Sunday, December 29, 2013


New thread.

Just got an email from the Outdoor Channel--they are working to get the live video feed online.


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JudyEddy said...

I know LORI I want to vent every time I see the nest WE ARE GONNA miss so much in the HFZ LOL I love that also HEY we could rent a bucket truck and have NU redo the cam that way no danger hanging from the crane

STEVE can we do that???

JudyEddy said...

I am watching both FL cams and our nest is MT right now so habby that they visited earlier today again Coming to the nest more often it seems

JudyEddy said...

the FL eagle are so pathetic looking all wet its been raining all day

JudyEddy said...

Well looks like I did the SPLIT while being a BLOG HOG lol talking to myself as always LOL

JudyEddy said...

sure am glad the MCDS brought back the free WIFI here and I can get caught up reading during the day It really saves my neck

JERRY great seeing you back on the blog I don't even try to bring up the live cam on this lap top I keep getting Flash Player has crashed or not responding or not able to load Now I can view the other cams but when I pring up the live feed it crashes all the others I have up so I will be habby to just watch the still on this lap to

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

OK gonna say bye since I have ran off at the mouth for a bit LOL see you at home after work

magpie said...

Happy New Year to Everyone
now in the daylight

Judie: I can sort of get the live feed, but I really need to get the desktop computer rolling again...

can't get the live feed here from work

Did I say Happy New Year, well I say it again!

I'm at work until 1800...

Take Care, Stay Safe, Keep Welcoming and Thanking those Guardian Angels in our Lives

xoxox (( ☺♥ ))

magpie said...

Just a suggestion:
When I burn candles, which is pretty rare these days...they are in their original container, usually glass...or tin....then in a bowl or a pan, then sometimes that whole contraption is on cookie sheet or a pie plate....not very romantic but if anything should be safe...If I had cats, I would not feel safe to burn candles
"works for me:

Janet, ever so grateful you
escaped possible tragedy and bravo, for keeping those smoke detectors working....

magpie said...

Glad to hear that the EMS system was kind and friendly for Darth...and you....
as it should always be....

Jo, I got some of my calendars in place...

Work today is pretty quiet and generally peaceful

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Every One xo


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

both eagles

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey there Margie and Judie E I saw Judy E's post on facebook and hurried over to see the two eagles

JudyEddy said...

they were playing tug of stick now in the NHZ

Sandi said...

I see our eagles have arrived and are fighting over stick placement. I could actually see all of one of them but now they are both in the NHZ!

JudyEddy said...

still there can see a head on occasion I dislike the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I got a pic of the tug os stick

JudyEddy said...

night lite on

carolinabeachmom said...

It is too bad that they seem to be working on the egg cup up at 12 o'clock. Maybe if we all think about the cup movement at the same time, they will shift it a little towards the 6. :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

this time the live was a head of the still

Sandi said...

OK Candy, let's all try that!! I don't think the cam is going to get moved so we have nothing to lose. Oh, POOF!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, my dinner is ready, and it looks like the eagles have poofed or on the NZ. I'll check in later. Hey Shirley, it is good to see you on here.

Sandi said...

Janet, what a scare with the candle! Glad your smoke detectors were working!!

Paula, glad to hear that Nick ate breakfast - keep us posted on his progress.

Candy, good to see you on the blog - happy new year!

Time to fix food for people and pets. Downloaded Twelve Years a Slave to my kindle today - has anyone read it or been to see the movie? Hoping to start reading it after dinner so I may not be back tonight. School tomorrow for me - Lori, do you start back tomorrow?? How's the paper coming?


JudyEddy said...

Just got out of the shower and gonna head over to Angie for a two night sleep over Jordyn wants me to sleep in her playroom with her Angie said no Oma will sleep in your bed LOL
Will have my laptop with me the only thing is I can't grab pic NO SNIPPING tool on the laptop its a Window Starter 7
I can use Angie puter if they show up like I did last week silly me almost forgot

Lolly said...


Eagle Cam

paula eagleholic said...

Sandinista..have not read or seen that yet.

Nick seems much better today. I gave him another dose or ear meds last night..Will continue for a few more days and see if that's it. My neighbor got out his tractor and graded the road yesterday turns into a dirt road right in front of my house. It left a big hole so I worked on filling that back in after we had our walk on the beach . Then he was out there again and we got to meet and talk. He pushed some more dirt back into it. I filled it with dirt and sand . Then i took a short drive to steal some rocks from a hunting road. Saw a heron..hawk ..kingfisher ...and the pair of eagles that I think belong to the nest across the marsh. One was in a tree near the nest and the second one flew in too. Hope that is a good sign for them using the nest.

Judye my eagle shot was thru the window and eagle was in the shade..but its not too bad.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi's New name...sorry stupid auto correct

Lolly said...

Paula, so very glad Nick is showing improvement. Keep us posted!

Lolly said...

Judie, yes Ash is our DIL Ashley.

Lolly said...

We worked in the yard. More leaves hauled to the burn pile, but no burning today. Too windy! Then I planted my tulips, just a week late for here in TX. They will do fine.

JudyEddy said...

PAULA don't let JUDIE know you stole rocks LOL remember she is connected with the police still

JudyEddy said...

headin out talk later or tomorrow

Janet said...

Good evening all.

You are right, we had some Ancient Ones looking out for us last night. Blessed Be.
I am so thankful.
Today I have spent cleaning up and cleaning out. Holiday decore is now stored away. Seems dark outside now….no lights up. Swept, mopped, dusted…threw away, put away, etc. It was like a spring day @ 51 this afternoon. I had windows open and letting the place air out. A cold front and wet cold weather is heading our way over night. Close the windows and kick the heat back on.
Back to work tomorrow.

Hope everyone has had a lovely day! 

Janet said...

Magpie: that' a great idea. That's why I burn them only on the stove top. it was in a metal was "natural non GMO product" candle.....with a wooden wick. it would have been fine had i done what i was supposed to do...blow itout and put the lid on before i went to bed. I am just so thankful the smoke detector was working!

Lynne2 said...



carolinabeachmom said...

