Tuesday, January 07, 2014


New thread.  0 degrees.


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JudyEddy said...

anyword on the LIVE FEED being down still

JudyEddy said...

Don't feel bad LORI I thought I saw the dog but now I doubt it the hole in the tree is its eye???

Lori O. said...

Hi JudyE!

I got lost on the previous page. Knew you had to be here somewhere.

JudyEddy said...

JO I finally found the eaglecam and made a new list for it this way its off the the left with my other list thanks for the input but odd how when I wrote Eagle Cam all the others came up but that one But I got it now

and weeeee
we split I see and it didn't even hurt LOL

JudyEddy said...

funny I really don't notice the previous pages since I get the blog emailed to me I only notice it when I appear on top of the page after the split I have 4 browsers open and have the blog minimized real small
but love getting it in the email form

Lori O. said...

Think it's too dark for an eagle visit now?

JudyEddy said...

I am so P at the IRS still no check from last years refund and found out that they could take up to three Years They are the government and they rule LOL

JudyEddy said...

I just had to sing back in to google

JudyEddy said...

and I didn't sign out NOT SING LOL

Lori O. said...

Can't get the still cam to reload or refresh.

Lori O. said...

HA! There it is, but it took a looooooonnnnnng time.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI and all others on facebook I am so glad I am the only one that couldn't find Eagle Cam page There is also a Live Eagle Cam page on FB What I did I clicked on it and made a new list of course named it Eagle Cam and its now on my left side with all my other list
If you want to do it hover over the like button on the page and check add to list a new list and title it what you want and then it will also be on your left hand margin of your news feed

Hoda said...

Well an amazing day!
I did well with my ski class and only fell on THE SECOND RUN on a downhill ski jump!!
Ha ha ha I should have left well enough alone after I did it the first time!!!
It was all good. I pointed my skis up hill and got up and kept on my way!
No panic I use the word jump loosely! That is what the young people do they actually get airborne!
Not this baby!!! I rather bounce than jump!!!
It was lots of fun.
Went out to a good lunch and went to infrared sauna. I was not planning on that but I asked and there was an opening so I went. Now on the way out to an Après Ski yoga class. A young teacher with whom I have never practiced so I will have a learning curve.

I laugh at all the comments of all the animals you are seeing in the nest!!! I think maybe you all ARE on Nelson Brownies for sure!!!

I love us.
Will check back in after yoga.

JudyEddy said...

HEY guys Deb Thinks the white stuff on the crotch of the trunk is cement I informed her it was the natural process of a sycamore tree
Thought it interesting

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I was thinking the same thing HODA too many brownies they are eating to see animals in the trunk LOL

Mema Jo said...

Well Lori - great idea on the 12 Months...
I guess it will end by 1st tooth coming in and NO MORE BREAST FEEDING...... ♥

JudyEddy said...

Its storming out now big line coming

Lynne2 said...

HELP!!! My back is completely wrecked!! It actually has been for a few days, REALLY REALLY bad. Also my hips and legs. GRRRRR! I really haven't done anything strenuous, either.

Yes Lolly, our first night will be tomorrow. Just a few odds and ends left here that I can pick up on my way home from work! Unless I fall and can't get up.....

paula eagleholic said...

Happy to report Larry has been icing the leg..looks and feels better. Heading out soon .may not be back on til tomorrow ..

Love and hugs to all:-)

Lori O. said...

HODA you are a HOOT! Love that you were smart and NOT flying through the air off ski jumps today. You are just amazing!

YAY that Larry's leg is feeling better, Paula. Have a great night out.

KAY, Guess you and Seth have settled in for the night and finished your Mexican food for dinner. Is Malcolm with him?

I'm going to have to switch my 12 months of baby - can't come up with a coordinating theme I can use for the poster visuals.

Maybe I'll have a wild dream tonight of something great but do-able.

Started having stupid hot flashes again for a few weeks now. Think it's part that and lowering my meds, which continues. Really don't like feeling like I need a shower every few hours. :)

Lynne2, Happy moving day tomorrow. Sorry you're in so much pain and soreness. It'll be worth it. ♥

magpie said...

No more noisy upstairs neighbors,
What a totally lovely thought...!!!

Hope you find relief PRONTO for the achy back and legs....

Good to hear Larry is doing better

Wind is a'picking up here now

magpie said...

maybe something WILL come to you in your dreams tonight for your project, or a way to link your ideas and requirements together.....Your first idea is such a good one!!

Think I will say my Good Nights right about NOW

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us..

and Positive Thoughts for
Friendly weather on Sunday!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lynne2 said...

very sad news from our Megan...she posted this on FB

Megan Webber
15 years ago this quirky little dude became part of our family, today we had to say goodbye to him. RIP Snowy dog

Janet said...

Good evening to all….
LORI: on your visual presentation, what specifically are you showing? General development? Or can you specialize, such as bones? The bone development itself fascinates me because we are born with so much cartilage and so many bones and they fuse as we get older…or, you could focus on maybe the motor skills, showing at each month something that they can do that they could not do in the previous month….
Your idea sounds great…I don’t know that I could come up with better.

