Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Been having Blogger problems.  First time I could log in since last week.  Using a different browser fixed it, for now...

Fresh thread.


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Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Thanks Steve!!! Will go call the others over!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and thank you Steve for the fresh new thread.
Congrats on your feather !!!

Mema Jo said...

Whoa! I sure hope the blog doesn't block you out, Steve. We couldn't let
that happen.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to Gettysburg the other day.

Lolly said...

Good Morning all, Good morning Jo! Have been over reading the morning comments.

Another HOT day ahead and no relief in sight. They say that since we are so dry, to not rule out more triple digits. Oh, I could rule them out with ease!!!! Especially when I am Queen, Shhh, do NOT tell Lynne I said that. lol

Yesterday was a good day, Enjoyed the luncheon. It is always fun to see all the retired teachers. New superintendent was the speaker. Time will tell how he will do. He is young and has energy!!

Mema Jo said...

Lunch date - bbl ♥

Lolly said...

Heading outside before it gets too hot!!

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE. Sorry about the problems. I second JO's wish in terms of not getting blocked out!!! Scary thought!!

Thank you LOLLY Congrats on feather.
What time is JACK'S appointment?

You all are funny!!!
Laughed at trying to find a way to stay interested in being active. Thank you.

Thinking of LYNNE & STEVE. Sounds mysterious

Hoda said...

Lunch date me too JO.
I will take on being back up communication officer for the Dragon Team. Jeannette foresees some international travel in her future and we need to keep the membership connected.

Will ride my bicycle.

Yoga in the evening.

Pretty sure will not go to the late night yoga class.
Getting home a bit before nine at night is too late for me.

Hoda said...


magpie said...






Hoda said...

I got that MARGY.
Did not bear correcting as I, like you, wished it was never years ago.
We inwillingly inherited their years and up to us to REMEMBER THEM 9/11.

Hoda said...


magpie said...

Thanks, Hoda.....
I know all of us were changed in one way or another, may it be
in ways that can be positive, compassionate, loving, and understanding...

(( Forever Hugs ))

magpie said...

Prayers for Jack today, every day, Lolly,
and for any and all in need, for mind, body, soul and spirit...

thanks for the New Thread alert,
I also read Joseph's game update,
and I hope...he enjoyed himself

magpie said...

Must return to the making and kneading of the dough $ $ $

Best Wishes for a Very Good Day,
to All...

with Love,
Your Eagle Pal,
Magpie xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

I need to read the morning comments.

I just had a wonderful lunch date with Carolyn and Christie. Love them both so very much and I sure do miss their Mother. Both are well and both looked great! ♥♥

Hoda said...

Good on you JO.
LYNN is missed a great deal

Mema Jo said...

PRAYERS for JACK to have excellent results from his biopsy.

Judie - prayers for you with information from your cardiac dr.

Lolly said...

Jack has had his appointment and is back home. A little less painful than having a root canal without meds, or so he reports.
Will hopefully have the results by Thursday or Friday.

He also had some business to take care of on the phone. Restaurant could not run his credit card Sunday. He used another card. Got home and there was a phone message from the credit card company. Sure enough there has been some fraudulent use of his credit card and they suspected such. Looks like someone filled their 18 wheeler in Oklahoma and there was fraudulent use in California too. They were very nice and now they have to eat all that. He is getting a new card. He used the card in restaurants when he was in Denver. That is probably when the number was stolen.

Hoda said...

That is scary about the card LOLLY.
Tell JACK we keep him in prayers.
Sounds rather unpleasant. Sorry it was so.

Waiting on news from JUDIE too.

Hoda said...

Off to my lunch date with a Dragon Coach.
Will also run errands.
BBL before yoga

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread. We will not allow you to be blocked. We adore you.

Survived another day at the big school house.

Shirley, hope the bowling was fun today. Scores are relative.

Judy, congrats to Angie and Carl finally closing on the house. Wishing them all happiness.

Lolly, congrats on the feather and Jack is in our thoughts and prayers. Sorry about the miserable heat. Sorry about the credit card fraud. We had the same thing happen about 6 months ago. New card solved the problem.

Jo, what a wonderful treat to have lunch with Carolyn and Christie. I know you all had a lovely lunch and visit together.

Hoda, glad you also had a nice lunch date. I'm working on a list of things you might consider doing that will help you become just a little more active.

Cardio tomorrow should be routine although I do have some questions. Just a regular visit with the new doctor (2nd visit with her).

Okay, off to point my toes toward the ceiling for a few minutes.


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

JUDIE, so glad you're working on a to-do list for HODA ! We have to try to keep her out of trouble--more active is key !

LORI, thanks for the big hug ! 50 human contacts a day, eh ? I do fall short of that, but cannot let it bother me !

Went to Julie's last night for a delicious fried rice dinner. Of course, our main topic of conversation is Seth as we marvel at his adjustment to college life !

It's hotter than blue blazes here today and I know there are others of you who are sweltering, too. Penny and I are only going out when she "says" it's absolutely necessary !

I've been kinda tied in knots over the Syrian dilemma, never having outgrown the tendency to fret over things that are beyond my control. I'd probably be better off if I turned off the radio and refused to read my newspapers !

Thanks to DELPHIA for sharing the beautiful eagle pics through our Yahoo Mail. I miss seeing Belle, Shep and some younguns' every day !

Love and prayers for all !


Judie said...

Hoda's list:

Thread beads for friendship bracelets so you can make some friends.

Practice rocking chair yoga and challenge older folks to rock faster than you.

Use a needle (dull) and large thread to darn socks to wear with sandals. Be sure to use mis-matched yarns.

Sit quietly and polish dragon boat paddles for those who are active.

Paint refrigerator magnets with picture reminders of your name, address, phone number.

Sit in a rocking chair and knit winter scarves for little children – you’ll make new friends.

Sit in a rocking chair and make up stories so your life will seem more active and interesting.

Judie said...

Hi Kay, so happy to know that Seth is adjusting. I see students sometimes that do struggle to adapt. He's going to be just fine.

Hot here, also. Can't wait for Fall.