Hey to you all; Margy, Lynne2, Paula,Janet,JudyE, Lolly, and Sandi. Just finished cleaning up the dishes and kitchen from my husband cooking the dinner. :( When he cooks, it is good, but he gets it all over the place! It sounds like you all had a bush schedule today.
JudyE have a fun time for your couple of nights sleepover.
PAULA, glad to hear that you are enjoying your home, but stealing rocks from a hunting rd. :O AND keep Nick improving.
LOLLY lucky you to be able to work out in your yard. Earlier it had been so warm here that some of our plants started to flower.
JANET, how lucky you are to have cleaned your house and got all your stuff put away. My husband still wants to keep ours up. :( He will probably want to do it when I get back to school on Monday.
YES, SANDI, I don't start back to school until Monday the 6th. We have had a nice long 2 weeks off. It has been blessed. I am really looking forward to retirement after this school year. There are 3 of us retiring out of my school alone.
Well, looks like the nest is MT, I guess their work is done for today.

stronghunter said...

Hmm, stealing rocks. I grabbed a handful of rocks out of Elvis' driveway when I was about 16. A friend wanted grass from his yard, but the yard was fenced.

JudyEddy said...

gotta tell you all a Jordyn story last night Jordyn woke up at 2 and asked Angie to get inh their bed well Angie being sleepy said yes and being no work or school She told Jordyn only one stuffed animal which would have been PoohBear well to find out she stuffed about 7 smaller stuffies tucked in poohbears shirt that she puts on it Its a large shirt that use to be hers when she was smaller so it will stretch to hold lots of stuffed animals I told angie she need to say NO stuffed animal If she wants to sleep with her animal and she should go back to bed LOL

Judie said...

Ah, thank you so much, Lolly. Have the link book marked now. My original was lost when the computer died.

Oh my, I hear what sounds like hundreds of police sirens. Seems the cops are hot on the trail of a rock thief somewhere over in MD. RUN PAULA RUN! RUN RUN RUN!

Have fun Judy with Angie, Jordyn, and the sleepover.

Hmmm, Sandinista. Nice.

Tomorrow is my day to begin the after-holiday cleanup. Shouldn't be too bad as we've scaled down drastically.

The night light is on. Restful sleep for all. Until tomorrow...

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

magpie said...

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

Nice to See Ya', good that
Candy was here with us also

Paula, happy to hear that Nick is seeming to be getting better....
sounds like some great birding AND rocking down your way

JudyE - enjoy your Staycation and time with family.
Regarding a Bucket Truck: they do not reach high enough...I think the tree and nest area is "some 80 feet" from the ground....

magpie said...

rocks from Elvis's yard, Shirley...
that's pretty neat....oh the bravery that goes with being a teenager back in the day

Janet said...

productive, delightful day at my roost. house cleaned (yes thankful for that) .... everyone safe and nails clipped. my nails "did" thinking bed time.

work tomorow.

loved the video lynee posted of the magpie playing.... amazing!

JUDYE: enjoy your staycation!
good night, SED to one and to all...I will see you on day two of this year. light, love, hugs, blessings and smiles to all....

magpie said...

Lynne Lynne Lynne

the Magpie Puppy clip is so funny, what an adventuresome Magpie....

Thank You :) !!

stronghunter said...

I was accompanied by my mother and my aunt on my Elvis project! :)

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

My double-post.

And another aunt told us how to find the house.

magpie said...

Busy busy day, allrighty, Janet...
a Whirling Dervish you are !
that was one of Hedgie-Lynn's fun expressions....

There are several amongst us, who qualify! [I am not one of them...
waaaaaah ! ]

My get up and go, has gotten up and gone now, friends

Prayers for Wellness and Joy....
weather might be making another
strong showing with the next few days

Take Care, Sleep Sweeeeetly, and

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Sounds like a real Family Project, Shirley !!

G'Night now....xoxo

stronghunter said...

Holly the Black Bear

stronghunter said...

Holly is a new bear at the North American Bear Center, the one Judie mentioned.

stronghunter said...

Had to have help from my Memphis connection, Margy.

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening
I am ready to close down for the day
I watched 2 good mysteries and really enjoyed them. Next week my new seasons for my favorite shows should begin.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all

paula eagleholic said...


stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. Take care and rest well. SED.

JudyEddy said...




Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening!

It's been a quiet day here for us.
Watched the Tournament of Roses Parade, and didn't do much else.

Had sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, and some frankfurters from an absolutely fabulous sausage company/German deli in nearby Orange. It's called Mattern's, and we love everything they make.

Paula, so glad to hear that Nick is eating once again! May he continue to improve!

Judie, it's so good to have you back! I hope you're enjoying your retirement, and that Darth is feeling well.

I enjoyed watching the Magpie and the pup playing too! Adorable!

Margy, I have to admit that my get-up-and-go got up and went, too! Time to say goodnight. Never fear, the security systems are enabled, and the porch light is on. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you! I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless Us All

It has been a good first day of the year.
I know gratitude.
Spent the day looking for areas where I can donate and volunteer.
I feel good about it.

I installed an app called buycott on my phone.
Walked around scanning things in the flat.
Except for my car, a Toyota, nothing else conflicts with my value system.
Buying local is important to me. I bought local but it is Japanese!!!

Happy Anniversary WANDA and the CAPTAIN

Lori O. said...

Good back to the real world Thursday morning everyone.

I've been having so many nights of almost no sleep. I go to bed, can't fall asleep and get all hot and sweaty, doze a few minutes then it's off and on dozing and sweating all night! Driving me crazy. I'll have to buy some extra diet Pepsi to stay awake in class today.

We have school today and tomorrow, then start up with clinicals again next week. A test and quiz today, and a final in Medication Administration tomorrow. Still NOT done with the paper. Will have to finish it this weekend while studying for the final. It is what it is, right!

Paula, hope you find out what is ailing Nick. Can't wait for you to find a good vet that you like over there.

Janet, glad you're safe. Close call with the candle and I supposed one you'll never forget.

Hoda, your new app sounds cool. Glad it's serving you well. Can't believe you were looking for more places to volunteer and serve. I thought you already had all of Nelson taken care of. You are truly Hoda-the-Amazing!!!

Judie, happy retirement! How exciting for you and Darth. Still thinking of moving to the homes you were looking at?

