Tuesday, January 07, 2014


New thread.  0 degrees.


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stronghunter said...

Pardon. Double posted.

JudyEddy said...

We are gonna be 80 tomorrow right now 63

JudyEddy said...

My grandpuppies have become escape artist They have managed to get themselves out of their cage during the day Carl cam home the other day and Holly was in the wondowseal like a cat LOL 15lb in the window LOL
Well today when they left they pushed the heavy metal coffee table up against it and they still managed to get out and yep they left a big mess tore up all the coffee filters and papers that were around

Mema Jo said...

Your puppy day care story was cute - He must have gotten some good treats there. I hope Karl and Angie find a way to contain those puppies.

What do you think the dark spot is in the center of the nest around 5:00? You think they have had a meal. At least they didn't while I was watching.

Sandi said...


JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

Sandi said...

OOH, and the eagle is eating in the nest!!

JudyEddy said...

eating something

Mema Jo said...

Eagle in our nest

Sandi said...

I'm thinking this is Belle?? Anyone else?

JudyEddy said...

I don't see the spot do you SANDI

JudyEddy said...

I was thinking the same

Sandi said...

Looks like a headless fish. Bringing food to the nest is a promising sign!

JudyEddy said...

Gulping it down

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo

Dinner time

grannyblt said...

I'm thinking Belle too

Mema Jo said...

Sure is Sandi ♥

Sandi said...

And she's being so obliging about standing where we can see her - or at least most of her!

Mema Jo said...

Agree it looks like Belle - When she raised her head I could see the inverted "v" on her neck

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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Sandi said...

Woohoo - both in!!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I thought there was something going on
Two in the nest

JudyEddy said...

wow I got conflict

Mema Jo said...

lol Judy You got 9 BOTH comments
Did your finger get stuck or are you just excited........... ♥

JudyEddy said...

POOF ONE and then the other

Mema Jo said...

Poof for one

Poof for both

Wonder if they will return
It's there 5ish dinner time.

JudyEddy said...

wow what a PIA to delete one at a time I think I had issues LOL live feed is way behind my still today again

Kay said...

They were enjoying a nice dinner for two. Sweet ! I just kept quiet and watched as you gals had it covered. I could tell which one was Belle by the tail feathers. Could not detect a spot on Shep's head--have we established that it is gone signifying he has reached full maturity ?

Kay said...

LORI, it reached a few degrees above freezing today, but is now doing a freezing rain, light snow mix. The sun shone for the first half of the day--that sure felt good. Tomorrow the warm up is coming along--46°--up into the 50's for a few days and then back to winter on Wednesday. Glad you're warming up, too, especially since you have to do some traveling every day !

stronghunter said...

Oh, I missed the visit. Will check in again later. I need to go put together some dinner. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Judy it sure wasn't necessary to delete all of those "boths"
They didn't bother me...... ♥

Shirley, FB has Judy's pictures of the visit...... they are great!

Lolly said...

Going to eat ! Found a trailer we are considering. Fog is really bad!

DanaMo said...

Oh I missed it! Dang! Did JudyE get screen captures? I didn't see any over on FB.

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday LOLLY.
Post pictures of what you order.
Say more about the trailer.
What do you like about it?
What would you change?


DanaMo said...

Just found JudyE's pictures

DanaMo said...

Just found JudyE's pictures

JudyEddy said...

I just had Heinz Cheddar Broccoli Soup from the frozen dept Pretty good just need some bread not as good as Paneria but good

JudyEddy said...

Did you all see GLO picture of the eagle with a icicle from its beak I thought of my typo from the other day LOL

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

Happy Birthday Wishes, to our Very Own, the Original Lolly...
Hope this is your Very Best Birthday, Ever ! xoxox

Good Evening, Eagle Pals

Weather much warmer today but it's still winter! Had more calls today for broken pipes and "busted" sprinkler heads....what a mess, water flowing out of second story windows and doors and into parking lots.....WOOF !!

magpie said...

Extremely happy to hear of Both Eagles AND Food at The Nest....
I missed all that, of course !

Thanks for the play by play reports, pals

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, wishing you the best HAPPY BIRTHDAY ever! And many, many more.

Lolly said...

Thank you, Suzan!

We are home. Dinner was delicious and I have leftovers!! Yea!

Jack is watching the STARS on a recording.

We saw two trailers that met a lot of our specifications. However, there really was just one we liked. It is 3 ft longer than the old one, and wider. Has one slide and seems spacious. Love the kitchen. Much more counter space and we really need that. Good storage. And Laurel said, after I sent pics, as long as it stores wine! LOL

Lolly said...

I will go publish pics on fb messaging.

Lolly said...

Have put pics on our fb messages!

Judie said...

Lolly, glad you enjoyed dinner and hope you two are able to make a final choice on the RV,

Missed the nest activities. Maybe tomorrow.

Headed across the hall to watch some tv and then to the pillows.

Sandperson will head out at 11pm. when the night light turns on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

We will probably decide tomorrow about a trailer. Thinking on it tonight!

Lynne2 said...

Well while you are thinking, MS BIRTHDAY GIRL.....

SANDI, are we going to see a picture of your new do??

Lynne2 said...

time for an avatar change....

Lynne2 said...

we are SO blessed that our eagles are eating in the nest together! Good sign!