I had an English teacher in high school said that if you could sing it you could remember it…..

Janet said...

Sad news about Megan.
Not a lot going on here today. Had my ears lowered yesterday. Tom’s calling me shorty because its mighty short.
Slept in til 9:30 today. I was still very very groggy.
Did the grocery run early afternoon. Bought something new and nummy….found it in the frozen section and its by Dole. Frozen banana bites in DARK chocolate…they had strawberries too…. Oh yummy!
Once groceries were put away, we went outside for abit..a few chores to do on such a nice day.

Now we are researching changing service providers for our phones. We’ve been with AT&T for several years now, but straight talk and other palns are so much less expensive…..can keep my phone number…..we would literally cut our bill in half I we did that.

Sounds like everyone has been busy: studying, paperwork, packing….
Calling it a night for now….lovely dreams to all!

Judie said...

Ah, I return to find that Lori has come up with what will be a winning presentation. Creative and informative; JudyE has saved Walmart's biscuits, has been singing to Google even though she rightfully upset with the IRS; Hoda kept her skis pointed uphill as she bounced around the sky slopes; Lynne2 is almost moved and now needs our good thoughts for healing; and Janet has found a way to make chocolate healthy.

GDub won 69-56. Won all but two games so far. Saw a former player/student and met his very pretty girlfriend.

Headed to the pillows soon.

Judie said...

So sad for Megan and the family. Always hurts so much.

Judie said...

Sandperson is in the hall closet packing a satchel of sleepy dust. Will begin rounds at 11pm. Mumbling something about brownies and stopping by Nelson.

Night will be on. Restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I left a message in FB Outdoor Channel about cam being down.
I also left a message on the Cam Comments.........
Not sure NCTC controls the live
feed but I'll send email to Steve.

Mema Jo said...

TV is off for the night.
Football came on.... Patriots are doing well.

Lynne - soak in the tub!!!
You new place has steps - right - perhaps you have worn yourself out by making lots of trips up and down.

That was my delete - I had also brought over info about Snowy and posted before I saw that Lynne had done the same thing.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all

and Sweet Dreams to Lori!

I think the rain has stopped -
Perhaps the sun will shine tomorrow

I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning everyone!

Another sleepless night. Not sure if it's hot flashes or night sweats. I'll have to research and see if there's a difference.

Janet, thanks for your helpful ideas! Thing is, there's so much info & we only have 3-5 min to present it all.

Lynne 2, hope you're feeling better today and that moving is quick and easy. Best wishes for your first night in your new home tonight. Big (((HUGS))) to you and Steve.

Kay, Anything new with Seth? I know you had a great time with him. You always do. :) How is Conner doing?

Margy, enjoy your day off! Any James time in there? How much did Lorraine love her cherry pie?

Okay. Time to get back to all the things I was working on yesterday and hopefully finish some today.

Love you all, so much!

Oh, Lolly, how was the sleep-over with Laurel and the boys? When is your portrait sitting?

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING LORI and all eagle buds
so sorry LORI for the not sleeping

MT nest at present time

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori, Judy and all my eagle friends!

Still no live feed. Still image is working and nest is MT.

So sorry to hear about Megan's Snowy.

Paula, good news on Larry's leg - hope the improvement continues.

Rain has stopped here - supposed to be sunny but cooler today.

Tennis for me at 9am.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

I was so mad when I went to pick up my prescription for my hot flashes It went up $20 wow I was so mad use to be $30 and now 50 for a month I wonder if its because of the obmacare or not LORI have you considered patches

JudyEddy said...

SANDI you are avatarless

Sandi said...

Thanks Judy, for the heads-up about my avatar. Deleted some photos on my phone & on Google photos yesterday - my avatar must have been one of them.

Lori, Prem-Pro. I've tried twice now (both times during the summer when I'm not teaching) to go off of it but the hot flashes and night sweats come back. I can't toss and turn and sweat all night and then get up and face 100 eighth graders!

Lynne, will be thinking of you getting the furniture moved in today and sleeping at your new place tonight! Sorry for the pain!

JudyEddy said...

MY patch is (estradiol transdermal system) Vivelle Dot .0375mg
It is a two times a week patch just have to remember to change twice a week I choose my garbage days LOL

Lynne2 said...

Good morning fellow bloggers.

I am broadcasting to you from this location for the very last time.

Will check in later unless comatose.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

My thoughts are with Megan and the family on the loss of their dear Snowy, I used to refer to him as "Frosty" and Megan was very kind with me about that until I finally got his name right
(( HUGS Across the Miles ))

magpie said...

I found, with prescriptions, that if the patient requests name brand, there is a "Product Selection Fee" that can up the price, but if the doctor requests it...it is a much lower fee.

I learned this with my Imitrex prescription, as the generic seemed to be only half as effective....
you live and you learn....

maybe this affects some of you folks too

Best wishes Lori....in getting your night sweats/hot flashes situation remedied

magpie said...

Yes, Lori...some James time on the agenda today for sure !

Warmer weather, but windier, but
all in all, I'll take it !