JudyE, hope your slumber party was fun. LOL. Adorable story about Jordyn and her stuffed animals in bed. :)

Time to study some and get ready for the day. I miss my holiday vacation already!

Supposed to be brutal cold, wind and snow here today, tonight and tomorrow. Wind chill tonight is -14, and down to -19 tomorrow daytime high! Crazy!

Warm thought of all of you and this second day of the new year.

Love you all, so much!

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori and all my eagle friends! It's me, Sandanista! Pauls, thanks, I really like the new name - think it would work as a substitute for Grandma???

Lynne, loved the magpie/puppy video. Didn't know magpies were that large! What a playful bird!

Judy enjoy your staycation and your Jordyn time.

Forecast is calling for rain here this afternoon but could change over to snow tonight and then it gets much colder tomorrow, though not nearly as cold as at Lori's place! BRRRR!!!

Have a great day all!

Sandi said...

OOh, happy anniversary Wanda and Gene!! Lobster for dinner tonight???

DanaMo said...

Good morning everyone!! Happy New Year!
Having my morning coffee and getting ready to go to school today. Professional development, no kids. Talk about boring...
Sandi...I need to know more about your snow candle. Where do I get one :)
Good luck on your test and quiz, I'm sure you will rock them both Lori!

DanaMo said...

Happy Anniversary Wanda and Gene!! Great picture over on Facebook.
Love Paula's picture of the eagle too!

Janet said...

Good morning!
Happy Anniversary WANDA and GENE!
Whirling Dervish. I rather like that nickname…. Hmmmm…..
LORI: no, it’s a lesson I don’t suppose I will forget. As I was smudging the house yesterday, Tom said okay Pyro, what you doing now? All I could do was laugh.
Yes, our HODA IS amazing. When I grow up I want to be like her…full of light, love and ENERGY!
Wet and chilly out right now, but temps dropping in a couple of hours….a light snow is forecast. We shall see.
It feels good to get up to a clean house in the morning. I love the feeling once the cleaning is done. Productive. I have determined I like to be productive.
Off to have a super day. Light, love, smiles, and hugs to each of you. For those of you in the path of this winter storm, be smart, be safe and warm. ((((Hugs)))) from me to you.

JudyEddy said...


I am up with dogs Not Jordyn she is still snoozing away The whole purpose of me staying over is so I wouldn't have to get up early That didn't work as soon as Carl and Angie left the dogs starting barking so I got up before they work Jordyn up

We think she is going through a growing spurt she has been sleeping more than normal

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Sleeping Beauty is still sleeping
I wonder if Prince Charming will ever show up LOL

JudyEddy said...

she is up said she had been playing in her room for a bit LOL

JudyEddy said...

gonna be a cold day tomorrow today will be in the upper 70s by tomorrow there will be a 30 degree difference Only will be upper 50s tomorrow in the 40 tonight BRRRR

JudyEddy said...

gonna be a cold day tomorrow today will be in the upper 70s by tomorrow there will be a 30 degree difference Only will be upper 50s tomorrow in the 40 tonight BRRRR

JudyEddy said...

but will only last a day then a little warmer with another cold front by MON

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!!

LOL, JUDY, a cold front to you is a warm spell to most of us ! Jordyn is a pistol and I know you're going to have a good day with her !

JUDIE, so good to have that night light operational again ! We had at least one fall during your hiatus--TBird took a fall down some stairs--she's okay, but ask SHAR what the fall entailed for her !

LORI, no fair to have to return to the grindstone already--they could have waited til the 6th like most schools do !

DANA, also no fair to put you teachers through such boredom during this vacation week. Bah-Humbug !

SANDINISTA, I'm not sure I like that since the word has negative connotations, but it offers up some alternatives---SANDIMAMA, SANDIGRAM, SANDIMOM......

Wishing WANDA and GENE the happiest of anniversaries. Their love is the shining example of wedded bliss !

SHIRLEY, good thing the statute of limitations has run out ! We'd hate to see you behind bars for the Rock Theft Mystery so widely reported in the news in the mid-1960's !

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!!

LOL, JUDY, a cold front to you is a warm spell to most of us ! Jordyn is a pistol and I know you're going to have a good day with her !

JUDIE, so good to have that night light operational again ! We had at least one fall during your hiatus--TBird took a fall down some stairs--she's okay, but ask SHAR what the fall entailed for her !

LORI, no fair to have to return to the grindstone already--they could have waited til the 6th like most schools do !

DANA, also no fair to put you teachers through such boredom during this vacation week. Bah-Humbug !

SANDINISTA, I'm not sure I like that since the word has negative connotations, but it offers up some alternatives---SANDIMAMA, SANDIGRAM, SANDIMOM......

Wishing WANDA and GENE the happiest of anniversaries. Their love is the shining example of wedded bliss !

SHIRLEY, good thing the statute of limitations has run out ! We'd hate to see you behind bars for the Rock Theft Mystery so widely reported in the news in the mid-1960's !

Kay said...

Wish I weren't looking at an MT nest right now, but happy there is no snow there.

We have a fresh couple of inches on the ground here with the temps to nosedive, even into the single digits for the next week. Hope it's angling northeast out of here rather than it's usual habit of following I70 right into nest range !

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Take a look at BWE to get an eagle fix - both eagles are on the osprey platform

Mema Jo said...

Calling for snow or rain later this afternoon - I vote for rain ♥

I need to read all comments from earlier - BRB

JudyEddy said...

JO You can always get a eagle fix with both Fl nest A adult is guaranteed to be in the nest because of the chicks

JudyEddy said...

sittin out side soooooo nice out

Mema Jo said...

Happy 55th Anniversary to
Capt Gene and Tiger - love you both and wishing for you to have many many more celebrations with lobster

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your Staycation Judie -
Hope you can tame down the doggies.

Kay said...