Mema Jo said...

Popping in to say I'm watching a Hallmark movie

Closing down during a commercial

Hope all is well and I wish you a

Goodnight ♥

JudyEddy said...

Had to put this picture of Jordyn on I just love it Little poser she is ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Terrific day here.
Life is good
Snowing snowing snowing
They are keeping up with road clean up do it looks very pretty.

Goodnight All
God Bless Us All

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone.

Glad you had a good day, Hoda!


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday Lolly :-)

Lolly said...

Well, it really has been a fun day. Enjoyed looking at all the RV's but did not go into the ones that cost 900,000. Maybe I will, to see how the wealthy live. LOL

I did mention fog earlier. It was foggy when we left this morning, foggy when we came home and then after dinner when we came home in the dark...wow was it dense!! Glad we were traveling on familiar roads!!

Heading to bed now. The muscle spasm in my upper back is really hurting.

Night all...and once again thanks for all the birthday wishes...feeling blessed, for sure!


Lori O. said...

Good Red FRIDAY morning!

The weekend has arrived. WoooHooo!

Just dusted the snow off my car. Another 1/2" last night, but we'll be into the 40's today and up to 50 with rain tomorrow.

Sandi, didn't see any word that you've posted a pic of your new do yet. We're waiting. Well, all that really matters is that you like it.
Has Brian arrived yet?

Kay, what's on your agenda for the weekend? Hoping you have plans for dinner and a movie, PHC, with Seth.

Lolly, so happy to hear you had a great birthday! Can't wait to hear what you've decided about the trailer. It sounds great!

JudyE, loved that PA puppy story. How cute is that?

Shirley, congrats on the bowling first place and beating your average. Awesome.

Have a grand day everyone!

BBAS - be back after school. lol

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori and all my eagle friends!

Brian emailed last night that he is back in Yemen.

Y'all may have to settle for imagining my new hair color - I really do hate having my picture taken. Will see what I can do this weekend but I'm not making any promises. I got a lot of compliments yesterday, from teachers and students, so it seems that it was a good decision.

The furniture for our new TV is finally being delivered today - after 9 weeks of waiting, should be here when I get home from school.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good RED TGIF ya’ll. We have a heat wave, its 46 degrees already!

Kinda of glad this was a short week. I am ready to take a nap and I Just got up.

JUDYE: are the pups in one of the metal kennels or one of those soft sides? I can’t imagine it would be a soft side…. Scout can escape hers if the bottom latch isn’t bolted.
SANDI: glad Brian is safe and sound, will continue holding him close til he was back home again !
Saw where there was a tornado in Florida last night. Hate that. We are supposed to have some thunder and lightening tonight with rain coming thru. Yuck.
Hope everyone has a lovely day! Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

stronghunter said...

Good rainy morning,

Schools are on a two-hour delay because of freezing rain, but it looks to be above freezing now, so everything should be okay for the late start.

stronghunter said...

I see a dog's head in the wet trunk on the nest cam. Anyone else? I see a nose and two eyes.

stronghunter said...

Oh, well, interesting. Stafford schools are closed for the day. But we are south of Stafford.

stronghunter said...

Now, Spotsylvania Schools are closed. Guess the roads are icy. Good reason to burrow back under the blankets. :)

magpie said...

I see the dog on the trunk....

Good RED Friday Morning, Eagle Pals

how about some good old-fashioned snow instead of this freezing rain??
Guess it's not in the cards

I don't ever remember freezing rain
when I was little...


magpie said...

Almost resembles a
Saint Bernard, Shirley

Happy 3-day week-end for Hunter
and all the teachers and bus drivers and such, down that way....

magpie said...

Schools that were on 2-hour delay are now closed here too, Shirley,

James gets another 3-day week-end...

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe Day,
Every one...

God Bless Our Military,
Every Day

magpie said...

Sandi, glad to hear that
Brian arrived safely in Yemen.....
(( HUGS ))
I like the report of your new do...

My do-stuff occurs on Saturday

Hoping to hear the Larry's House Sale Settlement went well

ttfn xoxoxo

magpie said...

An article in our local Martinsburg Newspaper, "The Journal" regarding
our Shepherdstown friend
Mason and his family...

Closing Due to Family Need

magpie said...

I am not sure if that link is going to work....so
maybe this instead:


I apologized for the inconvenience of the blue link not working...


magpie said...

Family Business Closing Due to Family Need

I think this one works

magpie said...

Now I think all those links, the two blue and the long one....
seem to work

Long journey for an insiring and loving family....

Time for me to move along to the other parts of the apartment now

xo (( All Day Hugs )), Friends

Judie said...

Good late morning to all.

Rainy day. Nothing much on the agenda.

MT nest when I checked. Will go back to see Shirley's dog.

Speaking of Shirley, congratulations on the bowling team being in first place.

Safe travels, Lori, and have a good day with school.

Off to find coffee and the newspaper. BBL

JudyEddy said...

GOOD morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

WOW ANTI GRAVITY Yoga looks wild anyone seen it on tv now

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning, Eagle Buds !

MARGY, thanks for sharing the news re:Mason's mom and her need to close up shop. His progress is phenomenal !