Best Wishes to Lynne and Steve today as they complete their move..
and thanks to Lynne2 for sharing the sad news about Snowy...not an easy post to have to make....but
surely, Snowy had the
Best Life with his wonderful family

I hope today is a Wonderful Day for All, whether work, play, study...whatever is on YOUR dance card

ttfn xoxox (( All Day Hugs ))

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning to all ♥

Happy to see live feed up/running.
I'm not certain which contact I made yesterday that is responsible for getting it reset. Whoever - Thank You Whoever You Are
I do hope that my little spinning black arrow soon stops.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Live feed working. Sunshine on an MT nest.

Margy, enjoy your time with Jame the Wise.

Lori, so sorry you are having such misery. Hope you improve soon.

Sympathy to Megan.

Congratulations to Lynne22 and Steve.

Will be foraging for food later this morning. Have a lovely day, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I loved your 'last broadcast'

Best of everything possible in your new abode. Praying your back will stay strong!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.
LORI: hope you found my ideas helpful…..i don’t know … condensing it all into 3 to 5 min…. I would have to focus on something, I think. I would love to see you do this !

LYNNE : lots of water, stretches, and maybe a soak in a tub of epsom salts……and hmmm, if you drink, a glass of wine at the end of the day for celebration?

HOT FLASHES: we all know I’ve griped about them. I have tried 2 diff prescriptions but neither worked for me. I had horrific mood swings on them. But I went to a website and got drops (they have estrogen, progesterone/estrogen mix and testosterone) Gentle pharmacies is the company. That worked for a long while. THEN, they got worse. I have found a mix of black cohash and soy tablets daily have made tremendous difference.

Anyway, thinking about fixing some breakfast….my crew is hungry. Have a lunch date with a young friend of mine….the one whom I did the marriage ceremony for…..checking in with him.

Have a great day all! Light, love, hugs smiles and healing

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your James day Margy. When I look out to the mountains I see the sky looking very threatful - really black - I have sunshine and hope the sun breaks through those black clouds .

Sandi - tennis at 9:00 - have a good match

Janet - I have been thinking of Olivia and wondering if she has been watching the ice skating events concerning the winter Olympics ? The skaters are amazing and make it look so easy ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lori - with all your tossing and turning were you able to come up with a new idea on your presentation
I must have slept soundly because I didn't have any dreams to report.

Think of Megan and Russ and Maddie.
Snowy is free now - he had been going blind but once he crossed the Rainbow Bridge, I bet he is chasing the butterflies and even running with the big dogs ♥

Mema Jo said...

Live Feed is UP/RUNNING

When I refreshed mine - the spinning arrow disappeared

It is great when you can see movement
down on the lower right of a branch moving in the wind... Proof it is

NatureNut said...

Good SUNNY, finally, Sunday morning to all.
I was hoping to write from the Park yesterday, but while I was gone, they changed the LOG IN page and didn't send any instructions!!!! I will have to CALL the techies TU. That should be fun--I probably still won't be able to hear them!!! It was very, grey, misty all day until wind, rain and 60° occurred in PM. Only after that did the birds come to the feeders and we saw a juvie eagle flying above the river.

I finally got some of my TX Xmas pictures on the blog. AND a few OUTDOOR CRITTERS, too. Haven't really put inside of house on there. If anyone wants to see some of the rooms, I can.

Lori, hope you can get some sleep to do your school work. I would definitely check w/Doctors before taking ANY hormones for menopause. I didn't have sweats but Dr. wanted me to have more regular periods & I had PremPro for awhile. After that, it was rattled around that they thought hormones may lead to breast cancer. DUH, too late! There was NO history if that disease in our family, but I got it anyway!
Enough meds~~~~but I probably need some more for my URI!!! Ears still are not working and a couple days ago I developed the raw sore throat again, just like the start. Now my Adam's apple feels like a baseball and breathing not easy. I'm calling them all tomorrow!
Enjoy our pics, Sherry is now in process of getting some replacement pics, etc. on the walls. I am checking with an artist on a crab painting I got her years ago. If there aren't any more, I have one.
LATER~~~I'm going out in the SUN!!!!

Lori O. said...

Loretta, sorry you're feeling puny again. That's so frustrating for you. Can't wait to take a peek at the TX Christmas pics.

Sandi, how was your tennis match this morning? How is Lynnis doing with the pregnancy without Bryan?

Jo, thank you so much for the good news that the live cam has been restored. YAY!

Thinking of Lynne2 as the move concludes (for the most part) today.

Janet, JudyE, Loretta and all, thanks so much for the hot flash advice. I'm taking Estroven OTC medicine and it worked for a long time...maybe need to add more of the Black Cohosh and Soy, or just take another one each day.

Trying to work on a new idea for the project...making it in the form of a children's book all tied together. I can use the front/first page as the book cover with the title and me as the author and plaster it with baby photos. I need to talk to the instructor and find out exactly what she wants to see/hear being as there is so much.

Okay, back to work. Hope everyone is having a gLORIous day. :)

Lori O. said...