50 human contacts? Well, I have 100 twice a week. I could settle for 50.lol


Janet said...

good tuesday afternoon. feeling more human at this point.

i went to work...saw that i had exactly one massage, at 10. (it was 7:45 a.m.). we had two therapists (besides myself) open til noon and one comein gin at noon with nothing....so i had them move my one client to another therapist and went home. i was not in the mood to just sit and wait.....sooooo, i got some stuff done! ;} the main thing is took our comforter (king size bed) down to the laundry mat and washed it. it dried on the deck in the sunshine.

wasn't so overly hot today. right now we are having a thunderstorm. pop up storms are possible for the next few days (sorry lolly!)

then cooler temps by the weekend. 80's.

JUDYE: congrats to angie and carl!

HODA: yes, we simply MUST find you a hobby...

perhaps stamp collecting
or, whittling
or...making duck calls
or....hmmm, what else could one do?
JUDIE has a grand list....
let's see....


hope everyone is doing well. i've gotten most things done i need to do. and i'm being a bit lazy. plan to take olivia to the ice rink today since it doesn't look much like we will be goign to the fair.

later ya'll. :)

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school!

Here's a link to an article that appeared in the Washington Post about the Bethany Beach Wounded Warriors event. Hope the link works (haven't done this in a long time).

Wounded Warriors in Bethany Beach

Hmmm ... no box to check to send comments to my inbox. Looks like I'll have to post this comment first.

Sandi said...

OK, have caught up on the new thread.

Nest tree is MT!

Lolly, I will be sending positive energy your way for good news about Jack's biopsy.

Jo, how wonderful that you had lunch with Christie and Carolyn - I'm sure it meant as much to them as it did to you!

Stopped at a lab after school - my doctor isn't happy with the results of my bone density tests and wants me to have my vitamin D level checked before she prescribes anything. The lab is only open Mon. - Fri. from 7am til 3:30pm! How the heck is anyone who works full time supposed to get there within those hours!? GRRRR!! This is one of the downsides to living in an area where the majority of the year-round population is already retired!

Need to make food for people and dogs - later!

stronghunter said...

Off to football practice. Just boiled Hunter's new mouth guard. Wish it would guard against sarcasm. That would be lovely.

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDIE for the list
It will come in handy even though 95 year olds in Nelson ride bicycles and swim in the lake!
When I am 100 maybe then???

Loved my day.
I am now an Executive Member of the Dragon Boat team.
Will be trained over the next couple of months.

Awesome bike ride. The Pirate Boat is back had sailed away for a week. This is the boat made from scratch that took on water and sank in the spring and in Nelson people chipped in 60 $ for pump rental .
I will put pictures on FB

Also saw a lovely statue of a woman. THERE! is the title of the statue. Will post pictures on FB.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and find a fresh new thread JO got her wish

OH NO OUR BLOG MASTER is having BLOG issues I thought it only happened to the little people LOL


JudyEddy said...

I sure wish I had 50 or less human contact a day try hundreds to thousand our store has about 15-25 transactions a day and how many people are with each transaction YUK

Got Angie a sewing machine and a case for a house warming present She wanted to borrow mine so I thought would be a good idea I texted her today while they were closing I didn't warn her how long it took she was going on the third hour but now its over and they own the house

Lolly said...

We have had no measurable rain since mid July, almost 2 months. Proud to announce we got a full half of a tenth of an inch this afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

she wanted me to make a patch work blanket of Jordyn out fits over the years I use to love to sew but with my neck no so much so I told her its really easy to sew just need the pateince so hope she can do it I may help with some but not the whole thing I have repaired lots of Jordyn things already The other day something was ripped and Jordyn says Its ok we will just get OMA to sew it LOL Hope Angie will get use out of the machine Its just like the one I have and I love mine I use to sew all Angies outfits and had made some matching summer things for both her and Tommy

JudyEddy said...

Good for you LOLLY with the rain Shh we haven't had any in two days keep that on the down low After all we are 12" above normal so far this year and no hurricane either


Lolly said...

Judy, I made all of Laurel's outfits when she was little. Then made a choir dress in Jr,High but after that did not sew for her. I made her a patchwork lap blanket when she went away to college. It also contained scraps from my wedding dress which I made and scraps from my old bridemaid dresses and prom dress that she used as dress up dresses. But, the best scrap (square) was from her blankie that she loved until it was a rag!

JudyEddy said...

91° at it 6pm HOT HOT and the dew point is 79°

JudyEddy said...

great idea on the wedding dress and bridemaid dress angie has her dress in a box that is sealed by a company that does that hoping Jordyn will want to wear it

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in the attic

Mema Jo said...

It is really hot and very humid here too Judy.
I see our eagle in the attic...

Finished dinner
Table is cleared
Going to put my feet up

FB: I posted one video of all the motorcyclist heading into DC

JudyEddy said...

I just saw another large bird fly by

JudyEddy said...

JO I could tell by Belle she looked hot when she first landed had her wings out poor baby STEVE need to install AC for them LOL

JudyEddy said...

yoy doggie I see you all at 90° feels like 95° there peaked at my weather ap

JudyEddy said...

we have the feels like 95° also

JudyEddy said...

SHE is doing some preening on back and breast

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, got the nest up, I see Belle!

Had the nest up for awhile last night, but lost my connection...couldn't get it back for awhile.

Pretty day here, not too hot, nice breeze, and the sunset is gonna be pretty. Sun is setting here at 7:15 now. Gotta go out and watch it.


paula eagleholic said...

Belle still in the attic

paula eagleholic said...

First for me today...got a flu shot. It's required...and it was free.

paula eagleholic said...

Had my corporate training today. A lot was geared towards the actual hospital workers, but that's OK. I learned some stuff. Flu shots were required for EVERYONE. If you didn't want one, you have to wear a mask! Even in the office areas...so I opted for the shot.

NCSuzan said...

Sandi, just wanted to let you know that I downloaded the cat book for my Kindle. Haven't started it yet but I have two cats and know I will enjoy it. Plus, it was free!

Jo, so happy you went out alone and did ok. It is very strenuous(sp)and exhausting sometimes to do that. I love the times my excursions are to the drive up window at the bank and the pharmacy and maybe the Dairy Queen!

Lolly, am lifting you and Jack up for a good medical report and for some rain.

paula eagleholic said...

I used to sew more when the kids were youngers...shorts and tops...

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

BELLE is still in the ATTIC

over a hour now

Hey I told a white lie today My boss wanted me to stay late and I said I had to pick up Jordyn She wanted me to do a special project so I have to do it tomorrow easy project also I told her I only work 4 hrs tomorrow but I will get it done first thing in am before I do price changes Then she said OH IF you want to work all day you can

Now they say it but I know walmart I will show up on a report Worked and not scheduled I am smarter than the average bear LOL If they want me to work over they can change it in the system she said not to worry I know they are looking for ways to write people up and not going to give them a reason AM I being PARANOID I don't think so

JudyEddy said...