LORI, yes, I'm expecting Seth tomorrow evening. He doesn't return to school til' the 27th, so we have three Saturdays left. We do have an agreement that should either of us get an invite from a friend, that will be top priority. Otherwise, we'll be doing all those things you mentioned. We also had a couple of inches of snow overnight, but the temp is quickly rising into the 40's and rain is falling now and then. So, it's pure, icky slush out there !

LOLLY, so glad you're nearing a decision on your new home away from home ! Or, your new "wine cellar" ?

It's good to see the snow melting away at Sycamore Palace !

Kay said...

SANDI, it's a huge relief to know your dear son is safely back in Yemen. Now the countdown til' his return can commence ! Hope the TV table is what you want this time---what a long ordeal !

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning, Eagle Buds !

MARGY, thanks for sharing the news re:Mason's mom and her need to close up shop. His progress is phenomenal !

LORI, yes, I'm expecting Seth tomorrow evening. He doesn't return to school til' the 27th, so we have three Saturdays left. We do have an agreement that should either of us get an invite from a friend, that will be top priority. Otherwise, we'll be doing all those things you mentioned. We also had a couple of inches of snow overnight, but the temp is quickly rising into the 40's and rain is falling now and then. So, it's pure, icky slush out there !

LOLLY, so glad you're nearing a decision on your new home away from home ! Or, your new "wine cellar" ?

It's good to see the snow melting away at Sycamore Palace !

Lolly said...


KAY, you made me smile! I sent pictures to Laurel yesterday of the one we are considering. She said, "Looks good as long as there is a place for the wine!" Yes, we will have a new wine cellar and port-a-potty. LOL

I am dressed and ready to go. Need to eat. Jack has eaten and now drinking his tea...so we will leave soon. I truly hate the price haggling that has to be done. Oh, well....

Lolly said...

I have added pictures of the trailer we are considering to my family pics blog for those not on fb.


Lolly said...

I'll report in later!! Have a great day!

Kay said...

LOLLY, that trailer looks "plumb beautotious" as my ol' Uncle Clifford used to say ! I know what you mean about the haggling---Stan was so good at it and I'm sure Jack is, too. However, it made me nervous just to listen to it !

Mema Jo said...

Good red Friday late morning to all ♥

Finally found the image of the dog on the trunk

Sandi - Thankful for Brian's safe journey. Do you keep in touch with Lynnis when Brian is gone - is her family near by in WV?

Sandi - could we just have a pic of the back of your head - new color should be quite visible.

Thanks Margy on links to Mason's mom. Megan had also posted it over on FB. Sylvia does have her scheduled filled with her son's needs. As far as closing her business - Megan hit it on the head when Wanda mentioned about having adequate help with the catering - Megan said: Sylvia has help but she is the main person, and that's what people want. I respect her decision and understand it completely.
Family is family! God Bless them.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I sure hope your back feels better this morning. Happy hunting and buying your new trailer. The pics you posted were really great.

magpie said...

Righto, Jo....10-4 on all counts, regarding Mason and his family...
THANKS.. for printing what Megan posted....
I always appreciate all the extra information from these many sources...from all my friends here...

Have fun Lolly
I'll check out the pictures a little later....
JudyE, cute avatar of Jordyn

And always loving Lynne2's Charley Harper avatars !!!

going to a gal pal's friend's in a little while to watch a movie...

Best Wishes Every One! for a good day


magpie said...

LOL the dog image on the tree bark reminded me of Saint Bernard earlier, now,
more like a little Yorkie :)

ttfn xo

JudyEddy said...

Its is 80° going to the park after I pick up Jordyn Just finished loading the Christmas stuff in back of truck it is full I told Ashley she could take home in a couple of trips if needed Doesn't hurt in back of truck

stronghunter said...

80 degrees

Oh, good grief, Judy!

The dog image on the tree trunk has changed as the trunk has dried.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the link, Margy. Hoping that the change will help Mason and his family.

Judie said...

Still raining and foggy here. Such a dreary day.

MT nest

Got a couple of house chores done. Having shrimp stir fry tonight.

Headed to a basketball game tomorrow afternoon. First of the season. Too many conflicts. Now almost to the conference playoffs.

Hoping the change will be good for Mason and his family. They have traveled a long and difficult road.

Nice to know that Brian has arrived safely.

What a mess in the Charleston area. Water contamination. Hope that gets resolved quickly.

Oh, been meaning to ask. Lynne2 and Steve moving? If so, hope it goes smoothly.


Kay said...

LYNNE2, can you give your job description and STEVE's for work and life at the Kennels along with the link showing your new home and surroundings ? JUDIE came back to us after we learned of your great news ! So glad you're moving away from that horrible neighbor upstairs !

Hoda said...

Very good day here.
Much enjoyed yoga and visiting and volunteering.
The bank wanted me to go in and so I went today and they looked after the GIC that I have coming due this month and I signed a lot of papers, said thank you and left.
Seems delightful that everyone continues to be friendly and helpful.

Hoda said...

Congratulations to LOLLY & JACK.

Feeling happy for you and a trip to Canada to show it off sounds terrific!!'

stronghunter said...

Shrimp--sounds great, Judie! Enjoy the basketball game. Hope your team wins.

Really nice trailer, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Shrimp--sounds great, Judie! Enjoy the basketball game. Hope your team wins.