Loretta, GREAT pictures. Thanks for sharing. Sherry has a beautiful place and lots of space. Love the fireplace, hot tub & the wildlife.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta you have outdone yourself in posting all your pics. So Happy to meet Jimmy and Sherry through your photos. There home is beautiful and especially all those accessories.
Good to have seen some wildlife in their area... Who do you think the deer with the 'stripes' mom and daddy is....... ♥

Mema Jo said...

I sometimes get a service error - but when I go back to the blog I find that my comment did post! Grrr

paula eagleholic said...

Jo I got the service error earlier this morning.
Watching football this afternoon...then we will head out to pick up Larry's mail and go to grocery store...I will do the shopping for Larry .. he might drive one of those cool carts :-)

Heading back to paradise this eevening.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - walk behind the cool cart driver - My heels hurt just thinking about being run into by a Crazy Cart driver. lol Have fun

Mema Jo said...

Going to early dinner and taking Michael to Outback Steak house. I might need to get Coconut Shrimp..


Downton Abbey on tonight !!

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping for a visit before I left... Hint Hint

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Jo...I did. He wasn't getting my heels :-)

Heading home shortly..catch ya'll on the flip side.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Home from work and see nest is MT

had my laptop at work but left my mouse at home so would only bring up one browser at lunch so couldnt say HEY and saw the cam was up I did read the blog at lunch love doing that not so bad on neck after I get home being able to read some

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

JudyEddy said...

diggin in cup in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

the still is ahead of the live this time

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on still and eagle still there

JudyEddy said...

nite lite on the live and a POOF

JudyEddy said...

and we are BACK

JudyEddy said...

brought in flugg looks like working in cup in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

I got pic snips off the still and put on FB and will put in album and another POOF

JudyEddy said...

left a pile of flugg in middle wonder if will be back

JudyEddy said...

Well since the eagles have poofed and I am all alone I shall also poof

JudyEddy said...

but first wanted to bring back my eagle in motion

Lori O. said...

JudyE, thanks for the eagle play X play. Wish I had seen it.

Paula, safe travels on your way home to Paradise.

Jo, hope you and hubby and Michael had a lovely dinner and you got the coconut shrimp you seemed to be craving.

Quiet blog today. Awaiting the ice melt and 48 degrees tomorrow.

BB in the morning.

JudyEddy said...

HI LORI my eagle is flying over your nest with eggs LOL

59° right now was 61 a few min ago the cold front has arrived Our weather man said we are on a roller coaster two days nice then a cold front for a day or so and then the warm fronts I do not like winter and its YOYO affect Didn't buy tickets for the roller coaster I told Paul LOL

JudyEddy said...

HEY SANDI and JO the Eagle cam just came up on my news feed so they must have done something Terri made a video of tonight visit I sat here chuckling She also records with a camera like I did can here background but no keys clicking so must not blog LOL just brought back memories of me doing the same thing with my camera instead of down loading a program to my puter

Lolly said...

Good evening! Jack has the STARS on tv. I am watching the game, too. Michael purchased tickets for himself and Zach as well as Joey, Joseph and Jacob. Maybe Ash is there too. Do not know for sure! The boys are certainly having fun tonight!

We had fun last night. Jack grilled ribs, but before we ate we had a great game of Bocci. It got up to 70 yesterday and today. Beautiful weather!

After they left this morning, Jack and I went and got our old trailer. We unloaded and scrubbed it down. Did not take too long. Can harly wait to bring home the new trailer and move in! You know we will be biting at the bit to go somewhere!

Oh, Lynne, so sorry about your back. You obviously have been over doing, but so hard to hold back when you have moving to do. Sleep tight in your new home!

Loretta, loved your pictures. I really loved the pictures of the kitties, especially the one of the kitty warming its tummy!!

JudyEddy said...

OK all my puter experts What is the name of some programs to do videos with Eagle Cam wants to know I remember some of you said you paid for it I think Glo was one So if you know of a program let me know and I can answer their question

JudyEddy said...

PAULA I think you are also one that has a way to download the live cam am I correct?

Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone! I don't know if the message got over here to the blog or not, but I could use some help...

Yesterday, I took in three very sick budgies from a feed store: Zelda, an albino female; Franklin, a green and yellow male; and Pipsqueak, a bluish-green and yellow young male.

The conditions of all of the birds in the store are very sad, between overcrowding and unclean cages/trays/dishes, lack of heat/full-spectrum light, and no mental stimulation.

I will be having a conversation with the owner about it. I will say, for one thing, "If I took a picture of these cages and posted them on the internet, would you be afraid people would see the photos? Or are you confident that ANYONE will think this is okay?"

I will be educating the owner about nutrition, space requirements, mental and social stimulation, and cleanliness. These budgies have been fed a single-seed-type diet (white millet), with no fresh greens, fruits, or vegetables. They budgies I have are suffering from obvious vitamin deficiencies and respiratory illnesses, as well as fight injuries (Zelda has a healed scar on her cere - where the nostrils are - and Pipsqueak is missing a foot and a toe).

What I'm asking for is for all of you to please send prayers, positive thoughts, good vibes, anything to help these poor babies. I know the Momsters have some pretty powerful mojo, and these little guys really need it!