I started typing that when she was in attic and opened another browser to say poof OOPS didn't want to re write LOL

JudyEddy said...

A friend at work Susan gave me a bunch of magazine Bird and Bloom
Too sweet of her I say

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

this is short but sweet
In August 2013, the Wildlife Center of Virginia staff released a Ruby Throated hummingbird.

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi, nice article in the Post. Terrific idea those ladies had!

Prayers for Jack, and for Jack and Lolly for rain. It's drier here as well...but we are no where near what Lolly and Jack are going thru.

LOL, Shirley, does Hunter really eat his mouthpieces?

Glad Sharon stopped in! I saw her new puppy pic, too.

Couldn't watch the Skins game, it wasn't on down here. Heard they lost.

Yes, Hoda needs something to keep her busy, LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, glad Angie and Carl finally settled on the house!

Jo, sounds like a nice time with C & C!

Lori O. said...

Good Evening All!

I missed you today! All sorts of things happening here.

LOLLY, prayers for a great report for Jack.

JO, very cool that you had lunch with Carolyn and Christy. It gave me chills to think of all of you together. Sure miss our LYNN.

LYNN must be watching over me in nursing school because I got an 81 on today's test and was truly expecting something in the low 70's! Another test tomorrow - the drama is getting less and less. LOL

JUDY, it's 50 human touches a day. Hoping all those people are not putting their hands on you. A JANET massage is probably good for a whole day!

HODA, congratulations on your new position with the Dragon ladies...funny name. You don't have enough to keep you busy, so I'm glad you could add something new to your resume.

JUDIE, you had many good ideas to keep our HODA busy. LOL
Glad you had a good day at the big school house. Which direction are your feet pointing now?

MARGY, You put it so eloquently ----never years. It'll be my first 9/11 off the air where we always paid tribute to it and those who were lost and their loved ones. I don't expect them to do anything at school tomorrow. Guess, I'll do my own tribute, some how.

KAY, lovely that you and Julie could get together for dinner...and, of course, you talk mostly about Seth. I wouldn't expect anything else. He's a lucky guy to have you two.

SANDI, those are ridiculous hours for a lab. Puhleeeze! Can't believe that.

Miserable hot and humid here, too. Expecting more of the same tomorrow, maybe some thunderstorms. So happy to take a cool shower.

Have a good night everyone.

Sweet eagle dreams and AOYP.

Off to bed after a look at the books to study the bones and figure how to spell some of those scientific names for them.

Judie said...

Still a bit early but I am, again, unusually tired. Sandperson has been doing all manner of silly things to keep me awake and, if you can believe it, teamed up with Jufie to do a little soft-shoe routine out in the hallway. Sorry to say, I am headed to the pillows and then the dr. in the a.m.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Just got off the phone with Angie
They took the Christmas stuff over and Angie is so excited The couple went all out every year remember the one room was for storage of Christmas stuff Well the yard and outside of the house is full of electrical outlets the trees as well I think she said about 15 and fake rocks with lights and outlets also
and in the shed was a lawn mower, weed eater, edger , trimmer, and a GENERATOR these people are so sweet to leave all that for them besides the dinner room table, bar and stool, and coffee maker, and curio cabinets (2)

JudyEddy said...

and a Pressure Washer A nice one

Lynne2 said...

oooooo I see you Lolly, shhhhing the readers about your treasonistic plot to out me for QUEEN.

Lynne2 said...

Suz...what cat book??

Glad the house if finally settled Judy! Congrats to the kids!

Lunch with Caro and Christy Jo! What fun!

JudyEddy said...

OH PAULA I didn't realize it was touching JUDIE has over 100 people touch her wow
Well quite a few customer do touch me they are the regular one and we have lots of regular one They come up to me and put their hands on my arms and start talking LOT of them come once a week since we opened and yep they do touch and off course you have the rude dudes that like to bump in to you LOL when the store is crowded our isles are wide enough in grocery to get 3 carts down side by side I always say like three abreast racing LOL
and you know how people are in store it social hour for them like a reunion of sorts and they take up the whole isle large family etc and just shoot the breeze LOL Ok back to TV really haven't been watching because on phone with Pang

Judie said...

Ooooooo! Queen fight! Queen fight! Jufie is lovin' this.

NCSuzan said...

"The Cat Manual" by Michael Ray Taylor. Sandi mentioned it on the blog Sunday as she was looking for books for her Kindle. This one was free. It is a humorous look at the felines we have. Have just barely started it. I needed something light hearted among all the psychological suspense novels I usually enjoy!

NCSuzan said...

LOL! You guys are too funny.

stronghunter said...

Had to leave the dishes until tomorrow. When dinner is not over until nearly nine o'clock, I have to do that sometimes.

Well, it is debatable whether he actually eats the mouth guards, Paula. Kathryn says he does. There was certainly evidence of plenty of chewing on the previous one.

Kind of think Luna might eat it. Know Sassafras would have. She made short work of Susan's retainer. Opened a drawer and got it out. Really.

stronghunter said...

Did a quick scan of the postings this evening. Wishing everyone health, happiness and a peaceful evening.

Glad Steve was able to get into his own blog.

NCSuzan said...

Gotta go check out the Bear update. Oh and Isla's daughter started her migration Friday. Hoping Isla makes it back next year.

Have a good evening all.

Margy, you too.

Lolly said...

Home from a meeting at church, Do not like committees. Guess I am not like Hoda. LOL

Yikes...Lynne found me out!

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥
I watched 2 tv shows after Jeopardy.

I have flue shot scheduled for 26th
I hope all of you get one this year

It has been a very good day ♥♥

Goodnight to all
God Bless and keep you through the night!
I ♥ Us ♥♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

Always wonderful to read all the news [here] that's fit to print...
and hear about the doins' amongst us...and especially joyful to read of Jo's luncheon date with Carolyn and Christie ☺♥☺♥☺♥

As Lori said she would find a way to give tribute in her own ways on Wednesday, I feel that we all will be doing that in our own ways as well...♥

I'll save Sandi's newspaper link [about the Wounded Warriors] for tomorrow, for example...and
wear Patriotic, and have a lot of quiet time within my heart and soul

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

SED love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

Night all!! SED!!