Really nice trailer, Lolly.

Lolly said...

We are going to get there again sometime, Hoda!!

Yes, we bought the trailer I showed you pictures of. We did find more trailers that we liked that were outside the convention center. Did not see them yesterday. Also, took in the consideration of getting a trailer that also has bunk beds. Boys would have liked that. However, the trailer is basically for us and our comfort. This one we just kept going back to. Love the kitchen as there is lots of counter top!!

Mema Jo said...

We just returned home from son's where we enjoyed pizzas with the family. Drizzling rain and some fog.

This week has gone by pretty fast.
I'm glad I did get to see our Royal Couple the one time with dinner in the nest.

Going to check TV schedule for the evening - I know 7:30 Jeopardy time.

Hoda said...

That is a promise I will hold you both to LOLLY & JACK.
Safe travels and best wishes as you make new adventures.

My email server is down!!! Issues in two provinces they tell me.

Off to skiing all morning tomorrow. Really looking forward to it.
Can not decide if I will do an Après Ski Yoga or if I will go to infrared sauna or both!!!
I might just come back and sleep.
Sunday I have yoga from 10:00- 4:30!
Busy weekend coming up!!!

Lori O. said...

Hoda, you're so exotic! Do the ski yoga - you can do infrared sauna anytime, I think. How fun!

Sandi, so happy to hear that Brian is safely in Yemen. I know you hate having your picture taken, but there are so many here who would love to see you. ♥

Lolly, Wishing you and Jack many exciting destinations in your lovely, new trailer. Thanks for the pictures!

Judie, any great shows at the Kennedy Center you're going to attend this weekend?

Kay, so happy that you and Seth will be getting together again this weekend. Suck up all his time that you can before he gets a girlfriend and a family! LOL

Had a great day at clinical today. I got to discharge (remove) a catheter for the first time!

I have no great plans for the weekend - bet you cannot guess what I'm doing! Yes. Homework. Still awaiting the grade on that behemoth report I did; however, I did get a smaller report/project back that I did for the same teacher, and I was NOT happy with that grade. I'm kind of nervous about it.

It was 38 here today and it felt so warm. So glad to have that fierce cold weather gone.

Lynne2 said...

knock knock

Lori O. said...

who's there?

Lori O. said...

Perhaps, I should have said, sorry, I don't open the door for strangers.

What are you up to, Lynne2?

Lynne2 said...

OH SANDI.....where art thou photograph of thy new do??

Kay, I will still have my own job at the vet, and Steve will be taking care of the grounds and farm animals. We are moving the big stuff Sunday morning and will begin living there then! We had to pay the rent here for ALL of January, so there might still be some odds and ends, then we have to clean.

Here is a link to the VERY outdated website...the apartment is over the kennel. Home Sweet Home

I will take more pictures once we move in.

Judie said...

Am headed to the pillows.

Sandperson is packing his satchel of sleepy dust. Will be starting rounds at llpm.

The night light will be on. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Lori, I am UP TO my BUTT in boxes! Had to stop to eat.

JudyEddy said...

JANET the pups are in a metal crate They didn't get out today Carl put two sort of locks top and bottom so they couldn't get out But the funny thing is that there are other doors on it and they don't attempt them only the one that they go in and out of
Hand a nice afternoon at the park was sooo pretty and warm Lots of kids from Jordyn school She loves it when that happens made plans to meet next Thur with some of the parents

JudyEddy said...

Lost the live feed and won't come back

Mema Jo said...

Rainy evening but not cold cold

Blue Bloods is over - time to get
ready for sleep

So good to have Judie here with us ♥

Do eat, Lynne - those boxes won't walk away from you! This is a very happy day for you and Steve ♥

Goodnight to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all from Rehoboth!

Larry settled on his house yesterday..all wentg well. So here is here at his beach house..and I am here til Sunday.

Unfortunately, Larry didn't get the memo about not falling. He slipped on the ice the other day...and has a swollen calf amd ankle...I am afraid he has torn something. I'll be lucky if I can get him to see a doctor anytime soon...he is a hardhead. So we will have a quiet weekend.

Will check in later over the weekend.

SED love and hugs for all. <3

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Sorry LARRY did not get the meme about no falling!
In all fairness easy to do on ice!!!
Getting it checked is a good idea. Good luck with that PAULA.

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lolly said...

So, Larry did not follow the rules. Must be something about the name. My brother, Larry, never follows the rules!!

Sorry, Paula.

Fell asleep in my chair this evening. Now time to head to bed. Thinking my back may be a little better this evening. Muscle relaxers may be doing there job.

Tomorrow afternoon Laurel and the boys come and spend the night. Ribs for dinner...boys request. Laurel is bringing a birthday dessert. ☺

Night all! Will have dreams about moving into our new trailer. LOL


PS Thinking of Lynne and Steve and their move. Wish we lived closer to help out!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Rainy here but already in the 50s.

Can't get the live cam page to load this morning. I have the still image up and the nest is MT.

Lynne, will be thinking of you and Steve moving all those boxes and pieces of furniture this weekend with big smiles on your faces!! What a great break for 2 well-deserving people!!

Lolly, congrats on the new trailer - it looks lovely. May you have many wonderful roadtrips together in it! Will you christen it with champagne? Do trailers get named like boats do?