JO, I think it's JUDYE who is staycationing and contending with Jordyn's new pups. ☺

JudyEddy said...

dern it dern it Angie forgot to leave me a booste seat so we can't go to the park and enjoy our 78 degree
good thing she has a swingset in the backward

JudyEddy said...

backyard duh

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning all you in eagle land; Jo. JudyE, Kay, Janet, DanaMo, Sandi and Lori. May you all have a wonderful Thursday; not too much rain, not too much snow, and not too much warm weather. :) Anybody seen eagles in the nest this morning? Nothing there now.
I had wanted to go over to the beach today and feed the gulls, but it is sprinkling. At least it is not all that snow they are calling for in some of your neck of the woods. I might get over to the beach yet. I hardly ever get there even tho I live by it.

carolinabeachmom said...

78 in Fla, JudyE. It must be nice.
Have a nice day with your charges as long as you have that kind of weather. Someone should have good weather, I guess. :)

JudyEddy said...

NO EAGLE in the free zone Maybe in the NHZ but we would never know LOL I have the lap top outside May just get a tan lol

carolinabeachmom said...

Well guess I'll go over to Facebook and check on things over there. Have to go out to church choir practice tonight, so have to get on Facebook when I can. My husband is an avid farmer on Farmville. It is hard to get the computer. Was hoping that Santa would bring me my own laptop, but I guess I'll have to wait for my birthday now. It could be a retirement gift! :) I can't imagine my husband and I in the same house with only one computer on a full time basis. It might force me back to work. :(
JUDYE I will be looking for any call over from Facebook if you see anyone in the nest. You all have a great day! <3

Lolly said...

Goodorming! A bit chilly this morn. Saw 23 but it is up to 32 right now with bright sunshine!

We have been busy making reservations. We did get the cabin in Colorado for Thanksgiving. Now we are working on reservations for the campsites we want in Rocky Mt. Natl. Park! Going to be a year of trips! Yea!

Laurel goes back to school next Monday and the boys join her on Tuesday. We are lined up to boy sit. They are old enough to be alone for a couple of hours but not good for all day. They need to get out and play and we they are alone they have to stay in the house.

This afternoon heading to Glen Rose, about an hour away to see Blaine and family. They were going to come here but they said traveling with the boys was not good. (2 1/2) and 1 month. They are in Dallas this morn for consulting with the surgeon for Deacon. He will be a little older when they do the hand surgery,

Time for me to get moving. Have been reading a great book and it is hard to put down, Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult.

Lolly said...

It is 500 miles from McAllen where Blaine lives. The trip was not fun Jana said.

Lolly said...

Morning, Shirley!

Lolly said...

Whoops, I think the cam is down. Can anyone get it?

stronghunter said...

Had to post that comment while it was still morning. Looks like lots of people will be getting snow or has already gotten it. Just supposed to have a bit of snow and some rain here, but it is to get down to 22 degrees F, so it will be freezy.

Lolly said...

Ok, got it up now. Had to try several times.

stronghunter said...

I have the live cam, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Need to do some computer maintenance.

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! Hitting comment 500 - hoping for a fresh new thread before the day ends.......

MT nest

Mema Jo said...

Whoops - Kay, I did mean to type JUDY E on staycation...

Our sky is so ray and threatening
I sure hope it is rain and not snow
It's a shame that the nest is getting
so well prepared with the fluff for it to get drenched in rain

JudyEddy said...

it looks like snow flurries at the nest

Lolly said...

I see snow falling at the nest.

Lolly said...

You beat me to it, Judy!

JudyEddy said...

big flakes my lap top is charging and I just came from outside It started to rain
back out with Jordyn and the puppys

Lolly said...

It is already starting to accumulate.

JudyEddy said...

there is a accumulation of snow in the nest

Kay said...

Oh, dear, the nest is beginning to resemble this city where it is still snowing. It's getting deep and yet our crack snowplowers and sidewalk salters have not yet appeared. The condo dues are high, but it doesn't bring good service our way. Arrrggghhh. The local recycling co. was due to come down the street early this a.m. and no sign yet. The city doesn't get to side streets like mine for several days after such a snowstorm. Glad I can stay put except for taking Penny out several times before day's end.

JUDYE, you sure do need one of those booster seats for your truck. I'm sure you and Jordyn can find plenty to do without driving, but still....

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY great minds think alike don't ya know LOL
we got chased in my the rain storms a coming

Sandi said...

Checking in from school. Peeked at the nest and I see the snow piling up there. No liquid or frozen precipitation falling from the sky here in Sussex Co., DE. The radar is showing 2 systems moving from the south and travelling northeast. Problem is that one looks like it will stay east of us and the other will stay west of us, with us getting NADA in the middle! I have my snow candle burning!! Maybe the 2 weather systems will converge - fingers crossed!

Dana, get yourself a jar candle - fragrance doesn't matter, but it must be white! Write the words "SNOW CANDLE" on the outside of the candle and voila, you have a snow candle!

Will check in from home after my nail appointment. Later all!

Kay said...

LOL, SANDI and DANA---finally a craft I can handle !

JudyEddy said...

the poor NEFL eagle is so soaked

JudyEddy said...

Kay I did buy a seat for my truck but when Carl started picking her up in the afternoon Angie asked if she could use it since I only used it one day a week and he needed it 5 days it made sense instead of spending another 20-25 for one. /She was to make sure I got the seat we would usually do lunch and I would just get the one she used in the morning to take Jordyn to school
\Angie has decided just to buuy another one

JudyEddy said...

snow look deeper now DANAMO sait it wasn't sticking where she was

JudyEddy said...

said not sait RKS again

JudyEddy said...

looks like it stopped snowing now

Kay said...

JUDYE, that's good, one booster seat per vehicle---an expense, but it saves everyone trying to remember to move one. Romeo or Juliet is getting soaked, but thankfully eagles have good water repellent feathers ! Those trees look exactly like those around the condo I once had in Tarpon Springs. Brings back memories, but I wouldn't go back for the world !

stronghunter said...

Well, my goodness, the nest is snow-covered.

I walked Luna a few minutes ago and saw 5 snowflakes. We're now getting some ice pellets, but it is not below freezing here.

Judie said...

Good afternoon to all.

Thanks to Lolly, I was able to see the nest up close and personal and do not like the sight of collecting snowflakes. I know, Judy can get a discount on a space heater, ship it to Wanda, and Capt. Gene place in the tree. Well, yes, it would require an exceptionally long electrical cord. Oh well. Sigh.