As always, I remain,
Your very own
Bird Girl

p.s. Soo excited for a new season! This is my 7th or 8th! -- BG

JudyEddy said...

Delphia so sorry about the birdies I hope they pull through

Lolly said...

Joey posted a picture of fb of my three boys. They went to Michael's home before the game. (Hockey NY vs STARS) Michael was in NY all week and went the the game at Madison Sq Gardens. He bought Joseph a NY sweatshirt and gave it to him tonight. Know Joseph is thrilled. Joey has ruined Joseph mind! Joey is from Long Island and therefore he is a fan of all NY teams. Jacob is our rebellious kid, he is a STARS fan.

Hoda said...

Well two wonderful yoga sessions. In between a car accident happened.
I am breathing.
Right rear back fender is damaged.
A young man trying to diagonal park. Next to where I had just left.
I am uptight.
Insurance claim put in.

It still remains a good day.

JudyEddy said...

HODA so sorry about the accident and happy you are ok

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.


paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I use Snagit.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks PAULA I went and posted that on the Eagle Cam since they asked

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, glad it was only a fender an no one was hurt. It can be repaired!

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, the eagle cam group is the one from the old forum over at Outdoor Channel. They refer to Shep as Ben...just wanted to let you know.

magpie said...

Hello and Good Night, Eagle Pals...
Loretta, will relish looking at the new pics in NatureNut's Nook....
but it might have to be on Monday...bedtime is coming up soon and 4 a.m. not long after that!

Sure hope YOU get health relief PRONTO !!!

Lori..sounds like a good project, keep those creative juices flowing !

Had a great visit with James the Wise Kidster...sure wish it could be more often! But I love what time I DO have with him...the best thing I have going, truly....

Hoda, sorry about the fender bender...sure hope all will work out very well for you...personally I DISLIKE parking lots....
street parking does not phase me, however, 'cause when I learned to drive, there were not too many parking lots :)

I'm still playing some
Christmas Carols...I just cannot let it go !

Thinking of all with Love, and
(( MEGA HUGS )) across the miles...

Prayers for Wellness All Around

God Bless Us, Every One

magpie said...

And I know yours was diagonal parking...just not sure if you mean street parking or parking lot diagonal...
either way: Bummerini !!!

G'Night, Sleep Sweeeetly, all...

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA.
It is what I have to remember.
MARGY I was diagonal parked on a street not a parking lot.

Hoda said...

LYNNE glad you and STEVE and the critters are moved in.
Do they sense the other dogs in the kennel?

Hoda said...

Happy healing LYNNE. I hope it happens sooner than later.
Yes PAULA about the Ben Group.

magpie said...

Gotcha there, Hoda...

and for sure, the most important thing is that it was Property Damage, not Personal Injury...
(( HUGS )) xoxo


JudyEddy said...

I think I have made a decision I am definitely going to make a vacation out of it I want to go to IL and see the eagles like the fantastic pictures GLO post on FB I will just have to tough it up and brave the cold to see

paula eagleholic said...

Very Nice pictures, Lowreeda! The house is lovely. The "Mexican" eagles are cool!

Hoda said...

I agree. Great photos, LORETTA

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Double posted!

JudyEddy said...

anyone got the live feed on and can hear the talking I don't think the live feed sound works again Think about it I can't remember wind in the past couple of day or other noises but sometimes like now talking

Lynne2 said...

Hello from the new place!

We are moved in, my back and now my hips are wrecked. Dr said, not that she was giving permission, that if I really need to take an Aleve i could, on a full tummy and with omeprazole and ONLY if I REALLY needed it and only VERY sporadically. Well, today was the day, and I haven't felt as good as I did early on today in a LOOOOONG time! But it has worn off and I can't take another one. Good thing I have a sense of humor right now!

Daisy spent the first hour or so hiding in the bathtub. I don't know why. She is so sensitive! Puddles found my little stuffed eagle and ripped it up. Other than that, all is calm all is bright.

My new landlady's daughter stopped over with a welcome card for us and a gift bag with some wonder hand soap, dish soap and a candle! Megan is almost 11 and such an animal lover. Allysia, her mom, is involved in SO much rescue stuff. Yesterday she and one of the gals that works her too lots and lots of water to a shelter about an hour from here where they were collecting it from people to take to WV to shelters there affected by the contamination.

anyway, I'll catch up more tomorrow, or late tonight even. Now I must shower.

Lolly said...

Oh, Hoda! So very sorry about the car. Guess a Band-Aid is needed. Glad you are okay!

Margy, glad you had a good time with James the wise.

Watched Downton Abby this evening. Love that show!

stronghunter said...

Good evening, everyone.

So sorry to learn of Megan's loss of Snowy.

Glad to learn that you and Steve are all moved in, Lynne. Hope this move will be the last one for awhile. You all have been through a lot.

Wow, Hoda. Sounds like the skiing was great, but then you parked in the wrong place, it seems. Good that you are okay.