Paula, congrats to Larry on FINALLY settling on his other house. Now he can REALLY be a full time beach bum!! Sorry to hear about the fall. If he won't go to the doctor, remember R.I.C.E. Will he be willing to do those 4 things at least???

Here's the story on my hair photo. If Denny takes a photo that's far enough away that you can't see every line and wrinkle on my face, you can't see the new colors in my hair - they're subtle but there. If I take a selfie that's close enough for you to see the colors, you can also see every line and wrinkle on my face. (Note - selfies are only for the young IMO!) So, until and unless I can figure out a way to photograph just the hair, not the face, you will not see my new hair color. Sorry.

Today I write that IEP - cannot stall any longer (I feel like Lori with her school paper).

Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I also same as last night can't get the live feed up

JudyEddy said...

It is 71° out now

JudyEddy said...

MT nest on still cam

time to go to work YUK

Mema Jo said...

Good rainy morning to all ♥
It is also quite cold when I opened the door - 1 little squirrel up under the roof of the feeder eating away ♥

No Live feed - 'The selected item is not currently available' Still cam is up and the doggie in the trunk is visible ♥ It is wet and you can see the fog around the tree.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I suggested a close up of the back of you head - no face captured. However, I can take your word for it that your hair looks very attractive!

Judy - I hope your day goes quickly for you - 1st day back to work is usually a bummer until you get there and get started. Glad you had so much time with Jordyn.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Like all of you, I hope the live cam will be rebooted soon.

LYNNE2, thank you for posting the link showing off your wonderful new digs ! I wanted it for JUDIE as she's been puzzled by moving references a couple of times. I see she was saying night-night at the same time you were posting. So she Poofed !

JUDIE, back pedal to Friday night @ 8/23 p.m. to see where LYNNE and STEVE will be working and having fun as of tomorrow !

SANDI, we already know what you look like thanks to the blog and to your having been at the last Momster gathering. And, I might add, you are very attractive ! However, like JO said, we can take your word for the fact that red highlights have pleased you and those lucky enough to see you daily ! ☺

LORI, did ja' ever think you'd get such a thrill out of discharging a catheter ? Life is full of surprises, isn't it ? Thinking of you as you study hard today !

PAULA, so sorry Larry took a tumble. Hope you can get him to an urgent care today, but I have known stubborn men and they are sometimes a PIA !!!

HODA, looking forward to a ski report later today and hoping you kept the "no fall" rule in mind.

LOLLY, so glad you and JACK opted for the trailer you showed us. Looks ideal !! Hmmmm, ribs ! Have fun with the kids today !

Our morning is rainy, too, but it's to clear out by afternoon. The ground is so soggy from the snow melt and rain.

Oh, SANDI, did I miss a comment about your new TV table and how you like it ? Do tell.

Lori O. said...

Good warm, rainy morning!

Snow is melting fast, though it was a little precarious with ice earlier. Supposed to go up to 50 today! What a contrast to earlier this week.

Paula, is Larry going to live at the beach full-time now? Sorry about his fall. How far apart are your houses there?

Sandi, I know I've seen RICE before, but can't remember what it stands for.

Wonder what's up with the live cam, or should I say, wonder why the live cam isn't up?

Lolly, when will you take delivery of the new trailer? Have fun at the sleepover with Laurel and the boys!

Lynne2, best wishes to you and Steve in your new home. I know moving is a drag, but you're probably still excited. So happy for you two!

Hoping all the rain today will wash all the salt, cinders and black gunk off my car. It's filthy!

Love to all, light and big, gigantic ((((((HUGS)))))!

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

LORI, I think R.I.C.E. stands for:

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

Used as a sports medicine reference and you'll find it useful as the nurse extraordinaire` your are destined to be !

Sandi said...

Lori, RICE = Rest + Ice + Compression + Elevation. Guess you haven't gotten to that chapter yet in your nursing book! I know it b/c of tennis injuries. It works!

Kay, I posted a photo of the new TV console on the Momster chat page on FB. Will add the photo to my blog as well for you non-Facebookers.

BTW, I did try just taking a photo of the back of my hair in the bathroom mirror. The red highlights didn't show up - again, they are subtle and only look red in certain light. So you'll just have to take my word for it that the hair looks good!

Lori O. said...

KAY, no I didn't think I'd ever get so excited over
a catheter! Felt funny to write it but
knew you all would understand.

Yes, lots of studying today - two tests (in Nutrition and IV meds & administration), plus two projects/presentations one on Elderly Nutrition, another on Infant Growth & Development 0 - 12 months.

Anyone have any great ideas for
a visual presentation for my
poster boards for the
infant growth & development?

Having a hard time with that one, and know so many of you are super creative! All suggestions appreciated!

Kay said...

My delete--double post.

Lori O. said...

Sandi, glad Kay asked about your TV console...I was thinking the same thing.

Do you like it? Hope this one works for you!

Kay said...

SANDI, that is a beautiful TV table and I like all the storage below. MARGY and I thank you--I think we're the only hard headed FB hold outs here. And what did I say about stubborn men ? Guess you can call us PIA's, too, and we'll grin with understanding, huh, MARGY ?

Judie said...

Good rainy morning.

Lynne2, happy moving this weekend. Sounds as if you two have found a wonderful location. Jo is correct, those boxes won't walk away.