PA Nana said...

Stopping by to let a eryone know I'm watching from the sideline.
Still haven't conquered windows 8. Truthfully, I got. Frustrated and put it aside. Working up my nerve to attack it again.

Happy for all accomplishments made by each of you, but wish our queens (Lolly & Lynne) would each go to their corner. We will have to find a way to select one of them.
Only one can be queen!

Getting really sleepy now and battery power is running low, so I'll say prayers for restful sleep and good health.
God bless us all.

Hoda said...







We Will Remember Them!

Hoda said...

God Bless The United States Of America.
God Bless All Who Live In It.

God Bless Us All.

Lori O. said...

Reflective morning...

Remembering 9-11-01.

Wishing everyone a good and thoughtful day.

See you this afternoon.

JUDIE, hope your doctor's appointment goes well. Will wait for your report.

Love you ALL!

Sandi said...

Good hump day morning Lori and all my eagle friends. Nest tree picture is too blurry to see if the upper branches are occupied.

The social studies teachers in our building will all be doing a lesson on 9/11 today with the kids.

Lori, I'm sure those good scores will keep coming - congrats!

Shirley, a little crazy glue is Hunter's mouth guard would take care of his sarcasm temporarily. =)

Long day for me - I have agreed to be a mentor for the 8th grade special ed. teacher on the other team who is new to the district and today is a mentor meeting from 4-6pm.

Have a good one.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals,
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Loving and Peaceful Day for us all...

Prayers for all the Medical Things going on amongst us...may Wellness and Healing Reign

Thinking of one and all, with

(( Hugs and Lovins' ))

xo ♥

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING on the day that changed America The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified.
May all of you have a great day

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

For those of you not on facebook: my a.m. thoughts:

September 11.
Pause. Remember. Reflect.

As I put my flags out this morning, I stopped and send out thoughts of healing, of peace, of love. I asked that we may remember, as a country, the need for peace. The need to remember that we are one, a global community. Peace not only for the world, but for us, between friends, neighbors, strangers.

Where there is no peace, no chance of reconcilliation, know that we are not meant to walk every path. We are only meant to walk our own path. THere are those who will journey with us for a while, then leave. There are those who stay. Whoever they are, wahtever they mean to you, send them off in peace and love.

War is not the answer. Love is the answer. I maintain, if there is a quesiton, love is the answer. Blessed Be. Blessed Patriots' Day. Do not forget. Honor. Love, Respect.

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

Lazy day ahead. Need to get the kid to school and get the car inspected and tags purchased. Woo hoo.

Thankful for so many things.

LORI: Again! Woo hoo! Just keep up the good work!!!

JUDYE: congrats to the kids! finally finally finally!

50 human touches a day. Hmmmm, something I talk about in my Reiki classes. We are so segregated as far as touch goes....I could go on a rant here, but we NEED touch and I THINK that if we had more loving touch, (not sexual), then we could start to heal some of the problems in our world. We are disconnected in so many ways. We do not understand, we are ALL connected....

Light, love, healing and honor to all....May you walk your path with love and respect...remember. 9-11

stronghunter said...

Good morning!!

A day to reflect . . . hard to believe it has been so long that children who do not remember it are studying it in history class.

stronghunter said...

Crazy glue--might get me in trouble, though.

magpie said...

I see a rather large bird in the upper branch of the Sycamore,
been so long....is it an Eagle

Good Morning, Friends
from the Dough Factory


magpie said...

And I think I see a White Head...so maybe this is an Adult Eagle....

magpie said...

Super glue might keep me out
of trouble

I don't like the taste of my feet
when I put them in my mouth...

oh ouch, sarcasm though....I see it with James too, and then I start asking:
"Have you seen my Grandson??"

magpie said...

So perfect that a Royal Eagle is in the Royal Sycamore at this time of this morning

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Even better, Friends...

BOTH adults are in tree at this time
one above,
one lower

Beauteous, and Handsome

magpie said...

I am sorry, but my eyes might be
deceiving me, with
images of tree limbs, leaves....
and whte background, it might be
only one eagle...

I shall pretend, and enjoy

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy,

Not seeing any eagles in the Sycamore now. Just a beautiful blue sky.

Taking a few moments to relax this morning. But plan some bowling practice later on.

Watching the 9-11 memorial service from the Pentagon.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all ♥

I know that all of us have our own memories of this day in 2001. We know exactly where we were and what we were doing. The silence this morning while everyone reflected on this tragedy was overwhelming. At the Pentagon the prayer was so appropriate. It really brought tears for our great country.
I love the USA ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning!


Another hot, dry day ahead, Think today I will do a little shopping. Have decided I actually do not like shopping and that is why I have been putting it off.

Have not reported on Annie recently. She has good days and more bad days. On good days she eats and on bad days she does not eat and spends it throwing up. Have seen more "mini seizures". She still likes to be held and petted though her purr is not as noticeable if at all. Poor skinny kitty! She is not suffering, though you can tell she is not sure what she wants. In or out, held or not, where is my dish?

Lolly said...

Laurel call on 9-11, knowing that we do not watch TV during the day. We turned on the TV, but I had a doctors appointment and had to hurry off. It was as if realization of what was happening had not hit. I remember the doctor talking about it.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Having a quiet, reflective kind of a morning here. Can't quite believe it's been that many years already. The memories are as vivid as if it had been just yesterday!

Lolly, prayers ongoing for Jack, and hoping to hear a good report on his biopsy results.

Not caught up here, so would someone please give me an update on Shar, or let me know where to find her post?

Oh, yesterday was such a blessing--the weather here was cooler! Ahhh, relief! Supposed to be about 80 here today. I'll take it!!!

Well, need to make more dog food, so will wish everyone a good day today, and will be back later. I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...


I was at school. Another teacher came to tell us what was happening, and I turned on the classroom television. Most students were very respectful. Some had parents at the Pentagon and were very upset. Others had parents who were first responders. Many parents came to pick up their children.

Rus and Will were living very close to the Pentagon. Will heard and felt the explosion there, and they both heard the sirens and smelled the smoke. They saw people running in fear as fighter planes flew over their homes.

Kathryn was at work in Quantico and saw fighter planes also.

My night class at the college was canceled. I had already decided to cancel if the officials had not. I wanted to be home, and I knew my students would also.

