Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Been having Blogger problems.  First time I could log in since last week.  Using a different browser fixed it, for now...

Fresh thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds! Was off today & thought I'll have all day to try and connect! Wrong. We got mail from the lady next door that was addressed to our former neighbors. I have their newer address on my Xmas card list in computer, so of course I looked there. All the WORD file icons turned to orange , wouldn't open and said we had to activate Micro. Office!!!! Did that 3 years ago when 'puter was new! Spent most of the day online w/Support, Help,etc. Doesn't look like there's a fix unless you pay someone! Not fair! We already paid!
I found a way to get into my info, but did a test & it won't open or dwnld any Word Docs. from email. Guess I won't know the Park schedule!
Aside from that, things have been good~~~~had our big Park & Rec. Annual Picnic yesterday. I had not gone for a couple years because of NO crabs. But this year you could pay extra and get some! Brought doggy bags home & still have to eat rest of crabs when I can desensitize a YUCKY molar!
We got some rain about a 1/2 hour ago~~~pretty heavy, but not long. Went out under car port roof & saw neighbor's deer jump over the fence and cross the road into our front yard. Cars going up and down, so I snuck in the house so he wouldn't get startled. That's all we need along with the stray cats, raccoons, possums and owls!At least the birds can avoid traffic!
I better rub St. Francis' statue's head! (he's inside to avoid weather damage)

Lori O. said...

Think I'll join JudyE and put this day to bed...me too!

Have a great night, all.

See you in the morning.

paula eagleholic said...

Judye that's funny about the security. System.

Rain justabout over here...it was nice.

Got to go tend to laundry and such


stronghunter said...

Time for me to sleep.

Good night. Rest well, my friends. SED.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Loretta - good to hear from you

I am headed for the pillows
Prayers for all our needs and have a
sound sleep tonight with AOYP

I ♥ Us ♥♥

NatureNut said...

Good Night to Everyone!
Spent most of the day on MS Support Forums and finally just read a couple solutions from techies on repairing Word problems. It all happened because Microsoft sent out an update of some sort that messed up Word 2010 for mucho people. It took a lot of search time, but didn't cost! I saved the solution!
As I will probably float off into cyberspace (w/headache ☺), must say Good Health Prayers and Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda...glad you got your word back!

Sed love and hugs for all <3

Lolly said...

Meeting at church and missed most of the TCU game...but apparently did not miss much. They lost. :(

Tomorrow we mow.

We were going to CO this month. Glad we changed to October! Shirley, imagine those canyons now with the "Climb in case of flooding."

Really not fun to read of rain everywhere but here! We do have a chance of rain coming up starting tomorrow and a few days next week.

Lolly said...

Time to call it a day.

See you tomorrow.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

LORETTA, that same thing happened to me with Microsoft Power Point on Wednesday night! Said I had to activate, then took me to a window to buy an update. I was not happy. Finally got it worked out since I had Office 2007, but very upsetting.

It's raining here now, or should I say still? Haven't checked the weather for the day yet.

Hoping everyone has a great day and enjoys the cooler weather.

LOLLY, HODA and ANDY, hoping your weather cools down for you to enjoy it outside.

Oh, HODA, what dessert did you choose last night? And thanks for the royal update the other day. Forgot to say that.

Love you all.

Going to study before school this morning. Did I tell you we got a third carpooler? Will pick her up this morning. YAY!

Smiles, love, light and joy to everyone, and some big hugs!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having my coffee a bit earlier than usual this morning.

Lori, you've exchanged getting up early to go to work to getting up early to study. Good luck on today's tests. I am sure you will do well.

Lolly, I have been thinking of those warning signs. I am sure many people did indeed have to climb to safety. Would like to think they all made it. So strange that the Thompson River flood took place just after we left that year and now this. We drove by the University of Colorado campus, and it is one of the places evacuated.

Oh, yes, Hoda. We always appreciate your royal updates.

Glad you got your computer issues fixed, Loretta.

Just read that the FBI is doing a series on serial killers and will be featuring Sofia Silva’s slaying. Always appreciate Judie's thoughts on this subject.