Well, the nice lady came this morning to help make the abode clean and I assisted by catching up on laundry and packing up the holiday decorations. Outside stuff will have to wait. Weather is dreary with a "snow" sky and dropping temperatures.

So, Jordyn has puppies? As Judy would say: "cool beans."

Jo, had cardinals this morning. Two males and two females. So pretty.

Wishing a good consult for Deacon. I have no doubt the surgery will be a complete success.

Wonder if Lori finished her paper? Hope so.

Okay, off to the dryer and then to contemplate dinner. Might try to recreate a portabella (sp) sandwich I saw on The Chew.


Lolly said...

We are leaving in an hour. Talked with Blaine and all went well. The fingers are connected with soft tissue. The surgeon sees him again in 6 months and surgery will be in a year. All is good! If it had been bone they would have done surgery right away but that is not the case.

Mema Jo said...

The ground is white and the snow which started at 2:15 is still coming down hard here in my valley.

Nest is winter white. I wonder if
we will get our dusk visit.

No sign of snow at BWE and one eagle is on the Osprey platform.

Janet said...

Good afternoon everyone!
Went to work this morning @ 7:15 and it was 44 degrees, quite spring like. I left work @ 2:15 and it was 28. Quite a change. Saw a snow shower move thru between clients….was pretty while it lasted. Now its just cold.

JUDYE: your idea of a cold front is very Floridian. 

Work was good.
Nothing much to report, just a quiet afternoon.

Janet said...

Good afternoon everyone!
Went to work this morning @ 7:15 and it was 44 degrees, quite spring like. I left work @ 2:15 and it was 28. Quite a change. Saw a snow shower move thru between clients….was pretty while it lasted. Now its just cold.

JUDYE: your idea of a cold front is very Floridian. 

Work was good.
Nothing much to report, just a quiet afternoon.

Kay said...

No sign of tracks in the snowy nest. We've seen our eagles cope with snow when it falls after they've prepped the nest or when they're keeping eggs warm and turned. I wonder if they find shelter during times like this ?

LOLLY and JACK are now on their way to see Blain and family. How nice. Prayers are them all as they wait for the baby to get a little older before having that surgery.

magpie said...

The nest looks like a Bowl of Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream....!

We've been really busy at work...beau coups of mostly minor accidents :(

Hope to leave "pretty soon"

You all take care !!


Mema Jo said...

Janet - you are telling us that you will get a tat for your birthday -

Hoda said she got one for her 65th birthday - I must have missed that conversation on here.

Someone fill me in!

Hoda said...

It was snowing now it is raining
Yet I hear no snoring.

MARGY Beaucoup one word meaning a lot.
Beau Coup= good shot usually used as an expression
reussir un beau coup= to make a killing.

Sorry there were Beaucoup d'accidents...
Safe drive home.

Hoda said...

Love you.
I only told a few people.
It is a pink lotus.
A beautiful and meaningful symbol in my life.
A lotus grows through mud and climbs up through darkness and surfaces without a blemish. An affirmation and a life lesson for me.
Always rise above. We have a choice. We always have a choice to go from darkness to light

NatureNut said...

Evening, EagleBuds!
So far we have cold drizzle, but the salt trucks are moving up the road from our county Trans. Dept. down the street.
Just got a very informative letter about the wind farm/eagle situation that I fwded to Momsters @Yahoo. It's from the Audubon Society and explains all the cooperative work they've done w/areas to keep these windmills away from eagle habitat. This is in answer to the stooopid 30 yr. contract that just passed between Gov't & installers. We can help!
Hope all in nest area don't get iced in too bad. I have Dr. appt. in AM, so I better be able to get there! This is follow up for my TX ear situation. Regardless of horse penicillin pills, I'm not much better. Can't even hear the phone----everything clogged.
Been enjoying reading about the wonders at Payula's Paradise!!
Hope Lolly and Jack have a good trip.(Did you need the submarine???)

NatureNut said...

Quick, before hopefully lobster dinner, goota say, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, WANDA AND GENE!!!!!
Two of our BEST Momsters and Dadsters!!!

Yum, yum, I could sure use that meal---can't wait to be out of the house!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the information Hoda
Lotus flower is very beautiful and now very meaningful.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I have a dr visit for tomorrow but not until 2:30. Hope I can make it but no big deal like yours if I should cancel... Mine is
for my foot dr. Sure hope your ears
and hearing clears up. ♥

Lori O. said...

HODA? A Tattoo? Knock me over with a feather, or a beautiful pink lotus! Of course, you would do it classy, Hoda.

Some big birthdays coming up soon on this exciting Janet, and LOLLY!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Wanda and Capt. Father Gene. You two have a marriage to be admired. Glad I've been able to be with you two at the Momster gatherings.

KAY, I agree about Sandanista, not a good connection there. How about Gram-aSan, with a little Asian influence. Cute.

Okay, I'm going out to check on the cats in this brutal weather -- going down to 14 below wind chill overnight -- tomorrow's high is 0 and an even colder windchill at 19 below. The snow will be blowing and likely school will be delayed. Hope so! Like Sandi, when she gets a fog delay!

Love you all - checking the cats, studying for a midterm tomorrow then to bed.

Love you all so much! Big Goodnight ((((HUGS))))

Kay said...

LORETTA, thanks for the mailing. Hope we do help ! Prayers for your clogged system---hope the doc there can do something pronto !

I'm shutting down for the day--have had e-mails flying between Eileen in MI, her kids in CO, my son in NJ and Julie and me here in OH. Planning a week in June with me, Eileen and the 2 "kids" enjoying beautiful CO, for sure. Lee may join us for all or part of the time. Julie is going to teach Summer Semester, so she's going to have Penny. We were all so disappointed that she couldn't make the trip, too !

Love and prayers for all in need !!!


Hoda said...

Well Avalanche warnings all over the province!
Highways being closed prior in some areas and they are saying to stay off the road. Almost 20 inches predicted and on top of frozen rain makes things a nut treacherous.
Glad schools start on Monday which will bring people back to regular routines. Thinking if those headed home. Over Christmas we had folks from Mass, Maine, Vermont, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Someone from Virginia prior to Christmas!