When I got home, Susan was sitting in front of the TV crying. She had been watching people jump out of the windows at the World Trade Center. I don't think they ever showed those images again.

Rus came down that night to be with the family, but Will had to work. He was at Blockbuster and some people just wanted to watch movies that night. Rus went back up to be with his brother that night.

I still have the e-mails I exchanged with Rus that day. Phone lines were tied up, though Kathryn finally got in touch with Rus and Will.

stronghunter said...

Huge bird flying over the Sycamore Palace. Looks like an eagle to me.

stronghunter said...

I really love being able to see what is going on above the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I just hope when they fix the cam over the nest that they allowed our distance view cam to stay!

Mema Jo said...

Andy - I think it is just that Sharon was on the blog and promised to come more often. She is doing well and just taking hold of her life. Did you get an email on the momsters site from her?

Mema Jo said...

I think I could have a winning number today IF I were counting the stink bugs waiting outside my door to come into my house!

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Today is, indeed, a solemn reminder of both our strengths and our weaknesses as a nation and as individuals. My preference is to think of our strengths which make us an amazing United States of America.

Completed my visit with the cardiologist. All the blood work numbers were excellent (surprise to me). No need to return for six months.

Wishing everyone a nice afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

Home for the day Had lunch with Angie and I see a large bird only one soaring behind the tree from right to left

JudyEddy said...

Great news SHIRLEY on the dr appt
and Great news ANDY on the temp going down

JudyEddy said...

Headin out day OFF gonna go get in some trouble LOL Its 92° out now YUK feels like 95° dew point 67° but going out anyway wearing skimpy cloths to stay cooler LOL

stronghunter said...

I think it was great news from Judie, Judy. I just went to practice bowling. No doctor visit for me today. But Judy and I are both very pleased with the results of your doctor's visit, Judie.

JudyEddy said...

SAD news in Fl a eagle was shot I hope they get the guy that did it

was on facebook ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla -- The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is teaming up with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to capture the person who shot a bald eagle. Each is offering a $1,000 reward for a total reward of $2,000.

The wounded bald eagle just died, Action News has learned.

JudyEddy said...

so sorry got confused reading I guess SO happy you dr visit was great JUDIE JUFIE made me do it LOL I saw a shirt while I was out Some day I will be Queen made be laugh

JudyEddy said...

Headin out to go to Angie and Carls new house they are unpacking boxes

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Read and enjoyed all your comments of late yesterday and today !

It's been a day of quiet contemplation for me, with a few tears mixed in as I watched families at Ground Zero, The White House and the Pentagon. It will always be a day of raw emotion for me and I know you all feel the same way as our lives were changed forever by that tragic 9/11.

Rain has arrived, but only making it muggy out. Wisconsin is sending a "cold front" eastward, so relief is in sight !

Love and prayers for all !


Mema Jo said...

Judie - good news on your numbers!
I really like those kind of surprises

Watch your back, Jduy unpacking can be as strenuous as packing!

Our dinner is finished - I have been inside all day. So thankful a cool front will be here by Saturday for our family Reunion.

Hoda said...

Blessed Be

God Bless and Protect the United States of America.

JUDIE I am very happy with your results...

Waiting to celebrate with JACK and LOLLY too.

A reflective day here too and it is a blessing to me that you all are my friends. I know gratitude.

God Rest The Souls ofthose who perished that day September 11th 2001.
It was an evil act full of hate.
I remember the courage the love and the strength and the selfless service that shined through from complete strangers. Solidarity of the Powers of the Good.

God Bless The United States of America.

Lolly said...

Oh, what a day1 Hate shopping...especially for the item I was shopping for.

Need to starting dinner soon.

Judie said...


Yes, the blood results were very surprising as was blood pressure. Darth is happy but grumbled about how his numbers are not that good and he goes to the gym three times a week. I feel bad for him.

Shirley, so happy you also had a good doctor visit while at the bowling ally.lol Poor Jufie gets blamed for everything.

Judy will take care while helping Angie and Carl. Maybe not so much lifting. More folding and putting away.

Hi Hoda. We are grateful in return for your friendship and amazing sense of humor.

Okay, off to the scullery. BBL

Judie said...

Time to point my toes toward the ceiling.

Sandperson is packing a very large satchel and is set to depart at 11pm.

Jufie is sedated and tucked into the far back of a closet.

Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

I must ask LOLLY what were you shopping for?
I am sorry ANNIE has the tough days too.

Thank you JUDIE.
I understand DARTH being frustrated. We expect results when we exercise and I am teaching myself to be patient as I do not see results as fast as I would like sometimes.

Today I signed up to go for a hike to Kokanee Glacier on Friday October 13th!!!
It is a spectacular spot and a group of Dragon Women are arranging it and I thought I would go with them...Will keep you posted.

The first of the AUtumn cooking classes starts tomorrow and I will go...Canning, Jamming and Drying...
I love learning.

I put all the 3000+ who perished in 2001 in the Light all day wishing their SOULS PEACE and their families also PEACE.
It is incumbent upon us to make the most of our lives because their lives were cut short...Remembering them for as long as I live. Blessed Be.

stronghunter said...

Good night Judie. Glad you have Jufie under control.

Yeah, I don't go to the gym, but I worked up a sweat at the bowling alley today. Either they had it too warm in there or I was working pretty hard. I was dripping sweat.

Hope you found what you needed, Lolly.

Very sad about the eagle that was shot, Judy. I do hope they catch the guilty person.

Jim and Chris have sent me a whole bunch of pictures to add to my Colorado collection. I still have to sort through them.

stronghunter said...

Very impressed with all of your sewing accomplishments, Lolly. I do remember when it was cool to make your own clothes, and I remember a girl in my dorm who had a sewing machine upon which she created marvelous things.

I did some sewing many years ago after completing a couple of home ec courses in high school. I even remember using a treadle sewing machine way back in the past.

Tom's mother made Kathryn's wedding dress. It was lovely. We added lace and put beads and sequins on it, so it was a joint project.

stronghunter said...

There you go again, Hoda. One just never knows what you're going to be doing next.

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say good night. Rest well, my friends.

Lolly said...

I started making my own clothes in high school. Won a contest once with an outfit I made, a skirt and blouse. Then I made my wedding dress and sewed quite a bit in the early years of our marriage. Then sewed all of Laurel clothes. Made a couple of outfits for Michael when he was little. I have one dress I still wear that I made but that is it!! No more sewing for me....just mending.

magpie said...