Missed Downton Abbey this time. Rus came over and we were visiting. We'd planned to take Will out to dinner last night, but Rus got confused and thought it was tonight. By the time we got things straightened out, Rus had other plans for last night. So he came tonight even though Will was not home.

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. SED.

Mema Jo said...

TV shows were all good this evening

Shirley - I think Downton Abbey will run again and again before next Sunday - Hope you catch it...

Judy My vision is blurred watching
your flying eagle... He makes me feel like I am moving...

I'll read all your comments in detail tomorrow

Good night to all ♥

Lolly said...

Downton Abby is sure to run again, just like Jo said.

Heading to bed. It has been a long day.

Sometime this next week we get the trailer and then we start moving in. Also have an eye appointment...routine check up. Think we will probably go to Denton for a basketball game on Thursday. My sister has a birthday and Michael has a birthday...this week. Still lots of yard work to do. Thus..our week ahead.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Today was a Yoga SHIRLEY not skiing.
Thank you for your thoughts in regards the accident.

Goodnight all
God Bless Us All

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Monday - UGGHH!!!

Nest is MT - had trouble keeping the live feed running yesterday. Judy, I think you're right that we've lost the sound.

Hoda, sorry about the fender bender but glad you weren't hurt.

Lynne, sorry about the back but glad you got to sleep at your new digs! I'm so happy for you.

Loretta, thanks for the photos - love the house!!

Have been messaging on FB with Megan about how she knew that it was time to make a decision with Snowy. For those of you with an old pet that you're wondering about, Google HHHHHMM Quality of Life. Yesterday Denny, Kevin, and I all filled one out for Bandit. Our scores were all different but all 3 gave Bandit a score that's still in the "acceptable" range. I think we'll fill it out once a month to help us with making the decision. Coincidentally, Megan said she filled it out Friday night and it was one of the things that helped her to know it was time to say goodbye to Snowy.

The new math teacher who will be finishing out the school year on our team starts today - one more teacher change for the kids. She's young & has never taught before - sounds excited but scared.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning to all
BIRD GIRL: light and love, healing and comfort have been sent
HODA: so glad you are okay! It is unsettling. Breathe. Center. Ground. Let go of what you cannot control.
Knowing our LYNNE awakens in her new digs makes me smile. Hoping her body is feeling better this morning!
MONDAY again. “Normal” week ahead. The new norm to include Sylvan 2x a week. Rain today. That’s okay, we had a lovely weekend.
Hope everyone has a lovely day. Light, love, healing, and smiles to all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Hey remember the other day I mentioned that the Eagle Cam said that the white around the trunk of the tree was cement well they still think so even after I said it was part of the natural process of the sycamore tree
this is is response to me

"That is not part of the tree. Fungus does not grow with trowel marks on it nor would it be straight across. And it has not grown even an inch."

I didn't say it was fungus either just it was part of the natural part of the tree I even said look at the other with branches

anyone have any suggestions to tell this person Maybe it is concrete LOL

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Slept soundly for a few hours. Now wide awake.
Thank you all. SANDI and JANET your comments about the accident are a haven for me this morning.
Thank you.

Letting go of what I can not control.

Will try for more sleep.
Good luck to the new math teacher.
Good luck to Olivia with her new schedule.
Interesting about the test on quality of life for pets.
I thought it a good idea for humans too. I see the controversy in this thought. I do not mean to cause a controversial debate, apologies.

LYNNE how is your back this morning? How are the dogs? Is the kennel affecting them? Nice about the welcome gift.

Hoda said...

Let it go JUDYE. Our experience tells me not much listening and learning there!

JudyEddy said...

OK now the EAGLE CAM has changed the page so you can't comment on any pic

I can see others comments but no where to comment Can someone else check to see if you can comment on any pic or on the page
SANDI OR JO can you check I see Jo comments but mine are all gone ODD maybe they took my comment off JO I comment on the pic with the wrong Debi and that comment is also gone

Hoda said...

What is the link JUDYE? Please I will check

Hoda said...

I found the outdoor channel FB page and yes I can post there is a comment section

Hoda said...

Now I see a comment area but no way to comment on others' comments!
I see comments you have made JUDYE but not comments on others comments.

Lynne2 said...

HODA...so sorry about the accident! Glad you are OK. Upset of course, but OK.

Judy, you can't fight stubborn.

Sandi, the 5H2M QOL scale is what our docs, and sometimes us, discuss with the owners of very old/ill pets. But you have given me the idea to post it on our FB page. It could be helpful in many cases for people to consider what QOL is even if the pet isn't at that phase yet.

VERY painful this AM. No work today. If our reception area was actually efficient, which it is not as our office is an old converted house, and I didn't have to get up and down out of my chair 30 times per day to greet people I probably could have done it. EVERYONE there dreams of the day when we are able to build/move to a modern facility because for all of the staff, the place is really set up badly.

Anyway, everyone seems to be adjusting at the new home! I woke up in the night to the moon shining right in the window, and then at dawn to birds flying all over the place....this is going to be an awesome spot to do the Great Backyard Bird Count in Feb!!

Lynne2 said...

Janet, will be anxious to follow Livvy's progress with Sylvan.