Lolly, enjoy your Laurel and boys time. Have fun. Congrats on the new travel abode.

Sandi, try holding a kitchen pan in front of your face. lol

Thinking about how clever studmuffins can be. Studmuffin Larry falls down goes boom. Studmuffin Larry needs care and attention. Studmuffin Larry gets gentle messages by Paula. Nice way to spend a rainy day.

Hi to Mr. Studmuffin and hope he heals quickly.

Off to get some coffee. Then some errands on the way to the game.

Wishing all a happy day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thundering and pouring rain here. Very dreary day. I got coffee and crawled back into my cozy bed.

Thinking of Lynne and Steve and their move to the new digs today. Hope it isn't pouring there.

Kay said...

LORI, you already know I haven't a creative bone in my bod, but you set me to wondering. Do you need to cover physical, brain, social development for the span of 0-12 months ? That first year is an amazing thing with something new each and every day !

stronghunter said...

I hear Kathryn downstairs. She and Hunter were out late last night.

Judie said...

Lori, if you can use prenatal development, it might be interesting to consider response to light and/or sound before birth or moving lights or colors for visual tracking just weeks after birth or look at a text on human development for some ideas.

Pouring rain here too, Shirley. Stay cozy.

I, too, am a FB holdout.


Hoda said...


SANDI nice on TV console set up. Congratulations and enjoy watching. It looks good.
As to hair get Dennis to take the picture of the back of your hair. Glare off mirror would interfere with the highlights. LYDIA has a picture on Facebook of her back showing a Christmas top. Hair looks good.

Got it thanks.

magpie said...

Good Foggy Morning, Eagle Pals...

foggy hereabouts anyway, we got a lot of rain last night...but no raining here in Martinsburg...yet

Sandi! thank you for posting the TV Console picture, yes...Kay, Judie and I are very appreciative of all the extra care given to us non-Facebookers.....
Kay, PIA's ? Us.. Really? LOL!


magpie said...

Best wishes to you Lori...I am pretty much zilch on creativeness too...but I knew that.. and see that Judie has already...given you an idea or two...you will get more !

magpie said...


I am lovin' the Ellis Express...
a cousin to the Eagle Express perhaps??

Yes, it needs a name, as Sandi asked....

Have fun with the Sleepover and another Birthday event....hmmm, dessert..tell us more when you can!

magpie said...

I sure do see that doggie on the tree bark again, Jo !!

Too cute !! Hope Shirley sees it again also

magpie said...

Paula...sure hope Larry agrees to get treatment for the ankle and foot if needed...it could only get worse if there IS a serious problem...

He must be able to keep up with you, tell him that !

Happy Week-end for the Two of you,
Nick....and...is his dog there too?
(sorry I forget the name...)

magpie said...

foggy for sure at Blackwater....
Saw an eagle on the nest and one on the platform when I first looked....none at either now though

magpie said...

I'm sure your hair looks beauteous....you describe it well....
those wrinkles, well, um, a lot of us have them too!
Some of them are Laugh lines for sure...they smooth out
when we smile [sometimes] ..
I practice that in the mirror :)

But I support your position
I just wish we could we could just plain old see you in person !

magpie said...

And to all Momsters and Dadsters and to your families and pets:

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day ...work, play, study, and so on like that...

off to haircut and color pretty soon...have to get outta the pajamas and into street clothes pretty soon


DanaMo said...

Good morning. I got an error and my message didn't post :(

Just hanging out on the couch reading Cross your Heart. Love me my James Patterson. I think I will stay until I finish.

Not much else going on this foggy Saturday morning.

Only got off the couch to check in and eat a cinnamon roll, yum :)

Kay said...

Aha, we have the start of a FHA Chapter !

Hello, I'm Kay and I'm a Facebook Holdout.

Hello, I'm Margy and I'm a Facebook Holdout.

Hello, I'm Judie and I'm a Facebook Holdout.

New members welcome !!!! We may even serve Hoda brownies at our meetings, who knows ?

Kay said...


Sounds like you have a good plan for the day ! Hmmmmm, a cinnamon roll--I remember how scrumptious those things are !

Kay said...

A favorite quote on wrinkles.

I love my grey hair and wrinkles. I love the fact that my face has more of an edge and more character than it did when I was in my twenties and thirties. No Botox for me.
George Clooney

I agree with The Hunk. ☺

Lynne2 said...

I think it should be named the Hawkwood Flyer!

Hello all, taking a small break. Yes it is POURING but the furniture doesn't go til tomorrow morning and the rain will be gone, and much of our stuff has already been moved in the car over the past week. And we have til the end of the month to be out, so all is good.

Lynne2 said...

fine lines and wrinkles, gray hair, I earned them, every one! And, it's not like people who know me and see me don't know they are there!

Mema Jo said...

Kay - I will do my best to convert each and everyone in your FHA club
You truly don't know what wonderful things you are missing... Does Julie and Seth have accounts. I am quite a newby with a computer - but I really enjoy my FB account - The best thing is I see my children and grandkids and can keep up-to-date with their lives. Also I would be lost without all my friends' photos and comments. I'll always be a Momster on this blog but I can add the FB also as a favorite.
The FB system can be as private as you want it to be mainly because your friends. I do respect your club but I hate that you are missing so much. ♥ BBL

Lolly said...