I have always wondered why they haven't done more investigation of the other murders that took place around here at about the same time.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and Shirley and all my eagle friends! Shirley, any reason you're up so early?

It's Friday - YAY!

It rained here during the night but I don't feel the cool front yet - still muggy and warm out there this morning.

Nest tree is MT. Need to read back to catch up on last night's comments.

stronghunter said...

Just woke up early, Sandi and wanted some coffee.

magpie said...

Good RED Friday Morning, Eagle Pals...
and it is also Friday the 13th...

But it is FRIDAY !
Yay for Teachers and Students, especially...

Sandi: the article in the Washington Post that you sent the link for, on the Wounded Warriors event in Bethany Beach, was
just wonderful to read...
Thank You !!

God Bless our Military...

magpie said...

Sounds like Loretta
slayed the Computer Dragons...
always a treat to see our
NatureNut here!

Shirley, you are so right....
our early morning Lori has
switched out Bee-Bopping to radio tunes, news and traffic reports....
for studies, classes, tests and carpooling ☺

magpie said...

workday for me, and time to finish the Morning Shuffle...

Best Wishes to Everyone,
for a Very Good Day...

xoxo ♥ ttfn

Janet said...

Good Friday Morning!!! :)

Sounds like everyone is doing or was doing well yesterday afternoon.

We had ice skating....we arrived @ 4:50 and left @ 6:50. so glad i had a thermos of hot tea, a blanket, a jacket, gloves and a scarf. it has been extremely humid the last week and going from that warm muggy to the drier cold of the ice rink chills me.

this morning, however, a front has moved thru and our high is supposed to be 76. will be closing the pool soon i suppose. Sad sigh. oh well, next summer will be here soon enough.

Feeling much more human this morning. sleep is wonderful.

Classes this weekend.

Hugs and love to each of you. Make it a superb day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
A little tiny bird is on the tip of the branch

Judie said...

Good morning.

Went to sleep early so up early.

Judy, had to laugh when you mentioned thinking there was an actual security person at NCTC. That was back when Jo used to head back the hallway, I turned on the night light, and Andy set our security systems. Fond memories.

Loweeda has slain the gigabyte monster. Congratulations. Now, get that molar taken care of.

Congrats Lori on the additional carpooler. Sure helps with gas dollars. Break a leg on the tests today. Been thinking about the drop outs and it makes sense when I think about it. Caring for people is too critical to enable slackers to graduate. JMHO

Shirley, where did you see the information on the FBI series? A former student worked on the Silva case. Don't know what was/was not done on the Spotsylvania cases or why.

I suppose the next thing we will find out is that Hoda has joined a senior citizens group marching to make a certain brownie ingredient legal. Or,just picture Hoda in a dragon boat holding up a big sign as they go up and down the river.

And Paula is completing the second week of her new job. So happy for her.

Happy red Friday to everyone. Weekend is here. Soon off to get my ears lowered.

WVJerry said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Sorry it's been a while since I have posted here. Work's been a little hectic, I had some minor health issues and my mother-in-law had health problems too. I'm looking forward to maybe being more active. It seems like things just keep getting in my way. I realize that is just life. I want to thank all here for their friendship and past support. I hope all has been well with you and yours. I had a painful ulcer on my tongue for three weeks...caused eating and talking problems until I got some OTC medicine at Walgreen's. Mother-in-law was in and out of hospital for three weeks at same time. She's been slowly getting better. I will try to check in more frequently. Take care all. I'm guessing the nesting season ended well and Hedgie and Shamrock have moved on from the area. Take care all.

stronghunter said...



stronghunter said...

I remember when you turned on the night light, Judie. I believe that was after you turned off all the lights and left me in the dark one night when I got home from playing bridge. :) There have been some crazy doings on here Judy.

stronghunter said...

So nice to see your post, Jerry. Sorry you've had some health issues for yourself and your mother-in-law.

Good to know you are keeping up with us. Hope to see you on the blog again soon.

stronghunter said...

Several interesting links within that FBI story about the Silva murder. I am sure I would have crossed paths with that man several times. Talked with someone at my local Giant who remembered him and said he wasn't very nice.

movin said...




I see a brand new thread



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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...