Stay safe all back east too. News is not too good for your weather either!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hello, Everyone,

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, WANDA AND CAPT. GENE!!! Hope your day is simply the BEST!

Have been straightening up the house today, and took a nice panda nap with Emma. Need to catch up on sleep.

Ken just got home from work, so need to go spend some time catching up with him. Will try to get back here tonight. HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!

Janet said...

Well human and critters are all fed. Shower is done. Eyeore jammies (my favorites!) donned. AHHHHH~~
Yes, Mema Jo, I am getting a third tat for my birthday present to me. It will be on my back, rather large. Hard to describe. I will have to post a pix of it on my blog. Tom is set to take pix. I have a small tat (a fairy) on my right thigh (my first 11 years ago), I have the Goddess Isis on my lower back, and now my third, and I think final one….
Each tat has a meaning for me. I love Hoda’s tat and its meaning for her.

It is cold out. All humans and critters are snuggled warm and inside. So thankful to have a warm nice home. Thinking of those who do not, especially since the next few days temps are going straight down. Monday’s high is supposed to be 15.
Winter has indeed found us.

Janet said...

okay, pix of my soon to be new tat on my blog page.

Lori O. said...

Good night everyone.


Stay safe and warm.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all !

Raining in paradise ...they have upped our snow prediction to 1-2"...

Happy to report Nick is back to 100%...will keep up with the ear meds for a couple more days .

Have to get caught up...

Hoda said...

Lovely Janet.
Significant and symbolic.
Take a picture of the one Saturday.
Looking to see the colours and the details...
Blessed Be

Hoda said...

So very happy to hear PAULA!

Goodnight LORI.

Looking to hear from LOLLY. Glad baby is alright for today.
Amazing what medicine can do.

magpie said...

Good Evening, Eagle Pals... a very appropriate name for this storm...
Wowser, lots and lots of folks affected....
Thanks for the French lesson and correction, Hoda...
Let's say, we were busy with lots of accidents, including an ambulance roll over, on the way to a injuries, but ambulance got some boo-boos

Happy Anniversary, Capt Gene and First Mate Wanda...go for another 55 !

sure hope not, but think it could be possible, that the weather has affected your Lobster Plans


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Anniversary to Capt Gene and Grandma Tiger !!

I love Sandigram !

Lori..hope you get some rest! I tried the soy estroven with no success :-(

magpie said...

Good to hear Nick is coming along well, Paula...hope it continues that way

Yes, Lori...get that Snow Candle ready! Love Sandi's "recipe"

paula eagleholic said...

Soda.. a tattoo...sounds very nice !

Janet said...

HODA thank you for your positive input. It means a lot. I find it very symbolic and lovely. I do not do just random tats. They have to have significance, speak of whom I am, what I stand for and believe in. And this speaks very clearly that message. :)

JudyEddy said...

really quick gotta get backk to the family But we are sitting at the table and Jordyn is doing some homework over winter break and she sadly says mommy my tongue hurts but a bandage on it off course we burst out laughing She was so serious about it

JudyEddy said...

hopefully can catch up reading after she is in bed

JudyEddy said...

gotta head back when I read HODA is getting a tat ???

JudyEddy said...

ok read she has a lotus pink sounds nice I am to whimpy to get one Both my kids have tats Angie a small rose and my son a BIG Buccaneer ship on his back That was several gift certificates from myself and Angie

JudyEddy said...

SIS your tat sounds neat can't wait to see with colors

JudyEddy said...

sort of looks like the snow has stopped at tne nest and it looks so full and I agree looks like icecream

JudyEddy said...

PaULA good to hear NICK is feeling better and eating

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn may be comin down with something sneezing etc and a lo grade temp hence probably the reason so much sleeping the past couple of days Giving her body what it needs That kid does love to sleep Takes after her oma lol

Costume Lady said...

Me, too, Judy...our HODA with a tat? Had to go back and make sure I read that correctly!
I guess if you have a deep-seated reason for getting a tattoo, then it must be OK for you!
Robbie, Jayden's daddy had 'B-R-A-N-T-L-E-Y" tattooed down the middle of his arm...he loved that little fella so very much. We are all so excited to have this new baby coming into our lives. He/She is due in May. We will know next sonogram, the gender of the baby. I want it to be a girl sooo badly, sounds selfish but my heart just aches to hold a little girl. No girls in our family since Jillian was born 28 years ago! Of course, we will love it no matter what ♥
Today, our anniversary, was spent unloading a food supply truck and putting away hundreds of pounds of meat, bread, cheese, eggs, butter, fresh pineapples, yogurt, cakes, pies, milk and many canned goods. A good start for the New Year. We had several inches of snow while we were busy stocking the church pantry. The roads were quite icy and slippery as we drove to check on GG. It was dark when we got there and she thought it was morning and coffee time. So I made her some coffee and her bedtime pills, which were sitting in her pill dispenser just buzzing away for someone to come and get them :) She mellowed out and decided it was bedtime. We drove home on icy roads, but had nary a spot of trouble. And that is how we spent our 55 Wedding Anniversary (Lobster will come on a better day than this).

Costume Lady said...

Oh, I see NICK has not been feeling well. What has been his problem...nothing serious, I hope !

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Bundle Up If you are in the Frigid Zones...

Hope my car doors are not frozen shut in the morning

right around the corner,
God Bless Our Military, Every Day

Prayers for Wellness, and
Sweeeeet Sleep

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Holey Moley, I posted a comment and all the ones I had missed showed up

Wanda...You and Gene are
Goodness and Compassion, Personified

What a special, giving way to spend your Anniversary

Thanks for the baby to be news, I had not known before now....
Jayden's parents ??
Best Wishes for Everyone, and for a joyful and healthy pregnancy


Lolly said...

Hi all! We be home!

Wanda, did not know about the baby. Is this Jayden's parents. I hope so!!

Our Hoda with a tattoo? Oh, my! So, happy you are happy with it. Same for Janet. Lolly does not have a tat and no plans to get one. Only person in our family is Joey, and he has a small fraternity one on his ankle.

Our afternoon was fantastic. Pictures on fb. I got lots of baby loving in. Deacon is precious, just beautiful. He is one month tomorrow. Reece his older brother is 2. He is darling and it was so much playing and talking with him. I was in heaven!!