No, have never named the trailer, just called it our very nice tent. Lynne I like your suggestion. Will tell the jubby. LOL Ellis Express is good too. Y'all are funny!

So,Lynne, if you move furniture tomorrow, will tomorrow be your first night there?

We go Monday to the dealer, then we take them our present trailer after we have emptied it. They are going to change over our load leveler and install a power jack. All of this they included in the price at our request. We also get the TV they installed for the show. So, not sure when we get it but probably sometime next week.

Kay, you are so creative. FB holdouts indeed! You know, you can have a fb account and just have us as your friends, just to see and chat with us on the private messaging. Do not use your real name, then only the folks you want to know will know what it is. People can not search you out. Laurel suggested "wood worker" for Jack, but he bailed out!

Mema Jo said...

Incidentally - there was an eagle visit around 8:13am... Eagle Cam on FB has 2 really good pics of Belle.

Lori O. said...

Thanks Jo, for passing along the info that Belle was in the nest this morning. Love knowing that.

Margy, how did your hair turn out?

Judie, Kay, I have to cover everything in this infant growth & development report. Thanks for the suggestions.

Janet, hoping you will weigh in with a suggestion for my report.

My best idea is making it the 12 months of a babies life, visually and vocally put together as a made up song, like the 12 Days of Christmas. It always helps if you can give everyone a way to remember the info, so I thought I'd take the highlight of 1 month and use, breastfeeding. So it would be "In the first month of baby's life, my baby gave to me, lots of breast pumping ....In the second month of baby's life my baby gave to me, his head held up and a lot of breast pumping..."

So much to do. Loving the warm temp today!

Kay said...

Fantastic idea, Lori ! Love your "Twelve Months of Baby" idea !

I do appreciate the suggestions and feelings of you FBers. Julie and I are the family holdouts, though son, Lee, grew tired of it and has dropped it. Seth and Eileen catch me up on family pics I'm interested in and I have friends and family trained to e-mail whatever I might like. I spend way too much time in this seat as it is---what with this blog, other eagle/bird/animal watching, e-mail, four newspapers a day and research that occurs to me. Recently bought into Lumosity training and try to visit Sporcle and to do two jigsaw puzzles on line a day. FB would be overload and I've lived a good long time without it, so, Hello, I'm Kay and I'm a Facebook Holdout ! ☺

Kay said...

We have new neighbors in the building behind mine--I've seen their cars with WV plates, but had not seen them til' today. I just about dropped my teeth as they were arriving when Penny and I left for a walk. I would have sworn I was looking at SHAR's son and daughter-in-law had they not had darker hair then theirs ! Just got a quick hi and the usual big grin for Penny so will hope to meet them another time.

Sandi said...

Kay, talk to me about Lumosity - I have seen the commercials. Wonder if it would be a good thing to suggest for my mom. Is it expensive to join? Do you think it's helping with exercising your brain? I would love to hear more!

Lori, love your 12 months of baby idea. You could have a lot of fun creating that song!

Kay said...

Oh, and another thing on FB, for me. I understand I can opt for private messaging and my friends and old comrades out there don't worry me. What does, is the fact that several times a year there is a new FB expose` on what the head honchos there have done or can do with your info. They are the ones I don't trust whether I'm out in the open or on the private system. From what I've understood it is almost impossible to get off once on or to erase, or have erased, anything objectionable. Am I all wet ?

Sandi said...

Kay, ♫ I love you just the way you are!! ♫ Facebooker or Facebookless! :)

Kay said...

SANDI, I joined up a couple of weeks ago after seeing Lumosity featured on PBS News Hour. I only joined a couple of weeks ago, to the tune of 70 dollars for a year's subscription. 3-5 days a week you have four or five, "games" to play. Tests of skills, vocabulary, reaction speed, ability to think of two things at once, mathmatics (ugh), cognitive skills like remembering shapes, mazes.... I am gaining in my scores and they keep adding new games of skill so it doesn't get old. There is even one that features eagles ! Maybe too early to start touting it to all, but it's worth a look at Lumosity.com. You can go in, and play some games before deciding on membership. There is a reduced price for a family plan if anyone wants to join your mother there. I haven't even told my kids what I'm doing yet---I want to see if I think there are good results---hate to have them think I'm a pushover and wasting money !

Kay said...

Oh, and SANDI, if you join, you do tell them a bit about yourself, age, sleeping, eating and exercising habits. Supposedly they design a program of games and tests that fit your profile. I have no idea if that's true or if they give the same ones to all. They ask occasional questions about your hours of sleep the night before, your energy level and how the tests are making you feel. The in depth report I watched would indicate it's on the up and up and that many people are seeing great results.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all!

Rain holding off here for the most part .

Enjoying a lazy day for the most part. Getting Larry to at least rest and elevate :-)

We will head out for dinner later to Larry's favorite restaurant ..the Henlopen Oyster House in Rehoboth later...I will drive and can drop him off at the door so he can gimp inside :-)

He is laying on the sofa playing with the tablet I got him for Christmas...he is listening to radio stations thru the iheart app...pretty cool.

Sandigram ..I forgot to thank you for your suggestions on the tablets...I got him the nexus7 with the 32gig ..he loves it.

