfast. Now the kiddos are out in the pool Gonna get my money’s worth this year I believe!!!

Its been a good weekend. Planning on a lazy day. I didn’t sleep very well last night.
(hugs) to all

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Beautiful and hot here today!
Gracious me!

MEMA JO shared her wisdom and I concur.
Hard as it might be, the new Momma's wishes must be respected and BRIAN is simply standing by LYNNIS decision. Hard yes. Doable yes. Must be respected yes...
Hard enough to birth. The environment must be supportive. You do not have to like it SANDI. Just give them space to figure it out. It is their story and they are writing it...
Blessed Be and much love to you GRANDMA to be.

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to mention that this morning I had a HUMMER out on the deck by my potted plants. They are
so fast but Hubby did get to see him.
I feel blessed ♥

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to your Michael, Janet

Hope he enjoys his special day and
that the year ahead will turn out
great for him.

Lolly said...

Home from church and going to enjoy a day of leisure.

Have to tell you that it really looks like Annie's time has come. The last few days she has eaten little. She is sleeping more. She has changed her habits as we seldom see her, she is sleeping in Jack's closet and seldom coming out or asking out. We are giving her time to change but if she does not resume eating in a day or two we are taking her to the vet and saying goodbye. She has made it to her birthday month. 20 years!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly and Jack - Thinking of you as Annie's future unfolds. She has been
such a loyal family member. Peace in your hearts and knowledge of when and what to do. ♥

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and watching the critter cam one of the eaglets lost his bumper pad on his wing

funny thing when I opened up my laptop I must have not x out of my browser and whenI opened it up Big Message ARE YOU LISTENING Kiss Fm radio station I clicked yes and got my music

Hoda said...

LOLLY what a happy life ANNIE has had with you and JACK and the family. Helping her cross is an act of grace on your part and it is all very difficult but also an act of compassion.Sending prayers and Light.

I am off to Yoga and groceries.

I skyped with Gala and Doug and even though they are both coughing they seem well. I will be very glad to have them come has been an arduous trip yet they managed.2250 Miles so far on a tandem bicycle. Kudos I say.They still have a way to go...They will fly out of Istanbul on Saturday the 7th, and Fly out of Morocco on the 9th, arrive to Spokane on the 9th and back to Nelson on the 10th...I am relieved that they are safe.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Been pretty busy but wanted to say hello!

Sandi....I am shocked and appalled that Lynnis doesn't want anyone at the hospital! Shaking my head here, too.

Prayers for Anthony, Larry, and Lori's mom.

HODA...I'm also SHOCKED and APPALLED that you are making up stories about BEAR SIGHTINGS. How COULD you???

Lynne2 said...

Sorry about Annie, Lolly. Those are pretty strong indications that the end is near. (((HUGS)))

Lynne2 said...

Time for supper.

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater : first osprey chick has
arrived. Whoo Hoo !

JudyEddy said...

gonna sign off early Storms and power went off once but came back on Yeah

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Before I forget, I think Paula is leaving on a business trip so safe travels there and home again.

Lolly, very sorry that Annie seems to be preparing to cross the rainbow bridge. You and the family have provided her with a safe comfortable life. This is a time when compassion is most difficult.

Judie said...

Helped Darth tonight with the opening cake/lemonade for the first concert of the summer in the park. Very well attended. Band was excellent - big band music.

I have roused Sandperson and requested he prepare his satchel and depart early. (My eyes are droopy).

Night light is on. JudyE will probably set the alarm for us. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! TCU wins tonight in 9 innings. LOL Appreciate that Frogs! Now on to Super Regionals and it's in Fort Worth. Hmmm??? Maybe we should go to a game.

Lolly said...

Appreciate all the kind words. She comes out occasionally and she drinks a little. I put her in front of her food..fresh with juice. She might lap at the juice. So sad. She is just so skinny. Thank goodness she has lots of hair. That helps.

I know! Before we go to bed I am giving her ice cream!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Going to get some shut-eye ♥

B-day party was fun! Elizabeth was
very happy with her gifts. She gave
hugs of appreciation.

I'll be on tomorrow to let you know for sure that we would be walking out to the car to drive down to DE.

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. Got a bit of yard work done today. Front flower beds. Will says he can help tomorrow.

So sorry about Annie, Lolly. Please keep us posted.

Sandi, I will be thinking of you and that grandbaby.

Good night my friends. SED.

stronghunter said...

Glad you enjoyed the birthday party, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Very late evening all!

Read the blog last night but never posted. Work went well..then went to John and Ajay s for dinner to play w the gkids

Got home tonight around 6..all ready for trip tomorrow ...

paula eagleholic said...

Oh so i did post last night.

Jo safe travels. sorry about Annie.

Sandi ... still SMH ..

Larry still feeling better each day..starting to put some weight back on. He has been working on his boat and got it in the water yesterday ..he is going to try to go fishing tomorrow !He has a friend going with him. I won't get to see him for another and nephews coming next weekend.

Have a great week and i will check in when i can. Hope the cam gets fixed this week!


Hoda said...

Safe travels PAULA. Thank you for LARRY update. Glad you had a good weekend.

Safe travels too JO and ED.

Thinking of ANNIE and her transition when it happens...Love to LOLLY and JACK and the GRANDS.

Good night and God Bless Us All.

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night! Have been reading after watching the news.

Great news about Larry, Paula. Just remember....absence makes the heart grow fonder!!!

Annie has come out of hiding and is sleeping in the hall where she dozes every evening. She started doing that so she could catch us on the way to the bathroom where she demands to be put up to get a drink. LOL

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. This is my last full week of school for this school year!!

Paula and Jo, safe travels!

Paula, good to hear that Larry is feeling a little more like himself and is able to start doing things he loves again.

Lolly, good sign that Annie came out into the hall like usual - I know you'll enjoy every minute you have with her.

Have a good day everyone. Hoping the cam part arrives today and the fix is an easy one.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

good morning and welcome to summer break Nashville style 2014.

CMA is starting here in Nashville this week. avoid down town .

18 days til next camping trip. woo hoo.

beautiful weather. wonderful friends. light, love, hugs and smiles to all. :) blessed be

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all - This Monday is sunny and looks good out there. Lawn
was mowed yesterday but that takes all clover away from the bunnies. I saw them over in the neighbors yard.

Just getting started for the day..
Must get coffee, meds and newspaper.

Mema Jo said...

Just saying that every time I try to open our cams my heart stands still with anticipation of seeing how our two eaglets have grown and I pray they are still in the nest when our cams come on........ ♥

Kay said...

Yoo-Hoo ! Here I am with a new feather in my cap and inviting you to join me at STEVE's nice..



Here ye, hear ye NEW THREAD !!!!!!!!

See you there after I play catch up here. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Yoo-Hoo ! Here I am with a new feather in my cap and inviting you to join me at STEVE's nice..



Here ye, hear ye NEW THREAD !!!!!!!!

See you there after I play catch up here. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

RCMP report that the suspect has been apprehended.
Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

Lockdown lifted.
They cornered him under the cover of night.
He was taken in alive. No more loss of life. Blessed Be.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...