Need to tell you about the baby across the street. I talked with his grandmother today. It was the coffee pot that he spilled on himself. Burned his ear, face, neck, shoulder, chest and tummy. She said the skin just melted off. They took him by helicopter to the burn unit in Dallas. However, he is home! His mother has some nursing experience. When his burns were scrubbed in the hospital she helped. She feels confident taking care of him so he is home, back across the street. They are in the middle of a move and momma and the children are staying there. Supposed to move to Alaska (in the service) Jan. 10. They do not know when they will go now. He is on lots of meds so apparently he is not too uncomfortable. I just hope he is not going to have terrile scars.

Judie said...

Okay, it has taken all this time to find out that Hoda has a pink lotus tat? Well, wonder how many "brownies" she had for courage that day.

Um, Hi Hoda!

Yes, Wanda and Gene would spend their anniversary in service to others including precious GG. Happy Anniversary you two.

Glad Nick is better.

Headed down the hall to turn the night light on. May try to keep my eyes open for a few minutes of news.

Night light is now on. Restful sleep for all. Anyone headed out in the morning, please take care.

Lolly said...

LOL Judie! Yep, wonder how many brownies!!!

Lolly said...

It is cold again tonight and no fire since were were gone. It is 28, think I am going to go shower and get in my jammies.

I'll be baaaack!

Mema Jo said...

Getting ready to close down
Snow has stopped but it was to have stayed until 5am - might just start up again. I have a good 4" in my area

Everyone have a very good night -
Prayers for Bev to feel better - had
been at ER 6 hrs and has ear and sinus infections. I sure hope she and Loretta get those ears healed.

Mema Jo said...




Nest is Snowbound

Hoda said...

WANDA you Rock Awesome!
What a terrific way to spend your Anniversary.
I so so so much missed your posts.
You do do much for others.
God Bless you Friend.
Very happy about the Baby too.
Yes Jayden's and Bentley's parents. You had told us before you disappeared. I understand the father's need for his name to be always with him.
Keep us posted!

The tattoo is small and zero brownies were needed. Did not hurt, I was expecting needle sensation! No it did not happen. It took an hour and the young girl who did it had original creative ideas in her head about the happenings in the world. I enjoyed the conversation and it was done.

This is a symbol that has meant a great deal to me for a very long time. A meditation focus often.

I never thought I would have one. Then it seemed so right to do so. I went with it!

I am not sure I would have another one.
There has to be a meaningful connection.

stronghunter said...


Sitting by the fire watching March of the Penguins.

stronghunter said...

Snow has stopped for now.

stronghunter said...

A very snowy nest in Shepherdstown. Brr. I hope Belle and Shep have found a sanctuary. I see snowflakes still flying there.

stronghunter said...

Oh, it sounds like it was a very good day indeed, Wanda. But Lobster Day will be another good one.

stronghunter said...

So happy to learn of the expected baby, Wanda. Yes. A girl would be nice.

With the cold weather outdoors and watching the penguins on TV, I am appreciating the fire this evening. I started out watching the Aldrich Ames story on ABC, but Kathryn and Will got home and there was too much commotion for me to follow that complicated story.

Hoda said...

Good night all.
Yoga and skiing and lunch with friends tomorrow.

God Bless Us All.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Hoda. Have a good day tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Good night, all!

Sweet Eagle Dreams!!!

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. See you tomorrow. SED.

Costume Lady said...

To those of you who didn't know and have asked: RACHAEL & ROBBIE are expecting a brother or sister for JAYDEN in May. Jayden asked his mom to drink some of his
'sippy' because the baby is thirsty and asked her to eat a few of his snacks, because the baby likes snacks, too. He's going to be a fine Big Brother :) He recently celebrated his 4th birthday~

Lori O. said...

WANDA, such cute stories about your little Jayden. So happy for the family. Congratulations!

Well, I got an 1 hour and 15 min. delay this morning - starting at 9 instead of 7:45. It's -17 right now!

Talked to Kate on her way home from VA last night and she had a hairy time getting home, said the roads were awful.

Maybe I'll be here long enough this morning to see the eagles - what an awesome way to start the day!

Final in Advanced Nursing Skills, part 1 today.

So glad it's Friday. Guess next week is back to the real grind. :(

HODA, loved your FB pic of your tat on FB. Very pretty.

JANET, can't wait to see the pics of your new one.

Me? I'm tattless. Hate needles, even in nursing school!

Love ♥ you ♥ all!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

WANDA, what a way to spend an anniversary, but how typical of you and GENE---living a life of service to others. Glad GG is doing well and thrilled to pieces to hear she has a new great, great grandchild on the way ! Hope it's a girl, but mostly hope, as I know you do, that the baby is very healthy !!! Congrats to you and GENE on all counts !!! The Jayden story is priceless--what a sweet little guy he is !

JANET, the Chakra colors are beautiful and I'm sure you'll love your new Birthday Tat ! Have to say you and HODA, our New Age guides, lead a life centered on peace and well being. I admire you both for your dedication to what you believe in !

PAULA, so glad Nick is Aok once more !

On to some more reading back....

magpie said...

Good Cold West Virginia Morning,
Eagle Pals...

looks like little sticks have blown onto the Royal Nest
Blackwater Eagle nest has an Eagle settled onto a Snowy Nest


magpie said...

Must go check the car doors soon,hoping to find them NOT frozen shut

Prayers for Sissy-Bev's recovery

Safe Traveling Wishes to All...

Can't stay long here this morning, too much to do before worktime

I'll be thinking of everyone, Best Wishes on your Day

I send you all (( WARM HUGS ))

Good Morning, Kay I SEE You :)

ttfn xo

magpie said...

Morning GLori...

Yay for at least SOME delay, and
Best Wishes on the Final Exam !!

magpie said...

Adorable Jayden report, Wanda.....
Those kinds of things are always welcome here !!

Okay, "See Y'All Later "


magpie said...

43 WV counties are closed
7 are on delays
there are a total of 55 WV counties

Jefferson and Berkeley are closed anyway on Christmas break

James gets a SNOW DAY in Morgan County :)

Kay said...