Delphia, good on you for taking the birds. Hope they are not too far gone. There is a quote that says "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". I think you can easily substitute "ignorance" for "evil" in this case (many cases, really).You have stepped up to not only save but to educate this person. Hopefully both of these things will be accomplished and many others will be saved from the same doom.

Lynne2 said...

Puddles is playing with her stolen eagle and she is HILARIOUS! She rarely ever plays with toys but she is throwing it around and chasing it and running around with it!! She had other stuffed toys but usually just disembowels them.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I second Lynne's comments about Delphia's care of the birds and her hopes for a successful experience in educating the store owner.

Glad the dogs have adjusted, Lynne.

Bird Girl said...

Good morning, eagle friends!

The three amigos (Franklin, Zelda, and Pipsqueak) are still not feeling well, but now have antibiotics going. They are enjoying fresh greens, fresh fruit, mixed seed, and Ezekiel bread this morning. Zelda, in particular, loves the romaine lettuce.

I am encouraged by their will to fight - they bite me anytime I pick them up, and feisty is a good thing! The little one, Pipsqueak, might become hand tame with a little time.

If you are interested in following my bird rehab work, please 'like' my FB page facebook dot com / BirdGirlofAZ (remove spaces).

Thank you all for your helpful thoughts!


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Coming to you after a wonderful weekend with Seth. Tonight he and Julie will be over for a baked fish dinner with baked taters n' salad. Hugh is out of town, giving us a chance for our fish fix ! He's in OKCity, but won't see my relatives, it's all business this time.

HODA, so sorry your fender was bent, but glad you were NOT ! Hope the young fella has insurance.

LYNNE2, I know we're all grinning from ear to ear over the pile of sweet stuff you and STEVE have landed in ! Somehow we knew your day would come ! Hallelujah !

DELPHIA, I'm praying for your little charges and want to echo LYNNE2's words as well !

LOLLY, happy news re:the boys and the game, etc.. And more happy news re:the new trailer, etc. !!!

MEGAN, loving thoughts for your family and dear Snowy. You did the difficult, but right thing.

SANDI, your plan for a monthly assessment aging pets is a good model for all of us. We know when we bring a pet into our homes that we'll someday have to say farewell, but it doesn't make it any easier to realize that !

SHIRLEY, sorry you missed D. A., but like any good soap opera, catching up will be easy to do. We have 2 auxillary PBX stations here and one of them will be showing the episode once or twice this week. Do you have that same situation ?

JUDYE, don't sweat the small stuff---we have several sycamores in my condo community and they all have that same MO, of course. There is no accounting for the stubbornness one encounters at that site. I no longer read anything there---remember the one who claimed to have seen a Snowy Egret in the nest ? ☺

Kay said...

MARGY, glad you had some good Kidster time ! Miss you this morning.

LORI, missing you, too, but know you're in for a busy week ! My thoughts are with you as always !

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥

I thought I would wait this late and that a fresh new thread would be available - maybe later!

I have been watching the pandas at DC and Atlanta. I also saw the Blackwater eagle couple in their nest.

Now I will read back and see what I have missed.

Lolly said...

Goodorming! Have sent the web site for the 5H3M to Laurel. Poor ol Bosco is getting sooo OLD. He has food and water and he is eating, but he thinks he is starving. Yesterday, he some how got a loaf of bread off the center on the table and ate the whole loaf! He sleeps all the time and some times needs help getting up off of tile. He is not in pain but ......

Jack is vacuuming for me. I have to move. Back later. LOL

Oh, Laurel and Jacob are home today. Jacob is sick with a bad cold and Laurel may be coming down with it. Yuck-0!!!!

stronghunter said...

Hope Jacob feels better quickly. I remember the days of missing work to care for one of my children, and I remember days of subbing for teachers whose children were ill.

On the white stuff on the tree trunk--I'll admit it looks like concrete, but I kind of think Steve would have told us if they'd put concrete there, and seeing the white branches below shows us that the whiteness is natural in the sycamore. We could ask Steve.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - yesterday I had the speakers on and a few sites up but none other then the live feed had sound on it.
Yes, I heard a full conversation with male voices - really loud and it was coming from the Outdoor channel. Like you said - I didn't hear the wind or any other sounds.

Judie said...

Good just after noon.
Sunshine here.

Lowreeeda, Sherry's new home is beautiful. Thank you for the pictures. Hope you're feeling better.

Nest us MT. Flugg has arrived.

Paula, hope Larry's ankle is better.

Seems Lynne2 and family are happily installed in the new abode. Congrats.

Good on you Delphia. Positive thoughts.

Lori, how are ideas for the presentation?

Margy, glad as always that your time with James was so special.

Hoda, very relieved to know your personal bumper was not injured. Take care.

Also been watching the pandas. Atlanta exercising with a barrel and DC lounging in the hammock. Pete's Pond is off air and the RTH pair at Cornell have moved their nesting location.

Kay, enjoy your "fish fix" tonight with Julie and Seth.

Staying quiet. Darth is working on taxes. I find it best to try to make myself invisible.