I can barely thread a needle and put on a button, but I love hearing about the sewing talents here amongst many of the rest of you

Good Evening Eagle Pals

got to watch Mariano Rivera pitch and get the save in the final inning of the Yankees-Orioles game

xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good evening folks just popping in to say Good Night

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

magpie said...

I had a sewing machine.
Got the bobbinn all knotted up, and that was about the end of
my sewing machine career.

My mother and a couple of sisters made things for me though.

Wonderful, Judie's report following
the doctor visit today....

Our 9/11 posts today are very touching and give much cause for
reflection. I was not able to watch the daytime shows, as I was at work today

magpie said...

we had a couple of tremendous thunderstorms in the late afternoon...loud thunder, and
a great deal of hard rain

then the heat returned,
for another couple of days it seems

magpie said...

it's time to day
Good Night...

Prayers for Wellness, and
for Safety, and Sweeeet Sleep

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

I would have liked to have seen them today too, Margy. Had my moments of silence throughout the day.

Emptied the checkbook, time to hit the hay!

BTW, work has been going really well !

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

My original college degree was in vocational home economics. I planned on teaching cooking and sewing. Did not get a job right away then Michael came along, Stayed home with him and then Laurel. Returned to school and added kindergarten certification to my degree. Only needed 9 hours as I had already taken all the early childhood classes. Now you know the whole story. LOL

Headed in to shower.

Hoda...shopping for a bra!!! Hate doing that!!!

Night all! SED!!

Lolly said...

Paula, so glad that work is going well. So hard to make a change, but this looks like you are coming out on top!!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all my friends ♥

Another 9-11 has passed
I will always remember this tragic day :(

Take care and know you are Blessed ♥

Hoda said...

Uh Oh!!!

PAULA emptied her cheque book

Off to the dough factory she will go for a few months!!!
Glad you have the upgrades taken care of PAULA...

Good night

God Bless Us All.

stronghunter said...

I think I fell asleep for awhile, but now I am wide awake.

So happy the job is going so well, Paula. I was sure it would.

Will has continued to play around with the lawn equipment. We did buy a small tiller and he has been using that. It does not dig very deep, but does some good. He worked the soil in my garden spots in back.

I had planted some kind of herb back there that came with a tomato plant last summer. It had gone wild and taken over a whole section. He removed it. I will need to keep an eye on things, though. He doesn't ask, just does stuff.

I can see you as a home ec major, Lolly. I think the home ec majors had to live in the home ec house for a quarter. That would have been intense.

stronghunter said...

Hoping Paula is just out of checks, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I do wonder what a casual reader who came upon this blog might think. We are keeping someone named Jufie sedated and tucked into the back of a closet.

stronghunter said...

Which is worse that the interesting fact that a group of grown women have an imaginary person in their midst.

stronghunter said...

...guess I haven't heard any of the Dadsters speak of Jufie...she seems to belong to the ladies on here.

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday morning all my eagle buds!

SHIRLEY, sorry you're having trouble getting to sleep. My Dad just went to bed, too, after having the same problem - which he does most nights.

Sorry I didn't check in last night, I was just so tired and couldn't study anymore so I went to bed at a little after 7. Up early this morning to do more studying for today's test.

We had some super severe and scary thunderstorms yesterday. Never heard so much continuous thunder. Got over an inch of rain in less than an hour. Expecting more of the same, but cooler, today.

LOLLY, I used to sew a lot. Made some of my clothes, but mostly things like curtains, pillow shams, table covers, beds for the dogs...etc.

HODA, glad you signed up for a new expedition next month. Sounds fun. You are amazing.

Must go study now for the big Skeletal System test, which includes all 206 bones in the body correctly spelled.

Wishing everyone a great day!!!


Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Lori, I could probably get the spelling right on those 206 bones with a little studying - I'm a good speller (except for early morning blog posts when my fingers aren't working). But I doubt that I could ever remember which one is located where on a skeleton - yikes! I have enough trouble labeling the 50 states on a US map!

I made a lot of my own clothes when I was in high school but, once I had the boys, I stopped. Not much fun making little pairs of pants and shirts, IMO - would have been more fun to have a girl to sew for I think.

I sure hope the cooler weather makes it to the beach today - heat index was near 100 yesterday just inland.

Bandit has been having good days - eating OK and no accidents in the house. Hope it continues.

Nest tree is MT - have a great day everyone. Gettin my nails done after school today.

Judie said...

Good early morning!

So happy to see that Paula is enjoying the new work. Hope they pay her some dough soon so she can refill her checkbook.

Sandi, good news that Bandit seems to be stable. Good sign.

Lori, just remember: the neckbone's connected to the back bone.... You'll be just fine.

Shirley, we women keep our fantasies hidden in the closet.

Off to try to become less scary. Errands after school. Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Janet said...

Good Thursday morning.

After a day off...which was nice...back to work.

We went to the fair last night, last and only night we had available. My SIL drills (national guard) this weekend and I work (classes) all weekend. Of course, to bed an hour late last night and so kind of sleepy.

But kids had fun.

In a way, going to the fair last night, on such a large day of reflection seemed right...right in that, we are stronger, more aware, and will not cower in fear...

STRONGHUNTER: lol. I have never thought about the casual reader, lol. The evil JUFIE: the SANDPERSON...and the UNICORNS....the QUEEN of the blog....I am sure someone is out there shaking their head.... but I love it personally. It gives me joy and laughter to be associated with such delightful folks!!!

Light and Love for Annie.
Congrats for JUDIE on her good bloodwork
Woot Woot for LORI on dem bones!
and love love love and smiles for all. make it a great day!

magpie said...

Good Thursday Morning, Eagle Pals...

glad Bandit is having better days, Sandi.... !

Lori: Yikes, 206 bones, let;s say you want to score an 80 on this test...164 bones it would be!
tibia-fibula, I remember those because I am so afraid of breaking them!

Judie...once again, Bravo on that doctor's report

and Paula! Just wonderful, your work reports....
I emptied 500+ out of one account yesterday for new tires :(

magpie said...

I have always wanted a roto-tiller, and a yard of my own to use it on!
Happy Lawn Work

and yes, Ditto...Feline Hugs for
Lolly's Annie to go with the copious ones she gets at home

time to make ready for work...
"See You" all from there, maybe...
xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good luck on the studying, Lori. I remember having to learn the parts of the brain and some other body parts when I took comparative anatomy.