LOLLY, glad you got a chance to talk to that poor babies grandma. Such a bad accident--so sorry he'll have to go through such pain and perhaps years of surgeries--skin grafts probably....and that the family plans were so rudely interrupted. Prayers !

Glad you had such a good time with the little grand nephews ! I long to hold a baby in my arms once more. Willing to wait as the grands are still too young for parenthood.

LORI, you will be on my heart and mind today as you take the test on Advanced Nursing Skills I ! Can you believe it ? Advanced all ready !!! How long is this nursing program likely to take ? I don't remember ever hearing that number. {{{{{{gLORI}}}}}} to send you off to school !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I'm tatless, too and will remain so. I do have some friends my age and older who have them, but it's not for me. Stan was one of those rare Navy guys who never gave in to the fad it was for them back in the day. However, his son's 45 year old back and arms are covered with them---he hates needles at the doctor's office, but loves them at the tat parlor ! I love him, tattoos and all !

Almost time for Penny's daybreak. BBL.....

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori, Margy, and all my eagle friends!


Kay said...

I "see you, too" MARGY and you're lookin' good, as usual !!! Guess we did send the snow truckin' along I70 to you and beyond. Columbus schools are closed til' Monday, but those in session are on delays or "Snow Day". It's bad out there. Wind was fierce when Penny and I were out last night at 7. She immediately took her whiz and headed right back to the house ! I'm sure she'll do the same in about 20 minutes !!! {{{{{{MARGY}}}}} for you, too !!!!!

Kay said...

Hey, SANDI, yes we have sound, now we need Eagles !!!! And, since I'm dispensing hugs this morning here's yours ! {{{{{{{SANDI}}}}}}} !!!!!

Sandi said...

Morning Kay, you posted while I was typing!

Well, we have snow in Bethany!! It started snowing last night aroung 9pm and by 10pm, the school district decided to close for the day!

Lori, sorry you don't get a 3-day weekend to work on your paper. Good luck on the test today.

Wanda, congrats on the new baby - what a blessing he/she will be to everyone!

Paula, glad to hear that Nick is feeling better.

No tattoos for me. I actually wanted to get one for my 50th birthday. But since I would get it in a place that only Denny and I could see it, and Denny stated emphatically that he doesn't like tattoos on women, I decided not to do it.

Twenty degrees here but wind chill of -2. Hope I can get up to the beach today to get a picture of the beach with snow on it - it's such a rare occurrence here in DE.

Make it a great day all! Stay warm!!

Lynne2 said...

morning everyone! stopping by before I brave the artic blast and head in to work!

OH BE STILL MY HEART....the winds will pick up seriously this morning and I worry about our nest tree....

Be safe everyone, if you have to go out. Take extra water, munchies, blankets, gloves socks if you have to go any distance, just in case.

Love to all!

Lynne2 said...

13 degrees here now down from 14 when I got up. BRRRRR!!! don't forget to leave the trickle of water flowing so the pipes don't freeze!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lynne - stay safe out on the roads! Bet you'll have lots of cancellations today at work!

Looks like the sun is trying to come out in Shepherdstown - nest is still MT.

Janet said...

Good morning to all ! A very chilly 15 degrees here!
COSTUME LADY! WANDA!!! A new baby! How wonderful!!!!!  Light and love, prayers for health and wellness for ALL!
This tat, represents many things for me, and one is a rite of passage into age 50. Don’t get me wrong, when ISIS was inked onto my back, 3 lines in I passed out and started to fall head first into a trashcan (don’t snort coffee out of your nose when you laugh, impolite, lol)> but was fine after that. Although after 3 hours my back felt like ground up hamburger meat and I was glad to be done.
This tat should take about 3 to 4 hours, but much less detail work than ISIS. There are many feathers and colors on her.
The one on my thigh did not hurt, but did have an odd sensation.
Tats are not bad nor good, and it’s a very personal thing. I find it interesting who has one who doesn’t and what they mean if they have one. Its just a statement …. And if you are not comfortable with any aspect of it, my advice, don’t do it.  But I love mine. (It’s a good thing cuz they are rather permanent!)
LORI: hate needles???? Wow. I can’t imagine being in the medical field with that issue!
KAY: thank you. I appreciate the compliment. I think many people here walk in peace ,love and are very well centered….

Breakfast time for the fur butts. Light, love, healing and smiles to all ! Namaste!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!

Closed here in Washington County. It was only PD for us, but it's nice to be off.

Nest looks snowy and cold. I think it's going to be a long winter for Belle and Shep!

Sandi said...

Good morning Dana - did your dad get home from the hospital??

DanaMo said...

Dad came home New Year's Day after his last IV antibiotic. He did well the first night, although I don't think either one of them slept well. He has all kinds of follow up appointments with doctors. He is using the walker and is getting around the house pretty well. When we went out to dinner NY eve he seemed week to me, but he has basically been in bed for weeks. There is some issue with home health care, apparently Medicare isn't going to cover it because the doctor from the rehab isn't in the "system" or something crazy. Hopefully, mom can find a way to work around that in the system. Will find out more today. Mostly though, it's all good.

DanaMo said...


JudyEddy said...

good morming eagle buds


JudyEddy said...

I see the sound was notice before DO you think that stick just fell across the nest or was brought in Hard to see in snow from small laptop especially with two windows open

JudyEddy said...

I had gotten up nature calls will Angie and Carl were getting ready for work but I went back to bed Didn't fall asleep so when they left right after Casper and Holly let out three small barks so since I wasn't asleep I got up I really think they were content to stay in crate but I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up They are now snoozing on the floor
Jordyn is still asleeep so I am on the couch watching the news OH its chilly out in the 40s

JudyEddy said...

Funny story on the news
A couple from Maine on vacation were stuck at the airport and decided while there that they were gonna move here so they went out and bought a house here in Largo Now after they get home they have 30 days to sell their house up in Augusta Maine
I guess they vaca here and go through this delay in winter and just said enough is enough

JudyEddy said...

Our high today is only gonna be 55
and then a warmer front for a day or two Sun will be 75 for the high then by Tue we will be down to 38 I think Fl winter has arrived a YO YO

«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 600 of 863   Newer› Newest»

1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...