Mema Jo said...

Okay Shirley I will email Steve on the tree condition and get his reply back to all.
I am reading Judy's comments concerning Eagle Cam. As Paula reminded us, Eagle Cam is the previous group on Outdoor Channel Blog. Yes, it is Belle and Ben to them and that is acceptable to me.
Yes, Terri and Debi put fantastic photos on their FB site.. I always check them out because of the pics.
The tree condition issue - it's ok with me what their opinions are and I have chosen not to enter into much discussion except to thank they for their photos and grateful that I can share them onto my FB page. I do NOT want to create any confrontation between groups whatsoever - I still have Comment Boxes on the site thank goodness. This is just my humble opinion........... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Judy I sent you FB message

Mema Jo said...

Lots of new flugg in the nest - I am also concerned as to where that Egg cup is going to be located.

Kay - enjoy your yummy meal with Seth and Julie tonight. I am so glad that they are close for you ♥

Delphia - I sure hope those 3 little budgies perk up for you. I also hope you can somehow convince the Farm Store that it's no place to house birds. I that doesn't work - call the Humane Society to enforce some rules.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Out of her to get ready for my Foot Dr visit...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And I choose only to participate in discussion here or on our chat on Facebook. No point in arguing with anyone. Everyone has a right to their opinion and I have a right to not respond to it. :-)

I have acceptance of the fact that at least for this year, Belle and Shep are working on their nest in our lovely sycamore tree. The camera is what it is and this will be our view for the season. Beats no view at all, I believe.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO at lunch at McD and thanks for your comments and I do remember the snowy egrt LOL Delusional I guess
I just wanted to make sure that there was no cement or concrete on the tree I never heard of that and thought FALSE I guess they blocked me form making comments must be a juvenile or a child
not a adult and welcome questions or other opinions
Just gonna let it roll off my back as they say BUT THEY ARE WRONG there is no cement on the tree DUH or am I wrong
/watching the prehistoric looking babes in the nest at Fl they are getting so big Can;t wait for ours

JudyEddy said...

I have a small lap top and can hardly hear from it Is there a booster for speakers anyone know I can hear the eaglets making noises but have to put laptop to ear LOL looks pretty funny sitting here with it on my ear

JudyEddy said...

and I don't think I was arguing with them I just said that was the way the tree looked part of its process of growing etc and that is all I said like I said they must be immature I still can see the pic there and that was the main reason I went there I never have pput a pic there with name but only had made the comment on the cement tree picture and the video where he or she asked about a recording program which I did answer then and then they deleted it But my name is still in the comment where they talked to me but my comments are gone
One day they may grow up and figure out how childish they are MAYBE
ok enough of that I wonder if they have seen the egret lately still chuckling over that one

JudyEddy said...

sitting here and a man came up to me and offered me some headphone lol

JudyEddy said...

of course I said thank you but no thanks
don't want to use someone else ear buds YUK don't know what he has had in ear lol

Mema Jo said...

I totally agree with you Sharon that there is no point in arguing with anyone. Everyone has a right to their opinion/conclusions and I have a right to NOT respond to it. :-)
I don't see any reason to cause a conflict between eagle lovers just because we're right and they are wrong in what they think they see.

Yes, Judy you are correct that it is the natural bark of the tree and not cement. I beg of you to now let this subject be put to rest by you and by all our other bloggers.
Officially NCTC Steve said:

The tree has not been cemented or supported artificially in any way. The white is where all of the bark has been off the tree for a while.

AMEN Closed subject please......

Mema Jo said...

Judy - the ladies on the Eagle Cam are retired and not really immature.

Maybe you could really let it all go now. Please ♥

We need you to focus on our own site with your pics and comments. ♥

Mema Jo said...

FBer's My response is over on the Eaglet Momsters site for you to read

Hoda said...

Wise Ladies!
Thank you SHAR and MEMA JO.

Busy paper work type of a day here.
There is a melt...so they are trying to remove the ground layer of ice before the new encounter with winter!
Fine by me.

Insurance company papers.
Body shop appointment set for Wednesday.
Police contacted.

Volunteer work with The Kootenay Spirit Festival today. It is all coming together nicely for our sponsorship packages.

Feeling incredible gratitude and a sense of wellness and I thank you all for being my friends.

Did groceries in the morning and what a blessing it all is. Good food and friendly people and a sense of general wellness and acceptance in all that comes our way.

Headed out to yoga and then a herbal class for the herbs that are best used in the winter to bring joy!
Now if we were in Colorado would marijuana be on the list??? LOL!!! It is not legal here so I am sure it is not on the list. Is it even a herb? I do not know I must google.

Mema Jo said...

OK All 3 sites for Eagle Watching on FB have my comment - same one I put on here from Steve. NOW I think
we are good to go...... ♥♥

magpie said...

I have a surprise for Y'all


Mema Jo said...

Hoda you have accomplished so much and your day is only half over!

Mema Jo said...

Margy found

our new fresh thread

Com Over

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work
and JO I said earlier when I was at work on lunch that I was gonna let it go but just want to go nanny nanny boo boo LOL

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...