I asked myself why on earth I chose such an elective. A friend reminded me that I could have taken field botany; Then I could have run around collecting leaves. (Had to be a science course. I just thought anatomy would be interesting.)

You have already proven that you will do wonderfully well.

stronghunter said...

This is a very small tiller, Margy. We might want a larger one.

Hoda said...

Good Morning All.

LORI proud that you rest when you need to and that you are such a hard worker. Good luck with the exam today.

What colour nail polish SANDI?
How are your eyes?
Pleased for Bandit news.

House cleaning today and laundry too.
Ride bicycle to run errands.
Go out for dessert before supper!!!
LOL I love that part!!!
Do Yoga and go to cooking class!

Hoda said...

Thinking of all your instructions as to how to properly clean house, I need to let you know that I do not yet have a dog or a cat so I could brush them first before I dust and then vacuum??? Or is it vacuum and then dust???
Don't answer!!!
I will just do it minus the dog and cat part!!!
Just do you would know I meditated on it and think it is a good day to clean!
90 degrees out there it is supposed to be today!!!

Hoda said...

Prince William finished his tour of duty in Anglesey, Wales on Tuesday. The Palace announced today that he will decommission from the Military after seven years of service. He will take on more roles in Support of Her Majesty The Queen, he will continue with his charity work, and will take on Conservation of Wild Animals role.
He and The Duchess and Prince George will move into Kensington Palace.
The Duchess was seen yesterday entering McDonalds to do nursing duties. She was accompanied by the Princes old 71 year old Nanny. She came out of retirement to help with Prince George.
Oh and The Duchess has shed all her maternity weight.

Hoda said...

I thought I would share The Royal News Bulletin in case any one needed a Royal news fix!!!

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

My Windows calander has a reminder and pops up on my puter

JudyEddy said...

OH forgot to say Good Morning
and the

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday Suzanne!!!
Make it a good one!!'

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Hair trim today - family reunion on Saturday - this oldest lady needs to be looking good. Sounds like there will be a good turnout - like a full house! (Park)

JudyEddy said...

This was posted on FB by Paul the weatherman you must see this Its a remote camera taking pictures I think lots of people thought it was fake

A launch and a launch of a different Kind LEAP FROGOne Giant leap for the frog

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Suzanne!

JudyEddy said...

OH MY what a nice story on SASSE I think we all love his work

Sasse story on fb I think FB made him a better photographer

JudyEddy said...

love it he mentions Bob Palmer tooo

Lolly said...

Good morning! Ha, Shirley! I lived in the home ec house the spring of my junior year. Loved it! That was the spring before Jack and I married in June. That is when I made my wedding dress. The teacher we lived with loaned me her dress form for the dress to hang on. We played wedding many a time, lol I should scan and show you pictures. Jack has funny memories of eating dinner with us. There were 5 of us girls living with "Mom". (Who we did not like.)

glo said...

GN everyone. ahh its cooled down here some finally but no real measurable rain since forever. Its so strange it seems when it rains it does pour or NOT at all.

So glad to read of a lunch date with Lynn's Girls and that both are doing well.

Lori is doing well in school, and Paula's new job is going well.

Dex is hanging in there and overall just keeps on going. His cat sisters are also both great.

I am so eager for eagle season, both online and out at the marina or the dam.

I will be modding for a couple of cams this year. I am glad. I love to feel connected in real time with other people. I think that comes from living alone and with Dex spending most of my time alone as far as humans are concerned. We do start our day the same way everyday though. and all is well at the neighbors for coffee and dog treats except Dex doesn't eat his treats many mornings now. He does eat them when we get home though.

Ok thats my message for today. hagd everyone.

Lolly said...

A retired marine played taps at the flag pole yesterday. He did this on his on. He stood at attention for a couple of hours in dress uniform and played taps at the time of every incident on 9/11.

They said it was very emotional for those who saw this....wish I had. TCU did not know this, the individualdid this on his on, Did it last year too at another school.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Suzanne

Suzanne was one of the original Momsters back in 2006. She was a government employee and had very early hours. She was the early early morning reporter here on the blog.
Suz has retired and is loving it.. she has wrapped her love around so many cats. She always goes to the Library for using a computer.. She should be signing in on FB but we don't see her much here on the blog.

Mema Jo said...

We didn't get that email because I failed to mark Suz's reminder... :(

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, hearing taps gives me shivers and tears - That was such a personal eloquent gesture on his part. So very meaningful....... ♥

JudyEddy said...

FLY by in the back of the tree area Large bird

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

this is for LORI
A little ditty for LORI

JudyEddy said...

my delete I got the wrong one twice wow there are lots of different ones

JudyEddy said...

Get to pick up Jordyn today being no school tomorrow so no homework to do and I will have her all day tomorrow and she is spending the night with me tomorrow because we are going to her school Sat to do volunteering work Angie, Jordyn and myself to get 9 hrs in Carl and his peeps will do the furniture moving

Mema Jo said...

Home from the hair trim and then to CVS

Feet up Time

Enjoy your day with Jordyn, Judy.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Finished with the wannabe adults for the week. Did have a really nice surprise. Former student interning with the FBI offered to arrange to have an agent come in a speak to the wannabes about counter-intelligence. Not my area of expertise so am working to arrange something for the last day of classes. Looking forward to learning something for myself.

Not to be outdone by Mema Jo, I will venture out in the morning to get MY hair cut. Somehow, it seems just a few weeks ago that the Family Lennox was enjoying their annual picnic. Time flies.

Bet Judy's having a grand time with Jordyn.

Hi to Glo, Janet, Margy, Lolly, and Shirley.

Then, there is Hoda. Cleaning and laundry? Need to send Jufie to check on that while she's out having desert.

Okay, headed across the hall to further imitate Jo before heading to the scullery.


Mema Jo said...

Judie this is from Hoda on FB as I was joking about her Brownies...

There are petitions going around Nelson and the whole province of BC to make a problematic brownie ingredient legal!!! Just thought you would like to know!!!
This might have been a tad stronger though!!!!


Mema Jo said...

Judie - we had the annual Jennifer's picnic but this is the official
Lennox picnic.....

Christine emailed me that in Gaithersburg they just had a hail storm......


Lolly said...

Wow weeeeee! Legal brownies!!! Hoda will have more energy than ever!!