Kay said...

Aw ! I love you little song and sentiments, SANDI.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I see the doggie. Or is it a bear?

Kay said...

PAULA, sounds like the ideal day for an injured man and his sweet lady ! Topping it off at the Oyster House sounds like a great idea !

Kay said...

That little branch critter seems to change with the sunlight. It does look like a bear cub now. Turn your head slightly to the right and it looks like a lab. Yesterday there was one point when it looked like a terrier of some kind. Cute !

paula eagleholic said...

Larry's dog is Pepper

Lolly love the trailer...sounds like you haggled a great deal!

paula eagleholic said...

Larry can now spend more time at his beach place and my beach place..we are 1 1/2 hours apart.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori..great idea on the presentation

magpie said...

Pepper, that's IT! Thanks Paula...I'll try to remember that!

Sounds like a Marvy week-end for you and Larry . . . Enjoy !
Oh the dinner date sounds perfect!

You reap what you sow...you should have a marvelous harvest xo

magpie said...

Perfect idea you have...very original and creative....
Good Girl !!!

My do is done, cut a little, lightened to take 10 years off
- yeah, right! and curled a little with the salon curler....

magpie said...

Jo -
thanks for all the very good FB suggestions, from you and others...
I am just struggling too much right now with computer conditions,
TIME! - and although my younger nieces and nephews do a lot of FB-ing, my immediate siblings are
on email with me...
"Someday" - I would like to venture forth and enter the 21st Century...
maybe, when I retire...which probably won't occur for four more years

magpie said...

Thanks for the
Belle report, Jo !!

magpie said...

Lovin' your Brain Games venture, Kay...

I have a book of puzzles, riddles, for "Lateral Thinking" -
my scores are pretty

magpie said...


my success rate is pretty low, but I do have fun thinking about the answers!

okay, now, well I have this list for today....and I need to cross more things off of it

Whooo, Raining here, hard, on and off....

TTFN my friends....

magpie said...

If I had such a large and wonderful family as you...and as many here...
I would FIND the time to get connected, trust me....
I am glad you have this in your life....very joyful, I know...
okay 'bye


magpie said...

Hope it is temporary....
BWE and BWO (with two eagles on the platform)
is "Stuck"
at 3:24 pm

Sandi said...

OMG, I feel like Lori trudging through her paper last weekend with this IEP! I'm having so much trouble staying focused!!

Good to hear the positive feedback about Lumosity - will suggest that Mom try it for free. She's on her Kindle all the time anyway -I'm sure the games on Lumosity are better than Bejeweled Blitz or whatever it is that she plays a lot.

Paula, glad that you and Larry are happy with the Nexus7 - that would have been my choice if I was looking for a smaller tablet. Tell Larry he really should be icing that leg and an Ace bandage WOULD help with the swelling - I know from whence I speak!

I have 4 IEPs coming up in February and I'm struggling with writing just 1 in January! This does not bode well! Lord, give me strength! Going to get something loaded with sugar from the pantry! BBL!

magpie said...

Blackwater is back to normal, but
no birds in sight

Sandi...B R E A T H E...
I think you will do just fine!

Lori O. said...

Paula, sounds like a fun evening for you and Larry. Enjoy!

Hoping LOLLY and family have a great time with the sleepover tonight.

Sandi, I was thinking how unfocused I am feeling today then I read your post - so, I do indeed know how you're feeling today. URGH! Hope you found that sugar you were needing. :)

Margy, pics of your hair? :)

magpie said...

No, not yet, Lori...
just me, myself and I here tonight

No selfies :)

magpie said...

But I did just bake an unbaked frozen cherry pie for Lorraine, my neighbor...we'll have some dessert here in a bit

and I have some frozen cookie dough cookies baking, got to take advantage of already hot oven

oh dear.....sugars....
well, I'll take them to work I guess

magpie said...

Berries and
Cream cookies....from a school fundraiser

they are quite large

magpie said...

I'll probably have to sample one, just to make sure they are OK to share

SPLIT will arrive pretty soon, especially if I keep magpie-ing like this

magpie said...

maybe I can have Jewels snap a picture when we pass each other changing shifts, that will b

magpie said...

that will be in a few days
sorry, my fingers are pretty
much not working very well, hitting buttons I don't mean to hit !!

magpie said...

My other carpal tunnel surgery...for my right, dominant hand...is postponed until
Feb 21 - I really needed more time to get ready and a couple of other things going on around here and at work

magpie said...

skies are clearing
and fog is also rolling in

Sandi said...

Finished at last,
finished at last!
Thank God Almighty, I'm finished at last!
Think MLK, Jr. would be offended that I paraphrased his famous words?

On this gray, wet day, it should have been easy to focus on school work but it sure wasn't!

Now to think about something for dinner. UGGHH - the IEP was more fun than the thought of cooking!!


Lori O. said...

Congrats, SANDI! I know that feeling of joy of finally finishing that nagging project!

Live cam is still down.

Anyone else watching the still cam with me now?

Lori O. said...


Don't see any eagles in the nest yet, and I can't see that dog either.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and boy what a day went pretty fast for first day back Sat always busy and I almost got caught up I walked in and oh I see so many boo boo that no one else see or if they do they don't care but I fixed them and moved on to the next challenge for the day

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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...