Worked in the yard for a while, watered the garden at church, repaired armadillo divots in the yard. Grrrrr! TCU plays tonight and I have a meeting at church. This ain't right! Will have to hustle them along!! LOL

Janet said...

Good (now thundery and rainy) Thursday p.m.


I managed to stay awake today. Had good clients. Life is grand.

Thursday: ice skating in a while.

So much fun last night with the kids. Watching Jack, Mia, and Livvy ride rides. Lorelei fell asleep on me (love to snuggle her!).... there were few people there because of course, it was WEDNESDAY afterall. Such a nice evening though. Tom bought a red velvet funnel cake. I had a few bites. It was good. I just didn't want/need one of my own!

Tom finished his last physical therapy appointment yesterday! Woot woot! He still has about 9 months til it is "completely" healed, but so much better.

Hope everyone has a lovely afternoon. I need to run and get the kiddo.

Split soon. Split happens. Be safe crossing over! Later yall!

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone!

HODA, I love your idea of dessert before dinner. What will you have? Hope your ride while running errands was not too hot.

JUDIE, very cool about the FBI agent maybe coming to your class. I would find that very interesting, too. Are you changing your "do" or just a trim? Changes require pictures, you know?

JUDYE, Gracias Seniorita for the bones song and the NASA picture. You are in a goofy mood today. Hope you're having a glorious time with Jordyn and enjoying your day off.

JO, thanks for the update on who Suzanne is...it was nice of you to take the time. Didn't think it was our NCSuzan....or is it? Hmmmmm.

LOLLY, loved your story about living in the home ec house with a "Mom" you didn't like - and, making your own wedding dress. Really, you must post a picture of it. How's Annie today?

MARGY, any idea of when they're going to do the other hand? Thanks for the good wishes. Love you! I put my red clips in every night and will wear them tomorrow. :)

SANDI, so happy to hear that Bandit has been a good boy, and that he's feeling okay. I did okay on the test...got an 86%. Should have done better, but so many of their questions are subjective, IMHO. Seriously, I've heard others say the same thing.

We lost another girl at school today. Already two girls have left the program! Yikes. That must have prompted the instructor's fill in the blank question for the day...this one had three blanks - all relating to how we felt about nursing school. Pretty funny. I said I no longer have a life and no time for anything except to study and go to school. It's a pretty universal feeling. But, I'm hanging in there. I do know there's a reason I'm in PA with Mom and Dad and at Nursing School.

JANET, shoulda put you up top with all the other "J" names. LOL. Glad you went to the fair. Big hugs. I love your encouraging remarks and can definitely relate to being tired. :)

GLO! So glad you checked in. I truly appreciate the update. I was wondering how ol' Dex was doing. I know how much you love him. We love you!

KAY, how was your day? Severe thunderstorms here again - crazy windy. Hope you had better weather and Penny didn't have to hold it very long. lol. Big Hugs and wishing you a wonderful dinner and a restful evening.

SHIRLEY, did you ever get to bed last night? Get some real sleep? I probably would have taken the field botany class. :)

Hope everyone has a great evening. Have I told you today how much you all mean to me? A whole bunch...to the moon and back.

Hoda said...


Hoda said...

Love you dearly though!!!
You just did not have to go on a d tell JUDIE about the petitions!!!
My Oh My Oh My!!!
What are we to do when our MEMA is BAAAAADDDD!?

stronghunter said...

Rain has arrived here, but we will be heading out for football pictures. Guess we will learn when we get there if we are going to stay or not. Oh, I do hope we don't get hail on the way there.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUZANNE! Hope it's a spectacular day for you!

It's quite a day today for my family--it is our dear departed Heather Nicole's 36th Birthday today. Also my late Father-in-law's Birthday, my Father- and Mother-in-law's Anniversary, My Sis- and Bro-in-law's Anniversary, and our nephew Ian's birthday. Phew! Busy day!

Glad to report that it's tolerable weather here today, although a degree or two warmer than yesterday. We're hanging in there!

Judie, glad to hear of your good test results at the cardiologist's!
Way to go!

Also happy about Dex and Bandit doing well. Extra pets and ear scratches for Annie, too!

Need to work on emptying my checkbook, so will check in later tonight. HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!

stronghunter said...

Back home. We got there just as the storm hit. They had set up a table for team picture sign-ups, and things were blowing around. Everything is postponed.

NCSuzan said...

Good Evening!
Just had a small thunderstorm blow through. Shirley, your family is not in the flooded cities in Colorado, are they? They are really having a time there. My brother lives in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and he called me a while ago. It is raining there and everyone is so very excited. The e elementary schools have been closed due to flooding but it rains so rarely there that people are happy! I think Lolly would like to know that feeling. It will happen.

Happy Birthday, Suzanne. And thank you for being one of the original Momsters. It is a great group.

Finally Lori. Where is that girl who was lacking confidence just a couple of weeks ago? It was just a little case of nerves. Now look at you! Awesome!

Ok, it is a Project Runway night. One of my guilty pleasures. I love Tim Gunn. But I do not know anything about fashion! LOL.

JudyEddy said...

WOW had a INCH and a HALF in the rain gauge when I was picking up Jordyn at school it just sprinkled and we went to Playworld NO rain there but my house and Angies work got pounded
and the percent was ZERO today LOL the weather men only guess

HODA more energy don't you know that they work the opposite make you more relaxed no energy

paula eagleholic said...

Thundershower has fianlly arrived here...watching the lightening from the room room. That faces the water...we really need the rain here

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn again tonight cried and didn't want to leave her new HOME
she just can't understand I guess We keep telling her when her bed is there then its all over Poor kid Most of her toys are there Plus she was tired its bed time for the kid after all

JudyEddy said...

trying to decide what to do tomorrow with her
Was thinking about the Great Exploration since Angie added me to her family pass

JudyEddy said...

LORI glad you liked the little ditty and I just loved the frog You know the poor think didn't survive I am sure long drop

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Dinner over, kitchen in order, now need to head to the pillows. Very tired, again. Will read back tomorrow.

Sandperson will visit you all soon.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Suzan, thanks for asking . . . my brother and his family are fine. They live in Fort Collins, and they are getting rain, but not in danger.

Many of the areas we visited are closed now, though.

JudyEddy said...

talking about people peeking in on us What about all the brownie talk LOL

JudyEddy said...

I remember when I first started I actually thought that there was someone with a security system at the nest

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...